Ep. 3393b – [JB]/[BO] Are Slick Dont Believe The Noise Trump Has Them Falling Right Into The Trap | X22 Report

Posted in: News, Patriots, X22 Reports



➡ X22 Report recent podcast episode discusses various topics, including Chuck Norris’s health regimen, political tensions, and conspiracy theories. The host praises Norris’s fitness routine and encourages listeners to follow his example. The host also expresses concern about perceived threats to former President Trump and criticizes current politicians, suggesting they are corrupt and fear exposure. Lastly, the host speculates that Biden, Obama, and Clinton are orchestrating a plan to protect themselves from investigation, but believes Trump is aware and has a counter-strategy.
➡ The text discusses various political theories and events, suggesting that certain actions were planned from the start. It mentions the possibility of using the 25th Amendment to replace a nominee, and the idea of unofficial acts leading to justice. It also talks about the sacrifices made by individuals for their country, comparing them to the founding fathers. Lastly, it discusses the impact of open borders and the decrease in crime in countries sending criminals to the U.S., and the potential release of information about Jeffrey Epstein’s connections to government and Hollywood figures.
➡ The text discusses various political events and conspiracies, including allegations of election rigging and spying on campaigns. It also mentions the rising influence of right-wing parties in Europe, with countries like France, Netherlands, and Spain experiencing political shifts. The text suggests that the ‘deep state’ might resort to cyber attacks or war to maintain control. It also discusses potential military conflicts involving Ukraine, China, and Taiwan, and speculates about the roles of Trump, Biden, Obama, and Hillary Clinton in these scenarios.
➡ A former employee of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Tennessee won a lawsuit after being fired for refusing the Covid-19 vaccine due to her religious beliefs. The article also discusses concerns about the bird flu and the development of a new vaccine. It suggests that people should prepare for potential health crises by stockpiling certain medications. The article ends with speculation about political issues, including the health of President Biden and potential changes in the presidency.
➡ The text suggests that there’s a plan to nominate Biden as the Democratic candidate, then remove him using the 25th amendment, which deals with presidential incapacity. This would allow for a new nominee to be chosen. The text also suggests that Trump and his supporters are aware of this plan and are using it to their advantage. The author also discusses the recent Supreme Court ruling on presidential immunity, arguing that it doesn’t change anything, but rather clarifies that a president can be tried for unofficial acts.
➡ Biden has been accused of overstepping his presidential powers and violating the constitution, despite his claims of respecting its limits. This includes rulings that his administration engaged in racial discrimination in federal programs and violated the constitution with a nationwide eviction moratorium. The Supreme Court has ruled that presidents are immune from criminal prosecution for their official acts, but this immunity can be challenged by prosecutors. The article suggests that Biden’s actions could lead to a new trial for Trump, as evidence from Trump’s official acts as president were used in his trial.
➡ This text discusses allegations of corruption and conspiracy involving former U.S. leaders, suggesting they sold secrets and uranium to foreign countries. It also criticizes the current government, comparing it to a tyrannical regime and labeling those who oppose it as extremists. The author identifies with the founding fathers, viewing themselves as patriots fighting against oppression. The text ends with a claim that the true power lies with the people, urging them to take control and finish the job.


Hi and welcome you listening to the x 22 report. My name is Dave and this episode 3393 bn. Today’s date is July 2, 2024 and the title of the episode is Joe Biden. Barack Obama are slick. Don’t believe the noise. Trump has them falling right into the trap. Talk about our health. Have you ever wondered what happened to the legendary Chuck Norris? I recently saw a video he made and I was shocked. He’s in his eighties and still kicking butt and working out and staying active. What’s even more shocking is he’s stronger and work out longer and even has plenty of energy left over for his grandkids.

He did this by just making one change. He says he still feels like he’s in his fifties. His wife even started doing this one thing too and she’s never felt better. She says she feels ten years younger, her body looks leaner and she has energy all day. Chuck made a special video that explains everything. Make sure you watch it by going to chuckdefense.com x 22 or click the link down below in the video. It will change the way you think about your health. Once again, thats chuckdefense.com x 22 and click on the link in the description below to watch the video.

Now. You wont believe how simple it is. Just a reminder, the legendary Chuck Norris is a whopping 81 years old and yet has more energy than me. He discovered he could create dynamic changes to his health simply focusing on three things to sabotage our body as we age. Watch this method by clicking the link in the description box below. That is chuckdefense.com x 22. Let’s get into the economic collapse. Political and geopolitical news now. The deep state, the corrupt politicians, big tech fake news, the puppet masters. They are panicking like we’ve never seen before. And you could see with the ruling from the Supreme Court, all they are doing now is saying that they can assassinate Trump at any moment and Biden, he will have immunity.

Now really think about this for a second. First of all, that doesn’t go with the constitution. Again, you have to follow the constitution. And they’re just out there screaming and yelling and projecting what they really want to do. They really want to assassinate Trump. I wouldn’t be surprised if they even try to attempt to assassinate Trump because they’re out there right now projecting all of this out there. And again they’re going to try to use the excuse that well, the president has immunity. Really. That was their an official act to destroy and kill your political opponent.

That follows the constitution that follows the rule of law. No, it doesn’t. So whatever they’re saying right now, they’re doing it out of fear. They are panicking right now, and they’re showing you who they truly are and what they really want, because they realize that with what’s happening right now, they realize that everything that they might have done and all the crimes that they have committed, well, they’re going to be going to jail, they might be tried for treason, and they’re getting scared. This is why they’re out there projecting all of this out into the open.

They’re telling you and showing you who they truly are. But once again, I do believe Trump of the patriots, they are protected because remember, Trump, he decided to come into this and expose the deep state and destroy the deep state. Remember, this is not another four year election. This is about removing the tyrannical government and replacing it with a government that is run by we the people. Really. Think about that for a second. The criminals install themselves. I know a lot of people think, well, no, we have Congress, we have Senate, we have representatives. No, no, those are installed criminals.

