Ep. 3395b -DHS Simulates War Game Drought BlackoutsTrumps Prediction[BO] Has Been Flushed Out

Posted in: News, Patriots, X22 Reports



➡ This podcast episode discusses a health method called “caloric bypass” by Dr. Steven Gundry, which has helped many people improve their health and lose weight. It also delves into political issues, suggesting that the current political situation is part of a larger plan by Trump and the patriots to expose corruption within the government. The host believes that Biden is being used as a scapegoat while the real culprits, including Obama and Hillary Clinton, are being protected. The host predicts that Kamala Harris will run for president in 2024, with Hillary Clinton as her VP, but they will eventually step down due to low poll numbers.
➡ The text suggests that there’s a belief that Michelle Obama might be asked to step in as a Democratic candidate, despite her initial refusal. It also discusses a theory that the Department of Homeland Security is simulating a war game under the guise of climate change, possibly to postpone elections. The text also mentions concerns about illegal immigrants committing crimes and the need to vote out Democrats in 2024. Lastly, it discusses the potential for cyber attacks to shut down communications and infrastructure, and compares the situation to alleged political corruption in Brazil.
➡ Political changes are happening globally, with conservative leaders gaining power in various countries like the UK, France, and Argentina. In the UK, Nigel Farage has won a seat in the parliament, indicating a shift in political power. Meanwhile, in Iran, a moderate reformist who promised outreach to the West has won the presidential runoff, suggesting potential changes in the country’s future. Lastly, there’s a growing narrative that strong leaders like Trump are needed to negotiate peace in situations like the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.
➡ The text discusses the political climate leading up to a presidential election, suggesting that fear and the threat of war are being used to manipulate public opinion. It also mentions a controversial decision to ban crosses from a 4th of July parade, which was defied by the public. The text further suggests that former political figures like Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are losing their influence, and that there may be a push to expose them as traitors. Lastly, it introduces the Cert food diet and a new product, ultimate Sirt juice, which is claimed to promote weight loss and overall health.
➡ The article discusses concerns about President Biden’s mental health and its potential impact on national security. It suggests that mainstream media, which is seen as biased towards the Democratic party, is now reporting on Biden’s alleged cognitive decline. The article also speculates that this could be a strategic move by the Democratic party to replace Biden with Vice President Kamala Harris, and eventually Michelle Obama. It ends by highlighting Trump’s criticism of Biden and Harris, and his belief that Biden will quit the race.
➡ A man, likely Trump, is expected to leave his race, possibly due to pressure from others. If he doesn’t willingly leave, he may be removed using the 25th amendment. This could lead to Kamala Harris becoming president and potentially choosing Hillary Clinton as her vice president. There are also speculations about Michelle Obama entering the race, but it’s unclear if she could win against Trump.
➡ The text discusses a proposed second debate between Joe Biden and the author, where they would discuss various issues affecting the country. It also mentions potential future challenges such as climate change catastrophes and cyber attacks, and suggests that these might be used as a pretext for election interference. The text also discusses the possibility of a bird flu outbreak being used to justify mail-in voting and drop boxes, which the author believes could be used for election fraud. Finally, it mentions a document called Project 2025, which the author denies having any involvement with.
➡ The text suggests that we are in a second revolutionary war, not fought with weapons, but with information. It implies that Trump is exposing the true enemies of the country, and that this is part of a larger plan to reveal the crimes committed by certain individuals during and after the presidential election. The text also emphasizes the sacrifices made by the signers of the Declaration of Independence, drawing parallels to the current situation. It ends with a hopeful note that despite the challenges, the patriots are in control and the country will be taken back.


Hi and welcome. You’re listening to the X 22 report. My name is Dave and this is episode 3395 bn. Today’s date is July 6, 2024. In the title of the episode is Daj simulates war game, drought and blackouts. Trump’s prediction Barack Obama has been flushed out. Let’s talk about our health. It turns out the key to losing weight and keeping it off is not carbs or fat or even probiotic rich foods. No, the endgame of having healthy weight as well as more energy and long, healthy life comes down to a specific switch you can flip in your body to flush out unnecessary calories.

Doctor Steven Gundry is calling this caloric bypass, and by activating this specific process in your body, he has has seen thousands, yes, thousands of people dramatically improve their health even at age 50 and beyond. This includes losing weight, getting tons more energy and returning to the good health they had in their youth. Once they simply address this one key to better health. Not only that, this is actually associated with improved digestion, strong feeling joints and muscles, smoother skin and healthier lives, meaning it could be the key to a happy life. Doctor Steven Gundry has lost 70 pounds himself using his research and has kept the weight off for over 20 years and counting.

His digestive issues are gone. His health is fantastic and he feels younger and healthier today than he did in his forties. His video has been watched by over 20 million people to date, and you can watch and learn about it@thehealthyfat.com. x 22 it’s linked at the bottom of the video, but he’ll teach you exactly how he has kept his weight off for free@thehealthyfat.com. x 22 so just click on the link in the description below the video. Let’s get into the economic collapse, political and geopolitical news. Now, the deep state, the corrupt politicians, big tech fake news, the puppet masters, you can see that they are heading down the path that Trump and the patriots have laid out for them.

Really think about what is happening and go back in time. Remember going back in time when Trump was letting everyone know that the 25th amendment was going to come back to haunt Joe Biden? Trump knew something. He knew that they were going to take Biden out eventually. Now, I do believe that what they have done here is they have followed their 16 year plan. Now, of course, Trump of the patriots, they knew that they were going to follow the 16 year plan, which means they were going to open up the borders, which means they’re going to destroy the economy, which means they were going to bring us to war, which means they were going to do all of these things and have Biden as the front guy taking every single hit.

And as he took the hits, they were going to keep pushing their plan. Plus, think about it. Since the patriots controlled the house, they were able to do investigations and show the people that the Biden family is a crime family. He has shell companies. No one knew about this. They never wanted this information out there. He worked with foreign governments. He took money. He knew all about hunters business deals. The people now have seen this. The people realize that he is part of a crime family. He runs this business. And the shell companies, they’re not there to produce t shirts.

They’re not there to produce widgets. They’re there to funnel money into their pockets. Now, I do believe Trump needed people to realize that this happened under the Obama administration, because really, think about it. Biden was the vice president. Obama was the president, and this was all happening right under Obama’s nose. And Obama pretended that his entire administration was completely and utterly scandal free. Was it scandal free or was something happening? Well, I think people realize there was something happening. So I do believe if you put this in perspective of the 2024 election and taking back the country and exposing the criminals so people understand that the criminals have been running this country, what do you need to do? You need to drip the information out, make people understand that, yes, Biden, he was running his criminal enterprise.

