Ep. 3427b – Obamala Begins The Next PhaseCyber Attacks IncreasingElection Countermeasures In Place | X22 Report

Posted in: News, Patriots, X22 Reports



➡ This X22 Report podcast episode discusses the health benefits of olive oil and political issues in the U.S. Olive oil, according to Dr. Stephen Gundry, can improve your health and appearance. In politics, the host suggests that Obama is manipulating Biden’s presidency to push his own agenda, and predicts that Obama may replace Biden with a new candidate, possibly himself, Michelle Obama, or Hillary Clinton. The host also warns of potential cyber attacks and economic collapse as the presidential election approaches.
➡ The text discusses a theory that there’s a planned system change, known as the ‘great reset’ or ‘green new scam’, which has been in the works for a long time. It suggests that cyber attacks are increasing and could be used to manipulate elections. The text also claims that there’s a plan to incite civil unrest, using groups like Antifa and the Patriot Front. It further alleges that Trump and his supporters are aware of these plans and have countermeasures in place. The text also discusses the border crisis, suggesting it’s being used to bring criminals into the country and manipulate elections. It ends by stating that whistleblowers are revealing the truth about the situation at the border.
➡ Whistleblower Michael Taylor alleges that the US government is targeting whistleblowers and allowing preventable deaths. He accuses Mayorkas, the head of Homeland Security, of orchestrating this and claims that the government’s agenda is to destroy the country and prevent Trump’s re-election. The article also discusses potential legal action against Google for being a monopoly, censorship issues in Brazil and Germany, and potential war narratives involving Russia, Iran, and Taiwan. Lastly, it mentions a cyber attack on Iran’s central bank and Iran’s alleged secret development of a nuclear warhead.
➡ The text discusses potential threats of war, cyber attacks, and nuclear weapons, possibly involving countries like Iran, Russia, China, and North Korea. It also mentions the possibility of a new pandemic and the political implications in the U.S., including election manipulation and racial discrimination. The text also highlights the importance of being prepared for emergencies, mentioning a medical emergency kit. Lastly, it discusses legal issues related to gender identity and the potential violation of the Fourth Amendment in the context of the January 6 cases.
➡ The article discusses concerns about manipulated videos and fake headlines in political campaigns, particularly those involving Kamala Harris. It suggests that technology, including AI, is being used to create misleading content, and that companies like Google may be involved. The article also discusses the political dynamics between Harris, Biden, and Obama, suggesting that there may be attempts to separate Harris from Biden’s actions and reputation. Lastly, it criticizes Harris’s actions in California and suggests that her current attempts to redefine herself may be insincere.
➡ The text discusses concerns about potential manipulation of upcoming elections, including cyber attacks and fraudulent use of social security numbers. It suggests that countermeasures are being put in place, such as the recruitment of election integrity volunteers and the potential use of the National Guard to ensure fair elections. The text also mentions the possibility of switching to paper ballots and hand counts to prevent cyber attacks. It ends by expressing hope that these measures will reveal the true vote of the people and protect the country from threats.


Hi and welcome. You’re listening to the x 22 report. My name is Dave in this episode 3427 bn. Today’s date is August 14, 2024 and the title of the episode is Obama begins the next phase cyber attacks increasing election countermeasures in place. Lets talk about our health. Weve partnered with Gundry MD to share this information with you. Would you believe me if I told you inside your pantry right now is one of the healthiest foods on the planet? Yep its true. And its not some weird trendy superfood. Spoiler alert, its olive oil. Youre probably used to cooking with it.

But there are countless ways to use olive oil to help yourself look and feel younger. For example, olive oil is a natural way to help you achieve a more youthful appearance. Besides helping you look younger on the outside, its a fantastic tool for your insides as well. According to doctor Stephen Gundry, a famous cardiothoracic surgeon, nutrition expert and health advocate, you should get as much high quality olive oil into your daily routine as possible, whether it’s taking a shot of it daily or keeping a bottle of it in your bathroom medicine cabinet. But what kind of olive oil is best for your health? Well, any olive oil can give you some benefits.

But if you’re looking to get the best results, it matters a lot which one you pick. The olive oil industry is huge. You can tell by the number of olive oil brands you see at the grocery store, and you can bet they’re not all made with the consumer in mind. And many brands may even cut corners one way or another to increase profits. When Doctor Gundry came to this realization, he was appalled. But some olive oils are so powerful it may only take a few tablespoons a week to see these incredible health benefits. So how can you tell between an olive oil that can be a health booster and which one isn’t up to par? In an effort to answer that question, Doctor Guntry decided to take a stand and release his personal research and findings.

This video has gone viral since its release and it’s important you see it so you can start benefiting immediately. You can watch the video right now by going to get olive one.com x 22 or by clicking the link in the description box below. That’s get olivethenumber one.com x 22 or just click the link in the description box below. People have taken his advice, have shared their results with him, saying the olive oil they bought after learning his simple rules has helped change their lives. Make sure you go to get olive one.com x 22 or click the link in the description box below this video.

Let’s get into the economic collapse, political and geopolitical news. Now the deep state, the corrupt politicians, big tech, fake news, the puppet masters. You could see they’re now moving into their next phase, phase of their plan. It looks like Obama has begun the next phase. Think about it. They were all in on Biden in 2020. They cheated in the election. They overthrew the United States government. They overthrew the duly elected president. They got caught in this. Trump took control of the country. The military was engaged. Trump decided, okay, let’s put the resident in place, allow them to do this.

