Ep. 3432b – Clouds Rolling In Darkest Days Red October Time To Unite The Country

Posted in: News, Patriots, X22 Reports



➡ In this episode of the X22 report, the host discusses the current political climate, focusing on Kamala Harris’s nomination and her perceived lack of accomplishments. The host suggests that the Democratic party is in trouble and may resort to drastic measures, including cyber attacks and attempts to incite war. The host also discusses the potential economic collapse and the possibility of a “red October”. Finally, the host mentions RFK Junior’s endorsement of Trump, suggesting this could unite parts of the Democratic party with the MAGA movement.
➡ The text discusses the political landscape in the U.S., suggesting that Trump is unitifying the country by bringing in Democrats like Elon Musk and RFK Jr. to work with him. It also criticizes the Democratic party for dividing the country and alleges that they are facing legal troubles. The text further criticizes the Biden administration’s handling of the border crisis, accusing them of lying about the situation and causing harm to American citizens.
➡ Trump consistently highlighted issues like human trafficking and missing children, which he believes are linked to open borders. He proposed strict penalties for human smuggling and child trafficking. He also criticized current border policies and the rise in crime. Additionally, he emphasized the need for tax relief and criticized the handling of inflation and fuel prices.
➡ The article discusses skepticism towards the COVID-19 vaccine and the government’s handling of the pandemic. It suggests that people are losing trust in the government and pharmaceutical companies, and are instead turning to alternative treatments like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. The article also criticizes the food industry and the promotion of unhealthy diets, and expresses concern over the influence of big pharma. Lastly, it discusses political events, including the nomination of Kamala Harris and the tactics used to keep people engaged in the Democratic National Convention.
➡ The text criticizes Kamala Harris and the Democratic Party, accusing them of dishonesty and ineffective leadership. It suggests that Harris avoided discussing important issues and that the party’s actions have led to various problems, including high inflation and illegal immigration. The text also mentions Robert Kennedy Jr.’s criticism of the Democratic Party and his decision to suspend his campaign, which is seen as a move that could potentially benefit Trump. The author believes that the Democratic Party’s actions are causing people to lose trust in them.
➡ The text discusses Trump’s plans to challenge big pharma and other organizations, and his strategy to place trusted individuals in key positions. It also mentions an ongoing investigation into an attempted assassination of Trump, and the subsequent suspension of five Secret Service agents. The text suggests that these events are part of a larger plan to distract from the truth. Lastly, it mentions a threat to Trump’s life in Arizona and the arrest of the suspect, and hints at potential security threats related to the upcoming presidential election.
➡ The text discusses the current political climate, focusing on Trump’s efforts to secure future elections and prevent cheating. It mentions the use of roadblocks to deter deep state players and the potential shift towards paper voting. The text also highlights the increasing support for Trump, suggesting that he has the backing of a significant portion of the population. Lastly, it mentions legal changes in Arizona and Alaska that could impact voting procedures.


Hi and welcome. You’re listening to the x 22 report. My name is Dave. In this episode, 3432 bn. Today’s date is August 23, 2024, and the title of the episode is clouds rolling in darkest days, red October. Time to unite the country. Let’s talk about our health. I just found something fascinating. What if you could restore your gut health with one simple fix? According to one doctor in California, there may be a way. In fact, he believes it’s so powerful that it could be like a power wash for your insides. Doctor Gundry, who is a world renowned heart surgeon, reveals the root cause of weight gain, food cravings, and low energy in a short video he released to the public, which you can watch right now by going to the newgutfix.com x 22 or by clicking the link in the description box below.

That’s new gut. What’s even more fascinating is this video also reveals how you can transform your gut with this one simple thing. Find out now by going to the new gutfix.com x 22 or click the link at the bottom of the video. Let’s get into the economic collapse, political and geopolitical news now. The deep state, the corrupt politicians, big tech fake news, the puppet masters, we can see that they are now panicking in DC like we’ve never seen before. The DNC now is overdeveloped. They nominated Kamala Harris, even though no one really voted for her. They just chose her.

And they put her into this position. And the people after the DNC, they realize that, wow, we have this moron that is now running for the Democratic Party. And the problem with all this is that she cannot escape the Biden administration because she’s part of the Biden administration. And we can see that the people are not buying what she’s saying, because again, she’s going on the narrative that she can fix everything, even though she’s the one who caused these problems. And again, if you look at the deep state players, they are the ones who cause the problems, and then they tell you that they have all these different fixes.

But again, this time around, it’s not going to work. Yes, if she was an outsider and she was running to be president and she wasn’t in the White House, and she could say on day one, I can fix these things, that would make sense. But when you’re in the White House for three and a half years, and you’ve been praising all these different policies, and you’ve been telling everyone that, look, bidenomics is great, the inflation Reduction act is fantastic. We secured the borders. Even though the borders are open. We’re, we’re, we’re having peace around the world.

Even though there’s war that is now approaching. It’s very difficult to tell everyone that you can fix all the things that you did because it makes no sense. So the people aren’t buying what she’s selling. Actually, she can’t even talk about her accomplishments in DC, in the White House because she has none. Zero. All she’s done is destroyed the entire country along with Biden, along with Obama. That’s what people notice. Now. Kamala can stay in the race. That’s fine. I do believe what you’re going to see at this point because again, the honeymoon is over. The entire build up to a bad movie has come to an end.

And now people are going to get a taste of this bad movie and the people are going to be walking out of the theater like we’re already starting to see. And people, you’re going to see them move away from Kamala Harris. And I do believe this is when the D party is going to get into real trouble because they’re going to be looking at their internal polls and they’re going to realize, wait a minute, we’re losing our party right here. If we lose any more of this, how are we going to cheat in the election? It’s going to be very, very difficult.

So they have a choice. Either they bring someone in that’s not attached to the Biden administration and they replace Kamala, actually remove Biden, allow her to be acting president. That’s a consolation prize. Then bring in somebody else that’s not attached to the Biden administration. And this way they can have a clean person, they can try to keep their base, or they could just run Kamala and lose the election and then use a different tactic to make sure that Trump isn’t inaugurated, that the elections aren’t certified. So these are the two choices that they have right now.

