Ep 3561b – Swamp Is Learning Resistance Is FutileThe Purge Is HappeningTrump Just Blocked The [DS]




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➡ This text talks about two main topics. First, it discusses health issues caused by certain foods that we think are healthy but contain a potential toxin. Dr. Gundry, a renowned cardiologist, suggests that these foods can cause weight gain, fatigue, digestive discomfort, and other problems. He offers a solution through a video on gutcleanseprotocol.com x22. The second part of the text discusses political issues, focusing on Trump’s actions against the ‘Deep State’. Trump is using executive orders to clean up organizations and block the Deep State. The text also mentions various incidents and speculations, including a helicopter crash and the departure of Chuck Todd from the news industry. Lastly, it talks about corruption in Chicago’s city hall, where the mayor is accused of blocking access to a room containing gifts to the city.
➡ The article discusses various issues including the mayor’s office’s refusal to respond to an Information Act request, the FBI’s reluctance to release information about Seth Rich, and the potential use of the Insurrection Act to combat cartels. It also mentions the Democrats’ efforts to protect illegal immigrants and the potential for increased violence due to these actions. The article suggests that these actions are part of a pattern of behavior by certain individuals and groups, and that the consequences could be significant.
➡ The text discusses various topics including the potential use of the military on US soil, the misrepresentation of refugees, the sentencing of a former Obama advisor for a sex crime, an investigation into NPR and PBS for potential violation of federal law, the constitutionality of firearm laws, the potential acquisition of Greenland for national security, and the tightening of Germany’s borders. It also mentions the importance of the Constitution in protecting citizens’ rights and suggests that all roads lead to Obama in terms of responsibility for certain issues.
➡ The text discusses the benefits of NMN supplements, which are believed to boost energy, manage weight, and improve skin health, among other things. It also mentions the controversy surrounding President Obama’s regime change operations in Syria and the alleged funding of terrorist groups. The text criticizes the government for infringing on citizens’ rights under the guise of safety. Lastly, it mentions Trump’s plans to build an Iron Dome for defense and criticizes certain policies, such as not informing parents if a child is sexually abused by a school employee.
➡ The text discusses the belief that certain individuals in government positions may be controlled due to their personal secrets, making them easy to blackmail. It also mentions concerns about the safety of public events and the potential for violence. The text criticizes the diversity and inclusion efforts in the Federal Aviation Administration, suggesting that these efforts may compromise safety. Lastly, it discusses various political figures and their roles in these issues.
➡ The text discusses a plane crash, blaming it on the current administration and suggesting it could be due to understaffing or a targeted hit. It also mentions Trump’s actions, including freezing federal hiring and his ongoing legal battles with organizations like Meta and CBS News over alleged election interference. The text also discusses the double standards in the justice system and Trump’s efforts to “drain the swamp” by removing bureaucrats. It ends with Trump’s refusal to reconsider his offer for federal workers to resign, despite concerns about staffing issues.
➡ Trump is taking action against former intelligence officials who spread false information, by removing their security clearances and banning them from secure government facilities. This is part of his strategy to weaken potential threats and replace them with competent individuals. Additionally, the White House is opening up press briefings to citizen journalists, which is seen as a move to counter mainstream media. This is all part of a larger plan to regain control and replace the existing system with one that represents the people.


That’s foreign. Hi and welcome. You’re listening to the X22 report. My name is Dave and this is episode 3561BN. Today’s date is January 31, 2025. On the title of the episode is the Swamp is Learning. Resistance is futile. The purge is happening. Trump just blocked the deep state. Let’s talk about our health. Speaking of digestive issues, this is caused by a potential toxin that’s in all of the healthy foods that scientists have been telling us to eat with a fraudulent food pyramid for the longest time. And this potential toxin causes digestive issues. According to Dr. Gundry, a world renowned cardiologist, this is affecting millions of people nationwide.

Warning signs include weight gain, fatigue, digestive discomfort, and stiff joints, even skin problems. Well, Dr. Gundry explains these side effects are often mistaken for normal signs of aging. Because digestive issues develop usually over a matter of years and sometimes even decades. I can assure you that the damage is probably caused by these healthy foods and it is far from normal. The good news is you can easily help fix a problem from your own home. It’s very simple. You just have to know which foods are actually healthy and which contain the hidden potential toxin. So you can find this yourself@gutcleanseprotocol.com x22 that is gutcleanseprotocol.com x 22 or click the link in the description.

Because after years of research, Dr. Gundry has decided to release an informative video to the public, free and uninterrupted, showcasing exactly which foods you need to avoid. Go find that video@gutcleansprotocol.com x22 that is gutcleanseprotocol.com x22 or click the link in the description. Let’s get into the economic collapse, political and geopolitical news now. The deep state, the corrupt politicians, big tech fake news, the puppet masters. They can see that resisting Trump’s directives is completely futile. Because once again, this is in 2016. Trump has studied the enemy. Trump knows exactly what to do. And this is why he’s moving so quickly with the executive orders, because he has all the leverage on his side.

He has the law on his side. And yes, the purge is happening right now. And you could see every step of the way, Trump is preparing to bring accountability to all these individuals. But again, before we get there, what does Trump have to do? Number one, he has to get his nominees confirmed. His nominees need to get into the organizations, the FBI, doj, the nih, fda, cdc, the dni, and they need to clean out all those swamp creatures. And Trump, he’s already set up the executive orders to allow them to do this, and he can approve it with absolutely no problem.

He’s also set up the executive orders to allow Doji to look throughout the government and say, cut this, cut that, cut this. And this is exactly what they’re doing right now. So, yes, there is a purge happening. Yes, the Deep State players, they’re going to try to sue, they’re going to try to stop. They might even have an event. I think, as time goes on and Trump dives deeper and deeper into the system, remember, this system that he’s now purging is very deep, very wide. They set this up over a very long period, and they set up many, many different levels to make sure the system cannot just be undone very, very easily.