This will red pill the entire country. And what is this done? It red pilled the entire country. Now, people know about Biden. They know that he is a treasonous criminal. They understand that he has shell companies. They understand that he’s working with foreign countries, accepting money, using his son in this capacity. And the people also know that he lied to the american people. And along the way, as people wake up, they see that Biden has been destroying the country. Now, once again, is this just Biden? Now you see what Obama did, he decided, you know, something, and he said this a while back, that’d be great if I could just sit in the basement and just tell the people what to do.

This way, the optics are very, very good for me. Nothing is then brought back on to me. See, Obama, what he likes to do, he likes to make it look like that he is not involved in anything, that he is not doing anything, he’s not involved with anything. He’s not pushing agendas or anything like that. But in reality, as a good chess player, he is doing all of these things. So what Obama did, he said, you know something, okay, I got this buffoon. He’s now running the country. So what I’ll do is I’ll push the entire 16 year plan through him, let the optics reflect upon him, and the optics will look good with me, because later on, I know what I have to do.

I’m going to have to remove him. Because once again, since I’m pushing all these agendas, these policies through Biden, the people are going to wake up, the people are going to see it, and the people aren’t going to agree with it. Now, Trump, the patriots, they knew this. They knew this is exactly what was going to happen. This is why Trump from the very beginning said, yeah, he’s not going to keep Biden. He’s going to swap him out. So now Obama is at the point where he’s saying okay, we need to separate Kamala from Biden because Kamala was really his first choice.

He never really wanted Biden. He wanted to do everything with Kamala. And now he has Kamala. The problem is, is that he pushed the entire agenda through Biden. The people now are awake and the people see the connection between Kamala and Biden. She can’t escape from this. They’re going to try. They’re going to try with everything that they have. But people are going to show recordings of bidenomics, how she’s telling you how great it worked. She, people are going to show you how she was. The borders are how she loved the open borders. Actually, if you just look at California, whatever she did there, that’s what she wants to do in this country.

Remember, she is now going to flip flop, as Trump would say, and start talking like Trump because again, it’s an election year and she has to separate herself from Biden. Now, Obama knows that this will not work. Eventually what will happen since the people are awake, the people are going to see through all of this. But he doesn’t care about that. Why? Because he knows in the end he’s going to have to bring someone else in that is clean, someone that was not a part of this. Now, it could be himself. It could be Michelle Obama or Hillary Clinton.

See, Kamala was involved in the administration. He’s never going to be able to separate her, separate her from what Biden did. Biden actually is going to push back on this because he’s pissed off. Remember, Biden and Obama, they don’t get along. He’s pissed off and he’s going to say, no, no, Kamala and I, we did this. We did it together. So Obama is going to have a very difficult time. He’s not going to be able to separate Kamala from Biden, which means he’s going to be forced 90 Trump. The patriots already know this and actually pushed him down this path.

He’s going to have to bring someone else that is clean. And I do believe this is the next phase of the plan. Now, again, when they bring a person in that it’s not involved with the administration, that’s what I mean by clean. They’re going to then use that to try to actually manipulate the elections because once again, you’re going to need a candidate that’s halfway decent, halfway popular to get your base to vote for that candidate and then fill in the rest with all the ballots. Remember, these aren’t votes that these people are getting. They’re just creating the ballots to make you think they are votes, but they’re not.

And the problem with all of this is that his base, the DS, they’re going to say, okay, we took out Biden, then we took out Kamala or whoever waltz, and now we’re bringing in another set of people. This is going to hurt them in the long run, especially when information starts to pour out against whoever they bring in. I’m expecting either Obama as VP or Michelle Obama and Hillary Clinton. So at that point, it doesn’t really make a difference, the combination. But what’s going to happen as we approach war? Iran is now in focus, and this is going to reflect on the Obamas and it’s going to reflect on Hillary Clinton.

So this is going to be a major, major problem for Obama and team, and I do believe Trump of the patriots, they are prepared for this. Now, as we get closer and closer to the presidential election, what’s going to happen? The economy is going to fall apart. Remember the World Economic Forum, the IMF, they already told us you can expect cyber attacks. You can expect this because remember, the cyber attacks are not just for the election. The cyber attacks are also to bring down and cover for the crash in the financial institution. Because remember the side, the central bankers, what they want to do is they want to bring us into their new system, which is the great reset, the green new scam.

They mentioned this back in March of 2020 when they unleashed the plan demic. So they have prepared this and they have gotten everything ready for a very long time. Remember, they’re not just whipping this up today. This has been planned a long time ago. This is why they mentioned it a long time ago. And if you notice, as we go through the month of August now, cyber attacks, they are increasing. We already see that Iran was cyber attacked. We see another cyber attack in Ohio where it hit financial institutions. We see cyber attacks on Trump’s campaign, and we see cyber attacks on water filtration systems.