They used their cheating election system to put the people in those positions. They have created a tyrannical government. They took over the country. Trump, the patriots, what they’re going to do is they’re going to have the people take it back from them. And this is what our founding fathers have said and have instructed us to do in the declaration of independence. And Trump, he needed to show the people, this is what we must do. But before we do it, you must see the tyrannical government. Now, the deep state players, they know for their cheating system to work, they need a halfway decent candidate, especially when you’re going up against an outsider, and the outsider has all the people.

You see, if it was business as usual, it’s not that big of a deal. But they’ve never dealt with an outsider like this, an outsider that has the majority of the people and actually getting a lot more of the people on his side. They’ve never dealt with something like this. Remember, the Republicans and Democrats, they were part of the same party. They just switched it back and forth. No one was going to complain about the other. They were all part of the same criminal syndicate group. It’s called the uniparty. With this outsider guy, which is Trump, he has the people behind him.

And their cheating system doesn’t work the same way, because if the people are behind him, which they are, and it’s too big to rig, how do you have this individual, like, Biden go up against this outsider, you cannot. So you must try to bring someone in that’s halfway decent to cheat. And once again, think about what has happened to Biden. His crimes have been exposed. Everyone knows he has many shell companies, doesn’t produce anything. Everyone knows he’s been dealing with foreign governments. Everyone knows the laptop is real. Everyone knows that he’s been involved in under Biden’s business dealings.

Everyone knows that Hunter Biden violated Farah, even though they let these statute limitations run out. Everyone knows that it’s a crime family. And remember, if Biden is doing it, you know Obama’s doing it, you know Hillary Clinton is doing it. And they can’t allow this to lead to them because that’s eventually what’s going to happen. So what do they need to do? Number one, they need someone halfway decent to actually use their cheating system. They need to cover for Biden and then need to make sure that the investigations stop with him. So what are they doing? Well, I do believe Biden and Obama, they came up with a plan to make sure that the investigations wouldn’t happen.

Now, think about what they’ve been doing right now. We’ve all known that Biden has been having problems facing the wrong way, shaking people’s hands that aren’t there, squatting, looking like he’s going to go to the bathroom, just mumbling words. But again, I do believe that part of this might be made up. Think about what they’re doing. They know everything that Biden has done right now to destroy the country. The people see it. People understand that he’s a criminal. Obama, Hillary Clinton, they don’t want this to lead back to them. And they can’t have investigators really look into anything else.

If Biden decides to step down right now, what happens? Can there be an investigation? Absolutely. If he’s removed with the 25th amendment, what does he have on his side? He’s incapacitated. There is no investigation. It stops with him. So I do believe Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, all of them, they’re very, very slick, and they’re trying to convince the people, because really what they’re doing is they’re trying to bring you down this path where they’re going to remove him with the 25th amendment to protect him and to protect Obama, Hillary Clinton and the rest. And this way, there is no investigation.

But Trump, he knew they were going to do this. They’re falling right into his trap. Because who’s he really after? I do believe he’s really after Obama, Hillary Clinton and the unelected individuals. Yes. Biden, he’s a criminal. Biden, he’s a crime family. Menendez, same thing. Nancy Pelosi, same thing. But again, low level fruit. Think about the mafia right now. Do you go after the low level fruit or do you want to go to the top? Do you want to go to the conductors and those people that are conducting them? Do you want to go to where the bosses are? You want to go where the boss is, the people that are calling the shots? You want to go to those people.

And I do believe this is where Trump is headed in all of this. And Hillary Clinton and Obama, they will not be able to use the same cover story. Now, Nancy Pelosi, she might, she might say, hey, I don’t remember anything. I don’t know what’s going on. But again, they’re not going to take her out with the 25th amendment. But again, all these other individuals, once you go to the top, all the others, the low lying fruit, well, they start to scurry off and they panic. And you’re going to see these people run or they’re not going to run for reelection.

They’re going to try to escape, because again, they were just being paid off. They were just being blackmailed. So I do believe Joe Obama, they set this up from the very, very beginning to protect Joe Biden and to actually shift this to their next candidate. And I do believe when we talk about it, you will see how they’re actually putting all of this together and all the noise, like, oh, the people knew. Yes, this was all part of the show. This is all part of what they wanted you to see. They did this on purpose to build the narrative.

No, Joe’s not going to leave. Barack Obama says it’s a one off thing. And then as time goes on, what do you see? You see him continually and utterly break down. What do they really need him to be? They need him to be the nominee because it’s much easier to get rid of them with the 25th Amendment. So what would you do if you wanted him to be the nominee? You move up the date. Oh, wait, they’re doing that. They’re moving up the date to mid July so he could be the nominee a lot earlier. Strange, huh? Because this was planned from the very, very beginning.

Trump of the patriots, they know this. They knew exactly what they were going to do. It’s almost like this is a show, if you really think about it. And we’re going to be talking a lot more about this a little bit later in Trump’s cases, because once again, with this ruling from the Supreme Court, and by the way, what the Supreme Court came out with was always there. They just let everyone know that this is the way it works. And I do believe Trump needed them to do this. So this brings us to the next phase.

They needed people to completely understand that there’s official x and unofficial acts, and you can be tried for the unofficial acts. Why would he need the people to actually really know this? Because what do you think comes next? The next phase of all this is justice. So, yes, the patriots are going to show Obama, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden and the rest. These are their unofficial acts. This has nothing to do with the american people and government using their back channels and their secret email addresses, selling uranium, shipping pallets of cash without telling Congress. How could possibly that be an official act? Destroying an email server? I mean, really think about this.