And they’re kind of trapped in all this and what they’re going to do because they’re very angry. They’re pissed off at the people because the people have woken up. The people see through their crap. They’re going to make the people pay. This is what the deep state likes to do. Again, it’s infiltration from within. Their entire motivation is destroy this country. So they’re going to start to have events in this country. They’re going to try to bring us to war. There’s going to be cyber attacks. And yes, we’re going to see dark days ahead. The clouds are rolling in right now.

But again, when you look at it from the vantage point of Trump of the patriots, what does this actually do? It wakes the american people up because all of a sudden people start to see things and they start to say, wait a minute, why is this stuff happening? What’s going on here? And all of a sudden, people really start to wake up. You know how many people woke up during COVID See, people aren’t believing Covid anymore. If they were, they’d be getting their booster every single year or every six months or whatever it is. But you can see people aren’t doing that right now.

If they believed Covid, they still bee wearing all of their masks. Yes, we still have a portion of people that are never going to give up their masks, but the majority of the people, they’re not wearing their masks. Plus, as we get closer and closer to the presidential election, I do believe that the economy is going to really buckle under its own weight of manipulation. And we’re going to see probably a red October and we’re going to see maybe the market come down and think about it, add all these things up. Those are kind of dark days, aren’t they? But it wakes the population up.

It wakes the people up and it actually gives the leverage to Trump. And think about what Trump did today with RFK Junior. Now, again, RFK junior, he’s very good. He battled big pharma, he battled the vaccines. He’s done a lot of good work with food and children and things like that. I do believe that is the position that he needs to be. And I do believe Trump might have offered him that position in the administration, which he kind of led to. And I think he would be able to battle big pharma and all the different agencies like the CDC, the FDA, the rest, and basically bring them to where they actually should be or maybe even get rid of them.

But he did something else that’s much, much more important today. He, number one, endorsed Trump. Remember, the Democratic Party kind of pushed him aside because they didn’t want him running and they made him become an independent. And now he looked at Kamala. He went to Kamala. Kamala and the administration rejected him. They don’t want him. I mean, look what they did to his father and others. They got rid of them. So he went to Trump. And yes. Do they agree on everything? Absolutely not. Are they ever going to agree on anything? Probably nothing. Is he going to support everything that the Republicans, the patriots, the MAGA movement supports? Probably not.

Like second amendment, he’s not really on board with that. But again, he does a lot of good work with vaccines, big pharma food and things like that, which we definitely need someone in there to do this. But think about what he just did. He’s actually uniting a lot of the Democratic Party with the MAGA movement. And when you really look at it, what did he actually do? Remember from the very, very beginning, what did they tell us? Oh, RFK is going to steal the votes from Trump. Oh, the Maga people are going to move over to RFK.

That was never, ever going to happen. The votes were being taken. From who? Biden? Now Kamala. Now he’s telling his people that are following him that Trump is your best answer. This is the person that you need to follow because now I’m following them. The Democrat party, they’re not with you anymore. This is a huge hit. But that’s not all he did. If you look, he suspended his campaign. He’s not out. He didn’t just drop out. He suspended, and he did it in a very strategic way. He’s going to keep his name on the ballot in those blue states and it’s going to hurt Kamala.

He’s going to remove his name in the swing states. That’s going to actually benefit Trump. So when he removes his name, people will then will vote for Trump. He’s going to keep his name on the ballot and actually hurt Kamala’s chances in the blue areas. Think about that for a second. So I do believe Trump is showing the entire country right now it’s time to unite. The D party is no longer the D party that, you know, the D party is the deep state players. The D party went off the deep end. And by bringing RFK in like this, he’s actually uniting the country and the moderate D’s.

And I do believe this is going to be absolutely incredible as we move forward. Now, think about it. He has Elon, who’s a what, a Democrat on his side. He has arfk now who is what? A Democrat on his side. These individuals are going to work with him in the administration. Why? Because it’s not about Republican Democrat, it’s about patriotism. It’s about making the country back. It’s about taking the country back. That’s what this has all been about. It’s about going back to the constitution. It’s about removing the tyrannical government. And if you go back to our founding fathers, you had two sides back then.

You had the patriots and you had the, I mean, everyone was a british subject at the time. But during that time, you had the british subjects that were patriots, and then you also had the british subjects living in this country at the time. And people then took sides. Those people that were living in the United States at the time, which was really, it was the colonists, they decide, you know something, I don’t, I don’t want to go with the colonists who are fighting for freedom. I’m going to go back to the british government. And those patriots, they decided to go and fight for their freedom.

The same thing’s happening right now. We have Republican, Democrat, yes, we have independents. And now you can see the Democrats are saying, you know something. No, no. We’re going to fight for our freedom just like the colonists. We support the constitution, we support this country, and we’re going to fight against a tyrannical government. This is how you unite the country. Actually, what Biden, Kamala, Obama have been doing, they’ve been dividing the country. Trump knows to complete the counterinsurgency, the country must be united. And that’s exactly what he’s doing. So the dark days that you’re about to witness and experience is to wake the rest of the people up, because you’re going to see how these, these handle it.

And most of the people are not going to agree with them, especially if you have RFK Elon out there speaking on different platforms saying, no, it, we shouldn’t be going to war. No, we need peace. And I do believe when you see the economy fall, uh, fail, fall apart, when you see the event that’s going to happen in this country, when you see war building, I do believe you’re going to see a lot of the moderate Democrats, they’re going to be moving over to Trump, and the D party is going to be in a lot of trouble.

Now, we’re going to be talking a lot more about this a little bit later, but first, let’s talk about the Vindman’s. Because remember, these individuals, they went up against Trump. They were the whistleblowers, and they actually pushed the impeachment of Trump because, again, they listened in to the call with Zelensky and they made things up. And Trump released the transcript to show everyone everything that they’re saying is fake, phony and false. But again, did the DS really care about that? No. They don’t care about the rule of law. They don’t care about the truth. They just wanted to get rid of Trump.