We see that Germany now is saying that something happened to their water filtration system. So basically, you’re starting to see this and you’re starting to see these cyber attacks increase. Because again, when all else fails, what are they going to do? They’re going to try to manipulate the elections. Now, they could delay it, or they can say that the elections are okay, have the elections and then have their team report that, hey, by the way, foreign entities basically access the election system even though they’re not supposed to be connected to the Internet. And these elections might not be on the up and up, which calls into question who really wants, so we can’t certify to the elections.

Now, they’re hoping they can make the MAGA people, the Trump people, very angry over this because remember, their main goal is to do what? To start a civil war. They’re going to do the same thing that they did in on January 6. They’re going to use their confidential human sources. They’re going to use Antifa, they’re going to use the illegals. They’re going to use the Patriot Front group and the rest. And they’re going to have two sides of, and it’s going to look like that one side is MAGa and Trump supporters and the other side is going to look like Antifa and the D party.

And they’re going to try to get these two fighting. Now, it might start out where they just have the people dressed up as Trump supporters to try to build the narrative that the Trump supporters are very, very angry. They’re taking to the streets and they’re destroying their own homes, their own cities and their own businesses, which is absolutely ridiculous. No one’s going to buy this, but they’re going to try, which means they’re going to bring all their foot soldiers out into the middle of the streets, into the cities, in all the different locations around the country, which is going to make it a lot easier for Trump with the patriots to round them all up.

So we could see how this is all building right now. But you have to remember, Trump and the patriots, they knew that this was going to happen. They put many things into place. Number one, Trump has already said that we’re going to round all these people up. Number two, he said, we’re going to use the police. Number three, he said we’re going to use the military because, again, this is an invasion. And when they start destroying things, yes, he can use the military to stop this. As president elect, I do believe people are going to demand this.

Think about this for a second. The other things that he’s put into place is he’s had a lot of the laws of, they were changed in a lot of the swing states. He has many poll watchers, many lawyers on standby. And he also introduced a Save act where it says everyone who is voting must show id, must be a citizen, and must come in person. So I do believe when they try this, they are going to create an event. The event is going to trigger that bill, and that bill most likely will be passed in the Senate.

Now, remember, we also know that each state must protect themselves against a cyber attack and put certain things into place where they will use voter id, they will use paper. And we’ll be talking a lot more about this a little bit later, but I do believe the countermeasures are in place. Trump and the patriots are leading these people down this path. And it looks like everything now is starting to play out. But we’ll have to see how this all works out. Now, since Biden is out of the picture right now, you could see that the deep state players, they don’t need him anymore.

They want him out of the way. And this is why the information is allowed to be out in the public realm, because they’re trying to destroy him right now. And what’s very interesting is that the records have been released and they indicate that Hunter Biden reached out at least once on behalf of the ukrainian company, to the us ambassador to Italy in 2016. So Hunter Biden asked the State Department for assistance with a potentially lucrative energy product in Italy on behalf of a ukrainian company, his ukrainian company, Burisma. So the oversight committee put this out and said less than a week after Joe Biden dropped out of the presidential race, the State Department finally released records showing Hunter Biden sought us government help to land a Burisma deal when his father was vp.

Coincidence? Absolutely not. Why did they do this at this time? Because now they don’t need Biden. He went against the criminal syndicate. Now they’re going to make him pay. And of course, this is no longer a conspiracy. All of a sudden, the New York Times can report on this. Rich barrist responds to the New York Times, says, gotta love how the New York Times just casually drops a headline confirming something they had repeatedly denied and lied about for years to cover for democrats. So once again, that crazy conspiracy theory is now the truth. And now everyone’s looking at Biden.

He’s a liar, he’s a cheat, he’s a criminal. You know who else is? Obama, Hillary Clinton. Those individuals, they are on deck right now, and their time is coming. This is going to be very, very interesting. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is we could see the border crisis is completely out of hand. And the people of this country, they understand that the border crisis, well, it’s hurting this country. They’re seeing the crime. They’re seeing the resources being used up in the cities. They’re seeing that. They’re pushing our vets to the side, and they’re giving everything to these people that have nothing to do with our country.

Remember the deep state players? They decided on their own. We’re going to bring in all the criminals, because we need these criminals in this country, number one, to do our bidding, which is chaos. Number two, we need them to vote in the election, to cheat in the election so we could stay in power. And what’s very interesting is during this period of time, we had the governor of Texas, the governor of Florida, many other states, they went ahead and they flew these people up or bust them. Two different locations to the sanctuary cities. So these individuals now are in New York, they’re in Chicago, they’re in Colorado, Denver, they’re in LA, they’re in all these different places.

And the people there, they’re starting to realize that this is a complete and utter disaster. And the mayor of New York City is continually trying to explain or spin why they have violence, why there’s so much garbage, why the resources are being used up. And he’s saying that, listen, we can’t have the illegals in the city and we need to do something with them. They have no extracurricular activities. So remember, they’re illegally in this country. And right now the entire economic system is falling apart. There’s really no jobs. So what are you going to do? You’re going to have them play what, games, shuffleboard? I mean, really think about this for a second.

Crime is going up. It’s because they’re bringing in criminals, they’re not vetting anyone. And all they have to do is say, close the border. It’s very, very simple. They make it very, very difficult. Oh, no, we can’t do that. We, the wall is just too. We don’t know how to open it. We don’t know how to build this wall. Oh, no. We need the Republicans to write this legislation. No, all they have to do is take everything that Trump had and put it back to the way Trump had it. That’s all they have to do because they undid everything.

