Events Incoming..China Confronts US Battleship.. Pray!

Posted in: David Nino Rodriguez, News, Patriots


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➡ The host announces a temporary halt to his morning show, discusses with Rob Cunningham about the potential financial collapse and digital currency transformation. They also speculate over the tension brewing between China and the US, hinting at a possible conflict using Taiwan as a proxy. The discussion explores the involvement of central banks and leading figures in global world domination.
➡ The text discusses the possibility of political instability within the United States, specifically within the Democratic Party. Speculations revolve around issues with the current Biden administration, potential internal conflicts within the party, and eventual leadership disputes such as the one presumed between Vice President Kamala Harris and California Governor Gavin Newsom. Furthermore, it highlights the potential consequences of these disputes, including distraction from reason and potential bankrupting effects. Ultimately, it underscores the potential need for a new start under a different jurisdiction, possible through military law, if the government is deemed destructive toward the people’s inalienable rights.
➡ The text discusses a spiritual and societal battle between those who operate by principles of freedom, love, and wisdom derived from a Higher Power, and those who seek control through manipulation, fear, and domination, stemming from the accumulation of wealth and power. A significant shift from the old system of control to a new system that values transparency, equality and reverence for life is happening; it criticizes the current system’s manipulation and fear tactics, and highlights the need for individual awakening and growth.
➡ The speaker expresses concern about a system in which people continuously give up their assets, creativity and effort in exchange for “Monopoly money”. He highlights the misuse of fear by those in power to control and manipulate societies. Despite potential hardships, the speaker conveys optimism regarding a future transformation of the system led by President Trump who he perceives as capable and unafraid. He suggests this change might involve the collapse of the old system, including financial markets and fiat currency, to make way for a new one, possibly backed by assets like gold.


You. What’s up, folks, this Sunday morning is it Sunday morning, Rob? I’m losing track of time. Okay, sunday morning I’m taking off a week from the morning shows, so you won’t see me here for the morning shows. I’ll be back Monday, December 4, to continue with the coming at you live. But I wanted to knock out a quick show on things that are coming that I’m looking at right now with Rob Cunningham from the cool show on.

You can get him on Twitter. And I wanted to talk about this a little bit with Rob and just bounce some volley back and forth a little bit with what we see coming down the pipeline. Because there’s some things coming. There’s some things coming. Now, I don’t know if they’re going to be here by the end of this year, but I do see some obviously some kind of financial you said, Rob, some kind of financial collapse, probably before the end of the year.

So, folks, before we get into that, get Your Health with Nino, baby. When it comes to anti aging, we’re all searching for that miracle pill. At least I believe. But believe it or not, I may have found the next best thing. It’s a special type of collagen and is more effective at maintaining skin elasticity, reducing visible signs of aging, and promoting a youthful complexion than most antiaging products I’ve seen.

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Well, when you have a 14 year old and 17 year old daughter and the football players show up and come around, you got to at least stay in somewhat good shape in order to give them a little bit of know, oh, my gosh, that’s oh, God, there’s probably the truest statement ever, man. Yeah, I remember there was a lot of dads that were trying to chase me off, man.

Totally different now. But anyway, Rob, let’s get to this. Yes, sir. So I’ve had a lot of guests on and Pony, the time analyst, and Juan and Scott Bennett and Jacob. And I’ve just had a lot on the just recently, and I’m putting it all together myself. And I’ve always said that there was going to be a vertical leap up just off my instincts. I knew October was going to be a big month, and it was.

I feel like November is kind it’s kind of coasting in November, but I feel what’s your thoughts on coming into the end of the year here? Some kind of financial turmoil. What do you see going down, David? I think the rip cord was pulled from the old fiat debt based matrix system to the new one. And what I mean by that is to go live on the ISO 20 00:22 standards.

What that in essence did is bring absolute validity to entities even as big as JPMorgan that say, okay, we’re going to adopt these standards of transparency and accountability, this new digital asset based internet of value. You’re either in or you’re out. You’re either pregnant or you’re not pregnant. You’re telling me that they’re going to probably pull the plug and switch us to this digital currency that by the end of this year you think what I’m saying, David, is more than 80% of the countries in the world have already left the US dollar system.

They’re de dollarizing. They’re doing the bricks thing, okay, they’re doing the bricks salsa. They’re saying, Look, America is a dead man walking. It’s insolvent. We’re $33 trillion in debt. We’re never paying that debt off. It was never intended to be paid off. It was one big counterfeiting money laundering operation in order to centralize power and control in Washington, DC through counterfeit money and military operations. And the holding company known as the United States of America, Inc.