But what’s very interesting is that Eugene Vindman, a Trump whistleblower turned Democrat, congressional candidate in Virginia is facing a federal election commission complaint over his campaign’s allegedly illegal coordination with an outside group. The complaint, filed with the fecundous by the functional government initiative, calls for the agency to investigate Vindman. The Democrats campaign and political action committee called vote vets. That’s because in the telling of the watchdog group, a recent interaction with the press appears to show that vote vets, which supports progressive veterans for office such as Vindman, made an excessive and impermissible in kind contribution to Vindman’s campaign.

Now, remember Alexander Vim Vindman, he blew the whistle on the 2019 phone call between the ukrainian president Zelensky and Trump, leading to Trump’s first impeachment. So now it looks like they’re in trouble. And I don’t believe this is the only trouble they’re going to be in, because as time goes on, it’s going to get a lot worse for them. Because again, Trump now is at the point where he is now warning everyone, if you’re a human trafficker, child trafficker, if you’re trying to actually assist in cheating in the election, helping illegals vote, all those people that were involved in the Afghanistan debacle, all these people are on his list.

And it’s going to get worse and worse as time goes on. And what’s very interesting is that Trump went down to the Arizona border and he was showing victim after victim after victim because of what Biden and Kamala have been doing. And once again, the Democrats, the Biden administration, they’ve been lying to the people just like with everything else. They can’t stop lying. And remember, when we go back in time, what they lied about. When we look at the border, when we, when we saw what was happening at the border, if you go back to 2021, they told us there was no border crisis.

Remember Mayorkas, he testified, he said there’s no problems here, the border is secure. 2022, they said there’s no border crisis. 2023, there’s no border crisis. Then all of a sudden, during the election year, Republicans won’t let us fix the border crisis. Well, from the very, very beginning, what did they do? They reversed everything that Trump put into place. And Trump, he said, listen, the wall’s paid for. Here’s the material, the border secure. Keep all my executive orders in place. The borders can be just fine. That’s all you got to do. Actually, if you want to improve upon that, that’s fine.

But you’ll be able to finish the wall. We’ll have a secure border. Everything will be great. So what did they do? They did the actual opposite. Now, Trump, the Patriots, they knew this. They knew that they were never going to finish the wall. That’s why Trump didn’t remember he was a builder. He knows exactly how long it takes to build the wall. He wanted everyone to see that since they didn’t follow what he was doing. They’re the ones who have caused this problem. They didn’t need the Republicans to do anything. They, all they had to do is put everything back into place, because again, when Trump was in office, he had a secure border.

The country was a lot safer. And Kamala Harris is out there trying to convince everyone that everyone has a right to safety. The Trump room put this out and said, and this coming from Kamala Harris, I believe everyone has a right to safety, to dignity and to justice. Unless you’re one of the countless american citizens who have been victimized or worse by an illegal alien Kabbalah ferried into the country, then you’re out of luck. Absolutely. And when you start to look at it, and Trump, he put this out on true social, it says, Kamala Harris, migrant crime epidemic, North Carolina.

Arrested in Houston, in Texas, may 2024 for murder in Charlotte, North Carolina. Another individual arrested in Columbus County, North Carolina, for child molestation. And it goes on and on in North Carolina. Then he put it up for Georgia and shows 123456 individuals that were led into this country that are illegals, that committed murder, committed rape, raped a child, then in Wisconsin, in Pennsylvania, in Michigan. And it goes on and on and on. And actually, when he was at the border, he had some of these parents out there and they told their stories. So this is the border czar’s border.

This is what she’s done. The people of this country, they see it. And no matter what she says, she cannot defend this. They could try to spin it, but people see the truth. And what’s very interesting is that they tried to work, and I’m talking about the border people. They tried to work with Kamala, with Biden, and they wanted to come up with solutions, but they didn’t want to work with them. Take a listen to what he says, speaker one, that with Kamala Harris, and nobody can say that I didn’t try to work with her. I met with her transition team.

I told her transition team exactly what would happen if they got rid of his policies. We suggested policies to her within her parameters, and she refused to listen. I met with Secretary Mayorkas, again, trying to work with this administration. I supported Secretary Mayorkas confirmation was a big mistake, a mistake that would never happen again. But in conveying to him again the policies that would actually work within their parameters, Kamala Harris completely ignored those policies. She claims that she wants a humane, safe border. Yet what she’s given us is absolute chaos. So that should tell you everything you need to know.

What’s very interesting is that Trump, he continually pushes out the narrative that there are many, many missing children. He pushes out the narrative that there’s human trafficking, trafficking, and people are starting to realize the operation that’s really happening at the border. This is not about people who are seeking asylum. This is a open border that is purposely trafficking children, trafficking women, and it’s on a very grand scale. Plus, they’re allowing in every criminal imaginable into this country. Stormers arrived, put this out and said, President Trump talks about 300,000 missing children in the United States. The 300,000 children that are missing, many of them are dead, and many of them are in sex rings and all sorts of things going on.

It’s terrible. Not a single politician will ever talk about it. Trump isn’t one of them. That’s why they hate him. That’s why we love him, and it’s absolutely right. And Trump, he put together his border crime policies. Basically, we just have to put everything back the way he had it and then add on to that. DC Drano explains. Ten year mandatory minimum sentence for anyone guilty of human smuggling. Mandatory life sentence for anyone guilty of child trafficking. Death penalty for anyone guilty of sex trafficking. Death penalty on major drug dealers and traffickers. Now you know why.

The DS, the fake news, Hollywood, corrupt politicians, now you know why they’re panicking. Because when Trump gets elected and these things are put into place and evidence is brought out against them, do back taxes. Pandemic relief is now over. Along with hiring thousands of new agents and field officers, the IR’s has kicked off 2024. Bye. Sending over 5 million pay up letters to those who have unfiled tax returns or balances owed. Don’t waive your rights and speak with them on your own. They are not your friends. Tax network USA, a trusted tax relief firm, has saved over $1 billion in back taxes for their clients.