Trump has studied the system, and he understands how to tackle the system. This is why he set up Schedule F the ses. This is why he set it up so he has the ability to remove these people. When he first came in back in 2016, he didn’t have that ability. He didn’t have the ability to go after most of these people because they were locked in. And they just set up different countermeasures to try to stop him. This time around, it is very, very different. Plus, he’s making sure the Deep State players, they’re completely blind in all of this.

And every step of the way. What is he doing? He’s removing their security clearance. Why? Because he doesn’t want them countering anything that he’s doing. He’s actually now blocking them, these same people and others, from actually entering government buildings. I mean, think about what he’s doing right now. He’s shutting the Deep State out. He’s blocking the Deep State and he’s weakening them every step of the way. And this is how you set everything up for the next phase. And once again, as Trump continually does this, you know, the Deep State players are not just going to be standing by saying, okay, what else are we going to do? I guess we’re.

We’re just done for. They might try certain things. Now, once again, we’ve seen a couple of events occur from the beginning of January. We’ve seen a plane go down, crash into, or the helicopter crash into the plane. Now, this could be just a simple accident, a terrible accident, actually. And this might just have to do with DEI or this was something else. Now, once again, you can look at both sides of the story, and you could see that maybe it was just a freak accident. Maybe DEI didn’t know what they were doing. As we could all see, maybe the faa, they were short staffed.

Maybe they didn’t know exactly what was going on. Maybe the pilot who was flying the Blackhawk didn’t have enough experience at night. Yes, these are all possibilities. Or maybe there was someone who took control of the Black Hawk helicopter and crashed it into a plane to create chaos. Maybe there was nobody on the plane that was important. Maybe they just did it to make Trump look bad. I mean, the Deep State players, do you really think they have any type of moral compass? Do you really think they care if people live or die? No, they, they don’t care whatsoever.

Think about 9, 11, think about all the wars. Think about what they’ve been doing this entire time. They were arresting and going after the American people. So, yes, there are two sides of the story and both make sense right now, but we’ll have to see how this plays out. And Trump, he continually puts out messages letting us know that the helicopter was at the, the wrong elevation. And it’s that simple. So why was it at the wrong elevation? Was it the Blackhawk helicopter? Was it the people in the control tower? What was really going on? Or did they lose control of the helicopter? Or were they actually functioning in the helicopter? I mean, just because you hear the communications doesn’t mean it’s coming from the helicopter.

Because think about it, if you were going to remote control a helicopter, would you just have the helicopter have no one talking to the control tower, or would you remote into the helicopter and would you then take over the communications? Because you can’t let the control tower or anyone else know that the pilots don’t have control over the helicopter. Now, again, that is just speculation, but again, if that’s how they were going to do it, that’s what they would do. And we’ve seen over and over and over that the Deep State players, they play dirty. But again, as more evidence comes out, we’ll have to see how this all looks.

And Trump continually comes out and says, yes, dei, DEI Di. But he also says they’re at the wrong elevation, which is very, very interesting. We’ll be talking a lot more about this a little bit later. But you can see the fake news, they’re having a very, very difficult time at this point. And people are leaving, people are getting fired, people are, are not doing well in the fake news arena. The latest individual to announce his departure is Chuck Todd. And remember all these individuals, they’ve been pushing fake information and now the people, they don’t believe anymore.

This is why their ratings are continually dropping, and they’re gonna continue to drop. And you can see most of these individuals who were installed into positions like out in New York as the governor and the mayor there. Those people that were installed in Chicago, like the mayor in Chicago, the governor in Illinois, out in California, you see these people were installed. They don’t represent the people. They represent themselves. They represent the swamp. They represent the deep state players. And what’s very interesting out in Chicago, and we mentioned this yesterday, the Chicago mayor, he improperly took gifts, didn’t tell anyone, and now he’s blocking access to the gift room.

So Chicago’s inspector general, he dropped a bombshell report revealing that Mayor Johnson, his office, improperly blocked public access to a special room within City hall containing gifts to the city, including designer handbags, cufflinks, and personalized Monk Blanc pen. A new report from the Inspector General, Deborah Witsberg office concludes that Johnson’s office violated city ethics policy, requiring that any gifts valued at more than $50 and accepted on behalf of the city be logged into a book that is made available to the public on the fifth floor of the City Hall. But when two undercover investigators from the IG’s office visited the mayor’s office last June, they were denied access to the log and instead told to file a Freedom of Information act request to see it.

When the IG’s office filed the Freedom of Information act request, the mayor’s office refused to respond to it on time, only to provide an incomplete spreadsheet of the gifts more than a month after the request was filed. Next, the IG’s office showed up in person unannounced to see the gift log, only to be told by Johnson staffers that they were told by the city’s law department that the IG must make an appointment to access the gift room. And according to the report, the city’s municipal code requires all city employees to cooperate with IG investigations, including making any records available as soon as possible.

So this is very, very interesting how this is all playing out. And it seems like it’s always the same pattern with these people. When you look at Menendez, when you look at the mayors, when you look at Cuomo, when you look at Newscom, when you look at all these people, it seems like we’re seeing the same exact pattern over and over and over. And the other thing that’s really interesting, and I do believe this is going to be coming up very, very soon, Ty Clevenger, he’s Been trying to get information about Seth Rich. He’s trying to be.

He’s been trying to get his records for a very long time. And you know what the FBI has been doing? They’ve been stalling. They don’t want to hand it over, because if they don’t want to hand it over, that means there were some very important people that were involved in this. And a lot of people, they believe that he was murdered because he was the one that downloaded the information, gave it over to Julian Assange at WikiLeaks, and then they had him murdered. And the only reason the FBI wouldn’t want to hand over this information, even when Ty Clevenger, you know, put in a Freedom of Information act request, even when he sued, is because they’re hiding something.

When the FBI doesn’t hand something over, it means they’re hiding it. And I do believe when cash gets in there, this is going to be made public. And this is going to be very, very interesting because it’s all going to fall apart around them. And this is what we’ve been talking about from the very, very beginning. Once Trump gets his people into place, the deep state players, they lose all control, they lose all power. I don’t mean right away. As soon as they get in there. Remember, there’s still certain people in there that are going to try to fight back and try to hide things and cover up things, but they’re not in control the way they used to be.

