Ep. 3378b – Trump Has Set The Stage For The Debates Down The [DS] Goes Strikes Will Come Fast | X22 Report

Posted in: News, Patriots, X22 Reports



➡ This podcast X22 Report episode discusses how Chuck Norris, at 81, maintains his health and energy by focusing on three key aspects of his lifestyle. It also delves into political issues, suggesting that Trump has been truthful about the corruption within the government, while Biden and others have been lying. The host believes that Trump is setting the stage for revealing these lies in upcoming debates, which will expose the deep state and its players. The episode ends with a discussion about Hunter Biden’s legal issues and the possibility of his sentence being commuted.
➡ The text discusses theories about political pressure on President Biden and his potential removal from office. It suggests that Hunter Biden might be a CIA asset, which could explain some controversies. The text also mentions Attorney General Merrick Garland’s refusal to hand over audio recordings, which could potentially be used to force Biden out of office. Lastly, it touches on concerns about open borders and potential terrorist threats.
➡ The text discusses the idea that governments often label those who oppose them as terrorists, citing examples from the Middle East and the U.S. It also suggests that border security is a national security issue, with potential terrorists entering countries due to lax border controls. The text further criticizes the EU for forcing countries to accept immigrants and suggests that people are growing tired of such policies. Lastly, it mentions a potential loan to Ukraine backed by Russia’s frozen assets, which the author believes is a scheme to keep Ukraine operational.
➡ The text discusses various topics including political speculations about Trump, a NASA simulation that sparked rumors, concerns about the safety of COVID vaccines, and allegations against Dr. Anthony Fauci. It also mentions legal actions in India against scientists who advised against Ivermectin, the push for diversity and inclusion, and the activities of groups like Antifa and Hamas supporters. The author suggests that these events are part of a larger plan to cause chaos and division.
➡ The text discusses allegations of a deep state conspiracy against Trump supporters, suggesting that the events of January 6 were a setup. It also mentions the sentencing of a 76-year-old woman for blocking an abortion clinic doorway, comparing it to the treatment of Trump supporters. The text further
discusses the refusal of National Guard assistance by Nancy Pelosi and others during the January 6 events. Lastly, it talks about the declining popularity of President Biden, the potential impact of inflation on his re-election chances, and the authenticity of Hunter Biden’s laptop.
➡ The text discusses concerns about election integrity, with many people believing that the 2020 election was manipulated and expecting the same for 2024. It mentions a Michigan judge ruling against certain election practices, such as lax signature verification for mail-in ballots, which some believe could lead to cheating. The text also suggests that if cheating is prevented, the election results could be different. Finally, it implies that there may be attempts to stop the election if cheating is not possible, and that the truth about certain political figures may be revealed as the election approaches.


Hi and welcome. You’re listening to the x 22 report. My name is Dave in this episode 3370 08:00 p.m. today’s date is June 13, 2024 and the title of the episode is. Trump has set the stage for the debate down the deep. State goes strikes will come fast. Talk about our health. Have you ever wondered what happened to the legendary Chuck Norris? I recently saw a video he made and I was shocked. He’s in his eighties and still kicking butt and working out and staying active. What’s even more shocking is he’s stronger and can work out longer and even has plenty of energy left over for his grandkids.

He did this by just making one change. He says he still feels like he’s in his fifties. His wife even started doing this one thing too and she’s never felt better. She says she feels ten years younger, her body looks leaner and she has energy all day. Chuck made a special video that explains everything. Make sure you watch it by going to chuckdefense.com x 22 or click the link down below in the video. It will change the way you think about your health. Once again, thats chuckdefense.com x 22 and click on the link in the description below to watch the video now.

You wont believe how simple it is. Just a reminder, the legendary Chuck Norris is a whopping 81 years old and yet has more energy than me. He discovered he could create dynamic changes to his health simply focusing on three things to sabotage our body as we age. Watch this method by clicking the link in the description box below. That is chuckdefense.com x 22. Let’s get into the economic collapse. Political and geopolitical news now. The deep state, the corrupt politicians, big tech fake news, the puppet masters, they are not in control of the situation. I do believe Trump or the patriots.

They’re controlling everything that we’re seeing now. I don’t mean on a micro level. They’re making sure the country is safe. But what they are controlling is what people see on a grand scale to destroy the deep state players. And I do believe Trump. Every step of the way he’s going to convince, and he has been convincing the people that he’s been telling the truth from the very, very beginning. And the Biden administration and all those intelligent clowns and the fake news and everyone else, they’ve been lying to the people. Think about what the people have realized so far.

From the very, very beginning, Trump has been telling everyone that he caught them all. They were spying on his campaign. They were coming after him. They rigged the election. The laptop was real. Biden was taking money from foreign governments. And he’s been telling the people, if Biden gets into the White House, he’s going to open the borders, he’s going to destroy the economy, he’s going to bring us to war. The people now are actually seeing the truth. And even though when you go back in time, the fake news, Biden and others, they continually said Trump was lying, everyone now can see that he was right.

He was telling the truth. And it was those individuals that were lying. Take, for example, the lack the laptop. Trump let everyone know, hey, the laptop is real. Actually, a lot of people said the laptop was real. Biden, the intelligence clown, said, no, the laptop is fake. Trump, during his debate in 2020 with Biden, told everyone that he’s taking money from foreign governments, he’s selling the country. And once again, Biden lied about this. He said, no, that is untrue. Trump is the one who is lying. So did Trump set everything up for the debates that are coming in June now, again, is Biden going to go through with it? Most likely.

We’ll see what happens. But it looks like Trump has set it up now, because think about what he said back in 2020, and think about what he’s going to say in the 2024 debates, because all he has to do now is go back in time and saying, you lied, you lied, you lied. What are the people of this country going to see? They’re going to see the lies. That’s what they’re going to see. And I do believe what Trump is going to do. He’s going to bring other players into focus that went along with all of this.

Maybe Obama, maybe Hillary Clinton, and the people at this point, they’re going to see the truth of the matter and they’re, it’s going to show that he has been the one telling the people the truth. And Biden and the fake news and the clowns, they’ve been lying to the people. This is how you show the country who the bad guys are and who the good guys are. And I do believe Trump most likely will bring up other things because, again, who’s coming into focus? Well, we know a change of batter is coming. So I do believe he’s going to have to mention a couple of other things, which he will.

Plus, he will use the economy, he will use everything against Biden. But the people again will start to understand. And when this is broadcast on CNBC, MSNBC and the rest, they might cut it out. They might not show that part, but if they do well, Biden, the deep state, they’re screwed. Even if they don’t show it, it will be all over social media. And remember, they don’t control rumble, they don’t control truth, they don’t control x. This will be a complete and utter disaster for them. