Ep. 3381b – Ds Have Lost Their Base Secret Plan To Take Biden Out Elections Are Safeguarded | X22 Report

Posted in: News, Patriots, X22 Reports



➡ The X22 Report podcast episode discusses the current political climate, suggesting that the current administration is losing support and that there may be a plan to replace President Biden. The host speculates that this could be due to perceived health issues or a desire for a different leader, possibly a woman like Michelle Obama or Hillary Clinton. The episode also discusses the need for secure elections, suggesting that the current system is flawed and could be manipulated. The host believes that President Trump may have a plan to safeguard future elections, possibly involving voter ID and paper ballots.
➡ Many Hollywood celebrities and politicians are expressing fear that if Trump returns to power, they might face legal consequences for their actions. Meanwhile, there are allegations that the FBI knew about a potential deal involving Hunter Biden and a Ukrainian energy firm, but did not take action. There’s also a bill being discussed that would require presidents to disclose any foreign income their family receives, but it’s facing opposition. Lastly, there’s a private social network providing illegal immigrants with resources to enter the US, and a majority of Hispanic people reportedly favor mass deportation of undocumented immigrants.
➡ A majority of registered voters (62%) support a government program to deport all undocumented immigrants in the US. The text suggests that this support may increase due to fears of crime and illegal activities associated with open borders. It also discusses allegations
of illegal activities aimed at damaging Trump’s businesses and the controversy surrounding Biden’s attempt to regulate private weapon sales. Lastly, it mentions political shifts in Europe, with the left losing seats and struggling for support.
➡ Mark Ruta is set to become NATO’s new secretary general, amidst concerns of potential war. Meanwhile, Putin has visited North Korea for the first time in 24 years, meeting with Kim Jong Un and discussing increased cooperation between their countries. In other news, Dr. Steven Gundry promotes a health method called ‘caloric bypass’ for weight loss and overall health improvement. Lastly, there are growing concerns about the potential for war, with some believing that the current political climate is leading towards conflict, while others believe it’s a strategy to awaken the public to the realities of the world.
➡ The text discusses various political issues, including criticism of Dr. Fauci’s handling of COVID-19, allegations of dictatorship, and concerns about President Biden’s mental health. It also mentions potential changes in mask mandates in New York due to rising anti-Jewish aggression. The author suggests that there might be a secret plan to replace Biden, possibly using the 25th amendment, and speculates about the future of the political landscape.
➡ The text discusses potential political scenarios involving Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Michelle Obama, and Donald Trump. It suggests that Clinton could replace Biden, but polls show Michelle Obama is more popular. The text also mentions Trump’s legal issues and speculates about potential protests and riots related to the presidential immunity ruling. Lastly, it suggests that Trump is gaining support among black voters and that dissenting opinions on Trump’s legal case could lead to lawyers being disbarred.
➡ The text discusses concerns about potential voter fraud in the United States, with a focus on states like Texas, Pennsylvania, and Arizona. It highlights issues such as non-citizens and deceased individuals allegedly registering to vote, and the possibility of illegal aliens generating additional ballots. The author suggests that President Trump may counteract these issues by switching to paper ballots and implementing voter ID laws. The text also implies that the military might be used to ensure election security.
➡ The article suggests that Trump is using his opponents’ tactics against them in the elections. It implies that despite attempts to cause chaos and resist certification of the election results, Trump has outsmarted them, leaving them with no choice but to certify. The author believes that Trump will eventually return to office, supported by the people, because the patriots are in control. The author concludes by thanking the readers and advising them to stay safe and prepared.


Hi and welcome. You’re listening to the x 22 report. My name is Dave and this is episode 3381 bn. Today’s date is June 18, 2024 and the title of the episode is dees have lost their base secret plan to take Biden out. Elections are safeguarded. Talk about our health. Have you ever wondered what happened to the legendary Chuck Norris? I recently saw a video he made and I was shocked. He’s in his eighties and still kicking butt and working out and staying active. What’s even more shocking is he’s stronger and work out longer and even has plenty of energy left over for his grandkids.

He did this by just making one change. He says he still feels like he’s in his fifties. His wife even started doing this one thing too and she’s never felt better. She says she feels ten years younger, her body looks leaner and she has energy all day. Chuck made a special video that explains explains everything. Make sure you watch it by going to chuckdefense.com x 22 or click the link down below in the video. It will change the way you think about your health. Once again, thats chuckdefense.com x 22 and click on the link in the description below to watch the video now.

You wont believe how simple it is. Just a reminder, the legendary Chuck Norris is a whopping 81 years old and yet has more energy than me. He discovered he could create dynamic changes to his health simply focusing on three things to sabotage our body as we age. Watch this method by clicking the link in the description box below. That is chuckdefense.com x 22. Let’s get into the economic collapse. Political and geopolitical news now. The deep state, the corrupt politicians, big tech fake news, the puppet masters. They are now losing their people. And this is why they’re replacing the people that they had with the illegals.

They’re losing the Hispanic. They’re losing the black. They’re losing the jews. They’re losing many of the DS. The independents are not with them. They are losing their pace every step of the way. And I do believe they’re going to lose a lot more people as we get closer and closer to the presidential election. And as we get closer to the presidential election, you’re going to see the economy really start to fall apart. You’re going to see us approach war. People are going to be scared of what they’re seeing and they’re going to be scared of what they’re seeing with Biden because people now have seen him on stage.

People have seen him at the G seven people see now there is something wrong with him. Now the fake news, the White House press secretary, they can try to protect them all they want. It’s not going to work. Because I do believe this is all being driven by Obama to remove Biden. Think about what you saw on stage at their fundraiser in LA. Obama had a drag off Biden by the arm. I do believe he wanted him out front and center to actually expose him to a lot of people. And I do believe this is why they pushed Biden into the June 27 debates.

The reason for this is to show the people and to have it broadcast on the fake news that he can no longer be in this position. I do believe they’re trying to put a lot of pressure on him to actually step down by himself, but I don’t believe he’s going to do it. I do believe they’re going to push him out and most likely they’re going to have to use the 25th amendment to remove him. And I do believe that now the fake news and other organizations, they’re starting to actually talk about this. We now hear there’s a secret plan to take him out.