Obama is pretending that he’s squeaky clean. Hillary Clinton pretends that she has done nothing wrong. And I do believe Trump needed Barack Obama to be flushed out into the open. And I do believe this was the leading. Because remember, going back in time, what is. Trump said, Obama spied on my campaign just recently in a truth. He said Biden spied on my campaign, setting the narrative to lead back to Barack Obama. Because remember, I do believe that Obama, Hillary Clinton and the rest are the conductors of all this. And Biden, he’s just the front guy. Yes, he’s a criminal.

Yes, he’s done bad things. Same thing with the lower level individuals like Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi. Yes, they were all part of the criminal syndicate. But remember, there’s many different levels of the criminal syndicate. Are these the people that are conducting everything? No, they are instructed and what to do, because they were installed in their positions. They’re blackmailed. They’re bribed, and they make a lot of money to keep their mouths shut because they’re also blackmailed and bribed, and they allow them to get very, very wealthy, commit their crimes. As long as they push the legislation, they want to be pushed.

So, once again, you can see how this is all set up. And the entire country is run by a giant, gigantic criminal syndicate. And I think this is what Trump of the patriots are trying to show the people. Look at the criminal syndicate. Can you see it? And I do believe Barack Obama has set everything in motion. Trump, the patriots, they knew that this was going to happen. And Barack Obama is leaking the information, allowing the information to be leaked. Do you think this is just a coincidence that everything is being leaked at the same exact time, that all of a sudden the fake news and everyone just turned on Biden? No, this was planned from the very, very beginning.

Their plan was always to remove Biden and to do what? To bring in their other candidate. And I do believe he decided it is now time. Everything has been set up. And I do believe Trump, the way he maneuvered this, flushed the Obamas out, or they’re continually flushing them out, and they will, he will make them take center stage. So this way, they are now open game. Think about what they have done to trump this entire time. They attacked an individual that is running for the presidency, which means they set a precedent, which means the Obamas could now be attacked during the election.

But the only way to do this is to get them where he wants them. And I don’t think he just wants Obama. I think he wants Hillary Clinton. So I do believe they will be pushing very, very hard to get Biden out. They will push the cognitive test. They will push the 25th amendment. Now, again, Biden can just step down on his own, or he can be pushed out with the 25th amendment. I do believe they’re giving him this choice. And right now, he’s holding steady, saying, I am not leaving. The only way I can leave is God tells me to leave.

But once again, this will continue on, and he will, he’ll be probably the nominee. And I do believe in the end, they will push him out. They’ll probably force him to take a cognitive test, then they’ll release the her tapes. If he doesn’t take the cognitive test, they’ll release their her tapes, which will then say, you must take a cognitive test, and then they’ll use the 25th amendment. Unless he steps down on his own or something else happens to him. Remember, we just had this news that came out that there was a medical emergency, which actually, that was fake, but it makes people start to think that something’s going on here.

And remember, this is all about waking up the DS and I’m talking about the Democrats because remember, this has been completely hidden from them. They didn’t see this. They didn’t see this on CNN, MSNBC, CNBC. Remember, they were spinning the story. Now they need to build the narrative up that there’s something wrong with Biden. And you can see that some people, they still don’t want to believe. And I do believe they’re going to be pushing this very, very hard. And I do believe eventually Kamala, she will be the acting president and she’ll be running for president in the 2024 election, which means she will then have to pick a vp.

Who she going to pick? I do believe Trump has already told us through one of his posts that it’s going to be Hillary Clinton. She will probably, most likely be the VP, VPN. Then as time goes on and Kamala and Hillary Clinton, as their polls continually drop, and they’re not doing that well, I do believe eventually what’s going to happen is Kamala will say, I rather not run as president. I don’t think I’m in a position to do this. And for the good of the party, I will step down. And I do believe this is when they will substitute Michelle Obama.

Now, along the way, I do believe that Michelle Obama will say, no, no, no, I don’t want to run. No, no, I don’t want to. Remember, I do believe the Obamas and the team, they want the people, the Democrats, to beg for someone different because I don’t think they want to produce the person. I think they want the people to say, we need someone. Let’s, we need Michelle. We, and it looks like that narrative has already started where they’re saying Michelle needs to step in now. I don’t think she’s going to step in right now because they’re building the narrative now while all this is going on.

We know they won’t be able to beat Trump in the end because I think Trump is going to come out with a lot of information. He’s going to be attacking Hillary Clinton, he’ll be attacking Obama. And you’re going to see a lot of information come out and it’s going to show that they, too, are criminals. So in the end, they’re going to realize that they won’t be able to cheat in this election the way they think they’re going to try to cheat, but they’re going to try and they’re going to realize that we won’t be able to have the election the way we want it.

And we can’t allow Trump to win. So what are we going to have to do? Most likely, we’re going to have to postpone the election. And the only way to do that is to scare the people into thinking the election must be postponed. And what’s very interesting is that the DHS, they’re simulating a war game, and this is based on climate change. I mean, really think about this for a second. So they’re looking at this and one of their tests are going to be no one having water droughts, so there won’t be any waters. And the other part of the test is blackouts.

You don’t have power. Now, do you really think this is a simulation for climate change or do you think it’s a simulation for an attack on the country where the water system is taking down and there’s an attack on the power grid, so you have no water, which is a drought, and the power grid is hit, which is a blackout. Now, they’re saying it’s for climate change, but I don’t think that’s what it’s for. I think it would be pretty obvious if they said, hey, by the way, we’re simulating a war game for cyber attacks. I think everyone go, why do you think there’s a cyber attack coming? But if you use it for climate change, people go, oh, yeah, okay, it’s for climate change.

It’s not that big of a deal. So I do believe this is exactly what they’re prepping for, because I do believe what they’re going to try to do is they’re going to have some type of cyber attack to scare the people into thinking that we can’t have the elections. And I do believe that’s where all this is headed. Now, we’re going to be talking a lot more about this a little bit later, but first, let’s talk about what’s happening out on the border, because every day that passes, all these criminals that are coming into the country, actually, we don’t even have to call them illegals anymore because I think people are starting to realize that these individuals, they are not just illegals, they are criminals that are being brought into this country.

And Trump, he put something out on truth. He says Biden migrant crime gets bloodier by the day. Shocking new video shows Biden illegal, imported and sheltered by Democrats, choking and robbing an innocent train passenger. The court Democrat party unleashed this nightmare of violence on America. And all Democrats must be voted out of power in 2024, the most important election in the history of our country. Via n wokeness breaking newly released footage shows that the illegals from Venezuela are choking and robbing a 49 year old man in Chicago. They were living in a tax funded shelter. Think about this, and think about what Trump said.

Look, I am showing you their 16 year plan. I’m showing you the open borders, I’m showing you how they’re destroying the economy. I’m showing you how they’re trying to infiltrate the schools. I’m showing you how they’re trying to bring us to war. If you want that type of country where they’re destroying it, yeah, vote for them. If not, we must vote all of them out. Remember, this is not just Trump winning the presidency. This is about getting rid of the installed individuals in Congress and then removing the swamp creatures from the government agencies and shrinking the government.

