EXTRA: 7.14.24: SHOT heard around the world DEMS wanted this EVIL EXPOSED God wins Pray | And We Know

Posted in: And We Know, News, Patriots



➡ The And We Know text talks about an attempted assassination on President Trump, which was celebrated by some liberals on social media. The incident led to a lot of discussions and investigations, with some people blaming the Secret Service for not preventing the attack. The text also mentions that President Trump has been a target of hate and violence since he came into the political scene, with some even calling for his death. Despite the attack, Trump stood strong and encouraged his supporters to continue fighting.
➡ The Secret Service is under scrutiny for a security lapse during a public event involving former President Trump. The agency, which is focusing on diversifying its workforce, failed to prevent a potential threat from a man with a gun. This incident has sparked discussions about the effectiveness of the Secret Service and its preparedness for the 2024 campaign season. Meanwhile, a health supplement called Enforce Plus is being promoted for its benefits, including improved immune support and overall well-being.
➡ The text discusses a controversial event involving an alleged assassination attempt on former President Trump. It suggests that this event might have been orchestrated to discredit Trump and his supporters, known as MAGA Republicans. The text also criticizes the current political climate, accusing MAGA Republicans of being a threat to democracy. It ends with a call to action for people to stand up against these perceived threats and defend American democracy.
➡ The speaker discusses a violent incident involving a shooting, expressing their belief that the media and liberals are spreading lies. They also mention their support for Trump and criticize those who oppose him. The speaker then discusses a controversy involving NFL player Harrison Butker and the Williams brothers, criticizing the brothers for their comments. They also touch on issues like abortion, poor leadership, and the misuse of Catholic faith by certain individuals. Lastly, they mention an interview with Dr. Kirk Elliot about the use of AI in monitoring transactions.
➡ The text discusses a belief in a deep state conspiracy, suggesting that individuals have been secretly arrested and are being held at Guantanamo Bay. It mentions a change in Jeb Bush’s demeanor after seeing a piece of paper, theorizing it was a picture showing someone he respected being punished for treason. The text also emphasizes the importance of prayer and faith in the face of perceived evil, and ends with a call to support a song called “Revelation” by John Rich and Sonia Isaacs.


He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, he is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in him will I trust. Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler and from the noisome pestilence. And, you know, that’s a little bit old, that chart. That chart’s a couple of months old. And if you want to really see something to say it, take a look at what happened. Well, we all witnessed the horrific attempt to take the life of President Trump yesterday.

We immediately went into research mode here to see all that was being shared on this. And we discovered the unhappiness of liberals. They wanted him gone. It was all over social media. The media tried to cover it up. The fighting attitude of a man willing to lose his life for our country was displayed for all to see. As he stood up and he screamed, fight three times. We’re going to go through this. We’re going to look at some of the details. What went wrong? What’s going to happen next? Here we go. And then, and then the worst president in the history of our country took over.

And look what happened to our country. Probably 20 million people. And, you know, that’s a little bit old, that chart. That chart’s a couple of months old. And if you want to really see something that said, take a look at what happened. For those that might have missed this, I’m showing it again. Many of you have seen it, but seen it from the crowd, view from RSBN is a different, different way of looking at this. And if you look at this crowd, they’re all crouched down in fear. But then when President Trump stands up and says, fight, fight, fight, the crowd rises.

I’m gonna show this in fast motion. They’re all down. He stands up and screams to fight, fight, fight. And the whole crowd stands up and they’re screaming, USA. Let’s go to another part right here. Now. That got me fired up, got me a little Chuck choked up today. Some would say, oh, we’re watching a movie. I gonna take you through this, where we’re gonna see bullets in the air, we’re gonna see bullet holes in his jacket, the shot that could have really hit his head, where he turned his head and it came to past his ear.

People are claiming that the lives were lost. I’m gonna show you that. And I’m show you a doctor who worked on someone. He was filled with blood. I just don’t go that far with this one. These folks have wanted President Trump gone for a long time. And I’m gonna show you the proof of that. The proof that a bullseye was placed on President Trump and orders were given by this actor playing Biden, these evil ones that are seemingly destroying our country. Seems like any time a Republican tries to stand up for truth, they try to take them out.

