Ep. 3479b-War Drums Beating LouderCyber Attack Intel[DS] Scared Of The MajorityLight Is The Cure




➡ This podcast episode discusses various topics, including the importance of collagen for skin health, political tensions, and the upcoming presidential election. The host suggests that the deep state and corrupt politicians are trying to incite war and manipulate the election. He also mentions a potential change in the Democratic party’s nominee due to low poll numbers and suggests that this could be a strategy to delay the election. The host emphasizes the importance of transparency and public awareness to counter these tactics.
➡ A lawsuit has been filed against Macy’s and Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs, accusing them of covering up a 2008 sexual assault to protect a business deal. The case is drawing attention, with more people discussing it, especially in the industry. The text also suggests that there are connections between celebrities, politicians, and the music industry, hinting at potential corruption. It also mentions attempts to censor information on social media platforms, with the implication that this is being done to suppress the truth about these connections.
➡ The article discusses various global political issues, including the alleged shadow banning of certain views on social media, cyber attacks on the Wayback Machine, and the disappearance of Twitter’s blog posts from 2019 to 2024. It also mentions potential manipulation of elections through cyber attacks, the Biden Harris regime allegedly leaking Israel’s strike plans against Iran, and escalating tensions in the Middle East and between North and South Korea. The article suggests that these events may lead to a global conflict, with the possibility of a false flag operation to involve NATO in a war.
➡ The text discusses potential political unrest around the presidential election, with concerns about the deep state’s influence and potential for war. It also criticizes the pharmaceutical industry and medical education, suggesting they prioritize profit over health and are misleading the public. The text also mentions concerns about election integrity and potential manipulation. Lastly, it promotes gold as a stable investment during uncertain times.
➡ The text discusses concerns about Kamala Harris’s campaign, suggesting that her vision for America is similar to the current state of Detroit, which is struggling with high crime and poverty rates. It also criticizes her for not being able to clearly differentiate herself from Joe Biden and for allegedly copying ideas from Trump. The text also mentions that Harris is campaigning with the Obamas and that there are threats being made to Trump supporters. Lastly, it questions the validity of polls showing Harris in a favorable light, suggesting they might be manipulated.
➡ The text discusses various political issues, including the popularity of Team Trump on TikTok, the lack of participation in Constitution Day readings by some members of Congress, and concerns about voting machine reliability. It also mentions the potential misuse of voter registration data and suggests that Trump’s early voting strategy is working. The text ends by encouraging people to speak up if they notice anything unusual during the election process.
➡ The text discusses potential election rigging and manipulation tactics, including the possibility of a candidate being replaced due to medical reasons or election interference. It suggests that such changes could lead to legal challenges and delays in the election process. The text also mentions the potential for a cyber attack on election day, which could be used as a reason to question the election results. Lastly, it warns of possible chaos and unrest in the period between the election and the inauguration.
➡ The text suggests that there are concerns about election manipulation and cheating, with attempts to delay results and stay in power. It mentions a potential scenario where the Supreme Court might have to intervene, and the possibility of a cyber attack being considered an act of war, leading to military involvement. The text also implies that these events could validate claims made by Trump about election manipulation. Despite the chaos, the author believes that the truth will prevail and the people will see through the deceit.


Hi and welcome. You’re listening to the x 22 report. My name is Dave and this episode 3479 bn. Today’s date is October 20, 2024 and the title of the episode is war drums beating louder. Cyber attack intel deep state scared of the majority light is the cure let’s talk about our health. Countless Americans will waste time, energy and money this year trying to reduce wrinkles, but failing because they missed the real problem, which is a decrease in their natural collagen reserves. Let me explain. Scientists found that after the age of 20, your body produces about 12% less collagen each decade.

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Here you can hear the war drums. They’re beating louder and louder and louder. Right now we have North Korea saying, hey, South Korea, they’re provoking them. They might start a war. We have Xi Jinping saying that he wants his military to get everything ready. Ukraine is out there. They are now saying, listen, it’s either nuclear weapons or we join NATO. And then we have an attempted assassination on Netanyahu by Iran. And it looks like the Biden Harris administration. They are now leaking information about what Israel is about to do. So it looks like the deep state players, the central bankers, the corrupt politicians, they are definitely trying to push war as best they possibly can, because, again, this is part of their 16 year plan.

Their 16 year plan is to bring us into war, cover up everything they’re trying to do, and actually have the United States lose the war. And they want to get rid of the constitution. That is their ultimate plan in the end. But again, Trump at the patriots, they know the plan. They know that this is the insurgency. They started this when Obama came into office. Yes, it started a long time ago with other things that happened with the private central bank and everything else. But you could see they really ramped this up starting around 2008. And Trump, when he came into office, he actually implemented the counterinsurgency, which was the plan to wake up the people.

And people now are waking up in droves. And the deep state players, they are definitely scared of the majority. And they’re actually letting us know that the scared majority might pull out a landslide for Trump, which basically is letting everyone know that they’re calling a scared majority. But what they’re really saying is that, wow, the majority is huge. We’re a little afraid of them because once these people are awake, we can’t put them back to sleep. No matter what we say on the fake news, there’s no way people are going to say, hey, you know what? I think you’re right, and I’m going to go back to sleep and I’m not going to be paying attention anymore.

The people are thinking logically. The people know that the elections are rigged. The people see the election interference. And Elon, he was giving a talk and he was saying that, listen, the only way to actually combat this is to actually shine light on it. Light is the cure. So I do believe since people think there’s cheating and people understand there’s election interference, if you are transparent about it and you show the people how it’s done, people then will believe it, they will accept it, and this will be the end of the deep state players. And I do believe that’s what this election is going to do.

But on the other side, you could see the deep state players. They’re going to try to stay in power. They don’t want to give power up. And everything that they said about Trump, they’re projecting what they’re going to do. When they said he wasn’t going to leave the White House, they don’t want to leave the White House. When they said he’s going to cheat in the election, they are going to cheat the election. When they say he’s going to start a civil war. There’s going to be chaos because of him, because of the Trump supporters. No, it’s them who are going to create chaos, who’s going to try to start a civil war.

And what’s very interesting is when we talk about the change of batter, which means Kamala’s not doing that well in the polls, and they say, you know something, let’s swap her out. Now, they can use a medical reason. They can use the reason because she was involved in editing the transcript of her interview, which will then put her in the spotlight saying, hey, look what you just did. You interfere in the election. Maybe you should step down. Whatever they’re going to do, they’re going to try to make it look as natural as possible. Because once again, you can’t just say, we’re getting rid of her because the poll numbers have really, really low.