So all they got to do is reverse it. And they would solve the problem. But they don’t want to solve the problem. They like to make things very, very difficult. That’s what they like to do. And you could see the whistleblowers, they are out there and they are telling the truth now of what’s really going on at the border. And Trump, he responded to Katherine Herridge and he put this out and he said the following. Katherine Harris, this is the one whistleblower exchange you cannot miss. One of the supervisors said, very matter of fact, the agency’s goal is to bankrupt you, make you quit, die, kill yourself or basically all the above, according to the whistleblower Michael Taylor.

Then he said leak government memo confirms whistleblowers were targeted by border agency after exposing federal DNA collection law was not filed for immigration violations homeland security whistleblower claim american deaths were preventable. Absolutely. So once again, Mayorkas, who’s in charge of all this, he is orchestrating all of this. And now the border patrol agents, they are now reporting on this. And the people, they are learning the truth. And this is why the DS didn’t want to impeach him. Remember, the House voted to impeach him. The Senate blocked it. Actually, Schumer completely blocked it. Why? Because this is their agenda.

Their agenda is to bring in as many criminals as possible. Their agenda is to destroy this country. Their agenda is to make sure Trump doesn’t get elected. So if they impeach mayorkas, it would show the world that everything Biden was doing, everything Kamala was doing, everything that they were doing was against the constitution. That’s why they had to block it. But when you look at the people coming over the border, they’re all criminals. Trump war room put this out and said the following. Filiberto Gonzalez, an illegal alien, was just arrested for raping a ten year old boy twice in Mississippi.

Kamala Harris imported this animal into our country. Remember, she was the one that’s supposed to be handling the border. She’s the border czar. She completely and utterly failed. And this was done on purpose, as we know, because their entire mission is not to shut down the border. The border was already shut down from the very, very beginning. Their entire mission is to bring all these people in. Now, the american people, they’re seeing it. They’re understanding it. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is that we can see Google is in quite a bit of trouble right now.

And since they have ruled that they are a monopoly, the Justice Department is considering breaking them up. Almost like Ma Bell. Remember Ma Bell back in the day? They were a monopoly. They were broken up. And then you had, you know, at and T, Sprint and many of the companies that were formed, some of them are here, some of them aren’t. And you’re seeing the same thing happening to Google right now. And this is going to be very interesting moving forward. Let’s see if they do break up Google, because this will definitely change the playing field, just like it changed the playing field for the phone.

The phone was able to jump leaps and bounds because again, when you had a monopoly, you had the same phone system. Technology didn’t really advance that much. And then when it was broken up and there was competition, all of a sudden you saw everything change. And I do believe in the world of YouTube and search and everything like that, you’re going to see things change. When this is, this company’s broken up. Hopefully they are broken up. We’ll have to see how this all plays out. This is going to be very, very interesting, and this is going to hurt the deep state players, because now there’s going to be multiple companies that they’re going to have to try to control.

Of course, what they’re going to do is they’re going to try to stop this, but we’ll have to see how this plays out. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is it looks like there’s a court document out of Brazil, Supreme Court, and they are trying to censor X. So a newly released official document from Brazil’s federal supreme Court, signed by the minister, exposes the court’s efforts to censor and control certain profiles on the X platform. Elon responded to this and said, this platform is being asked to censor content in Brazil in violation of brazilian law.

That is not right. And the truth is coming out and it’s coming out faster and faster every single day. Now, think about Germany right now, because out in Germany, the left wing, green, liberal government in Germany, they were trying to ban the right wing news magazine compact because it allegedly violates the free, the free democratic basic order and human dignity. Well, it looks like that didn’t work out too well for them because the court now has lifted the ban and now the magazine can go ahead and print again. Now, this doesn’t mean they’re, the deep state players in that country aren’t going to try again to ban it.

Of course they are. This is what they like to do. But the other thing that’s very interesting is that the german military base in Cologne is on lockdown due to sabotage. They’re saying that Russia basically contaminated the water supply. Now, this wasn’t due to a cyber attack. It looks like there might have been some bad actors and soldiers right now are urged not to drink the tap water. But you can see what’s happening right now. They’re building the narrative to blame this on Russia, because what are they doing? They’re building up the narrative for war. And we can see it.

It’s happening out in Iran, it’s happening out in Taiwan, it’s happening out in Ukraine. And you could see that this is now spreading. But the other thing that’s very interesting is that Poland received the german request to arrest the Nord stream suspect, but now they can’t find him because he left the country. Why don’t they just go ahead and arrest all the intelligence clowns and Biden because they were involved in all of this. Because once again, that was an op. And you could see that Ukraine right now, they have invaded Russia and Russia now is fighting them off.

And the press was asking Biden, have you spoken to the ukrainian officials? And Biden tells the press he spoke to his staff after they asked him if he spoke to ukrainian officials. Now, once again, are they stopping Biden from contacting other people who’s actually really running the country? I think we all know. I think we know it’s Obama. But think about what happened today out in Afghanistan. The Taliban held a parade showcasing all the equipment Joe Biden and Kamala Harris gave them. And once again, as Obama tries to set separate Kamala from Biden, it’s going to be very, very difficult because all you got to do is go back in time and you’re going to see how they were locked sync in all of this, which means Obama’s going to have to make a different move, which I do believe is coming.