And I do believe the DS, they’re the ones who are going to take him out, not the Republicans. They’re not going to impeach him. I do believe the DS, they’re going to make the case to remove him and to bring in a, another individual. Now, who’s that other individuals going to be? I do believe it might be Michelle Obama because Obama again wants to stay in control. It could be Hillary Clinton. We know from the post that it’s going to be a woman. So I do believe at this point in time it could be either of these.

Now, think about it. A rematch of Hillary Clinton would be very, very interesting with Trump because everything that he said back in 2016 he can now do to her at this point. Plus, if you look at it from a different angle, Michelle Obama, she would also be good. Why? Because the conductor, Obama, who’s in the basement talking to Biden, he is the one who’ve been conducting this entire 16 year plan. And I do believe Trump wants to expose the Obama’s, I do believe all roads lead to Obama. Yes, Hillary Clinton is part of the criminal syndicate.

Joe Biden, they’re all part of the criminal syndicate. But again, we could see that this is now heading in that direction. And I do believe Trump from the very, very beginning, since he came into office in 2016, he has been working with the military to safeguard the elections I do believe the military, Trump, they already know how they cheat. They already know that they have this gigantic cheating system. And I do believe that when he says that we’re going to make sure that the elections are safe, it’s not going to be the way that people think.

I think people are thinking, well, I’m just going to go into the voting booth and I’ll just do my votes like I normally do and this will be protected. I think we’re going to have elections a little bit different than everyone thinks they’re going to be. Think about the elections in 2020. Were they very, very different than we normally had them? Yes. We had mail in ballots that were introduced. We had drop boxes that were introduced. They shut down a lot of the poll centers to actually feed in more ballots. They kept the poll watchers away using the idea that it’s Covid and you can’t be too close.

They push people out of the voting areas to make sure that people couldn’t see what was going on. We know that they never, they don’t really check signatures. We know that they print a lot of these ballots. We know that they feed them in. So that was a very, very different type of presidential election and they use Covid to do it. I do believe at this point what Trump is going to do, he’s going to use what they are doing to actually safeguard the elections, just like they went ahead and they cheated in the election. So I do believe he’s going to do the opposite.

And yes, do I think he’s going to bring us to voter id? Absolutely. Do I think he’s going to bring us to paper ballots? Absolutely. Because if there is an attack on the election infrastructure and we can’t use their systems of, the system of cheating, we must then use paper and we must show an id, especially if the country is under attack and we’re on the precipice of war. So I do believe that Trump, yes. When he says he’s safeguarding the elections, I do believe it’s going to be the way that people won’t believe. And do I think people are going to be all for it? Yes, I do believe they will, because the argument will be made is that a foreign government attacked our national infrastructure.

We don’t know if they infiltrated the program and we don’t know if there’s malware in the systems. And to make sure that foreign governments or domestic actors make sure that they don’t manipulate the elections, we need to use something that they can’t manipulate. That would be paper, that would be one day voting, that would be voter id. So I do believe that Trump does have a plan, and I do believe the elections are safeguarded. But I don’t think it’s the way everyone thinks it’s going to be. I think everyone thinks they’re going to go to the polls, they’re going to vote like they normally do, feed in their ballots, and we’ll get the results, you know, a couple days later.

I do believe he can’t do it that way. I think he knows that we can’t do it that way. From everything that they’ve been observing in the past. Now, if they don’t go ahead, and I’m talking about the deep state players, if they don’t go ahead and attack their own system, can we use their system and override their system? I do believe we can. I do believe that’s why Trump is saying make it too big to rig, because he wants a fail safe. He wants to make sure that we have enough people to override their system because they’re not going to be able to bring in enough illegals to actually override the system.

Now, the illegals don’t actually have to go to the voting centers. All they have to have is have the illegals register, because if they’re going to use their cheating system, all they need them to do is register and they can use their votes. And they can use multiple votes. Actually, we’ll be talking about that in a little bit. But first, let’s talk about all these individuals from Hollywood, from tv, from the corrupt politicians and other news anchors. They’re all saying the same exact thing, even Comey and the rest. They’re all saying, listen, if Trump wins, we’re going to maybe leave the country.

Or if Trump wins, he might arrest us. Even AOC said this. Now, again, if you didn’t commit a crime and you were doing everything on the up and up, why would Trump come and arrest any of these individuals? Does it make any sense? Unless they’re projecting out there that, yeah, I did commit a crime, and if Trump wins, I’m going to be thrown in prison, which means they’re very worried because they have committed a crime. Green lives matter. Put this out and said, Chrissy Teigen says she fears that Trump will come after her if he returns to the White House.

Funny how all of these Hollywood celebrities that tweeted blatant pro pedophile jokes are petrified of the orange man. Like he might actually arrest him for something. If they did nothing wrong, then what is there to be afraid of some of her tweets that everyone found suspicious? Considering pizza is an official code word used by pedophiles on social media, seeing little girls half naked is just, I want to put myself in jail. I’m going to jail over pizza. Looking pretty pedo bearish, cruising the parking lot. The cleanest and the best pleasure is to have s with a 13 year old.

Up until now. Haha. Why are these creeps in Hollywood so afraid of Trump? Because they have committed crimes. They know they’ve committed crimes. Most of these people have been blackmailed. Most of these people know that there are videos of them doing these things. How do you blackmail a person? So, yeah, are they panicked? Are they afraid? Is this why they’re coming out and they’re saying all these things? Absolutely. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is that the FBI, they knew. Since 2016, Hunter Biden’s team nearly scored 120 million ukrainian deal while Joe was VP. So the FBI, they learned as far back as 2016.

Then Hunter Biden and his partners have plotted to set up a new venture in a tax friendly Lichtenstein that would be capitalized by a whopping 120 million investment from the controversial owner of the ukrainian energy firm Burisma holdings. And this is according to the documents. So the mega deal was not referenced inside Hunter Biden’s now infamous laptop or during the 2019 impeachment proceedings involving Ukraine, but was instead chronicled in a trove of 3.39 million documents the FBI seized from Hunter Biden and his business, business partners during the investigation of securities fraud nearly a decade ago. The cache of documents was recently turned over by former Hunter Biden business partner Devin Archer to the House Oversight committee as part of its impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden’s conduct.

