FARRELL: New Documents Show Secret Service Prioritized DEI

Posted in: Judicial Watch, News, Patriots



➡ Judicial Watch’s investigation director suggests that the Secret Service may be focusing more on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs than on its main job of protecting current and former presidents. This comes after new documents were released following an assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump. The director criticizes the Secret Service for spending time and money on these DEI initiatives, which he believes are irrelevant to their mission and could potentially undermine their effectiveness.


The director of the investigations of Judicial Watch says that a release of new documents seems to show that the Secret Service has prioritized woke policies and DEI programs over its core security mission. Here’s one America’s John Heinz with more from Washington. In the aftermath of the assassination attempt of former President Donald Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania, newly released Secret Service records obtained by the watchdog group Judicial Watch seem to raise questions about whether or not the U.S. Secret Service was prioritizing policies like diversity, equity, and inclusion, or DEI, over its core mission of guarding current and former presidents and their families.

And with us is Chris Farrell, Director of Investigations at Judicial Watch. Mr. Farrell, what do these 311 pages of documents from the Secret Service seem to show? They document that the Secret Service, rather than being a merit-based organization, is involved instead in really radical experimentation in failed communist party struggle-session techniques. Look, this is a law enforcement organization with a life-or-death mission, and rather than focusing on the merit and the conduct of the Asians themselves and the life-or-limb threshold that they operate on, they’re wasting millions of dollars and untold ban hours playing bizarre socialist patty cake games to make people feel good about themselves.

It’s nonsense. It’s a failed, ridiculous ideology that has nothing to do with the mission of the organization to protect lives. So what you seem to be saying is that this wokeness sort of attitude seems to have crept into the Secret Service a little bit here. In fact, I think there’s a quote… Not even a little bit. It’s extraordinary. And they’ve even carved out quotas. They say that 12% of all Secret Service employees have got to be designated or have to come from a pool of persons operating with disabilities. I mean, first of all, how do you get to the number 12? Why not 15? Why not 23? It’s a ridiculous standard, and it has nothing to do with protecting the president and other dignitaries or countering counterfeit operations.

And those are the two missions in the Secret Service. It’s merit-based. It’s not based upon how you feel about it. It’s based upon whether you can actually do the job or not. I think there’s also a document which says, quote, diversity and inclusion is not just talked about but demonstrated by all employees through, quote, every action every day, and it’s in bold. And I think it says here, according to your press release, says emphasis is in the original. So every action every day is emphasized. What is your takeaway about what that means every action every day? Diversity, equity, inclusion? Yeah, this is, again, this is a failed radical ideology.

I encourage your viewers to go do a little research and look at communist Chinese struggle sessions, what that is, what that meant. And this was indoctrination and propagandistic activities by the central party to weed out and to promote and to punish various persons based on their ideology. Whether they subscribe to this bankrupt system of thought. And that entire process has been adopted and incorporated into the Secret Service and into many other government agencies. It has nothing to do with merit. Whether you perform your job well or not, whether you’re the best or the worst, whether you’re actually qualified or not, that is irrelevant under their thinking.

They instead have adopted this very divisive socialistic program, which it cuts, it undercuts the foundation principles of our country. Chris Farrell, director of investigations at Judicial Watch. Thank you for speaking with us on One American News, sir. It’s a pleasure to talk to you. Thanks very much. [tr:trw].

See more of Judicial Watch on their Public Channel and the MPN Judicial Watch channel.


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assassination attempt on Donald Trump criticism on Secret Service DEI initiatives Judicial Watch investigation director new documents released assassination attempt potential undermining of Secret Service effectiveness protecting current and former presidents relevance of DEI to Secret Service mission Secret Service diversity equity inclusion programs Secret Service main job spending on DEI initiatives

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