That’s why they had to show Biden to their base. They had to say, look, he really can’t function. He’s not able to do it. People got really depressed and they said, you know something, we’re going to have him nominate and back Kamala. People accepted that. They saw him. They saw that he couldn’t do it, even though his poll numbers were really low. And they went ahead and they said, well, he’s giving his full backing to Kamala. For the people in the D party, that looked pretty natural. That looked pretty darn good. They’re accepting that because they were depressed.

The same thing with Kamala. Now, she’s not doing that well in the polls. She’s messing up on the interviews. And I do believe they need an out one way or another. Now, a lot of people say, well, how could you do this? Early voting already started. Everything’s already in motion. Well, again, when you think about the deep state players, do they actually want a smooth election? Just because you’re having a change of batter doesn’t mean that the change of batter is being brought in to compete against Trump to win. Maybe the change of batter is coming in to actually stall the election.

Because when you look at what they have to go through to have a change of batter, it might spur lawsuits. Now, when you look at someone else coming in after they already have their nominee and they’re bringing someone at this late time, can it be done? Yes. There’s a lot of state laws that say yes. All you’re going to do is you’re going to substitute the person’s name and that name that’s already on the ballot will go for the other candidate every state is different. So this is what’s going to cause the chaos in the end.

See, you have to stop thinking of that. This is a normal election. Remember the deep state players, just like back in 2020. We never heard of drop boxes before. We never heard of people just receiving tons of ballots. We never heard of mules before. We never heard of delaying the election for a couple of days before. Why did they do this? Because they had to win. They put something into place. I do believe they’re doing the same exact thing, but not the way they did it before. Yes, they’re going to try to use the mail ins, but I don’t think they’re going to work the way they did before.

I think it’s too big to rig. So I do believe what they have to do is they have to create these events where it actually delays or calls into question the election and they want to delay it as long as possible. Number one, if you have a change of batter, yes. People are going to say, well, wait a minute, this is, you can’t do this at this late hour. A lot of states aren’t going to accept this. Other states will. And they can make the case. They can bring it to court and they can try to make their case.

And maybe when that fails, they usher in a cyber attack to further delay the election. So I don’t believe this is going to be a one type of thing. Whatever method they’re going to use, I do believe they’re going to have to use many different methods to try to stall or try to convince people that the elections were manipulated. But we’re going to be talking a lot more about this a little bit later. But first, let’s start, let’s start talking about diddy right now because the diddy case is getting, becoming very, very interesting. More and more people are coming out.

More and more people are starting to talk about it, especially in the industry. And what’s very interesting is that Macy’s has been named as a defendant in a recently filed lawsuit accusing the department store of destroying records about a man being orally raped by Sean Diddy Combs back in 2008 of May. The lawsuit also accuses the music mogul of orally raping a male employee of echo combs rival clothing company in a Macy’s located in the Herald Square area of Manhattan. Macy’s apparently allegedly covered up the 2008 sexual assault in order to protect a multimillion dollar deal the retail chain had with Combs sportswear Company.

Sean John, the plaintiff named in the lawsuit as John Doe. Alleges that comb and three of his armed bodyguards entered a Macy’s stock room where one or more of the guards struck him around the base of the neck with what he believed was a pistol, causing him to fall to his hands and knees. From there, Combs, who addressed Doe simply as Echo, demanded that the alleged victim, before oral sex on him while one or more of the music moguls, armed guards threatened to kill the Mandev. And this is what the lawsuit claims. So this is very, very interesting.

And then we also have Justin Bieber, Usher, and you could see how this is all connected and more and more people are coming out, but this is very, very interesting and green lives matter. Put this out and said, do you really think it’s a coincidence that Kamala is having the people who went to Diddy’s freak off party publicly endorse her? Usher is the man who went to Diddy’s puffy flavor camp when he was 14 years old and then subsequently brought a child named Justin Bieber to Diddy on a silver platter. These are the people that Kamala chooses to surround herself with, the diddy freak off celebrities.

Is everyone awake yet? And I do believe when we start to see the Epstein client list, when we start to see who was at the diddy parties, you’re going to see it’s all the same people that have been in the administration, the corrupt politicians, a lot of CEO’s that are backing Kamala, Hollywood, people backing Kamala, Biden, Obama, the rest, you’re going to see that they are all part of the same exact system. And what’s very interesting is that it’s not only Hollywood, this goes into the music industry also. I mean, look at the stories about Garth Brooks.

I mean, is he the guy for the country music industry? And then we have Diddy and then we have another person for rock. I mean, is this how it’s all separated here? But what’s very interesting is that jelly roll, he put this out on x and says, learned a lot about how slimy the music business is this week. Don’t worry, y’all, I’m going to expose it soon. This whole thing of smoke and mirrors, y’all, all that shit russ be talking about is real. John Rich responded, said, is that right? Hey, jelly roll, you need to bow up and push back.

Tell the people what’s really going on behind the scenes. You were made for such a time as this. Standing by, Junior. So I do believe there’s going to be a lot more information coming out. And remember, timing is very very important. That was the timing. Very, very important before the election. No, I think it’s a great introduction, but when we’re actually going after these individuals and we’re using the rule of law, we’re not dictators. Trump is nothing. Taking the armed forces and marching them across the streets and just arresting all these people when we use the rule of law and these people are indicted for treason and other crimes, I do believe the timing is going to be very, very perfect when they’re going to bring out the Epstein client list, stuff about Diddy, the music industry, you name it.

I do believe at that point in time we’re going to start to see that these people that were surrounding Kamala Harris, surrounding Biden, surrounding Obama, they’re going to be part of the lists that come out and people are going to start to put this together and it’s going to start to make a lot of sense. And I do believe this is what people are going to see. Now, remember the deep state players, what are they going to do? They’re going to try to shut all of this down, all the communications, everything. I mean, think about what Adam Schiff just said a couple of weeks ago.

And same thing with Hillary Clinton. Don’t believe the videos and the, and the pictures that are coming out. Most likely they’re AI generated. Why would they be saying this unless they’re very, very panicked and you can see what they’re doing with the social media companies right now. I do believe everything that you’re witnessing is they are now preparing and getting everything ready to actually censor. They’re going to put a lot of pressure on the social media companies. They’re going to say, listen, you must do what we’re saying. You need to censor these people. Just like X went ahead and they made a deal with Brazil.

