Ep. 3396b – D Party RINO Traitors Are About To Be Exposed [C]los[I]ng [A]ct | X22 Report

Posted in: News, Patriots, X22 Reports



➡ This X22 Report podcast episode discusses the importance of exposing corrupt politicians and traitors within the country. It highlights a new act, the SavE act, which aims to ensure only American citizens can vote in federal elections. The episode also discusses the potential for Trump to return to power and clean up the CIA, as well as the current political situation in Iran and the UK. Lastly, it mentions the need for peace negotiations and the potential for Trump to lead these initiatives.
➡ The text discusses the ongoing tension between nations, with some pushing for war and others advocating for peace. It suggests that certain “deep state” players are trying to provoke conflict, while others, like Viktor Orban and Trump, are seeking peaceful solutions. The text also mentions potential election interference and the threat of a bird flu outbreak affecting food supplies. It concludes by suggesting that attempts to indict Trump are not going as planned, and that these trials are being delayed until after the elections.
➡ A federal judge has delayed a case involving classified documents related to Trump, considering the potential impact of a recent Supreme Court ruling. Trump accuses the Biden administration of interfering in the case and leaking information to the media. Speculations suggest that these legal issues might be postponed until after the upcoming election. Meanwhile, there are rumors about Biden’s health and potential replacement, with Obama allegedly favoring Kamala Harris.
➡ Biden is not planning to quit the race and hopes to debate Trump again. Trump encourages Biden to continue his campaign, despite criticizing his policies. There are speculations about potential changes in the Democratic party’s leadership, with names like Kamala Harris, Hillary Clinton, and Michelle Obama being mentioned. There are also theories about potential distractions or events that could be used to gain sympathy votes for Biden or to shift focus onto Trump.
➡ The text discusses a bill requiring proof of citizenship to vote in federal elections. It suggests that those opposing the bill are betraying their country. The text also mentions potential candidates for vice president in the upcoming election and speculates about their ability to withstand attacks from the deep state. It ends by expressing belief that patriots will regain control of the country.


Hi and welcome. You’re listening to the X22 Report. My name is Dave in this episode. 3390 06:00 p.m. today’s date is July 7, 2024 and the title of the episode is d party and rhino traders are about to be exposed. Closing act lets talk about her health. I just found something fascinating. What if you could restore your gut health with one simple fix? According to one doctor in California, there may be a way. In fact, he believes its so powerful that it could be like a power wash for your insides. Doctor Gundry, who is a world renowned heart surgeon, reveals the root cause of weight gain, food cravings and low energy in a short video he released to the public, which you can watch right now by going to thenewgutfix.com x 22 or by clicking the link in the description box below.

That’s newgutfix.com x 22. What’s even more fascinating is this video also reveals how you can transform your gut with this one simple thing. Find out now by going to thenewgutfix.com x 22 or click the link at the bottom of the video. Let’s get into the economic collapse, political and geopolitical news. Now. The deep state, the corrupt politicians, big tech fake news, the puppet masters, they’re being exposed one step at a time. Because if you look at what Trump or the patriots are doing, they are showing the people the true criminals. They’re showing the people, the traitors to this country.

Because again, if we’re going to take back the country, this is our final battle. The people must take back the country. And it’s not just republican independence, it’s the people of this country. Then they must understand, and they must know who the traitors are. And it’s not just those individuals that are running for president and vice president. It’s those people that are in Congress, those people that are unelected. The people must understand. They must know who the true traitors are to this country. And I do believe this is why Trump, the patriots, they decided to set up a little trap for them.

Think about what happened when Johnson was at Mar a Lago. He made the announcement with Trump standing behind him, that they are now introducing the Save act. The SavE act will safeguard our elections by ensuring only american citizens vote in the federal elections. Now think about what they’ve done here. It makes perfect sense to have only Americans vote in the elections for America and those people that do not vote for this. And that is on the d side, that is on the rhino side. The people are going to see who the true enemies are to this country.

Because again, if you go into Spain and to France, into Italy or any other country, can you vote in their election when you’re not a citizen? Does that make any sense? Because if that made sense, then you could just bring in millions upon millions of people into the country and have them vote even though they’re not part of the country. Oh, wait, that’s what they’re doing right now, isn’t it? So I do believe they set up this trap so the people of this country realize and understand who the true enemies really are. And I do believe the people are definitely going to see this because once again, who should be voting in this election? Remember what the people have been seeing.