The new evidence shows the major investment plan was being built at the time when Hunter was serving on Burisma’s board of directors and Joe Biden was still serving as Barack Obama’s vice president in charge of US Ukraine policy. So the FBI knew about this? The net. The FBI should have brought charges Biden committed treason, but the FBI hit it. This is how the criminal syndicate works. And this was all done under Obama’s watch. You’re trying to tell me that Obama didn’t know nothing about this? Absolutely ridiculous. And you could see how panicked the deep state players are because remember, Trump had them bring his tax case all the way up to the Supreme Court.

The Supreme Court ruled that you can actually go after the president, the vice president, anyone’s tax records and you can actually look into the family’s tax records and the corporations that they might have. And now Biden is panicking, Obama’s panicking, Hillary Clinton’s panicking, because what does James Comer want to do? They actually want a law saying that they can go and take a look at everything. Zach Parkerson put this out and said the Biden White House is apparently working to kill a bill that would require presidents to disclose any foreign income their family receives. And if family are conducting business while traveling on Air Force one, Representative Katie Porter worked with Chairman James Comer on the bill and lined up three Democrats to support these new ethics requirements.

But after the White House contacted those Democrats, Porter says all three suddenly withdrew their support. You think they got a phone call? Now, this would require any individual to show their records. Why wouldn’t they want something like this? Because again, if they don’t do it, they just broke the law. Now, again, Trump, he brought them all the way to the supreme Court. There’s already a ruling. They could investigate any of these individuals just like they’re investigating Biden right now. But any future person would actually have to show all of this. And if they didn’t, we know that they’re covering it up.

And you can see the Democrats, they got a call and said, hey, you better not do this or else we’re going to expose everything that you’ve been doing. Remember, it’s a criminal syndicate. The criminal syndicate maintains control by actually having something on all these individuals. And you could see that the Biden administration, Obama and the rest, they are now actually pushing these people to have them do what they want. And this is how the criminal syndicate works. Now, if any of these individuals move out of line, they will go after these individuals. This is how corrupt the system is.

It’s very, very corrupt. Just like the border is completely corrupt with everything that they’re saying. I mean, the border is wide open. People can see the people coming in. And what’s very interesting is a private social network run by a self identified chinese government agent has been providing illegal immigrants with resources to get into the US and evade border security. The american self guided tour channel is a chinese language group with over 8000 members on the encrypted instant messaging platform Telegram that serves as both a forum for discussing chinese illegal immigration and a hub for documents detailed in specific routes to the US.

Documents in the Telegram channel, translated, identify us border wall gaps, instruct chinese nationals on how to answer questions from border patrol agents and provide scripts for requesting asylum. Furthermore, the channel is overseen by an individual who spreads chinese communist party propaganda. Now, why isn’t the FBI going after this channel? I mean, they go after all the conservatives just for creating a meme, but a channel that is giving instructions and how to evade border security, giving them maps, giving them forms. They can’t locate. This channel. Yeah, they know exactly where it is. They don’t want to go after it because they’re part of the criminal syndicate.

They want them to do this. And we can see this is exactly what we’re seeing. And I want to go back in time a little bit, because yesterday we mentioned DACA, and of course, Biden has an ad running about all the DACA people that they gave amnesty to. But if we go back a little bit in time. Twelve years ago in 2012, Obama created the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, DACA. And this was done via executive order, which has allowed close to a million illegal aliens to avoid deportation from the United States. Standards for DACA championed by Biden were set so low that tens of thousands of illegal aliens with prior arrest records for crimes including murder, rape, kidnapping, and sex abuse were able to secure deferred deportation status and work permits to stay in the United States.

Federal records published in November 2019 by Trump administration revealed that the scale to which illegal aliens with prior arrests were able to apply for and be granted DACA. As of October 2019, the federal government had granted DACA to nearly 68,000 illegal aliens with prior arrest records, while fewer than 30,000 illegal aliens with prior arrests were denied DACA or had their DACA status terminated as a result. So we’re just bringing in people there. Biden is giving them an amnesty. They have arrest records, and it looks like they don’t care. Now, of course they don’t care, because they’re bringing in the criminals.

Remember, they’re criminals dressed up in suits. They need the criminals to come in. They’re always going to protect their criminals. This is why they’re releasing antifa. Every time they commit a crime, they protect their own. If you’re part of the criminal syndicate, we’re going to protect you. We’re going to make sure that you’re not put into prison. Now, anyone that goes against the deep state players and they’re against what they’re doing, well, they’re going to throw those people in prison. And normally, those are the law abiding citizens. But you could see everything that they’re doing right now is not working.

The black population, the hispanic population, they’re all for deportation. FX, hedge put this out on x and said a recent poll found that a majority of hispanic people favor the mass deportation of undocumented immigrants living in the US illegally. The CB’s news YouGov poll found that a majority of registered voters, overall, 62%, would favor the government starting a new national program to deport all undocumented immigrants currently living in the US illegally. 38% said they would oppose it. So the people, they’re on board with what Trump wants to do, even the Hispanics are on board. And I do believe when we see an event and when we see how scary it’s going to be, I do believe the rest of the population, the majority of the population is going to say, you know something, we need to get rid of these individuals.

Because once the first event occurs and it shown that they came over the border under Biden’s watch and he allowed this to happen, well, Trump is going to get those people. Biden is going to lose those people. And I do believe that is coming next. But everything that Biden is doing is completely unconstitutional. And actually, since he’s doing it, it’s an impeachable offense. Steve Miller put this out and said Biden lets in an illegal alien wanted for murder, who allegedly breaks into a home, attacks a young girl, absconds, then rapes and beats and violently murders a mother of five.

And his administration’s response? Bypass Congress to give unconstitutional mass amnesty to illegals. Biden’s executive amnesty is an impeachable offense. And I do believe that Trump of the patriots, they knew what they were going to do. If you look at the 16 year plan, you know they’re going to have open borders. And remember, everything that they’re doing, Trump is countering it all, showing the people of this country, listen, you want open borders, you want an event, you want crime, you want everything that you’re seeing, that’s fine. Vote for Biden. If you want to deport these people, vote for Trump.

Don Junior put this out and said the choice in November is very simple. Joe Biden wants to give amnesty to millions of illegals. Trump will deport the illegals. So I think the decision is going to be very, very easy for the people. And I do believe what they’re going to do is they’re going to choose deportation. Because again, when there are more, more murders, more rapes, and a major event in this country, and people realize that these individuals who created this event came over the open borders, the people are going to be outraged. The people are going to say, this should have never have happened? Why did it happen? And you’re going to see a lot of people explain that.

