Ep. 3478b – Trump:[KH] Should Be Thrown Off The CampaignTrump Explains Who The Enemy From Within Is




➡ In this episode, the host discusses the political climate, suggesting that Kamala Harris’s campaign is struggling and that Trump has a strong following. The host also talks about a health issue related to certain foods, which can be addressed by following a specific diet. Lastly, the host criticizes the current economic system and the use of illegal immigrants for cheap labor.
➡ The text discusses concerns about inflation, illegal immigration, and alleged government corruption. It suggests that the government is enabling illegal immigration and that this is negatively impacting the economy. The text also discusses alleged censorship on social media platforms, particularly against conservative viewpoints. Lastly, it mentions power outages in Cuba and suggests that similar issues could occur globally due to cyber attacks.
➡ Tensions are escalating globally, with China conducting military exercises near Taiwan and North Korea reportedly preparing to send troops to fight with Russia. Meanwhile, in the Middle East, Israel is eliminating state-funded terrorists, leading to vows of intensified conflict from Gaza. In the U.S., there are concerns about foreign interference in the upcoming elections, with the British Labor Party allegedly campaigning for Kamala Harris. Amidst these developments, there are speculations about potential changes in the U.S. leadership, with rumors of Kamala Harris possibly becoming the acting president.
➡ The text discusses various political speculations, including the possibility of Kamala Harris becoming president and potential election interference. It also mentions a report about Trump overcharging Secret Service agents for staying at his hotel, which the author doubts. The text also talks about a new Secret Service report warning of another assassination attempt on Trump, and the author speculates about potential consequences. Lastly, the text mentions Trump’s increasing endorsements and the author’s belief that the deep state has infiltrated top levels of various organizations.
➡ The Republican National Committee (RNC) and Maine GOP are demanding answers about non-citizens interfering in Maine’s election and want them removed from voter rolls. The RNC has also filed a lawsuit against Detroit’s Department of Elections for deleting ballot Dropbox surveillance footage. There are concerns about the security of voting machines and the potential for manipulation of votes. The article suggests that there may be attempts to cheat in the election, and emphasizes the importance of checking your printed ballot before submitting it.
➡ The speaker believes that there may be attempts to manipulate the election results to prevent Trump from holding office again. They suggest that this could lead to anger among Trump supporters and potential riots. However, they also argue that such manipulation would prove Trump’s point about election security issues. The speaker concludes by expressing hope that the majority will recognize these issues and take back control of the country.


Hi and welcome. You’re listening to the x 22 report. My name is Dave in this episode 3478 bn. Today’s date is October 18, 2024 and the title of the episode is Trump. Kamala Harris should be thrown off the campaign. Trump explains who the enemy from within is. Let’s talk about our health. Speaking of digestive issues, this is caused by a potential toxin that’s in all of the healthy foods that scientists have been telling us to eat with a fraudulent food pyramid for the longest time. And this potential toxin causes digestive issues. According to Doctor Gundry, a world renowned cardiologist, this is affecting millions of people nationwide.

Warning signs include weight gain, fatigue, digestive discomfort and stiff joints, even skin problems. Well, Doctor Gundry explains the these side effects are often mistaken for normal signs of aging because digestive issues develop usually over a matter of years and sometimes even decades. I can assure you that the damage is probably caused by these healthy foods and it is far from normal. The good news is you can easily help fix a problem from your own home. It’s very simple. You just have to know which foods are actually healthy and which contain the hidden potential toxin. So you can find this yourself@gutcleanseprotocol.com.

x 22. That is gutcleanseprotocol.com x 22 or click the link in the description because after years of research, doctor Gundry has decided to release an informative video to the public, free and uninterrupted, showcasing exactly which foods you need to avoid. Go find that video at gut cleanseprotocol.com x 22. That is gutcleanseprotocol.com x 22 or click the link in the description. Let’s get into the economic collapse. Political and geopolitical news now. The deep state, the corrupt politicians, big tech fake news, the puppet masters. You can see the Harris campaign. They are panicking like we’ve never seen before.

Obama is panicking right now and it looks like they’re prepared and ready to make a change. And I wouldn’t be surprised is if they try to make Kamala Harris acting president and they have Biden retire to try to give her a bump up. And when that doesn’t work, I do believe their next push is probably to swap her out. And I do believe they do have an out right now. Think about that interview with CB’s. There is a lawsuit now going on. They’re trying to force out the unedited version and if that does get released, the deep state players, Obama, they have the ability to say you know something, okay, it’s time to swap her out.

We can use this and we can keep her as acting president. At least she’ll become president. That’s her consolation prize. And we can bring someone else in. Now, once again, all these things have to come together in a very, very short period of time. But when you look at the polls right now, when you look at what Kamala is doing every day, that passes, and every time she goes on an interview or does something, it just gets worse and worse for her. It’s not getting better. So it looks like we might see this happen. And actually, Trump is out there saying that Kamala should be thrown off of the campaign.