Or someone who cares for a country and wants to go against the deep state in leadership, they take them out. And it was a providential moment. If he had turned to look at that big screen, and when he was turned, the bullet would have hit him here. When he turned back, it hit him here. That’s how close he came to being killed. And I think we need to understand that, that this was providential and he reacted appropriately. But I also will tell you he has been vilified by Joe Biden and the Democrats and the left wing more than any president since Abraham Lincoln.

And this was a political act. It was a deliberate act. And as you know, because we’ve talked about it off air, I’ve said for four months that when all the legal baloney fails and when they begin to realize he is going to win, that violence is the next thing, because they’re that desperate. That’s all they have left, is his death. They want him gone. They’ve been saying this and they’ve been preaching violence against President Trump since he basically entered the scene. Here’s some clips for you if you need remembering. Need to remember some of them. I said no.

I said, if we were in high school, I’d take him behind the gym and beat the hell out of him. I will go and take Trump out tonight. Too many see the protests as the problem. Please show me where it says that protests are supposed to be polite and peaceful. Go to the hill today. Get up in the face of some congresspeople, and if you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them and you tell them they’re not welcome running away from Donald Trump.

I think you need to go back and punch him in the face. They go low, we can, you know, there needs to be unrest in the streets. For as long as there’s unrest in our lives, they’re still gonna have to go out and put a bullet in Donald Trump, and that’s a fact. The left won’t stop inciting violence. They’ve wanted this for a long, long time. Remember, when President Trump wins and you head to New York City to go to a play and they have a man dressed up as President Trump and they assassinate him on stage.

Do you remember this? An actor dressed to look just like President Donald Trump as he’s assassinated on stage. Look as his character is stabbed to death. And there’s no mistaking the Trump connection. Check out the unbuttoned overcoat and red tie that hangs over his waist. It’s a staging of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar that is outraging many. The controversial production is taking place here in New York City’s Central park. The staging is being seen as a direct jab at Trump and the controversial political climate in this country. Who will never forget this character, this guy who dresses as a woman, holding up the head of President Trump as has been cut off, should have been arrested, should have been put away, but they never do.

They’ve called for violence against President Trump for a very, very long time. Dean Durham said the attempted assassination on Trump today, while the bullet missed, it, struck a member of my wife’s family in Butler, killing him. The left is celebrating this, making jokes. They are nothing but vile people. Senseless violence. And you can see on your screen, there’s actual bullet hole on President Trump’s chest. Thankfully, he had a bulletproof vest on. Another picture that I’m going to show you here is if you’re looking at your screen, somebody happened to capture a shot, a picture of the actual bullet streaking through.

You can see it. Remember in, it’s going so fast, it appears as a streak going through the air. Someone happened to catch that. It’s amazing. He was brought to the ground, he stood up and he cried out, fight, fight, fight. And just like we have the song from the gladiator that many understand and hear, we are free. These things that play out for us to remember that they hate us, they hate those who stand for truth, who stand for freedom. And for too long, they have gotten by with it. And we have someone who’s standing up with a group of individuals saying, enough already.

While he does this, they continue to attack him. And it seems like no matter how much they attack him, he seemingly stops them. Like this clip from the matrix, a meme put together to show you. We continue to stay in prayer, pray for his protection, pray for the protection of his family, and we know that he will be taken care of. It’s amazing how he stands up against all of these oppressors. This guy, Thomas Crooks Idd, is the suspect who shot at Donald Trump, 20 years old, from Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, which was about 40 miles south of the Butler rally, AR 15 was recovered at the scene.

He was shot in the head after he tried talk, taking out the former president. You got a picture of him from a drone. How did they get the drone footage of him without taking him out? And then after he’s gone, they stand next to him with the military. Huh. Interesting. It’s interesting how the Secret Service athlete let someone within 150 yards with open line of sight. It’s wild. Wouldn’t want to be them right now. A setup. That’s the only logical answer. Occam’s razor says Lori proud, ultra maga patriot, extremist Trump. The photo of the Secret Service approaching the shooter on the roof has been confirmed.

The this confirms the Secret Service let a Mandez pull up on the roof with the rifle and did nothing. Elon Musk is calling for the resignation of all secret service leaders. Check this out. There’s, these guys are supposed to be guarding President Trump, and they’ve got a video of him. You could see his reaction as they’re aiming at this shooter. People were already screaming, somebody has a gun. Somebody has a gun. And I’m going to show you that clip. I’m gonna show you that clip and show you that people were already noticing that somebody was out there with a gun.