The EU is saying we’re going to place a lot of fines on X and Elon’s other companies unless you abide by our rules. I do believe they’re going to be using this, setting this up to say, listen, these are the people that we want censored. Now, when the social media companies don’t do what they want, what do you think they’re going to do? We already saw it in Brazil. They blocked X. And I do believe that’s what is coming. So what the fake news is trying to do right now, they’re trying to make it seem like that X is actually helping the conservatives and their shadow banning the left patriots.

Our control put this out and said, you can’t make this shit up. CNN is whining that Elon Musk may be tweaking the X algorithm to promote Trump and suppress Kamala content. Did they really forget Twitter was shadow banning conservatives and even banned President Trump and conservatives altogether? Just a few years ago, there were actual congressional hearings about it. These people are comically stupid. And yes, you could see it today with Instagram. You can see it today with Facebook. Actually, James O’Keefe just had somebody on there letting you know, yes, we’re pumping up Kamala and we’re pushing down anything that Trump says or anything that anyone else says that’s in a positive light towards Trump.

So that should tell you everything you need to know right there. Plus, you could see Europe, Brazil, and other countries. They’re going to be putting a lot of pressure on the social media platforms because they do not want the truth out there. But what’s very interesting is that Doji designer put this out and said CNN should change their name to DNN disinformation news network. Elon said, I’d like to congratulate CNN on their new name. And that’s exactly what CNN is. It’s a disinformation news network. Just like MSNBC, just like CNBC and the rest, yes, times, NPR, you name it, it’s all the same.

And the people, they’re not going along with all this. Actually, they’re on Trump’s side. Rasmussen reports put this out on X and says the following. Half the voters think the news media favors Democrats and nearly as many agree with Trump. Harshest condemnation of the media. And that’s absolutely true. And what’s very interesting, since we’re talking about censorship and we just said Facebook, Instagram, they’re the ones who are censoring. Well, it turns out that’s absolutely true. Brendan Carr put this out and said Facebook is now censoring the fact that VP Harris has failed to connect even one person to the Internet despite leading the administration 42 billion infrastructure plan for a thousand plus days.

Facebook is labeling this false information not because anyone has been connected, no one has, but because the government has been spending money while not connecting anyone. Worse, the fact checkers only source, the only source they have are the Biden Harris officials. I thought Zuckerberg promised Congress that it had stopped censoring posts at the behest of the Biden Harris administration. I guess they didn’t. Elon Musk responded to this and said Facebook, fact checkers, clowns and. Absolutely. And actually when you look on Instagram, you could see this was fact checked by a fact checker, but they never really, never give you the fact checker.

So now they’re just leaving that whole part out. They’re just telling you that they’re going to shadow banning ban you, they’re going to limit your exposure. I mean, they really don’t tell you that. That that’s behind the scenes. The engineer told us this. But as soon as you get the fact check, as soon as you get this, you’re probably going to see your views go down. You’re probably going to see a lot more people saying, listen, I didn’t see that because they’re actually shadow banning you. And the other thing that’s very interesting, the Wayback machine that was cyber attacked a couple of times, the last time it was pretty darn big and they went down for quite a while.

But what’s very interesting is when the Wayback machine came back up, Twitter’s blog posts from 2019 to 2024 appeared to be missing from the Wayback machine. So when they were cyber attacked, were they deleted? Were they removed by the deep state players? I mean, really think about that. Was that the purpose of cyber attacking the wayback machine? Hmm. Who would do that? You think? It was the intelligence organizations starting to seem that way. Financial op put this out on x and says, the only logical conclusion here is there were millions of CIA red x accounts from 2019 to 2023.

And they’re worried a Trump win exposes the data. They’ve wiped x and now they wiped all the backups. Whatever the CIA run programs were, we can only guess at this point. Now, that is very, very interesting because I remember post 777 in February 14, 2018. Down below, it says they are watching archive. And this isn’t all caps, by the way, archive. Everything offline. That’s very, very interesting because they just went ahead and they started to delete things. Mike Benz responded to what happened on the way back machine. He said, the wayback machine drama is taking another insane turn.

Elon Musk responded to that and said, strange. Well, we can provide them again if needed. So Elon has this information. So did the intelligence organizations that they succeed in removing this. Remember, nothing is ever deleted on the Internet. So that means they still have this information. So what are they going to do to completely block it? Because now they understand and they realize that just deleting it didn’t help. Do you think they’re preparing for something? You think in the end, when things don’t go their way and they lose control, I think they’ve already lost control. But when they lose control over all of this.

Do you think they’re going to try to shut everything down so nobody can see anything? It’s starting to seem that way. And I do believe when they go ahead and they do something like this, I do believe we’re going to see a cyber attack. And, yes, that’s going to lead into the communication blackout. The cyber attack is going to try to manipulate the elections. The cyber attack is going to try to bring us to war. This is what they’re going to use the cyber attack for. And actually, we’re getting the cyber attack intel, letting us know that they’re expecting a cyber attack on this country around the election time, which is very interesting.

But before we get to that, it seems that synmour was hiding in a bunker with his family members, and they’re now showing pictures of the bunker where he was. And it looks like the tissue that was removed from this area. Well, they did a DNA test, and it looks like, yes, it was Sinwar that they killed. But the other thing that’s very interesting is that the Biden Harris regime, they are now leaking Israel’s strike plans against Iran. Because, remember, Israel is going to be striking Iran, and it seems that Biden Harris, they are now feeding this information or leaking it out.

So Iran knows what’s coming. Now, once again, we know from Trump because he spoke to Netanyahu. Netanyahu is not listening to Biden. So does that mean Netanyahu fed them false information and wanted to see who was going to leak information out? Most likely, yes. So these documents, they were leaked out by the Biden Harris regime to the pro iranian operation, and it detailed the israeli plans for a potential strike. Both the US Defense Department and the office of director of National Intelligence declined to comment on any of this. So that is very, very interesting. And the other thing that’s really interesting is that there was a drone that was launched from Lebanon, and the drone flew towards Netanyahu’s house.

And it looks like this was an attempted assassination of Netanyahu. And Netanyahu, he was not assassinated. He’s still alive, but it looks like they were trying to remove him, which is very, very interesting. So you could see that things are starting to heat up now in the Middle east. You could see the Biden Harris administration, they’re all for Iran, even though Kamala is out there letting everyone know that, hey, it’s a good thing that Sid more is dead. Biden’s out there saying it’s good things similar as that. But again, they were opposed for of Israel going into Rafa and Israel didn’t listen and they were able to remove these people.