And it looks like Trump, he’s pushing them in this direction, which is very, very interesting since we’re at this late stage, the election. So we’re going to have to watch and see how this all plays out, because as we approach the election, we can see that this is not an election of votes. Trump has the votes. This is an election of ballots, just like it was with Biden. He didn’t win by votes. He won by ballots. How many ballots can we print up to meet the vote number that Trump has? And that’s what this is going to be all about.

But this time, the spread is much, much wider than anyone could ever imagine. Right now, I do believe Trump has something like 100 and 4151 hundred, 60 million people behind him. Kamala, her numbers are dropping like a rock. And you could see there are more and more people now endorsing Trump. More and more people saying, you know something, we’ve had enough of this. We’re moving over to Trump because we can’t take the open borders, we can’t take the economy the way it is, and we can’t take another four years of this. So I believe that right now, you can see the Kamala Harris team.

They are panicking and they are worried about what is happening. And they’re in a death spiral right now or a doom loop. Every time she does something else, it just gets worse and worse. Just like with the Al Smith dinner right now. She didn’t show up, but she sent the video and made fun of Catholics, which is absolutely ridiculous. But the other thing that’s very interesting is that Kamala tried to convince the american people that Trump was going to come after the people because he said the enemy within. Well, Trump wasn’t talking about the american people.

He was talking about the criminals in this country. The criminals like Kamala Harris, the criminals like Biden, like Obama, Hillary Clinton, Adam Schiff and the rest. And he explains that. No, no, I’m talking about the people that have destroyed this country, the people that are treasonous to this country. The people most likely have been down to Epstein island, the people that might have been at Diddy’s parties. And those are the people who are the enemy of this country. And those are the people that he will be going after, not the american people. The american people aren’t the criminals.

But you have to remember the deep state players. They want everyone to think that he’s coming after the people. No, that would be the deep state players. That would be the FBI, the DOJ, that would be Biden. That would be Kamala. They’re the ones who are coming after the american people. And I think people could see that very, very clearly right now. We’ll be talking a lot more about this a little bit. First, let’s talk about Kamala Harris, because what’s very interesting is that she posted a video to ex Hurst of herself speaking last week to the mayor of St.

Petersburg, Florida, and this was because of Hurricane Milton, but only after editing out, describing herself as a devout public servant and expressing concern about the pace of federal aid. So that’s very interesting. Here she has a pre recorded message. She edited out certain information in the message, just like everything else. Her entire life has been edited, because if you actually heard her without the edits, it would be a complete and utter disaster. And what’s very interesting, and when we talk about the border, you could see who the racists really are, and you could see that when they talk about the illegals, they’re actually talking about slaves.

If you really think about it, Colin Rugg put this out and said Washington Post columnist Katherine Rampel gets triggered after CNN, Scott Jennings and shark tanks Kevin O’Leary shred her over the economy. Rampel said illegals can’t be deported because they need to pick the crops RAMPEL he’s going to deport 20 million people, the people who pick your crops jennings if you want to run on more illegal immigration as a Democrat, go ahead. I just don’t think it’s going to work. And really think about this. We need these people to pick the crops. It sounds like they’re talking about the south back in the day, slave labor.

Do we really need these people to pick the crops? The question really is why are they bringing in all the illegals? Why are they using this as their excuse? Because again, if the economic system wasn’t breaking down, we wouldn’t need the people to pick the crops. The only reason you would bring any legals is because you need very, very cheap labor. Think about the private central bank system. Think about how the economy is run since the seventies, since we came off the gold standard. Actually, if you go all the way back to 1913, that’s when they kicked everything off.

In the forties, we became the reserve currency. And then they decided, you know something? In the seventies, let’s come off the gold standard and let’s go full fiat at this is the true central bank system that we’re in today, which continually breaks down over time. And what happens is, since you have a central bank system, the currency loses value over time. And as the currency loses value, you cannot manufacture in this country. You cannot pay people to do things because it just becomes too expensive. So this is why they have to bring in the illegals. This is why they move manufacturers out of this country to other countries, because they pay them pennies on the dollar.

When you bring illegals into this country, what happens? You pay them pennies on the dollar. And it’s really slave labor if you really think about it. Because again, these people are coming in from other countries. The government is subsidizing them, giving a house, giving them some money for food and things like that. And then they bring them out onto the farms and they have them work because the system breaks down over time. And remember, inflation doesn’t go away. It’s cumulative over time. Even if they tell you it’s 2%, all that inflation that happened before stays because if we went back to 2% inflation, we would go back to 1970 prices.

So basically, the central bank system is a slave system. It enslaves the people of this country because they have to work harder and harder and harder, and it enslaves the people that are coming into this country. But this is not a very good argument of why we need the illegals in this country. The only reason they’re making this argument is because this is what the private central bank of the deep state players are telling them to say. Because if we actually had a system that actually worked, it wouldn’t be this way at all. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is that we could see how they bring in all these illegals.