And they can help you secure the best deal possible. Whether you owe 10,000 or 10 million, they can help you, whether it’s business or personal taxes, even if you have the means to pay or you owe on a fixed income, they can help finally resolve your tax burdens once and for all. Call them at 1809. Five, eight, 1000. For a private free consultation or visit tnusa.com x 22 or click the link in the description. Well, now you know why they’re fighting for their lives. Now you’ll know why they’ll do anything to stop him. It’s all starting to make sense right now.

But once again, when you look at the country, you know what people are seeing that. People are seeing that since the illegals have been let into this country, crime is completely out of control. Trump, he put this out on truth. He said, she talks about compassion, but doesn’t talk about all the people she’s allowed into our country. 40 43% increase in violent crime nationwide. 60% increase in rape. Since she’s been border czar, crime has gone through the roof. She cheated on jobs. 818,000 to make our country look like it’s thriving. Inflation is killing us. And he’s absolutely right.

And remember, when they say the border count is coming down now, it’s the same thing that they did before with inflation and with fuel prices. They brought it way, way up, and they brought it down from their high to make it look good. It’s almost like someone who says, listen, I can make you lose weight, but first we got to get, you got to gain 200 pounds, and then we’re going to lose 50 pounds, and then you’re going to thank me because I made you lose 50 pounds. So basically, they brought in millions. You know, let’s make up a number here.

2 million people over the border, and now they dropped it down to a million. See, we cut it in half. Don’t you feel better? We’re doing a great job. No, you got to go back to the numbers when you first started, when you first came into office, who brought the numbers to a record low? That was Trump. So bring it back to those numbers. They don’t want to do it. Remember, this is an election year. So what they do is they use it, the strategic petroleum reserves, to bring the fuel prices down. Are they back to the levels that Trump had it at? Absolutely not.

They control inflation, again, by using the strategic petrol reserve and removing things from the calculation. Are they back to the levels when Trump was in office? Absolutely not. The border crisis, are the numbers back to the level that when Trump was in office? Absolutely not. So it’s a game that they play during an election year. Trump, he put this out on truth. He said the following. The border bill is one of the worst ever written, would have allowed millions of people into our country. And it’s only a political ploy by her. It legalizes illegal immigration and is a total disaster.

Weak and ineffective. She doesn’t need a bill as president. Crooked Joe and her could have just said, close the border like I did. I didn’t even have a bill. I didn’t need a bill. The border Patrol respected me. They did their job. We had the safest border in recorded history. Absolutely. And think about it, to wake people up, why did he have to stop building the wall? Why did he have to leave everything? Why did he tell Biden just continuing on? Because he knew with everything else that he did, they were going to reverse it. This is his campaign.

Think about how many people are now awake. Think about how many people now are voting for Trump. Actually, I think it’s double the amount that voted for Trump in 2020. He had 70, 75 million people then. I do believe it’s around 150 now. I think it’s going to go even higher than that. Because think about it. Elon did a poll, got up to almost, what, 6 million people, and Trump had, what, 73%. And we, there was another poll with, which was a political poll that did a half a million, and Trump is at 79%. So let’s just say 70% of the people.

So now he’s going to get 70% of the people, if you really think about it, and I do believe he wants more. He wants more people on his side, because, again, this is about waking up the american people. This is about the counterinsurgency to counter the insurgency that Obama started. And I do believe he wants more of the people. And this is why, as we get closer and closer to the presidential election, we’re going to go through some dark periods, just like we did with COVID The elections were not normal. You think the elections are going to be normal this time around? No.

Where’s the deep state going to do? I think Trump of the Patriots know the playbook. They’re going to do whatever they possibly can to stop Trump from winning. And even if they allow him to win, they’re going to stop him on the back end after he wins. So no matter which way we go, we know we’re heading into dark days. And I do believe that they’re already preparing for a cyber attack. They’re already preparing to bring us to war. The economy’s going to crash. I think we’re going to have all this all at once just to stop Trump.

I mean, really think about this for a second. But I think Trump of the patriots, they’re going to use this to their advantage. They know the playbook, they know exactly what’s going to happen. And actually, this is going to unite the country because Trump, he is the peacemaker. And the people are going to say, yes, we must have peace. Actually, RFK was already out there saying, yes, peace is the way. We know that Victor Orban has been making the rounds, talking to different leaders. Actually, Modi has been now meeting with Zelensky. I think Trump of the Patriots are now setting everything up for this moment.

And you can see that Ukraine, they are now attacking inside of Russia. They hit their oil facilities and they’re trying to push war like we’ve never seen before. And I wouldn’t be surprised if we see some type of false flag event. And now that the DNC is over, I wouldn’t be surprised if the Middle east war starts to really pick up, because now we’re going into the last phase of waking the population up. And like we said before, Modi, who’s India’s president, he met with Zelensky and he’s urging him to negotiate. You know, come back to the negotiating table.

Let’s talk about peace. So again, Trump, we know is friends with Modi. And I think when all is said and done and we’re on the precipice of war, all these leaders are going to be looking at Trump saying, you must usher in peace. We do not want a nuclear war in this country. And I do believe Trump has been setting this up and it’s ready to go. Trump, he put this out on true social. He says the following. There’ll be no future under comrade Kamala Harris because she’ll take us into a nuclear world war three. She’ll never be respected by the tyrants of the world.

And he’s absolutely right. And actually, he put this out at 1113, which is 2013, and it says, darkest days. Amen, brother. The evil must be destroyed. And that’s absolutely true. And we could see as we move forward into the election year, the deep state players, they are pushing everything that they have. They have mpox, they have bird flu. They’re trying to say Covid is coming back right now. And what’s very interesting is that the FDA has now approved a fresh round of COVID vaccines. But what’s very interesting about this is that Americans, they simply aren’t interested in it.