Yeah, we don’t vet people. We don’t know who’s coming in. They throw away their ids before they get to the border. So we have no clue of who’s a terrorist, who human trafficking trafficker is, who a drug trafficker is, who a child trafficker is, who is a gang member, who’s a terrorist. We have no clue. That’s when people are going to rise up. That’s when people are going to push back like you’ve never seen before. And I do believe that percentage number is going to skyrocket and Trump will have the people on his side. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is we could see the deep state players.

They are definitely trying to do whatever they possibly can to destroy Trump’s businesses, which we’ve seen, and they’re actually trying to destroy true social. As you see, the stock is continually dropping. It looks like there is illegal activity going on with naked shorting. It looks like true social put out some type of press release letting everyone know that this is exactly what they’re doing. And I do believe nunes, going back a little bit time he went ahead and they investigated all this and started to realize that, yes, this is exactly what they’re doing. They are doing naked shorts.

They don’t have the stock. They’re doing it to bring down the stock price, to put a lot of pressure on Trump and hopefully to have true social fold. And there is going to be an investigation. I do believe Nunez has already written a letter to the house to investigate what other firms that are doing this. And these firms, if they are doing this and they’re doing it on purpose, they should be shut down immediately. And I do believe we’ll probably see something like this. And I do believe as the investigation continues and they start to realize what’s really going on here, and they start to look at the records and they start to see which firms are doing it.

I do believe you’re going to see it reversed, just like it did before. Now, remember going back to the very beginning when the company went first one public, they started to do this. They brought the stock down to like, I don’t know, 26, 27, 22 or something around there. And as soon as Nunes mentioned this, the stock price went right back up because they were found out. And I do believe they’re doing the same exact thing once again. And they’ve been doing it over a period of many, many days to make it look like this is naturally occurring, but it’s not naturally occurring.

And I do believe that they will get to the bottom of this and we’ll see how this all plays out in the end. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is that we know that Biden, he’s been trying to push this idea that anyone that’s selling weapons privately, you’re going to be a gun dealer, and you need to get a license for this. Now, again, the Supreme Court, they knocked this down. They said it was completely unconstitutional. But during that period of time when lawsuits were being brought against the Biden administration and being brought up to the Supreme Court, we had the ATF, and they decided to raid Brian Malinowski’s home in West Little Rock, Arkansas.

Now, Mister Malinowski was executive director of the bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport in Little Rock. And what he heard was he heard a noise downstairs. He thought somebody was breaking in. It was the ATF. They put a piece of tape over the camera, and they came into his home and he decided to get his weapon just like anyone would. Because if you hear a noise in your house, you’re sleeping, what would you do? You would go down with your weapon to make sure that it’s not a criminal. Now, if it wasn’t a criminal and it was just maybe your daughter, your son, your brother, or ever coming into the house, it would be okay.

But I do believe they knew that he was going to do that. Just like when you had those no knock raids and they come into individuals homes, they’re hoping that someone would be in there with their weapon, pointing it at them, and this way they could take them out. I do believe that’s why these calls have been placed, so they could take people out. Now, what happened in this situation? He came downstairs, his wife was with him, and they shot him in the head. Now, again, supposedly, allegedly, they were saying that he was selling weapons. And because of this new rule that the ATF created out of thin air, it’s not a law, they decided to go to his home to see what he has been doing.

So they got a warrant and they raided his home in the early morning hours. Now, they tried to raid his home before this. They went ahead and they congregated in a parking lot, but they realized he wasn’t home, so they backed off on that day. So this was definitely a hit job one way or another. And by the way, the ATF officers, no charges whatsoever. So the question is, why couldn’t they just go to his office? Why couldn’t they just ask him questions. Why did it have to be a raid? What did he do that was so illegal? It wasn’t a law, so they use this for something else.

Now, again, he was the executive director of the Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport. Did he see something? There was something else going on. Something does not make sense in this story. And I do believe we’ll probably see the truth come out. There are a lot of people that are investigating it and I do believe they’re going to turn something up. But just very interesting that it has to deal with Bill and Hillary Clinton. I know that’s just the name of the airport, but again, very, very coincidental. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is we could see out in Europe it was a bloodbath for the left and they are now losing seats left and right.

And it looks like the globalist Ursula von der Lyon. She is struggling to get support for a second term as EU commissioner. And they are now all struggling because again, the people are not with them. The people are completely and utterly against them. But again, they’re going to continually fight back. And you can see out in France, that’s exactly what Macron is doing because he is now wanting to have snap elections. But these individuals, the installed individuals, they just keep rotating their position. It’s almost like the pharmaceutical heads, the FDA, the CDC, they just keep rotating the deep state players.

And it looks like the dutch outgoing Prime Minister Mark Ruta will be NATO’s new secretary general. So once again, they’re just rotating these people. It’s the same deep state players. It’s not like you’re getting anyone new. And it looks like they are just swapping people’s positions right now. Again, what are they doing? They’re bringing, they’re prepared and ready to bring us to war. That’s where all this is headed. And what’s very interesting is that Putin, he arrived in North Korea and he has now met with Kim Jong un. Now remember, this is the first visit to North Korea in 24 years.

And he was greeted with street decked out in Putin portraits, russian flags and banners. And basically he is now speaking with Kim Jong un. And he wrote that the two countries will work to establish a trade and a payment system that are not controlled by the west. Analysts said Kim and Putin may adopt a joint declaration that calls for both sides to elevate the levels of military, security and economic cooperation, but saw a low possibility of them clinching a treaty akin to a military alliance. North Korea and the former Soviet Union signed a treaty of friendship and mutual assistance in 61, when North’s national founder, Kim Il sung visited Moscow.

And the treaty back then included a provision for the so called automatic military intervention, under which if one side is under armed attack, the other provides military troops and other aid without hesitation. Now, are they going to do the same exact thing? Maybe, maybe not. But you could see how if something does happen and there is a false flag event and war is on the horizon, you can see how something like this they might do, which would mean they would have a certain alliance, China would have alliance with Russia, and many of the BRIC nations would have alliances.