And it’s very, very interesting. The people that come into this country completely illegally, they’re given ids and everything. Wall street apes put this out and said, how is this not national news from James O’Keefe? A line in the sand, undercover, pretending to seek asylum, walks into New York Roosevelt hotel no documentation or id immediately gets offered free room and free taxpayer funded flight anywhere in America. Given an id, it’s that easy. And then these people have an id. They can, they’ll send them anywhere they want to go. They can stay in New York or they’ll fly them anywhere.

So basically, the tyrannical government is running a trafficking system. That’s what you’re seeing right there. And they’re telling us that this is normal. They’re breaking the laws of this country. Just because you’re in government, just because your head of DHS, just because you’re doing this, doesn’t mean that you can’t break the laws. I mean, if you go against the laws and you bring in the illegals like this, you should go to jail. Mayorka should go to jail. All these people should go to jail because it’s against the law in what they’re doing right now. And the people of this country, they see us.

They understand that 67% of voters support deportation. And this is coming from a Fox News poll. And what’s very interesting about this is that it actually correlates with the Ipsos poll, the Maris poll, the YouGov poll, and the Harvard Harris poll. These polls show almost two to one support for enforcing the nation’s existing border laws that protect american strivers and families from poor migrants and from employers who cheat by hiring cheap foreign labor. And the people want these individuals deported. And this brings us to back to what Trump has said. He wants to use the Alien act of 1798 to deport all these people.

Karma Patriot put this out on truth and said President Trump told us the exact reason for this directive when he said that if necessary, the military will help ice and law enforcement with mass deportations. Never mentions us citizens. Says civilian individuals and groups. Simply put this authorized military and National Guard to assist eyes with tracking and rounding up cartel and gang members. Lethal interventions under national security conditions in domestic operations military’s role particularly in assisting civil law enforcement defense intelligence may assist a federal law enforcement agency when lives are in danger for civil disturbances. Requires presidential authorization.

Support to civil law enforcement in situations where a confrontation with civilian law enforcement and civilian individuals or groups is anticipated under circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution or act of Congress. This is the constitutional act of Congress. And yes, he has the ability to do this. And he let us know that this will be done not for the american citizens. Those people that are here illegally, which means those people that the deep state have been bringing in to actually to try to have them vote in the election, those people that are working on the farms as slave labor, those people that are going to create chaos in this country, you see Trump at the patriots, they know the playbook, they know that these people are going to be used for all these different agendas.

And once they go ahead and they attack or they make a run at the Capitol because they’re told to by the deep state players, once they, they start destroying different cities and towns and hurting people, well, this act can be used, and I do believe it will be used in the end. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is we could see the social media platforms, and I’m not talking about rumble, I’m not talking about X. X still has its problems here and there. Truth. I’m not talking about that whatsoever or bitchute or any of the others.

But when you look at YouTube and you look at Meta, which is made up of Facebook and Instagram, and let’s include tick tock with this, when you look at these platforms, they have been shadow banning people for a very, very long time. And especially as we get closer and closer to the election, they are continually shadow banning people. And what’s very interesting is James O’Keefe, they went undercover and they were talking to a meta engineer, and they already, he already told us that, yes, they do shadow ban. But here is the second round of the meta engineers reveal, and this is what he says, second round of Meta engineers reveal censorship practices.

Pro Trump posts go just up to another team to take it down. Usually the disinformation we saw was pro Trump will investigate and then it goes just up to another team to take it down. And this is coming from Matthew Fowler, a software engineer manager at Meta. Now, Fowler emphasized that Meta’s investigation offer reliant mainstream media for verification, stating the news is going to do their job, and then based on what the outlets say, you have to trust that. Playman Zelpov, a machine learning engineer at Meta, agreed. Meta has the right to suppress anything, acknowledging the company’s political bias by noting they’re biased if they do that against the republicans.

Zelda detailed Meta censorship capabilities, confirming they target crazy conspiracy right wing people actively demoting their opinions. Michael Zurob, a data scientist at Meta, described the fact checking process, stating, the fundamental problem is that the vast majority of what fact Checkers label is false is shared by conservatives, admitting that any policy demoting content labeled false by fact checkers disproportionately affects conservatives when addressing misinformation, Dells POV explain Meta’s approach. It’s either censored or it says community note thing where it says this is disinformation. It’s probably fake under the post, adding that Meta actually suppresses certain voices. Zirab also recalled how Meta had downranked the hunter Biden laptop story upon the FBI’s warning, stating, we just downranked it, making the post less visible in users feeds.

So they’re continually doing this. And anyone that’s on Instagram, anyone that’s on Facebook, most likely you’ll see that if you post anything pro Trump or you counteract anything the deep state is saying or the fake news is saying, they will start to shadow ban you and your voice will not be heard. And actually this is interfering in the election. And there’s a lot of people that are getting messages saying that this is checked by fact checkers, but they never give links to the actual fact checkers. They never prove, you know, what you’re saying is wrong. They just give you that message, which is very, very interesting.

Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is in Cuba, they’re having a major, major problem and it looks like their economy is paralyzed and all of a sudden they’re in the middle of a blackout. And Cuba’s government has announced that it will halt all non vital state services and businesses for three days as it battles an energy crisis that has caused marathon blackouts for much of the country. The prime minister outlined the measures in an address, saying the government had no choice but to paralyze the economy. This includes shuttering all cultural activities, recreation centers, such as discos, as well as public schools until Monday.