Remember, the operation out in Israel? And I do believe Trump is involved in all this, is to remove the state funded terrorists. Biden and Harris, they have to play it both on both sides. And they’re really for the state funded terrorists. They’re against Israel, but they have to make it look like they’re for Israel. And this is why they, after an operation like this, is why they come out and they say, hey, this is a good thing. But then they went ahead and they leaked the information to Iran. So really think about this for a second.

And they continually tried to say, okay, since you did this, let’s have a ceasefire. Oh, don’t go into Rafa. Don’t do this, don’t do that. That should tell you everything you need to know. Look at their actions. Look at what they’re really doing. Forget about their ridiculous speeches that they put up there because those are fake and phony. That’s the mislead, you, that is the noise. And when you look at North Korea, you can see North Korea sending troops up to Russia. Doesn’t mean they’re fighting in the ukrainian war. Maybe they will get involved, but they’re sending them up there.

Zelensky is reporting on this. And North Korea, and South Korea, they’re coming head to head. North Korea already blew up their railroad to South Korea. And South Korea is flying drones into North Korea, dropping leaflets. And North Korea right now is threatening to declare war on South Korea. Now South Korea is saying we need nuclear weapons. Look how this is all now building up. It’s absolutely unbelievable. And China’s Xi Jinping, he’s now calling for troops to boost war preparedness. So he went on to CCTV, a state run broadcaster, and he let everyone know that this week troops need to strengthen their preparedness for war.

So is something going to happen? Is, are they preparing for something? I think we’re going to see an event in China and Taiwan. We’re going to see North Korea and South Korea. We’re going to see the Middle east. And then we have Ukraine. Remember, Zelensky was out there saying, listen, it’s either we join NATO or we’re going to get nuclear weapons. Now, we know that NATO is not going to accept them right now, which means Zelensky is probably going to try to get nuclear weapons or build up a nuclear weapon arsenal. So let’s really think about this for a second.

Zelensky is saying NATO or nuclear. You know, Zelensky they want to join NATO. They’ve been trying for a very, very long time. How do you get NATO to accept you? What happens if they are now going to use a dirty bomb? That’s why they said nuclear weapons, a crude artifact with nuclear waste that could cause radioactive contamination of large sections of territory. Will this be the catalyst of a worldwide nuclear exchange between the major powers? Are they going to try to create a false flag to try to bring NATO into their war? And if they do bring NATO and they use some type of false flag like this, I mean, remember Ukraine? They’ve been trying to do this quite a bit.

They fired a missile into Poland, but again, it was debunked. They were trying to say it was Russia, but it was really Ukraine. They tried to use all different types of false flags to blame it on Russia. They will create a false flag where they probably going to say that Russia did something and it’s nuclear, because look at the nuclear ways. Look at the contamination. And they’re going to try to bring in NATO to this, which means if NATO gets involved, that means all the allies get involved, all the western countries get involved. And I do believe they will probably try to do this.

And as Trump said, listen, I can calm this down. I can have peace. He does have the ultimate countermeasure, and that is peace. And he said a long time ago, something’s going to happen with Taiwan. And we can see that’s building already. We know that he went down to North Korea, walked across the DMZ with Kim Jong un. He writes letters to Kim Jong un, and now Kim Jong, Kim Jong un is involved. I do believe Kim Jong un is involved because originally he was supposed to start World War three, even though it was going to be the deep state players.

And then we have the Middle east and then we have Ukraine. So we have all of this happening at the same time. And it sounds like the war drums are getting louder and louder as we move closer and closer to the presidential election. And I don’t mean as soon as we have the presidential election, everything’s all said and done, everything’s great, and war just stops and that’s that. No, I do believe the deep state players, they’re going to ramp this up because remember, Trump said, after I’m elected, I can stop this. Now as president elect, can he usher in peace? Well, you know, the deep state players, they’re going to still be in charge until the inauguration, and they’re going to probably try to ramp up war.

I wouldn’t be surprised if we have Biden out, Kamala in as the acting president, and Obama and team, they push war very, very hard, which means there’s going to be leaders around the world calling on the president elect to actually calm the situation down, because I think it’s going to get a lot worse under Kamala. And I think Trump’s going to have to step in and, and actually say, I can have negotiations, I can negotiate this. We don’t have to go to war. And let’s see how this all plays out. Because I do believe this is going to happen before the election, during the election, and really after the election, that’s when things are really going to start to heat up.

Why? Because when Trump wins, what is the deep state going to do? They’re going to try to stop him at all costs, are going to try to stay in power. They don’t want to leave the White House. Yes, they’re going to try to cheat any way they possibly can before the election. And I do believe, yes, they’re going to try the mail ins, early voting. You could see the Republicans now, they’re now on board with early voting. They’re actually outpacing the Democrats in certain areas. And I do believe there’s a reason why Trump says to vote early.

This counters the deep state’s plan. And again, if you’re going to do something on election day, you really want to get your vote in early. So that vote on election day is not affected, which is very, very interesting. But you could see that their entire plan to usher in a virus, another plan, Demic, is not working the way they thought it was going to work. And I think at this point they might try. They have, we have a couple of weeks left. They might try something, but I don’t think it’s going to go the way they think it’s going to go.

But think about COVID for example. Covid allowed the people to see different medications that actually help with viruses, ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine. And then we had peer reviewed documents with ivermectin showing that it does cure cancer. And what’s very interesting, I do believe the pharmaceutical companies, the WHO, the CDC, the FDA, they’ve been hiding a lot from the american people. And I think the world and the pharmaceutical companies, they are definitely involved in teaching the doctors. And all doctors do. Now, most of them, I say majority of them, all they do is push medication that the pharmaceutical companies make.

And they push medication. Then you need other medication to combat the side effects of the first medication that you’re taking, and they never really cure anything. And now we have the who and AstraZeneca. They’re going to teach medical doctors on the basis of climate change. That’s what their training is going to revolve around. So top universities are going to train 10,000 future doctors on how climate change is increasing cancers, increasing cardiovascular disease and mental illness. So climate change is responsible. Not the food we’re eating, not the medication, not plastics, not any of that. It’s climate change, cardiovascular disease, not all the crap food that they’re pouring into us.