So you could see how this is all playing out now and again. When you hear world war three, it’s not just one country, it’s multiple countries, it’s the world. And it looks like the pieces are being put into place for all this to happen. Now, I do believe Trump, the Patriots, they knew of the 16 year plan. They knew the deep state players. They were planning on bringing the world to war. And I do believe Trump, he is working with many different leaders to actually make it look like we’re heading toward. I do believe this is all part of his plan to actually wake the people of this world up, wake the people of this country up, because again, we’re heading towards a presidential election.

Let’s talk about our health. It turns out the key to losing weight and keeping it off is not carbs or fat or even probiotic rich foods. No, the end game of having healthy weight, as well as more energy and long, healthy life comes down to a specific switch you can flip in your body to flush out unnecessary calories. Doctor Steven Gundry is calling this caloric bypass. And by activating this specific process in your body, he has seen thousands, yes, thousands of people dramatically improve their health even at age 50 and beyond. This includes losing weight, getting tons more energy and returning to the good health they had in their youth.

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x 22 its linked at the bottom of the video, but hell teach you exactly how he has kept his weight off for free@thehealthyfat.com. x 22 so just click on the link in the description below the video. And when people see war approaching and people are afraid and people see it’s a nuclear war, well, people are going to have to make a decision. In the end, it’s either you want war or you want peace. You decide, because no matter what, you’re going to be in the war, it’s going to be a nuclear war. It’s not going to be fought off in a little piece of land that you never heard of.

Nuclear weapons today can reach the United States and destroy cities, destroy your home. So I do believe people are going to have to make a major, major decision as we get closer and closer to the presidential election. I do believe Trump, the patriots have timed this perfectly to wake the rest of the population up. And think about it. Trump, he visited North Korea, spoke to Kim Jong un, wrote letters back and forth. And I do believe they have a friendship, just like with Putin, just like she. And I do believe all these individuals are working together.

And since Trump came out of office and the resident came in to live in the White House, all of a sudden, North Korea went back to what they were doing. Remember, Obama? He was working with North Korea to start the war. And now North Korea is believed to possess 50 nuclear weapons, 20 more than in the past year. And this is coming from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. And they revealed this in their annual report. And I do believe that, yes, North Korea might be involved with something as we get closer and closer to the presidential election.

Remember, they were going to use North Korea to start the war while Trump was in the White House. They were going to crash the economy while Trump was in the White House. Now think about it as we approach war. What is Joe Biden been doing? Remember, these people hate the United States. They hate the constitution. They want to get rid of all of it. I think everyone could see that today. Their foot soldiers are on the street removing the statues. They’re telling you that the past history doesn’t exist. We’re going to rewrite a new history for everyone.

They’re showing you how they really feel. Biden specifically, same with Hillary Clinton specifically, comes out, calls the american people names. Trump doesn’t call the american people names. He calls the installed, corrupt, treasonous individuals names. Very, very different. Remember, the resident is supposed to be representing the people of this country. Instead, he’s calling the people of this country names. And it shouldn’t matter if you’re maga, it shouldn’t matter if you’re a Democrat. Shouldn’t matter if you’re independent. We’re all Americans here. So when he starts calling a certain group a name or multiple names, Hillary Clinton calling a certain group multiple names.

Kathy Hochul calling a certain group names. When we’re all Americans, that tells you that they don’t like Americans, period. The end. And what has Biden been doing this entire time? He’s been depleting the us oil reserves. He’d been trying to control the gas prices. But what does this do? He’s been using the strategic petroleum reserves. So if we’re approaching war and he’s been using the strategic patrol Missouri, because right now the SPR is at its lowest level in 40 years. What’s going to happen when we go to war? Remember, they don’t want us winning war. Remember, the loser has to do what the winners say, which means we don’t have our constitution, which means our rights completely disappear.

This has been their plan from the very, very beginning. And I do believe Trump has now turned it all around on them. And he is going to give the people a choice, war or peace. It’s that simple. And I do believe most of the people are going to choose peace. And can we explain what the scare event is going to be? Yeah, we could talk about it. But if you really think about it sometimes you really got to show the people they must really experience it. Take Covid when you first heard about it, take 911 when you first heard about it, those people that are old enough to remember the cuban missile crisis, take that and then take all of it and think back to those times.

Combine it all. And that, I do believe, is what the scare event is going to be. Because to wake the people up, the people must feel it. You must show the people and they must understand talk is cheap. The best way is to show people, and I do believe the people are going to see it and the people are going to vote for peace because they’ll have no choice whatsoever. And it will expose the deep state players with everything that they’re trying to do. But you know who’s being exposed. Fauci. The more questions people ask, the worse it gets for him.

Patriots our control put out two posts from X and it says the following. Fauci finally admits closing schools for a year during COVID was a mistake. Why did it take the public health leader four years to admit that conspiracy theorists were saying from the very beginning we were right about everything then. Patriots, our control put the sounds at. Fauci complains that Trump wasn’t tyrannical enough during COVID saying he missed opportunities to use the bully pulpit of the presidency to tell people what to do. So Trump is a dictator, but he won’t force anyone to do anything they don’t want to do.

Their narratives continue to crumble. Absolutely. So who are the dictators? Oh, that’s right. Those people that have been lying to the american people, those people that have been telling you that the vaccine is safe and effective, those people that locked you in your house, those people that were trying to take away your rights, those people that were forcing you to do something, inject a bio weapon into your body, those are the dictators, and they’re pissed off that Trump didn’t do any of that. Amazing. But since Trump didn’t do it, what if Fauci do? He decided to do it, then Biden decided to do it.

That should tell you everything you need to know. But the other thing that’s very interesting is that Kathy Hochul, because there’s a lot of pressure right now. She’s considering a new mass mandate, and it’s not the mass mandate that you think it’s going to be. She’s looking to ban their use in New York. Why? Because of an alarming uptick in anti jewish behavior and aggression. Crime against the jewish people is on the rise. Crime, actually, New York is on the rise. So now there she’s feeling a lot of pressure to actually ban masks in New York.

Now, what’s very interesting about this is that she is now alienating all of those individuals who have been wearing masks, all those individuals who are part of antifa, part of the illegal foot soldiers and everyone else, they’re getting pissed off at Kathy Hochul, just like Biden when he’s trying to take sides with Hamas, take sides with Israel. He’s losing these people. Kathy Hochul, right now, she is losing these people, and it’s going to be a disaster for them because now these people, they’re not supporting these individuals. They are lost. And I do believe since these people are lost, they’re going to find their way.