So you can hear the crowd screaming, he’s got a gun. People noticed this man climbing on the roof and he was 150 yards away. How did all this happen? How did it occur? How did they, how were they able to have these folks fail in their secret service mission? Well, I’m going to show you that clip of the secret service director, Kimberly cheating cheadle. She’s been focused on hiring for, you know, diversity to expand hiring. They’re aiming to have 30% women recruits by 2030 and even allowed YouTube influencer Michelle Carre to train with agents. But I’m very conscious of, as I sit in this chair now, of making sure that we need to attract diverse candidates and ensure that we are developing and giving opportunities to everybody in our workforce, and particularly women.

That workforce will be pivotal for the 2024 campaign season, which for the first time includes a former president who already has lifetime protection. Agents were there when Donald Trump was arraigned in New York. We were able to work out the details ahead of time of how that particular day was going to go. But we will always ensure the safety of all of our protectees that we have. The service has a zero fail mission, a mission officers are training to uphold. Pretending this field is the most famous address in America. How about that? Responsible for his protection yet hired by Biden and the DOJ and others, makes you wonder how this might have all played out.

President Trump, still in the midst of all of this, experienced extreme horror, stood up in the midst of danger and said, you know what? I’m still going to scream, fight, fight for all to see. It’s a lot of energy, a lot of strength and things that we need. Even today when we’re feeling a little weak, especially after this event, many of us experienced severe trauma in watching this all play out. Many of us have experienced all types of problems with our bodies and more. And I tell you, no matter what we’re going through, how we feel, what experiences might be going on, especially with our body and our health.

Our immune support system helps guide and direct us through these difficult times. And we go through our immune support system with enforce gummies from ltpetclub two four seven.com dot these are the mushrooms with PSP and PSK. They’re non GMO, they’re vegan and kosher, made in the USA, all natural ingredients. They taste delicious and they’re safe for kids. That’s right. They’re the healthiest choice on the market, free from corn syrup and artificial dyes and any GMO’s. They’re offering a product, ltpetclub two four seven.com, that is not only vegan and kosher, but also made in the USA. And they use the most potent strain of the Coriolis versicolor mushroom and they add a fresh raspberry puree to these gummies, the burst of flavor.

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We’ve seen an improvement in him. So they’ve got products for your dog, your cat, your horse and humans. Folks, I encourage you to go below this video to lieutenantclub two four seven.com and check it out. Okay? Be really, really good for you. I want you to watch this clip. He should have spent a bit more time at the range. It’s a pity he missed. So this is somebody on Tiktoks at Mother underscore anarchy, underscore very upset that the person taking the shot at President Trump missed. And then on social media, if you head over to that world, destiny at the Omni liberal said, if we learned anything today, I hope it’s realizing the importance of principles I’ve stressed many times on stream before.

Having a firearm means absolutely nothing if you don’t spend time at the range practicing with it. Doctor Karen Pender said, so close. Too bad. And then she says, now he’ll milk being a victim for more votes. I really wish that person had better aim. What a glorious day that could have been. Karen Pender’s pictures on this video, if anybody wants to see. We don’t call for violence against people that act like this or behave like this, but we’re highlighting that there are folks out there that are so bent on hatred, and they’re the ones, most of these liberals that think like this and have a hatred for President Trump and our freedom, they’re the ones that call us violent.

Harry Sisson said, according to the Supreme Court, Biden could now send in seal team six to take all of them out. He could send in the military to take out Trump. He has immunity for official acts now. Yes, you’re reading that right. These people calling for violence. Another person, Anthony Powell, that is exactly the kind of violence he advocates. So let it be unto him with great success. Yeah, these people have no shame whatsoever. DC Drano showed us this scoop from a train site sniper. The whole thing was a failure. For the protection of President Trump.

The Secret Service got there slow. The SWAT team got there slow. And why did they keep him on the stage? He should have been off of there in 2 seconds. Yet they stand him up for what? To give the shooter another shot. Look at the old Reagan assassination attempt. He was out of there in .2 seconds. Why didn’t a drone pick him up? Why didn’t another sniper pick him up? We cover the Boston marathon better than our, than they cover our own president. If anyone says how great a job the secret Service or SWAT team did, they’re wrong.

