Exposing the 14th Amendment Fraud | Untold History Channel

Posted in: News, Patriots, Untold History Channel



➡ In a roundtable discussion, the Untold History Channel and guests discuss the 14th and 15th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution. They argue that these amendments created a new type of citizen, a “corporate citizen,” which replaced the original “state citizen” created by the Constitution. They believe this change has led to people being treated as corporations, affecting their rights and legal standing. They also discuss the idea that the capitalized names on official documents represent this corporate identity.

➡ The speaker is discussing his website, matrixfraud.com, where he shares his research about American history and law. He believes that a martial law jurisdiction was enacted in 1863 and never ended due to the lack of a peace treaty, which he argues has resulted in the current state of the country. He also claims that the 14th amendment was never lawfully adopted. The speaker emphasizes that his work is based on documents and facts, not hearsay.

➡ The text discusses the controversy around the 14th amendment and executive orders, suggesting they were not properly ratified or signed by the president. It also mentions a report prepared for Congress members from 2000 to 2012, highlighting these issues, but no action was taken. The text suggests that the military might need to intervene to address these issues. The discussion ends with a proposal to continue the topic in a future session.
➡ Judge Lander H. Perez argues that the 14th and 15th amendments were never lawfully adopted and that public awareness needs to be raised about this issue. He believes that many current issues, such as gun control and income tax, stem from these amendments. Perez suggests that if people understood the origins of these issues, they could effectively fight against them. He emphasizes the need for education and public awareness to bring about change.
➡ The text discusses the intertwined relationship between corporations and government, and the influence of a powerful banking layer. It also mentions the slow progression of an agenda, starting with the Federal Reserve Act and other laws since 1921. However, the conversation is interrupted by technical difficulties, leading to an apology and a promise to continue the discussion in a future session.
➡ The text discusses the inaccuracies in the teaching of American history, particularly regarding the 13th and 14th amendments and the Civil Rights Act of 1964. It argues that these laws did not truly bring equality, as many groups, including women, Native Americans, and African Americans, continued to face discrimination. The text also questions the legality of the 13th and 14th amendments, suggesting that they were passed under questionable circumstances. Lastly, it criticizes the teaching of history, claiming that it has been altered over time, particularly after World War II.
➡ The text discusses a historical event where Congress redefined the term ‘person’ to include corporations. It also talks about the implications of this change, suggesting that it has led to a loss of state sovereignty and increased federal control. The speakers believe that public awareness of this issue is crucial for any potential remedy. They also discuss the idea of becoming a ‘state national’ as a possible solution to regain individual sovereignty.
➡ The text discusses how people have been manipulated for generations to believe certain things without questioning them. It suggests that the real enemy is those who control the currency and that the public has been kept in the dark about this. The text also talks about the importance of understanding contracts and how they’re used to control people. It ends by discussing the possibility of returning to a state citizen status, but notes that those who try are often seen as crazy and face legal consequences.
➡ The text discusses the history and misconceptions about the Confederate flag. It explains that the real Confederate flag had eleven stars, not thirteen, and the ‘X’ flag was a Christian symbol, not a symbol of slavery. The text also discusses the confusion between the Confederate battle flag and the actual Confederate flag, and how the battle flag was used in the battlefield for distinction. Lastly, it talks about the history of various state flags, the bankruptcy of corporations, and the financing of the Civil War.
➡ The text discusses the incorporation of the United States in 1871, the role of bankers in financing wars, and the creation of the 14th Amendment. It also touches on the power of the Federal Reserve and the centralization of authority. The text suggests that people are unknowingly volunteering to be part of a system that treats them as legally dead on paper, and that this system is protected by lawyers who prioritize the bar over the constitution.
➡ The discussion revolves around the Federal Reserve Act, the 14th Amendment, and the gold standard. The speakers argue that the Federal Reserve Act reversed the flow of money from the states to the federal government, giving the federal government control over the states. They also claim that the 14th Amendment was never lawfully adopted and that the gold standard was unfairly removed. The speakers suggest that these actions have led to current financial and legal issues.
➡ The speaker discusses their belief in hidden influences and manipulation in history, particularly around the time of the Civil War and the 14th Amendment. They suggest that powerful families and secret societies may have played a role in shaping events. They also express frustration with the difficulty of accessing older records and books, which they believe contain important information. They mention a specific book, “A Racial Program for the 20th Century,” which they believe was part of a plot to increase racial tensions.
➡ The text discusses a controversial quote from a supposedly non-existent book, allegedly written by Israel Cohen in 1912, which was read into the congressional record by Representative Thomas Abernathy. The quote suggests a plan to use racial tensions to further the communist party’s agenda in America. The text also discusses the difficulty of finding certain books, suggesting that control over used books allows for censorship and manipulation of information. Lastly, it mentions a book called “Vatican Assassins” by Eric John Phelps, which is said to reveal important truths about historical events, but is difficult to access due to its high price.


And welcome, everybody, to the untold History Channel. My name is Ron Partain and we have a nice, real roundtable going on today. This was put together hastily earlier today. Wasn’t really planning on this, so this is kind of a Sunday treat. I’m going to let Armando go ahead and introduce our guests. Armando, take the floor. Brotherhood. Thank you, Ron. Welcome, everybody. Today we’re going to be talking about exposing the 14th Amendment fraud and our roundtables today we’re featuring Ghost, we’re featuring Lord God or Gordon, and we have Bruce the constitutional surgeon, along with Ron partain and myself.

We’re going to be basically getting quite the education today from. From Bruce. Okay. He is basically going to go ahead and break down the 14th amendment maybe a little bit on the 13th also as well, and basically tell us what the real scoop is with the 14th. So with that, I’m going to go ahead and turn the microphone over to ghost. If you want to kick this off, give an introduction, and then we’ll bring Bruce on and let’s go. All right, I just want to make one quick statement. Somebody sent me some of the chat things regarding our last broadcast.

No, I’m not spreading fear porn. Yeah, I just want to give you this. I was giving out information regarding a potential pathogen release week to ten days, if not more, before all of a sudden, zero hedge, all the mainstream media started jumping on it. So I’m not here to spread any of that kind of nonsense. I’m here to give you a distant early warning, be that as it may, please don’t take me as you do a lot of the others out there who are profiting and making quite a bit of money on this garbage. No, I don’t do that.

I don’t make a dime. So I want to introduce a friend of mine for about a good ten to twelve years, we’ve always kept in touch. We’ve had a lot, many, I mean, hundreds, if not a thousand hours of discussions in the last ten to twelve years. And I consider him to be the foremost mind on the 14th amendment out there. And I would put him up against anyone, anyone out there, no matter what their so called levels of education are, no matter what they do or daily. So here’s Bruce Ray. Howdy, y’all. How you doing, Bruce? Excellent.

Excellent, sir. Hey, I just want to make one thing clear. Are we talking about the 14th amendment or the really the 15th amendment? Because we all know that there was a missing 13th amendment. Well, there’s actually three 13th amendments. Really? Yes, sir. The one eight. There’s one from 1812. The Tyler nobility. It was March 2, 1861, to secure slavery as a state. Right. It was proposed by the state of Ohio. Congressman Corwin passed house and senate by northern vote. Only southern states said they succeeded, and they refused to participate in the vote. And Lincoln signed it in the law and even said he signed it in the law, March 8, 1861, in his first inaugural address.

And then the third 13th amendment from December 1865, which is almost identical to the second 13th amendment. You can find them both on proveitsrail.com. that’s one of my sites. Interesting. Yeah, that’s the first time I’ve ever heard that. And had it not been for eight of eleven southern states voting for the third 13th amendment to abolish slavery, ratification would have failed. I passed by one vote. Georgia was the deciding state. Well, I think it was the. But all the. All the states that came back into the. All the states that came back into the union after the war, they were basically bribed and controlled by the government of the Republicans, were they not? Yes, sir, but let me tell you about, back to that 15th Amendment, just because you brought it up.

One of the elements of sovereignty, no matter what country it is in the world, is that country has its own citizens. You have two different types of citizens. And the legal definition for the word citizen is body politic if you’re a citizen of a non corporate government, and corporate body politic if you’re a citizen of a corporate government. Now, when they passed the 14th amendment, it’s a different citizen than what the Constitution created in 1791. The constitution created a state citizen at article four, section two. It was a non corporate citizen. It was a body politic.

And let’s say we went back time in a time machine and we decided we wanted to fight in the Civil War. And let’s say I wanted to fight for the state of New Jersey. And let’s say you wanted to fight for the state of, I don’t know, Texas. When you went to war, all these confederate flags and american flags, most of them wasn’t on the battlefield. You were a state citizen. You fought behind your state flag. Tennessee, in the last state to lead the Union. When they left the Union, they took their citizens with them. Tennessee went to battle.

They had their Tennessee flag because they were Tennessee citizens. Same, you know, and that’s the citizen the constitution created. Then in 1862, and I’m gonna show you all these documents. We’re gonna go through my website. They’re all there. Congress redefined the meaning of the word person to include the definition corporation. Then in 1864, Congress redefined the meaning of the word state to include the definition district of Columbia. Then in 1868, a different citizen was created, a corporate body politic known as a citizen of the United States. 77 years after the Constitution created a completely different one.

And this is in the 14th Amendment. This is the most powerful part. It made all persons, which is corporations, born and naturalized in the United States and subject to, which means inferior to, obedient to, governed by, affected by, accountable for the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the states where they reside. So they created a completely different citizen. They made a corporate citizen. And then the 15th Amendment, I had to lay down a foundation, otherwise I couldn’t answer the 15th Amendment question that you kind of raised. The 15th Amendment gave that new corporate body politic the right to vote.

Now that was a century and a half ago, and basically in the past century and a half, the citizen the constitution created hasn’t voted or held public office. Hmm, very interesting. That empowered the new corporate body politic basically to take the place of the organic body politic. Now let’s say you wanted to go buy your shotgun at the gun store. What’s one of the questions on your gun paper that you have to ask? Are you a citizen of the United States? If you were a citizen the constitution created, they deny your cell. Isn’t that something? Well, there should be no 4473s anyway.

But that’s a whole nother topic conversation. Like invasion of the body snatchers. They switch the body politic. Our founding fathers gave us with a corporate body politic. That’s like people argue, you know, it’s a corporate question on a corporate form. You know, the declaration says they shall not tax a man’s income. Okay, but you’re not taxed as a man. You taxes a corporation. And people don’t understand that, right? They circumvented a founding father’s intent by giving you a different standing in law. That’s why every letter of your name is capitalized. If you have a driver’s license, take a look.

The subpoenaed for court, same thing, second grade. You’re taught only the first letter of your name should be capitalized. It’s a different standing in law. That’s correct. I understand how that works. Now if you. Go ahead, Gordon. Yeah, I understand how that works. Because no capitalized name is referring to a corporate name. Corporate names, you have to be dead, legally dead. It’s a trick that the bar society pulled on everyone. So if you’re legally dead, you have no rights at all. And that’s by capitalizing the name. It’s the surname that traps you. An all capitalized name on your birth certificate or whatever document you have means that you are legally dead and you have no voice, you have no rights.

And this is the stunt that the bar society does. They’ve done it worldwide. No. Okay, so I have a question here. Is this. I mean, because everybody talks about the constitution of 1871, and I don’t necessarily. I don’t subscribe to that, but are you saying that it was the amendments, the 14th and the 15th amendments that really created that corporate structure? Well, you can’t have a government without citizens. And what they did is they. They stole the citizens, some of the organic republic, and they created a new one. And I break it all down on the website.