Now. I do believe Obama and the deep state players, they believe if they bring someone else in, that these people who are lost, they will then go to those people that they’re bringing in. But I think in the end, with what Trump has planned, with war and a crushing economy, I don’t think these people are going to go to the side of the DS anymore. I think they’re going to turn their back on them in the end. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is we could see that every day that passes, Biden’s dementia is getting worse and worse.

Or is he just playing? Is it really him? Because you start to see the pictures of Biden, a lot of these pictures don’t even look like him. And that’s very interesting. But again, we knew that this was going to happen in the end. We knew that his dementia was going to pick up and they were going to have to remove him one way or another. Now, is he doing this for plausible deniability? Think about all the evidence that’s been produced. Think about when Trump gets into office, there’s going to be a special counsel. Is he going to pretty much lose it all and he won’t remember anything, so he won’t be able to stand trial.

It looks like we’re heading down this path. And the people, they are now seeing how bad he really is. Now, I do believe that out in LA, I do believe Obama wanted him front and center. Obama wanted to grab him by the arm. Obama wanted to show people, look how bad it’s getting. And the entire audience and those people that have been watching this on tv or wherever they’re watching it, they saw it firsthand. Sean Davis responds to what’s been happening with Biden and says the deliberate dishonesty on display here from the regime is absolutely insane.

Biden is a vegetable. We can all see he’s a vegetable. There’s a video after video after video of him being a vegetable. And yet they lie and lie and lie because they hate you and they hate this country. And if they have to destroy it to maintain power, then that’s what they’ll do. And this is what they’re trying to convince the american people of. No, no, what you’re seeing is not true. What you’re hearing, what you’re seeing is not true. That reminds me of George Orwell, 1984. The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears.

It was their final, most essential command. And that’s exactly what they’re trying to do. And what they tried to do is they’re trying to convince the american people that since Trump is old and Biden is old, they have the same problem. Old age doesn’t mean you have dementia. I know a lot of people in their mid eighties, in their nineties that are sharp as attack. And I know people that are in their seventies that, yes, are going through dementia. So what they’re saying right now is fake, phony and false. And they’re trying to convince people that Trump has pretty much the same problem.

No lie with Brian Tyler Cohen put this out and said, here’s a photo of Trump having to hold someone’s hand to guide him offstage. I’m sure this will get just as much coverage as the daily Biden old story gets. So he shows a picture of Trump actually holding Don Junior’s hand on stage. Now, x actually put a note to this and said, this is a blatant lie. This was a photo of Trump shaking Don Junior’s hand. When you look at the video, Trump is clapping, walking with no problem, puts his hand out, shakes Don Junior s hand, then let’s go.

Continues to clap, and he walks off stage. So they’re just lying right now to try to convince the people that Trump has the same exact problems. And I do believe this is why Trump is trying to trap the deep state, trap the fake news, trap all these people into having Biden get a cognitive test. And I do believe they should both take a cognitive test. I know Trump already took it. He’s going to pass with flying colors. But before the debate, I do believe that they should both take it and they should both be tested for drugs.

Who’s on drugs? Well, let’s see if this all happens and let’s see if they actually do it. But we know the debates coming up on June 27, and I do believe Obama actually pushed Biden and his people into this because he wanted to show the american people how bad Biden really is. Now, I do believe probably Biden’s people, they probably convinced him, saying, listen, you’re going to show everyone how you have it together, how everything is great and you’re going to do very, very well. I do believe on the other end, there’s Obama convincing these people that’s, that’s why this is happening.

But the real reason is to actually have them mess up during the debates. And if you notice CNN, they put a lot of different rules together to try to control the entire situation. And of course, we have the deep state, the fake news saying that Trump’s going to back out because it doesn’t want to follow all these rules. I think Trump should go through with it. And let’s see what happens with Biden. Will they dope him up enough or will they only give him a little bit and will it run off midstream? That should be very interesting, because what we know is there is a secret Democrat plot to replace Biden and it’s revealed now, we know from yesterday that Annapolina Luna, she overheard the Democrats saying that, yes, they are planning to get rid of Biden.

And the only people that can actually do this is probably going to be Obama, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, they most likely will be involved to force him out. Now, he might be stubborn. He might not want to go. So these individuals, they will have to take it to the next level and use the 25th amendment. So let’s see how this all plays out. But we could see the narrative is already being built. And it’s funny how they say it’s a secret plan. I think we’ve known for a very long time that they were going to replace Biden one way or another.

Actually, Trump let us all know back in 2020 they’re going to use the 25th amendment on Biden. But let’s go back to post 4014. This is April 30, 2020. It says change of banner coming. Why was she saved from officially announcing? Why was she reserved for a last minute change? How do you attempt to sneak one in? How do you attempt to ensure victory? Now, there is a lot of discussion out there saying that, well, they might remove Kamala and actually say she’s not on the ticket and maybe Joe Biden will pick Hillary Clinton to run in the next election.

Now, I don’t know how this is going to work out because, again, there’s not a lot of people that like Hillary Clinton. I mean, they could try. But again, you still have the problem with Biden in that position, because, again, he’s running as the resident. Now, he could drop out and then Hillary Clinton could take his place. But I don’t know if the poll numbers are going to support this because when they did the poll, everyone liked Michelle Obama a lot better than Hillary Clinton. Actually, the people rather have no one because I think that was 27%, Michelle Obama was 20% and Hillary Clinton was way below that.

So I do believe that to actually get the votes from the people, to actually try to make up the difference for their cheating, you’re going to need someone halfway decent. And I do believe Obama wants to stay in control. Can he? Can he control Hillary? I don’t know. But again, it would be very interesting if Hillary came full circle and Trump was running against her again, or we have Michelle Obama, which is my first pick, where she is brought in, and she can easily replace Biden. Because if they take him out with the 25th amendment, Kamala becomes the acting president.

Can they replace Hillary? A white woman for a black woman. I don’t think their dei will allow that. Can they replace a black woman with a black woman? I do believe that is okay. And yes, Kamala can be the acting president and the vice president at the same time while Michelle Obama is running for the presidency. But let’s see all this plays out. But we know that this is definitely coming and we’ll see how this all plays out. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is that Trump, since they made their verdict and they found him guilty, Trump, he tried to get rid of the gag order and he’s appealing it, but it looks like they turned him down.