They should be ashamed of themselves, all these secret Service folks, and should be fired. Also pointing all this out as Biden is the boss of Mayorkas. Majorcas is the head of the Department of Homeland Security. Secret Service is part of Department of Homeland Security. Trump team was recently declined more protection from secret Service. Secret Service allowed a major, allowed a sniper on a roof to take five shots at Trump. This goes right up to the top. You following this? If you head over to the media, what are they trying to do? No matter how much information we push out on social media, how much you guys might have noticed and saw.

Imagine folks that only watch MSNBC, the Washington compost, or communist news network or the New York Times. Well, the Washington compost said Trump escorted away after loud noises at Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania rally. CNN politics Secret Service rushes Trump offstage after he falls at rally. MSNBC Secret Service Donald Trump safe after popping sounds heard at rally. And the New York Times said Trump rushed off stage after chaos at rally. Any mention of an assassination attempt on, you know, taking his life? No. They are truly the enemy of the people. Guys, I don’t know about you, but I spend a lot of time with friends of mine.

Over the years. I’ve talked to them, family members about how difficult it is to trust anything that comes out of the mainstream media. How and why do we listen to people just because they’re sitting in a beautiful studio with perfect lighting, with perfect hair, if they have hair suit and tie, women wearing perfect dresses, and they simply read a teleprompter. And I always ask the question, who’s providing the talking points for them to read from the teleprompter? Where are they getting the information from? How do we know that they’re not spinning the information so that they can lie to us? Can we do our own research? Yes.

Thomas Massey said the same bureau that investigated the Las Vegas shooting and the January 6 pipe bombs is now investigating the attempted assassination of President Trump. This is also the same bureau that raided Mar a Lago. I’m sure they’ll get to the bottom of this soon. Yeah, that’s, that’s not going to happen. We know that James woods injured. He was shot in the head in a failed assassination attempt. He’s pointing out Newsweek. Newsweek said maggot responds with outrage after Donald Trump injured at Pennsylvania rally injured. Any of you still buying Newsweek? Anybody that you know still buys this sickening, demonic publication called Newsweek? Other folks are pointing out that look at the drops for the cuboid on July 14, the day after this assassination attempt.

A week to remember the great awakening. These people are sick. Hunters become the hunted. Hunters become the hunted. A week to remember also shows up. And the great awakening shows up on the shot heard around the world. That doesn’t mean that they planned all this. I don’t believe that this is a false flag. I believe after looking at all the footage and everything that this, to me, appears to be as real as it can get, and people have lost their lives. And I’m telling you, it really appears that the Secret Service headed up by the DHS, by mayorkas, it really appears like something was set up to make this all happen, kind of.

Couch said, hmm. They tried to impeach President Trump twice and convict him in court. Now they’ve resorted to assassination and missed a. All right, this is the Friends episode, when Joey and Chandler let Israel get caught off guard by a surprise attack. Santa Trump said the assassination attempt just secured a win for Donald Trump as the 47th president on November 5, 2024. The other thing that’s interesting is this all played out. Would be Vincent Fuska standing there, looking around to try to find out where all the shots are coming from. He’s not ducking and moving. He’s just looking for what’s going on.

And a lot of folks, when they see Vincent Fuska, they believe that he could be somebody in disguise. Anybody know who that is? Some think so. Others do nothing. But let’s go back as a reminder to the violence that was called on President Trump, shall we? Alex Soros tweets out, bullet hole in 47. A direct, violent threat to Donald Trump. Remember that? January 21, 2024. Jim Hoff put that out. There’s the bullet hole, and there’s 47. Not only that, Biden just said the other day, five days before the assassination attempt, it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye.

And he was referring to having another debate. And he said, you know what? We don’t need another debate. It’s time to put Trump in a bullseye, telling everyone up front we’re going to take him out. Let’s remember, let’s go back to the days when he had all the red surrounding him and he called us a threat to our country. All of us. DOnald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic. But there’s no question that the Republican Party today is dominated, driven, and intimidated by Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans.

And that is a threat to this country. MagA Republicans do not respect the constitution. They do not believe in the rule of law. They do not recognize the will of the people. MAGA forces are determined to take this country backwards, backwards to an America where there is no right to choose, no right to privacy, no right to contraception, no right to marry who you love. Trump and the extreme maggot Republicans quote a clear and present danger to our democracy. But while the threat to american democracy is real. I want to say as clearly as we can, we are not powerless in the face of these threats.