Spying on your political opponent, going after your political opponent, rigging the elections. These are all unofficial acts. This is treason at the highest level, overthrowing the United States government. Think about this for a second, and this just doesn’t lead to the presidential, the presidents, the former presidents. This leads to everyone else. And I do believe Trump needed to set the stage for all of this. And that is what is being done right now. Before we get to that, let’s talk about Mayor Rudy Giuliani. Because again, they’re going after him with everything that they have. He’s in a lot of debt.

Yes, people are raising a lot of money for him, but they decided they were going to despair him from New York. And we know this is what the deep state players, this is what they want, because they don’t want lawyers coming after them. They’re trying to make these people pay. Listen, you come after us, look what we’re going to do, do to you. But I do believe in the end, all these people that have been hit very, very hard, they will get their law license back, they will get reparations, because once again, they sacrificed everything that they had to take back this country.

They sacrificed everything, their reputation, their law degree, their wealth, everything that they had, almost exactly like our founding fathers. And I do believe when you go back in time, when Trump said, we’re gonna have the garden of heroes, think about who’s going to be in the Garden of heroes. Think about all those people that put their lives on the line to go after the deep state players. And I do believe you’re going to see more heroes and heroes that you would never expect to be in the Garden of heroes, because again, we’re in an information war.

Those people that you think are not on the side of Trump, where Trump is actually continually attacking them, you might be surprised that these individuals might show up in the Garden of heroes because they decided, you know something? The Constitution. This country comes way before my reputation, comes way before my wealth. Because if we don’t have this country, all of this is absolutely meaningless. And that’s the way our founding fathers felt. Yeah, I have my wealth. I have my family. I have my farm, I have my workers. But this is all worthless if I don’t have my freedom, because they could take it away from me at any moment.

So I rather, I would sacrifice all of this so my next generation would have freedom. And I do believe these people, they are thinking the same exact way. And I do believe in the end, you’re going to see these people in the garden of heroes. Now, what’s very interesting, since the borders have been open, and people know that open borders don’t work, even those people that loved open borders, they’re starting to realize, hey, they really don’t work. And those people that still believe in open borders, they’re going to be absolutely shocked when something happens in this country.

And I do believe something is going to happen in this country. But when you look at the other countries, the countries that are sending their criminals here, sending their crazy people here from the insane asylums, sending those individuals that are in prison, the countries that are sending all these people up, their countries are looking pretty darn good. Crime is falling all over the place. And their countries look fantastic. Now, when you look at Venezuela right now, the murder rate in socialist Venezuela has fallen to a 22 year low as violent criminals move to the United States.

And you’re seeing this with many other countries, and once again, you can see that those people that were there, they are now here. Yes, the deep state players, they’re going to use them for chaos, because remember, they’re criminals. And the people that are running this country, they are criminals. They are the tyrannical government. Now, what’s very interesting is we know that information came out about Jeffrey Epstein. And I do believe we’re going to be watching all the movies play at once. The russian collusion hoax movie, the spying movie, who paid for the Steele dossier movie. We’re going to see the Epstein movie.

We’re going to see the treasonous movie. We’re going to see all the different movies playing all at the same exact time. And since the Epstein information has come out and it’s been dripped out and people are starting to learn that Jeffrey Epstein, Washington, working and raping and having sex with 14 year old girls. Probably you’re going to learn that, yes, boys are also involved and they were instructed to get others to join in. And I do believe this is going to expand to probably Rachel Handler and other individuals. Yes, they’re all connected. And yes, this is going to be connected to those individuals that are installed in government, those corrupt politicians.

You’re going to see certain Hollywood people, remember all those Hollywood people that are screaming and yelling while they’re afraid of this information coming out. And they know when Trump gets into power, this information will be released because he’s already declassified everything. He’s just waiting for the right moment to let everyone see it. And they’re panicking like we’ve never seen before. But again, you could see they’re still trying to convince everyone that Trump had something to do with Jeffrey Epstein. Now, if he truly had something to do with Jeffrey Epstein, they would have brought this out a long time ago.

Actually, Trump was the one who actually gave the information to the prosecutor to go after Jeffrey Epstein because Jeffrey Epstein was trying to pick up young girls at his club. MJ Truth Ultra, put this out on X and said Donald Trump left two messages for Jeffrey Epstein in new unsealed docs. Is this true? No, it’s fake. Last night, two screenshots flooded social media of Donald Trump’s name in a call log next to others making massage appointments. Lie number one. First of all, the only set of documents that were released was this. So these documents were not released.

Lie number two, this call log that’s being presented as new is from Epstein’s black book that came out sometime around 2016. 2017, nothing new. Lie three yes, calls were made by Trump or associates, but look at the timestamps or surrounding appointments. November 2004. During this time, Trump was knowingly entangled with Epstein in a nasty exchange and bidding war over the auction of a nursing home. The magnet Abe Washington Post even reported on this, quote, it is unclear whether Trump and Epstein were in contact. After the house sale that month, Trump left two messages for Epstein at his home in Palm beach, according to records obtained by Vice News, the last known interaction between the two men.

Final thoughts. If Trump ever did anything wrong re Epstein, I’d be the first to call it out, but he’s done nothing wrong. Trust that if they had anything really bad on Trump, it would have been released a long time ago. Because remember, from the very, very beginning, they tried to rig the 2016 election. They spied on his campaign. They introduced the Steele dossier, they introduced the Alpha bang hoax. They impeached him twice. They’re indicting him four times. You don’t think they would have brought this out already to get rid of him? Of course they would. This is how you know it is completely and utterly fake, just like everything else they have done.

Now, the other thing we could see happening right now is that the deep state players, they are losing their grip around the world, especially Europe. And Macron right now, he is panicking like we’ve never seen before. Why? Because Le Pen’s national party, they are winning the election. And Macron is now making move to make alliances with the far left to block Le Pen, something he said he wouldn’t do. But again, when you’re desperate and panic sets in, what do you do? You do stupid things. And he’s going to try everything he possibly can to make sure that Le Pen doesn’t win.