No, that. That’s not the problem. It’s climate change. So basically, these doctors, in the end, they’re going to be complete and utter morons, because they’re going to base everything around climate change and then they’re going to give you a pill. That’s really what’s going to happen. So they’re not going to know anything. Not going to know anything about food. Actually, we heard this doctor testify, said when she was in medical school, they taught her nothing about food. Because when you start to do your research and you start to look back in time, you can see our food supply has changed.

You could see that we’re getting a lot more vaccines now where we really don’t need. We’re on tons of medication. And this is causing a lot of the problems in this country. And I do believe this is why Trump is bringing in RFK junior, to combat everything the CDC has done, everything the FDA has done, and everything the pharmaceutical companies have done. And I do believe people are going to have to be deprogrammed from what they’ve been programmed to believe. Let’s talk about protecting our wealth. Are you worried about the future of the US economy? With so much uncertainty in the air, it’s natural to fret about the security of your retirement savings.

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And I do believe when people start to see the truth, people are going to be completely and utterly shocked. I think a lot of people understand this now. I think a lot of people are on board, but the rest of the country, I think they’re going to be like, wow, I didn’t realize it was this bad. Just like January 6. I don’t think people realize how many confidential human sources, how the FBI, Capitol police were really involved. And every day that passes and more and more information comes out, we start to understand that there were a lot of people that were dressed up as Trump supporters that were actually the agitators.

Johnny midnight put this out and said, turns out, MAGA hat dude breaking Capitol window on January 6 and injuring cops with pepper spray is antifa. Like Trumpers in January 6, video chanted antifa, Trumpers were right. Capitol breachers were infiltrators posing as Trumpers. He voted Obama two times, never Trump. So, yes, there are those people that were breaking windows, those people that were hurting police. If you look at them, even though they’re dressed in MAGA hats, even though they had the Trump paraphernalia on, it’s the same tactics they used when they went ahead and they rioted in all the different cities.

They attacked the police and they attacked people. They broke windows. That should tell you everything you need to know. And this is why they’ve been hiding the videotapes. This is why the IG, I do believe, is going to come out with the report after the election. Because again, I do believe we’re going to see another January 6 event. And those people that are rioting, they’re not going to be Trump supporters. Yes, you’re going to have a lot of people dressed up as Trump supporters, but it’s going to be antifa, illegals and all the others. Now, think about it when that happens, and then the IG comes out, the report, and you see the same exact thing.

Wait a minute. The FBI was involved. There were a lot of people that were dressed up as Trump supporters, they were antifa. There were a lot of confidential human sources. And then you look at the same thing that’s happening this January 6. I think it’s become very, very clear who’s behind all of this. And I think this is going to be the downfall of the FBI, DOJ and the rest. Now, the other thing that’s very, very interesting is that Kamala, she’s continually having her rallies, but she’s busing all the people in. We always see the same exact white buses.

And we saw the same thing happen in Grand Rapids, Michigan. And when you start to track the phones, it looks like they’re bringing in the same people over and over and over. Trump war room put this out and said, pathetic scenes from Kamala’s rally in Michigan, where a tiny crowd of bust in supporters awaits. And during the one of the rallies with Kamala, Lizzo was saying, listen, we want the country to be like Detroit. Really? Because Detroit is a complete and utter nightmare. It, Detroit is decimated, I guess. Are they saying they want the country to be like Chicago, like La? Yeah, they do.

In reality, that’s really what they want. But she said the quiet part out loud. And when you look at Detroit, it’s a disaster. Area 17, absolute redo 76. Put this out next. And said, according to Lizzo, the entirety of America will become exactly like Detroit if Kamballa is elected. I swear, they could not possibly make our jobs any easier right now. I do believe this is going to be a Trump ad very, very soon. Not only does a large portion of a once great american city lie in ruin, but Detroit also has amongst the highest crime and poverty rates in the country.

You have a one in 66 chance of being a victim of a crime in Detroit. If we’re talking about violent crime, the odds are 149. Your chance of becoming a victim of property or violent crime in Detroit is one in 15. As for poverty, Detroit currently has a poverty rate of 42.3%. Is that what Lizzo was referring to? Or perhaps she was referring to a once vibrant auto manufacturing industry that has also been all but decimated. Detroit is one of the prime examples of what happens when your city is controlled by shitbag communists. I mean, no offense, but methinks I’ll pass on seeing America become Detroit and vote for the dude.

They’ll bring America back to Detroit. And he’s absolutely right. Trump is talking about bringing back manufacturing, bring back the all the companies that left. We don’t want America to be what Detroit is now, because this is what the Democrats did to Detroit. So once again, I do believe Trump is probably going to use this as an ad, and we’ll probably see that ad very, very soon. But the other thing that’s very interesting is Obama. He’s out there campaigning for Kamala. We have Clinton out there campaigning for Kamala. And Obama, he took the stage at a high school in North Las Vegas to campaign for Kamala Harris.

And the school gym is at capacity with a thousand people watching in an overflow room. So they only were able to fill up a school gymnasium in Nevada. I mean, really think about that for a second. That’s awful. I mean, think about when he was running back in 2008. He’d be able to fill up, like what Trump is filling up right now. Actually, I think Trump’s crowds are even larger. So this is really, really bad right now. And the other thing that’s very interesting is that Kamala cannot answer any questions about how she differs from Biden.

Two way put this out and said Kamala Harris was asked for the 19th time by NBC News how she would differ from Joe Biden. She gave another nonspecific response. I think the answer was pretty horrendous, says Mark Halperin. She’s back to we wouldn’t really be that different. And then a laundry list of her experiences and the implication of her experiences would make her different and therefore better. But no specifics. This wasn’t great. Rich Barris responded to this and said, spent the day talking to voters in Pennsylvania who voted for Joe Biden in 2020 but are now voting for Donald Trump.

They made it clear that if she loses, this is, will be, this will be why? And absolutely because you’re not telling people anything. Actually, during her interviews, she says absolutely nothing. And the people, they’re seeing how she really sees them. During her rally, people screamed out, Jesus’s lord. And she told them, hey, I think you’re at the wrong rally. She didn’t show up to the catholic dinner. She sent a video message that made a fun of Catholics. I mean, I think that tells you everything you need to know. Look at their actions, not what they’re saying.