Remember, the government the way we know it today. This has been built up since we came off the gold standard in the seventies, because this allowed them to launder the money, to print a lot of money, and it allowed them to expand the government. This is when the criminal syndicate really grew into what we know today. This is something the founding fathers never wanted. And actually it goes back to the private west central bank. It breeds corruption. So this way you can pay for the agencies, you can pay for all the departments, you can centralize everything and try to control everything.

Trump is going to reverse all of this. But again, he needs to show the people, and I don’t mean just the Republicans and the independents, he needs to show the DS. It’s America, it’s the american people. He needs the majority on his side to push forward this mission of removing the tyrannical criminal syndicate from DC and all over. Remember, it was just July 4, it’s Independence Day. Once again, we’re going to have our independence. Think about what our founding fathers fought against. They fought against a tyrannical government, british government, and they fought for independence. We have the same thing now.

We have a criminal sitting, a tyrannical government ruling over us. We are fighting now for our independence once again. This is the second revolution. It’s not fought with weapons and blood and death, which we’ll be talking about later about Independence Day. This is fought with information. This is fifth generation information war. So again, we are in the second revolution. We are fighting for independence. Trump is showing everyone what the tyrannical government looks like. And yes, the fake news is part of it. And people, I do believe they are starting to get it now. Again, the deep state players, they do not want people to realize what’s really going on, and they don’t want information out there that is the truth.

So what are they trying to do? They’re trying to control the truth. This is why Blinken is out there saying, we’re developing AI, to fight misinformation and disinformation, which means they’re creating AI, which they’re going to sell to the private social media companies and other companies to combat misinformation and disinformation, which means they’re trying to censor the truth. Out in Europe, they are trying to bring down x because it’s a very big platform. A lot of people are allowed to tell the truth. I don’t think it’s perfect yet, but they realize they don’t have control over it.

So what are they doing? It looks like they’re going after x. So it looks like the European Union is preparing to issue a formal warning to x for not adequately addressing harmful content. The warning, which could lead to fines of up to 6% of X’s revenue, is expected to be announced by the internal market commissioner Thierry Breton before the EU summer break. This move comes after EU initiated an investigation into Exs content moderation practicing following the October 7 Hamas attacks on Israel. The EU Digital Services act and Digital Marking act are being used to enforce stricter regulations on online platforms, including requirements to combat misinformation and harmful content.

Basically, what they’re trying to do is, number one, they’re trying to interfere in the election. Number two, they’re trying to say, take down the truth. Take down the truth. We don’t want this out there. We only want our information out there. And this is what they’re trying to do, and this is what they’re pushing right now. And when all this fails, I do believe what’s going to happen is they’re going to have to shut down communications. And I do believe they’ll probably do this with the cyber attack. And I don’t think there’s just going to be one cyber attack.

There might be multiple cyber attacks, actually. Maybe the first one shuts down certain communication, shuts down certain information, and I. The second one then maybe hits the infrastructure, which might affect power grids, might affect the water systems, might affect the computerized election systems. So we’ll be talking a little bit more about this a little bit later. But first, it looks like whatever they’ve done to trump the same deep state, they’re doing it to Bolsonaro out in Brazil, and it looks like Brazil’s Bolsonaro, he was indicted for alleged money laundering for undeclared diamonds from Saudi Arabia. George responded to this and said, the brazilian socialists that stole the 2022 presidential election have indicted their biggest political opponent, Bolsonaro, for money laundering and criminal association.

The communist Brazil judges also barred him from running again. Sound familiar? And you could see it’s the same thing out in Brazil that’s happening here in the, in this country. All the deep state players, they’re following the same exact script, but you could see things are changing around the world. I mean, think about all the countries where the conservatives, the Patriots, they’re taking back the country and they’re actually electing those leaders into the position to actually put their countries on the right path. We seeing it in El Salvador, we’re seeing it in Argentina, we’ve seen it in the Netherlands.

Now we’re seeing, actually it’s happening out in France with Le Pen and Macron. We’re also seeing it out in the UK. And I do believe this is the first step into bringing Nigel Farage into position to take control. And it looks like the Labor Party won in the UK general elections in a landslide, blowing out Rishi Sunak’s conservatives in an exit poll. And it looks like Nigel Farage now has a seat in the parliament, which is very interesting this. He finally won his seat in the british parliament and he overturned 25,000 conservative majority to take clacting in excess by more than 8000 votes.

And this was a landslide. Now, I do believe this is setting it up because what, what have we just seen? The fake conservatives have been removed. And I do believe there is change going on. Sometimes you got to let the left in a little bit to make the change so people see that this isn’t the party either. And I do believe in the end, Nigel Faraj, he will actually come out to be the winner and actually he might even take control of the UK. Trump responded to this and said, congratulations to Nigel Farage on his big win of a parliament seat amid reform UK election success.

Nigel is a man who truly loves his country, DJT, and I do believe he is absolutely correct on that. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is that out in Iran, we could see things are changing out there. And I do believe in the end, in Iran, you’re going to see the people actually take back their country. And what’s very interesting, an election wizard put this out on Telegram. Massoud Pasha Kian, Iran’s moderate reformist who promised outreach to the west, has won the presidential runoff. Now, this is very, very interesting. We’ll have to watch that. But again, we know from the post that the people, the people are going to fight for their freedom.

And I do believe you’re going to see changes out in Iran just like we’re seeing changes with Victor Orban. Remember, he’s starting this new conservative group out in the EU. And Viktor Orban, he met with Putin right now. And this is going to be very, very interesting moving forward because again, Victor Orban, he has visited Trump. Trump has had him at Mar a Lago, and now we see Victor Orban reshaping the EU, and now he’s having relations with Putin. So this is going to be very interesting moving forward because again, as war approaches, what do we know? We know that Trump has predicted this from the very, very beginning.

He let us know that he sees world War three even though people don’t see it. And he let us know that he can have peace because he knows all the players. And I do believe the narrative is now building for that. So what’s very interesting is that this week, the New York Times, they just drop that. The official us intelligence assessment has always been that Putin didn’t want to expand the Ukraine conflict beyond Ukraine. But in public, Biden and other us officials have been pushing a domino theory that if we negotiated an end to the war with Russia, Russia would invade Poland and beyond.

Biden led off the state of the union with that claim. So once again, when you look back in time, when you had Biden, Obama, Hillary Clinton, Victoria Nuland and the rest, when they overthrew the government of you, of Ukraine, and they put in their puppet government, there was a point around 2014, 2015 where Putin, he pushed the ukrainian forces all the way back to Kiev. Now, Putin could have kept on going. He could have taken over Kiev at any moment, but he didn’t. He retreated. Same thing in Syria. We had turkey shoot down a russian jet.