And it looks like there’s a complete breakdown of the national electric power system in Cuba, which is very, very interesting. I wonder if we’re going to see this in other countries where they’re going to say, hey, there’s problems with the power grid and people are losing power in Europe, maybe in other countries that have been following the green new scam or maybe from cyber attacks. So this is very, very interesting that it’s happening in Cuba right now. So we have to keep an eye on what is happening because think about it, they are now finding x censoring people.

We’re seeing power grids go down. We’re seeing water systems being cyber attacked. There’s a lot of cyber attacks that are happening right now. They’ve been increasing over time. So I do believe they’re preparing and getting ready for something big. And remember, it’s not just going to happen in this country. I do believe it’s going to happen worldwide, just like what happened with COVID It just didn’t happen in the United States for the election. It happened worldwide. And I do believe the deep state players, they’re going to attempt to do this. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is we could see out in Taiwan and China, we could see that things are really starting to build up.

Now, China just had military exercises around Taiwan. And then Xi Jinping, he visited the coastal province of Fujian. And behind him when they took the picture was Taiwan. So was he sending a message? Was he provoking them? It’s starting to seem that way. And it’s starting to seem like everything’s starting to reach a tipping point, because right now we have Israel. They removed Sinwar, they killed him. And if you notice, they’re removing one Hamas leader, another Hezbollah leader, and they’re removing all these individuals, getting rid of the state funded terrorists. Of course, we have Kamala and Biden taking credit for this, even though they were completely opposed to all of this.

Obama probably in the back room, is panicking right now, but now we have a mosque. They’re vowing to intensify the Gaza fight after Sinwar’s death. So they’re going to actually probably start to terrorize the US and other countries moving forward. So let’s see how this all plays out. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is that South Korea is now reporting that North Korea is going to be sending troops to fight with Russia. And they’re saying roughly around 10,000 north korean soldiers could join the war. So now North Korea is coming into the picture, which is very, very interesting.

So we have the Middle east, we have Iran, we have Ukraine, we have Russia, and now we have North Korea. Remember, in the very, very beginning, going all the way back to 2016, they were going to push world War three. Of course, Hillary Clinton was supposed to win. And I do believe what they were setting up, they were going to have North Korea start the war. Actually, Trump confirmed this, that we would be in World War three right now. Now it looks like they are now following the same exact playbook and they are now trying to push world War three.

Think about what Biden said about Iran. If you assassinate Trump, that is an act of war, which means they’re already projecting out there that we’re heading towards war. And if what happens if there’s an attempted assassination against Trump, is that an act of war? And because remember, they’re building the narrative. It’s all coming from Iran. I do believe Trump with the patriots, they led them down this path. Iran now is in focus, which is then bringing Obama into focus, which is then bringing the Muslim Brotherhood into focus. And I think we’re coming full circle right now from the very, very beginning when Trump came down the escalator.

And remember, Obama, Hillary Clinton and the rest, they spied on Trump and they tried to remove him every step of the way and every step of the way. They have failed. They even failed with two assassination attempts. Now, they’re becoming very, very desperate because they’re looking at the polls, they’re looking at what is happening right now. They don’t have the people and they’re prepared and ready to switch things up. And what’s very, very interesting as we approach the election, they even have foreign countries right now, which is completely against the law. Campaigning for Kamala Harris, POlitICs UK put this out and said nearly 100 current and former labor party staff are going to battleground states in the us election to campaign for Kamala Harris, with the party offering to sort your housing.

And Sophia Patel put this out and said, I have nearly 100 Labour party staff, current and former, going to the US in the next few weeks, heading to North Carolina, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Virginia. I have ten spots available for anyone available to head to the battleground states of North Carolina. We will sort your housing. So wait a minute. Right now we have the British Labor Party sending people here to this country to support Kamala Harris. Well, that’s completely against the law. This is a foreign country getting involved in our elections. Is this foreign interference? Yeah, it is.

And remember, it’s worth remembering. The british intelligence Operation Sis Secrets Intelligence Service, commonly known as Mi six, was the center of the Trump Russia collusion conspiracy in 2016. That should tell you everything you need to know. The other thing you should tell you everything you know need to know is that Kamala Harris is following in the footsteps of Hillary Clinton. Remember back in 2016 when Clinton was very, very angry and she was waving her hand? Kamala is doing the same exact thing. Actually, if you shut off the sound and you watch these two, they kind of look like Hitler, which is very, very interesting.

And yesterday we talked about how Biden and Obama were speaking to each other during Ethel Frankel’s funeral, and they had a lip lab lip reader interpret what they were saying. And here’s another individual who is actually deciphering what they are saying. And what’s very interesting is that they still, they say they still have time. And it’s. And Biden is saying that we. Well, some people don’t have time, others do. And the other thing that was very interesting. Let’s talk about protecting yourself. With rising global tensions and nuclear safety concerns in Ukraine, the threat of nuclear incident is more real than ever.