They’ve been seeing all these illegals come in, or should we call them criminals. They’ve been seeing the deep state players destroy our way of life with the economy, trying to bring us to war, which they’re doing right now, how they infiltrated our school systems with CRT and everything else, and how they’re pushing Dei, the people now understand that. Wait a minute. Look what’s been happening in this country. You allowed all these illegals in. They’re committing crimes all over the place. They’re using our resources. And now you want, and we’re paying, the taxpayers are paying for everything, their stay, their meals, you name it, we’re health care.

The people now are saying, wait a minute, now they’re going to vote in our elections. And I do believe this was done on purpose so people could actually understand and see who the traders are to this country. And it’s not just on the D side. Most likely you will see a couple of rhinos. Remember, that’s republican name only. You will see them decide not to vote for this. And this is going to be very, very easy to see now who the true traders really are. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is it seems like Ratcliffe, once Trump is elected again, Ratcliffe is going to be put in a position to actually clean out of the CIA and actually go after those individuals that actually rigged the election.

Is this the closing act? It’s starting to seem that way. Now. We’re going to be talking a lot more about this a little bit later, but first, let’s talk about what’s happening out in Iran, because this is very interesting. We have a reformist who has beaten the hardliner to win the Iran presidential election, which we mentioned yesterday. But what’s very interesting about this is that the deep state players, they decided to respond to this. And the US State Department has called the Iranian election not free or fair and noted that a significant number of Iranians chose not to participate at all.

So right now, they’re looking at Iran and they’re saying, okay, we don’t agree with what’s happening. We don’t think this is a fair and free election. And anytime the deep state players are against the election, you know, they don’t like what’s going on right now. And that reminds me of post 1570, and this is June 20, 2018. In the middle, it says, Iran next regime in trouble. People awake. And we know that there’s going to be change in Iran and it looks like we’re heading in that direction. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is that the CIA director travel to Qatar for Gaza hostage and ceasefire deal negotiations.

And we have CIA Director Bill Burns. He’s expected to travel out there to try to negotiate, once again a cease fire. So let’s translate this. The deep state realizes that their funded terrorism is going to be wiped out. So they need to stop Israel from destroying them. So this is why you see the CIA director going out to this area to try to patch things up and to stop Israel from destroying their funded terrorist groups. So once again, this is not for the benefit of we the people, it’s the benefit for them. Remember, this is a criminal syndicate.

They do nothing to benefit the people of this country. Everything, every move, every action they take is to benefit their criminal syndicate. And that is why they do these things. It’s not to help the people. Because think about what their plan is. Their plan is to destroy America, destroy the constitution. Their 16 year plan in a nutshell. Open the borders, let as many illegals in as possible. Why, yes, to cheat in the elections. But what’s the other reason? To basically overpower the people in this country. To make them the majority. Destroy the economy, destroy what we have today, and try to bring us into a new system that is completely and utterly a controlled system, and they will control every aspects of your life.

Bring us to war to get rid of the constitution, to destroy this entire country and have them remake it the way they want it. That’s their ultimate goal. So anything that they do is against we the people, against the constitution. And I think people could see this very, very clearly. And when you look out in the UK, you could see the fake conservatives. They have lost the election. The new government is now being put into place. And the new government is pretty much like the old government and the newly appointed british prime minister Keir Starmer almost immediately gives remarks on the continued support of Ukraine.

But again, this is the way it’s supposed to be. Why? Because it needs to show the people, look, you see the old Conservatives, you see the new party that was just elected. There is no difference whatsoever. That’s where Nigel Farage is going to come in later. I do believe the people of the UK needed to see both parties. They’re going to see there is absolutely no difference. And you’re going to see changes very, very quickly. And I do believe you’re going to see changes in what’s happening out in Ukraine, what’s happening out in the Middle east, what’s happening out with China and Taiwan.

I do believe that’s going to ramp up pretty darn quickly. And I do believe this is why we’re already seeing the narrative of peace. Because think about it, we had Putin come out saying, yes, we believe that Trump can negotiate peace. We have Victor Orban meeting Putin, talking about peace, and we could see that Zelensky is saying, if Trump has a peace plan, what is it? This is the narrative being built for Trump’s peace initiative once he’s elected. Now, I do believe to convince the people that we need peace, we’re going to have to have war one way or another, and it’s going to have to affect the people in this country.

