FAR Right Is TAKING Over EU Elections!!

Posted in: Dr. Steve Turley, News, Patriots



➡ Europeans are voting in the European Parliament elections, where 720 representatives from 27 countries will be elected. The Dutch Freedom Party, a nationalist populist party, has surprisingly won a significant number of seats. The Green Party also performed well. The results suggest a shift towards right-wing nationalist populist governments in Europe, with younger voters showing strong support for these parties, contradicting the cultural backlash thesis which suggests that young voters are more left-leaning.
➡ The text suggests that in the coming months, there could be a shift towards right-wing politics in various regions including Europe, the Middle East, Eurasia, Latin America, Africa, and America. The author also mentions a potential right-wing shift in Canada.


Let’s go on over to Europe. Let’s travel across the pond and see what’s going on with the European Parliament elections. If you don’t know, Europeans across the continent are heading to the polls this weekend for the European Parliament elections. Over the course of the next four days, nearly 400 million citizens in 27 countries will vote to elect representatives from their respective countries to serve as lawmakers in the European Parliament in the Belgian capital of Brussels. All together, 720 representatives will be elected. It all started yesterday, June 6th with the great nation of the Netherlands and we’re now getting reports that the nationalist populist extraordinaire Gerrit Wilders, fresh off his victory in their national elections, Gerrit Wilders and the Dutch Freedom Party are absolutely now crushing it near European elections.

Exit polls are showing that the European continent is indeed swinging way to the right in these elections if the Netherlands are any indicator. If the exit polls are correct, the Dutch Freedom Party, that’s the Netherlands Patriot Party, has gone from zero seats in the European Parliament. They have never won European election before. They’ve gone from zero seats to winning upwards 20% of their seats. All together, the Netherlands has 31 seats in the European Parliament. It looks as if the Dutch Freedom Party has won seven. The Green Party has won eight. It looks like the Green Party has come in first, which again is just par for the course of the way we’ve been doing politics over the last couple of decades in Europe.

So it looks like the Green Party has come first, but to everyone’s shock, it’s not the center right or the center left or anything like that. It is a full-blown nationalist populist, very anti-Islamist, very civilizationalist party known as the freedom of the Dutch Freedom Party. They have come in either second or first. We’re still figuring out there. So that’s a huge, huge development, especially in a multi-party election. Remember, there are dozens of parties running in the Netherlands for election. And so if you’re coming out with 20% of support, that’s huge. You’re a major party, and this is the far right, radical right, going from zero to now 20% of their seats.

It’s absolutely gigantic. But more than that, it confirms what pundits, particularly liberal pundits, were so utterly afraid of here. This year’s European Parliament elections promises to be nothing less than a total and complete political earthquake. The polls for months now have been showing that Europeans are ready to vote in their most, single most right-wing nationalist populist government ever. So for example, we talked about this the other day in France. Polls are showing that one in three voters are now going to be voting for Marine Le Pen’s national rally, which is Rance’s version of their Patriot Party.

That’s double the amount who plan to vote for French President Emmanuel Macron’s party in March. And just to show you how the demographics are changing here, this is so cool. The national rally is being led in terms of the European Parliament vote by the 28-year-old Jordan Bardella. Jordan heads the party’s list for the EU parliamentary elections. Bardella is terrifying globalists all over the world because he represents the new right. He’s the new right of the emerging Zoomer right. Voters under the age of 30. In fact, polls show that the national rally, in particular in France and just nationalist parties all over Europe, but particularly national rally, they’re getting their strongest support among the youngest voters who share nothing of the loyalty older voters have for the more traditional center-left parties.

I mentioned in a video that I did the other day that Foreign Policy magazine actually recently featured an article that found that the youth vote, the under 30 vote, is actually what’s swinging Europe to the so-called far right. It’s the youth vote. It’s the youth vote that promises that the nationalist populist way that’s sweeping the continent is just beginning. We ain’t seen nothing yet. Hey, gang, with everything going on right now, it’s hard to say what can happen or what will happen. And to make matters even worse, we usually don’t find out until it’s too late.