The New York Times explains the prospects for this year’s rollout remain dim. Older people were still dubious about the need for additional doses. The Biden administration has been scrambling to find money to vaccinate uninsured Americans. And public health departments remain short on funding for the proactive vaccination campaigns that drove the uptake earlier in the pandemic. Let me translate this for you. The people now have been hardened. The people are seeing the results of the vaccinations, that people aren’t buying what they’re trying to sell them anymore, and the people now are not going with it. And once again, you can see how the deep state now is struggling to cheat in the election.

Tried to push all these viruses, the plan demic. But once again, the reason why they’ve always hid hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin is because these two drugs, they actually cure the viruses. So if everyone knows that they couldn’t push a plan demic on everyone anymore. So if you push it aside and you make people believe that these drugs don’t do anything, well, then they can continually push pandemics. They can continually try to convince you to get the bioweapon. And I do believe this is why Trump, from the very, very beginning, decided to mention hydroxychloroquine. He said, it’s better than a vaccine.

This is something that we should take right now, because it would stop the pandemic. And he was absolutely right. But think about what the medical industry and the fake news and everyone else tried to do. They tried to convince everyone that these drugs were bad for you. And they kept pushing lie after lie after lie, and fake study after fake study after fake study. And after a while, people started to go, wait a minute, we’re seeing a lot of professionals. We’re seeing a lot of epidemiologists. We’re starting to see a lot of doctors. They’re all in support of this.

But the fake news, the medical association, the CDC, they’re against it. And I think people started to do their own research, and they started to realize that they’ve been lied to once again, because again, what did the vaccine do? It did nothing to stop transmission. Absolutely not stop you getting from COVID Absolutely not. Actually, it just makes you ill. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is that German BioNTech, they have begun injecting mRNA into participants into a clinical trial against lung cancer. Well, I’d be a little bit wary about this, because would you even trust, trust the big pharma anymore? Because, again, mRNA, what did it do to the people? People got heart problems, people got other illnesses.

And basically, it’s most likely the opposite. The German BioNTech begins injecting lung cancer into participants in a clinical trial against mRNA. So if you really think about it. I don’t believe this is probably the way to go. I do believe we already have cures out there, and they’ve been hiding it from the people, and this is why they didn’t want people looking at hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin. And I do believe these two drugs, remember, cancer is a virus. So I do believe with these drugs, I wouldn’t be surprised if we can actually probably eliminate cancer with these drugs.

But we’ll have to see how it goes and how everything turns out here, because I do believe with Robert F. K. Junior coming in, if he is placed into the Trump administration in the capacity of going up against big pharma, going up against the FDA, going up against the CDC, I do believe we will see the cures, and everything that they’ve done to us will be reversed. I think what Trump is doing right now, he’s bringing in the key players right now to reverse everything the deep state has done. Remember, they’ve been poisoning us for a very, very beginning.

They’ve been ruining our food supply. They’ve been lying to us about food, about salt, about meat and everything else. And they didn’t want us eating real food. What they wanted us to do is they wanted us to eat their chemical goop. And you know what the chemical goop does? It makes you sick, it makes you fluffy, it, it doesn’t benefit you. And they try to keep us away from the real food. And actually, if you look at their green new scam and the great reset, what do they actually want us to eat? Bugs. That tells you everything you need to know.

Because, again, they don’t want us eating meat. They don’t want us eating vegetables. They don’t want us eating any of this stuff, because why? Because that makes a very strong population. They want a weak population. And the study just came out. That fluoride in the water system lowers your iq, basically. Basically makes you stupid. So let’s say they want us fat, fluffy, unhealthy and stupid, and they want to bring us into this new world where we only can use electricity, we can’t really travel anywhere, and we have to eat bugs. Starting to see the picture now of what they really want to do.

Most of the information that they have been feeding us has been a lie, especially with food, especially with medications. Think about it. When was the last time big pharma actually came out with a cure, huh? Isn’t that interesting? All they do is repackage drugs because the profit is in what? Not curing things, but keeping people on the drugs. And when you get drugs, you need more drugs to counter the drugs that you’re taking. It’s one gigantic racket. And we’ll be talking a little bit more about this a little bit later with RFK. But first, we can see the DNC is now over.

Kamala now is the nominee, which we all knew that this was going to happen, because, again, nobody voted for her. They just put her into place and they said, okay, this is your candidate, so this is going to be your nominee. And again, they had a pump her out. Pump her up to a point where everyone said, holy crap, is she really beating Trump? No, it’s all fake. Everything’s fake. Everything they do is a gigantic act. It’s taking a bad movie and pumping it up to make you think it’s incredible. And then when you go see the movie, you go, this really sucks.

Even the deezer saying it, this really sucks. And now people are walking away from it. But what’s very interesting, during the DNC, everyone is now talking about it, where Tim Waltz actually yanked his special deed son around in front of millions of people, and he looked very, very angry when he was doing this. Now, again, if you have a son who has special needs, you know how to be patient. You’ve dealt with this your entire life, and you tell them, come on over here. You don’t yank them like this. And I think this should tell you a lot about this individual, because, again, I, when you watch people’s actions, I do believe this tells you everything you need to know.

Now, what’s very interesting, before they actually nominated Kamala and before she came out on stage, they kept pushing this rumor around that there’s going to be a special guest. The special guest is coming. And people were out there, and even TMZ was out there. It’s going to be Beyonce. Now, why do you think they did this? Because they didn’t want people to leave the DNC. They were afraid that if we didn’t have a concerte, everyone would leave. So let’s lie to the people again. That’s what they do best. Let’s lie to the people and tell the people that we’re gonna have someone really, really big.

