Fast Food Prices Are High Grocery Store Runs Eating Up Your Entire Budget… What Is the Answer? | The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels

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➡ The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels talks about how McDonald’s is planning to introduce a $5 value meal due to customer complaints about high prices. Fast food prices have risen by 33% since 2019, causing a decrease in customer visits. To save money, consumers are advised to look at the top and bottom of grocery store shelves where prices are often lower. Despite the price increases, the stock market is performing well, with all three major indexes reaching all-time highs.

➡ Fast food prices have risen by 4.8%, making it harder for people to afford their favorite meals. To combat this, McDonald’s is considering introducing a new value meal for $5, starting from June 25th for about a month. Other fast food chains like Burger King, Wendy’s, and Jack in the Box are already offering similar deals. However, due to high inflation, the Federal Reserve is unlikely to reduce interest rates, meaning things like mortgages, car loans, and credit card debt will remain costly.


McDonald’s! All right? So I know a lot of y’all are wanting y’all fast food and y’all mad about it and all of that. Whatever’s on it. Hey, no cap 22. Don’t worry about it. We’re not gonna be on here worried about what everybody else is talking about. We just gonna make sure that we hold it down. We gonna hold it down. Jamal Fowler, don’t worry about it. Don’t worry about it. We gotta talk about McDonald’s and fast food prices. All right, let’s get to it. McDonald’s decided to make y’all some $5 millionaires again. Make sure y’all hit a like for the algorithm.

Subscribe to the channel and turn on your notifications. Let’s get it. But with customers pulling away, some of the big chains are starting to lower prices. When did McDonald’s get so expensive? This morning, McDonald’s hearing tough feedback about prices. And according to Bloomberg, the company will be rolling out a $5 value meal in the near future. Many fast food chains feeling a need to respond to customers like Colleen Pipes of Fort Lauderdale, Florida fed up as fast food prices soar. And I don’t mean to be broke, but for an 8 count mini and a lemonade, $14.

I joked that this was fine dining now because I might as well go at a sit down restaurant and be served. Colleen Pipes is literally a OF name. Colleen Pipes is a name that you would see in the back of the rental store if you had to go through them dark doors and you had to do the walk of shame. I remember, listen, if you wanted to do something, you couldn’t do it in the privacy of your own home. You had to go out, go to the rental store. The bedroom is next to the family section.

So, you know, the graphic room where you had to open up that door was next to the family section. Now, if you was a smart person, and I know I’m the king of getting distracted, so bear with me right now. If you was a smart person and you didn’t want to seem embarrassed or you didn’t want to run into somebody that you knew, then you had a girl with you and you went into the dark door of the video store that was right next to the family section where the kids was like, and you went through that door and then you can go in that door and you see all of the faces of shame and everybody is trying to act like they minding their business.

You go through that door and everybody trying to act like they don’t see you and you see the Asian man in the corner and you see the black man over there and then you see two white men over there together and they acting like they just like they professionally browsing. Double penetrated. Sounds like a crazy idea. Shout out to Colleen Pipes. I know she got teased all through school. She pretty though. She pretty though. Fast food prices in March were 33% higher than 2019 levels according to the labor department while grocery prices were up 26% and it’s influencing behavior.

You know, I don’t think I’m ever gonna go to Starbucks again. Companies like Starbucks and McDonald’s reporting a downturn in traffic at Starbucks a 7% drop in transactions and consumer behavior isn’t just changing at restaurants. Many people like Lauren Ageri of Tampa, Florida are shopping around for the best prices on groceries by going to multiple stores. I learned how to map out where those things are going to be less expensive or which stores have the items that me and my family enjoy eating. A lot of times what y’all don’t realize also is that stop just browsing the middle of the grocery store aisles for whatever your products are.

They pay for that for that part of the grocery store and they also pay for the end caps. And so they’re able to mark up the prices a little bit more or a lot more because they know that your eyes are not going to go to the top or to the bottom. And if your eyes are browsing it usually goes to the bottom first because you’ll work your way down straight from the middle but you don’t necessarily look up in a grocery store. They taught us that as far as user experience and retail. They taught us that from a user experience perspective in retail that a lot of the cheaper products but it’s the same quality often at a time made in the same plants are at the very top.

So if you look at the very top and then you go to the very bottom but anywhere you’re looking at in the middle most of the time those prices are marked up. So when y’all go to the grocery store you’ll save a significant amount of money by looking at the very top or looking at the very bottom. But anytime where your eyes are just easily able to glance they pay for that and they mark up the products because they have to make sure that they get a return on their money and then they also pay for the end caps.

So the end caps change every so whereas the owls they usually stay the same except for the property the product is always in the middle the end caps change every single week as a part of the promotions and that’s paid for. All right. On items like beef predicted to increase 3.3% in 2024 or eggs up 4.8% and sugar and sweets up 4.3% this year. For the pandemic consumers tended to shop primarily at one grocery store in particular since the pandemic they found some value in going to more stores and different stores run different products on sale at different times going to multiple stores can actually help maximize your value.