Not really a surprise because they want him quiet. Remember, this is all about election interference. This is about keeping him quiet. They don’t want him speaking while he’s running for president. This is what the deep state has been doing. So they rejected the gag order. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting, and Julie Kelly put this out, and this refers to Jack Smith and the gag order and the presidential immunity. She said, interesting here by special counsel Jack Smith in seeking his gag order against Trump in classified doc’s case, Smith appears to concede that the FBI agents may be unarmed in the course of official business raids, if operational considerations dictate.

So is this a caveat to the SOP argument? Does anyone believe FBI agents conducted searches of Biden’s home carrying standard weapons, ammo and handcuffs, as agents did during mal raid? As I have indicated, more info on mal raid and Biden consensual search to come. Smith motion on left, FBI firearms policy on right. So the question is, why did Jack Smith include that in his motion? Is he attempting to point to this tidbit when, if DOJ admits FBI agents were unarmed during two searches of Biden’s home for classified documents, even though Merrick Garland already claimed the lethal force policy was in play during those searches? I was told recently by a former FBI agent that when he visited the White House, Secret Service made him lock up his firearm in a secure location.

In other words, he was not allowed to be armed inside the White House. Does that policy also apply to the homes of current presidents? If so, does that also apply to former presidents who are protected by the Secret Service? Something tells me we will learn quite a bit about the disparity in the Biden search for verse, the Trump raid. Also, why did Smith change the word considerations in the official FBI firearm policy to necessities in his motion, more sloppy work, or intentionally deceitful? I’m going to say intentionally deceitful. Now, we know that the Supreme Court, they’re going to be giving their opinion, their ruling on the presidential immunity.

And there were videos that were going around saying that their chain link fences are going up around the Supreme Court. But that seems to be absolutely false. But Andrew Lydon put this out and said, are there riot fences around the Supreme Court tonight? No. Are there bicycle rack fences? Yes. Is that normal? Yes, kind of. Are there more bike rack fences than normal? Yes, it seems that way. What does that mean? Probably means they expect a crowd of people soon. So that is very interesting that they would put up bicycle fences where you can park your bike.

I don’t know if a lot of people are taking their bike to the Supreme Court. So the only thing you can see from all of this is that they’re expecting a crowd of people. Why would there be a crowd of people there if this is all true? Well, the presidential immunity ruling is coming out. And are they expecting something to happen? Are they expecting Trump supporters to show up? I do believe there probably are. Will they have agent provocateurs on site dressed up as Trump supporters? Yes. If this is all going to happen, I do believe they would have this.

If the ruling comes down that the president doesn’t have immunity, are they going to try to get a riot going in this area? Most likely, yes. Now, again, let’s see how this plays out and let’s see what happens. This will be very, very interesting. And the other thing that’s very interesting, it looks like the Connecticut Bar association is now warning lawyers that dissenting opinions on the Trump Bragg law fair suit will not be tolerated. So if you speak out against what the you saw during this case and you don’t agree with it, like Jonathan Turley and the rest of the lawyers, they might disbar you.

And they’re actually warning the people of this, that lawyers, unbelievable. I mean, this is election interference. And actually, they’re trampling on the people’s first Amendment right to speak out freely. So now they’re trying to tell lawyers what they can and cannot say. That tells you everything you need to know. And you can see the deep state players, the fake news, they’re all panicking because Trump, he is getting a huge amount of the black voters. And MSNBC analysts, they’re suggesting that black voters shifting to Trump, it’s because of all disinformation. No, they’re shifting away because of all the disinformation that the fake news has been giving.

And now they can see the truth that is very, very different. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting, and we could see the deep state players, they’re planning on chaos. They’re planning on riots, and they’re planning on going after Trump after he’s elected because this is coming out of the New York Times and they are now planning for the resistance. So what does that really mean? Yes, they’re going to put a lot of things into place to protect everything that they’ve been fighting for. But if they’re planning for a resistance, I do believe this goes a lot further.

And they’re planning to resist Trump just like they were resisting him when he came into the office in 2016. So I do believe they’re going to be using their illegals. They’re going to be using the criminals that they’re releasing from jail, and they’re going to be using Antifa. And I do believe Antifa is going to be the conductors of these riots. And yes, they’re going to have the other soldiers, the criminals and the legals and join in with them. So I do believe that is definitely coming and they’re definitely preparing for this. But I do believe Trump with the patriots, they know this.

And I do believe this is why Trump needed to take control of the country and actually have the military activated. And again, to come full circle, the people will accept the military on the ground because we’re being invaded. And if these people are going to hurt people, if they’re going to attack the United States, if they’re going to breach the White House, which I do believe they might do, or breach any other governmental office, I do believe this is then an insurgency. And think about what is happening here. Yes, they started the insurgency a long time ago.

And if the invaders are invading the country and they’re going after the people of this country and they’re going after the White House and other governmental offices, will the military be called up? I do believe so. I do believe that this will happen. Now, again, most likely, they’re going to pretend that it’s the Trump supporters that are doing this. And I do believe the Biden administration is going to be called on to stop these individuals. And I do believe that you’re going to see that these people are not the Trump supporters, that they are actually antifa illegals and others.

Because, again, when you look at the elections, you can see the deep state players. They’re going to do whatever they possibly can to cheat in the elections. Now, they don’t have the same ability that they had going back to 2020. This time around, it’s going to be a little bit different. And I do believe Trump is actually going. He is actually bringing them down this path, just like the deep state brought everyone down the path of using mail ins, using dropboxes, using masks to keep people away so they can’t see what they’re actually doing. Having not two day, not three day, but four day, five day election days to count the results, to get enough ballots.

I do believe Trump is going to use this against them, but he’s going to switch this into paper. And remember yesterday we talked about this New York Post article about how non citizens are getting voter registration across the US. Well, an individual on tick tock, the older millennial actually found out. Look, there’s a lot of people registering in Pennsylvania, Texas, and many other states, and it doesn’t make sense. Take a listen to what he says here. Tell me what the fuck is going on with the voter rolls in Texas. Like, I’m sure there’s an innocent explanation for this, but I can’t think of one.