But again, they got to get through the DNC first. Now Taiwan, they’re going to be launching a live fire exercise off the east coast using US supplied missiles. And of course, what is this going to do? This is going to provoke China and China is going to bring more military equipment into this area. So you can see things are really starting to build. And I do believe this will continue. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting, since we know that Iran has not carried out an attack on Israel, it looks like they have been waiting for some type of ceasefire deal first.

And this is supposed to be held on the 15th. And it looks like the terrorists in Gaza, Hamas and Israel, they can’t come to an agreement on this. And it looks like the terrorists, they don’t want to be involved in this, which means after this date, Iran most likely will try to do something. So this is what they might have been waiting for. And I wonder if this is going to happen during the timeframe of the DNC. That would be very, very interesting, but we’ll have to see how this all plays out. Now, the other thing that’s really interesting is that Iran’s central bank, they were hit with a cyber attack.

Iran international English put this out and said a major cyber attack has targeted the central bank of Iran and several other banks leading to widespread disruption in the country’s banking system. So basically, their financial institutions were hit. Now, we know that the World Economic Forum and the IMF, they were coming out and they told us going back in time that, yes, the financial institutions, if they’re hit, it could bring down the entire economic system. I do believe this is the buildup. We’ll be talking about the other cyber attack in a little bit. But I do believe we’re going to see a lot more of these stories, a lot more of the cyber attacks.

Remember, the cyber attacks revolve around war. So if Iran is being cyber attacked, that means Iran is then going to counter that attack. And wherever that attack came from, if it came from Israel, if it came from the US, if it came from anywhere, they’re going to attack, and then we’re going to have another cyber attack. So you can see how this is going to build up over time. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting, an OsInt defender put this out. According to a report from Iran International, the iranian government, for the first time in the 20 year existence of its nuclear program, has begun active secret development and testing on an explosive device for the warhead of a nuclear weapon, which means Iran already has it.

And once again, we might see some type of missile launch. We might see something happen that involves some type of nuclear weapon. Maybe it’ll explode over the ocean. But I do believe as war is building up, we’re going to see more cyber attacks, more events occur. And I do believe as we get closer and closer to war, I wouldn’t be surprised when Iran attacks Israel and the US gets involved, where Iran might say, listen, now that the US is involved, we’re, you are part of this war. And again, who backs Iran? Russia, China, North Korea, then will say, listen, we’re on the side of Iran, we’re on the side of Russia.

You could see how this thing can spiral out of control, which means you might see one of these countries try to attack the United States. Now, do I really believe that one of these countries are going to do this, or do I believe it’s going to be the deep state players? Now, we might see a missile fired maybe from a submarine or something like that, and we might see this broadcast on the fake news where they’re saying that, yes, the United States was attacked and they might try to shoot it down, maybe out in space. If it’s a ballistic missile, if they miss it there, they might try to shoot it down over the ocean.

And I do believe if this scenario does happen, people are going to see it. People are going to get scared and people are going to see that this was some type of nuclear explosion, which means we’re entering nuclear war. Now, there could be another scenario where there’s a dirty nuke which is then snuck into this country. And you might have 24/7 news coverage of this device trying to be deactivated, maybe by the National Guard, the military, whoever it’s going to be. But we’re going to have to see how this all plays out. But I do believe something is definitely building, and it’s building very, very quickly.

So I do believe what they’re going to do is they’re going to try to use all of this. Because remember, with war brings the cyber attack, I do believe they will build the narrative up that we’re entering more so they can actually show that, yes, look, another country just cyber attacked us and we are definitely in war right now. Plus, they’re also going to try to use the plan demic approach once again. Right now, the who has added the Black Death plague, bird flu, and monkey pox to the new pandemic watch list. I think they’re going all out on this one.

And Trump, he put this out on truth. He’s referring to real America’s voice and says the government is out to impose lockdowns, mask mandates and vax mandates. This flu season with these new classifications, it’s already in process. Trump responded to this and said Kamala is leading the crooked charge. Absolutely. Because again, they have to implement the mail ins because how do they cheat? They got to create and feed in the ballots. They can’t get the votes when they realize that this isn’t working the way they thought it was working. Because I do believe the people, they are definitely hardened against the plan demic now because once they tried it once, if you try it again, do you think people are going to buy this? Absolutely nothing.

Let’s talk about our health and protecting ourselves. Things are getting strange. We witnessed some alarming events recently, including that many believe to be an orchestrated assassination attempt. Meanwhile, Crowdstrike owned by BlackRock faced a massive global outage, supposedly due to a software update. It’s clear these people will do anything to stay in power. But let’s shift gears and talk about something proactive you can do for your safety. I read countless reviews from the brands I partner with and this five star review about the wellness company’s medical emergency kit really stood out. Deborah from Texas was recently hit by Hurricane barrel.

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Get yours now by heading to TWC health forward slash X 22 and use code x 22 to save $30. That is TWC health forward slash X 22. Use code X 22 to get $30 off. Or just click the link in the description. So I do believe this is going to be very, very difficult for them, and this is why their other tactic is war is a cyber attack. They’re already building the narrative for that to say, the, the elections were manipulated by a foreign entity. They were assisting Trump to win, because I think they already know that Trump is going to win.