So right there, that tells you everything. Plus, Kamala Harris publicly agrees with protester accusing Israel of genocide. So she said what he’s talking about is real. So she’s against Israel. She’s against what Israel is doing. And actually, once again, look at her actions. It’s very, very clear to see, and the other thing you can see very, very clearly is that everything she does is scripted. Trump row room put this out and said every single thing she does is scripted. She simply cannot function without one. And they put up video of Kamala at every one of her rallies.

And she does the same exact thing. She reads the teleprompter. It’s scripted. It’s the exact same thing. Hand, motion, everything right there that tells you it all. Plus, Kamala decided, you know something? I’m going to steal another thing that Trump already has done. Trump war room put this out and said, Kamala says she’ll do a critical assessment of federal jobs to prioritize skills over degree requirements. Except Trump already signed an executive order to do this back in 2020. So once again, she stole another thing from Trump, just like she stole no tax on tips, which means she’s just taking everything that Trump is doing.

Actually, I wonder if this is how she got through college, by plagiarizing. Starting to seem that way because it looks like her entire life is plagiarized. Hmm. That’s very interesting. I mean, think about her book that she came out with. She plagiarized from other areas and put it in her book. Unbelievable. But you could see the deep state players. They’re panicking, and now they are basically threatening the white people. If you don’t vote for Kamala, there’s going to be accountability. Really? This is a free country. Can’t anyone vote for who they want without having accountability? Or are they saying if Trump wins, something’s going to happen? Afterwards? Tom Elliott put this out and said, angela Rye, what I think is a mistake is to let white folks escape the accountability that they must face for not showing up to save democracy.

The responsibility of saving democracy should be on the largest demographic in this country. This is white men and white women. Yeah, we are saving democracy. Actually, we’re saving the republic. That’s why we’re voting for Trump. But again, are they sending a message that if you don’t do what you’re supposed to do and what we want you to do, something’s going to help happen. We’re going to hold you accountable? Starting to seem that way. And what the other thing was very interesting is that Trump supporters now are getting threatening letters. Now they’re putting the Trump logo up top, saying it’s from Trump advanced, but which it’s really not.

And they’re sending these letters to their neighbors, people in Pennsylvania, saying that you better not vote for Trump because if you do, something bad’s going to happen. So it looks like we’re at the phase where the deep state players, they’re becoming very, very desperate, panicked, and they’re starting to threaten people. I think this is just going to get worse and worse as time goes on. And what’s very interesting is that Kamala Harris, she’s ready to hit the campaign trail with Michelle and Barack Obama. So Barack is going to be with her. Michelle’s going to be with her.

It’s very interesting. It’s going to be Barack and Michelle with Kamala. Yes, I know they’re friends, but it’s interesting that they’re on the campaign trail together. Hmm. Now, what’s very interesting is we could see the deep state players. They’re up to their same old tricks. They’re using fake polls. All these polls that you see with Kamala, with CNN, MSNBC and the rest where, oh, it’s very close. Trump’s in the lead. Cabal’s in the lead. These are all fake polls. And actually, Chris Wallace, he was out there using fake polls. Once again, patriots are controlling x. Put this out and said Chris Wallace, regulated to CNN.

Saturday’s morning laugh out loud puts up an hilariously fake poll that says voters see Kamala in better physical mental health than Trump by 20 points. See how the fake news works. They can literally make up anything they say. See, it’s true. We have a poll. Well, I remember going back about eight years when they put up another poll and they said, clinton is October 18, by the way, and Wilkins put this out. Clinton is up 92%. Trump was at 8%. I think they were trying to convince everyone. See, we put that up there. It’s true. And you know who put this poll out? New York Times.

So right there, this is what the fake news does over and over and over. But let’s look at other methods of seeing what people are really looking at and what people are deciding on. Because again, what the deep state does is they use polls. They wait the polls, they survey a lot more democrats than Republicans. And they do this on purpose to skew the results. And when people look at what they used and their methodology, they start to realize, yeah, you’re skewing the results, but this is what they do. They’ve been doing it for a very, very long time.

But when we look at other things, for example, like Tick Tock, Johnny Maga put this up, Team Trump is absolutely destroying Kamala headquarters on tick tock over the last twelve posts, Kamala headquarters, approximately 3.5 million views. Team Trump, approximately 16.5 million views. That should tell you everything you need to know. And the other thing that really sums up who those individuals are in Congress is when we have constitutional day. Now, you would think the Americans who are in our Senate, who are in our house on constitutional day, what happens in Congress is people show up and they read passages of the Constitution.

And as an american, as these individuals in office who sworn oath to uphold the constitution, you would think every single one of them would show up to the reading in Congress and read a passage because they love the country, they love the Constitution. They’re in office, they’re representing the people. You would think you would have a full house, but you don’t actually, most people don’t even show up. Actually, the DS don’t like to do it because they say it’s a right wing thing. Isn’t that interesting? It’s a conservative thing. Tulsi Gabbard explains because she volunteered to do a reading and she was shocked in what she saw.

Take a listen. There is a reading of the Constitution on the House floor from start to finish. Those members of Congress who choose to go and participate in it go and read a section, people taking turns until you go through the whole thing. The first year that I found out about this, I volunteered and I wanted to go down and be a part of it. And I don’t remember who told me this, but someone told me because there were not very many members of Congress participating at all. And I questioned someone about why that was. The answer that I got was, well, a lot of Democrats see this as just a right wing conservative thing to go to the House floor and read the constitution.

That, as you said, every one of us as members of Congress, obviously those of us who wear the uniform, same thing, raise our right hand and swear to uphold. And that was very disturbing. When you look at the results and you look at the fruits that that tree is bearing, you get it in Congress. I think it now that should tell you everything you need to know about who’s representing us. Remember, they took an oath to uphold the constitution and they lied about it because they don’t like the constitution. Should they be in office? Absolutely not.

I mean, if they don’t show up on Constitution day to read a passage of the constitution because they think it’s a conservative thing. And I think a lot of these people have been telling you that they hate the constitution, they shouldn’t be in office, then they went back on their oath. All these people should be removed immediately and hopefully that day is coming. Now, the other thing that we could see, and we could see how the polls are created Jordan Conrad Sen put this out and said, this is kind of odd. Reuters Ipsos Arizona Senate race poll doesn’t include Kerry Lake.