And you could see that they are panicking. Look what’s happening out in the Netherlands. We see dutch king Willem Alexander. He has sworn in Gert Wilder, the new right wing government, which gets right to work making Netherlands Dutch again. They have lost the Netherlands, they’re losing France, they’re going to lose Spain, they’re going to lose the UK. And look what Victor Orban is doing. He announced new patriots for Europe, alliance with austrian and czech nationalists. He said today, we are creating a political formation that will forge ahead and very quickly become the strongest grouping and largest faction of the european right.

The hungarian prime minister expects this to happen within days, and then the sky will be the limit. Orban pointed out that the situation in Europe is clear, that european politics must change, and change is needed in Europe. He underlined that in 20 of the 27 EU member states, parties that promised change to the citizens won the european parliament elections. And this is going to continue to happen because you can see there is major, major change happening right now in the deep state. They are panic. So if they’re losing control, what do you think the deep state is going to do? They are going to push us into what? War? They’re going to cyber attack not just the United States, they’re going to cyber attack the world.

Think about what they had to do to get rid of Trump in 2020. They used this virus. They leaked it on purpose. They lied about it. Then they lied to you, saying it was so deadly that you had to put a deadly bioweapon in your body. They did all of this not just in this country, but around the world just to get rid of Trump. So they were able to cheat in the election. They did all of this to the people of this country and to the people of every single country, just to make sure Trump didn’t win the election.

Think about what they did now. Think about what they’re going to do this election. Do you think they’re just going to have a small little cyber attack here in the United States, say, hey, look, power went off in, you know, whatever town it is, we’re cyber? No, they’re going to go all out to try to stop him. Can they cheat the way they did before? They’re going to try with, I do believe, the bird flu. But once again, what are they really going to do? They’re going to cyber attack the world, because again, their main mission is to what brings in the great, great reset, the green new scam, and to make sure that Trump doesn’t come into power and to make sure that the rest of the world doesn’t shift.

Right. And the only way to do this is to start a war to cover all of this up. So that means they are going to cyber attack the entire world, just like they unleashed the virus into the entire world. And you could see that they are now building war like we’ve never seen before. Right now, Defense Secretary Austin, he says that the US will provide 2.3 billion more in military aid to Ukraine. And again, they’re going to include anti tech weapons, interceptors, munitions for patriot and other air defense systems. They’re preparing and setting everything in motion, just like what’s happening out in the China Sea.

And it looks like this, all this tension out in the China Sea in regards to the Philippines and other countries out there. It looks like the CCP, they’re using this to see what the us response is going to be. They’re testing the US in all of this. And I do believe they’re going to be continually pushing this to see what Biden, his administration, what they’re going to do if something should happen, and at the right moment, at the right time, which might be late summer, early fall, we might see China going into Taiwan. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is that we see Marianne Hassaneen.

She resigned from the Biden administration, and she was special assistant to the US Department of the Interior. And she said, I’m resigning today from my position as Biden administration appointee in the Department of the Interior. As a Muslim and American, I cannot continue working for an administration that ignores the voices of its diverse staff by continuing to fund the, and enable Israel’s genocide of Palestinians. So again, we have another individual which is part, most likely of the infiltration that Obama set up. And she is now the third Biden administration appointee to quit, which is very, very interesting because you could see that the Biden administration is not doing what they want him to do.

Now, once again, I do believe Obama wants him to do certain things. And again, Biden, he has power. Jill Biden, she thinks she has power. And they’re pushing back a little bit at time. But I do believe that Biden and Obama, they know that they need to get out of this situation in regards to prosecution. And I do believe they formulated a plan where Biden is removed, he’s protected, and the investigations do not lead up to Obama and Hillary Clinton. But I don’t believe this is going to work in the end. And I do believe that Trump, he has pretty much set them up.

He knows the playbook and he knows that, yeah, we’ll get Biden out of the way and we’ll put into focus Obama and Hillary Clinton. And we won’t need Biden to lead us into what Obama and Hillary Clinton have done because we have a lot of that data already. Id, classified it. And we’re going to release this information and show that everything they have done is completely unofficial, which means we can prosecute them. Now, what’s very interesting with the war, we know that Trump has continually said that he could stop the war once he’s elected in the day.

He knows all the players, and it looks like the deep state players. They’re trying to counter what he is saying. And this is coming of ABC News where it said, and this is the headline, Trump says he can end the russian Ukraine war in one day. Russia’s UN ambassador says he can’t. Now, I do believe he has a special arrangement with Putin, Xi, Kim Jong un and many other leaders across the globe. And I do believe that these people are not included in what he’s going to do. Because, again, I do believe Trump is going to be going directly to the leaders of these countries because he knows all the players.

He’s not going to deal with a UN ambassador. He’s going to deal directly with Putin. He’s going to deal directly with Xi. He’s going to deal directly with Kim Jong un. Why would you deal with the, the low level people? You wouldn’t. So again, you could see what they’re trying to do. They’re trying to convince everyone that he won’t be able to do it. But again, when we’re under threat of nuclear war and the country’s being attacked, and Trump is out there saying, I can have peace, all you got to do is elect me. And on the other side, you have the fake news.

The deep state players, the Biden administration, and whoever’s running for president, they’re all saying, no, we have to go to war. What’s the problem in giving Trump a chance to have peace? Because the alternative is then just nuclear war. So wouldn’t you want that chance to have peace in the world? Yeah, I think people would. So no matter what they do, no matter what they try to counter it with, it’s not going to work in the end, just like Covid didn’t work, just like the bird flu is not going to work. But again, the deep state players, they don’t give up.