Putin could have started world war three, but he didn’t. And I do believe Trump of the patriots, they know that Putin doesn’t want to take over Europe, that he’s not going into Poland. He doesn’t want to take over Ukraine, because if he really wanted to, he could have just let loose all the bombs, destroyed Ukraine, take it over and brought in the troops. It would have been very, very easy. Think about what we’re seeing today with the war. The fake news has been lying to the people since the beginning. Ukraine has already lost. They’re just continually funding their criminal system.

That’s all they’re doing. And what’s very interesting, when we go back a little bit in time and we look at what happened out in Afghanistan. Trump, he actually told the Taliban that, listen, yes, we will withdraw from Afghanistan, but if you do anything to our troops, we will take you out. And Trump, he was serious. He actually had a picture of the leader of the Taliban’s house, of where he was. Take a listen to this conversation. And this is something that Trump retrof to let you know how he negotiates and how he talks to the people that he’s negotiating because he tells him the way it is and the people take him seriously.

It’s peace through strength. Take a listen. My favorite President Trump story, this is my number one favorite of all time. When we were negotiating with the Taliban while President Trump was still the president, President Trump wanted to get out of Afghanistan, but he wanted a conditions based withdrawal, meaning that you do what we tell you to do and then we will start pulling troops back slowly as long as you abide by our rules. It’s President Trump and Mike Pompeo and they are talking to Taliban leadership in the room. And they had one translator in the room.

President Trump looked at the Taliban leader and said this, I want to leave Afghanistan, but it’s going to be conditions based withdrawal. And translator translated and he said, if you harm a hair on a single american, I’m going to kill you. And the translator goes, and Trump goes, tell him, tell him what I said. Tell him what I said. Reached in his pocket, pulled out a satellite photo of the leader of the Taliban’s home and handed it to him. Speaker one shut up. Got up and walked out the room. So at the bottom of this video, Trump says, I’m gonna, yeah, he’s gonna, he’s gonna do it.

If you don’t follow what we’re saying, if you don’t do what we say, we will take you out. And this is peace. Peace through strength. Now, I do believe Trump is going to use this with Ukraine, with Putin, with G. And what’s very interesting is it looks like the narrative is already building that these individuals are going to call Trump and say, I don’t mean on the phone, he’s going to, they’re going to say, listen, we’re heading towards war. We need someone that is strong, that can negotiate peace. Because on one side you’re going to see the Biden administration, you’re going to see them pushing war, you’re going to see the fake news pushing more.

And Trump on the other side is going to say, no, we need peace. And I do believe you’re going to see leaders like Putin, leaders like Xi, leaders like Netanyahu and many others, Victor Orban, they’re all going to be saying, you know something, we need peace. We need Trump. We need him to negotiate. So I do believe the narrative is already being built. And what’s very interesting is that Zelensky right now is challenging Trump. Tell us today how to finish the war. So Zelensky says, if Trump knows how to finish the war, he should tell us today.

So once again, Trump, he’s not in a position to negotiate peace because again, in all intents purposes, he’s not really the president right now, even though he’s the commander in chief. But again, he’s building the narrative up. Zelensky now is saying, wait a minute, if he knows how to do this, maybe we should listen to him. We actually have Putin out there giving a speech saying that Russia supports Trump’s idea to stop the war in Ukraine. So Putin is at the SCO summit in Kazakhstan, says that they’re taking Trump’s proposal to stop the war in Ukraine very seriously.

And he goes on to say that he believes that Trump is being sincere in all this. So think about what’s happening right now. We have Zelensky saying, okay, if Trump has a peace plan, let’s hear it. We have Putin now saying, listen, we will listen to Trump and we’ll listen to what his peace plans are. So Trump, from the very, very beginning said, listen, I know all the players. I can have peace if I’m elected, and I can have peace in one day. Now he’s putting this out there. The leaders are putting this out there. They’re building the narrative up because what’s going to happen as we approach the presidential election war is going to be building.

People are going to be afraid. People are going to believe that we’re being attacked. And we’re going to have the deep state players follow their 16 year plan. What’s their 16 year plan? To bring us to war. So are they going to usher in peace? They might talk about peace, but they’re not going to usher in peace. They’re going to actually talk, oh, yeah, we should have peace. And then something’s going to happen. And they’re going to say, well, they just crossed a red line. We’re going to have to go to war. So you’re going to see this build up.

And Trump is always going to say he can have peace. So if there is some type of an event, if there is a missile or something headed to the United States, and it’s taken out over the ocean. If there is an explosion, maybe a dirty nuke here in the United States, where you might see the fake news report that they found a dirty nuke and they’re trying to disarm it again, people will see this. People will be afraid. And take this to the next level. If there is some type of cyber attack on the water systems, if there’s a cyber attack on communications, there’s a cyber attack on the power grid, will people take this seriously? I do believe they will.

Then people will start to say, okay, wait, we’re heading towards war. Do we really want more? Now, of course you’re going to see those people saying, I’d rather have war than vote for Trump, just like we have joy Reid saying, I rather vote for Biden, even if he’s in a coma. I mean, does that even make sense? But I do believe what they’re building up to is maybe we don’t need a president. Actually, yes. That is a New York Times opinion piece. We’ll be getting to that in just a sec. But before we get to all of that, now, we know that we just had 4 July, which is the, which is Independence Day, where the country fought against the tyrannical government, which was the british government, which was the government of the people of that time, just like we have the tyrannical government, which is the government of the people right now.

And we see that we’re in a second revolution where we’re fighting for our independence. And what’s very interesting, out in Idaho, there was a 4 July parade, and they told the people that you cannot have crosses in the 4 July parade. So you know what the people did? They said, okay, we hear what you’re saying, but we’re not listening. We will do what we want. It’s the 4 July. It’s independence. And they brought crosses with them, and they had the parade. The tyrannical government, they’re trying to tell the people in what they can and cannot do.

And the people, they’re not listening anymore. They have the right to do what they want. I mean, think about it. We have a mosque out on the streets, and the police are instructed to let them destroy everything. And here on the, on the 4 July Independence Day, they’re telling the people they can’t carry across. I mean, this is ridiculous. But people now see it. They’re fighting for their freedom. That’s what you’re witnessing. They’re fighting for their freedom. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is I do believe that Hillary Clinton is coming into focus. Obama’s they’re coming into focus.

And I don’t believe that they are in control whatsoever. I don’t believe Soros is in control anymore. I do believe since November 3 and the completion of the insurrection on January 6 against the president of the United States, which was Trump, I do believe Trump now is controlling the country and these treasonous individuals, they have been put in their place. But I do believe that Trump needs to show the rest of the country who the traitors are, who the treasonous people are. And what’s very interesting and karma patriot put this out. She says, I can’t figure out Bill N Killery flying commercial with port Authority as their security detail.