Was operated by the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the City of London, the Vatican City, the BIS, and we’re just a sock puppet. We have the illusion that we’re the United States of America, that we signed the Declaration of Independence and created that got perverted and hijacked a long time ago, and now it’s bankrupt. And I think the rest of the world, 80, 85% of the world understands we’re not taking your shit paper anymore.

We’re not selling you our goods for your crap. They’ve all left that system. And that’s why the bullponies and the people that believe in sound, honest money with real accounting that everybody can lay their eyes on and see money is a trust system, David. We have perverted trust the world over. We’ve perverted people through wars and counterfeit money and debt and taxes and regulation and you name it.

Whatever they’re doing underneath the ground, and whatever they’re doing with kids and how they’re disappearing and the perversion of everything in life follow it all back to this endless supply of counterfeit money. And then they scare people into submission and everybody gooseteps in line with the powers that be. And 365 times we were told to fear not. But the real currency, David, is fear. And what these jerks have been doing for so long is counterfeiting money and weaponizing fear to get us all to just consent our rights away and forget who we are and forget whose we are.

I feel like something’s getting ready to pop with China. China confronts us. Warship as tension grows. I can’t see the rest of that there. But China’s military said it has driven a US warship from its waters, from waters it claims in the South China Sea at the weekend and accused the United States of being the biggest destroyer of peace and stability in the region. This is just right after Xi Jinping met with Joe Biden.

Okay, so you’re telling me this is not engineered or manufactured. I find this highly suspicious. And my question is, are we getting ready to brace for some kind of conflict with China where they’re going to use Taiwan as the proxy? Do you get what I’m saying, Rob? I feel like this could be the breaking point right here. I’m watching this closely, and I’m like, ah, just right after the meeting.

Look what they’re doing. Look what’s happening here. You got to pay attention to these drips. You know what I mean? What’s your thoughts on this? Well, there’s two ways to look at this. Number one is all wars are bankers wars. If Biden is desperate and we’re insolvent, just like as soon as one conflict over in the other side of the pond ended, a brand new one ended in the middle.

Brand new one started the Middle East to pump. This will be the third one right here. This will be the third one. Here we go. They got a ceasefire in one place. They got to pump some more money over here. The only way they seem to be legally able to print more counterfeit fiat money is through a mechanism of war. Okay, so we were told there’s going to be wars and rumors of war throughout this entire time frame.

This serves two purposes. One, it may be that they’re desperately trying to gas for more liquidity, doesn’t have the resources, and it can’t print the money unless it’s for war. Secondly, it’s also beclouding the current administration and showing the world that China can do whatever it wants to do. Biden doesn’t have any juice. He can say anything that he wants. He’s embarrassed. Look, Chi comes into San Francisco, and our American troops are holding CCP flags.

China. Yeah, but look at this. The incident highlighted the tensions in the flashpoint region and was the first such confrontation first such confrontation since Chinese President Xin Jinping and US. President Joe Biden met on the sidelines of an Asian Pacific summit in San Francisco earlier this month and reported progress. Some of the issues that have strained ties between the global rivals, I feel because remember, 107 has said many times that they have gamed this out.

They know they only have a limited time left with Biden. A limited time left. So China knows this China game this out. So what I’m saying here is, okay, now they’re going to the next phase of this plan. So that’s how I see this going down, in my opinion. Well, I agree with you, David. We have to see that the players on the US. Side are bigger than biden in the White House.

It’s who controls biden in the White House, right? It’s the central bankers and all the folks even above them and all of those that are involved in global world domination. Now, I believe know, she’s not a part of that clan, okay? She’s outside of that. So what’s? The antagonist and the driving forces that are trying to make the conflict look scary are coming from far above even the Biden administration, okay? For good or evil, they’re coming.

Okay, this guy’s not calling the shots. Let’s just put it that a there’s a fear narrative and or there’s a desperate desperation that’s playing out. And the desperation is, look, we got believe, does anyone believe that Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, just Russia and China being allies, that Biden is going to try to deploy our US military in some kind of conflict against China that would immediately bring in Russia as their dumb? We can’t even meet our recruiting goals.