Now, the other part, they could also delay it, but we’ll have to see how this all plays out. But you can see we’re definitely heading in that direction. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is we could see the corporations, they’re still pushing this entire racist agenda. Remember, the deep state players? They’re not just going to stop. They’re going to push all of this until the very, very end, until all these people are removed from their positions, and the people demand it. So right now, and this is coming from Charlie Kirk, Apple is taking applications for its entrepreneurship camp.

No white or asian men allowed. How is this legal? Somebody should sue and make them explain why. Also, since when did female have an asterisk next to it? And he’s absolutely right, because, again, I think we all know why they put the asterisk next to the word female. But again, this is pure racism right there, and it’s against the law. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting, since we’re talking about females and asterisks. Remember the algerian olympic boxer emain Khalif? Well, she decided, or he decided, to sue Elon and JK Rowling. And basically, this individual is suing for aggravated cyber harassment.

And Trump potentially might be the next target in the legal battle. Now, once again, isn’t this going to open this individual up to discovery. Aren’t, aren’t there going to be examinations? Because, again, if you’re going to sue them, I do believe the defendants have the right to find out if this person is actually a female, a male, had an operation, still has the male parts. So this is going to be very, very interesting as we move forward. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is it looks like the FBI, the DOJ, they’re in a little bit of trouble.

Remember January 6? They’re the ones who staged it. They’re the one who created the insurrection. And Julie Kelly put this out and said, and she’s been following the January 6 cases very, very closely. She said, interesting. The fifth Circuit just ruled that geofence warrants violate the Fourth Amendment recall. The FBI sought and received a Google Geofence warrant on January 6 of 2021. Into my veins, Judge Ho Trump appointee on shortlist for SCOTUS. So what this individual cited was hamstringing the government is the whole point. Our constitution, our founders recognize that the government will not always be comprised of publicly spirited officers and that even good faith actors can be overcome by the zealous pursuit of legitimate public interest.

If men were angels, no government would be necessary. So our founding fathers knew this from the very, very beginning. And it looks like maybe all these cases should be thrown out. Now, that is very, very interesting because, again, this goes against the Fourth Amendment, and they use these, the geofencing to actually arrest these people. Hmm. That’s very interesting. Looks like it’s all falling apart for them, isn’t it? Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is we can see the deep state players. They’re trying to use these manipulated polls to build up Waltz and Harris. And what’s very interesting is that G.

Elliot Morris put this out and said Harris approaching plus three in national polls rivaling Trump’s post debate RNC high. She is up in Michigan. Harris net favorite favorite is now minus four, compared to minus eight for Trump and Manny Stein for advance. Waltz, meanwhile, is around plus eight. Mark Mitchell from Rasmussen reports responded to this and said, weird, we just polled on Tim Waltz and his net favorability is absolutely zero. I guess it’s a good thing for Tim that we’re not in the 538 aggregate. Well, they were removed from that because they do actual polling. And what’s the other thing that’s very interesting is that, remember that video of Waltz and Kamala Harris coming down and you had all the people out there right in front of the plane and the reflection of the plane didn’t show the people, well, fight with memes decided, you know what? Here’s a video of everyone for Kamala Harris.

And these people are on Mount Everest, and there were 9 billion people. It’s very, very easy to manipulate video today to make it look like people are there when they’re really not. And when you look at this video, it does look like all the people are on the side of the mountainous. When you do something like this, when you manipulate videos, you have to be very, very careful in the detail, especially if you’re using AI, because a lot of times AI doesn’t really work well with shadows, reflections and things like that. And when you look at the plane, you definitely do not see the reflection of the crowd, which is a huge indicator that something is wrong.

And it’s very easy to take a plane, take Kamala and waltz walking down, having them wave and putting a crowd right in front. And I do believe what’s going to happen for now on, you’re going to see people that are going to go to these events, they’re going to film it with their phones. When this information comes out, they’re going to say, well, I was there. Look what I saw. How could this be different? Something is wrong. And I do believe this is going to call into question everything. Now, just yesterday, we mentioned how the Harris campaign was running paid ads with fake headlines.

And looks like Google was involved in this. Drew Hernandez put this out next and said Google is now claiming, guess what? A glitch occurred which allowed the Harris campaign to run paid ads with fake headlines through deceived voters and users. If you notice, every time Google gets caught or Facebook gets caught or YouTube gets caught or anyone gets caught, it’s always a glitch. Oh, look at that. It just happens to be a glitch. I mean, look, when you do a search for attempted assassination on Trump, it just happens to be a glitch. Oh, these manipulated ads that the headlines are all changed now to help Kamala.

That’s just a glitch. I mean, is anyone really buying this anymore? I don’t think so. Trump, you put this out on truth. He said, wow, Google and the Harris campaign are manipulating stories. Is this legal? Google trying to rig the election? That’s exactly what they were trying to do. They’re trying to rig the election. And we could see the deep state players. They are in a little bit of trouble because once again, Kamala is attached to Biden. Biden’s not going to let her go. And remember, Obama from the very, very beginning, he used Biden to push the 16 year plan.