Migrant Republicans have made their choice. They embrace anger. They thrive on chaos. They live not in the light of truth, but in the shadow of lies. We’ve told ourselves that american democracy is guaranteed, but it’s not. We have to defend it, protect it, stand up for it. Each and every one of us, we’re all called by duty and conscience to confront extremists will put their own pursuit of power above all else. We must be stronger, more determined and more committed to saving american democracy than maggot Republicans are to destroying american democracy. MAGA Republicans look at America and seek carnage and darkness and despair.

They spread fear and lies, lies told for profit and power. The MAGA Republicans believe that for them to succeed, everyone else has to fail. The playbook of Satan. Call out everything that you’re doing and blame it on the person that’s actually trying to protect America. Right. Everything they’re doing to our country. He just called out, but he’s blaming it on MAGA Republicans, those who stand up for the rights of the unborn, to stand up for our freedom and getting rid of the placement of books into our schools, to destroy our children’s innocence, standing up for our freedom and stopping wars and sending our young ones overseas to continue to spill blood when it’s unnecessary.

Having these folks run our nation and continue to make speeches like this. And people are out there listening to them, believing them, because they can’t stand President Trump. Well, I tell you what, it’s not working. This little charade, this. This charade of lies, this constant push of calling all of us out as if we’re the enemy of this country will come to a stop and people will start noticing. When a man is shot and he gets up and he puts his fist in the air and says, fight. Fight. And America says, USA. USA. USA. They are going to realize that it is going to come to an end for them, and we are going to have a biblical ending.

I really believe that. I am going to show you some more on this in a moment. First, I want to remind you that we’re at annwinow.com. truth, hope, faith and freedom. You guys can go to that website. You’ll find all of our social media where we have awk updates on Facebook and Instagram is AwK 828. You go below this video, click on that link, and you’ll be taken to our website. Very simple. When you get to our shop, dot annwynow.com. it’s also on our website, you’re going to find, find that we have new shirts available. We have our logo with a american flag on the stick now, folks.

It’s a beautiful thing that’s put together by Angie and Jamie. And we also are preparing. It could be there now or it could be there in the next 24 hours, but we have a t shirt. We’re developing fight for America with President Trump in front of the american flag. And that’s going on shirts and it’s going to be on our site and those that are signed up for our newsletter on annwinow.com. if you go to annwinow.com and sign up for a newsletter, you’ll get an email when these come out. So you can be the first to jump on there and grab these shirts.

Fighting for America. Here’s more great pictures of so absolute. And I hit on this during our livestream and I want to go through it for the people who didn’t see our livestream. So obviously we know what happened in today’s event. And PoTuS put his fist pump up. He was saying the words fight, fight, fight. Q 21 90. POTus with his fist pump, fight, fight. Look at that side by side. How in the world at that moment, President Trump remember to stand up, put his fist in the air and say fight three times. In the midst of danger, in the midst of all the trouble that’s going on, he was able to stand up and let folks know, we got to fight for our country.

Wyatt said. There’s three options I can think of. Cabal infiltrated security and wanted Trump to be killed. It was staged as part of the great awakening. I don’t believe that there was an actual mistake or confusion in that building the shooter was on was left unattended. Personally, I give number three, he says, Wyatt says in 89%, yes, that that actual there was a mistake or confusion. Also, the fact that the shooter’s last name is Violet and Trump misspelled violence as Violet the other day on his agenda 47 website leads me to hope that it was number two, that it was staged.

But otherwise, if the cabal is able to infiltrate the current Secret Service detail around Trump, then the game has changed. And if you’re looking at your screen, the agenda 47 snapshot is there for you. And it has right here, stop the migrant crime epidemic, demolish the foreign drug cartels, crush gang violence and lock up Violet offenders. Well, it just so happens to be that one of the names that was dropped was violets. As one of those that was participating in the assassination of President Trump, President Trump put out a message. I want to thank the United States Secret Service and all of law enforcement for their rapid response on the shooting that just took place in Butler, Pennsylvania.

Most importantly, I want to extend my condolences to the family, the person at the rally who was killed, and also to the family of another person that was badly injured. It is incredible that such an act can take place in our country. Nothing is known at this time about the shooter who is now dead. I was shot with a bullet that pierced the upper part of my right ear. I knew immediately that something was wrong and that I heard a whizzing sound shots, and immediately felt the bullet ripping through the skin. Much bleeding took place. So I realized that.