I have a website that I was going to teach off of. It’s completely free. There’s no donation page. I want nobody’s money. I spent over 100 hours putting this up and I already know the research. It took me that long just to find credible links. Everything’s dot gov and except for one link, and I’ll point that out when we get there. You have to join the Library of Congress and it’s free in order to view this document. But I do have it PDF’d in case you don’t want to do that. But this is my life’s work, my obsession.

You know, any other era of time. I know about 1933 and 1913. I have no interest in any of it. But all of that happened because of this. If it wasn’t for this, this is the. That’s just fruits of the poison tree. This is the tree. Without this jurisdiction, none of that could have happened. If y’all could. I’m gonna be teaching off my website matrix fraud. Calm. Okay, hold on a second here. I’m gonna go to matrix fraud.com. yes, sir. And that is spelled mat for anyone in the audience that don’t know how to spell matrixfraud.com.

all right, so what I’m going to do here then is I’m going to go ahead and share this screen. And this website advertises nothing. It’s not a money thing for me. Every American has a right to know because they lied to us in school about history. And this is where everything went best. Everything went south. This is the jurisdiction that allowed everything for the mess we have today. Almost every complaint that tea parties had when I used to teach tea parties comes from this jurisdiction. That’s why I say they’re just fruits of the poison tree. You get rid of the tree, the fruits are gone.

There’s no jurisdiction for it. Okay. Is this. Is this the. Do I. Are you able to see the screen? Because I’ve got it under the blog and it says, the post here is January 27, 2024. And it’s. Here’s the question. And it goes down. Is that where. Is that where we’re going? Yes, sir. And on every link I have two things. I have the document already PDF and highlighted right to that point of law. For a couple reasons. Some people don’t have the patience to watch more than a five minute video. They’re not going to read twelve pages of something, you know, and.

But the link verifies the credibility. Like, you go to the first link, you see memories, dot log, dot gov comma. That’s a library of Congress that’s very credible. You know, it’s either that link or it’s going to be a. So everything I verify is facts. There’s no hearsay. There’s only one opinion that I will give and I’ll tell you, it’s my opinion in the summation of this and it’s just an opinion, but it’s many years of research is based on it and it’s the reason why I. They keep the fraud going and the illusion of us having a constitution.

And that is because they never could take our guns. The first year they tried to take our guns was that year you mentioned 1871. At once, England took over. They’ve been trying to ban them ever since. We’ve got over 420 million guns, over 300 million people. The largest standing army in the world. They have to keep this illusion going until they can disarm us somehow. Once that’s done, I believe the illusion was. Will vanish also. But that’s my opinion. Not everything else I teach, there’s a document to prove it. And every one of my students I had in the past, I give my word on this.

As long as you don’t go to the right or to the left or add or interject any opinion into what is on my website and teach everything just as I have it laid out. I don’t give a dang how many letters somebody has after their name. They will not prove you wrong. I have a Ged and I. Shut up. A retired federal judge who is running for us House representatives in front of 3000 people. When we debated about the 14th amendment, when I ran for us Senate in 2010, I’ve never lost a debate. And you put up bounties.

Anyone who could counter this information. And it was sizable, some of them. Yeah. One was 138,000, and no one could take it because they could not prove it to be false. So let’s continue from there. So y’all ready to start on proven? I mean, on matrix fraud.com, y’all there? Everybody is he. Everybody is here. Bruce, again, please make a slight adjustment on positioning of microphone and where you’re speaking, the distance, because we are, unfortunately, and people in the audience are verifying this. Unfortunately, we are still dealing with staticky issues, and it’s not consistent. It comes in and it comes out.

So I don’t know where else to go here. I’ve been running checks while you guys been talking in the backgrounds, and everything is solid on our end. It’s coming from your end. Sorry. But let’s. Let’s just try to make some physical adjustments and see if it’s better. This is basic as it gets, and I don’t understand. Well, we’ve had it in the past. When I was going to do a show, someone had their entire system fried. You know the guy, you talked to him yesterday. You know, and it’s a brand new system. It’s like $30,000 went up in smoke or something.

Can y’all hear better? I. Reposition the phone. Reposition the phone again, please, because it’s. It’s, like, very staticky. And here’s what it is. It’s. It’s. It’s just staticky. It’s like you’re ahead. Okay, I’m trying. You’re getting. You’re getting reverb and ecstatic. I mean, we can. We can understand what you’re saying, but it’s just not clear. All right, copy that. Yeah, go ahead, ghost. Go ahead and continue. But, Bruce. Go ahead and let’s try. Okay, I start the website off with a question, and I’ve asked quite a few people this question. A couple of them have been celebrities.

Couple of them has been politicians. A lot of them have been average joes. Some claim to be constitutional scholars. Here’s the question. They create a different government. In 1867, they had to replace the. When the constitution established in 1791, when it went into effect, the 39th Congress did that. It was the reconstruction acts of the 39th Congress. And as you can see by the first length that’s highlighted, the document below, it was a temporary military government made only for the eleven rebel states. You can’t show me where that government has ever stepped down, and you can’t show me where that government has ever been repealed.

So how’d the other 39 states get the same government. Why don’t we have two governments in this country? Interesting. Yeah. You’d be surprised some of the so called constitutional scholars that fell out their chair when they. When I answered that question with much more education than me. Like I said, if you stick to these documents, I don’t care how smart or how many letters they have after their name, they will not prove you wrong, long as you don’t add any opinion and just state of the facts. And that’s all I do. Beautiful. And as you can see, the reconstruction acts are right there.

Now, right below the reconstruction acts, when you scroll down, you see the next link. It goes a Yale law University. It actually is the answer to my question. April 24, 1863. Right there. Right there. Wherever you’re at right now in this position, stay and don’t budge. It’s it’s clear, but I keep getting static from the comments. But continue. April 24, 1863. If you click on that, Yale Law University, LinkedIn, avalon, yaleproject.edu. you see, Abraham Lincoln enacted a martial law jurisdiction, wrote by Francis Lieber, a German, not an american, his former law partner before he won the presidency against Judge Douglas.

Article one and two suspended the law of the land. We know what that is. Our constitution until the treaty of peace is signed. Article 32 makes clear that in order to settle the permanency of this change, it must be. A treaty of peace must be signed. It’s all highlighted in yellow. Okay, now scroll down a little bit more. We have NP’s dot Gov Nationalpark services. Dot Gov, a branch of the Library of Congress where presidential speeches and debates are stored. There was no where. Is this. This the link right below. Okay. All right, all right. Okay.

That’s fine. I just want. Because I was on the Yale site. So, yeah. If you scroll down to the next link, it’s NP’s Dot gov. I’m there. Nationalpark services. Dot Gov. Dot. It’s a branch of the Library of Congress. And like Lincoln’s first inaugural address, his debates with Judge Douglas, all five of them, everything’s in. Is stored there from the Library of Congress. The second paragraph, first sentence, says no treaty of peace was ever signed to end the civil war. Now, if you go back to Yale, that was a requirement to settle that martial law jurisdiction.

That’s why the other 39 states don’t have a different government. Now, this jurisdiction, I’m going to show you the document as we scroll down, because everything’s here. And they. And they use that martial law jurisdiction and made a fake executive order number six, that the president never signed a, which is actually what said ratified the 14th amendment. It was never lawfully adopted. I have those links also. We’re going to cover all that. Everything’s law driven. I don’t deal in hearsay. But one thing I will say is trying to teach the 14th amendment, they teach so much fake history, the first thing they’re going to do is think you’re a racist because they teach in school.

Now, this amendment is what gave us equality, and that is completely horse manure. What gave us equality was the Civil Rights act of 1964, which is another load of bullshit, too, but that’s another day. It’s a topic for another day. You know, this amendment was said to be ratified in 1868. So let’s look at the facts. Who was supposedly declared equal in 1868? Not the native Americans. They were slaughtered for decades. As I point out in my paragraph here, half this country’s gender was female, at least at that time. They didn’t get equality. 50 years later, they had to fight to get their right to vote.

110 years later, the women’s lived. They had to go through a bunch of protests to get equal work for equal pay. The Asians were locked up in internment camps during World War two. They didn’t get equality. The blacks, all the way until 1964, didn’t have equality. In fact, this is the only jurisdiction that America has been ran under with laws and courts and all of that since July 28, 1868. That means this jurisdiction, from 1868 to the Civil Rights act of 1964, enforced every racist law in America. The different punishments for the same crime, the different bathrooms, the different schools, Miss Parks getting arrested for moving to the back of the bus.

This is the jurisdiction that did all of that. And it’s just. It’s terrible that they teach. This is what gave us equality. It’s like teaching Jim Jones Juice was actually vitamins. I mean, it’s a racist amendment, at least for the first 96 years of it said ratification. But I point that out. Common sense would tell you I’m not wrong. Now, the next. Now I scroll down. I show how the third 13th Amendment was passed with the vote of eight southern states, which shows that this was not about slavery. In fact, when the lee surrendered a grant at Appomattox courthouse April 9, 1865, the said emancipation proclamation from September 22, 1862, went into effect, and the southern states no longer lawfully had slaves, although out in the woods somewhere, they probably still did.

So they didn’t hear of the news at that point, but four northern states or two border and two northern states, Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri, still had slaves. The last state to have slaves was New Jersey, if I remember. If I remember correctly. Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland and New Jersey. Yes, sir. Well, all four of those states had to give up their slaves when this 13th amendment went into effect. Correct. More southern. Two of them fought for the north throughout the entire civil war. Another thing that’s very interesting that people don’t realize is that when West Virginia, which essentially seceded from Virginia because they wanted to be with the north, when West Virginia seceded, they came into the union as a slave state.

That was never a lawful state. That’s our first unconstitutional state. Interesting. I didn’t, I’ve never heard that argument. Three of the US Constitution states that they had to have the state’s permission and Congress’s. Congress’s permission in order to form a new state. They didn’t have Virginia’s permission. They fought Virginia. Well, Sam.com. i have a video that’s like five minutes, four minutes and 55 seconds long. I did it in under five minutes. No lawful states in America. That’s the first state I point out, according to the Constitution, article four, section three, no state shall be formed within the borders of an existing state without the consent of that state.

That state and congress. Okay, but, but at that time, hadn’t Virginia seceded? According to Texas versus white? They never succeeded. When did Texas versus white. What was that? When was that? I’m sorry. US Supreme Court, 1869. Texas versus white said the southern states never had real unlawful governments. The ordinance of secession was complete null and void. Okay, well, but that would. But then that would have been retroactive, would it not? Because when Virginia, or when West Virginia came into the Union, wasn’t it like 1863 or 1864? I think it was 1862, but it was during the Civil War.

Well, it was during the war of normal. On that video one. Dirtyunclesam.com. i’m just saying. I’m just saying if. If Virginia, if West Virginia came in as a state, if they, they broke away from Virginia, who was at that time, they had seceded, then the, whatever that court case was, forgive me, I don’t remember it. Texas v. Wide. I think what you said, that that court case would have. Would have had to retroactively apply to Virginia. And I don’t think that. I don’t think you can make law that’s retroactive. I gave you something to think about.