They keep pushing and pushing and pushing, but with everything that they’ve done, people are starting to learn that they have done things that are absolutely criminal. And the constitution is sticking up for the people and countering everything that they tried to do. And it’s showing the world, look how important the constitution is. There was a landmark decision. A federal jury has ordered Blue Cross blue shield of Tennessee to pay nearly? 700,000 to Tanja Betten, a former employee who was terminated for refusing the Covid-19 vaccine based on her religious beliefs. Betten, who served as a biostatistical research scientist, asserts that her role involvement, minimal client interaction, and no necessity for physical presence at medical facilities.

But they fired her because she wouldn’t take the bioweapon. And once again, the constitution was behind her and she won. So again, you could see everything they tried to do has been failing. And I do believe this is why they’re going to try to use the bioweapon once again to actually push the bird flu. And I do believe the bioweapon is coming from the latest COVID injection. And I do believe I wouldn’t be surprised if the bird flu is included with that. And we know out in Finland, they’re going to be giving some workers out there an injection to fight the bird flu.

And what’s very interesting is that the US, they’re going to pay moderna 176 million to develop an mRNA pandemic vaccine as bird flu cases and dairy cows continue to rise. Which means they already have it, and you’ll probably see it by September. That’s what I do believe they’re going to do. Because, again, they need to set up a cheating system. I don’t believe it’s going to work. I think it’s going to fail, but they’re going to push as hard as possible, just like they are now, building the narrative that we must get rid of Biden. And you’re going to have both sides.

You’re going to have the side that says, hey, they’ve been hiding this from us. We got to get rid of them. And you’re going to have the other side that says, no, Biden must stay. But again, this is the show that you’re watching. I do believe Biden in the end is going to take the 25th amendment. I mean, again, it’s going to look like it’s being used against him, but I do believe he actually wants this way out because again, it shows that he’s incapacitated. Can he stand trial once the 25th amendment is used against him? Listen up, people.

If you’re not stockpiling medications after what we’ve been through, you’re setting yourself up for disaster. The warning signs are everything. With this bird flu in the headlines, the FDA commission just went on record saying the real worry is that it will jump to the human lungs, where when that has happened in other parts of the world, the mortality rate has been 25%. We got to have testing, got to have antivirals, and we need to have a vaccine ready to go. Could they be more transparent about what’s going to happen? Doctor Eric Ding, Covid expert, says, I would start stockpiling flu medicines like Tamiflu for your family starting now.

If bird flu is ever human to human transmissible, you will regret it when near a certain shortage hits. Our personal responsibility to be prepared. And fortunately, you can get medications like Tamiflu easily without having to book an office appointment with your old physician. The wellness company developed a contagion emergency kit, a prescription only stockpile of life saving medications, including Tamiflu, ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, and ZPAC, medications that every american should have in the medicine cabinet. Do you have what your family needs this time around? Because most doctors still won’t even consider prescribing ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine. But I’ve got you covered.

Easily. Order online the one of a kind prescription contagion emergency kit from the wellness company. Each prep kit provides you with a carefully selected assortment of effective medications for bird flu, Covid-19 and other respiratory illnesses. These include ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, z pactamiflu, along with a nebulizer. Rest easy. Knowing that you have emergency meds on hand, along with a guidebook for safe use backed by research from experts like doctor Peter McCullough. Every American should have at least one of these kits in their home. Avoid the chaos, wait time and price of the hospital, and have exactly what you need as low as the cost of a single doctor’s visit.

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And I do believe he’s been planning on this for a very long time. I do believe Joe Biden and Barack Obama, they’re very, very slick. See, criminals, they always think ahead. How can we cover our crimes up? How can we make sure we’re not prosecuted? And you could see the narrative is building. And we see Carl Bernstein, he joined Anderson. And they are now concerned about Biden and about his health. And they can’t believe that his health is breaking down and it was hidden from the people. And now when you look at Kamala Harris, it looks like she will be the president or the acting president and she is going to be the candidate then.

And you can see they’re building the narrative. You better not replace Biden with a white person. Think about that for a second, because if they replace Biden, what about Kamala? So this is the article that came out. Kamala Harris worried Democrats will replace Joe Biden with white candidate, vice president team said it would be offensive to black voters if she were ignored. So once again, this is going to be very, very difficult for them because you can’t bring in Gavin Newsom, you can’t bring in Hillary Clinton and have Biden replaced. I mean, you can do it, but this is going to pose a huge problem.

And I do believe Hillary most likely will be the VP in all of this. When all said and done, maybe Barack, if they can swing this, where they can bring him in as the VP, but we’ll have to see how that all plays out. That should be very, that would be very, very interesting if they were to able to pull that off. But I don’t know if the people of this country would be able to accept this. Will they accept swapping out Kamala with another black woman? Absolutely. Would they accept the black woman having a woman as VP? I think so.

Now it could be the other way around. They might not listen to the DEI standards, but again, we could see where this is all headed. And I want to go back to post 48 51 with everything that we’re seeing today. And this is what it says. Lesson of the day. If you run for POTUS, all your past crimes magically disappear. No, they don’t. Sometimes it takes transparency to force action. Let’s see what happens in this case. Does having early stage dementia help you re previous deniability harmful politically? So does this clear you of everything? No, not just by having it, but if the 25th amendment was used, maybe.

I do believe this was planned by Obama and Biden long ago. This is Biden’s insurance policy. So he is not held accountable for his crimes. And those crimes would not lead to Obama and Hillary Clinton. One, remember, one leads to another which leads to another. If Biden steps down on his own, he would have a difficult time convincing everyone that he cannot stand trial. They would be able to go after. Remember, Trump said, I’m going to have a special counsel. Obama and Hillary Clinton would be in jeopardy then. So I do believe they hatched a plan and to stay in the game they needed cover for Joe Biden.

