Eric Schmidt Former Google CEO: Steal Then Hire Lawyers | The David Knight Show

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➡ The David Knight Show talks about how in a speech at Stanford University, the former CEO of Giggle suggested that AI companies could prioritize success over ethics, even if it means using copyrighted content. He argued that any legal issues could be handled later with the help of lawyers, once the company has made significant money. This approach, he said, is typical of Silicon Valley’s “move fast and break things” mentality. However, his comments sparked controversy and concern about the ethical standards in the tech industry.



He was giving a speech at Stanford University, and the speech got put on YouTube. And during the talk, asked why Giggle was falling behind other AI firms. He said, it’s because we decided to let our staffers enjoy remote work, and with it, a bit of work-life balance. Giggle decided that work-life balance is going home early, and working from home, and that was more important than winning, he said. And the reason startups work is because people work like hell, he said. Again, that’s not been what Giggle was about for the longest time.

They’ve been about pampering everybody. But he had something else to say in the Stanford speech that got people also upset. As part of this, he said, well, it’s fine if AI companies steal all the content. He says, if it takes off, then you just hire a bunch of lawyers to go clean up the mess, right? This is the ethics, quote, unquote, ethics of Silicon Valley. Sure, steal all the stuff. You know, it used to be that their motto was move fast and break things. Now I guess with AI is move fast and steal things.

And when we make a lot of money, we’ll hire a bunch of lawyers, and they’ll get us off the hook. They’ll make it all right. Are you worried that your AI startup might be illegally swallowing up boatloads of copyright-protected content? Well, according to the former Giggle CEO Eric Schmidt, you can worry about that later, once you have oodles of cash and a platoon of lawyers. So the Verge reported that during a recent talk at Stanford’s School of Engineering, Schmidt displayed what can only be described as the Silicon Valley CEO’s final boss energy.

As he laid out a theoretical scenario in which the students in the room might use a large language model to build a TikTok competitor and the case that the platform was to be banned. He says, here’s what I propose each and every one of you do. Say to your large language model the following, make me a copy of TikTok, steal all the users, steal all the music, put my preferences in it, produce this program in the next 30 seconds, release it, and in one hour, if it’s not viral, do something different along the same lines, he told everybody.

He said, that’s the command that I would give. And he says, what you would do if you’re a Silicon Valley entrepreneur, he said, is if it took off, then you’d hire a whole bunch of lawyers to go clean up the mess, right? And then he added that if nobody uses your product, it doesn’t matter that you stole all the content anyway. And he says, don’t quote me. Except they did quote him. This is the ethics of Silicon Valley. And do we have Dr. Shiva? What’s that? Almost. Almost. Okay. We’re still trying to make a connection.

He did at one point, try to point out that he was not arguing that you should illegally steal everybody’s music. But he had just told everybody to do that. He kind of had this, they say was his final boss moment, right? Now, I think what happened was he just started speaking candidly. And I think we got a glimpse out of the heart of the abundance of the heart. The mouth speaks and out of the abundance of the heart of this guy, who, by the way, he may be the former CEO of Giggle, but he is currently kind of the CEO of the military industrial complex.

He had tremendous amount of influence and impact in the Obama administration. And that has only grown with artificial intelligence that he’s bringing in to the Pentagon and to the military industrial complex. He is one of the chief people that this kind of person, this kind of ethics, this is the kind of person that is creating autonomous killer robots. You see, we talk about ethics because it really matters. It really matters what you think is and what you believe in your heart is going to affect your life and the life of other people.

And this is why we have a society that is the way that it is. We are reaping what we have sown. And in addition to that, I think God is directly cursing us with people like Eric Schmidt and Trump and LaLa and Biden. He apparently sees the alleged intellectual property theft as just a mess for lawyers to clean up later. Schmidt told the Stanford students, he said, Silicon Valley will run these tests and then they will clean up the mess. He said, typically, that’s the way things are done. Yeah, you move fast and you steal things.

That really describes it better than moving fast and breaking things. And this is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. Break free from the usual script with a David Knight show, a fresh perspective bringing you genuine insights on current events, but if the show is going to stay on the air, we’ll need your continued support.

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AI and copyright issues AI companies prioritizing success over ethics controversy over tech industry ethics ethical standards in tech industry former Giggle CEO controversy handling legal issues in tech industry legal challenges in AI industry Silicon Valley's approach to ethics Silicon Valley's move fast and break things mentality Stanford University speech tech industry's using copyrighted content in AI

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