All eleven southern states that said to have joined the confederate states of America repealed their state constitutions with the ordinance of secession. Now, if the ordinance of secession was completely null and void, like Texas versus White said in 1869. At that point, those southern states were two, three constitutions into the future. Some of those organic constitutions go all the way back to the beginning of their statehood, and they were ratified by House and Senate and signed by the president, which means, according to article six, paragraph two of the US Constitution, which state, which would make it supreme law of the land, which means those constitutions were never lawfully repealed, which means all eleven southern states are operating under a fraudulent constitution.

Hmm. Yeah, that’s. No one’s ever addressed that in the past 150 years. Can I ask you this is. This is an opinion question. What is your opinion on the. On this. On the. On the confederate states ability to secede? Do you think that they have the right to secede? Georgia pointed out that when they became a state, they signed an agreement that they could leave the Union because they were one of the original 13 states. It’s in the house, general. I have that on prove it’s real.com dot. Yeah, and I’m glad you said that because, I mean, there’s so many people talk about.

So many people talk about the. You know, all the south seceded. Nobody wants to talk about how the northern states almost. You know, they almost seceded. The New England states almost seceded over the war of 1820, and the New England states actually threatened secession, like two or three times prior to what they call, what they quote, the Civil War. Well, we’re still under the Marshall power jurisdiction of the civil war, so they’re using that to trump everything. Yeah. And I’m. I am. I am. No, I am no fan of Lincoln. None at all. I digress. Go ahead.

Now, if you scroll down a little further, I point out how can the 13th and 14th amendments both be lawful? And I raise a pretty good argument there that I don’t think anyone can refute, but I would like to see him try. See, the 13th Amendment was passed with the vote of eight of eleven southern states. And then during reconstruction two years later, they claim the southern states didn’t have railroad lawful governments, ten of eleven southern states. So they replaced their governments because they refused to adopt the 14th amendment, and the new governments adopted the 14th Amendment.

So if the southern states didn’t have real or lawful governments, then how did the 13th Amendment pass? When, had it not been for eight of the eleven southern states voting for the 13th amendment, ratification would have failed. Georgia was a deciding states. And if they did have lawful governments, then they overthrew lawful governments to ratify this amendment. Which would be treason. So either the 13th amendment can’t be lawful or the 14th amendment can’t be lawful. They both can’t be lawful when you look at it from that position, can they? Yeah. That makes now, and I’ve never once heard any of these scholars, professors, and all these know it alls ever once addressed this.

Not once have I ever heard anyone address it at all. Now, the next. I. I really need to get you, Bruce. I really need to have you on with my constitutional guy, Bruce. Or Doug Gibbs, because we teach the constitution on my channel every Tuesday, and when we go through the constitution, when we’re done, we just. We go back through. And I’ve never heard the arguments that you’re presenting here. This is really fascinating stuff. I’m obsessed with this 14th amendment. I’m obsessed with it. I mean, it’s. I’m very ocd about it. I mean. Well, I give you some history of why I went this route.

In 1980, I had a school teacher in northern California, Miss Keelan. I was in a small, small town called Millville, and 7th and 8th grade was the same classroom. Our teacher was also the principal. She came out of retirement, she was in her seventies, and she was a retired school teacher, and she hated the fact they changed history after World War two. And she taught her class with 1936 history books after World War Two. Shit, they changed history. They’ve been changing history since, you know, all throughout. But World War Two was when they really started to go hog wild.

And in this history book, it stuck to me. It said that the southern states were forced to repudiate their war debts. Okay, let me. Somebody’s got somebody. A ringer on or something. Yeah. Please forgive me. Let me interject. Let me interject here really, really quick. I need for Ron or maybe ghost or somebody to check your phones for messages that are coming through, or a microphone on a secondary device that is left on. I think that that may be the issue that we’re having. There’s nothing here on other than one phone and a computer that is not linked to anything.

That’s it. Let me try something very quickly. Hear anything good out of this? No, that’s. That’s. That’s. That’s. That’s far worse. This is the best we can do. Okay. All right, we got to work with. Now, like I said, everything I teach is factual. You scroll down to the next link, and it’s like a cartoon character there with a fellow with a suit and a briefcase. And once again, it goes to the Library of Congress right there is the link, and then below it, I have the highlighted document from 1862, where Congress redefined the meaning of the person, the word person.

To include definition. To include the definition corporation. I’m sorry. Is that the link? Memory dot loc dot gov? Yes, sir, that’s the Library of Congress. So that is. That link is broken, is it? I might have to go fix. Go find another link then that link is broken. All right. Actually, let me try to do. Let me try to do this. I go through the Library of Congress and find a fresh link and put it back up. I got to do this every once in a while. Let me see if this works. No, I didn’t work either.

I was just trying. I tried to do something with the file name, but it didn’t work. You see the document? What was the file name? Partnership, firm, or corporation? Well, Congress redefined the word person to include the definition core, partnership, firm, and corporation. I’ve got the document highlighted below the cartoon, and it has. Oh, okay. I do see that. We can just use that then. Yeah. Chapter. This looks like 1862. So you could research it. What page 460? I mean, everything’s there. You need that. You could find it yourself, but I’ll fix the link. Thanks for pointing that out.

Now, see, they did this years in advance. They did this for an amendment that they hadn’t even passed for six years later. Now, I give definitions so you understand what you fix and read. United States according to title 28, USC subsection 3002, part 15, a means of federal corporation. Now, the Supreme Court did give three different definitions for the legal term United States, but in law, it’s a federal corporation. And as you know, jurisdiction means authority right below it. Now, the first sentence of the 14th Amendment, you can understand what it means. You know, you have all persons, which now, you know, means corporations born.

Corporations are born or naturalized in the United States, which is, we just point out as a corporation subject to, which is a legal term. I have a right up there. It means inferior to, obedient to, governed by, affected by, and accountable for. That come from black’s law dictionary, fifth edition thereof are citizens of the United States and of the states where they reside. Now, if you would have read that before I pointed out the meanings of United States person subject to, you know, you might have derived a completely different meaning. Bruce, let me ask you another question.

Is this essentially meaning that the state or that the federal government now has authority over the states? Yes, sir. Matter of fact, the states know the states no longer have any sovereignty. Of course not. Matter of fact, I can. I believe I could successfully defend. There’s only one state, Washington, DC. In 1864, Congress. I don’t think I put it up. I need to go put it up here. Congress redefined the meaning of the word state to include the definition district of Columbia and territories. So if your corporate, corporate personhood rests res and rem in the municipal corporation of the District of Columbia, a federal corporation, United States.

If you’re that, that would be. If you’re a citizen of the United States, then possibly there’s only one state, right? Yeah. I mean, it’s an argument. You know, you might put up an argument against me that I can’t refute, but this is going to be a hard one to get past once you learn, you know, how they kind of reworded things. And this is all done with a Marshall power jurisdiction that’s never been relinquished. And then I show a court case up there, if you want to read it, where a corporation is a person within the 14th amendment, and it’s highlighted so you can just go right to that document.

Well, remember, I’ve said many times in the past that we are still in a state of emergency. Yes. Banking holiday of 1933. This is what made it that easy to do that and to leave it in force. This is why you have such a plethora of. Of executive orders coming out of the executive branch when that should not be the case. This is because it’s essentially. The president is almost a dictator at that point. Exactly. Can a state create its own sovereignty? And that’s a question from J. Rankin. Zero one. Yeah. Yes and no. I mean, I.

I mean, we’re still under a Marshall power jurisdiction. And that would supersede, you know, like I pointed out, under general orders 100 that supposedly, you know, suspended the law of the land, which we know that to be the constitution. But at the same time, that isn’t the framers intent, you know? So I don’t know. It’s a. I would like to think so. I like to believe so. I like to believe there’s some sovereignty. I mean, this. This, you know, available to us, you know, but if nothing else, we need to get this treaty of peace signed.

Okay. Gordon, I think, could weigh in on the ability to find sovereignty and to then put yourself in that jurisdiction, which is a worldwide jurisdiction. Gordon, what would you have to say about that? Yeah. With the problems you’ve got there. The thing is that you’ve got a corporate government. A corporate government makes and void any sovereignty. So that’s your problem. And this is all this goes back to the bar members. The bar members have got an oath to London in the city of London. Not to, not your cons, not to the constitution of the United States or anything.

So their. Their job is to keep you enslaved to Rome. Now the only way you can get out of that basically is go back to the state, become a state national. Because in the constitution, when they talk about persons, a person refers, according to the Bible, God has no respecter of persons. A person is a dead entity. That would have been of the 1611 revision, wouldn’t, wasn’t it? Yes. That’s when. That’s when they. This is when they fucked everyone over around the world. The Bible, it refers to the person being not of no respective. Sorry, God is no respecter of persons, as it’s mentioned many times in the Bible where they.

Where they trapped everyone. This is worldwide in the english speaking world. Well, anyone that uses the Bible. In 1666, the Setake trust declared everyone to be dead and lost at sea. So if your class is being dead, what hope you got? You’ve got to prove you’re alive. And I believe in the states by becoming a state national, which means a non corporate. Then you’re alive and you’re out of the trap. Let me ask a question real quick, Bruce. Somebody made a statement in the chat. It says, all this sounds great, but it means nothing with a corrupt congress.

And I would actually argue, and let me make a little side twist of that. What can we do with this information? How can this help us today, you know, solve our current situation? Well, the problem is most of the people out there that are smarter, more educated than me don’t know any of this. I mean, I’ve taught professors that are way smarter than me. They didn’t know any of this. You can’t fix the problem if you don’t know it exists. Congressional record, page 15,646. Judge Lander H. Pereze. Basically the solution for this problem, which we’re going to get to.

I have that congressional link on here as well, says public awareness must be aroused and aroused to the point that they demand remedy. Nobody’s going to demand remedy. If you have no idea, you know, if you learn this knowledge and you tell nobody, no one knows that they don’t know anything’s wrong. Okay. And so, and so to that point, to that point, if people don’t know anything is wrong, then how. Then. Then this really means nothing. I mean, nothing is going to change. I mean, the way I look at this is you have generations of Americans who have been taught a lie.

Their grant. Their great grandparents were taught it. Their grandparents were taught it, their parents were taught it, and then they were taught it. You know, I mean, five, six generations deepen, and, you know, now it’s like, it’s. It’s. It’s basically, it’s just been. We’ve been propagandized for so long that we don’t know which way is up or down, and we don’t know what is truth. And so you try to tell this to somebody, and they’re gonna look at you like you’re batshit crazy. No, 100%. Listen, I’m not questioning you. Not at all. I’m just. I’m simply saying, the point is that until.

Until a big chunk of Americans get on board with this, that we can affect change. I mean, do you think an article five convention could resolve this? Only. Only if they’re aware of the facts. And I’ll give you a way that it can be utilized for those who are actually working on these issues in the shadows. And they existed, but they don’t have everything. You have to assume that based on responses, based on how things are being governed at this moment. I’m not talking of anybody in Congress. There are others, once they understand this basic aspect, and the ones who wanted this, once again, your only real enemy out there, and everyone’s real enemy out there is those who have claimed and maintained the right to issue currency.

Again, privately owned supranational entities. You know, some of the names involved, they’re not your primary movers and shakers in that world, but you see the end result of what they’re all partial owners of in BIS, the central banking system at all. So, again, this is why I point this out. It needs people like Bruce and others with their specialties to come in and to make this palatable. But what publisher is going to publish it? We’ve already been through that maze. It’s going to have to be a foreign, say, renegade type publisher. There’s a few of those identified.