One of the world’s largest nuclear plants is facing multiple threats, making these dangers more real now than ever. You’ve probably got the basics covered, food, water, first aid. But here’s the critical gap in most people’s preparedness. Radiation protection. That’s where radio guard Ace comes in as an FDA approved treatment that’s been part of the us government emergency stockpile since 2003. Radio guard Ace is now available to you. It’s designed to trap and eliminate harmful radioactive materials from your body, ensuring you’re protected when it matters most. Rumble’s radiation emergency kit brings this vital treatment to your home, along with thyroid protection, nausea medication, and irradiation monitor.

Visit five g free dot com comma, use code x 22 and get 15% off or click the link in. The description is Obama said that Biden has to stop pretending. Pretending what? That he’s losing it. I mean, was this an act? But just take a listen to the exchange. Oh, that’s gone. And I’m, I’m, you know, I’d like to believe that at some point you have to stop pretending that you. Yeah, you’re right. Maybe we’re not just as strong, you mean. Yeah, that’s true. I mean, I think, I think I’m gonna see next week. So, I mean, I have, we have time, but I’m going in and out with places.

But not everyone has time. Speaker one. Now, I do believe that they are prepared to do something. I think they’re waiting for the right moment and they don’t want to do it too early because they want to sneak someone. And I think, I do believe that this is something that trying to do the other thing that they’re trying to do before they sneak someone in, I do believe they’re going to try to get Kamala a little bit of a bump up by making her the acting president. And when I interviewed cash Patel, he even mentioned this, and Wall Street Silver put this out, and it says the following, and he’s pointing to someone else’s post.

My thoughts on what’s next. Joe Biden will either step down or they will invoke the 25th amendment within the next week. Kamala will take over for the remaining days. This is what Hillary was talking about when she said, wait till you see what’s coming in October. So are they going to make Kamala the first black, which she’s not really black. But female president, she’ll be the acting president so she can go back in time and say, look, I was the first president. Female president, that’s not really black. And is this a consolation prize for Kamala? Because eventually what they’re going to do is maybe swap her out.

So this is very, very interesting. And prior to her interview with CB’s, with all the shenanigans of editing, we thought maybe she would be saying that she has a medical problem because she released her medical records. They were from April. So this would give her the opportunity to step aside. But it looks like they set it up a completely different way and it looks like maybe they will be using this problem with CB’s to actually have her step down. And this is what Trump put out. 60 minutes should be immediately taken off the air. Election interference.

CB’s should lose his license. This is the biggest scandal in broadcast history. Kamala should be investigated and forced off the campaign and Joe Biden allowed to take back his rightful place. He got 14 million primary votes. She got none. The whole sordid and fraudulent event is a threat to democracy. Absolutely. Now can they put Biden back in? I don’t know if the people would accept that. I don’t know if the people would say, wait a minute, you took him out. He endorsed Kamala. Kamala got caught working with CB’s to edit what she said there. She dropped out of the campaign and it’s going to go back to Biden.

You think people would say, yeah, let’s have Biden know. The people would be like, we don’t want him either. I think Trump now is pushing the deep state players to swap out Kamala. And we might see the unedited version of the interview which will then push Kamala out, but she would still be president, if you really think about it, as a consolation price and they could bring in somebody else. Let’s see how this all plays out because it’s becoming very, very interesting. And it looks like Trump of the Patriots, they’re trying to force them down this path.

Let’s see if this is exactly what they’re going to do. And this is why maybe Obama said, we have some time because I think they want to do this at the last moment, which is going to be very, very interesting. And actually it makes sense now that Biden says some of us don’t have that much time, which means he doesn’t have that much time because they’re going to remove him, he’s going to retire, which will allow him to pardon his son. Which is very, very interesting. But it looks like the deep state players, they threw a report out there and maybe this is part of their October surprise.

I don’t think it’s going to work that well. And they came out and said Trump overcharged secret Service agents to stay in his DC hotel. Does anyone really care about this? The Secret Service couldn’t even protect him against the assassination attempts. Are people really worrying about Trump overcharging someone? First of all, it probably never happened. Why would Trump overcharge the Secret Service? It makes no sense whatsoever. And actually, probably when you break down the report, you’re going to see that never happened. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting, since we’re talking about the Secret Service. A scathing new Secret Service report on Trump’s assassination attempt warns a shooting will happen again if the Secret Service is not overhauled.

But remember, who controls the Secret Service? No, it’s not Cheadle. It’s Mayorkas. Mayorkas controls the border patrol. May Orcus controls the secret Service. Mayorkas controls FEMA. He is the head guy. So basically, the report is letting everyone know that most likely we’re going to see another assassination attempt, which is very interesting because Biden just said, listen, if Iran assassinates Trump, or even if they attempt to assassinate Trump, this is an act of war. Is this how they’re going to try to bring us to war? And really think about this, if Kamala becomes the acting president, is she going to push us into war? Hmm.