He didn’t care what happened to Biden. He didn’t care if everything fell apart around him because he knew later on he was going to replace him anyhow. So he decided, you know something, let’s push everything through Biden. I know, and I do believe Trump at the Patriots, they knew this. They knew by Obama doing this, where Obama was actually protected, because again, this is, he’s the conductor. He’s pushing the 16 year plan. He used Biden as the front man. He doesn’t care what happens to him. Trump knew this and he knew that the people would be red pilled and the people would wake up.

Now Obama realizes Biden, Biden, he’s done. We can’t keep him on board because everything that he’s done, even though Obama told him to do it, now he has Kamala. He’s trying to separate Kamala from Biden, which isn’t going to work because Biden is going to push back. And we could see that Harris is planning to redefine herself. Move away from the crashing economy, move away from what happened out in Afghanistan, move away from the borders are, move away from all of this. This is going to be very, very difficult because remember, forget about what they say.

Forget about what they’re telling you. Look at their actions. Travis put this out and said, do we really want Kamala to do the entire USA what she helped do to California? Ban straws, but handed out drug needles, labeled gun groups as terrorists but allowed antifa to ride, left veterans homeless but gave free housing to illegals, prosecuted misgendering, but let illegals walk with murder. So that is the template. Those are her actions. Forget about what she’s trying to do right now because she’s trying to convince everyone that I’ve changed. The only reason they change is because there’s an election coming up.

Everything out of their mouth is fake. Just look at Biden. Everything that he said during 2020, what did he do the opposite? Is the country united? Did he lock down the border? Is the economy better? Is there peace in the land? No. Everything that he said is the opposite of the same thing with Kamala Harris. California is a template for America. Look at what they do, not what they say. And I do believe since Obama now is throwing Biden to the side, of course Kamala was helping and they’re trying to separate Kamala from Biden. I do believe Biden is going to fight back.

And this might explain why Trump said this a little while ago. And we’ll be talking about that in just a sec. But first, this is what Julie Kelly says. Between this and Pelosi’s recent comments about pushing Biden out of the race, Biden won’t stay silent for long. His ego and temper will get the best of him. Eventually, he will go off on what exactly happened. I think we can’t all wait for this. This is going to turn most likely to DNC or maybe before that or after that upside down. And if you notice, Biden now is continually using Kamala with him.

Kamala and I, we made the economy great. We’re coming in for a soft landing. He’s going to continue to do this just to give it to Obama. Because remember, Obama is the one who’s orchestrating all this is Obama law. Trump. Remember what he said on truth. What are the chances that crooked Joe Biden, the worst president in the history of the US, whose presidency was unconstitutionally stolen from him by Kam Obla, Barack Hussein Obama, crazy Nancy Pelosi, shifty Adam Schiff, crying Chuck Schumer and others on the lunatic left, crashes the Democratic National Convention and tries to take back the nomination, beginning with challenge me to another debate.

He feels that he made a historically tragic mistake by handing over the us presidency, a coup, to the people in the world he most hates. And he wants it back now. So really think about this for a second. And remember, he never actually ended his campaign. Kamala and Obama, Obama, they’re still using his id and he didn’t write that letter. Think about what Nancy Pelosi said. It didn’t sound like him. It wasn’t even on letterhead. That should tell you everything you need to know. And this is going to get very, very interesting. Remember, they’re keeping Kamala hidden because if she went off script and she talked to reporters, she would sound like an idiot because local reporters would ask her hard hitting questions and it would be very, very difficult to answer.

And again, they want her to be the nominee. They’re waiting for the DNC. Eric TrUmp, he put this out and said it’s been 23 days since Kamala Harris has had a sit down interview and she’s running for the presidency. Interesting. But since Trump and Elon went on x and they had a conversation, you could see Kamala Harris, the media, the deep state players, they’re flipping out. Trump showed the world, look, I have the people with me. Kamala, she can go on X, go ahead. Because again, if she goes on there and she only gets a couple thousand people, maybe a million people, this is going to show the world that Trump is much more popular.

So do you think she really wants to go on with Elon? Plus, Elon’s going to ask her a lot of tough questions, and I don’t think she wants that whatsoever. But during the conversation, they’re trying to say that Trump has medical problems, he has a lisp. This is why the Trump campaign decided to record Trump while he was on X. So there’s a separate video now showing that this whole lisp thing is fake. Jack Pozo put this out and said, for all the doubters claiming Trump was lisping on the call, it was just spaces compression. Here he is recorded on a phone in the same conversation, sounding perfectly normal.

So once again, they’re trying to use this, but again, it’s debunked very, very quickly, just like it’s being debunked now that Trump removed Mike Pence on X. Now, Trump was following Mike Pence archive VP 45. He removed that now, but he is still following Mike Pence. He didn’t stop following him, which is very, very interesting because I do believe Mike Pence, he actually was very, very important in the entire plan where they changed the law, where the vice president can no longer send the election results back to the legislator, which means they are trapped in all this.

And this is why they’re changing their tactics, saying the election results are manipulated. They’re going to try to hold the elections at that point, saying they don’t believe them. They’re going to start the big lie. And remember, I do believe Mike Pence was also involved in the continuity of government with Chris Miller. And if Trump was truly angry with him and pissed off, he would just unfollow him completely. But he didn’t, which should tell you everything you need to know. And really think about what happened when Elon and Trump were on X. Remember, Kamala has the fake news.