Our equipment is bad. We’re insolvent monetarily. Do we really think that we’re going to pick a fight? That would be like my 100 pound daughter picking a fight. Yeah, but that’s the whole purpose of this, is to bankrupt and destroy America. Hand it over, maybe hand it over to China. No, the good news is no, I’m saying with Biden. Well, maybe I’m talking biden’s objective here. These guys are desperate.

They’re not using logic, they’re not using right. I’m not talking know, the white hat move. I’m talking about what their game plan is. I think their game plan can look, there’s so many rabbit holes we can go down here. One of them was that the DNC changed their rules. That said, once they have a nominee in place and then he becomes ill or dies or whatever, then the DNC elders, the elite in the DNC, get to pick the replacement of the nominee, which maybe it would be somebody from California instead of and and as we were talking about know, before the show started there you go, right there.

Kamala Harris versus Gavin Newsom. See, this is another thing coming, folks, the coming Democratic civil war. There you go, Rob. Well, and here’s the beautiful thing. Look at the chaos that would be created inside the liberal left wing Democratic Party. If you’ve got this female who’s not even eligible Constitutionally to hold the office, who never got more than 1% when she ran, and this cousin of Nancy Pelosi, who is the most liberal psychotic whack job from California.

Neither one of those two, David, are going to carry the United States of America. Not a chance. In this world. If the Democratic Party wants to put these two against one another after Biden gets the 25th Amendment declared on him or something, this is going to utterly destroy the Democratic there is no way in the world enthusiasm is going to go through the roof and they’re going to high enough support for these two.

But Juan has said on my show many times the Democrat musical chairs is coming, that it’s coming, and it looks like it’s beginning right now. The Democratic Party is united for now. Fear and loathing of Donald Trump keeps the various Democratic factions in a precarious peace. But labor versus environment, jewish vote versus Muslim vote, and center left versus hardcore progressivism cannot remain at bay forever. The fiercest battle may well be the looming civil war between Vice President Kamala Harris and Caliper and Caliper California Governor Gavin Newsom for the party leadership once President Biden leaves the stage and it won’t be pretty.

So what do you want? To make a bet. Biden leaves the stage early. When Biden named Harris’s running mate, he conferred on her apparent status. The pick made sense. VP nominees are mostly about pulling together party divisions or offsetting the nominee’s weaknesses. As an old white male Catholic, biden running with a minority female check some important identity boxes and in 2020, with a campaign hoppel. Due to what restrictions, harris did just fine.

The Not Trump campaign worked. However, given the opportunity to establish herself as the next Democratic hope, harris has proven rather maladroid. Something about her isn’t quite right. Her speeches are mediocre with poorly thought out ad libs. Her awkwardness with voters is positively Hillary Clintonsque. After spending her life in the progressive hot house of California, harris has shown little ability to build appeal in the other more centrist 49 states.

Given the unpleasant portfolio of illegal immigration early in the administration, she failed to distinguish herself. If she has any real policy responsibility today, it’s not apparent. So what I’m thinking here is here we go, here we go with Newsom going to be making his move. I’ve always said Newsom coming, he’s coming. And there’s no reason for him to even be debating DeSantis why, if he’s not running for president? David, this is all a distraction.

It’s all a rodeo. It’s all part of the bread and circuses. It’s all part of the divide and conquer. Look over here, jazz hands, and don’t look over here. What’s really going on? Keep the people fixated on stupid, meaningless bread and circuses and political debates. You got two people that have never signed a paycheck, never created a job, never run a business that don’t know damn thing. Can you imagine, David, an interview between Trump or a debate between Trump and Gavin? I mean, you couldn’t ask for a greater gift than to put but I don’t see it going down like that.

I see a series of events leading to a bigger event maybe. Look, I’m talking hypothetically here. I’m talking this is just my opinion and something that could do you really see it going to 24 November cycle? I don’t. I do see an event happening. Maybe Biden falls ill, he’s out of the picture. They got to put in new something. Do you get what I’m saying here, Kamala? Something weird is happening here.

Something weird is transpiring here, and I think both of us have our fingers on the pulse. We could both see this. David, can you pull up my post from X that I shared with you this morning on the screen? I don’t have it on here on the laptop. That’s okay, no worries. If you’ll go to at cool show on X. com, you can see what I posted this morning.

But David, I believe it depends on how big our faith is and how big we think that. Let me sum it up this way. We know for a fact, the Supreme Court has said there are two complete different, unique authorities and jurisdictions in the United States. There’s a military and there’s the civilian. Derek Johnson talks about it all the time. Right. There’s a Uniform Code of Military Justice that we had for eleven years before we ever put a signature to the Constitution.

