Executive Hires Gun Owners As A Private Militia | Guns & Gadgets 2nd Amendment News

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➡ Guns & Gadgets 2nd Amendment News talks about how  New York County executive is planning to appoint legal gun owners as temporary special deputy sheriffs to assist law enforcement during emergencies. These deputies, who must meet certain criteria, will be paid $150 a day. However, this plan has faced criticism, with some calling it a private militia. Despite the controversy, over 100 applications have been submitted and several individuals have already completed their training.


A private militia? Check this one out. A New York County executive plans to deputize legal gun owners to help law enforcement officers during emergencies. They’re being called provisional emergency special deputy sheriffs, but critics of this are saying that this executive is hiring a private militia. Nassau County executive Bruce Blakeman, that’s Nassau County New York for those keep and score, said these deputies must be over 21 years old, must be US citizens, they must be Nassau County residents, must undergo a full background check, must take a drug test, they must also have a valid firearm license.

Nothing about a license though, which would be interesting. Now they would be paid these special deputies $150 a day for their service. That works out to $18.75 an hour for an eight-hour day. Now this is interesting and I want your opinion on it, but I’m gonna thank the sponsor of the video and it’s Lear Capital. You’ve heard me talk about precious metals and telling you the experts are calling for record high gold. Gold has broken the $2,300 an ounce level. It’s a record. Will it stop there? Nobody knows, but those same experts are calling for it to reach $3,200 an ounce or higher and silver is on the rise as well.

I bought my gold and silver from Lear Capital last year and I’m up 21% on my purchase and I’m planning on buying more. It’s pretty clear the dollars losing value, remember the more that the government prints, then the less our dollars are worth and since 2020 every buck in our wallet has lost 24% of its purchasing power, it’s probably not gonna stop there. That’s why I bought gold and silver. It holds value and can actually increase in value. Buy some gold and silver and store it in your gun safe.

It’s not too late. Call my friends at Lear Capital 1-800-260-5075 or head over to leergg.com. Get their free information, ask them if they still have that $3,200 an ounce gold report I’ve been telling you about and ask them any questions you have as far as buying gold or silver. Give them a call today 1-800-260-5075 again on 1-800-260-5075 or head over to leergg.com. Let’s talk about this private militia some more. Here are some more details about these provisional emergency special deputy sheriffs. That’s gonna be a long patch. Bateman, the executive who is doing this, said quote, they will be trained on the law and use of force and if I were to use them it wouldn’t be for normal police functions.

It would be for protecting infrastructure like hospitals, power plants, mosques, synagogues, and things of that nature so that we could free up our police officers to do other work. Didn’t mention churches. But that’s what he wants these people for and we’re gonna talk about this because this has had some bad things in the past and other areas pop up. Now since this job posting was posted on the Nassau County website back in March over 100 applications were submitted and at least seven that I could find have completed their training and been hired to become deputies and they attended night training sessions at the Nassau Police Department’s training facility.

Now they are mostly former police officers and military members and if they’ve already been hired and the posting was in March that’s not a very long period of time. Your average police academy for people looking to be a cop and do the job is about six months long. These people were trained in under two months. I don’t know when they started but it’s way under two months. Now concerns about many facets of this initiative are being raised from what vehicles will they be driving? Are they gonna be government vehicles if they’re not government employees? What about their sidearms and ammunition? Will they be the same that the local forces have, the local Nassau cops have, or the sheriff’s deputies? But one of the loudest critiques comes from Nassau County resident Sabine Margolis who stated that she had started a change.org petition with over 2,500 signatures calling on Blakeman to quote immediately cease and desist creation of the unnecessary and dangerous militia.

Well sweet cheeks, you are part of the militia. The American populace is part of the militia as long as you’re part of unnecessary and dangerous then your other brother and sister Americans aren’t either. Now in a statement she said this quote, this proposed militia is unnecessary and dangerous. Deputizing gun-owning private citizens for undefined situations Blakeman deems as emergencies could result in vigilantism, friendly fire police deaths from untrained coordinated squads and pits neighbor against neighbor. I’ll say that obviously we can tell what side of things she’s on but I’m gonna tell you she has some valid points there.

Like I said earlier it takes about six months for your average cop to train in the academy and then when they get out of the academy they also go through additional training on the job it’s called a field training period and depending on the department that could be a couple several weeks to a couple months. So the average person on the street gets about you know eight to ten months of training before they’re allowed to go in on their own. These cats a couple weeks that’s it and it’s night classes so it’s not a full-time.

Now I’ll say that if this executive Blakeman thinks that they need more cops to stop the violent crime to keep the Democrat policies from creeping in then do that. Hire more people who want to do good and make sure they’re constitutional because some of them are. Now other towns other cities other states and states don’t do it but cities and towns and counties have done this all along throughout throughout forever that I remember not all of them but some of them will hire part-time police forces and some states have made that not a thing anymore forcing everybody to have the same training full-time training it’s called post police officers police officers standardized training but some places have auxiliary forces which are unpaid basically they do security they patrol schools and parks and report the findings and some places they have arrest powers some places they don’t and I’m not going to list a lot of the issues but you can easily find where specially hired deputies or specially hired cops turned out to be a problem because they didn’t have the proper training.

So what do you the American gun owners think just for this I know that we’re all the militia guys and gals I understand that and if like the the poo really is flung to the fan then then the American gun owners have something to do should departments deputize what they call law-abiding gun owners to supplement their police department I honestly want your opinion on this I say no but it’s not because I don’t think it’s not because I think there’s a difference in the in like I’m special and you’re not or something like that just because of the training issue there’s a huge there was a huge push during the George Floyd riots and the stuff that resulted from that to change police training nationwide because some areas of the country needed to update their training.

I guess is what the powers that be said so if police training was so important this would take a step back that’s that’s my my thought process let me know what you think down below this one is interesting a private militia being hired in Nassau County but is it a private I mean we’re all part of the militia and if it’s being hired by the county it’s public because they’re public entity let me know anything down below there’s so many angles this conversation can go and I’m eagerly anticipating reading these while I’m at a school event for my daughter so help me leaving a comment down below like the video share it subscribe to the channel if you want to stay in the know and up to date on all of the things we talk about here every day God bless you have a great one take care a private militia you might want to pay attention to this one a New York County executive plans to deputize legal gun owners and I didn’t turn on my teleprompter remote so I can’t get to the next line without hitting this button.


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applications for deputy sheriffs appointing legal gun owners controversy over deputy appointment criticism of private militia daily payment for deputies law enforcement assistance during emergencies New York County executive plans special deputies criteria temporary special deputy sheriffs training for special deputies

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