This is very, very interesting how this is all playing out. Now, the other thing that they threw out there is they unsealed Jack Smith’s information today. And what they unsealed is already publicly known. I mean, it’s a lot of pages, but there’s really nothing new here. So once again, it seems like they have nothing and it’s really not affecting Trump whatsoever. Actually, I think everything that they’re doing is making him stronger. And the people are saying that, yeah, this is all election interference right now. Look how close we are to the election. Why would they be doing this? The only reason you would do this, this very, this close to the election is to try to interfere in the election, especially when you have absolutely nothing.

Now, what’s very interesting is they had the Al Smith dinner and Trump attended. Kamala, of course, did not. She phoned it in. She decided to send a video, which I think should not be allowed whatsoever. But anyhow, the video made fun of Catholics, which is very, very interesting. Trump, he put this out and said, just found out that line. Kamala is doing a video message tonight instead of being at the Al Smith dinner, she shouldn’t be allowed to do a video message. Kamala should be there like almost every other presidential candidate in their history except Walter Mondale, who lost 49 to one.

They didn’t give me the option of a video message, nor would I have done it. This is very disrespectful to everyone involved. She should be there or lose the catholic vote. And I think he’s absolutely right. And these are the top five jokes at the Al Smithe dinner. Take a listen. I used to think the Democrats were crazy for saying that men have periods, but then I met Tim Walts. Well, I’d better wrap up, because Mayor Adams told me earlier that I needed to make this one very quick. Especially the city has reserved this room for a large group of illegal aliens coming in from Texas.

There’s a group called white dudes. Have you seen this? White dudes for Harris. Anybody know? Are some of you here white dudes for Harris? It doesn’t sound like it, but I’m not worried about them at all because their wives and their wives lovers are all voting for me. A major issue in this race is childcare, and Kamala has put forward a concept of a plan. A lot of people don’t like it. The only piece of advice I would have for her, the event that she wins would be not to let her husband dug anywhere near the nannies.

Just keep them away. That’s a nasty one. Chuck Schumer is here looking very glum. Doesn’t he look glum? He looks glum. But look on the bright side, Chuck, considering how woke your party has become, if Kamala loses, you still have a chance to become the first woman president. And I have to say, Trump is pretty darn funny here. But what’s very interesting, he had Chuck Schumer right next to him. And he actually talked about Schumer saying that your party is very, very woke, as you heard, and you’ll be the first woman president, which is very, very interesting.

But there is a post with Chuck Schumer, post 569, January 19. And Anhejdehe, a nan on the board, on January 19, put out a meme. And it’s, and it’s a picture of Schumer. And it says, I’m scared. Down below, it says he has to use the bathroom prior to leaving. So I do believe when everything starts to fall apart, I do believe all these people, most likely they’ll be on the run. They’ll be scared, because I do believe indictments are going to be coming down. And remember, these people have been treasonous to this country for a very, very long time.

Now, what’s very interesting is we could see Trump is continually getting more and more endorsements. He got an endorsement from the sheriff’s of Pennsylvania. He got an endorsement from Maxim magazine. And he’s getting a lot of them endorsements. And those different groups that aren’t endorsing him, they’re not endorsing Kamala. Like the Teamsters, like the firefighters. Even though the people say they’re all for Trump, the people on the top, they don’t want to endorse Trump, which should tell you everything you need to know. You don’t have to, you don’t have to infiltrate the entire organization. What you got to do is infiltrate the top.

And this is what the deep state has done. They infiltrated the top of the FBI, the top of the DOJ, the people out in Hollywood, and yes, a couple of actors and things like that. The CEO’s of corporations, they brought in representatives and people in the Senate, and they pretty much controlled the entire system with these top level people. But you can see the people now, they see through all this, and they’re not buying any of it. And as the polls continually come out, like the poly market poll, it shows that Kamala is in trouble. The latest, 162.4% for Trump.

Kamala, 37.7%. Pennsylvania, 59 to 41. Michigan, 56 to 44. Wisconsin, 56 to 44. And it goes on and on and on. Kamala is in trouble and they’re panicking right now. And the people, they understand that. The deep state players, they’re prepared and ready to cheat in this election. People already know that they cheated in 2020. People know that they’re going to cheat in 2024. They see the election interference. And what’s very interesting is that insurrection Barbie put this out, and it says the number one reason people distrust the election of 2020 is because it came down to 40,000 votes in four major cities.

Each of these Democrat controlled cities removed. Republican poll watchers sent home. The media told us they would stop counting when we woke up. The following ballots were counted overnight without impartial observers. Fulton County, 122,000. Wayne County, 268,000. Philadelphia County, 85,000. Milwaukee, 242,000. Had these counties not stopped the count, had they filed nonpartisan observers to be present, and had they counted in the light of day instead of the dark of night, public perception would have been much different. And what’s very interesting is that Elon Musk responded to this and said, sunlight is the best disinfectant. And that reminds me of post 4601, sunlight kills v two.