Okay? From the time of the Declaration of Independence to the Constitution and Bill of Rights was about eleven years. So we operated only with a body of law called the Uniform Code of Military Justice. And in the Declaration of Independence, it said if our government ever becomes destructive to these declared rights that we have these unalienable rights, we the people have the right to set that destructive government aside and start anew that’s underwritten by our military.

And our Supreme Court said in 2015 or 2016 that they are absolutely, wholly separate and distinct bodies of law. So if our government is talking about this right here yes, that’s it. If our government is let’s hope I can pull it up on here. Yeah, hopefully it’ll give the whole view. There you go. Right there. Right? Yeah, that’s it. So, according to the United States Supreme Court getting better.

Yeah, man, you’re good. We have two wholly separate bodies of law and jurisdiction exist today, military and civilian. Do you want to read this or just let me say that this is my take. Just make sure you don’t put any words in here that are not fluffed. I’ll edit it. I’ll self edit myself. Okay. The original American Dream was perverted by original globalist. Globalism is Marxism writ large the world over.

And in Marxism, the philosophy is the ends justify the means. We’ll make up the rules and whatever we think goes, and we can reverse engineer anything into what we want. Globalism is Marxism on the global stage. Okay? Our Declaration of Independence is still viable. It was and is underwritten by we the people, with a recognition that we have immutable laws that are incapable of being perverted or destroyed or eliminated by globalism or global.

The law, true law, was never created nor granted by man, so it can never be trampled upon or deleted by man. So according to the United States Supreme Court, they recognize we have two bodies of law. I said no. Perversion distortion groupthink or demonic ideology within the civilian body of jurisdiction can ever bleed over and render the military body of jurisdiction invalid. Those are two completely, wholly separate bodies of law.

Military jurisdiction is what underwrites our mine and yours, we the People legal authority to set aside a corrupt and destructive civil government and begin anew. If those government becomes destructive to the inalienable rights that our founders wrote in that declaration, then we the people. And at the time, the only we the People law there was was Uniform Code of Military Justice. We didn’t have a constitution when that was signed.

So if they’re saying that we can set it aside, we is us and the military. It’s not us and the Supreme Court because there wasn’t a Supreme Court until eleven years after that document was signed. So those who, let’s see, perverted civil authorities have abandoned their oath. They’ve failed us and they have failed our US constitution. Those who manufacture and worship money, counterfeit money, to gain power and control, believe they can reign over others.

And are they themselves unaccountable to God, to government, to people, to any set of moral values, their ends justify their means and their minds. So we have been fighting this narrative war over the true dominion and sovereignty, over our hearts and our lives and our minds and our purpose. It’s a big MKUltra program writ large. Either God centric, immutable, timeless spiritual laws exist in the world for all of us to freely seek and discover and or just not even just be lazy and don’t seek them, or we’re going to be slaves in this.

Human centric, subjective, perverted world of legalisms and fictions that are going to be endlessly produced by these ulterior, motive seeking, control freaks who believe that whoever accumulates the most money and power can impose their will, human life be damned. It doesn’t matter. So freedom, an unalienable freedom by our Creator, runs in the light of love and slavery runs in the dark by force. So this really is a demonic war.

This is a spiritual war. We’re either free or we’re slaves 100%. This is for our species. This is for humanity. This is for all the marbles right here. That which is organically freeing it’s inside my DNA and inside of yours, that gives me life. That gave me life. That which is organically, freeing, enriching, empowering comes abundantly from our Creator. And that which is forced on us and imposed by deception and division and destruction and fear comes manipulated from hell.

Okay, tell me this isn’t a good and evil war. We are lied to on an oppressive scale and have been since the day we were born. Now, we’re either going to continue down that path or we’re going to take a road. Less travel, David. We’re going to break out, we’re going to understand. And I think that’s what the Great Awakening is. The Great Awakening is that we live in a world of abundance, we live in a world of wealth, we live in a world that we’re supposed to reign over as kings and queens.

We’re not supposed to be anybody’s slaves or source. But if we don’t seek wisdom and find out who we are and whose we are, then we’ll fall to any lie and any BS story that we’re told. And unfortunately, what does a good book say? We’re enslaved by our lack of knowledge. And they have hijacked every channel of quote unquote knowledge and wisdom and news and media and all that kind of stuff, and health and safety and I’m from the government.