How do presidents fly after they leave office? And she highlighted a couple of parts in this. Because of the security details, all presidents and spouses are entitled to lifetime Secret Service protection. Offspring are protected up to the age of 16. Flying commercial usually isn’t viable. Also considering consider the traffic jam. The only former president who is the exception to the private jet trend is Jimmy Carter and his wife Rosalind, who traveled on commercial delta flight from Atlanta to DC for former President Trump’s inauguration. Travel for former presidents, and no more than two of their designated staff is actually covered by taxpayer dollars, thanks to the former president’s act of 1958.

So that’s very interesting. So we had Hillary, we had Bill Clinton on a commercial flight, and the port authority police, that was their security detail. And you have to remember, former presidents, they receive a lifetime of secret service protection, which includes security measures for their travel. These measures are designed to protect them. Bodyguards. They are the secret Service team. So this is very interesting. Normally they take private jets. Normally they have a secret Service detail. This is very, very unusual. Why are they doing this? Maybe they’ve lost their power. Maybe they’ve been stripped of everything because of the treasonous acts they have committed.

And I do believe that’s where all this is headed. To show the people that Barack Obama, that Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, and many, many, many others, they are treasonous to this country. And I do believe this is why Barack Obama gave the signal to the fake news propaganda outlets to start the narrative of removing Joe Biden. Because, again, the criminals, they want to maintain control. They want to win the election. They want to maintain control. And if they can’t win the election, they will stop the election. Now, I do believe on the other side, Trump, the patriots, they have taken control of the country, and they want to show everyone who the true criminals really are.

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Since you’re a loyal listener, I’m giving you all a $20 discount on this amazing product to try for yourself. And hey, it’s way cheaper than buying any juice, cleanse or all the ingredients. Go get your supply of ultimate sirt juice now by going to get cert.com x 22. That is getcert.com x 22. Or click the link in the description box below. That’s get cert.com forward slash x 22. Or just click the link in the video to get your supply with this exclusive discount. And I do believe everything now has set has been set in motion. And the deep state players, they are following the path that trumpet the Patriots have laid out.

Trev Clark put this out and said, here’s how you know we have controlled media. There’s NBC, CB’s, ABC, CNN, Washington Post, New York Times, PBs. I can go on. All these are ostensible competitors. Emphasis on the word ostensible. For in a truly competitive market, one or more of them between 2020 and now would have put some reporters on the Joe Biden’s dementia story long before the debate with Trump. And since it’s so obvious that the story that Joe Biden is in cognitive decline is true long before debate market competition for the truth would have worked up Biden dementia into conventional wisdom.

And even if these supposed media competitors were somehow all oblivious before Robert her report, they surely would have made Biden’s dementia. Conventional wisdom in the wake of that report, but they didn’t. They miraculously all lifted their information embargo about Biden’s dementia all at once, and only in response to the debate. They ignored all prior evidence of it and gaslit you normal people who pointed to the Biden’s deteriorating condition. Now, it is undeniable that Biden’s dementia is a national security threat of epic proportions. But just as bad of a threat to our national security as a senile president is our monolithic lockstep mainstream media.

It acts as the handmaiden of the democratic party and the post Truman national security state. It routinely refuses to point out the obvious until it becomes convenient for elite objectives for them to do so. So think about it. Why were you allowed to see this at this point? Why did the fake news outlets report it at the same time? Go back to the fundraising. I know everyone believes that they’re fundraising for Biden. They’re not. They’re fundraising for Obama and Hillary Clinton. That’s why Obama is showing up in all these places. The fundraising is for them. And when you look at what Obama did back in LA, that was the beginning.

I do believe Obama forced the Biden administration, forced them into saying, listen, you want to show Trump who you really are, you want to show them that you can beat them, then do the debate early. Let’s go outside of the debate system. Let’s plan this. You’ll show everyone how you have them, you can debate them and how you can win. Of course, what did Obama know? He knew that it wasn’t going to work. He knew that he was going to break down. No matter how much drugs he gave him, people were going to see it. And he gave the fake news outlets permission to then report on it, to wake up the base to remove Biden.

Now we have Biden. And think about what Trump of the patriots have done. They always, whatever they do to Trump, they do it to them. So they sick the media at Trump. And Trump continually says it’s fake news because they make up stories. Now the media is reporting on Biden and Biden now is saying, hey, this is fake news. I have my act together. They’re lying to you. So now Biden is out there telling everyone that whatever these news stories are, they’re fake. Think about what’s happening right now. And Biden, I think he’s going to keep pushing back until the very end, because again, I don’t think they want Biden just to drop out as soon as it’s reported.

Remember, this is about showing the people, having the people say, we need him to be removed, having a lot of pressure on Biden, because again, it has to look natural. It has to look like, yes, the people are demanding this. The people want him out. So right now, Biden, he says that on a DNC call, I am running. No one’s pushing me out. I’m not leaving. I’m in this race to the end and we’re going to win. We have Fauci who lied about COVID about, lied about everything. He’s out there saying that he has no doubt that Biden is capable of continuing as president.

Now, again, I do believe this was all set in motion. It was set in motion on purpose because I do believe the Obamas, Hillary Clinton, they want their base to beg for a replacement. They want their base to actually say, we want Biden, Biden out of there. And as their base continually says, we want someone else. The Obamas will finally break down and say, okay, because you’re calling on us, because you want us so badly and there’s nothing else, there’s nobody else that can do this. We will step in. I do believe this is what they’re trying to do right now.

And you could see that every step of the way information will be leaked out. Don’t you find it very interesting that all of a sudden they have no problem leaking this information out? And I do believe they’ll continue to do this until Biden actually leaves office with the her tapes that come out with a cognitive test. And if he still refuses, that’s when they’ll use the 25th Amendment. Now, there were reports that there was a medical emergency on Air Force one and they were reporting that Democrats were scrambling to replace him because he’s having major, major problems because he turned away from Pennsylvania.

But actually he landed in Delaware and I guess there was a strike going on and he didn’t want to cross a picket line because, you know, that’s where he draws the line with the unions. And that whole story turned out to be completely fake. But I do believe they built this up and they put this out there, this narrative out there to make people believe that something is going on, because again, that’s what people see. Raws, raw alert. Put this out and said, there is no medical emergency on Air Force one, despite numerous reports claiming otherwise, as resident Joe Biden landed back in Delaware around 730 this evening and is now at home in Wellington, Delaware.

So Biden, he just canceled his plan appearance at the National Education association conference in Philadelphia. After the union staff announced a strike. And Biden was a fierce supporter of unions and he won’t cross a picket line. So that’s what that whole scare was about. But I do believe that narrative was actually put out there to make people start to think that he might have some type of medical breakdown in the future. Remember, this is about forcing Biden out. And they will continually force, until they can’t force him anymore and they actually have to use the 25th Amendment.