Kamala has Google, Kamala has Facebook and Instagram. She has all this. They’re rooting for her, the entire deep state. Why are they worried about x? Because X has more powerful. Because the people are seeing the truth. They can’t counter this. They are panicked. They don’t know what to do. And as we approach the elections, we can see what are they going to do. They’re going to try to cheat. And we already see the RNC, we see the Trump administration. They’re already prepping and putting into place countermeasures. KenNeco the great put this out and said RNC chair Michael Whatley announces the recruitment of 157,000 election integrity volunteers and stresses the importance of cleaning up voter rolls.

And they already have lawyers on standby. And I do believe this is going to be taken to the next level. I do believe we’re going to see the national Guard, military also guard the elections to make sure the elections are on the up and up. And like we said, we see that there are more and more cyber attacks. The other cyber attack was out in the city of Columbus, Ohio. And it looks like the local police are claiming that bank accounts have been hacked. And some people are reporting that they have money missing, that their bank account doesn’t work anymore.

So once again, you can see Iran, their central bank has been cyber attacked. Trump campaign has been cyber attacked. The city of Columbus, hospitals have been cyber attacked. The auto industry, they’ve been cyber attacked. If you start to look, there’s a lot of cyber attacking right now. And the other thing that’s very interesting is that hackers, they may have stolen Social Security numbers of every american citizen. Now, they really think about this for a second. If you wanted to cheat in the election and you needed to give Social Security numbers to the illegals, what would you do? Would you hack the system? Would you get the numbers so they could be handed out to the illegals? Yeah, you would.

Is this going to work? No, not at all. Because you have to remember there are many things in place to stop this. And I do believe Trump is actually counting on them to move down the path of trying to delay or manipulate the elections with a cyber attack. Because this will then allow him to do what? Allow him to push the Save act. Have the states go to paper voter id and hand counts, and karma Patriot put something out that’s very, very interesting, says threaten. This is untruth, by the way. And to see her work, just go to karma patriot.

Untrue social thread one. Paper ballots voter id hand counts as part of designated elections as critical infrastructure. States were required to draft continuity of operations plan Coop in the event of a cyber attack, foreign or domestic, on election day. Then if we go to thread two, it says the Obama inspired EAC shows a guidance document addressing coop for elections. Constitutionally, elections are controlled by the state, not the federal government or the military. All election dates and legislation are set by state statute. Here’s a link to each individual state laws relating to election emergencies addressing postponement or relocation of an election executive branch role in election emergencies example of emergencies around the nation potential mitigation strategy thread three.

And just in case you have doubts about the RNC America first legal Article three project Project 2025, turning Point USA a countless other conservative groups are out there fighting every single day for election integrity. Here are just a few of many cases currently being litigated. And then she lists all the different documents. And you can take a look at these documents. All you have to do is come to the X 22 report site or go to karma. Patriot on truth so if the deep state’s weapon of choice in a last ditch effort to cheat on November 5 is a cyber attack, well, it looks like the states are prepared to go to paper voter id hand counts.

I do believe the SavE act will be pushed in the Senate and now it will be law. And I do believe this is going to give the deep state players a major problem, which means they’re going to move towards chaos, which means they’re going to try to stay in power, which means they will not allow Trump to basically win the election. Now, once again, since the election system have been compromised and they’ve been manipulated, what does that mean? It must, it must mean that either we do the elections over, the military guards it, and we use paper, we vote on one day, we show id that we’re citizens, and then we get the real election results.

Because again, if there is a cyber attack, which I do believe there’s going to be one, they can’t cyber attack paper, and that’s going to be a problem for them. If they try to delay the elections, I do believe the same scenario will play out. Okay. They’re delayed, they’re manipulated. We can’t use the systems. No problem. Let’s use paper. Let’s use voter id, let’s hand count, let’s do it all one day. This way, we can protect ourselves and make sure, let’s make sure that the National Guard, the military is guarding the elections. Because remember, we have been attacked, the country’s been attacked, the infrastructure has been attacked.

So I do believe Trump with the Patriots, they have countermeasures in place. And I think everything’s prepared for this. And they’re leading the deep state players down this path. And I do believe we’re going to see elections that actually show the true vote of the people. And this is something the deep state players don’t want anyone to see. Trump wants everyone to see it. I think he wants to give the finger to the deep state players and show them that, hey, look, the people are on my side. We’re taking back the country. Now, during this period, it’s going to look dark.

It’s going to look scary because remember, we’re approaching war. There’s cyber attacks. The financial institution is crashing. But again, I do believe Trump is going to use this to his advantage. And the people are going to demand that we take back this country and we protect the country from these treasonous peoples and from foreign entities. And I do believe as president elect, the people are going to demand it. And I do believe foreign leaders are going to want to speak to him on peace. Why? Because the patriots are in control. Listen, everyone, thanks a lot for listening.

Be always safe and especially be prepared. Thanks a lot, Sadeena.

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Antifa civil unrest cyber attacks manipulating elections Dr. Stephen Gundry olive oil economic collapse US election great reset theory green new scam health benefits of olive oil Hillary Clinton presidential candidate inciting civil unrest Michelle Obama presidential candidate Obama manipulating Biden's presidency Obama replacing Biden Patriot Front civil unrest potential cyber attacks US election

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