So the numbers I’m about to show you come directly from the Social Security Administration. This isn’t some crackpot conspiracy theory website. No, this is SSA dot gov. And this is the help America vote verification. This page exists simply to show you the amount of people that are attempting to register to vote in every state. And it’s broken down weekly. So I don’t want to hear any bullshit that the numbers I’m about to show you have been falsified or that there’s some right wing conspiracy. The numbers I’m about to show you come directly from the Social Security Administration website.

And here’s how the numbers are broken down. You have total non matches. That’s the total number of verification requests where there is no match in our records for the name and the last four of the social. Then you have total matches. That’s the total number of verification requests where there is at least one match in our records on the name and the last four of the social. Then you have single match, alive. That’s basically where you have the name in the last four and it matches somebody that’s alive. Then you have single match, deceased. And that’s where the person matching that name and social trying to register to vote is no longer alive.

So that’s a really fun one, because registering the vote isn’t difficult, but I imagine it’s really hard if you’re dead. Regardless, you’d be amazed at the amount of dead people that try to register every week. But regardless, almost every week in the state of Texas, we are seeing nearly a quarter of a million people try to register to vote. That statistic by itself is pretty fucking wild. You had 227,000 people last week try to register to vote in Texas. Look, I understand Texas is a big state in comparison. California, which has 25% more people than the state of Texas, only had 5600 people try to register in the same time period.

But it keeps happening in Texas and magically, other battleground states like Pennsylvania and Arizona. And when we look at who was trying to register, it gets even weirder. Do you remember what these categories are? First block you’re going to see is total non matches, then total matches, then single match, alive. And then of course, we have the dead people trying to vote. So of the 227,000 people that tried to register to vote last week in Texas, in more than 30,000 of those registrations, the name and social did not match. Now, you had 196,000 that did match and were able to register, and then you had 192,000 where a single match was found alive.

Then you also have the 4571 dead people who tried to register to vote. And the craziest part is, this is happening every week. If you go to any state where we’re not really sure whether it’s going to go Democrat or Republican in the next presidential election, every one of them has an insane amount of people trying to register to vote every fucking week. And also has a very good percentage of them where the name and social don’t match, or the name and the social match somebody who’s dead. So, like I said, I am sure there is an innocent explanation for this.

I’m sure there is some good reason why this could be happening. But if I’m being honest, I can’t think of one. Now, think about what he said here. They’re continually having people register. Now, when we have the election, these people actually don’t have to go to the polls. All they have to be is registered. So, yes, the illegals, they can have them all register, and they don’t have to go to the polls enforced the truth, put this out and said if another 20 million actual american people vote for Trump, the system has an offset. The millions of illegal aliens who have entered the country are generating millions of additional ballots that might be needed.

The illegals aliens don’t need to vote. They just need to generate ballots by registering their physical presence in the correct state or country as needed. The ballot collection and ballot counting groups will do the rest. Now, think about what the other individual said the older millennial, they’re adding these registrations to Texas, to Pennsylvania and other states, even dead people and Social Security numbers that don’t match the actual person. So they’re just registering like crazy. This is going on week by week, getting prepared and ready for the election, because what are they preparing to do? They’re preparing to cheat.

Now, again, they don’t really have the plandemic. I know they’re going to try to really push us very, very hard. Most likely at the last minute, they can try to scare the people. But I do believe in the end, when they realize that they can’t cheat, because it’s just too big, it’s just too many people voting for Trump. I do believe this is what Trump of the Patriots are most likely counting on. Because in the end, I don’t think Trump just wants to win by a little bit. I think he wants to show the deep state players, look, I beat you by a lot, and I have the people behind me, and I think the elections are going to be protected in a way that people don’t think.

I think they’re going to be protected and they’re going to see how they’re protected by something happening to the cheating system. And once something happens to the cheating system, I do believe this is when we turn to paper, this is when we turn to voter id. And at that point in time, no foreign entity can actually try to inject votes into the computer systems. No individual can try to inject ballots and shove people out and feed them into the machines and have votes flip. I do believe when you have an attack on the country and attack on our national infrastructure, the military then protects it.

We turn into one day voting, which it always should have been. We turn into voter id because we are under threat. We’re under attack. And I do believe the people will demand this in the end. And that reminds me of post 4951. It says, how do you show the public the truth? How do you safeguard us elections post potus? How do you remove foreign interference and corruption and install us owned voter id laws and other safeguards? It had to be this way. Sometimes you must walk through the darkness before you see the light. And I do believe it had to be this way.

Because remember, yes, we’re talking about a attack on the infrastructure, but again, you have to put it in context of the economy crashing. We’re heading towards war. The country was just attacked. People are scared. Trump is talking peace. Biden, his administration, whoever’s running, they’re talking war. Fake news is talking war. Rhinos are talking war. Trump is continually saying peace. You don’t think at that point the people will say, you know something, yes, we need to vote and we need to vote now, but we need to vote in a way where a foreign government, because they just attacked us, can’t manipulate the elections.

What can we use? What’s out there? And we need to make sure that they’re us citizens because we don’t know who’s in this country. They might be enemies, they might be foreign enemies. We don’t know. So we need to make sure that these people are us citizens. And I do believe with that, that type of context, I do believe the people will demand paper, people will demand protection at the polls. And I don’t think the illegals will attempt to vote in the election. They might, but I believe they won’t do it because they’re afraid they’ll be found out, especially with the military standing by.

I think they will not take that chance, especially with the people in the poll watchers watching. And yes, there will be poll watchers, yes, there’ll be the military to make sure that the elections are run safely, securely and they’re transparent. So I do believe Trump, he has protected the elections, but in a completely different way to counter everything the deep state is trying to do, just like the deep state had the elections in 2020, no one would have thought the elections would have been run that way. I do believe Trump is turning the tables on them and is going to use everything that they’re doing against them.

And again, are they going to accept the outcome of the elections? Absolutely not. That’s when they’re going to push chaos. That’s when they’re going to try not to certify the elections. But again, Trump has trapped them in this because he took the power away from them. The VP, Kamala Harris, she can’t send the results to the legislator. They’re stuck. They’re trapped. They must certify, but they will resist. But I do believe in the end, Trump, he will get back into office, Trump will take control and the people will be with him. Why? Because the patriots are in control.

Listen, everyone, thanks a lot for listening. Be well, be safe, and especially be prepared. Thanks a lot.

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