Which means that once this information is produced and people start to learn what they’ve done, it’s game over for them. And this is what they’re trying to protect. They’re trying to protect things like that. Do you think they really want it out there that Hillary Clinton was involved in murdering Seth Rich? Do you think they really wanted out there that the FBI covered up the murder for Hillary Clinton? I don’t think so. And I don’t know specifically if she was involved. Maybe she was. She was involved in the Alpha bank hoax, the Steele dossier. She paid for all that.

So when you take that and you move it out, yeah, most likely she might be. But again, we haven’t seen the evidence as of yet, and this is something that they’re trying to hide. And once we get it, all those people that were involved, all those people that covered it up, they’re screwed. And they know this. And this is why they want the illegals in this country. Number one, they want them because they want to use them for votes. Number two, they want to use them because they will be loyal to the Democrats. Number three, they want to use them because a lot of them are criminals.

And when they push riots and chaos, they want the illegals to go out there and create chaos. They want them to burn down cities, they want them to hurt people because again, you don’t have to ask a criminal to do something. They’re criminals, they have no moral compass. So they, they’ll do it with absolutely no problem. But once again, we have people out in Indianapolis, they’re protesting ICE deportation operations and they’re telling ICE to get out of the city. So again, all these people, and if they are illegals there, they’re making it very, very easy for Tom Homan to spot them and get them.

So this is not going to work out the way they think it’s going to work out. But we’re starting to see a lot of these different protests around the country. And I think once Tom Homan opens up the aperture and starts to go after many more people, you might see some violence on the streets. And this might have, this might have to do with a lot of the illegals, Antifa and many other people. Remember right now Tom Homan is going after the criminals and they’re tracking them down. And we could see once the aperture is open and he goes after other people, this is when they might say, okay, enough is enough, and they might try to fight back.

And I’m talking about the illegals, I’m talking about Antifa, I’m talking about all these people that have rioted and burned things down before. So this is something that we have to watch. And what’s very interesting is, and Frontlines has put this out, is that Act Blue, a left wing fundraising platform. They’re creating what is called a Resist Map, alerting illegal immigrants to ICE raids happening in their area and reporting safe spaces for those subjected to deportation. The group is asking for donations to help fund their website. But the caveat is that they require you to be a US Citizen in order to donate.

ICE has said they are currently focused on detaining and deporting criminal illegal aliens, such as gang leaders and murderers right now. But think about this. You need to be a US Citizen to donate. You can’t be an illegal. Isn’t that interesting? And again, if they’re helping those people that came into this country illegally, they’re abetting criminals, so it means they can be arrested too. So right there, that tells you everything you need to know. But when you look out Illinois, and it’s funny, it’s all the Blue states, the blue cities. This is where we see all these things happening.

Illinois right now. The Democrats there, they’re going to allow illegals to change their name to evade ice. So think about all the things that they’re doing right now. Think about everything that they’re trying to do to make sure that these people aren’t deported. Because once again, they’re criminals. The people voted for Trump. They gave him a mandate. They said, we don’t like open borders, we don’t like all the illegals in here, we don’t like the criminals in here. And the Democrats, they’re going against the people’s wishes, and they’re going against the Constitution. They’re going against the rule of law.

I think this tells people everything they need to know. But Stephen Miller, he’s making it very, very clear that Trump may invoke the Insurrection act to combat the cartels in line with the national objective, eradicating their fiscal presence on US Soil. He says this allows the US President to deploy the military domestically. Now, that is very interesting. Miller said the Insurrection act in this context mostly applies to considerations related to the border and the cartel threat. So we’ve already seen two shooting incidences in the last two days of the suspected cartel violence against Border Patrol agents.

And again, if he does move forward with the Insurrection act, and it looks like Pete Hegseth says the military is ready to assist any way you need, we’ve then come full circle, and since he. And if he does go ahead and implement the Insurrection act, it means US Military then can operate on US Soil. I do believe they already can. But how do you explain it to the people? Because, remember, we already had an insurrection. It happened on November 3. It was completed on January six, which means the Insurrection act was already used, which means the military is allowed to operate on U.S.

soil. And I do believe this is why Trump didn’t take the intelligence from the nsa, CIA, FBI and the rest, because he was getting intelligence from other places. So now if he implements the Insurrection act to remove the cartels, will people accept this? Yes. That means military then is on the ground, which is very, very interesting. But Jake Tapper asked him a very interesting question. Is the Insurrection act going to possibly be used to use the military to go after undocumented immigrants in America cities and American towns? Is the door open for that? Miller said, right now, the Insurrection act, which is still being considered based on operational needs on the southern border until a decision has been made, is specifically in the context of countering that cartel threat in the Interior.

It’s going to be about enrolling state and local law enforcement to massively increase the supply of guns and badges to conduct these immigration raids. So the big question is, what happens once the Insurrection act is implemented? Does that mean it could also be used to go after treasonous criminals that that might try to do us harm? Not just the illegals. But what about Antifa? What about the other foot soldiers that they have in the us? I do believe yes, and I do believe this is why they’re bringing this in and getting the narrative out there, building it right now, letting everyone know that get used to the military being on US soil.

I do believe we have come full circle right now, which is very, very interesting. They haven’t gone ahead and use the Insurrection act, but I think eventually they might. Let’s see how this all plays out. This is going to be very, very interesting. Now the other thing that’s really interesting is the Deep State players always tell us that everyone that’s coming to this country and other countries, they are refugees, they’re escaping their country. And Rothmus is referring to an article and this is coming from Sweden. It says 79% of refugees have vacation in country they fled from.