And Trump is going to say, it doesn’t have to be this way. I can have peace. And you already know now that Zelensky wants to hear from him, Putin wants to hear from him. And Viktor Orbin is now taking control of the EU and speaking to Putin and talking about peace, which we’ll be talking about just a sec. But again, to get there, the deep state players are going to do what they’re going to try to bring us to war. Osin technical put this out and said NATO countries are set to donate another massive package of long range air defense systems to Ukraine at next week’s NATO summit in Washington, the US, Germany and Romania will send three Patriot SAm units.

Italy and France will join to supply a Samp T system. So missiles are being delivered. They’re getting prepared. But when Viktor Orbin was meeting with Putin, they were talking about the quickest path to peace. This is what Viktor Orban put out on X. He says, I’ve concluded my talks in Moscow with President Putin. My goal was to open the channels of direct communication and start a dialogue on the shortest road to peace. Mission accomplished. So he’s talking about peace, and on the other side, again, is the deep state players. What do they want? They want actual war.

We have Ursula von der Lyon. She says hungarian PM Viktor Orban is visiting Moscow. Appeasement will not stop Putin. Only unity and determination will pave the path to a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in Ukraine. So basically translation is, hey, you better unite with us and stand with us because that’s the only way we can have peace, which actually means war. Victor Orbin is saying, no, all we got to do is talk to these people. And what you’re doing is not peace, because what peace plan do they have? All they do is keep sending money to Ukraine.

Europe is sending weapons to Ukraine, so is the US. So what peace plan are they talking about? And now you could see the difference that is now being shaped because I do believe when things start to heat up and there’s a false flag or something happens, which we could see it’s approaching, you’re going to have Ursula von der Leyen on one side for the European Union. You’re going to see the other installed individuals talking about war. You’re going to see the Biden administration, the fake news and the rhinos. They’ll be talking about war. And then you’re going to have Victor Orban and the other presidents, the other prime ministers that were elected in by the people.

They’re all going to be talking about peace. You think the president of El Salvador is going to be talking about war? Or he’s going to be talking about peace? How about the president of Argentina? Is he going to be talking about war or talking about peace? Gert Wilder, is he going to be talking about war or talking about peace? When Macron is out? You think Le Pen is going to be talking about war? Or he’s going to be talking about. Or she going to be talking about peace? The same thing in Canada. So you’ll see a separation.

The installed individuals, they will be talking about war because that’s really what they want. Because again, when they’re exposed and their systems falling apart and they want to maintain control, they need a war to cover everything up. Those individuals that are elected by the representatives, they don’t want war. They know their people don’t want war. They don’t want their families, their country and everything that they know destroyed. So they’re going to be talking about peace and Trump is going to be coming out talking about peace. And we can see how this is now shaping up. And I do believe as we get closer and closer to the presidential election, most likely around August, you are going to start to see things heat up because we have August, September, October.

That’s, I do believe those three months are going to be very, very bumpy. And I do believe this is when the scare event is going to come in. Because once again, what does the deep state have to do? They need to stop the elections. Yes, they’re going to try to cheat. Yes, they’re going to try to have to change a batter. Yes, they’re going to do whatever they possibly can to try to win the elections. But when they realize they won’t be able to pull this off, even with their cheating, this is going to be very, very difficult for them.

And we know that they want to bring us into the great reset, the green new scam and they want to reset their system. So how do you reset the system? Because think about what they’ve told us. They want smart cities. They want everyone using electric, they want solar, wind power. Well, you can’t have it the way the world is today. So you got to destroy everything that we know today and then rebuild it the way they want it. So, you know, this is their plan. Their plan is to have war so they can’t allow Trump to win.

They not, they need to stop the election and they need to cover up all their crimes and they need to have something to bring us into their new system. So they got to destroy their own system. Their old system is the financial system. Their old system is everything that you see today. They need to wipe it out. And again, this is a control war. They’re not going to be involved. They’re going to be in bunkers. They’re going to be hiding out. They’re going to be calling the shots, because again, they don’t get involved in this. They want the people to fight themselves.

And once again, you’re going to see a very, very big difference. But I do believe in the end, it’s going to fail because again, what does Trump have? He has peace. And you can see this is all being laid out right now. Now. But again, they’re going to have to try to cheat in the elections. And what are they doing? They’re trying to bring in the bird flu. And as they bring in the bird flu, what does that also do? It removes the food supply. And those individuals that control the creation of currency and control the food supply pretty much control the world if you really think about it.