I realized it then. I realized then what was happening. God bless America. Here’s that clip from the doctor who tried saving someone’s life at the Trump rally. What did you see, sir? I heard the shots. I thought it was firecrackers to begin with. Somebody over there was screaming, he’s been shot. He’s been shot. So I made my way over. I said, I’m an emergency department physician. Let me help you. The guy had spun around, was jammed between the benches. He had a headshot here, lots of blood, and he had brain matter there. And so I got him.

There’s a helicopter coming in to get him. So I got people there really helpful. I got. Was there only one person shot that you saw? Yeah, I did CPR, big chest compressions as well as I briefed for him. One person. I was only one. That’s why I don’t think this was a movie setup, as much as we call for that and we see that this one really hit home for me. I don’t know about you, but man, did it just hit me hard of this battle that we’re under, this physical and spiritual battle, constantly dealing with the lies of the media, constantly dealing with the lies of the liberals, the Democrats and their lies, the rhinos and their lies.

We have been going at this for years. Since 2015, when President Trump walked down, came down that escalator, he’s been given speeches. He had, we had one day to celebrate a victory, and the next morning, the purple outfitted killery comes out and gives a speech. And since that day, we have no rest, no enjoyment, no excitement. They’ve constantly done nothing but attack those who would dare go against their demonic takeover of the entire earth. Do you think it’s working? Let me show you some clips. Here we go. If I was not voting for Trump before. Hear me and hear me loud and hear me, everybody.

Y’all listen to me. I say, I say, I say. A mic check, one, two. If I was not voting for Trump before, he got my vote now, bro. Cause he survived. He got my vote now. He got my vote now. He’s got my vote now. This is before the rally or mentally fit to be President Donald Trump. 100% from the greatest man that said that. And the Trump towers do. Is it a Biden’s tower? No walling. You can’t beat that. You’re awesome. You can’t beat that. And then this is a reaction after the rally and the shooting.

You left wing nut jobs. You can’t win on merit, so you gotta do what? Try and kill the Mandev? Really? It’s a good thing y’all don’t know how to shoot. It’s a good thing y’all are poor. Poor, piss poor at defense, self defense, offense, all of it. Well, the only thing you proved is this, that you guys are the ones that are prone to violent actions every time you lose violence. But. But we’re the extremists, right? We are the ones that are extremists. That’s kind of odd. That’s. That’s really odd. Last time I checked. When. When the man you took a shot at today, one in 16 y’all burned and rioted.

When you don’t get your way, you burn and riot. When something happens to one of your felons, you burn and riot. He got indicted 34 times, and we didn’t do a single bit of looting, rioting, or burning. This is certainly proof that you guys are the violent ones. And if there is anyone capable of local terroristic acts, it’s you people. How about that? The violence comes in all measures, and this isn’t only about President Trump. I wanted to make sure we get a couple other things in there today, since we’re covering this. There was a comment made by the Serena brothers against Butker.

Remember, he stood on a stage, he defended the rights of the unborn and said, we need to have family out there, and folks need to get married and have children. Yeah. The Harrison butker. Remember the NFL kicker who praised fatherhood, family, and faith during his commencement speech at a college? That guy. Well, the serena brothers go up into a show called the ESPYs. The Williams brothers. Sorry. And they said on stage during the event, we don’t need you singling out. But Kerr, for his pro, I would say pro life speech. Life for family and freedom of children.

So go ahead and enjoy women’s sports like you would any other sports, because they are sports except you, Harrison Butker. We don’t need you at all, like ever. And so the brothers stand up there at the ESPYs, the Williams brothers, and they make that comment. Butger came back and responded. I thought misses Williams was a great host and applaud her for using her platform. Interesting. He’s using those pronouns anyway to express her beliefs on a variety of topics. Sports are supposed to be the great unifier, and at an event dedicated to celebrating a diverse group of men and women who have accomplished great feats, she used it as an opportunity to dis invite those with whom she disagrees from with from supporting fellow athletes.

So freedom of speech. They use their speech, and people that are prone to want to support them can if they want. And those that want to support those that stand for life, well, we’re here for you too. Throughout the COVID fiasco and how you missed out on so many milestones, the rest of us older people have taken for granted. While Covid might have played a large role throughout your formative years, it is not unique. Bad policies and poor leadership have negatively impacted major life issues. Things like abortion, IVF, surrogacy, euthanasia, as well as a growing support for degenerate cultural values and media all stem from the pervasiveness of disorder.