Joe Biden said, okay, listen, if I’m not prosecuted and I have to be taken out with the 25th amendment, that is fine. At least I’m not taken out because of a crime. This is because my mental faculty has broken down. So Joe Biden’s team, they’re going to be pushing back and they’re going to say that he’s not leaving. The fake news was instructed to push the narrative that Biden needs to be removed. Meanwhile, in the background, they want people, the DS and the R’s, to push Biden out. As the Biden’s continue to resist and Biden’s dementia gets worse.

The fake news will call for the 25th amendment, the DS will discuss it and you’re going to see an event in this country. It’s, it’s going to become a national security problem. And the ours then are going to say, okay, this is way beyond presidential election. We now have a national security issue and I don’t believe this individual has the ability to handle what is going on. I do believe the R’s of will then join in. They will push Garland to release the tapes, and it will look like it’s a huge fight. And eventually what’s going to happen? Obama will pick up the phone and say, okay, Garland, I know it was a huge fight, but make it look like they won and released the tapes.

And this is how they will get rid of Biden. This is how they’ll seal the deal. And Biden will be taken out using the 25th amendment. This will show that he’s incapacitated and he will not be able to stand trial for his crimes. But I do believe Trump at the patriots, they actually wanted this to happen. They knew it was going to happen. Actually, Trump told us it was going to happen because he wants Obama and Hillary in focus. He wants these individuals. Remember, Biden is done for. I wouldn’t be surprised if Biden, maybe he passes away.

Not wishing anyone passes away. But again, there’s a lot of dog comms out there lately. So I wonder if they take him out with the 25th amendment, he just passes away later on. But we’ll be talking about that in just a sec. So how do you pursue this? How do you make sure that Biden becomes the nominee before you take him out? And how do you make sure you have enough time to bring someone else in? You got to change the rules. That’s how. So remember, the Democratic National Convention is from August 19 to the 22nd.

So what are they deciding to do? Well, it looks like they’re going to try to move it up to July 21, and they’re going to try to pick their nominee in the middle of July. Why would they do that? Why would they want Biden nominated in the middle of July? This gives them more time. To do what? To remove him. And you could see that everything now is being put together. And actually the White House came out and says Biden doesn’t need a cognitive test. It’s not necessary, because if they give him a cognitive test now, it’s game over.

They can’t allow that to happen. They need him to be the nominee. They need him then to be taken out with the 25th amendment. They might give him the cognitive test afterwards, but not right now. Trump, he put this out and said, the question every voter should be asking themselves today is not whether Joe Biden can survive a 90 minutes debate performance, but whether american can survive four more years of crooked Joe Biden in the White House. The fact is, I don’t know if he can survive five more months. We are in great danger during what will be a transition period.

We have never been so close to world war three before. And if it happens, this will be a war like no other. So five more months, great danger, and 90 minutes debate. So let’s look at this for a second. Trump actually capitalized not whether Joe Biden can survive a 90 minutes debate. Why did he capitalize that word right before 90? Because if you look at the post 90, November 5, 2017, it says confirmed, classified. Hillary Clinton. Does that mean that Hillary Clinton is now coming into focus? Does that mean that she will be part of the new presidential candidates? Maybe as vice president, maybe as president.

We’ll have to see how this all plays out. But I do believe that Obama and Hillary Clinton, they’re both going to be involved in this. And the other thing that’s very interesting, and I want to go back to a couple of older posts from Trump on truth. The one that he talked about, crooked Joe choked like a dog. And there’s another one that says that Nancy Pelosi is a sick puppy. And if you notice, there’s a lot of dog comms. So I wouldn’t be surprised if that means that maybe Biden won’t be able to make it.

Maybe they will take him out with the 25th amendment. Maybe he’ll pass away afterwards, maybe before. But this is very, very interesting. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting, the White House decided they were going to put a picture out of Joe Biden. And on the debates, he was white and pale. The picture that they put out, he was orange, which is very, very interesting. And Trump, he retruth this. And basically trolling is fun. And Orange man is bad. Joe Biden is bad. But you could see with the immunity case now, the DS, they are panicking like we’ve never seen them before.

We have. Representative Lofgren, she is saying that SCOTUS is immunity decision claims Biden could dispatch the military to take out the conservative justices. If you notice, why do the D’s always use threats of taking people out, using f 15s, hurting people, assassination. Do you ever hear the patriots talk like that? Even though they know that Obama is a criminal, even though they know that Biden’s a criminal, even though they know that Hillary Clinton is a criminal? And they all committed treasonous acts, and we all know that they overthrew the United States government. Do we ever say assassinate them? Do we ever say let’s use the military and bomb them? Or do the patriots always say, let’s bring them to justice, let’s have trials, let’s put them away in prison for the crimes they have committed? If you notice the left criminals always go to what? Assassination, death.

They always use violence. Think about antifa, think about the illegals. Why? Because they’re criminals. They’re not patriots of this country. And what’s very interesting is that the Democrat, New York Representative Joe Morell, he announced that he will file a constitutional amendment that will virtually invalidate the Supreme Court’s recent ruling on presidential immunity. Do you really think this is going to work? He’s going to introduce a constitutional amendment, two thirds of Congress. You need the state. I mean, this is not going to work. I mean, they’re panicking. They’re trying to do whatever they possibly can. But Biden, after the ruling, he came out with his speech and he says, the US Supreme Court’s immunity ruling, the president is now a king above the law.

Well, that’s not what the justices said. They said the president has absolute immunity for official business. For unofficial business. The president does not. And they said the president is not above the law. The actual opposite of what Biden is saying. Basically what he’s doing, he’s projecting out there what he is and what Obama was and what Hillary Clinton was. They were acting like dictators. They had were acting like kings. They believe they are above the law. They’re projecting out there. JD Vance put this out and said, tonight’s rant from Joe Biden is further evidence that all the lawfare against Trump was cooked up by Biden and his team.