So it looks like the second version of Trump’s presidency or the second version of the election. And when people can see very, very clearly, well, that stops the cheating. Because when people see it, they can’t do it. And I think this is going to be very, very difficult for them this time around. Doesn’t mean they’re not going to try to steal the election. Of course they are. They have a pre plan and a post plan. And I do believe they’re going to try to do the same thing in 2020, maybe in a little bit of different way.

And when that doesn’t work, they’re going to try to do it after the election. Election wizard put this out and is pointing to Trump Vance election integrity and it says the following. The RNC and Maine GOP immediately responded to reports of non citizens interfering in Maine’s election. We are demanding answers from Democrat secretary of state Shena bellows and removal of non citizens from the voter rolls. RNC chairman Michael Whatley stated, Democrats continue to allow non sentences on the voter rolls, repeatedly violating the law and relentlessly interfering in our countries most important election. We are demanding answers and proof that Maine’s election is secure and are committed to ensuring only Americans decide american elections.

Absolutely. And you could see what they’re trying to do. They’re trying to cheat any way they possibly can. Now, the RNC, they filed a lawsuit against the city of Detroit Department of Elections for deleting ballot Dropbox surveillance footage. The lawsuit accuses Detroit election officials of violating the Freedom of Information act by deleting the footage more than two weeks after they requested it from the city. What are they doing? They’re covering up their crime. They don’t want people to see the cheating. And this is what they do. They don’t want you to see the ballots. They don’t want you see the footage.

They don’t want you to see anything. And this is how the cheating system works. It’s not just the ballots, it’s not just the machines. You need the criminals on the ground to actually to perform the cheating and the COVID up. So you need to put people in place. And I do believe this is why Trump of the patriots have been warning the deep state, if you are involved in cheating in the election, you are going to go to jail. And I think what he’s doing, he’s letting all these people at the lower level once he gets in and they’re and we find out there’s cheating, you’re going to be going to jail.

So a lot of these individuals at the lower level, they’re probably thinking to themselves, well, do I really want to do this? Because it sounds like he’s pretty serious. He’s saying it over and over and over. And I think what Trump is doing, he’s giving them a chance. He’s giving them a chance of doing the right thing. Now, of course, what do criminals normally do when they’re given the chance to do the right thing? They do the wrong thing because they’re criminals. And, you know, the higher level criminals, they’re fighting for their lives. So they’re going to cheat all the way.

And we’ve come to find out that the machines, when you feed in your ballot, they’re actually changing the results of what you fed in. And Marjorie Telegrin put this out and said, this is happening in Whitfield county in my district, ga. 14. We vote on Dominion voting machines. Then it prints a paper ballot with our selections made on the machines. This voter’s printed ballot had been changed from their selections made on the machine. Good thing they checked their paper ballot before turning it in. After several attempts of trying to change it to reflect their correct choices, they had to void the ballot and use a different machine.

Please double check your printed ballot before you turn it in to make sure it has marked the candidates you voted for. Now the question is, why does the machine even have the ability to change anything? It should be a photocopy of what you put in. So if it can do it with these ballots, it could do it everywhere because that just told us it has the ability to do it. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting, and Liz Harrington pointed this out, she said, here is CNN telling you they’re going to use insecure Uocava votes to get Harris over the finish line.

CNN, Trump will look like he’s ahead until those ballots are added into the results. How do you get those ballots? By email with no citizenship check or verification? So yes, they’re going to try to cheat. Now, again, are they going to be able to do it? Are the elections too big to rig? Because again, they’re going to need a lot of these ballots that they have created. And I think it’s going to be very, very difficult for them to do it now. They’re going to try. It might happen. But I do believe, as Trump says, this is going to be too big to rig.

Remember, we’re not dealing with votes. We’re dealing with the cheating system. We’re dealing with ballots. They’re going to see how many ballots they need because Trump has all the votes and they’re going to say, okay, we need 50 million more ballots and they’re going to have to create those down. They’ll probably print them up or they will use this other technique that Liz Harrington just explained to try to make up the difference. The question is, are they able to do it with the number of votes that Trump has? Plus, if they do, and let’s say they do cheat that way, I think with all the lawyers on the ground, they’re going to want to see the results.

They’re going to want to see the ballots, not the numbers from the machines. We should go directly to the ballots and we should inspect every single one of them. Now, of course, the deep state is not going to want to do this. The deep state is going to say that she won fair and square. Now, if the election is too big to rig, which I do believe it’s going to be too big to rig, they’re going to try to cheat on the back end. And I do believe this is where Trump is trying to lead, is trying to lead them to, he’s trying to get them to cheat on the background so he could show the people, look, a foreign government can interfere in the election, they can manipulate the results, which really means the deep state is actually really doing it.

But he wants everyone to see that the system is not secure. That’s the whole point of this. The system is not secure. It can be manipulated and it’s really not being manipulated by the foreign government. Yes, the deep state might be going through foreign governments to access the machines and manipulate the system, but I think he wants to show the people that these elections are not secure whatsoever. And that brings us into a, an area of what do we do next? Does the Supreme Court have to decide? Do we have to do the elections over? Do we look at the raw ballots to see what went wrong? I do believe this is going to be very, very interesting as we move forward.