Now, again, we just had an interview with George Stephanopoulos, and this interview didn’t go that well. And people now are looking at Biden because every time he does something like this, people look at now his base I’m talking about, they look at him and go, okay, look, he’s doing a very strange thing. He’s not making sense. He’s rambling right now. Now people are allowed to see it, and they will see it every single day because they’re building the narrative. But Trump, he put out a truth on true social. He said the mean is the most vicious interviewer out there is George Stephanopoulos.

A fake news ABCdehe, one of the worst and most vile broadcasters in the business. In fact, the home of the disgraced reporter Brian Ross, who’s reporting on the Russia, Russia, Russia hoax, was so outlandish that ABC, after defending him at levels not seen before, was forced to put him and their reputation out to pasture. Now, ABC and little George, a tiny, angry man, can make up for their past indiscretions and journalistic failures by doing a real interview with Crooked Joe, not a cut up promotion. With only as few coherent answers released to the public. Let the world know why Joe directed and allow his department of injustice and others to illegally attack his political opponent, Maine.

Nothing like this has ever happened in our country before. Also ask why he used all Soros prosecutors, and in particular, a loser like deranged Jack Smith. The proof is irrefutable. Crooked Joe is a coward. Maga 2024. And look, you could see the stage is already being set. Trump now is pointing the finger at Soros, pointing the finger at Joe Biden. And people now are starting to realize what’s really going on here. Now think about it. They’re setting this up to replace Biden with Kamala. Now, either Joe is forced out with the her tapes where he steps down on his own Orlando, they have to use the 25th amendment on him.

But let’s just look at Kamala for one sec here, and let’s go back a little bit in time. And Steve Miller put this out. He put out an article, and this is from February 18, 2022. And it’s an article from CNN. It says, Harris faces the most critical foreign trip of her vice presidency. Stephen Miller responded to this and said, in February of 2022, the Biden administration sent Kamala Harris to Europe with a single stated mission, prevent war in Ukraine. It was called the most critical moment of her vice presidency. Four days. Four days after she left the security conference, Russia invaded Ukraine.

Now think about what just happened there. She is now going to step in for Biden. We are approaching war. She went out there to stop the war. Putin invaded Ukraine. What do you think is going to happen now? Think about that for a second and think about how they’re going about replacing Biden with Kamala. And I do believe Kamala will then be replaced by Michelle Obama. Now, Trump, he was in his golf cart and someone was videotaping and Trump said that Biden is going to be quitting the race and he’s going to have to go up against Kamala.

Take a listen to what he said. Here they do with the debate the other night. Broken down pile of crap. Yeah, he just quit. You know, he’s quitting. Is that right? Yep. I got him out of the right. And that means we have Kamala. I think she’s gonna be better. She’s so bad. She’s so pathetic. It’s so amazing. She’s so fucking bad. So I just can’t imagine. But can you imagine that guy dealing with Putin and the president of China, who’s a fierce person, he’s a fierce man, a very tough guy. And they see him. They probably, they just announced he’s, he’s probably quitting Trump.

He actually confirmed that? Yes. He’s going to be leaving the race one way or another. Now he’s saying he’s going to quit. And I do believe that’s exactly what they’re going to try to do. They’re going to try to push him out. And I do believe they’re going to try to have him quit. Now, if he doesn’t quit, what does that mean? That means they’re going to have to push him out with the 25th amendment, which we’ll be talking about in just a sec. But Clyburn, he now says, I support a mini primary, and which means that they’re going to have Kamala, and Kamala is going to have to pick a running mate once they get rid of Joe Biden.

So they’re already planning this. They already planned this from the very, very beginning. And I do believe what they’re going to do is they’re going to bring in Hillary Clinton as the VP to run alongside Kamala Harris. So now you have Hillary Clinton as VP, and then you have Kamala, a black woman, as president. Now the poll numbers are not going to be that great. So I do believe they’re setting all of this up. Now, there’s already calls now for Biden to get a cognitive test. We have Doctor Sanjay Gupta from CNN saying that Biden should do a cognitive test to make sure that everything is okay.

So this is being pushed out there, the her tapes. I do believe Obama has that as an insurance policy to use it against Biden if he doesn’t step down on his own. And they will be used if he doesn’t step down. So what happens if he does step down? Well, Tom Fitton put this out and said if Biden resigns, Kamala assumes the presidency. Harris shall nominate a VP who shall take office upon confirmation by a majority vote of both houses of Congress. This means that the republican controlled House can insist on a republican vice president. So the question is, okay, if this does happen, how long will it take to actually nominate and get someone else in there? Well, let’s just go back a little bit in time.

Remember when Spiro Agnew, who was the vice president of Nixon, he resigned on October 10, 1973, and under the process decreed by the 25th amendment to the Constitution, Nixon was instructed to fill the vacant office of the prize, the vice president, by nominating a candidate who then had to be approved by both houses of Congress. Nixon appointed Gerald Ford. How long did it take? Well, Spiro Agnew resigned in October 10, 1973, and Ford was sworn in in December 6. So it took almost two months for this to happen. So that means if they, if Biden steps down, depending what month this happens, if he steps down in August or he steps down September, that brings us very, very close to the presidential election.

Now, during this period of time, we know that Kamala, she can actually be the acting president and the vice president at the same time. So we’ll have to see how this all plays out. But again, we know that if he doesn’t step down, they will use the 25th amendment. And what’s very interesting, the Wall Street Journal is already putting out an article explaining what the 25th amendment is because I do believe we might be heading down this path. So that is very, very interesting. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is we know the deep state players.

What they like to do is they like to start to build the narrative, to get people on board of what they want to do. Now they are building the narrative of removing Biden, but they also have to build the narrative of the replacement of Biden. So, yes, everyone realizes that Kamala, she would replace Biden, she would step into his shoes. Do they have to build the narrative of bringing in Hillary Clinton? No, because basically Kamala would just pick who she wants as VP. So that’s easy. They actually have to build the narrative of Michelle Obama coming in because she is going to replace Kamala.

So what’s very interesting is when you look at Michelle Obama and you look at the poll that was just taken, the IpSis Reuters poll, they now have Michelle Obama going up against Trump. I do believe this was the beginning of the narrative. This is how you put it out there. What does the fake news do? They follow along and they put out articles, articles saying, yes, Michelle Obama entering the race could be Trump’s worst nightmare. That came from I news in the UK. Then we have Michelle Obama is a Democrat dream candidate, but is she born to run? That’s coming from the New York sun.

And it goes on and on and on. And when you look at all the articles, when you search on Google, any of the search engines, you could see their all lockstep of pushing Michelle Obama. And I do believe this poll started the narrative. Now, the other part that’s very interesting is the Newsweek article came out and it says Trump attacks Michelle Obama after Biden’s disastrous debate. So there was a poll that was put out there saying who could beat Trump? Which Democrat operative can beat Trump? And Trump said they polled everybody and nobody can beat him.