The corrupt lawfare against Trump was their main election strategy, and they’re furious that it’s backfiring on them. And think about what Scotus actually came out with. See, Trump, he brought it up to the Supreme Court for a reason. He wanted everyone to understand what immunity really means and he wanted the Supreme Court to lay it out and to make it very, very clear, because what’s the next phase of all this? Justice Brett Tolman put this out and said, prior to this SCOTUS immunity decision, the law was that POTUS has immunity for official acts and no immunity for unofficial acts.

After the SCOTUS immunity decision, the law is POTUS has immunity for official acts and no immunity for unofficial acts. So nothing’s changed. The only thing that changed is now the people know. Now the people understand that. Wait a minute, the president isn’t immune for everything. If the president does something unofficial, they could be tried. Well, yeah. You know, like spying on your political opponent, like setting your political opponent up by having private email addresses and selling secrets to your enemy. Yeah. These are all unofficial. Yeah. You can be tried for these treasonous crimes and everything the deep state is playing all these individuals saying, well, Biden go out and he can murder Trump, he can assassinate Trump and he’ll have full bee.

No, that’s absolutely ridiculous. Jonathan Turley explains. He says no. President Biden the Supreme Court did not remove any limits on the presidency. One of the most glaring moments in the address came when Biden declared that for all practical purposes, today’s decision almost certainly means that there are virtually no limits on what a president can do. This is not true whatsoever. The court found that there was absolute immunity for actions that fall within their exclusive sphere of the constitutional authority. While they enjoy presumptive immunity for other official acts, they do not enjoy immunity for unofficial acts or private actions.

That’s what they’re afraid of. There are also a host of checks and balances on executive authority in our constitution system. This includes judicial intervention to prevent violations of the law, as well as impeachment for high crimes and misdemeanors. Biden’s hyperventilated responses is crushingly ironic. He was vice president when President Obama killed an american citizen without a trial or a charge. When former attorney general Eric Holder announced the kill list policy that included the right to kill any american citizen, he was met with applause, not condemnation. The Obama Biden administration then fought every effort by the family to sue the government.

Biden would have been outraged by any attempt by a republican district attorney to charge him or Obama with murder in his address. Biden also claimed that the law would no longer define the limits of the presidency. This is also untrue. This case was remanded for the purpose of defining what these functions would be deemed private as opposed to official. Even on official actions, President Trump could be prosecuted if the presumptive immunity is rebutted by prosecutors. What was most glaring for many civil libertarians was Biden’s portrayal of himself as a paragon of constitutional fealty. He declared that I know I will respect the limits of the presidential powers as I have for the last three and a half years, this was also untrue.

Biden has raked up an impressive array of losses in federal courts where he was found to have violated the constitution. This includes ruling that his administration has exceeded his authority and engage in racial discrimination in federal programs. Indeed, Biden has often displayed a cavalier attitude towards such violations. For example, the Biden administration was found to have violated the constitution in its imposition of nationwide eviction memoratorium through the Centers of for Disease Control and Prevention. Biden admitted that his White House counsel and more legal experts told him the move was unconstitutional, but he ignored it. Just like student loan cancellations.

He ignored that, too. It’s all unconstitutional. And he goes against the Supreme Court rulings. He’s the one who’s in violation of the Constitution. He’s the one who believes he’s the king and he doesn’t have to follow the law. He believes he’s above the law, just like Obama, Hillary Clinton, and the rest. Now, since this ruling came out with the Supreme Court, it looks like Trump hush money sentencing has been delayed. And it’s been delayed to when? September 18. Now, that is very, very interesting, because remember, the Supreme Court told all the lower courts, since Trump has absolute immunity for official acts, anything that you used against him that was official cannot be used.

And you need to go now, look back at the case and find out what was official, what was unofficial, and since that happened, it looks like the judge merchant, he decided, okay, we will hold everything off and sentencing will happen on September 18 this year. And that’s very, very interesting because there are two posts that have to do with September 18 or so. 4686. September 13, 2020. Equal justice under the law as written. Transparency, disclosure, and accountability. Justice is the only way forward. Future of our republic at stake. Watergate Times 1000 September 14 to 18th, 21st, 25th, track and follow events.

Hmm. That’s interesting. And what about post 4737? September 21 to 25th, track and follow events? Running red now that is very, very interesting. Charlie Kirky put this out and said Trump’s request for a new hearing in the New York case is a lot more than just stall tactic. It really is the case that yesterday’s ScoTUS ruling could force the state to throw out the verdict and order a new trial. Why? Let’s lay it out. The Supreme Court has ruled that the presidents are criminally immune for their core constitutional powers and presumptively immune for their official acts as president.

As an extension of this, the court has also ruled that a president’s official act cannot be used as evidence of criminal conduct in his private acts. Even though the New York case concerned actions Trump took before becoming president, Alvin Bragg’s team repeatedly and aggressively introduced evidence from President Trump’s official acts as president, his presidential tweets, his discussion of presidential business in the Oval Office, and so on. They didn’t have to do this, but they were in such a frenzy to attack Trump, they. They did it anyway. If New York introduced unconstitutional evidence during their trial of Trump, then there is no option but to order a new trial.

With that evidence excluded. This is far from over. And if they exclude this evidence, they have no case. They are in trouble. Trump, he put this out and said, a really bad day for deranged Jack Smith, the wacko prosecutor used for a crooked Joe Biden’s attack on his political opponent. Today, as in the past, the Supreme Court gave the deranged one a high level spanking. His real bosses, Andrew Weissman and Lisa Monaco, not to mention Merrick Garland, who once great reputation has been shattered by these thugs. And his constant defense of crooked Joe Biden must be furious at him.