Elon responded this and said almost 80% of refugees go on vacation to the country they claim to have fled from. So they’re not refugees. Oh wait, it looks like the Deep State players, the fake news, they lied to us once again. But I think we already knew that. I think we already knew that these people were never refugees because refugees would go to the port of entry. Refugees would want to contribute to this country. They’re looking for a safe haven. They would bring their families. They wouldn’t have to be flown in by the Biden administration. They wouldn’t ditch their IDs.

So that tells you everything you need to know. Now the other thing that’s really interesting is every time we see someone getting busted for going after a young girl or a young boy, it always seems that they’re always part of the Democratic Party, they’re always part of Obama or Clinton. So a former senior advisor to Barack Obama has been sentenced to 11 and a half years in prison. Rahamim Shai, 47, was arrested in February of 2024 by police in the United Kingdom after traveling to the country with a view to meeting a nine year old girl for sex.

She had reportedly planned the meeting for around a month, speaking with an individual named Debbie, who said she was the child’s grandmother. However, the woman in question really was an undercover police officer. And he actually said it would be his honor to be her first. She’s nine years old. And what’s very interesting about this is when they put the article out, they don’t even mention that he was a former senior Obama or Clinton aide, which is very, very interesting. If it was the opposite way and it was a Trump aide, this would be plastered all over the place.

But we see the same exact pattern over and over and over again, which is very, very interesting. And you can see this is why the Democrats don’t want to go after the rapist, they don’t want to go after the pedophiles. It’s all starting to make a lot of sense. Just like it’s making a lot of sense that FCC chair Brendan Carr investigate pbs, NPR and other public news agencies that are subsidized by we the People. So FCC Chairman Brendan Carr, he’s launching an investigation into NPR and PBS and he says he will help lawmakers decide whether the government will continue funding the public news organizations.

He said the inquiry would focus on whether the news organization members stations violated government rules by recognizing financial sponsors on air. NPR and PBS stations operate as non commercial broadcast organizations, but that they may be airing announcements that cross the line. He said, I am concerned that NPR and PBS broadcasts could be violating federal law by airing commercials. In particular, it is possible that NPR and PBS member stations are broadcasting underwriting announcements that cross the line into prohibited commercial advertisements. So this is going to be very, very interesting and I wonder what else they’re going to find out.

But we could see the deep state players, their dream of taking the weapons away from the people, it is slowly dying away right now because again, they’re going up against the Constitution. And the Constitution is very, very clear, especially with the second Amendment shall not infringe and everything that they put into place infringes on our right. Can you imagine if they said, and I mentioned this before, if they said, oh wait, you want to speak freely. All right, you’re going to have to go through a background check. You want to speak freely, you’re going to have to get a permit to speak freely.

Well, that’s what they’re doing with the second Amendment. It’s the same exact thing. But George, he put this out and he said the 5th Circuit just unanimously ruled that the ban on firearm dealers selling handguns to people age 18, 19 and 20 is unconstitutional. Ultimately then, the text of the Second Amendment includes 18 to 20 year old individuals among the people whose right to keep and bear arms is protected and this is coming from Judge Edith Jones. And basically at this point in time, you can see the deep state players. Every time they go up against the Constitution, they are continually losing.

Wait until Trump starts to replace a lot of these judges. Wait until the rule of law is brought back. Wait until we follow the Constitution again. Everything that they put into place over the many, many years, it’s going to be null and void because it’s repugnant to the Constitution. And this is going to be very, very interesting. Just like it’s really interesting that Secretary of State Marco Rubio is out there and he’s confirming that Trump. No, he’s completely and utterly serious about acquiring Greenland. And it’s not just about purchasing it, but it. We need it for national security.

And he gave an example of Alaska. There were a lot of people laughing and making jokes when they were about to purchase Alaska or thinking about purchasing Alaska, and all of a sudden Alaska was purchased. Can people can’t even imagine this country without Alaska. I think the same thing is going to happen with Greenland right now. I think Trump, eventually, once the country becomes independent, I do believe they will be part of the United States. And this is all part of the Constitution where the US Is going to expand. Why do you think they purchased Louisiana? Why do you think they went ahead and they purchased a lot of the different states, purchased Alaska, purchased the Hawaii? Because this country is expanding and we’re protecting our national security.

And once again, you have to remember, there’s no other country that has a constitution like we have. No other country has freedoms like we do. Everything that they have is a privilege. You see, when the government tells you that this is your constitution, it’s not a constitution by we the people. When we the people tell the government, this is our contract and you must follow it, that means they can’t violate our rights. The other way around, they can say, well, we gave it to you so we could take it away. So right there, that tells you everything you need to know.

So that’s going to be very, very interesting as we move forward. And most likely we’ll probably get Greenland. I mean, we bought Alaska back in 1867. Now it’s time to expand this country and protect our national interests. Just like out in Germany, we can see the AfD party, they are trying to protect their country’s interests. And Germany right now and Mariana Fall put this out, they’re moving to tighten the borders and AfD could tip the scales. Now, again, the Green Party, the deep state players, they don’t want this to happen. This is why they’re trying to make the AfD party unconstitutional, but they’re going to vote to tighten the borders.

And Elon Musk responded to this and said, this is very, very promising, but let’s see how this all plays out. This is going to be very, very interesting. Now, we’ve known for a very long time that all roads lead to Obama. And I interviewed a couple days ago, Lee Smith, and he wrote a book about Obama and how all the roads lead to Obama. And he is an individual where he chose his United States Secret Service name as Renegade. Usually the Secret Service gives you your United States Secret Service name. He decided to choose Renegade, which means traitor, deceiver, turncoat.

And during Tulsi Gabbard’s hearing, it looks like she started the narrative, educating the people how treasonous Obama is and how how treasonous the intelligence agencies are. Hey, let’s talk about something interesting. You know, Joe Rogan’s known for his MMA fighting, being in extremely good shape and doing quite well health wise. At the tender Age of 56, 57, if you remember, he bounced back from COVID in like two to three days. So he takes care of himself. One of the supplements that he’s mentioned and he’s talked about is nmn. Now, rather than me trying to explain it, I’m going to let the doctor that discovered it explain it, and then I’ll tell you some of the other effects that he doesn’t mention in this short clip.