Our own nation is led by a man who publicly and proudly proclaims his catholic faith, but at the same time is delusional enough to make the sign of the cross during a pro abortion rally. He has been so vocal in his support for the murder of innocent babies that I’m sure to many people it appears that you can be both catholic and pro choice. He is not alone. From the man behind the COVID lockdowns to the people pushing dangerous gender ideologies onto the youth of America, they all have a glaring thing in common. They are Catholic.

This is an important reminder that being Catholic alone doesn’t cut it. These are the sorts of things we are told in polite society to now bring up, you know, the difficult and unpleasant things. But if we are going to be men and women for this time in history, we need to stop pretending that the Church of Nice is a winning proposition. We must always speak and act in charity, but never mistake charity for cowardice. How about that reminder to stand up, tell the truth, even if they hurt. Remember, they attacked Harrison Butger, the Williams brothers. But Cameron Sutton from the NFL strangled the mother of his children, slammed her into a wall, bit her on the neck, held her down by her hair and struck her twice with his fist.

But yet the brothers stand up there and attack butker instead of telling Sutton that he was violent. Remember the violence came from one of the Williams brothers, the one called Serena. Juanita Broderick said, have not had respect for Serena since threatened that person, threatened a line judge. Remember Serena said, I’ll kill you for calling a foot fault at the US Open, lost the match and was fined. The United States has become a place where entertainers and professional athletes are mistaken for people of importance. I’ve needed a doctor, I’ve needed a teacher. I’ve needed farmers every day.

I need truck drivers every day. I’ve needed an auto mechanic, a plumber, a house painter, and a lot of other everyday people. But I have never, not even once needed a pro athlete, a media personality or a Hollywood entertainer for anything. Folks are starting to share the truth and it’s getting out there one day at a time. More truth that’s been playing out for all of us that you’ll catch today when it’s released, is doctor Kirk Elliott interview. Russia is legalizing the stable coins for international payments. CBDC AI to monitor all transactions. That’s right. They’re going to get in use AI to watch all of our transactions in our bank accounts and more information that was passed by Doctor Kirk Elliot.

And I hope that you watch that interview. Here’s a clip from that. What does this have to do with CBDC? Kirk? Well, I’ll tell you. So of course, that’s sort of a dumb statement. Of course artificial intelligence is going to be more profitable toward the corporate America because when you can hire a computer, you don’t have to pay a salary to a computer. There’s no benefits, there’s no HR, there’s no lawsuits for discrimination, anything, right? So, and we’re at this juncture and advancement of technology where if you look back six years ago, chat GPT pretty much started, right? So then every four years we, so in four years we went from kindergarten level like knowledge with chat GPT to senior high level intelligence.

How about that? So that’s annwinow.com gold. If you want to reach out to doctor Kirk Elliott and you can have the same conversations and ask him questions and they’ll take care of you. Standing for the truth is what he does. Also, Victor Orban visiting Mar a lagoon and he came up with some great points. The mother is a woman, the father is a man, and leave our kids alone, full stop, end of discussion. We decided we decided we don’t need more genders. We need more rangers, less drag queens and more choc Norris. More Chuck Norris and less drag queens.

That’s great to see the meltdown happening because Victor Orban went to visit Mar a Lago, the deep state. They’re going to be playing a bit, paying a visit they probably already have to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Just a reminder, if you’re looking at your screen, if you go to Google Earth, you type Guantanamo Bay detention camp. In the search, you get a wide angle shot of the base. If you look in the upper left corner of the shot, you see something called the mo. When etatspeed gardens. Well, if you think mirror and you read it backwards, read it backwards and it says, deep states, new home.

Oh, yeah. There are things playing out. There are people being arrested, probably been arrested for several years now and placed there. And I bet you there’s trials being held. And I guarantee you those envelopes, almost 100% sure. When they opened those envelopes on d five and Jeb saw his mom show something that was handed to his mom by a secret service agent, probably not in an envelope, just something handed to Bush junior, then over to the wife, and then to Jeb. Jeb’s whole demeanor changed from a glance at a piece of paper. And my thought and my theory has always been that when he looked at that piece of paper and he shuddered, and he looked like fear hit him all at once.