So stay here. Yes, it’s a trick. This is what they do. So everyone was anticipating someone, a special guest. And you knew who the special guest was. Kabbalah Harris. Actually, Don Lemon was out there and he says, you think it’s gonna be Beyonce? You think it’s gonna be Taylor Swift? Oh, someone big is coming. Basically, they played all of these people. Dan Scavino responded to Don Lemon. He said the following. Don and others got played by their sources today in order to keep the arena full and to get fans of said performance to tune in and not to tune out until they finally realize they were duped.

Absolutely. TMZ came out and said, listen, we falsely reported that Beyonce was going to be taking the stage, that she was rehearsing and everything like that. And all their sources, well, they were all wrong. They did this on purpose because they needed to keep the people there. So they lied to the people. They lied to everyone. Sean Davis put this out and said the following. Kamala Harris is so bad at her own party, had to lie and tell attendance Beyonce was coming so people wouldn’t bail before Harris’s speech and leave a bunch of empty seats for the cameras.

Amazing. This is, the whole thing is gigantic act. It, it’s, it’s a show that they put on and they built it up, built it up, built it up. And they lie and they lie and they lie. And now it’s all falling apart and it’s getting worse and worse for them and they’re not going to be able to come back with this. And what’s very interesting, as Kamala was pledging to unleash abortions across the country, the official DNC feed cut to a baby, a guy holding a baby. And then I think CNN, they lost the connection just for a moment.

Hmm. That’s very, very interesting, isn’t it? Now, what did Kamala mention? Oh, absolutely nothing important is it was all actually, it sounded like Obama. He probably wrote it for her. And she talked about absolutely nothing. She didn’t talk about any of the issues. Remember, this is an issues campaign. Trump, this is his campaign. He placed the resident in position. He knew they were going to reverse everything he did and he would be able to use these issues against them because they can’t talk about the issues. They’re the ones who created these problems. So are they going to mention anything? Absolutely not.

Trump, he put this out and said, she didn’t mention China, she didn’t mention fracking, she didn’t mention energy, she didn’t mention meaningfully Russia and Ukraine. She didn’t mention the big subjects of the day that are destroying our country. There are 60 million people in poverty in the US under their watch and she doesn’t even talk about them. And all she could say is, on day one, I’m going to fix this. Well, she’s the one that caused all the problems. See, it’s the same exact narrative that they use with the economy. Hey, we’re going to fix inflation, but you’re the ones who caused the inflation.

Hey, we’re going to fix the border crisis, but you’re the ones who caused the border crisis. So why didn’t they fix this three and a half years ago? Because their entire agenda was not to fix anything. Their entire agenda is to destroy it. Now they’re trying to backtrack on all of this. And this is why I believe that Obama, he might try to keep her in there, but I think in the end, he’s going to, might have to swap her out for someone that’s a detached from the Biden administration. But we’ll have to see how this all plays out and see if he has the ability to do this with now all the individuals in the D party becoming very, very angry with him.

Because again, who’s running the show? Who’s running the country? It’s not Kamala, it’s not Biden, it’s Obama. All roads lead to Obama. And what’s very interesting is that the New York Post put this out and says, and the Oscar goes through DNC 2024. It’s all an act. And it is an act. And Trump responded to this and said, I love the New York Post. Absolutely. And think about it. Kamala Harris has done zero interviews, zero press conferences, and has zero policies listed on her website. She got zero votes in the 2020 and 2024 democratic primaries as vice president.

She’s been in office during the highest inflation in 40 years. The worst illegal immigration, you name it, it’s absolutely terrible. So Trump, he decided to put out all her accomplishments. Allowed 15 million unvetted illegals into the country. Historic inflation crisis. Record high gas price at all 50 states. Record high consumer debt. Released terrorists into the country. Ukraine, Russia, war. Israeli Hamas war. Disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. Violent crime skyrocketing. Tried to jail. Political rival in a name of democracy. Lied to the american public about Joe’s decline. Declare war on american energy. Record low test scores for k through twelve students.

Most unpopular president and VP in history. And now you know why they probably why she doesn’t want to debate Trump. Maybe on her own turf. But again, it’s going to be a complete and utter disaster, just like it was with Biden. Because again, Trump is going to go to the issues. The people want to know about the issues they don’t want to know about. Ridiculous things, emotional things. They want to know, why can’t I put food on my table. Why do I have to send my children to war? Why do we have these illegals in this country that are using all our resources and I have to pay for it? People want to know the real issues, and she cannot debate on the issues.

It’s completely and utterly impossible. Yes, she could try to spin it, but again, Trump will smack her down every step of the way because all he has to do is talk about her record and this will be a complete and utter disaster. But again, during the DNC, what do they do? They kept pushing that. Trump’s 2025 plan. Well, again, this is a lie. Again, just another lie. Actually, Trump put this out and said, USA Today, the claim project 2025 is a plan from Trump. Nope, it’s false. The Heritage foundation did this. And there were a lot of people involved in creating this project 2025.

Trump’s name doesn’t appear he has nothing to do with this. And now that people know this, that people are starting to realize, yeah, you know something, you just keep lying to us. And now with RFK now suspending his campaign, this is another blow to the Democratic Party. Green lives matter. Put this out and said, Robert Kennedy junior is eviscerating the Democratic Party. He says that they committed a coup against Biden, have been waging lawfare against him and Donald Trump in the say, in the name of saving democracy, the Democratic Party set itself to dismantling it, lacking confidence in its candidate that its candidate could win in a fair election.

At the voting booth, the DNC waged continual legal warfare against both Trump and myself. He said each time that our volunteers turned in those towering boxes of signatures needed to get on the belt, the DNC dragged us into court, state after state, attempting to raise their work and to subvert the will of the voters who had signed those petitions. It deployed DNC aligned judges to throw me and other candidates off the ballot and to throw President Trump in jail. It ran a sham primary that was rigged to prevent any serious challenge to President Biden. Then, when a predictably bungled debate performance precipitated the palace coup against Biden, the same shadowy DNC operatives appointed his successor, also without an election, installed a candidate who was so unpopular with the voters that she dropped out in 2020 without winning a single delegate.