It will receive nothing but backlash in the. What do you want to call the media? Media means nothing. It means nothing. If you’re getting your information from those pipelines, you’re still stuck. This has to be handled internally and in positions that can step outside of jurisdiction in order to affect its application. It’s not an easy, easy subject. It’s not an easy way to do it. There is no easy answer. This is why I always preach, study, study, and I name the number of books that everyone should have. Anytime you get offered a I don’t care if it’s a contract for repair of your car beyond your, like, we’re seeing a flood of these commercials.

They’re taking advantage of a market that is developing because people are not buying new cars as fast as they used to. But you got to read the fine print in all of these, and don’t read it as if you’re reading it from a novel or a non fiction book on fixing your house or any of that. You have to read it looking up virtually every word so that you know what they’re saying as opposed to what you’re interpreting by mere assumption. Never assume in any contract, anything. Anything. I’ll leave it at that for now. I’ll come in on that, that very point there.

We have been so dumbed down with our education. People 200 years ago were better educated then than we are now. And this has been by design, with less education. Yes, well, we call it education, but it’s just pure bullshit. We’ve been taught. It’s indoctrination. It’s indoctrination. It sure is. And this constructed fraud, which has been going on for a long time, and if you want to trace it back, it gets back to the international bankers who work on contracts only. That’s why you got a contract. You’ve got a contracted government. It’s a corporate, corporate. Anything that’s corporatized, it only means that they operate under contract law, and that’s how they’ve trapped everyone.

You think you’ve got a right to vote. No, you don’t. You’ve got a right to be a good little slave, because you don’t know that everything before you was a contract. Everything. Voting only proves the point. Every time you vote, you’re just approving what’s been done by the corporate government. Actually, not to sound insulting or nothing, but the 14th amendment created a different form of slavery. It made you a debt slave, an economic debt slave. In old Rome, if I wanted to borrow money from you, let’s say, buy a farm or something, it was traditional back then for me to pledge my labor in the event I defaulted on the loan.

And in old Rome, that was known as a person. Like I said, Congress redefined the word person to include the definition corporation. Now, if you go to section four of the 14th amendment, it created the national public debt, which is like, at, what, 30, 40 trillion, whatever. Now, I don’t pay. I don’t stay up with it. It’s ridiculous. The middle of the 14th amendment, section four, says you have no right to question the validity of the public debt. It comes out of your paycheck every week. It comes out of your paycheck every week. Your parents paycheck, your grandparents, but you have no right to question it.

You became a debt slave. It’s a different form of slavery. Don’t. Instead of whips and picking cotton, they just let you do what you want, and they take out of your check every week. That’s right. It’s kind of genius out there. And. But, I mean, it’s kind of sucks if you’re the slave. I kind of feel like, um, you know, and I don’t mean any, you know, no disrespect to a lot of, you know, to black people, but the. A lot of the black people have been twisted and they’ve been exploited by the powers that be or social and racial division within the country.

And what they need to understand is that the white common people, like myself and the Hispanics and whoever, I mean, everybody, all Americans, are basically in the same position as they are. We’re in the same boat. The skin color ain’t going to save you 100%. Exactly. So, ready to continue, gentlemen? Yeah, let’s go. Okay. The next link below is your right to expatriate back to the state citizen. So they knew it would be treason to create a different citizen than what the Constitution created. That’s one reason that many people believe that. Know what I know? The 14th amendment was never lawfully adopted.

Courts say it’s a political choice, but they couldn’t force you to be the citizen without leaving a back door. So you can go back to the state national citizen. As Gordon pointed out, there always must be. Remember? And right below it, July 27, 1868, is the link where you have a right to go back to the state form of government. They can’t deny, restrict, impair, or question your right to go back. Now, all these people, they pull over without a tag and throw in jail and call sovereign, sovereign this citizens, and make them look like idiots.

Those are the people that are trying to actually go back to the state citizen. And if they are denied that, then that means the 14th amendment is definitely treason now, because it only lawfully existed, supposedly borderline, by being a political choice, leaving you the option to go back to the state form of government. And if that don’t exist anymore, then it’s no longer a political choice, then it’s treason. That’s right. Now, but if you. If they deny your right to go back to being a state citizen, that means that you’re locked into contract law and with no remedy.

That’s slavery. Yes sir. It’s as simple as that. And look at all these people claiming to be sovereign that wind up in jail and everything else, all trying to be just. Just go under a different lawful jurisdiction and leave the corporate body politic alone. Yes. The governments, the states, the police, they don’t recognize it. They put them in jail, take their cars, everything. And that means that. That means there’s no law, there’s no lawful remedy, no lawful right to go back to. No back door, no right to go back to the state national citizen because they’re denying you.

And that makes it, you’re, you’re looked at as, as, just as somebody who’s batshit crazy. You know. You know, I’m not a big tv watcher, but I watched, I recently just kind of went through like the entire seven seasons of Bosch, right. And I don’t know if you guys have ever heard of Bosch or ever watched it, but I want to say it was either season three or season four when there was a case that involved like the FBI and whatever. And they. This f, this corrupt FBI agent literally like stole some cesium and then pinned it on the national sovereign movement.

Well, the point I’m trying to make is that the, even the powers that be in the media and television or whatever, they literally program this stuff into the tv shows so that people will think anybody who thinks like that is crazy. Yep. It’s like the confederate flag. The X flag with 13 stars. I call it the X flag. The correct confederate flag never had 13 stars. It was only eleven states. If you googled the real confederate flag. And I’m not a southerner. I’m not sticking up for nobody. I’m from southern California. The real confederate flag has eleven stars in the left corner in a little blue square.

And it has two red stripes and a white stripe. Stars and bars. The X flag was a religious christian flag because I think it was St. John refused to be crucified straight up and down because he didn’t think he was worthy because that’s how the Christ was crucified. It was like a little. The Christians have this little cross thing or neck or the fish. That’s just a flag version of it. It has nothing to do with slavery. None of the eleven southern states ever adopted that flag, you know, but everybody actually, it wasn’t. Yeah, it wasn’t, it wasn’t the confederate flag.

It was referred to as the confederate battle flag because the stars and bars looked much too similar to the stars and stripes and could not be distinguished on a battlefield in the fog of war. So they had. They. They got something that looked completely different and used it. They called it the battle flag, but it was never the confederate flag. No, sir. And if I went down the street of Los Angeles with that x flag, especially around watts, I’d be shot, beat up, dead, have everything thrown at me. If I went down the same street with a real confederate flag, nobody would have a clue.

Mm hmm. That’s just how far uneducated. I mean, that’s how indoctrinated people are. It is easier for me to teach 7th graders that have no falsehoods on their head than some of these adults that did 14, 1520 years in school. There were a lot of that. There were multiple flags of the Confederacy, and one of them was called the Bonnie blue flag, which was just a solid blue. Basically. It looked like the. The flag of Vietnam, but it had a blue field with a white star. If you look at the actual rebel flag. Take a look at the actual rebel flag.

Okay? We all know it dukes a hazard, you know, on top of the. Yeah, that’s. That’s. That’s the battle. That’s the battle flag. That’s the battle that he’s talking. That is the battle flag. They basically flew this whenever they were on the offensive, is when they raised his flag, which gave the troops the command to attack. There is no racism tied to this flag, okay? It was all bullshit. It was all made up. Now, if you take a look. If you take. If you remember the movie Smokey and abandoned, okay, when they had the battle flag on the front of that trans am in the front that used to be the Georgia state flag, they got rid of it and they changed it to what’s currently today, the Georgia state flag.

That Georgia state flag from today is actually hell of a lot more racist than the actual battle flag. And if you take a look at it and do some research on it, you’ll figure out why. Yeah, here you go. This is the stars and bars right here, and these are the flags of the confederate states. And then this is the. This is a good picture. If it opens up, it’s got a lot of different flags here. That one that you just. Okay, so if you take a look at that flag right now, and I’ll bring up the current Georgia state flag.

Look at the comparison of the two. There’s like. Yeah, the real confederate flag. The real confederate flag. Exactly. I’m gonna go to all the states because I think that would be a better. Because you’d see actually quite a bit of differences here. You look at the. Yeah, so the. Here’s the. Here’s the Georgia flag and the. The North Carolina. North Carolina. Oh, actually. So it is only the Georgia flag. It is the Georgia flag only, correct. Now, Bruce. Yes, sir. Is that a confederate flag, the current Georgia flag? It’s a strong resemblance of it, but I ain’t seeing eleven stars, are you? Zoom in on it.

Hold on. My God. Can you see your eyes better than mine? Let me see if I can zoom in on this small. Hold on. Yeah, it’s got eleven stars. 1234-5678 910, 1112. 13. So there’s 13 stars on there probably in honor of the. Of the original 13 colonies. Yes. Um, because if you. If you look at, um, just, you know, just if you go and you look at Arizona’s flag and you see, uh, Arizona has the stripes here on the. As the copper star and the blue field and then it’s got the. The resembling the sunset.

Those are 13. And those were the. For the. In honor of the original 13 colonies. And of course that was. I mean, Arizona was the last state to become a state in the. In Conus. And Georgia was one of the original 13 states. That’s correct. Correct. Yeah. Even Georgia’s congress declared in the Georgia memorial to Congress, the 14th and 15th amendments was never lawfully adopted in 1957. And yet here we are as a purple state today, which blows my mind. And it was public awareness, in my opinion. You know, one out of. One out of every, what? 50,000 people might know this.

One of every hundred thousand people might know this. I mean, you’re overweighted by fraud. Public awareness needs to be aroused. We have the modern technology. We got social media. You know, we could get it out there. It just. Nobody wants to look like the oddball. No one wants to look like the conspiracy theory. That’s why I put facts up, you know, and no one wants to be a racist either. Yeah, well, that’s why I put that thing up about the racism. You know, they throw racist. I hit them off at the past the way I teach, so they can’t come back with that mess.

You know, I point out the racist 14th amendment and how for the first 96 years of a set ratification and enforce the different bathrooms and the different gun laws for the black race versus the white race, different punishments for the same crimes because of race for the first 96 years of a said ratification, that makes it a racist amendment in my book. Interesting. I’m trying to find a question that was posed out here looking over the chat that actually stuck out to me. But I could not, I could not get to it without interrupting everybody here.

All right, so if the corporation. Jesus Christ, Avery. 71 99. If the corporation goes bankrupt, doesn’t that change things? Yes, it does. Well, like I was a gank. A bankrupt corporation cannot trade. And that’s what they’re doing. They’re trading illegally because we are bankrupt. Correct. Of course, you’ve been, how many times you’ve been bankrupt? I know how many, but the audience may not is why it poised the question. It’s just ridiculous. They keep revamping the, redoing the bankruptcy on a regular basis just to get them out of the, so they can start a new corporation. Every time they, they get into a hole, they, Reese, they start a new corporation.

It sounds the same, but the wording is slightly different. Like your original constitution wasn’t the original constitution, which was set up as a corporation anyway. Wasn’t it a constitution for the United States? And then it was changed to of the United States. And they doing pulling this stunt all the time was the first. There’s that Libra code again, sir. There’s that Libra code suspended. The law of the land. Law of the land. Because it’s military code. And that’s how they get out, get around this. They go bankrupt and put the military in to run the show.