I also take supplements, and in fact, most of my colleagues are in the field of aging, or anti aging, as people call it. So I take NMN every morning. What is nmn? Good question. So let me take a quick step back. Sure. So about 20 years ago, Lenny Guarenti and a team of us at MIT discovered a set of genes that controls aging in yeast cells. Just brewer’s yeast, what you find in beer and bread. And those genes are called sirtuins. And there are seven of them in our bodies, five in yeast. And what they do is they protect all organisms on the planet, plants, bacteria, humans, from deterioration and disease.

They’re like the Pentagon. They sense when we’re hungry, sense when we’re exercising, and they send out the troops to defend us. So when you put more of these genes into a yeast cell or a mouse, they’ll live longer, between 5 to 20% longer. And so we think that these genes are responsible for the effects of dieting and exercise, which is great. What that means is we can now mimic that with molecules. So with this, you get improved energy, weight management, endurance and strength anti aging for me personally, improve my skin. There’s a lot of videos on YouTube but a lot of people, they’ve taken to this one two years, they’ve talked about their blood test, they talked about the studies that have been done on it seems everybody takes it, they feel better, they feel stronger, they have more energy.

And one of the things as a guy especially we, you know how it is, you need to be strong, you need to need to be mentally aware, you need to be healthy, you need to take care of yourself because no one else is going to. So go check out Black Forest supplements nmn and the other one you’re going to hear a lot mention as well is something called resveratrol. Those two go hand in hand and of course Black Forest has both. But NMN is going to be the one to kick off your. It’s, it’s called nad.

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So she exposed Barack Obama and the CIA for conducting regime change operations in Syria and training and funding terrorists. Take a listen to what Tulsi said about Barack Obama. And I do believe this is the beginning of the narrative where I do believe Trump is going to bring him into focus. Take a listen. As someone who enlisted in the military specifically because of Al Qaeda’s terrorist attack on 911 and committing myself and my life to doing what I could to defeat these terrorists, it was shocking and a betrayal to me and every person who was killed on 9 11, their families and my brothers and sisters in uniform.

When I was a member of Congress, I learned about President Obama’s dual programs that he had begun really to overthrow the regime of Syria and being willing to, through the CIA’s Timber Sycamore Program that has now been made public of working with and arming and equipping Al Qaeda in an effort to overthrow that regime, starting yet another regime change war in the Middle East. DoD train and equip program Again begun under President Obama, is widely been known, looked at and studied. Study that ultimately resulted in over half a billion dollars being used to train who they called moderate rebels, but were actually fighters working with and aligned with Al Qaeda’s affiliate on the ground in Syria, all to move forward with their regime change and not acknowledging what was obvious at the time and what has unfortunately borne true, which was that a regime change war in Syria, much like the regime change wars in Iraq, the toppling of Gaddafi and Municipality Barak, while these are all dictators, would likely result in the rise of Islamist extremists like Al Qaeda taking power.

I shed no tears for the fall of the Assad regime. But today we have an Islamist extremist who is now in charge of Syria, as I said, who danced on the streets to celebrate the 911 attack, who ruled over Idlib with an Islamist extremist governance, and who has already begun to persecute and kill and arrest religious minorities like Christians in Syria. I understand why that should be acceptable to anyone is beyond me. It should be certainly. So when Barack Obama, back when he was in the White House, when he was telling everyone that we can’t stop isis, ISIS is too strong.

Remember he took control away from the military, he took the control of where to bomb. And when he told the military where to bomb, he made isis, Al Qaeda stronger and stronger and stronger to have regime change in Syria. So he lied to the people while allowing ISIS to get bigger and bigger and bigger and funding the terrorist groups. Actually a lot of these terrorist groups, they are created by the CIA and this is why we call them state funded terrorist groups. Like when you look at Gaza, Hamas and many others, Hezbollah, you go through it that all the money flowing in to all these terrorist groups, when they.

So when the, the deep state players tell you that hey, we need to have you strip search, we need to look through your luggage, we need all of this. It’s. They made something up so you would give up your rights. They’re the ones who created all this just to scare you every step of the way. They create an event and then they have a solution waiting for it. And I do believe this is why our founding fathers, because they knew what a tyrannical government would do, they knew that they would try to remove your rights. This is why they specifically said you’re born with these rights, nobody can take them away, especially government.

And this is why Ben Franklin said this. Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor, nor safety because they knew what tyrannical governments, do they pretend that they’re going to keep you safe from something that they created? And when you give up your liberty, you’re going to have neither in the end. This is why you never should fall for what from what the tyrannical government tells you. And once again, I think every person in this country, now that they’re awake, I think the majority is awake. The people now question everything, and we should be questioning everything that they tell us, no matter what it is.

And I think people are going to be questioning this every step of the way. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is we know Trump signed an executive order for the Iron Dome, but it looks like he’s also going back to what Ronald Reagan wanted, and that was Star wars for those people that remember Ronald Reagan wanted to put missile systems into space to defend the United States from attacks from the outside. And it looks like Trump is looking to build the Iron Dome, the ground Iron Dome, and also the space Iron Dome. So this is very, very interesting as we move forward.

And he’s continuing what Reagan was doing. And it looks like at this point in time, the Deep State players, they’re struggling with everything that he’s doing. And I think what he’s doing is he’s doing so much right now. Remember, he’s been planning this for a very long time. He’s trying to keep the Deep State players so busy, they don’t know what the hell’s going on. And he’s removing their clearances, blocking them from entering buildings to make sure that they don’t get the information to counter everything that he’s doing. So he’s keeping them completely out of the loop.

They’re blind right now, and it’s becoming very, very difficult for the Deep State players. But once again, you could see that Trump, he is removing everything that Biden has done. And now he’s telling the federal employees they are now being told to remove their pronouns from email signatures by the end of the day. Absolutely. And then we have Washington State Democrats. They voted not to inform parents if a child is sexually abused by a school employee. I mean, really think about this for a second and think about Washington State. Think about those Democrats in D.C. where they didn’t want to stop the illegals from raping.