And with the bird flu, what’s happening? They’re killing chickens, they’re killing cattle. And out in Australia, you can see that like McDonald’s and many other restaurants, they don’t have enough eggs, they don’t have enough chicken, they don’t have enough of anything to keep their restaurants operating. And right now, out in Australia, McDonald’s has cut breakfast time in Australia by 90 minutes due to an egg shortage amid an outbreak of bird flu. The decision follows after the highly pathogenic h seven influenza infected eight farms in Victoria, two properties in New South Wales and one in the Australian Capital Territory.

More than 1 million birds in the two states combined have been euthanized as part of the government’s response to bird flu, also known as the avion flu. And a post on social media, McDonald’s explained breakfast would end at 10:30 a.m. instead of midday due to egg supply issues. So, yes, they’re building this up. Yes, I do believe the next round is going to happen probably August, September, when people start to get the COVID bio weapon, because I do believe the bird flu will probably be included with this. And remember, these individuals, these people, they don’t care if you live or if you die.

Actually, they rather have most of the people die, because again, if they’re bringing us into the great reset, the green new scam, they can’t have the population the way it is today. And this is why war actually helps them out quite a bit. But again, spreading the bird flu around allows them to do what? Bring in the mail in ballots, bring in the drop boxes again. But I do believe this is going to fail in the end, and I don’t believe they’re going to be able to cheat like they did before. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is it looks like the deep state’s plan to indict Trump and have multiple trials, it is not working the way they thought it was going to work.

And most of the trials, they’re being pushed off until after the elections. And I do believe Judge merchant, he is now looking at the case, lawfare, is probably working with him to try to go around what the Supreme Court has said. And this is why they’ve made the sentencing in September. Actually, it brings us very close to the election. And actually, they’ll probably use this to say, look, Trump is being imprisoned now. Once again, they’re going to try their best to go around what the Supreme Court has done and they’re going to try to bring in other information, or again, they’ll lie about it, whatever, because again, they are criminals, they are corrupt, they’re not going to do anything following the rule of law.

So we’ll have to see how that plays out. But when you look at the case with the classified documents, that is completely falling apart. Why? Because we have Judge Cannon who is following the rule of law. So the federal judge right now, they granted a request from Trump to delay the classified documents case. Julie Kelly put this out and said Judge Cannon just granted Trump’s motion. Depos some deadlines in Florida doc case to consider SCOTUS’s immunity opinion and potential impact on the case. Trump’s lawyers filed the motion yesterday. As expected, Team Trump notes Justice Thomas concurring opinions suggesting Smith’s appointment is unconstitutional.

Trump already has penny motion to dismiss case based on unlawful appointment of special counsel. It was debated at a hearing last month. Trump again raises Biden’s inappropriate remarks after SCOTUS opinion as proof the White House is interfering in the case. Trump also accuses DOJ of recently leaking info to media, something Judge Cannon admonished special counsel about when she appointed a special master in 922. I don’t think she’ll be too happy about this. Pending deadlines that are stayed related to Sipa litigation and expert disclosures for trial, Cannon set a brief schedule on immunity matter through this month.

Very likely she’ll set a hearing sometime in August. We are still waiting for the hearing on scope of prosecution motion originally set for the last month but delayed due to other more urgent motions. My guess is that that the hearing will be indefinitely postponed until immunity question is resolved, which is unfortunate because it addresses collusion between Biden, White House, Nara and DOJ to concoct a docs case against Trump dating back to the spring of 2021. Trump responded to what has been happening and said the following every one of the lawsuits I’m involved with, including the civil scams, were started by crooked Joe Biden and his fascist government for purposes of election interference and trying to damage sleepy Joe’s political opponent.

The fake news, including Fox, hates to report that because it doesn’t play into their narrative. But the people get loud and clear it is the elections form of cheating. They have no shame. But fear not, we will win, and possibly by historic proportions. DJ T so I do believe that most of these cases are going to be pushed off until after the election, especially with the Supreme Court ruling. The only case they have right now is the one with Marshawn, and I do believe lawfare is probably working with Marshawn and that’s why he’s pushed this out to September.

Number one, it brings us closer and closer to the presidential election. And if they put Trump into prison, not for, you know, months and months and months just to use that against him. They wanted this close to the presidential election. Number two, I do believe they needed some time to look for a way around the Supreme Court decision and try to actually push their case forward. But we’ll have to see how this plays out because everything that they’re doing is completely and utterly failing. And I do believe this is why in the end, Obama has used Biden the way he needed to use him again.

He didn’t take any of the hits. Biden took every single hit. He was completely exposed. Everyone knows he’s running a criminal operation. His poll numbers are in the dumper. And now it’s time to replace him. Because again, in the very, very beginning, they never wanted Biden. Obama wanted Kamala Harris. That was the person he wanted. Because again, Dei, he could control her very, very easily. She would never push back. She would just do what he told her to do. Biden, on the other hand, he pushes back. He’s stubborn and he’s sometimes difficult to control, even though they work together.

Because again, power goes to people’s heads. And again, when you have Joe Biden there and others who love the power, they’re not going to give in too easily. And I do believe this is why Obama decided to make his move and he set him up. And he has now told all the individuals it is time to get rid of Biden. And this is why you see the information coming out. It’s not because the fake news all of a sudden decided, hey, we’re going to tell the truth. They were instructed to do this. Let’s talk about our health.

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x 22 so just click on the link in the description below the video. It was done on purpose to shift and actually have the change of batter. And what’s very interesting is that Biden’s doctor was meeting with a specialist that has people talking about now. So Doctor Kevin Kennard, a Parkinson’s disease expert at Walter Mead Medical center, met with doctor Kevin O’Connor and two others at the White House residents clinic on January 17, according to the records, which actually now poses a question, what is going on with Biden? And this is very, very interesting. But again, in the grand scheme of things, we knew that this was going to happen.

We knew that Obama was going to eventually remove Joe Biden. Now, once again, we need to remember that when Trump continually says this is the final battle, it’s the final battle for we the people, the Patriots, and the final battle for the deep state players. Now, do you really want to go into the final battle with Joe Biden leading the charge? No, you don’t. You want someone that you can control completely. You want something, someone that will do exactly what you tell them to do. Because remember, they don’t have what they had in 2020. They don’t have everyone afraid.

They don’t have everyone scared in their homes wearing masks. They don’t have the mail in ballots like they had before. They don’t have the drop boxes like they had before. They’re trying to, but they don’t have that. And you need someone halfway decent to have the poll numbers and you need someone to do what you want them to do. And if you don’t have that, it’s going to be very, very difficult. So this is why you see that there are certain donors that are moving away from Biden, that they’re going against him. And this is an all out attack on Biden.

And it’s being driven by Obama and Claiborne and many others. Because again, this is the final battle. It’s a final battle for the Patriots. It’s final battle for the deep state players. If the Patriots win, we take back control of the country. If the deep state wins, they have control and they bring us to war. But if they lose, which I do believe they’re going to lose, what happens? Well, everything is exposed. Everyone realizes that they are treasonous against this country and they are then tried and they know this. So they’re going to go all out right now to the very, very end and they need to put certain things into place.

And what’s very interesting is that Biden is continually saying that he has more people coming to his rallies than Trump, which is absolutely ridiculous. And Dan Scavino put out a video and split the screen and shows Biden rally in a small, little tiny gym and then Trump’s rally where you see, you know, 8100 thousand people outside. So it’s absolutely unbelievable right now. But the other thing that’s very interesting is that remember Trump, he actually challenged Biden to a second debate. Remember when he said I have the answer to crooked Joe Biden’s incompetence puzzle? Let’s do another debate.

But this time let’s just talk about the issues. Let’s just talk about what’s been going on in this country. And it looks like Joe Biden actually accepted the challenge. Colin Rugg put this out and said Biden appears to think he won the first debate. He says he wouldn’t be surprised if Trump didn’t want to debate him again. Biden also said he has completely ruled out dropping out of the race. Reporter asked him a question, are you going to debate former Trump again? Biden responded and said, I hope he’ll debate me. I wouldn’t be surprised if he doesn’t.

I’m committing now whether he is in or not. You definitely won the first debate, Joe. So once again he accepted the second debate. So does that mean that this is going to happen before he’s the nominee or after the nominee? This is going to be very interesting. Now, Trump, he is now telling Joe Biden to stay in the race. This is what he put out on truth. Crooked Joe Biden should ignore his critics and move forward with alacrity and strength with his powerful and far reaching campaign. He should be sharp, precise and energetic, just like he was in the debate in selling his policies to open borders where millions of people, including record number of terrorists, are allowed to enter our country from prisons and mental institutions totally unchecked and unvetted, to ending Social Security, men playing in women’s sports, high taxes, high interest rates, encouraging a woke military, uncontrollable inflation, record setting crime, only electric vehicles, subservience to China and other countries, endless wars, putting America last, losing our dollar based standard and so much more.

Yes, sleepy Joe should continue his campaign of american destruction, make China great again. So that’s very interesting. He’s telling Joe Biden to stay in the race and then explaining to the people, look how he’s destroying this country. So translation is the Ds are going to do the opposite of what Trump is doing. They’re going to push very, very hard to remove him. And I do believe Trump has put this out to make sure that the fake news is on board. The ds are on board. Yes. Let’s have the change of batter. Let’s bring in the people that I actually want, the people that I want in focus.

And I still believe that it’s Hillary and the Obama’s. Now, again, we talked about how Barack Obama could be inserted as the VP, because when you look at the constitution, this allows him to be the VP because if Kamala was removed, he’s not elected president. So his other term would not be an election. So this is actually kind of allowed in the constitution. Now. Are the people going to go along with this or the people going to reject this and say, yeah, you know what, I don’t think this is right. And you think this would hurt them then more than help them? I do believe most likely when Joe Biden is removed, Kamala will be the acting president.

She’ll be the presidential nominee. And they, she will then bring in probably, maybe Hillary Clinton, and Hillary Clinton will then be the VP, and then eventually they’ll remove Kamala and bring in Michelle Obama or she’ll make Michelle Obama the VP. She will drop out. Michelle Obama will then move into the president and then the, you know, running for the president, and then she’ll nominate Hillary Clinton. But we’ll have to see how this all plays out. But remember, Biden is not going to just give up that easily. And going into the presidential election, what does he need to create sympathy? Usually you need some type of distraction.

Sometimes you need an event. Sometimes you need something where it puts the focus on the other opponent. And I’m not talking about Obama’s or Hillary Clinton, I’m talking about Trump. And you need to show people, look how desperate they are. They’ve come after me. And you could use this to build sympathy. Paul Sperry put this out on ex and said, doddering or not, Biden, as the incumbent POTUS, still holds all the power beyond bully pulpit. He commands the admin, state military. He can run another intel op, manufacture a crisis, even wag the dog, he’s so cocky.

Not worried about polls because he’s cooking up something against Trump. Now, let’s put this in perspective to get the sympathy vote, to get everything focused back on him. What can he do? Well, what happens if there was an attempt on his life, on Biden’s life? What happens if they get someone where they indoctrinated this individual, they made this person into a MAGA supporter. And this individual who was never a MAGA supporter, remember, innocents are easy to control. They use this individual to go after Biden, to take him out, and it fails. And they arrest the individual.

And the individual, they play it up that it’s a MAGA supporter. Will this help Biden in a way that the deep state would have a problem removing him? Yes. And with the fake news, be able to use this against Trump and his supporters? Yes. So this is a possibility. Now, there could be many other things happening, just like the wag the dog type of scenario where war is starting and now is a huge distraction and people are distracted with that. So once again, you can see how this is going to play out and something might happen.

Now, what’s very interesting is that it looks like there were dozens of climate activists that were tracked down and arrested by police on a nationwide crackdown to shut down plot to set up to disrupt key national infrastructure. So that was shut down. But the other thing that’s very interesting is that we had, once again, the Patriot front group marching around in Nashville, Tennessee. Approximately 150 to 250 individuals identified as members of the Patriot Front. We’re marching around now, once again, why are they doing this? Because they’re preparing and they’re getting ready to have a civil war.

They want chaos. So again, these individuals, which most likely they’re fed, they’re in part of the intelligence apparatus. We’ll be talking about that in just a sec. They’re marching around to convince everyone that, look, here are the Trump supporters, these are the patriots, and they are not the patriots. And if you look, they have american flag, confederate flag, these are the white supremacists. These are extremists. And you’re going to have the other side, which is going to be antifa and legals on one side. So they’re going to try to create this. But what’s very interesting about this is that their name is the Patriot Front.

So it’s the Patriot Front group. So what is a front organization? A front organization is any entity set up by and control by another organization, such as intelligence agencies, organized crime groups, terrorist organizations, secret societies, ban organizations, religious or political groups, advocacy groups or corporations. Front organizations can act for the parent group without the action being attributed to the parent group, thereby allowing them to hide certain activities from the authorities or the public. So do you think this is an intelligence agency? Do you think it’s mixed in with other type of groups? Yes, it’s a front group.

Now it’s becoming clearer. This is not a normal uprising. This is not a grassroots movement. This is controlled by the deep state players. And they’re trying to convince people that, oh, look, it’s the patriots. These are the extremists. And they’re building this narrative up. And you can see as we get closer and closer to presidential election, they’re bringing out more and more of these individuals. It started out with maybe, what, 20 to 30. Now we’re up to 150 to 250 people. They’re trying to convince you that it’s growing. It’s not growing, but what are they using it for? They’re using it for to what? To indoctrinate others.

They’re recruiting right now. And I do believe they might use one of these individuals to go after Biden. And the other way you know that this is completely fake. Has the fake news even reported on it? Remember, if it was real Trump supporters, they’d be reporting on this like crazy. And the fake news and all the trolls and everyone else, antifa, they’d be trying to dox these people. Plus, MAGA people don’t wear masks. So this is ridiculous right here. And I think people are starting to understand that. And I do believe Trump of the patriots. As we move into the presidential election, they set up a trap for the deep state players.

Remember Speaker Johnson and Trump? They made the announcement about this save act and how we’re going to safeguard the elections. Speaker Johnson put this out and said the SavE act will safeguard our elections by ensuring only american citizens vote in federal elections. Here’s what the legislation does. Require state election officials to ask about citizenship before providing voter registration forms. Now, once again, the states can request from the DHS who is a citizen and who isn’t a citizen. Remember, american first, legal. Let us know that there are two old laws that allows each state to do this.

Let me continue. Requires an individual to provide proof of citizenship in order to register to vote in federal elections. Allow state officials to accept a wide variety of documents that will make it easy for citizens to register to vote in the federal elections. Provide states with access to federal agency databases so they can remove non citizens from voter rolls and confirm citizenship for individuals lacking proof of citizenship. Directs DHS to determine whether to conduct removal proceedings if a non citizen has been identified as having registered to vote in a federal election requires DHS to notify a state chief election official whenever an individual has been naturalized to ensure our newest citizens are able to exercise their right to vote.

So this seems like it’s pretty straightforward. And any individual who’s for this country who follows the constitution would want this, because why would you want someone who’s not a citizen here, who is not part of our way of life, our fabric of our life? You wouldn’t want it. Why would you want an outsider voting for the next president? You wouldn’t. Mike Davis put this out and said, dear Senate Republicans, why haven’t all of you co sponsored Mike Lee’s bill to require proof of citizenship for federal elections? This is the red line. Stephen Miller put this out and is responding to Axios and says House Democrats leadership is bringing out the big guns against Republicans bill to set to be voted on next week that would require proof of us citizenship to vote in federal elections.

Stephen Miller responded, said, read the below, then read it again. Then read it again. A major DC establishment publication says that House Democrats are bringing out the big guns to get illegal aliens to vote in 2024. How can any American support a party that wants to flood the ballot box with illegals? So they’re bringing out the big guns. Let’s see. Are they bringing the big guns out for. To maybe lower inflation now? To maybe secure the border? No. To do anything to improve your life? No. To stop the war? No. They’re bringing it out to allow the illegals to vote in the election.

Basically, they want the illegals to dilute the american vote. So they want to dilute every single person’s vote. Who are these people? These people are traitors. Elon Musk responds to this and says, those who oppose this bill, the Save act, are traitors. Then he wrote, all caps, traitors. What is the penalty for traders again? Is that death? Absolutely. Let’s go back to post 802 patriot a person who loves, supports, and defends his or her country and its interests with devotion. A person who regards himself or herself as a defender, especially of individual rights, against presumed interference by the federal government.

Traitor. A person who portrays another a cause or any trust. A person who commits treason by betraying his or her country. So now, with this set up, you’re going to see very easily who the traders are and who the patriots are. And the american people are going to see this very, very clearly. So come election time, I do believe this was set up so you could see who the traitors are. And these are the people that you don’t vote for. So every single individual in Congress, in the House, in the Senate, should vote for this bill.

It should be 100%. We know it’s not going to be that way because we know we have installed traders in government. Remember, it’s a criminal syndicate. And this is going to make it very, very easy to see who they are. This is a very simple way to flush all of them out. And those people that you think are patriots, it’s going to be very, very surprising for many people. And you’re going to see who the traders really are, and this is going to put them on the spot. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is we see that Trump, he’s going to be announcing his vp during the Republic national Convention, and he’s also holding a fundraiser after this with the nominee for vice president on July 18.

So this will be very, very interesting. And the other thing that’s really interesting is that we know when I Trump wins the election, he’s going to be draining the swamp. And it seems that some information is already being put out there that Ratcliffe, well, he’s going to be part of this. Paul Sperry put this out and said sources say former federal prosecutor and national intel director John Radcliffe tops Trump’s list for attorney general and plans to criminally prosecute CIA contractors and employees who broke laws against interfering in elections when they ran an influence op in 2020.

Now that is very interesting. He’s going to criminally prosecute CIA contractors and employees who interfered who over, who are involved in overthrowing the United States government, overthrowing the dually elected president. That reminds me of post 129 November 9, 2017 closing act. The c, the I, the A are in brackets. CIA dismantled network of bad actors found network dismantled impossible to clean. No other way to root out the corruption operations to no such agency, NSA. That is very interesting. And let me just go back to a couple of posts here. These are deltas. This is post 3372, July 8, 2019 Flynn News coming now we know the Republic National Convention is coming very, very soon next week, and Trump is going to announce who his vice president is.

Does this mean that Flynn might be announced? Maybe, maybe not. But I do believe that most of these individuals are on a list because a lot of them live in Florida. Others are rhinos. I don’t believe many of these individuals are ready to be vice president. I do believe we need someone who is battle hardened, who dealt with the deep state players, who went up against them. And I do believe that that person, whoever Trump picks, that is the person that we need. Because if, God forbid, anything happens, we need someone that can stand up to the deep state players, and that person must be able to take every single hit that Trump took.

Think about it. When you’re looking at the candidates, does any of these individuals have the experience of being attacked by the deep state, the ones that he have chosen? No, they don’t. So I do believe he most likely has picked someone else. And we’ll have to see how this plays out. And it’s very interesting that it says Flynn News coming. Now, this doesn’t mean that Flynn is going to be the choice, but in my opinion, this is my choice. And I do believe I wouldn’t be surprised if maybe Pence is the choice. Because again, I do believe he was involved in the operation for continuing a government, and he worked with Chris Miller.

But again, we’ll have to see how this all plays out. Now, the other post is 3382, July 8. As a picture of Trump, it says my turn. Down below it says, sweet dreams. Now, I do believe it is his turn. I do believe he’s taken control of this country. He’s been in control of this country with the military, and now he’s bringing those people that attacked him from the very, very beginning. He’s bringing these people into focus, and now he gets to release all the dirt on them, all their treasonous acts, all their crimes that they’ve committed, just like the people have seen what Joe Biden has done.

And remember, Joe Biden was never in control. He was a placeholder, and it was, he was put in a place to show people, look, they’re running a criminal operation. It doesn’t end with him. This is the beginning. And people needed to see how the deep state has been trying to destroy this country and who’s actually orchestrating all of this. And I do believe we’re going to see that person very, very soon. And I do believe Trump, the patriots, you’re going to see information come out against these individuals, and people are going to be shocked in what they have done, going all the way back to 2016.

And even before that, you’re going to realize how many different treasonous acts these people have committed. And Trump, he will get the people on his side and those people that he doesn’t get by exposing all this. Wait until we approach war. Those people are going to wake up pretty darn fast, because remember, you’re going to have one side talking about war. You’re going to have the other side, which is Trump, Victor Orban and all the other leaders that were elected by the people. They are going to be talking about peace. So people are going to wake up very, very quickly as we approach the presidential election.

And I do believe once the people are awake, the people will be able to take back this country and they’ll be able to vote these people out and remember the deep state along the way. They’re going to push back as hard as they possibly can. But in the end, I do believe it’s all going to fail. Why? Because the patriots are in control. Listen, everyone, thanks a lot for listening. Be well, be safe, and especially be prepared. Thanks a lot, Sadeena.

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bird flu outbreak affecting food supplies deep state provoking conflict exposing corrupt politicians podcast federal judge delays Trump case political situation in Iran and UK potential election interference SavE act in federal elections Supreme Court ruling impact on Trump tension between nations Trump indictment delays Trump leading peace negotiations Trump's potential return to power Viktor Orban peaceful solutions

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