I’m here to help. Right? So they’ve hijacked all everything, channels everything to get us to shut up, sit down, don’t think for ourselves, use no critical thinking. Submit your will, submit your rights, and obey as you’re told. And it’s falling apart. That’s the beauty of this, David. We’re insolvent. We’re having to borrow or print a trillion dollars every two or three months to pay a trillion dollars. Well, that’s what’s so important about this time.

Right now, what people need to understand is we’re coming to the breaking point. The end, the climax. It’s over from the old guard to the new guard. And it’s all about who’s going to control the new system. And it cannot be them. That’s what this is all about right here. Everything you’re seeing transpire right now is all about who’s going to control the new system. And fear is the currency that operates the old system.

And that’s why we’re seeing more being pumped out through the media on an ever escalating pace. We’re seeing fear, fear, fear, fear, fear. So we don’t think, we don’t look, and we don’t understand how the game is being played. And David. I want to go back to the ISO standards international standards operation. There’s only eight digital assets that are going to allow for, if you will, the motor oil, the lubrication of this new Internet of value.

We still have to have accounting. We still have to trade. We still have to do business with all the 195 nations in the world. Still have to do business together. How do we do that on a level playing field with honest accounting and sound money instead of a bunch of counterfeit assholes that run one big printing press and one big world reserve currency and make everybody submit to one set of rules and one currency? What if we had 195 currencies on a level playing field and all of the currencies were backed by gold and silver and all of the currencies were transparent and everybody Space Force could look down and see? Yep.

You. Got that much gold and you got that much currency. And you guys can do that trading back and forth because you’re not out over your skis. What if we had light and transparency and quantum computing and an Internet of value and every nation had collateral that backed their currency, and then everybody had transparency to see? Are they cooking the books or are the books honest? Is the ledger honest? Or are people just peeing on our legs and telling us it’s rain? Right? Exactly.

Think about this, David. The controllers of the world that have run the world since 1913, since the Federal Reserve was started, the creature from Jekyll Island was built. They were never going to let us audit the Fed. They were never going to let us look at the books. They took us off the gold standard, right? They put our treasury over in the City of London. Instead of the treasury creating our money, they had an NGO in the City of London create our money.

They had an IRS agency, which is an NGO in Puerto Rico. The Puerto Rican IRS goes and collects our money and gives it to a Federal Reserve over in London. It makes zero sense. I mean, it makes all the sense in the world when you understand the game that’s being played, the ponzi game. But I think you have a beautiful way of articulating this. And that’s why I love to have you on my shows, because the way you explain things, even for me, and I’m waste eyeballs deep in this, I’m eyeballs deep in this with all the people that I interview and stuff like that, I still kind of like you walk me through the elementary steps.

You’re very good at explaining the situation. And I think it’s very good for my audience as well, because every time I talk to you, Rob, I still learn something. I’m like, oh, yeah, that’s right, that’s right. You know what I mean? It comes back to me because I get so war and the chess moves, the play, I forget the basics. Makes sense. It’s like boxing. It’s like boxing.

I used to be so far into training that sometimes my trainer would pull me back and we’d go over the very basics and fundamentals of training, of technique and stuff like that, so I don’t slip, so I keep tight. And that’s kind of like when I have you on my show. This is what you kind of remind me of. That well, that’s awful kind of. You say that, David.

I mean, we all do that. We all get myopics sometimes. Then we got to come back up to 40,000ft and we got to look back and we were given one option in the law book. Worship me or worship money, worship stuff. I mean, even Satan put his arm around God or Jesus and said, hey, dude, all this can be yours. All you gotta do is give me your soul.

Jesus said, get behind me. No, I’m not doing that. How about you follow? We can worship money and materialism and think that’s going to bring us joy and happiness and abundance and prosperity and love and peace and joy. Or we can seek wisdom, which is the greatest commodity ever, greater than all the wealth in the world. And if we seek wisdom and find wisdom, do we think our creator would give us a purpose and then not provide for us and not provide the abundance to go and execute on our purpose? Look, the funny thing is we’ve been tricked into following bank accounts, money, success, materialism, popularity, materialism.

And then they fear you. They scare us to death. But they’re going to tax your materialism. They’re going to steal your materialism. They’re going to put you in jail. They’re going to lawsuit. This whole system is built on scarcity and competitiveness. Yeah, it’s a lie. Scarcity is a lie. It is a lie. If people were to know or even contemplate I’m going to make some of your leftist audience members their heads blow up.