And, but behind it is, it’s the same old bunch of rat bag bankers that different presidents have tried to get rid of, because they’re, you’ve only got to follow the money and goes back to the same families in England and France. If you, by the way, one of your compatriots up in New Jersey, uh, fella called Mike King, you’ve probably heard of him. He’s put out a new book called Dixieland deceived. And it explains the financing of the Civil War on both sides. Who very, very, very interesting. Who, who put that out? Mike King. Yeah. Okay, hold on.

Let me see if I can find it, because I, uh, you may not, you may not be aware of this, but I have Mike on my channel every Tuesday night after we teach the constitution. And I have all, I have all of his books. So I’m gonna see if I put out just recently designed, called Dixieland deceived. Bob bought the hard copy. Now that Gordon brought that up. Something that I read in that 1936 history book was when Lincoln made the southern states repudiate their war debts, which means he forced them to default on their war debts.

I do have another 1936 history book where I did find that in that history book. Went on to say the bank of England claimed what was theirs. According to international law, it took possession of Washington, DC February 21, 1871. They incorporated it doing business as the United States. The corporation was given all the power. Was it not inconsistent with the laws and constitution of the United States? Which is double talk. It means consistent. Then went on to say, three years after Congress set up the citizen of the United States for this future takeover. Now, the only other place I’ve ever read that was Ron Paul wrote the us economic history.

Ron Paul wants every american to know part two. The US examiner had it online back in 2009. That’s the only other place I’ve ever read it in my life, except for that 1936 history book my school teacher had. Yep. Someone brought up bankruptcy, and then you brought up about finance and the war. And I remember reading that in that old history book and I’ve never seen it anywhere since. I’ve googled and everything. Never, never could find it anywhere else. Well, Mark King’s got a very good article in that book. Explains how the. The bankers in Europe, it gets back there with the, you know, the usual suspects.

They finance both north and south. They can’t lose. I have a question that just popped in here on my phone. Okay. And again, it’s very elementary question, but people need to know and they want to know, right? So we’re going to answer. How did the 14th Amendment come to be and who was responsible for implementing this garbage? I don’t know, but the wording is. Well, remember, all the laws are written by barristers. Members of. Members of the bar society, which is registered in the city of London, comes under the Vatican. They’ve got an oath to protect the bar and to hell with the fucking constitution.

They don’t give a shit about that. They’re protecting the bar. Wow. So that’s your problem. Bloody lawyers, you can’t trust them. They’re liars. If they’ve got a bar card and they’re taken out and hanging. So once again, all roads lead back to the Vatican. Yes, they do. All rights. Yes. All goes back to Rome when you understand how it’s done. Yes. It’s very, very clever. Jesus Christ. Unless you’re brought into court, say, unless you’ve negotiated a contract with the presiding judge, and I would say do it after business hours, which is nine to five for a court.

Yeah. You have to. You have to get his signature on a piece of paper saying he will or she will defend your constitutional rights. Otherwise they can hold you in contempt. If you demand that they can fine you, they can throw you in jail and you go ahead. They don’t like you rocking the boat. Because remember, the courts, the court is the paper that the, the stuff is written on, not a building. So when you go to court, you’ve been taken there because of a piece of paper and you’ve been misidentified as being dead because the courts can only deal and commerce can only deal with dead things.

If you’re alive, you can’t go to court. It’s out of their jurisdiction. So the trick is how do you prove that you’re alive? And that’s what I’m learning and that’s what the process I’m doing myself to prove that I’m alive. So I’m out of their jurisdiction. Then you’re a true sovereign. Ron, I don’t know if you want to digress to the chat real quick for your folks. Pretty good questions that are flowing. I’m multitasking here, but let me, why don’t you go ahead and go and ask the, if you’ve seen a couple of good questions, go ahead and ask.

So from Bamlo, I’m just going to scroll through a couple here. Where’s that one that I saw? So how can money. Why do we have to, why do we have to pay payroll taxes? The answer to that is we don’t have to pay payroll taxes. Taxes are voluntary, but everybody still does because of fear of what? Going to jail? Well, and first of all, Congress isn’t printing the money. The bank, the Federal Reserve is printing the money and charging interest to the government because they’re loaning it to the government. The whole purpose was to ultimately bankrupt this country to, you know, for its ultimate destruction.

That’s right. That’s how it works. So it brings me back to the original question again, in general, how was the 14th amendment added to the constitution? How? Because obviously, if this is a fraud, which it obviously is, who’s responsible for putting this garbage in there? Ask your friendly lawyers who are sitting in Congress. The trader is the traitorous bastards who occupied, you know, basically all the Lincolnites of the crowd of the House and, you know, the Republican controlled House and Senate that very, very much. You know, they were. Wasn’t it, isn’t it John Marshall? I mean, they were basically disciples of John.

Was it John Marshall? Am I getting that name right? But the point being is that they viewed the federal government as basically the parent of the children being the states when it’s the absolute converse. The. The federal government was born out of the states. The parent are the, are the states. The states have authority over the Constitution. And as I understand it, the Constitution, the federal constitution does not apply to the states. The federal constitution only applies to the federal government, not the states, but the, in order, you know, for people who have desire to have control, they have completely flipped the system around and now they are imposing their will and they’ve made everything look legalese and convoluted, and nobody has.

They’ve made everybody to believe that we are too simple to understand the constitution. And they say, oh, well, you need a constitutional lawyer to be able to understand that. And Bruce, I’m sure that you could testify that, you know, how many people have you talked to who claim to be experts on the constitution don’t know shit about it? Well, how many of these so called experts are claiming Trump can’t run for office because that stuff that happened in January 6. And these are scholars, these are professors, these are attorneys, and they’re all using the 14th amendment to say that he can’t run again.

Well, here I am. I have a GED, I have no college education, and I can prove 20 which ways that the 14th Amendment’s a fraud, that was never lawfully adopted. And these are people with doctoral degrees. Like I said, just stick to the documents and the facts, and these higher learners will never prove you wrong. I gave you my word. Yeah, that’s not. And Ron, to your point, to your point also, is it true or not? And per my understanding, that what basically flipped the switch, as you say, was it that the states, at some point, no matter what their, let’s say, an issue, came across one of the states and they’re like, nah, you know what? We really don’t want to go down this road with this issue.

So we’re just going to handle this, hand this off to the federal government, let them deal with it. Okay. Well, then they turned it around and made it through a way. And little by little, other states started doing the same thing and the same thing and the same thing. And here we are now in the 11th hour, and it’s like, I don’t necessarily think that it was that. I think the seminal moment was the creation of the Federal Reserve, because what that did is that reversed the flow of money. Okay, when you reverse the flow of money, because prior to the Federal Reserve act, what you had was the states collected taxes.

That was the whole reason for having the senators, two senators for every state you had, every state had equal representation the Senate is supposed to represent the states at the federal level, not the 17th amendment. Changed how we elected senators to make them basically glorified House of Representative members. Right. Well, the. When they bypassed all of that, and then what they started doing is they started making the federal reserve money go out to the states. Now, the states needed that federal reserve money. And look at, look at what happens, you know, when there’s, when there’s an emergency.

Oh, well, we need federal aid. You know, send FEMA out here because we need, we’ve got all these people that need all this aid. And so, so, you know, all these emergency management stuff is nothing but a trick to create federal aid for the states. So. And if the schools rely on federal money for their, all their other, all their programs, the law enforcement relies on federal money for all their programs. So what we have is we have a centralization mechanism that is bringing all of the stuff in the states under one, you know, controlled authority.

Jesus Christ, we’re screwed. I mean. I mean, tell me if I’m wrong, guys. You tell me if I’m wrong in that assessment. Bruce. Bruce, challenge me on that. Am I right? Is my thinking rational? Logical? You are correct. Because they’ve convinced everyone that they’re nice little slaves and they’re legally dead on paper, so they can’t object to it. And they keep volunteering. This is the biggest problem. They keep volunteering to be slaves. They keep voting. They keep paying the IR’s. Taxation’s always been voluntary. Abby. Yeah, try telling that to the IR’s. They don’t want to hear that.

Bruce, I think you were accidentally. You were, I think. I think you had been muted or something. Can you respond. Can you respond to what I was saying? About. About what? About the Federal Reserve act and how the Federal Reserve act created a. Reverse the flow of money from the states into the federal government to the federal government out to the states. And by using that mechanism, by, by using federal funds, they have essentially, you know, grabbed the states by the balls and said, you’re going to do what we say or we’re not going to give you any money and you’re going to be broken.

Well, it’s, uh, it’s kind of like they’ve been. I don’t know, they. They stole a lot or the. He who controls the gold controls the law. They took the gold away from us, actually. The Federal Reserve was getting their foot in the door. And then 1933, they suspended the gold. And then 71, they got rid of the gold standard altogether. Useless paper that we call money. That was Nixon. Yeah. Yes, sir. Yeah. But I don’t know. I don’t necessarily know if that was Nixon, per se, or if that was really more of like, you know, counseling foreign relations type stuff.

Basically, you know, dictating to Nixon what he needed to do to kind of, you know, that that was his advisors telling him what we needed to be done to fix the situation. I don’t know if that was Nixon as much as it was kissinger. All these problems that we’ve talked about all come from the jurisdiction of the 14th Amendment. Had they signed that treaty of peace, there wouldn’t be a 14th amendment. You wouldn’t have a federal Reserve act. You would have had a banker’s holiday act. You would have had none of that. These are all fruits of the poison tree.

Like I’ve been saying, the 14th Amendment’s the tree. Where can we go to find out something that you mentioned that. That this, the 14th was never really, truly ratified. It was made to be like. It looked like it was ratified, but it never was really adopted. Oh, it’s something. It’s a. Documents on matrix fraud.com. i haven’t covered half of it yet. I’ve got congressional records and everything memorialized on the House floor that says this. Can we talk about that Louisiana legislator, page 15641 through 15646? Well, let’s bring that back. Let’s bring that back up and. And talk about it here.

No. Okay, so we left off right now. Go ahead. I meant the 14th amendment was never fully adopted according to the US Constitution. Yes, sir. And if you go right below it, I have diet versus Turner under evidentiary support and red letters. And it gives. Where you could find that the first. The first number is the page, the book, and then P would be Pacific reporter, second edition. Then it starts on page 266. But all you need to know is you can just copy them. Just type in diet versus Turner, you’ll find the Utah Supreme Court.

And in red, the Utah Supreme Court pointed out in 1968 how the 14th amendment was never lawfully adopted. The US Supreme Court won’t touch it. So I’m going to read this regarding the 14th Amendment, which the present Supreme Court of the United States has by decision chosen as the basis for invading the rights and prerogatives of sovereign, other sovereign states. It is appropriate to look at the means and methods by which that amendment was foisted upon the nation and times of emotional stress. We have no desire at this time to have the 14th amendment declared unconstitutional.

In fact, if we are not asked to do that, we merely want to show what type of horse that court has to ride to justify its usurpation of the prerogatives of the states. That’s actually a powerful fucking powerful. Wow. Wait, you get to the next. They don’t want to touch this. Are you shitting me? Joint resolution number 48 proposing the 14th amendment was a matter of great concern to Congress and the people of the nation. In order to have this proposed amendment submitted to the 36 states for ratification, it was necessary that two thirds of each house concur.