They didn’t want to stop the pedophiles. We have Washington State Democrats voting not to inform parents of a child is sexually abused by a school employee. I mean, I think this tells you that all these people, they’re either pedophiles or they’re just really stupid. I think most of them are probably pedophiles. If they’re protecting the pedophiles, there’s only reason, one reason you would do this. It’s like a murderer. If a murderer is protecting another murderer, that person is probably a murderer. So this is very, very interesting. And we could see that the people, they’re going to be looking at this and most of these individuals, they’re going to be primaried and they’re not going to have a position in government.

Remember, I do believe they brought most of these people in, they installed them into these positions because they have certain fetishes and it’s easy to blackmail them. And they never, they don’t want this information out there. You have to remember they’re playing a role. They put on a suit or their pants suit or, you know, a skirt. Whatever they put on, they play a role. But behind the scenes, you don’t see who they truly are until they vote for something like this. Then that tells you everything you need to know. And this is how the deep state players controls these people.

And they want these people in there. Because if you have someone who’s an upstanding citizen who can’t be blackmailed, you can’t control that person. But if you have a person that has fetishes, a person that loves young girls, young boys, and you trap them in all this, they’re very, very easy to control. And since they have this problem, they’re not going to vote for laws that are going to actually put them in jail. So you could see it very, very clearly right now, and you could see who they are. It’s becoming clearer and clearer every single day.

And every single day that passes, you can see that Trump, his nominees, they’re getting confirmed. Doug Burgum, he was the former North Dakota governor, he was confirmed and now he’s the Interior Secretary. Now, once again, I do believe the people that they’re most afraid of is, yes, Hegseth, he got through is Pam Bondi, Cash Patel, as we could see from the hearings yesterday, Tulsi Gabbard and rfk, they are very, very afraid of this. And the other thing that’s really interesting is, you know, the assassin that was going after Besant going after Hegseth. Well, it turns out the Massachusetts man who was arrested at the US Capitol armed with a Molotov cocktail and knives was transgender.

Are we seeing a pattern? I do believe we are. And the other thing that’s really interesting is that during Cash’s hearing, We had Durbin talking about the January 6 prisoners, saying that they’re criminals and they’re dangerous. And he never mentioned, of course, the people that Biden released. But what’s very interesting about all of this is that a convicted drug dealer who received a get out of jail free card from the Biden administration has already been arrested again. Daquan Willett, a 30 year old Texan man, was granted clemency by Biden on January 17th. And it didn’t take that long, but he was arrested once again.

He was trying to fake his drug test. And, you know, eventually what would happen is he would commit some type of heinous crime. So Durbin should be talking about these people. And we’re not too sure about the January six because there was a woman standing on the front lawn of her house. A 40 year old male shot her. And then we have Huddle who was shot at a traffic stop. So we have two people that were murdered or shot and killed. I shouldn’t say murdered yet because we don’t know what really happened. But it’s very interesting that January 6th people are being killed.

Hmm. I wonder why. Now the other thing that’s very interesting is now that Ashley Moody, who was the Attorney General in Florida, she is now a senator because DeSantis appointed her. She actually told Cash Patel that when she was investigating the assassination attempt against Trump, she couldn’t get any information from the FBI. Basically, they were blocking her every step of the way. And again, when you look at all the facts and you look at what happened during that period of time, why would they clean the roof in an active investigation? Why would they cremate a body in an active investigation? Actually, have we gotten any information about the assassination? We’ve gotten nothing.

And the question is why? Why would they cover everything up along the way? And I think we all know the reason. I think once Cash gets in there, I think he’s going to make this transparent and people are going to be shocked that this was an actual operation. Remember the Deep State players, they love putting the worst of the worst in certain positions. And now that they have all these DEI people, it’s very easy to do because these people, they’re never going to stop anything. Most of the time they’re confused. See, if you had the best of the best, the highest quality people in these positions, could you carry out an operation? No.

They would say, wait a minute, I’m looking at that roof right now. Why isn’t that part of the security perimeter? I’m looking at that roof Right now, why is there a shooter on top? You see, they wouldn’t be able to pull it off. The same thing maybe with the airplane. They had all DEI everywhere. Is it easy to pull off an operation? Absolutely. And I just want to go back to the truck that ran over people in New Orleans, and there were bombs all over the place. And there was the one of the bowls going on in New Orleans, same stadium that the super bowl is going to happen.

And we also had a Tesla truck explode right outside of Trump’s casino. ESPN put out a very interesting article, and they said that the NFL security chief projected confidence in the league security plans. And as New Orleans prepares to host the February 9th Super bowl in the aftermath of the Atera attack that killed 14 people. Now, remember, they had the FBI, they had, you know, DHS, whoever was in there working with local law enforcement, telling them where to search in the stadium. Now, I’m not saying something’s going to happen, but it’s very, very interesting that ESPN put this out and put an article out like this.

And we know that this event took place at the zat, the exact same place that the super bowl is going to be held. So this is going to be very, very interesting. Hopefully nothing happens and everything is fine. But we must keep an eye on all these different things because again, the deep state players, they play dirty. Now, the other thing that we could see is the Democrats, they’re doing what they do best. They’re telling everyone that they’re going to be violent. Hakeem Jeffries, he’s out there. He was giving a press conference. He’s the House Minority leader, and he is saying that they’re going to take the fight to the streets.

Can you imagine if Trump or one of the Republican people said, we’re going to take the fight to the streets? The fake news would be all over this saying, my God, they’re going to have an insurrection. They’re going to riot on the streets. So they’re doing this. Remember Maxine Waters, let’s take the fight to the streets. Let’s take the fight to them. They’re doing the same exact thing. Are they projecting out there that they’re going to try something? Maybe, maybe not. But when we look at what happened with the air collision, we can see that there was a lot of DEI involved in this.