My uncle and my father both relished debate. They prided themselves on their capacity to go toe to toe with any opponent and the battle over ideas. They’d be astonished to learn of a Democratic Party presidential nominee who, like Vice President Harris, has not appeared in a single interview or in unscripted encounter with voters for 35 days. This is profoundly undemocratic. How are people to choose when they don’t know whom they are choosing? And how can this look to the rest of the world? My father, my uncle were always conscious of american image abroad because of our nation’s role as the template for democracy, a role model for democratic process and the leader of the free world.

Instead of showing us her substance and character, the DNC and its media organs engineered a surge of popularity for Vice president Harris based upon nothing. And RFK junior says the democratic party has become the party of war, censorship, corruption, big pharma, big tech, big money. And he decided to endorse Trump. He decided to suspend his campaign. It doesn’t mean he dropped out, but he did do something that is very, very interesting. RFK will stay on the ballot in states where his presence will hurt Kamala and he will remove himself from ballots in states where his presence hurts Trump.

Now, once again, look what he just did. He’s going to hurt Kamala and help Trump in the swing states. Remember going back in time when they made it a really big deal that they said, oh, my God, RFK is going to be taking all the votes away from Trump? Well, by the way, that didn’t happen. Magus supporters are not going to go with RFK. Actually, RFK was taking the votes away from Biden. That’s why they had to push him out of the party. That’s why they had to bring him to court. Now, RFK turned around and gave them the finger and said, okay, I tried to work with you.

I wanted to be part of your administration, but it looks like Trump is on track to actually take back this country. Trump is following the constitution. Trump is for this country. And now the deep state just screwed themselves. The D party just screwed themselves. And what do you think people are going to do now? Once again, he said that Trump and him discussed him coming onto his administration, and hopefully he gets into a position that he can go after big pharma, go after the swamp creatures in the FDA, the CDC, and actually bring things to light to show people look what they’ve done here and actually reverse everything that they have done.

I do believe what Trump is doing right now. He’s bringing in the knights of the roundtable and he’s setting them up in certain positions to take back this country. And actually, Trump, he was giving a speech out in Nevada and behind him was a picture, an enoch news blast. Put this out. And actually, Enoch has a very nice news blast. I think people would like it. All you have to do is go over and to telegram or Twitter, and he just gives you the news that day, which is actually very nice. And behind him, there’s a bridge.

So remember, we were told to watch the water. There is a bridge behind Trump, matches the bridge between ARFk junior and Trump today. And the country is now becoming united. And I do believe this is going to continue as time goes on. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is that we know the investigation is continually going on about the attempted assassination of Trump. But once again, we know that this was an op. And what they do to cover up their operation. They try to make everyone feel like, okay, we’re going to do something. We’re going to, you know, suspend these people, we’re going to remove Cheadle, we’re going to do all these things, because, again, they don’t want people digging.

They want people satisfied. Okay, look, we took care of this, everyone, okay? Now, we got rid of some people, we suspended some people, and everything should be okay right now. But what’s very interesting is that there, the media is reporting that there were five Secret Service field agents suspended after Trump’s assassination fiasco. But you really need to look into this. And Tristan Levitt explains this. He says lots of inaccurate media reports out there right now about the United States Secret Service placing these five or six employees on admin leave. Admin leave is a paid status where you are not permitted to come into work days on the bricks or on the beach, as federal agents often call it.

That’s not what’s happening here. If it was, it would be subject to limits in order to speed the Secret Service along. There used to be major problems with agencies, including the Secret Service, putting employees on paid admin leave for grossly extended periods of time, including for years in many instances. So while I work for Congress, we passed this law that put a limit on that practice. It requires that if an agency make a determination about whether the employee under investigation poses a threat to others, if not, they should be given other duties while investigated. If so, they should be taken out of the office and placed on investigative leave.

This requires that the agency swiftly investigate and propose discipline or removal. Of course, if agencies actually have it out for you, they’ll just suspend your security clearance and put you on an unpaid leave. That’s what happened to the United States Secret Service agents down in Cartagena in 2012. And it has unjustly happened to some of our clients in the FBI here. All the United States Secret Service has done is place these employees on administrative duties would, which it should at the very least have done on July 13, if not placing them on investigative leave that night.

But again, when you’re trying to cover up and up, what you have to do is you have to present people and say, we are now taking action. And what the deep state hopes is that, hey, are you satisfied now? We got rid of Cheadle. We placed these people that leave. Everything is great now. Don’t look. Don’t look anymore. You’re going to find nothing. We’re taking care of business. But again, what they’re doing is they’re distracting from the actual op. And once again, I don’t think people are going to buy this. I think people realize that something happened there.

There were multiple shooters. We know there’s text messages. We know there’s messages outside of the system because we know that they use Gmail and other email systems. So this was a coordinated plan. This just didn’t happen by accident. This individual was communication with other people, had encrypted accounts overseas. Why would he have that? He was in communications with other people. So once again, they’re trying to sweep this under the rug, but I don’t believe it’s going to work. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is that there was a manhunt in Arizona because there was an individual that was threatening to assassinate Trump.

Ally Bradley put this out and said, the Benson man accused of making threats to kill former President Trump was just arrested by Cochise county sheriff’s deputies. They are conducting an investigation into the threats and charges may come from that. He will also be charged with a sex offender violation. Now that’s very interesting. So this individual, he was threatening to assassinate Trump. And that reminds me of Barack Obama with his post back in August 12 on accident. Says, I’ve read some great books over the last few months and wanted to share them with you. Hmm. Headshot martyr, the ministry of time help wanted.

Was he sending a message to all these people that, listen, it’s time to come out of the woodwork and it’s time to assassinate Trump? It’s starting to seem that way. And Trump actually responded to why they’re trying to kill him. Just take a listen. That’s where our country should go. But the Democrats don’t want to go there because it doesn’t allow them to cheat. And. Okay, how about one more? Today, there was a manhunt going on in this county. Somebody made death threats to you. Did you hear about that before coming and what are your thoughts coming down here? Some people tell me it’s dangerous for you to be here.