A count of noses showed that only 33 senators were favorable to the measure, and 33 were a far cry from two thirds of 72 and lacked one of being two thirds of the 50 seated senators. Very interesting. Starting to answer your question, but the next one does even better. Okay. While it requires only a majority of votes to refuse a seat to a senator, it requires two thirds majority to unseat a member once he is seated. That’s article one, section five in the Constitution. One, John P. Stockton, was seated in December 5, 1865. As one of the senators from New Jersey, he was outspoken in his opposition to joint resolution number 48 proposing the 14th Amendment.

The leadership in the Senate, not having control of two thirds of the seated senators, voted to refuse to seat Mister Stockton upon the ground that he had received only a plurality and not a majority of the votes of the New Jersey legislature. It was the law of New Jersey and several other states that a plurality vote was sufficient for election. Besides, the senator had already been seated. Nevertheless, his seat was refused and the 33 favorable votes thus became the required two thirds of the 49 members of the Senate. Jesus. The House of Representatives. In the House of Representatives, it would only.

It would require 122 votes to be two thirds of the 182 members seated. Only 120 voted for the proposed amendment. But because there were 30 abs, 30 abstentions, it was declared to have been passed by a two thirds vote of the house. What? Yeah, that. That’s nuts. This is Utah Supreme Court. That’s insane. So they. Abstentions are counted as non votes. That’s bullshit. Well, this is. This is the argument I come back at. How many people there in. In the parliament, in your congress, are actually lawyers who have got a nose to the bar. It’s a.

For private bloody club. So I’m going to go back to the missing 13th amendment, Bruce, because there are some who suggest that the missing 13, you know, talking about, if you accept the title, and essentially, for those of you who don’t know about the missing 13th amendment, basically it was a title. It was passed in, like, I think was eight. It was ratified by the original states and made. Let’s see, what is it? I think it was. It was. It was made law in, what, 18, like 19 or 1816 or something like that. The point being is that if you took a title of nobility, you forfeited citizenship within the United States.

Now, there are many that believe that that was. That lawyers were. Had the title of Esquire, and if you had the title of Esquire, you forfeited citizenship. Therefore, ergo, that if you were a lawyer, you were not able to be in. You would not be able to be in the government. What’s your thoughts on that? Well, article one, section nine, clause eight of the constitution also forbids titles of nobility, correct? I know that, but, yes, that’s what many believe. And remember when I said the Libra code suspended the law of the land? There’s many people that believe they duplicated the constitution and basically switched it out, the 13th Amendment.

And I think it was Colorado or Utah. I’m thinking it was Colorado, one of those states. I think it was Colorado. When they adopted the 13th Amendment for involuntary servitude and slavery, they put it in their constitution as a 14th amendment because they already had the title of nobility amendment. Their constitution. I want to ask a question, again, a little bit of slight of a little bit of a twist, because I asked earlier if a constitutional convention could fix this, and I think your answer, if I recall, was, well, you know, you got to know what to fix first.

Well, let’s take a. Let’s. Let’s take the assumption that we do know what to fix. Would a constitutional. Would an article five convention be able to fix the situation? If we had the men or men or women to go in and be on that. That panel, you know, representing the states individually, would they would be able to fix it? Treaty of peace. If they’re representing the states, sign that treaty of peace. Remember, the Libra code says in order to settle the permanency of this change, a treaty of peace must be signed. Article 32 makes that clear.

They’ve never signed it. You know, if. If they were given there and they’re representing the states, sign that treaty of peace, let’s get out from, under the martial law jurisdiction. From a war that was never actually declared 150 years ago. Well, yeah. The smallest native american tribe that this said government went to war to, at the end of their confrontation, what do they do? They sign a peace treaty. This war lasted for four days short, five days. Six days short of four years. Over a million people were wounded, over 600,000 dead, and they still haven’t signed a treaty of peace.

And it ended in 1865, April 9. You know, public awareness must be aroused. You know, I would. If I ever come across a lot of money, I’d offer a reward for anyone to refute my research. Something stupid. A million dollars. You know, that would get it out there. You’re not going to call me a conspiracy theory. If you could prove me wrong. Just take the money. I mean, how’s a judge going to send that man to prison for three years away from his family for a bag of pot or whatever? If the, you know, using the 14th amendment jurisdiction, that’s all he or she’s got to do is prove them Emmett is Israel and collect the money.

Are you familiar with. Are you familiar with. What was his name, the guy who did the movie trading places? Aaron Russo. Are you familiar with Aaron Russo’s documentary that he’d created back in, like, 2000 or whatever called the America freedom to fascism? And where he was talking about the IR’s and that there were a couple of IR’s agents that they had questioned, these IR’s agents. There was a bounty of $10,000 to provide a law on the books that said people had to pay income taxes. And these IR’s agents took them up on that and could not find law on the books at all.

We the People Foundation, I think it’s up to 50,000 now. I was a delegate at the Continental Congress. 2009, we the people and I headed the 14th Amendment Committee. And when I walked out, I took half that Continental Congress with me. In fact, Professor Kallenbach, who is very educated, he’s one of those people I taught the 14th Amendment to. He headed the committee because I got in an argument with somebody, and I take martial arts, I did back then, and I threatened to kick the guy in the face if he didn’t shut up. And they asked me to step down as the head of the 14th amendment committee, but I still had to teach the committee because nobody else knew this.

Yeah, he was a real. I mean, he sat there for 2 hours while I’m trying to teach people nonstop. Interrupted me. Then after all of it, he said he knew. He knew I was right. I. You know, I couldn’t teach all these people that wanted to learn because there’s one. Thank you. It sounds to me like it was somebody who was there to actually make it so that you couldn’t accomplish what you were striving to do. Yes, sir. I’m going to say something on the history at the time of the civil war, and I don’t mean to bash this particular family, and I’m not bashing them at all.

I’m just stating what they stated just several years ago. And they were questioned. They were Rothschilds. They were questioned. Did you. Were you manipulating things in this country prior to, during and after the civil war? They said, oh, no, we have. Like you said, we had many agents in your country, but we were not manipulating. Now, anybody who takes that as truth is a fool. You had that component. It wasn’t just theme, it was. It was agents of the british government, french and several other countries. Now, if you don’t think they were playing the compromise game, then that’s been around since pre roman times.

Again, blackmail, extortion, to commit or to provide an action or to administer something that would then manipulate how things turned out. And if we use the 14 amendment as an example, I can guarantee you they were here a lot. A lot of things then were handled through these secret societies. And they can. They can. Your average, you know, 30 degree, 32nd degree, I wouldn’t say so much with a lot in the 33rd in freemasonry in this country, for example, be honest about the history, be honest about what you’ve done as modern intelligence and covert operations are based on a lot of that that goes back to the time of the Knights Templar, a lot of this.

Those who found them threatening, they destroyed them. And what did they do? Defamation. I don’t believe that they were engaging in any of the nonsense they claimed they were. I think that they have become too powerful and too shrewd at the games that were being played against serfdom then, that they were a threat to both the royalty and the Vatican at that time that carried on as freemasonry. And I’m not bashing Freeman, I’m not bashing any of this. I’m saying, look at the reality of their histories and involvements. Why did you have monkey? I always want to call him monkey boy Bush, because he looks like a monkey to me.

Bush Junior. And if he’s. He’s not a junior, but, you know, I mean. And what’s that horse face guy, Kerry, who threw a quarter grenade into a pile of rice, got a piece of shrapnel under his skin that he could have pulled out in the field with his two fingers, but needed that purple heart. He had to get that milieu about him being someone involved in combat, like Kennedy was. He was trying to emulate John F. Kennedy. And then this contacts and family helped him do so when he showed up in a OD green fatigue jacket and sat there and testified as a young man on the, all the stuff that was wrong with the Vietnam War.

No, he was just trying to make political points and a name for himself to jump into that world. So understand, there’s always this human element of manipulation and let’s say very deep influence that has always been there. That’s part of your hidden hand. That is one piece of the puzzle to how the 14th came about. Now, who they might have used to do that, those names would be, you’d find most of those being members of Congress at that time. So maybe some more study needs to be done specifically on who said what and when, who proposed what and when and why they proposed it.

And I think that’s a good way to look at that and a good direction to go in. But we have to get access to older records, older books, textbooks, you name it, all of it applies. Well, let me jump in there for a second and say, you know, it’s interesting when you, when you look at who controls information, you know, what was Amazon initially? What was Amazon? It was just a bookstore. It was a used bookstore initially. Right. Well, you know how. And he sold the books out of his garage in Hialeah, Florida, which was my old stomping ground, I know very well.

But the point. The point is, is that when you go to the used book and into the used book world, who controls that? I dare say that that is basically a, that is the used book realm. And world is an operation within the powers that be to make sure that certain books that come in that are used don’t get recycled, but actually get destroyed because that information is too dangerous to have out in the public. You’re right. There are a few rare book dealers. You’ll find them in New York, Sydney, Australia, a few in major cities across the world who actually, if you’re lucky enough, they’ll have it.

If not, they’ll do. They’ll go to the ends of the earth to find it within their network. And they, yeah, they will sell certain things through Amazon, but a lot of their collections you can find on their own website. One comes to mind who pirated a piece of work I did without my permission and was selling it for $250 a copy. I think Gordon, you remember that when I sent him cease and desist letters and he just basically ignored me. But, you know, be that the case, you know, there’s a lot of shysterism in that world like any other, but if you go to the right rare books, dealerhead, not Amazon, and you can contact them over the Internet, or if you want to make a trip to their locations, they’ll find, if they can find it, if it still exists in hard form, even in private libraries, might cost you a pretty penny, but the information would be in those books.

And they. I have a feeling most of the things that would be needed to show all of this part of it. I want to give an example. I want to give an example. I mean, cut you off there. I want to give an example real quick. This, this is so there, there was a book out there referred to as a racial program for the 20th century or a racial program for the. It was then. This is from Wikipedia. I’m just reading it straight out. Is was the imaginary book title of a 1950s hoax purporting to foreign.

Purporting a foreign communist plot to increase racial tensions in the United States. The hoax gained a public notoriety when a congressman read a supposed quotation from the book to argue against the Civil Rights act of 1957. And so on June 7 of 57, Representative Thomas Abernathy of Mississippi read into the congressional record a supposed quotation from this quote, unquote non existent book, which was purported to have been written by Israel Cohen in 1912. And it said, we must realize that our party’s most powerful weapon is racial tensions. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races for that centuries, they have been oppressed by whites.

We can mold them into a program of the communist party in America. We will aim for subtle victory while inflaming the negro minority as the whites or against the whites. We will endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the negroes. We will aid the negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause. Now, from a zionist standpoint, if you understand what Zionism is, this is right out of their playbook.

And there’s no way in hell anybody’s going to make me believe that Abernathy read out of a make believe book, especially at the height of what was going on with McCarthy in the early 1950s of 57. So it was on the heels of McCarthy. This is where people need to understand that. Wikipedia. Why did this platform that has to run by donations, non civil, subsidized somewhere through private means, which lead to a source operating all this to get this information out there because people are too quick to run to Wikipedia as if it’s a treasure trove of truth.

It is not. No, it’s propaganda. Well, let me, let me just, let me bring it home r1 quick. Because the whole point that I was trying to make is that they, I have tried to find on multiple occasions, I have looked, I’ve scoured the Internet, the dark web. I’ve looked everywhere to try to find a copy of the, of this book. Racial program for the 20th, for the 20th century. Now, Israel Cohen has written several books, but I cannot find a copy of this at all. And so, and because you can’t find it anywhere, it has essentially been deleted from the face of the earth.