Then he specifically called out Michelle Obama, said they pulled Michelle Obama. She polls very badly. No, she pulls terribly, he says. So he just called her out saying there’s no way that she can beat Donald Trump. So what do you think Barack Obama’s thinking? Think about that for a second and think about how they already built up the narrative. It looks like they’re going down the path that Trump wants them to go down. Now, again, Michelle Obama, she’s going to continually say that she’s not running because I do believe what they want. They want the people to beg for her.

See, Obama just doesn’t want to say, hey, by the way, here’s my wife, or here’s, here’s Michael. We’re going to have her run. That will look kind of strange. But if the people say, we want her, that is different. And I do believe this is why they started the narrative. This is why they started all of it. And I do believe you’re going to see this now, move forward now. This doesn’t mean that she’s going to be able to beat Trump. Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama are going to be able to be Trump. I do believe that’s going to be the ticket.

Now. It could be anyone else. If it’s Newsom, that’s even better. He’s not going to win. If it’s, if Biden stays in the race, he’s not going to win. I do believe that’s the only ticket they have. And I do believe Trump, he wants them to be the ticket. Because again, if we’re really thinking about this as the final battle, if we’re really thinking about this as the 2024 election, that this is our last election to take back the country, the people must understand, they must know who the true criminals are. And we’re actually coming full circle.

We’re coming back to Hillary Clinton. We’re coming back to Obama. Obama spied on his campaign. Hillary Clinton spied on his campaign, paid for the Alpha bank hoax, paid for the Steele dossier. Once again, all these individuals, they are treasonous to this country. So I do believe if we’re thinking in those terms, these are the players that must be brought out into the open. They must be flushed out, and the people must see them. And I do believe that’s exactly where we’re headed right now. And you could see that they most likely won’t be able to win the election.

So they’ll have to stop the election to maintain control of the country. We’ll be talking about that in just a sec. But very interestingly, Dave Sachs put this out and says, right wing conspiracy theories suddenly acknowledge as true Biden is senile. Democrats engage in a massive cover up of this for months, if not years. The Biden presidency is run by an oligarchy. Democrats, mega donors, not primary voters, actually choose the nominee. I think everyone’s starting to really realize this. And Elon says, obviously, and people are starting to realize, yes, there is a deep state, yes, they’ve been lying to you.

Even the deeds are seeing that now, because now as the fake news is allowed to report on it, they’re going to social media and they’re starting to realize, wow, they’ve been lying to us this entire time. And this is why I do believe that in the end, they’re going to try to maintain control. They’re going to make sure that they’re in control of everything. Because out of New York Times there’s an opinion, opinion piece that says, does America need a president? Now think about that for a sec. And why would they be pushing this out there? Does America need a president? Hmm, very interesting.

And we’ll be talking about how they’re going to try to maintain control in just a sec. But Trump, he put this out on truth. He said, I have the answer to the crooked Joe Biden incompetence puzzle. Let’s do another debate. But this time, no holds bar. And all on discussion, with just the two of us on stage talking about the future of the country. The ratings were massive for the first debate. Record setting, in fact. But this one, because of the format, will blow everything away. Let Joe explain why he wants open borders with millions of people and many violent criminals from parts unknown pouring into our great nation.

Or why he wants men playing in women’s sports. Or demand all electric vehicles within five years. Or why he allowed inflation to run rampant, destroying the people of our country and so much more. It would also, under great pressure, prove his competence, or lack thereof. Likewise, it would be yet another test for me. What a great evening it would be. Just the two of us, one on one, in a good old fashioned debate, the way it used to be, anytime, anywhere, any place. Now, that is very, very interesting. So you could see that this is all being set up right now, and this is going to put a lot of pressure on Biden, because remember, he’s out there continually telling everyone that he’s fine.

Obama already started the narrative of removing him. Trump is pushing Biden in that direction to flush out Barack Obama. And I do believe Trump sent us a message letting everyone know that Obama is being flushed out. But before we get to that, the Heritage foundation put this out on x, and it says, the second American Revolution will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be. Now, that’s very, very interesting. Why would they be putting that out? Hmm? Adam Kissinger responded this and said, and if they don’t? What if Americans decide they prefer to hash out differences, as the Constitution calls for, vis a vis politics? Then what? Spell it out.

If you can’t win politically, then what? Hmm? The Heritage foundation then responded and said, Americans do prefer to resolve differences peacefully at the ballot box. Unfortunately, your comrades prefer insecure elections, riots targeting SCOTUS, justices, weaponizing federal agencies, imprisoning their political opponents. So are they out there building the narrative that they’re planning on having riots, chaos out on the streets? It’s starting to seem that way. And the other thing that’s very interesting is we know that, yes, they need to stop the elections. They need to bring us to war. Trump has already told us all about this.

We know that this is the path that they’re taking. And very interestingly, DHS under Biden is now simulating scenarios for climate change catastrophe, such as nationwide droughts, wildfires, great power disruptions, and a water crisis. Think about this for a second. So these are the things that they’re doing right now. The first scenario, water woes, paints a picture of extreme weather becoming the norm by 2029 due to climate change, with regions either flooded or parched by drought. So it means there’s. There’ll be no water. The second scenario is the great power disruption. Looks at the US saying, hey, there could be blackouts all over the place.

So they’re also looking at the emergence of artificial intelligence, saying that, hey, this might affect our cyber defenses, and we might see blackouts. Scenario three, day zero anticipates a severe water crisis in multiple us cities due to increased demand from energy sector. So let’s say if we do have blackouts, if we do have some type of energy problem and we don’t have water, you could see what they’re building up to. Do you really think this is about climate, or are they preparing these war games for some type of cyber attack? It’s starting to seem that they’re trying to prepare everything and simulate what would happen if we are hit with a cyber attack and water can’t be produced.

Clean water. If we have a cyber attack and we have blackouts all across the country, it looks like they’re already preparing for all of this. And they’re also preparing to cheat in the next election. Because right now, as we know, they’re building up the idea that there’s a bird flu out there. They’re building up the idea that they have the bird flu vaccine out in the Netherlands. They’re building up the idea that, hey, everyone needs to take this new COVID vaccine. I do believe they’re trying to kick this off and they’re going to try to use mail in ballots, drop boxes once again.

And what’s very interesting is that the Wisconsin Supreme Court, they have reinstated the unstaffed drop boxes ahead of the 2024 election. So in a four to three decision that reverses their own 2022 prohibition on unmanned dropboxes, the justices agree with Democrats who argue that Wisconsin Supreme Court had previously misinterpreted the law in its 2022 ruling. And the wrongly concluded that absentee ballots can only be returned to a clerk in their office and not to a Dropbox that is located elsewhere. So attorneys representing republican backers of the 2022 ruling argue that there has been no changes in the facts or the law to warrant overturning the ruling that’s less than two years old.