I don’t think I have any leftist audience. If they were to understand that oil was the second most naturally recurring, abundant resource on planet Earth, second only to water, then they would go, you mean we’ve been fighting wars over oil? And we could have carburetors that give us 150 miles a gallon and oil could be free and what are you talking it’s the scarcity they have to teach us.

We’re running out of everything. So we can go little more. Fight wars over it. Porridge, please, man. Fight wars and fight wars. Keep up the scarcity. And here’s what they’ve done. They’ve convinced us to spend our time, our labor, our effort, our lives and our purpose to trade everything that we do, all our physical assets, all our talents, all our creativity, all our buildings, all our magic, everything that we built to them in exchange for some Monopoly money, some casino chips that they can make.

And now it’s safety and security always. We’re from the government. That’s why they pedal fear. Pedal fear. Pedal fear. And they use problem reaction, solution. And fear not. 365 times. The greatest rabbi, the greatest teacher on Earth said fear not. It’s in the law book 365 times because they knew what they were going to do. They were going to weaponize fear to get us to be afraid not.

Know who we are, submit to fear, give all our rights away to fear, and then get put in this fear prison. Okay, maybe if that doesn’t prove that 365 times no greater admonition was repeated more often in the law book than fear not. And here we are walking around scared to death. There’s so much coming. And I just want my audience to be I want them to be excited because I really do feel like this is is it’s coming down to it? And it’s going to be yeah, we’re going to have some hard weeks and months and maybe a full year of hardship.

I hope it doesn’t go that long. But david, does President Trump look scared to you? Not at a football game last night. He’s going berserk for this man in a football stadium. Does he look worried? Not at. All. And I say that all the time. I say it all the time on my program. The guy is cool as a cucumber, man. And look at all 91 charges. Felonies I mean, this is unbelievable, man.

The guy’s just like, whatever. He’s pulling the system out in the sunlight so everybody can see the system. Yeah, he’s taking the slings and arrows for us so everybody can see it. It can’t stand on its own weight. He knows exactly what he’s doing. He’s pulling all of these freaks out in the bright sunlight so that the 8 billion can see the 1 million. Right. He knows exactly what he’s doing.

It’s a beautiful thing. It’s a beautiful thing. Rob, I want to say thank you for coming on, man. I love having you on. You kind of just put everything in perspective for myself and my audience. People love you folks. Go to cool show. Kuwl show on what? On Twitter. Is on Twitter. Yeah. Next. Yep. And give them a follow. And Rob, I’ll have you back on again in a few weeks as this transpires, as this progresses.

So as we approach the end of the year, I’m going to have you on. David, I would say check this week. I think these next five days in a market is going to be utterly any, I’m not giving financial advice, but I’m just saying, hey, if we see the old system fall, that’s a good look. What does the Bible the Bible says you can’t pour old wine into a new sack.

If we’ve got a new system coming, we got to get rid of the old Fiat currency, right? We got to get rid of the old Fiat debt currency issued by the Federal Reserve so we can bring in the US treasury dollars backed by gold at Fort Knox. If we got to get rid of the old system, we’ve got to watch the Tower implode so that the new system we can rebuild.

And who’s the best builder? Trump, if we exactly correct. And he knows how to bring organizations out of bankruptcy and bring them back. He knows how to work the courts. He’s been working with all of these bricks leaders around the world for four years. We saw what he built the economy twice. Not once when he took over from Obama, but a second time after the things happened in 2020, a second time.

He knows what he’s doing. The point being is the media are going to try to peddle fear when we see markets collapse or bonds collapse or bonds default or the debt system goes away or more layoffs announced and all that kind of stuff. But this has to happen. It has to happen. But my whole thing is, let’s just rip the Band Aid off. Let’s get to it. I’m ready.

I know you’re ready. We’re all ready. I think everyone’s ready. We’re ready. All right, Rob, thank you for coming on, man. Let’s stay in touch. Hey, man. Thank you, David. Have a great bye. .


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Biden administration issues central banks global domination China US tension control through manipulation Democratic Party internal conflicts digital currency transformation government destructive towards people's rights Kamala Harris Gavin Newsom dispute military law jurisdiction morning show temporary halt political instability United States principles of freedom love wisdom Rob Cunningham financial collapse discussion spiritual societal battle Taiwan proxy conflict

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