It had to be a picture. And I think it was a picture of the very person who he looked up to paying the price for his treason against our nation. And you can just open up your imagination to what that picture might have looked like. There’s something coming for these evil ones. I think this guy’s already gone. I think, like President Trump has said, he’s shot when he points to his head, and this mask wearing freak is doing all of the pickup for and puppet play for the deep state. And as they continue to crumble and they use as many resources as possible to try to take President Trump out, we have to continue to stay in prayer, because we are in a spiritual battle the likes of which we probably have never seen our entire life.

And it reminds me of something that was sent to me by Sonia Isaacs. Sonia, thank you for sending this to me. She was actually helping sing this song from John Rich. Revelation, featuring Sonia Isaacs. It’s on your screen if you want this video, I put the link in the description box below. It is number two, I guess, against Eminem on the charts. You guys reach on out to this song and you purchase it, and I guarantee you we’re gonna get him to number one. We’re going to close with this today. Dancing in the flames, the people cursed his name, bowed at the altar of the father.

There’s a number to their days and all their evil ways. The Lord’s gonna turn away from all their cries cause the king is coming, the king is coming back again. Brimstone upon their heads, millstones around their necks. They’ll feel shaken when the trumpet sounds. And no matter where they hide, there’ll be nowhere to run. When Jesus puts his mighty foot on the ground. I can feel it coming like a dark train running hold, getting ready. Cause the king is coming, the king is coming back again. When judgment comes like a lightning flash, their voice will never teeth will gnash and he’ll send fire to the evil ones and all the wicked they’ve done.

There’ll be no time to turn around as the stars begin to hit the ground and the mountains fall and the balers torn with the sounding of that 7th horn. Ho. Revelation. I can feel it coming like a downtrend running, coming back again. So wrote the prophet John before his days were done. The king is coming, and it won’t be long. Revelation, chapter twelve, 1011. And I heard a loud voice saying, in heaven, now is come salvation and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ. For the accusation accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.

And they, the brethren, overcame him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony. And they loved not their lives unto death. But nothing is secret that shall not be made manifest, neither anything hid that shall not be known and come abroad. Let’s pray. Heavenly Father, we thank you for all that you continue to do in and through our lives. We thank you for the continued protection of President Trump answered a prayer that we’ve been lifting up to you day and night. You’ve heard the cries. You’ve heard the cries of the people across our nation, across this entire earth, as this evil, deep state has entrenched for hundreds of years now, enslaved all of us, taken away our freedoms, taken away our right to speech, our rights to the earning of income that we’ve placed into our pockets, and to take care of our family, taking away the children’s innocence and so much more.

You’ve heard the cries of the people. We thank you for your protection of President Trump. We lift up these families who are experiencing severe trauma from all of the violence that took place there in Florida. And we just ask that you would bring comfort and peace beyond all understanding. Bring the people around, those families that need your comfort today. We ask for continued protection over our lives, over those that are standing on the front lines defending our nation. Those that were guilty of making these crimes happen yesterday, of allowing this person to get on a roof with a weapon.

May they all be taken into justice and may justice be served. We ask for your help in that. Please continue to guide and direct our thoughts. Help us with our mouths and those things that we say and also the things we do. May we be the representation of the walking word of God, sometimes the only bible that people will ever see. We ask all this in the name of your son, Jesus Christ, Yeshua. Amen and amen. Folks, I hope that you have a great reminder. Remainder of your week, we ask that you continue to hold us up in your prayers.

We covet those. We hope to have another report out on Monday. If not, we’ll put one out Tuesday. Please hit the follow button subscribe button if you would, and the like button. We’d really appreciate that. And again, this is lt saying separate fi with them we know signing out he that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the almighty. I will say of the Lord, he is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in him will I trust. Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler and from the noisome pestilence.

And, you know, that’s a little bit old, that chart. That chart’s a couple of months old. And if you want to really see something that said, take a look at what happened. Are you ready on.

See more of And We Know on their Public Channel and the MPN And We Know channel.


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alleged orchestrated assassination attempt on Trump attempted assassination on President Trump controversy involving NFL player Harrison Butker defending American democracy diversifying Secret Service workforce Enforce Plus health supplement benefits liberals celebrating Trump assassination attempt MAGA Republicans threat to democracy media spreading lies about Trump misuse of Catholic Secret Service security lapse Trump hate and violence Trump supporters fighting
  • Thank you for all of this information. Praying for President Trump and his family and Praying for this country to unite and to live in peace.

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