But there are, I’ve seen in comment sections where a few people say that they actually have a copy of it, but, you know, I’ve never seen it. But this is what control of the used books gives people. It gives people the ability to go in and take things like this out of circulation and destroy them and censor true information flow. Correct. I just dropped the link in the chat, and this has gone significantly down in price. When I was first made aware of Eric John Phelps book, Vatican Assassins, it was right around, hovering around a little over a $1,000.

It is now. I just put, dropped a link in the chat here. It is now on Amazon selling for $695. Why so expensive? They don’t want you reading this thing. And this is what Ron was talking about, about, you know, books that, and this was 25 years worth of John Eric John Phelps life from San Francisco, California, by the way, who had issues with the certain assassinations that happened back in the sixties. And he said, I need to find the truth and find out exactly where and why this is happening. And he did that. And I’m going to tell you right now, Gordon here knows about this because actually Gordon, myself, and Ghost did a video on Vatican assassins.

We did a review on it. It’s intense. Very, very intense. And when I got to look like the first 35 pages, I had to push it away. My brain could not fucking take it. I’m telling you right now, if you guys out there have not, I know that my fans, that or followers out there from my channel know about this because we did a whole back and forth on this particular book. And you guys that are in here can just poke, post comments in the chat if I’m off base here, but this will tell you a lot about where and why we are where we are today.

And again, this is why I keep saying all the time, all roads lead back to the Vatican. Blew my mind. It’s like drinking from a fire hose somewhere. On my files. I have a PDF copy of that book there. You. Yeah, I know that we’ve. We’ve. We’ve actually uploaded a PDF copy of this books where you guys can have access to it for no charge unless you want to throw a buck to the chat. That’d be cool. I’m kidding. But, yeah, it’s. It’s. It’s available. It’s out there. Uh, who’s in Digi. If you have access to that link or that.

Or that. That PDF. Uh, a. You can dig that up and throw it up here on the chat for anybody that wants to look up and read on it. I think I actually have a copy of it as well. I’m looking for it right now on my computer. I have so much. I have so much storage on my computer. I think I have, like, about 150 terabytes of stuff. But anytime I ever come across a documentary or videos, I, like, I always download them because I don’t want to. I want to make sure that if I.

That if anything ever happens to them, I can always go back and watch it. I don’t see it, but anyway, did you find out? Yes, sir. When y’all get done, would you like. Would you mind reading the last five paragraphs of that? Sure. Not a problem. Absolutely. To that supreme court case. And I also had the pages from that link highlighted, but. Okay. Yeah. Was said to be ratified. It passed by one vote, supposedly. And if you start at. By March. By March 17, 1867, in the last five paragraphs, you’ll see that. You’ll see the fraud behind this.

And like I said, the Utah supreme court pointed this out. The last couple paragraphs was kind of pointed out. And Coleman versus Miller. US Supreme Court, 1939. But they didn’t touch base like they did here. This. This is gold. All right, here, I’ll start. So, by March 17, 1867, the proposed amendment had been ratified by 17 states and rejected by ten, with California voting to take no action thereon, which was equivalent to rejection. Thus, the proposed. The proposal was defeated. One of the ratifying states Oregon had ratified by a membership wherein two legislators were subjected, were subsequently held not to be duly elected.

And after the con, after the contest, the duly elected members of the legislature of Oregon rejected the proposed amendment. However, this rejection came after the amendment was declared passed. Now, pause there for a second. My understanding is that a state can, if they decide to rescind their. They can rescinde their like approval at one time or a ratification. They can rescind their ratification if they have the. If they want, if they so choose. Despite the fact that the southern states had been functioning peacefully for two years and had been counted to secure ratification of the 13th Amendment, Congress passed the Reconstruction act, which provided for the military occupation of ten of the eleven southern states.

It included Tennessee from military, or it excluded Tennessee from military occupation. And one must suspect it was because Tennessee had ratified the 14th amendment on July 7, 1866. The act further disenfranchised practically all white voters and provided that no senator or congressman from the occupied states could be seated in Congress until a new constitution was adopted by each state, which would be approved by Congress and further approved that each of the ten states must ratify the proposed 14th Amendment, and the 14th Amendment must become a part of the Constitution of the United States before the military occupancy would cease and the states be allowed to have two seats in Congress or have seats in Congress.

By the time the reconstruction act had been declared to be the law, three more states had ratified the proposed 14th Amendment, and two, Louisiana and Delaware, had rejected it. Then Maryland withdrew its prior ratification and rejected the proposed 14th Amendment. Ohio followed suit and withdrew its prior ratification as. As also did New Jersey. California, which earlier had voted not to pass upon the proposal, now voted to reject the amendment. Thus, 16 of the 37 states had rejected the proposed amendment by Spurry’s non representative governments. Seven of the southern states which had their or theretofore rejected the proposed amendment under the duress of the military occupation and of being denied representation in Congress, did attempt to ratify the proposed 14th Amendment.

On July 20 of 1868, the secretary of state issued its proclamation wherein he stated that it was a duty under the law to cause amendments to be published and certified as part of the Constitution when he received official notice that they had been adopted pursuant to the constitution. Thereafter, his certificate contained the following language. And this is exhibit nine. Do you want me to read this whole thing or. Oh, no, no. I was just. That answers your question on how this thing got passed. It never did. It never did. And I got a link right there to the Utah Supreme Court is highlighted, and I’m going to get into the appendix of fake executive order six.

And it’s a credible link. I just checked it out. It’s a. Let me. Let me finish. I’m going to finish here because I’m in the red. So the 14th amendment was now. Was not proper. Is this. Is this a continuation or is that. Is that it? Let me see. I went past that. Yeah. Well, no, this is the next document. Okay, then I’ll. Cr’s report. It was prepared for committees and members of Congress in 2000. It was updated every year until 2012. Until that. Harold C. Ranlaya, where his name is retired now, page five, which is CR’s two top paragraph, makes clear there’s four executive orders that never had the signature of the president.

And I got it highlighted in yellow right there. One is executive order six, the ordered the 14th Amendment ratified, and executive order seven, the certified the ratification and published. And because basically they were fake executive orders that were booked and paged with their presidential directives instead of with the rest of the executive orders. And that link does work. It takes you right to an Arkansas library, an arc, a university. It’s a.edu, i think it’s University of Little Rock and Arkansas and Little Rock. But you can’t find this no more on. On the web. On the government’s website.

They took it down, but a couple universities still have it, so it would be a good one to print. Ron, I don’t know if I’m in the correct screen for what Bruce is reading from. We need to make some adjustments. Let’s do that. I’m at the exhibit eleven. Should I go up or down? Well, exhibit ten is one of the ones I was on. That’s the CR’s report that told every member of Congress from 2000 to 2012 that the fake executive order signed by the secretary, not their president, ordered the 14th amendment ratified. Remember once again, that martial law jurisdiction still exists as only the reason they can do those.

If they would have signed the treaty of peace, they couldn’t be doing this mess. Wow, wow, wow. I’m cure. I’m curious to find out, just based on this 14th amendment stuff and where we are right now in current times and what we foresee coming our way. And this may be. This may be a question for ghosts here. Can we be affected by the 14th based on where we are now and what we see coming? As far as any, I don’t know, protection towards we, the people. What. What do you mean by protections? You know, to have a leg to stand on, basically.

I think, mark, the whole martial law thing is what’s freaking throwing me into a tizzy. These things have to be brought to the attention of, uh, a number of people in office, and they need to take the time to understand all of this. But it was for twelve years and they did nothing. Yeah, that’s true. It’s right. What was, what did you, what did Bruce say that, that from, from 2000 to 2012, every member of Congress got a copy of the CR’s report prepared for committees and members of Congress and nobody but Ron Paul ever said anything.

The US State Department prepared this for Congress. Every member got a copy, said anything. God, I love that man. The greatest president we never had. Yeah. Now right below it, exhibit eleven is presidential proclamation eleven, which is fake. Executive order order six. Now the appendix of that, which is twelve because they’re two different pages, the one page apart in the Library of Congress. My eyes are kind of blurry. Ron, if you could read that. William. William. William Seward, the. Okay, so on appendix on exhibit twelve. Okay. All right. Even points out the things are fraud. And his appendix says, it says here.

And whereas neither the act. Let me see if I can make this leaving a little bit bigger. I can’t. And whereas somebody’s got the video on playback in the background and I hear myself talking to, I don’t know who has that, but if you could please like mute that. And whereas neither the act quoted from nor any other law extremely expressly or by conclusive implication, authorizes the secretary of state to determine and decide, doubtful question as to the authenticity of the organization of state legislatures or as to the power of any state legislature to recall a previous act or resolution of ratification of any amendment proposed to the Constitution.

And then continuing on reading, only the highlighted part, I’m just going to read. And whereas it further appears from documents on file in this department that the amendment to the Constitution of the United States proposed as aforesaid, has also been ratified by newly constituted and newly established bodies avowing themselves to be and acting as the legislatures, respectively, of the states of Arkansas, Florida, North Carolina, Louisiana, South Carolina and Alabama. And where it is further, where it further appears from official documents on file in this department that the legislature of two of the states, first above enumerated, to wit, Ohio and New Jersey, have been, have since passed resolutions respectively withdrawing the consent of each of said states to the aforesaid amendment.

And then you’ve highlighted California, which I think you. Because you said they rejected it, Bruce. Okay. Not sure what happened there. I was on mute. I’m sorry. The reason I highlighted California is because that’s my home state. And as Supreme Court pointed out, California declined ratify voting for it the first time. Declined ratify, declined the 14th amendment the second time. But there it is in the appendix as one of the states that supposedly voted for it. Yeah, but they. Yeah, and they rejected it. Yeah, and it only passed by one vote is what they tell us.

And there’s that one vote right there. Bam. Right out the water, not even going any further. So the 14th amendment is. Should not be law. No. And as far as really addressing this issue, I think the stars are aligning so that eventually. Eventually the military will have to come out and be the arbiter of this. Any rapid, stark changes to all of this would have to be done through. And they have the jurisdiction because basically things are. Should be run through army civil affairs as the way the states stand now. And do we do that? No, we don’t.

Is there an influence from that arena? What it is now would be very hard to tell. But with things as they truly stand at this time in history, they should be able to through civil affairs simply through even like a Nuremberg type investigation before trials. Go through all of this and see that, well, their employer is not doing their job as it should be. And this, all this, in my opinion, the best and most direct way to deal with all of this would be through some type of military intervention. What events caused that? I don’t know, but I have a feeling we might possibly see a confluence of events that would require them to step out from the shadows and say, you know, this is where we really stand in all of this.

This is our authority, and this is what we’re going to do. And I know there are generals out there who would disagree with what I’m saying, but if they understood this material and more oath. Yeah. And keep their oath, they would find that it’s their duty to do this, whether active or retired. I’ll leave it at that. Now that, because I think we wanted to keep this at a. What was the time frame that we wanted to keep this at? Was it two or 3 hours? 3 hours. Okay, here’s the deal we’re coming up on. We’re coming up on 2 hours now, and we’re not even halfway through the document.

Yeah. We may want to consider doing a part two to this if it. If at all possible. What are your thoughts on that? Like, stopping here, like pausing here and then coming back and doing a part two where we pick up. Where we pick up from exhibit 13. Yeah. That’s where the president even says that the 14th amendment was never presented to him to sign or veto. That’s a requirement. Yeah, I’m going to propose that we kind of like, maybe do a little bit of. Bruce, I’d like to have you kind of do a summation of where we are and then come back and then do a part two of this.