So when he scrolls down and he looks at the poll, it’s Ruben Galleo. Ruben Galleo. Carrie Lake wasn’t even on there. So when you get the results, they’re going to be very, very skewed, aren’t they? Now of course, what are they going to say? Oh, by the way, it was a glitch. Every time that somebody points it out and it goes across social media, it’s always a glitch. Now before when Twitter was controlled by Biden Harris, just like YouTube and Facebook and Instagram, you most likely you would never see any of this. You might see it on truth, but truth didn’t exist back then.

But again, the only reason they keep saying it’s a glitch is because now people are calling them out on it. Because now we have platforms that allows us to show people what’s really going on, just like what’s going on in Michigan. Disclose tv put the sentence that 500,000 more people are registered to vote in Michigan than those old enough to vote Democrat. Officials say they’ll purge over 600,000 inactive voters after this election. Why after this election? First of all, we have over the amount of people that means a lot of dead people on this. They’re going to use their names.

We know exactly what they’re doing. Robbie Starbuck put this out and said, can anyone give me a good reason for why the Democrats there didn’t already clean the voter rolls before this election when they knew this was an issue? I can’t think of a reason that isn’t nefarious. But I’m open minded. Anybody have a good reason? Yeah, because they’re going to use the names, the illegals are going to drop in the mail ins and they’re going to use the Social Security and the names of all the dead people. That’s pretty much what they’re going to do.

We know how their system works. We know what they do now. And it’s very, very easy to see. Plus, they just prove not just with one state but with multiple states that the Dominion machines flip the votes. Now they could say it’s a glitch. They could say whatever they want. What this proves is that the machines have the ability to flip the votes. What else can they do? Remember Marjorie Taylor Greene? She pointed this out. She said reports from Whitfield County, Georgia that Dominion machines are flipping votes. This is exactly the kind of fraud we saw in 2020.

And it cannot be tolerated. Absolutely. And then we had it out in Tennessee. George, put this out. Election officials in Shelby County, Tennessee are receiving reports from many voters saying that the voting machines are flipping their votes. Why are Republicans in Tennessee participating in the destruction of America? By using these disgusting machines? Absolutely. So that just proved to everyone that these machines have the ability to flip the votes very, very easily. So in the dead of night, when they’re tallying things, how do you know what these machines are doing unless we take the ballots and we confirm everything? Which means if we’re going to do that, why do we need the machines anyhow? Because machines are supposed to be just counting the ballots.

Why can’t we just have people count the ballots? Because they need the machines to cheat. They do it in the darkness of night. You can’t see what’s going on beyond, you know, within the machine. All you do is get the results. But now it has just been proven that this is exactly what it does. And you can see the fake news. They’re panicking over this. George put this out and said the fake news is crying about Elon and MTG bringing everyone’s attention to the factual vulnerabilities that exist on Dominion voting machines and also machines from other vendors.

The post above backs up everything they said about the machines. And you can see Newsweek, ABC, and the rest are all out there putting up the same exact headlines. Marjorie Teller Green claims the mini machines were switching votes. ABC News Elon Musk pushes false conspiracy about voting machines during swing state town hall. But now it’s all coming true and people could see the truth. And it looks like Trump’s plan to have people go and early vote, it’s actually working. Trump, he put this out on truth. He said. An unprecedented development. North Carolina Republicans have taken the lead in early voting.

The Democrats lead in the in person early voting both in 2022 and 2020. Republican 34.94%. Democrats, 34.84%. Major GOP turnout. Absolutely. And you can see that deep state players, they are now panicking over the majority. The hill put out an article and it says the scared majority could deliver a landslide victory for Trump. The scared majority. So basically, they’re telling us that we are the majority, which means they are the minority. And that reminds me of post. 1657 July 1, 2018 they are scared of you. Nothing is more powerful than the public being awake and collectively, free thinking, talking, et cetera.

Stay united. Absolutely. And we could see that white women right now, most likely they’re going to be voting for Trump. How do we know this? Well, polymarket put this out and said there’s a 59% chance Trump wins the white woman vote. Absolutely. And then the other thing that’s really interesting is that there’s a bakery, which is called Oakmont Bakery. They put out cookies, and there’s Kamala Harris cookies. There’s Trump cookies. And what’s very interesting about this is that Trump is outselling Kamala almost four to one. That’s very interesting. So they have sold 19,756 Trump cookies and they sold 5644 Kamala cookies.

I think that tells you everything you need to know right there. And Elon, he let everyone know that this election, when you see something, definitely say something. And a woman was asking Elon a question, well, we did this last time, and look what happened. Nothing. No, I think it woke a lot of people up. I think this was the introduction into the rigging of the election. Remember what Trump did? He pushed them into rigging the election where they never rigged an election like this. They created a whole new system to rig the election. And it was very, very apparent in what they did.

I do believe this was the introduction to get people to see it, to get people understand that the elect, the election was rigged, and now we’re going to confirm it in 2024. But Elon said that this time around, the X platform is not going to suppress any information. If there’s any evidence of election fraud, post it on the platform and be as loud as possible. And let’s try to make light. Let’s have a brighter light and shine it on the cheating, and light will be the cure in the end. So I do believe this time around, it is going to be very, very different.

Now, is this going to happen right after the election and everyone’s going to go, oh, my God, they cheated? No, it’s going to take a little bit of time, but this time we have much more control. And this is why I do believe the deep state players, since they’re putting out all these articles talking about landslide, I do believe at this point they’re now shifting their tactics. They’re not going to use the mail and see how they’re going to try. They’re going to try to win that way. But I think it’s going to be too big to rig.

And I think they’re shifting to the back end, and I think they’re shifting to a place where they’re going to try to create chaos and maybe try to delay the elections or say the elections were manipulated. Now, I do believe they might try to have a change of battery, they might use this. Not so Michelle or Hillary Clinton can win. They might try to do this to create chaos in the election process. So a presidential candidate, they can drop out. Now, I think they have to make this look very, very natural. They can’t just say, hey, Kamala’s dropping out because the poll numbers are low.

So right now she went on to CB’s, was this set up on purpose? Did they edit it on purpose? So this way they have to say, listen, it was edited. CB’s did it. They interfered in the election. She’s going to drop out. Or they might use some type of medical record, but they’re going to do it in such a way where they’re saying that we didn’t want our candidate to drop out, but because of what happened or because of a medical problem, the candidate has to drop out and we have to bring someone else in. And everyone’s saying, well, what happens with all the early ballots? What happens with, you know, all the things that people have already done because they voted for Kamala? And if they bring somebody else in, what happens then? Well, there are certain states that will allow this.