Garland ought to call an end to this never ending hoax and let people focus on bringing back greatness to America. Then he put this out. The Supreme Court decision is much more powerful, one that some had expected to be. It is brilliantly written and wise and clears the stench from the Biden trials and hoaxes, all of them, that had been used as an unfair attack on crooked Joe Biden’s political opponent, me. Many of these fake cases will now disappear or wither into obscurity. God bless America. Absolutely. Which means, what do you think the deep state is going to do? They’re going to have to take this to the next level, because again, their whole mission is to stop him from becoming president, from the people taking back this country.

This is why it’s our final battle, which means they’re going to move this to the next level, which is going to be chaos, war, and an economy that is going to implode. And I do believe we’re going to have a cyber attack, not just in this country, but around the world. But since Trump put this out on truth, Lisa May responded to this and said, 350 timestamp presidential immunity will not apply to all criminal activities of the deep state. Remember, drop 30. Remember, they never thought she was going to lose. Therefore, they never thought investigations and or public interest into the criminal acts would be exposed.

Investigated. Therefore, they never thought they had anything to fear. Therefore, they openly showcased their symbolism. Therefore, they were sloppy. Hussein’s last speech in Chicago’s re scandal free. Why did he continually emphasize that phrase? As a backup, they infiltrated and control the narrative. The mainstream media as a backup, they install only those on the team. As a backup. They blackmail those that aren’t. As a backup, they define conspiracy as crazy, mentally unstable, and label anything true. As such, this works given most of what they engage in is pure evil and simply unbelievable. Hard to swallow. The fix was always been in, no matter which party won the election.

JFK killed, Reagan shot, this was always the promise made to those who played the game, willingly or otherwise, they would never lose power. So once again, you can see they never expected this to happen. Trump, when he came into office, he declassified all the information. He has all the evidence. He’s waiting for the people to take back the country. And the only way the people could take back the country is to actually see the criminal syndicate. And Trump, he needed to set everything up in both of these phases. When he was in the White House and when the resident was living in the White House.

He needed everything to set up. He needed them to do everything to him. He needed them to set precedents. Because when we enter the phase of justice, well, he’s going to use this. And I don’t believe it’s just going to be him. I do believe it’s going to be attorney general’s prosecutors around the country that will be going after every single one of these people. And I do believe you’re going to see the military actually go after these people. Because again, the military has everything on those individuals that overthrew the United States government and has everything on those individuals that have committed treason.

And when I say treason, these are all the crimes, these are all the unofficial things they did during the time they spent in office. And we can see that since this ruling came out by the Supreme Court, all these cases now are falling apart, which means the deep state, they’re going to try something else. But Julie Kelly, she put this out on accident, says also appears Jack Smith is conducting an internal inquiry into the mishandling of evidence seized during malraid. This is central to Trump’s penny motion to dismiss based on spoliation of evidence. Seems major. As I’ve reported, the special counsel admitted investigators can’t match some of the prop classified cover sheets used as placeholders and other handwritten covers to an alleged classified document.

Seems kind of major, doesn’t it? Very, very interesting. But think about what the deep state players do. They try to cover up everything they have done by using certain phrases no one knew. Hans put this out and says, out of all the media hoaxes, the no one knew hoax is probably the worst because they constantly recycle it to cover up their other hoaxes. No one knew that Hillary paid for the dossier. No one knew that the steal made everything up. No one knew that the vaccines stopped transmission. No one knew that Covid came out of the lab.

No one knew that Hunter’s laptop was real. No one knew about Biden’s family corruption. No one knew that Biden is senile. No one knew that Hillary Clinton destroyed her email server because she was selling secrets to China, Iran, Russia, and the rest. No one knew that Obama took a pallet of cash and sent it over to Iran. No one knew that they, Hillary Clinton, Obama, and the rest, they were selling uranium to Russia to start the 16 year plan, to start a war, because the uranium was delivered to Iran, to Ukraine, to North Korea. No one knew any of these things, except for everyone who actually knew and those people that were looking at the truth.

Everyone knew because the truth was out there. They didn’t want people to know. And that’s why they censored people every step of the way. And really think about this. The Supreme Court ruled not for Trump, but for the office of the president. Trump had the supreme Court explain this for the future of this country so people would understand, so this would never, ever happen again. And think about this. The deep state players, they continually call we the people extremists. And we know the deep state players, they have done this in other countries. When they overthrow a government in another country, like Iran, Iraq, Syria, well, they tried with Syria.

They didn’t get that done. Lebanon, they. Once they overthrow the government there, the people that try to get rid of the tyrannical government that was put into place, they call them extremists. A public government was put in a place here in the United States. They overthrew the United States government. They overthrew the duly elected president. The tyrannical government has their people in place in Congress, in the different agencies. They are the criminal syndicate. They are the tyrannical government, just like the british government. Anyone that was going after the british government who didn’t agree with the british government, what did the british government call those people? Like our founding fathers.

They call them what? Extremists. Outlaws. They had to be arrested. Think about that for a second. The founding fathers were not career politicians. They were the outlaws. The angry extremists who refused to quietly submit to an elite political establishment’s oppressive rule over their lives. Never forget that. FX hedge says, never forget our founding fathers and what they stood for. The people. Now, who are they? We are the founding fathers. We have taken their role. We are the outlaws. We are the people that are going up against a tyrannical government. They are calling us extremists because we are patriots.

We are fighting for our freedom. And they don’t want to give up control, just like our founding fathers. So never forget that. And what’s very interesting is that Dan Scavino, he put out a post on X. It’s Trump. He’s the conductor. It says Macedonia. It’s the Trump train. And if you look at the top of his hat, it’s the seal of the president. Because he is the commander in chief. He is the true president. He took control on November 3. It was completed on January 6. And now the people are going to say, finish the job.

Who’s in control? The patriots are in control. Listen, everyone. Thanks a lot for listening. Be well, be safe, and especially be prepared. Thanks a lot, Sadeena.

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