We go back through some of this other stuff. I know that, Gordon being in Australia would be a little bit of a challenge, but I’m willing to work around schedules if you guys are any. Hold on. They’re muted. I’m sorry I was muted. I had to push the button. I tell you something. I give you all a homework assignment for part two, the listening audience, that if you really want to wrap your mind around this, scroll down the exhibit 15. I just checked. The link works. Page 15641 through 15646 memorialized on the house floor, Judge Lander H.

Perez, the Louisiana legislator, declared, the 14th, the 15th amendment was never lawfully adopted. This thing’s law driven. It gets book and page to every house and senate journal and so forth. And like I said on the last page, 15646, basically the remedy is public awareness must be aroused to the point that they want this fixed. And, you know, nobody wants to open their mouth. Nobody hardly even knows this. I’d be happy if one out of 10,000 people knew this. But this to your point. To your point, Bruce, you know, people are more concerned. Well, number one, the dollar has been devalued to such a degree that people are operating on just an enormous amount of stress because they can’t pay their fucking bills.

Then you also have. Then you’ve got, you know, they’re so preoccupied with being. What’s the word I’m looking for? Marketed to and advertised to, that they have to have all these things in order to be like, to keep up with the Joneses, per se. I mean, nobody cares about these things because it’s not relevant to their lifestyle. But if they truly understood why it was relevant, it’s kind of like nobody cared about the war in Europe between Britain, Germany, France, and. And Russia until Pearl harbor. And then once Pearl harbor happened, then everybody cared. So we kind of need to have, dare I say, and I won’t say this, I don’t mean it to be like the peanut agreement, but dare I say that we kind of need a Pearl harbor moment so, you know, to bring our.

To bring us to the awareness that we need. Yes, sir. I mean, think about it. I mean, there’s people out there that. There’s large groups, nonprofits, and everything that protest and fight against the fruits of this poison tree. Give you an example. Gun control comes from two jurisdictions, interstate commerce clause and the 14th amendment. Now, in 2009, the state of Montana passed a resolution where they can make their own guns and their own bullets within their state, and instead the, the ATF wouldn’t have jurisdiction. Would the ATF come back and said, yes, we do. The 14th amendment? Yeah, you know, I know that was also happened in Missouri.

And, and there was a. I think there was a suppressor law in Texas that’s kind of going through it right now, where, you know, they want to have their own rules and regulations on suppressors in Texas. If you buy something in Texas and it doesn’t leave the state, then it’s okay. Well, let me give you another example. Before the 14th Amendment, victimless crimes wasn’t a crime. I mean, if you got pulled over and you had a marijuana roach in your ashtray, the state of California or Texas or New York wouldn’t claim to be a victim. You know, the 14th Amendment created victimless crimes.

Okay, we got 3.2 million people, half of them victimless crimes. Very interesting. 14th Amendment income tax. That’s very interesting. That’s a very interesting thought that I hadn’t considered. Now, income tax, that’s based on section of the 14th amendment, pay you part of that national debt. Sir, you’re a citizen of the United States. You owe 400,000 plus dollars on the national debt. Comes out of your check every week. You know, so you got income tax. So you got people that are, they’re upset with income tax that need this information. Somebody who made me, you know, these fair tax or whatever, you know, if we can wake them up with this, they can wake up their following gun control.

I mean, you know, it comes from this jurisdiction. How many different gun groups are there out there that are pro gun trying to fight? If they learn the jurisdiction that is trying to take away their guns was actually fraudulent, passed by a fake executive order, it was never lawfully adopted. I mean, they would have some serious ammo to fight back with. They don’t know this. They’re dying from ignorance. That is what’s killing our rights and our law. They don’t know this. It’s like trying to fight a martial artist, and you don’t know martial arts. This is martial arts.

This is how you can defeat. And they don’t know. I mean, they’re playing with bb guns and they got a cannon here. You know, it’s law and public awareness. I mean, if anyone has any ideas how to wake the people up, that’s how you save the country. Every issue that the tea party people complained about, I used to teach their audience and have the documents enlarged two by three and laminated. And I would point out everything that they complained about, except for something like Social Security or something all come from this jurisdiction. When people are all upset, they’d have all these meetings and, you know, mad about income tax, national debt, da da da.

Gun control was one of the bigger, big, big things at these tea parties. It’s all coming from this. Without this, that wouldn’t exist. There’ll be no jurisdiction for that. It wasn’t for this. This is the giant and it’s a fraud. And the law is in our favor. The law is in our court and nobody knows it. And, you know, the biggest problem is they’re kicking out more indoctrinated people from the universities and grammar and middle schools and college and high schools faster than I can wake the people up with the truth. So somehow, you know, people need to.

We got, we got modern media out there, social media, you know, somebody can look cute and get a million likes. I mean, can’t we get this out there somehow? People, you know, friends, family. It’s not conspiracy, it’s nothing theory. It’s law driven fact. I’ve got a couple links to fix and I’ll get them fixed. I mean, you know, I give you ten grand if you can prove the 14th amendment was lawfully adopted. I got that in my truck. I mean, you can’t. Neither can a professor that taught you. Neither can the school teacher that taught you.

This is. Well, I mean, I think there’s, you know. Are you familiar with the Reese committee? No, sir, I’m not. Okay, so the Reese committee was put out there by Congressman Reese. And I want to say it was late 1950s, early 1960s, and the. Anyway, it was, they were, what they wanted to do was the congress wanted to find out and get to the bottom of all of these like, foundations, what they were doing and why. Why all of a sudden these foundations and all this foundational money was coming in and having so much influence on the government, basically NgO’s.

And the guy, the guy who was put in charge to investigate this, Norman Dodd, you know, he headed up the committee and they went out and they started interviewing all these people. And basically the foundations were extraordinarily open about their desire. They literally said that it’s our aim to merge the Soviet Union with the United States. That was what they were trying to do. They wanted to bring together the best aspects of communism with the best aspects of capitalism into one state. And that was the entire aim of basically everything that has happened, uh, stemming from the call it the, uh, um, you know, the, the progressive era of government.

You know, starting in the early 19 hundreds or late 18 hundreds, um, you know, up until like, you know, up through Woodrow Wilson and then FDR, which is basically China’s model right now. If you really think exactly anything to make domination by the bankster level, they’re going to do it and they’re going to, they’re going to push it through things such as communism or the idea or the underpinnings of what communism really is. There’s many different words for it, exactly, to be truthful. But it’s, it all boils down to an easier system of command and control over the individual.

And all of it’s backed by the threat of violence through fictions of authority, a lot of which came to be because of this 14th Amendment nonsense, this jurisdiction, and dare I say, to add upon that ghost, is that it’s not just the threat of violence, it’s the, it’s the threat of violence that has been monopolized because they have monopolized the threat of violence. And, you know, it’s baffling to me sometimes when you, you know, you listen to like the, I remember, when was it, was it the World Trade Organization? When they had the World Trade Organization riots in the Seattle, in the nineties and all these people were up there, you know, clamoring like, you know, we know we don’t want this.

We don’t want this. And I remember thinking this, that they were a bunch of lefty tree huggers. And I’m like, what are you guys talking about? I think you’re crazy. And then it turns out that they were freaking, right? But a lot of time, you know, the vast majority of people on the left, you know, like say, occupy Wall street. Well, the Occupy Wall street people, they literally, they had it right in the sense that, you know, they want to rein in all this corporate corruption. But what they fail to understand is they literally want to give the government a monopoly on, on the, on the power because they don’t trust the, the corporations.

Yet the corporations and the government are working hand in hand and they don’t see that. I don’t, I don’t understand that disconnect. And you also have to understand the secret police of Wall street, who are they and have been from the beginning. Let that one sink in. It’s all, again, like we’ve discussed many times before. It’s been a slow progression of an agenda. Just because the agenda doesn’t congeal in one’s lifetime doesn’t mean that the primary and prime components have been put into place. Beginning with this onward Federal Reserve act. Another high point in that and a number of laws and acts that were passed from 1921 on.

They gave it a little time to fester during the World War one. And again, the real enemy to humanity is that sovereign banking layer. And it’s quite extensive. People. People want to, you know, and people want to narrow that down to just, you know, one group of people. And while I certainly think that there is, there can be some merit to that in the sense that the vast majority of those who are advocating this system are members of that one group. I disagree with the, with the notion that, that it’s. Everybody of that group is responsible for this.

Somebody’s on. If you’re. If you guys are talking, you’re on mute. I’m here. I’m good. I don’t, I don’t, I don’t under. Um. Let’s see. Gordon, you copy? You there? Yes, I’m on. I can hear you. What I can say is so that all this stuff comes back to contract law, they’re only offering you a contract. Drop that and come back because that’s how they operate. And it’s through stealth and lies that they get you. Okay, well, um, yeah, so let’s do. Let’s. Let’s. Let’s do this. Bruce, why don’t you kind of give us just like a.

Maybe just a quick summation of kind of where we are and then let’s. You guys okay with coming back and doing a part two? I should be cutting this to 2 hours and coming back and doing a part two. Are you guys good with that? Because I think. I think 4 hours would be better than three. I’m okay. Anytime. All right, Gordon’s in the. We can. We can hear you, I think. No, they just cut it. They just dropped. They just dropped. They just. They just dropped off. So. Okay. Yeah, so. Okay, well, let’s just hear them.

They’re back, but. Hello? Are you there? Yeah. Can you hear me? Yeah, the audio is. There’s not. There’s no audio. The audio is not connecting. So. Well, why don’t we just. I’m just going to go ahead and. Armando, I’ll just go ahead and just say, you know, hey, let’s bring it back and try to. Try to resolve some of the technical difficulties that experiencing and then, you know, and then do part two. And I’ve marked. I’ve marked this. This website where I. Where we are, I think at exhibit 13, if I’m not mistaken. And let’s. Let’s come back and do this another time.

Let’s coordinate this over the over the phone. Sounds good. Yeah, let’s go ahead and do that because I don’t know what in the world is going on, but this definitely needs to be addressed. My apologies to everybody out there right now in the stream. This is not how things usually run. Our tech is usually 100% spot on. You guys know this because we haven’t had these issues before, but lately we are running into these difficulties. I don’t have an answer to it, but we will definitely dig into this and get it figured out, and we’ll definitely come back with a part two to continue this.

There’s just too much to cover to go over. It’s like drinking from a fire hose. Uh, hopefully you guys will understand. Uh, so apologies again in advance, but we will make this right for you. Uh, just my people out there, please just stay tuned. Uh, I’ll drop the future release, uh, to part two in discord. In my discord, and, um, we’ll go ahead and make it happen. Yep. All right, guys, thanks. Thanks, everybody, for your time. Again, I want to echo that apology for the. For the. For the technical difficulties, and we’re going to do what we can to get those ironed out, you know, for the next time.

So, anyway, thank you, everybody, for. For your time tonight. I hope you got something out of this, and we will see you again in the very. In the immediate future. So, everybody, enjoy your evening. Take care, guys. Thanks.

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14th 15th Amendments corporate citizen discussion 14th amendment lawfully adopted controversy Congress report 2000 to 2012 corporations government relationship executive orders ratification issues federal gun control income tax origins Judge Lander H. Perez 14th 15th amendments martial law jurisdiction 1863 matrixfraud.com American history research

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