Natalie, Dan Lishen put this out and says, remember this, the end of all male, all white cockpit. Airlines are struggling to find enough pilots and to diversify a profession that has been very resistant to change. Well, I don’t know if it’s resistant to change. Whoever wants to be a pilot can become a pilot. Doesn’t matter if you’re black, white, makes no difference. If you’re the best of the best, you’re going to succeed. Insurrection Barbie put this out and said. One year ago, 11 Republican attorney generals wrote a letter to the Biden administration expressing their frustration with the new DEI practices affecting the Federal Aviation Administration.

Nothing was ever done about their concerns by the Biden administration, which is very, very interesting. Then we have Mays who put this out. Incredible clip From March of 2023 on Aviation Close calls, Buttigieg talked about the rise in close calls at a summit. He’s good at talking. It’s the doing. He struggles with recommendations not being followed. Extremely understaffed. It was just a matter of time. So they knew about the problem. Insurrection Barbie said that the Republicans, 11 months ago, they complained about this. The. I mean, I’m talking about the attorney generals. They complained about this. Nothing was done about this.

So they all knew about this. And then Trump on truth put this out. And It’s Elon Musk, New York Post, talking about FAA’s diversity push, including hiring people with intellectual and psychiatric disabilities. And Trump said, this is just one reason why our country was going to hell. And he’s absolutely right. And think about it. Buttigieg was in this position for four years. Trump has been in the White house for what, 11 days or so, and they’re trying to blame Trump on all this. Buttigieg brought all these people in and hired these DEI people over four years.

Trump has been here 11 days. So whose fault is it? This is still his agency. This is what he created over four years. Trump just didn’t turn this around in 11 days. So it’s his fault that this happened. If it was an accident. But you could see the deep state players, the Ds, they’re continually misleading people over and over and over again. Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett put this out. On his first day in office, Trump froze the hiring of federal employees, including air traffic controllers. Community notes responded to this and said federal air traffic controls are exempted from the hiring freeze.

So once again, they’re lying. Trump has nothing to do with this whatsoever. And Buttigieg owns this. The Biden administration owns this. The Democrats own this. They caused this problem. And there were a lot of young children on this flight, a lot of families on this flight. And it’s very, very sad that these people no longer have a life. Absolutely disgusting. And yes, we need to get to the bottom of this. Either this was just a terrible accident because of the EI and everything they did and they’re responsible for this, or this was a targeted hit and they used the DEI because they knew that the control tower was understaffed.

They knew that they had DEI running everything. So it would be very, very easy to carry out in operation. And it looks like every day that passes, there’s new and there’s new videos that are coming out, and they’re from all different angles. And you can see the Blackhawk, they definitely had their lights on. The plane had its lights on and you can see the crash that occurred. Now, again, it could be just an accident because what we’re learning right now is that the aircraft was told not to use the main Runway, it was told to use a secondary Runway.

So it looks like this is why the plane looped around. And this is very, very interesting. So the elevation of the helicopter was wrong. And Trump continually repeats this. He says the Blackhawk helicopter was flying too high by a lot. It was far above the 200 foot limit. That’s not really too complicated to understand, is it? So the question again, why? Remember, yes, they’re on a training mission. Yes, they’re learning. They fly at night to learn. They’ve done this many, many times before. And remember, these are combat helicopter pilots. They fly these helicopters at night in combat.

So they’re always scanning the skies, they’re always looking around, they’re always making sure that they could spot where the enemy is or what’s incoming. They always know. And a lot of these aircrafts are equipped with sensors that actually warn them that they’re getting too close to an aircraft or actually try to push or move the aircrafts away. So something really doesn’t make sense here. And it’s very, very interesting that this occurred, but we’ll have to wait until there’s more information. And it looks like we’re going to get it, because each day that passes, more and more information comes out.

But Trump, he was asked a question during one of the press conferences and he says this is why we need the US Senate to quickly confirm his nominees for safety reasons. And he’s absolutely right. And what’s very interesting is every day that passes, we’re learning now that there were organizations that were interfering in the election. Meta settled with Trump saying, yes, they interfered in the election by taking down his account. Now we have CBS News. George, put this out. Is now in settlement talks with Trump to pay for the election interference they committed when they deceptively edited Kamala Harris’s interview to make her look good.

They will pay millions. I mean, Trump is winning every step of the way. And the people now are actually learning and seeing that they interfered in the election. So if they interfered this way and Meta and Twitter, they interfered by taking Trump down. What do you think happened in 2020? The elections were interfered in and they cheated. And they overthrew the United States government. They overthrew the duly elected president. And it looks like every, every time Trump has a nominee going through the hearing process, they want them to admit that Biden won fair and square, but none of them will do that.

They said he’s certified. Yes, he was in the White House, but they will never say that he won the election because I do believe later on they’re going to use the elections against the deep state players. And they wanted the deep state players wanted them to be caught in a lie, but they didn’t fall for it. So I do believe in the end, we’re going to learn the truth. And the other thing that’s very interesting, and this is in regards to Adam Schiff Booker and the and White House asking for the grand jury information from Cash Patel.

And they kept making it seem like he had the ability just to tell them, which he really doesn’t because you really need to check with your attorney, with counsel, and most of the time they don’t want you blurting this information out. And the only reason I would think that these individuals wanted information from Cash Patel is because Jack Smith most likely fed them information about the classified documents, Volume two. And I think they wanted the information from Cash and they this way they can blurt out what Jack Smith gave them and he never gave them that, which I find very interesting.

I think they already knew certain or fake information that Jack Smith gave them. But this is all a double standard. Paul Sperry put this out and said Obama DOJ never charged Hillary’s immigrant maid for mishandling her classified emails. Yet Biden DOJ charged Trump’s immigrant valet as part of Mar A Lago classified document case. So there is a two set of laws right here. Absolutely unbelievable. And this is why they’re so worried about Cash. This is why they’re so worried about Pam Bonnie, because they’re going to blow the lid off of all of this and there will be new.