I’ve heard it’s dangerous, but I also have a job to do. I heard it’s very dangerous. I haven’t heard about that. They probably want to keep it from me. Thank you for telling me. Let’s get out of here right now. No, thank you very much for saying. But now, and I have great respect for secret service, the job they do, including a month and a half ago when they were jumping on top of me with bullets flying right at them. So mistakes were made, and they’re going to learn from the mistakes. But I have great respect.

But no, I haven’t heard that. But I’m not that surprised. And the reason is because I want to do things that are very bad for the bad guys. So I have heard it’s very unsafe to make this trip. There were some people that really didn’t want me to make it. Yeah, please. Basically, the deep state knows when he gets back into office, he’s coming after him. Actually, I think there’s going to be attorney generals all across the country, and the people are going to demand justice. And this is what the deep state is afraid of. Because think about everything that Trump has said.

Think about it. We’re going to give the death penalty to those people that have been sex trafficking, child trafficking. These people are very, very nervous because they know that all this evidence is going to be produced and it’s going to be brought out to the open. Remember, Trump, when he got into office, he saw everything that they did. He had access to every single piece of information. Now he’s getting information from military intelligence. Remember, he decided not to take a the clown intelligence because he knows they’re going to feed him fake information. He is taking control of the country and he’s being fed military intelligence, so he doesn’t need the clown intelligence.

Of course they’re going to try to trap him in certain things, but again, this is why he’s always one step ahead of them. Now, once again, the FBI is out there warning everyone that there’s going to be an unprecedented rise in security threats. Now, Christopher Wray is out there once again letting everyone know that we’re going to see cyber attacks, we’re going to see terror attacks, we’re going to be pushed into war. And he says that they’re hearing a lot of chatter and he doesn’t believe it’s that far off. Of course it is. We’re getting close to the presidential election.

When did everyone think this was going to happen? Of course it was going to happen during the presidential election. Let me see if they’re going to cut the rates during the presidential election. We’re going to have an event during the presidential election. We’re going to have a cyber attack during the presidential election. Why? Because this is the deep state’s plan. They can either cheat by getting a candidate that’s halfway decent so they can get the votes from their party and then try to use the mail in ballots. When they realize that’s not going to work, what are they going to do? They got a delay or say the elections are manipulated.

How do you do that? You need some type of an event. You need a cyber attack. I mean, listen, they could just let Trump win. That’d be very nice. They could just say, you know what? He won. Let’s certify it. I guess we’ll try, you know, next time. But again, they know that can’t do that because think about all the crimes they’ve committed. Think about all the things they’ve done to him. Think about all the things they’ve done to the people. They know that they will never, ever get another chance. Because why? The people are awake.

The people understand what they’re doing. So they are screwed and they know it. Because when you start to look at the poll numbers, they’re all starting to reverse. Remember, everything that we were shown is completely and utterly fake all of a sudden from the poly market. Now, Trump has 53, Kamala has 46. Remember Elon and other pollsters? They have done raw polls, and that should tell you everything you need to know. Now, you can see that Trump, the Patriots, they’ve been putting up roadblocks all over the place trying to get the election as secure as possible.

Now, can they make it perfectly secure? No, I don’t believe so. They know they can’t. But again, I do believe they’re setting up these roadblocks to force the deep state players into realizing they will not be able to cheat the way they cheated before. And I do believe Trump, the Patriots want them to go down this path because I think in the end, they want to actually use paper voter id and one day voting. Because again, why would you want to use their cheating system? I mean, if Trump has to use the cheating system, he will use it.

But again, we can always make it too big to rig because they won’t be able to bring in enough votes to override this. But I think Trump, he has other plans. And this is why they’ve been working very hard to get a lot of people trained to put, to pass a lot of laws to sue. And it looks like the Supreme Court has reinstated part of Arizona voter citizenship laws. So they reinstated the part in Arizona requiring that everyone must be a citizenship for state voter registration. The part that requires proof of citizenship for federal elections has not been decided as of yet.

So that first part is done. Now, out in Alaska, we see the Supreme Court now clears the path for November vote to repeal ranked choice voting. Now, remember, the DS wanted this because they were able to use this to cheat in the election. Now it’s going to be repealed. So I do believe we can see that things are now moving in the right direction. And, yes, these roadblocks are being put up to block the deep state players. Is it perfect? Absolutely not. I don’t think it needs to be perfect. I think Trump, the Patriots just need to force these people into going down the path to using a cyber attack to say, the elections, they just don’t work or they’re manipulated.

I think this is going to allow Trump to use paper. I think it’s going to allow us to use paper. Now, the other thing that’s really interesting is that Trump, he put this out on Twitter on X and says, thank you to Brian Kemp for all your help and support in Georgia, where a win is so important to the success of our party and most importantly, our country. I look forward to working with you and your team and all my friends in Georgia to help make America great again. So it looks like he made up with Brian Kemp, and this is going to be a huge problem for the deep state players.

Again, another roadblock. So this is very, very interesting. And I do believe all these roadblocks are going to force the deep state players down a path that the Patriots want them to go down. And I do believe Trump wants a real count of the election results because he wants to show the deep state players, the DS and the country and the world that I have the people. I didn’t get 70 million. I didn’t get 90 million. I got 180. I got 200 million people. They’re all behind me again. We’re not going to get everybody. But I do believe as we go down and we have these dark days, I do believe this is going to show the people the truth.

People are going to wake up and more and more people are going to go to the side of Trump. Actually think about what just happened with RFK junior. These people that were following RFK, they are now going to go with Trump. I don’t mean 100% of them. Most of them might say, I might sit out until there’s an event. Then they might say, okay, RFK was right. We need to do this. So I do believe this is all being set up. Everything is prepared, and I do believe the patriots are in complete and utter control. Listen, everyone.

Thanks a lot for listening. Be well. Be safe, and especially be prepared. Thanks a lot, Sadeena.

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