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You’ll hear it a lot on CNN. It actually has more to do with European politics, but it’s a term derived from a book recently published, relatively recently, a few years back, by two university professors, Pippa Norris and Ronald Inglehart, who argued that the political success that populists were having around the world, like with President Trump or with Brexit or Victor Orban in Hungary, Naive Bukele in El Salvador, Narendra Modi in India, that all of that success was temporary. And it’s temporary because it’s simply nothing more than a massive backlash. I kid you not. It’s basically a backlash made up of primarily old white men.

This is a serious thesis. I mean, this is this is MSNBC in a nutshell. MSNBC literally eats, sleeps and drinks the cultural backlash theory. And when all said and done, this is just for cope. I mean, the populist and patriot movements around the world, they argue, are thriving simply because a bunch of bigoted, racist, old white men are reacting en masse. They have one last hoopla against the inevitable demographic and cultural transformations initiated by increasingly non-white migrant young populations. But the key to this thesis is that this resistance is only temporary. And that’s because we all know, again, that’s the key assumption to this thesis.

We all know that young voters, the youth vote, are the most progressive left wing liberal we’ve ever seen. And so as these older white voters inevitably die out, and as the young idealistic progressive leftists take over, a massive woke wave will inevitably cover the globe. That is what is known as the cultural backlash thesis. And these European elections are showing just how utterly completely full of shit that thesis is. It’s actually the opposite. That’s what all the data shows. It’s the older voters who are actually the ones who are most inclined to support the globalist liberal status quo.

It’s the younger voters who are the ones who are most attracted to the far-right, radical-right nationalist populace. Case in point, the AFD, the Alternative for Deutschland, the Alternative for Germany, they are the nationalist populist party in Germany. They are now the number one most popular party among 14 to 29 year olds. In a recent survey called the Youth in Germany Study, researchers found that the under 30 German population is incredibly pessimistic about the state of things in Europe and around the world. They’re very pessimistic about the economy, about inflation, but most especially about immigration, unfettered immigration.

And the AFD is clearly persuaded, the under 30 vote, that all of these problems are caused by a globalist elite who do not care about them, who are violating German sovereignty and care only about their own power and affluence. And German youth are hardly alone. This is the same pattern we’re seeing in nation after nation after nation all over Europe. It is actually the young people who are far more prone to vote for the so-called far-right than the older people. The cultural backlash thesis could not possibly be more wrong. Because again, it has to do with this notion of alignment.

Older voters are still aligned. They still have a strong loyalty and affinity for the old mainstream center-left, center-right parties they grew up with post-World War II. The youth are going through a massive process known as the alignment. The youth are the radicals. They are completely de-aligned. They have no loyalty whatsoever to a single party, and therefore they are far more likely to vote for so-called third parties. For in this case, the far-right than our older voters. The cultural backlash thesis should be called the cultural bunk thesis. So we’ll keep a very, very close eye on the results of the elections over the weekend, which really do promise to be a massive political earthquake shifting the continent of the so-called far-right like never before.

Can you imagine what we may be having in a few months? We may be having a right-wing Europe, a right-wing Middle East, a right-wing Eurasia, a right-wing Latin America, increasingly. So, forget Mexico, a right-wing Africa, particularly Sahara and Sahel region, and then a right-wing MAGA, America 1st November. I mean, it’s going to be absolutely—and then we got to get Pierre Poliev and the Conservatives in Canada. We got an amazing year moving to the right. [tr:trw].

See more of Dr. Steve Turley on their Public Channel and the MPN Dr. Steve Turley channel.


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Africa's right-wing politics American right-wing shift cultural backlash thesis contradiction Dutch Freedom Party success European Parliament elections Green Party performance in Europe Latin America political shift potential right right-wing politics in the Middle East right-wing politics shift in Europe right-wing shift in Eurasia shift towards right-wing nationalist populist governments younger voters supporting right-wing parties

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