Whether it’s fast food or groceries consumers have one clear message. Please lower your prices so you can’t go up any further. You can’t you can’t. Now McDonald’s did not confirm the five dollar value meal to us but they did say that individual franchisees set all their prices. Starbucks says that higher prices may be up in part due to the fact that customers are putting in more customization on their drinks and those are more expensive. Meanwhile Burger King has a five dollar value meal so does Wendy’s and they’re offering free chicken nuggets every Wednesday. This all feels like a sign of microeconomics in the form of fast food where customers may have hit a breaking point Michael and are just saying nope too expensive.

One of the things that they try to do a lot of these places is that they try to not necessarily have it as a promotional item the promotional items a lot of times is a way to get you in a store to hopefully have you spend a lot more. So whereas McDonald’s and they call them loss leaders a lot of time and so loss leaders is basically products that they either not making a money on they just giving it to you at cost or it may be a product that they losing a little bit of money on hoping that they can upsell you.

So for example if they can get you to buy a soft drink that has high margins if they can get you to add on another item and lost leaders in restaurants they not just lost leaders within restaurants there’s also lost leaders within retail and grocery. So for example if they do a promotion and they say hey but you got to come in while supplies last all that stuff Walmart is really good for Walmart sells more groceries than any other grocery in the United States of America but they also combine it and that’s why you see a lot of these fresh markets not as prevalent as you see it as a supermarket as the big box super retail store Omega Walmart because they want you to browse the home goods and services division or they want to put these other things in the aisle in order to get you to maybe shop and buy some socks or you can go over there and get a fold.

You can get a candle you can go and get a TV some electronics and so what they do is they put these loss leaders in there in order to get you in a store but that’s not the thing that they make money from so be careful when you go into a lot of these places in these retail stores that’s not necessarily add value into your life. Okay let’s continue the bulls are running on Wall Street with all three major indexes finishing the day at all-time highs the S&P 500 was up more than 1% closing above 5,300 for the first time ever that’s up nearly 12% for the year the rally followed the latest government report on inflation consumer prices eased in April up just 3.4% compared to last year housing and gas prices account for more than half of the monthly increase in prices and Americans are still feeling the pinch when it comes to food, especially when dining out.

See as a jolene can hit the drive-thru or a price check. Consumers are fed up with higher prices tell me why it was $17 for three filet of fishes huh who told y’all y’all was that good uh-oh uh-oh hold on big dog hold on big dog you can’t have fogged up glasses and messed up teeth at the same time talking about fast food prices and some of y’all need to put the social media down bro if you if you not self-aware or you can’t figure out you’re not saying where your niche is and I don’t know who this guy is or whatever but you gotta pick a struggle you literally have to pick a struggle you can’t be on here with fogged up glasses talking about fast food prices you got bigger problems

Big dog be charging that much for y’all food in April groceries ticked up slightly compared to a year ago but fast food prices soared 4.8% how does that affect your budget when you’re paying more for fast food what does that do uh-oh not to do with the with the silver chain and a tattoo and a white beater on the side of you makes it harder to live but then you have to save so you’re like I can’t have my fast food if I save in fact over the last 10 years analysis from finance buzz found a McDonald’s quarter pounder with cheese meal has more than doubled Taco Bell’s review it on the Anton Daniels channel.

I’m also reviewed on half hours tonight 200% and a Chipotle barbacoa burrito is 87% more expensive Popeyes and Burger King menu items also jumped as a result KFC reported slower foot traffic and McDonald’s missed profit expectations for the first time in two years this is lower income earners are spending less on fast food to make their menu more affordable McDonald’s is now considering adding a new value meal can I have one McChicken please one medium fry and one medium diet coke right now all of this costs eight dollars and to give customers relief McDonald’s may soon make it a five dollar value meal nationwide I think that’d be great I would love that the deal is set to start on June 25th and run about a month.

McDonald’s is joining Burger King Wendy’s and Jack in the box already offering similar value meals the typical American consumer is much more focused on value now like a variety of reasons meal bundles whether it is that quick service or table service restaurants have become much more popular so what is this inflation data mean for consumers basically with prices staying stubbornly high sticky at that higher level the Federal Reserve is unlikely to cut interest rates in June which means new mortgages new car loans and credit card debt will just remain expensive for longer she kind of cute but yeah man just limit the amount of things that you have to spend money on and if you have to spend money on it then make sure that you’re writing it off as a business expense legally and then when you go to the grocery store look up look down don’t look in the middle focus on the thing that got color and you’ll be fine.


See more of The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels on their Public Channel and the MPN The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels channel.


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4.8% rise in fast food prices affordability of fast food meals customer complaints about McDonald's prices decrease in fast food customer visits fast food price increase since 2019 introduction of McDonald's new value major indexes reaching all-time highs McDonald's $5 value meal saving money on grocery store shelves stock market performance 2021

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