No, two sets of laws. One for the deep state, one for the people. And this is what they don’t want gone. They want this to stay. They have the control. Remember, this system is Very, very deep and wide, and there’s many, many layers to it. And Trump is attacking each layer of their system. And I do believe as he goes deeper and deeper and deeper and removing these people, most likely they’re going to try to fight back. And it looks like members of Christopher’s Wray FBI leadership, they are now told to retire, resign or be fired because cash is coming in.

And this is going to be very, very interesting. But you can see the deep state players, they’re trying to push back the best they can because remember, Trump, right now, his main objective is draining the swamp, getting rid of these bureaucrats and the Acting U.S. aid Administration. Jason Gray, he said in a memo, we have identified several actions within USAID that appear to be designed to circumvent the President’s executive order and the mandate from the American people. As a result, we have placed a number of USAID employees on administrative leave with full pay and benefits until further notice while we complete our analysis of these actions.

And there are certain individuals in usaid and they were going completely against what Trump instructed them to do. See, in the past, this would work. This time it’s not working. And this individual put out a memo and says, today representatives of the agency, front office and Doji instructed me to violate the due process of our employees by issuing immediate termination notices to a group of employees without due process. I refused and have provided Acting Administrator Gray with written notification of my refusal. I have recommended in that written notification that his office cease and desist from further illegal activity.

Unlike Trump 1.0, when bureaucrats frequently ignore the administration and stymied its agenda, this time around, the lesson has been learned. Resistance is being met with immediate action, and they’re being removed. Resistance is futile. And I think they’re starting to learn this the first go around they were able to get away with it. Trump now has the executive orders. He has the Supreme Court behind him and, and he knows the law of the land. So this time around, it is not working. And you could see the deep state players, they’re very, very worried about Trump draining the swamp because when he drains the swamp, they lose their power.

And what’s very interesting is that ABC’s Karen Travers asked Trump a question. She said, Mr. President, you have offered over 2 million federal workers the option to resign immediately. Trump said, right. The reporter said there are 50,000 FAA employees. Does this tragedy give you reason to reconsider that option of resignation because of concerns about staffing issues? Trump said, no. Travers Safety. Trump said, if people are not coming to work if they’re not going to come into the office and report as per the date, that you know what it is, everybody knows what the date is, it’s very well documented, then they’re going to be terminated, Travers said.

So you are not going to be, you’re not concerned that though, that if many people take that offer, there could be shortages that could lead to safety issues? Trump said they’ll be replaced with very competent people. We have a lot of competent people in this country. Boom. That tells you everything you need to know. And you could see that, yes, he’s going to be removing a lot of the people and he’s going to be replacing the people with competent people. And he’s also draining the swamp at the same time. He’s making sure those intelligence officials remember Chuck Schumer saying, if you cross the intelligence officials, they have six way to Sunday getting back at you.

Well, Trump learned the lesson. He studied the enemy. And how are they going to get back to him, back at him, if he removes all their clearance, removes their ability to do it? I mean, really think about this for a second. So Trump, he took further action against the 50 former intelligence officials who falsely suggested Hunter Biden’s laptop was part of Russian disinformation campaign, instructing agencies to also ban those individuals from stepping foot insecure US government facilities. So this is a January 29th cabinet memorandum, and he put this out, and these people now, they just didn’t lose their security clearance.

They can’t even go into a secure building anymore. They have been completely blocked. And I do believe Trump is going to be doing this to many more people right now because again, you have to remove their ability to counter what you’re doing. And he’s making them weaker and weaker every single day. And you could see that these people, they’re not going to be able to do anything. And they’ll be. Trump won’t have to fear them whatsoever. I don’t think he fears them now, but again, he doesn’t have to worry about them getting the intelligence and using it against him.

And as he goes deeper into the intelligence community with Tulsi Gabbard, with Cash Patel, Pam Bondi, and we already have Ratcliffe in the CIA. We’re going to see them cut off security clearances for many, many people. This is how you weaken these people. And I do believe it has just begun. Now, the other thing that we mentioned a couple days ago, Carolyn Levitt was letting everyone know that they’re going to allow influencers, podcasters, those people that post on social media into the White House press briefing rooms, and they told people to apply to be in the room.

And she’s letting everyone know, and this is Karen Levitt, that 10,000 citizen journalists have applied to participate in the press briefings. Who is the news now? We the people are the legacy media, the fake news. Nobody even cares about them anymore. And you could see, once the citizen journalists are in this room, the fake news is going to have a very, very difficult time pushing their agenda, and it’s going to fail every single time. So now they have a choice. They can either report the news or they can continue with what they’re doing. If they continue with what they’re doing, cnn, MSNBC and the rest, they’ll cease to exist.

But you could see the people, they’re taking back control. Trump is taking control over the swamp, taking control over those people that might do us harm. Now, it doesn’t mean that there aren’t other people, which I’m sure there are, but you could see Trump has already began shutting it all down, which means these people are going to get more and more desperate as time goes on. But as they become more and more desperate, they’re going to become weaker and weaker and weaker. So I do believe at this point, they might try something. But as time goes on and Trump continually purges everyone and replaces the DEI people with competent people, you’re going to see a very, very big shift, probably going into the latter part of this year.

But in the very, very beginning, you could see that they’re now panicking, they’re worried because they see what Trump is now doing. So I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s something else that happens. But I don’t think that will continue after a certain period of time, because he’s going to weaken them so much that they will have no power left whatsoever. And we could see that we are now moving fast forward towards taking back everything. And that’s what’s most important. We took it back during the election, now we got to keep it. And the only way to do this is to actually take what we have today and remove it and replace it with we the people.

Because, remember, everything that we see today, that’s the criminal syndicate, that’s their system. Their system is made up of many different levels. It’s very deep, it’s very wide. What he’s doing right now is replacing everything with we the people and removing the criminals, removing the criminal syndicate system that has been set up over time. And this is how we keep the country and I do believe we will keep the country. Why? Because the Patriots are in control. Listen, everyone. Thanks a lot for listening. Be well, be safe, and especially be prepared. Thanks a lot.

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