In certain states that will not allow this. Some states might allow the party to replace the candidate without significant issues, especially if the change happens before ballot printing or if state law. State law allows the updates or clarification of who electors are pledged to vote for. Other states might not have provisions for late changes, meaning the original candidate’s name might remain on the ballot, but votes could still be counted for the replacement based on how electors are pledged. This would depend on state specific election laws. So many states have deadlines for when candidates must be certified, which could be before October.

If a candidate drops out of after these deadlines, it might be logistically challenging or impossible to change the ballot, though the party’s electors could still vote for an alternative candidate in the electoral college. So can it really be done, especially if somebody has a medical problem or something else happens, person dies? Yes. There are ways to do this. This is why they can’t just say, hey, she’s dropping out. I do believe they have to make it. They have to make a certain reason why she’s doing it. And I think just like with Biden where they show that he can’t function anymore, people realize at that point because they allowed the people to see it, okay, he really can’t run.

He has dementia. This is not fair. And everyone saw it during the debate. And I do believe this is why the D party accepted Kamala. Coming in with absolutely no votes whatsoever. So given all this in October, very close to the election, replacing the candidate would be highly unconventional and could lead to legal challenges, voter confusion, and logistical nightmares concerning ballots. However, it’s not impossible under party rules, but might not reflect on ballots in all states due to legal deadlines. So this might lead, if this does happen, this might lead to lawsuits. This might lead to lawsuits that say they can’t just replace this person and they might use this to either, number one, stall the elections.

Number two, if they can get this through and people don’t have a problem with it and there aren’t lawsuits, they can have another candidate coming in. So there’s two scenarios that could be used with this. And I do believe to swap out a candidate, it has to be done with a good reason that people would accept. Like if, I’m not going to say she dies, but if a candidate dies, people would say, well, the candidate died, so they need another candidate. So if she’s removed because of a medical reason, I think they would accept it and people would be okay with it.

If she’s removed because of election interference or what CB’s did and maybe she was involved with it, I think people be like, you know what? She has to be removed. This is not right. So right there, they do have the ability to do this, but this could create lawsuits and they might be able to slow down the elections and maybe halt the elections. I do believe that is a tactic that they might use. The other tactic is just let Trump win, bring in their other candidate. Everyone accepts it because maybe she has cancer or something like that, or something else happens, people accept it.

They still lose. They just say, okay, the elections were manipulated. There was a cyber attack. The elections are manipulated. Foreign governments were involved. And we don’t know who really won. Even though it says Trump won, we really don’t know who won. And what’s very interesting about this, Emerald Robinson put this out on accident. Said three national security sources confirm a nationwide 911 style cyber attack against America is widely expected by the intelligence agencies on or near the election day. That is very, very interesting. So that means most likely they’ll probably allow the election to go through, allow people to vote.

But maybe on election day or maybe a day prior to election day, we see some type of cyber attack, which they can use to say the elections are manipulated. Now, once that happens, you know what they’re going to try to do? They’re going to try to delay. They want to stay in power. And we might see a scenario where people believe Trump is one, but they’re telling us that we don’t know who the winner is because it’s manipulated. We saw this back with Bush and Gore. They had to go up to the Supreme Court. We didn’t know who a winner was.

Yes, we still have the president because again, nothing happens until January 20 or so when there’s inauguration, also January 6 when it’s certified. So it’s not like the country’s left without a leader. Well, actually, we don’t really have a leader, but you know what I mean. So right there, this could be delayed and this might have to go to the Supreme Court to say, what is the remedy? And once again, they might say, listen, if it’s manipulated by a foreign government, let’s count the ballots, you know, the ballots that we feed into the machines. Now, I don’t think the deep state’s going to want this because I think we’re going to see a lot of manipulation, a lot of copied ballots, a lot of forged ballots.

Or if that does happen, that’s going to prove there was rigging of the election. And people are going to be very, very upset. People are going to be like, wait, what are we seeing here? Which means, does that mean the election has to be redone? I mean, really think about this and think about how this is going to go. But during this period of time, we know the deep state players, they’re going to create chaos. They’re going to have as much chaos as possible between the elections and January 20. And they might have people dressed up as Trump supporters creating havoc around the country where they say there has to be martial law.

They could do all of these things. And we could see that, yes, just by substituting a candidate doesn’t mean they’re putting the person in to win. They might be putting the person in to create the chaos. And it can be done. There are ways to do it, even with early voting. So right there, you could see that their plan, if you step back, their plan is to, yes, cheat in the election, win if they possibly can. But if they know they can’t and they see that there’s no way we could do, it’s too big to rig.

They’re going to try to delay it. They’re going to try to say the results are manipulated. They’re going to say that we, we don’t know who the winner is because they want to stay in power as long as they possibly can. But I do believe Trump, he set it up in a way that if something like this does happen, and let’s say it goes up to the Supreme Court. It’s either we see the ballots and we see the cheating, and the elections have to be redone at this point, and we have the save act sitting in the House, it’ll be pushed into the Senate and into the presidency at the time, whoever the president is, and they’re going to be forced to sign it, because again, if there is manipulation and for cyber attack, this is an act of war.

The election systems are part of the national infrastructure, so that means the military will be called up, National Guard. We’re going to have to protect the elections and we’re going to have to make sure that only Americans are voting in the election, since we’re now on the cusp of war. And I do believe Trump at the Patriots have led the deep state players down this path, because this proves everything Trump was saying back in 2020, that the elections were manipulated, other governments were involved, we had other people in the system manipulating the election. The machines manipulate the elections.

The ballots were fed in over and over and over, because again, they didn’t win by votes, they won by ballots. So this is going to prove everything that he said, and people are going to see it play out in real time. And I do believe in the pet. In the end, people are going to realize that the deep state players are exactly who they are. They are the criminal syndicate. They cheated in the election and now they’re trying to stay in power. Everything that they said about Trump, they are going to do. But in the end, it’s all going to fail.

Because again, Trump has the people, Trump has the military. The deep state is going to be screwed. No matter how much chaos they create. It’s not going to work. They’re going to do their best. They’re going to push very, very hard. But I think in the end, it’s not going to work out the way they think it’s going to work out, because once the people see it, they’re done for. And I do believe Trump at the Patriots, they’re gonna let the people see it. Why? Because the patriots are in control. Listen, everyone, thanks a lot for listening.

Be well, be safe, and especially be prepared. Thanks a lot.

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