Now, Trump, he continually mentions the enemy from within. And of course, what does the deep state do? What does Kamala do? What did the rest of the people do? They say, always talking about the american people. Why would he be saying the enemy within? It’s not the american people. He’s actually talking about Kamala, he’s actually talking about Biden, he’s actually talking about Obama. He’s actually talking about Schiffden and he actually mentions Adam Schiff. Take a listen, and they ate it. I noticed today they were saying, he said, the enemy from within. Of course, it’s Adam Schiff.

These are bad people. These are sick people and bad people. And it’s true. But I think it’s a narrative that they don’t like. Frankly, I think the fake news, a term I think I came up with. I’m very proud. No, you did. You caught. It’s not tough. Probably a trademark. But, you know, I’m not gonna. Yeah, I’m not gonna give you business tips, but, you know, it’s, it’s funny because it’s a great term, but it’s actually not strong enough because it’s beyond fake. It’s really bad. He knows exactly what these people have done. And when he talks about the enemy within, he’s talking about all of these individuals.

And I do believe these individuals. Justice is headed their way and accountability is headed their way. And he’s letting everyone know that these are the people who are the enemy. They are the enemy within our government, enemy within the different agencies, the enemy within Hollywood and all these different places that they set up their entire structure. Remember, this is the criminal syndicate that you’re looking at. The propaganda networks. They are the enemy within. I mean, I think everyone could see it very, very clearly that they take instruction from the deep state players. They’re not giving you an honest, investigative news.

They’re giving you controlled narrative from the deep state players. It’s orchestrated from the top, and they have. 04:00 a.m. drops. And everyone gets the same exact script. So I do believe we are now heading into, in a period of time where the deep state, they’re going to be using everything that they have to stay in power. And yes, they might even try to trick the people one way or another with the elections, because, again, will they try to cheat with the ballots? Of course they will. Now, if they say Kamala wins, you know what their plan is there? They want the Trump supporters very, very angry.

They want to make sure that Trump can never, ever hold office again. I do believe Trump is going to win because I think it’s going to be too big to rig. And I think once he wins and people are celebrating, they might say a couple days later or right there and then, or maybe they’ll wait. They’ll say that the elections have been manipulated, and we’re not sure if Trump actually won. Remember, the certification happens on January 6, so they have the ability to say that the elections have been manipulated. And we don’t know who the actual winner is, we don’t know if Trump really won.

Even though people are set up celebrating. I think this is one of their strategies where they’ll make people angry, because if you have the people believe that Trump won and people are celebrating, and then you have a couple days go by and then the report comes out, or maybe weeks go bye that Trump didn’t win because the elections are manipulated. Have they made the Trump supporters angry? Remember, their entire goal, and this is coming from Jamie Raskin, is to make the Trump supporters angry and make the Trump supporters riot in DC. Because what do they want to do? They want to use the 14th amendment against Trump.

They want to make sure that he never holds office again. So think about it. They’re not just going to give it to him. They’re going to give it to him, maybe take it away from him by not, by having, by saying that there was foreign interference. But this falls right into what Trump wants them to do, because that just proves his point, that the elections were never, ever secure, that they can be manipulated. And this calls him to question the other elections. But again, you could see how this is all going to play out. And I do believe that we’re heading into this period of time where it’s going to be very, very chaotic.

And remember, Trump has taken the ability to send the results back to the states away from them. So the only way they can say they can’t certify is to say that there’s something wrong with the results. And that’s going to probably have to come from CISA, from the report that they give the president. And they’re going to have to make the case that the national infrastructure was accessed somehow, some way, and that’s the election system, and the results were manipulated. And I do believe Trump actually led them down this path. And I do believe that this is going to prove to everyone that the election system that we have today, with all these dominion and smartmatic and all the other machines, they are not secure, that we can’t run elections with these systems, even though they’ve been telling us they are.

This is going to prove that they aren’t. And I just want to go back to post 4902. This is October 19, and it’s a link to military.com. and it shows the gunship with an ac 130 weapon lighting up the night. And down below it says, buckle up. So it looks like we’re heading into chaotic times. And we could see that, once again, the deep state, they’re going to do whatever they possibly can. But I do believe Trump of the patriots, they have trapped them in all this to actually prove their case about election interference. And I do believe in the end, Trump will be the president of the United.

He already is, but I think the people are going to elect him into his third term as the president of the United States. And I think this is also going to be an awakening for the people because the people are going to see that we are the majority. I mean, it’s been the great awakening this entire time. A lot of people still don’t believe it. But I do believe once we have the election and we, and everyone sees Trump won, and maybe we use paper, maybe we use, if there is a foreign interference, election interference. If we do use paper, I do believe people are going to see that, holy crap.

We really, really are the majority. And the awakening, I do believe, will be complete, which means the people are going to take back the country. Why? Because the patriots are in control. Listen, everyone, thanks a lot for listening. Be well, be safe, and especially be prepared. Thanks a lot.

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