So why was this done? Because they want to cheat. Think about it. They’re pushing the bird flu. I do believe the bird flu is included in the new Covid recipe. They’re going to push this with numbers again, like statistical numbers. And they’re, they want to use the mail in ballots and the dropboxes. But I do believe in the end, this is not going to work whatsoever. And I do believe what they’re going to have to do is they’re going to have to try to shut down the elections. And I do believe this is why DHS is war gaming these simulations, because I don’t think this has to do with climate change.

I think this because we know that’s a hoax. This has to do with the cyber attacks. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is that there was an FEC filing because we know that Trump is going to be naming his vp during the Republic national Convention. And it came out that on this FEC form, General Flynn was the vice president. Now, once again, when you go to the site, you go to the FEC fight site, you can actually fill this out. Anybody can. And it looks like they’re pretty much fake. General Flynn responded, said, I just saw two unauthorized FEC filings referencing my name.

They are fake news. I don’t know anything about them. And my office has alerted the FEC. So someone is trying to convince everyone that General Flynn now is the VPN. Now, once again, he might be, but Trump is going to name his VP during the Republic national Convention. And remember, Trump continually said that the VP doesn’t really matter. Now, I do believe that Trump just doesn’t say things, just to say things. I think he said it to let everyone know that he might be picking someone that you might not like. Because again, the VP is not that big of a deal.

It’s really the president that is basically carrying the weight. So does that mean he’s going to pick someone that’s not on the list? I think the list is a distraction. Personally, my two picks are probably General Flynn. And I do believe for some reason he might pick Pence as the VP and that’s why he said what he said. But we’ll have to wait and see what happens. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is we can see the Biden administration, they’re trying to use Project 2025 as their talking points during this election. I do believe the next candidates, Kamala and then probably Michelle, they’re probably using Project 2025 as their talking points.

Now, the Biden Harris headquarters, they put this out and said Project 2025 is a playbook for what the first days of second Trump administration would look like. They want to dismantle the administrative state and give more power to the executive branch. That would include sending agencies like the Department of Justice after his political opponents. They want us to turn against our global allies. It would give unprecedented power to Donald Trump if he were to win. Now, once again, this didn’t come from Trump. This came from the Heritage foundation. And they created this back in 2023. This is like their wish list.

So the Heritage foundation, this is what they decided to put out there to reshape the United States federal government and consolidate executive power. And this came out back in April of 2023. Now, they’re trying to use this, making everyone believe that Trump is actually pushing this. So Trump finally responded, said, I know nothing about Project 2025. I have no idea who is behind it. I disagree with some of the things they’re saying. And some of the things they’re saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal. Anything they do, I wish them luck. I have nothing to do with them.

So again, the, these, the Biden administration, they’re using something that Trump has nothing to do with. This is absolutely unbelievable in what they’re trying to do here. But again, the people now are seeing the truth. But what, what does that tell you? It tells you that the deep state players, they have nothing on Trump. They’ve used all their ammunition. They’ve used everything, and everything has failed, and it will continue to fail. And I do believe this is why I, they’re going to try to postpone the elections. And I do believe that they will try everything to bring us to war, to postpone the elections.

And I do believe Trump, he knows this. He’s told us from the very, very beginning. And I do believe everything that we’re seeing, everything we’re witnessing is to flush out Barack Obama. And what’s very interesting, like we said from the very beginning, we are definitely in the second revolutionary war. We’re not using bullets, weapons, we’re not seeing bloodshed, but we are in an information war. And the redhead libertarian put this out and says, have you ever wondered what happened to the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence? Five signers were captured by the British as traitors and tortured before they died.

Twelve had their homes ransacked and burned. Two lost their sons of the revolutionary army. Another had two sons captured. Nine of the 56 fought and died from wounds or hardship of the revolutionary war. They signed and they pledge their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor. What kind of men were they? 24 were lawyers and jurists. Eleven were merchants. Nine were farmers and large plantation owners. Men of means, well educated. But they signed the declaration of independence knowing full well that the penalty would be death if they were captured. Remember, the british government saw them as extremists, as terrorists.

The founding fathers, they were the outlaws. They were fighting for freedom. So when you look at these individuals, where Trump attacks them and hurts their reputation, is he really damaging them, or are these people sacrificing their reputations for this country? Remember, we are in a second revolutionary war. The deep state would like us to fight using weapons. They would love to have bloodshed. Trump, he decided, you know something, instead of doing that, why don’t we just show the people who the true enemy is with information? Let the people see it with their own two eyes. Let them see how they’re trying to destroy this country.

And I do believe that’s what people are seeing. And I do believe people now are going to see the true enemies of this country. The conductors. And Trump, he put out a video, and the video. The timestamp is 1 minute, 8 seconds. Take a listen to this video. President to proclaim before the country and before the world, this monument will never be desecrated. These heroes will never be defaced. Their legacy will never, ever be destroyed. Their achievements will never be forgotten. And Mount Rushmore will stand forever as an eternal tribute to our forefathers and to our freedom.

Those who seek to erase our heritage won. Americans to forget our pride and our great dignity so that we can no longer understand ourselves or America’s destiny. My fellow Americans, it is time to speak up loudly and strongly and powerfully and defend the integrity of our country. We will proclaim the ideals of the Declaration of Independence. Future is in our hands. And, ladies and gentlemen, the best is yet to come. So when you look at post 108 down below this November 5, 2017, very interesting. November 5, that’s election day. It says it flushed Barack Obama out.

And I do believe that’s what this is all about. It’s about flushing the true criminals out. And if you look at the timestamp, which is 937, this is March 10, 2018, it says, you cannot possibly imagine the size of this trust. The plan. Trust. There are more good than bad. The world is helping. We are not alone. We are all connected in this fight. Patriots, unite. We are winning big. Watch the speech. God bless. And we are winning big. And the patriots of this country, they are uniting. And I do believe as the criminals, the treasonous criminals, are brought right in front of everyone.

I do believe the people are going to see the true enemy, because what Trump of the patriots are going to do, they’re going to pull out the treasonous crimes that they have committed during this presidential election and after the presidential election. And I do believe that they’re going to get hit so hard, just like Biden, that they will not be able to stop it. And the people will learn that, yes, they are treasonous to this country. They have committed crime after crime after crime. And I do believe Trump, he set it all up to bring everything full circle.

Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, everything that they did to him in 2016, it’s coming full circle. And people are going to see the true enemy so the people can take back the country. And I do believe we’re going to take back the country. It will be bumpy. But I do believe in the end, the patriots are in control. Listen, everyone, thanks a lot for listening. Be well, be safe, and especially be prepared. Thanks a lot.

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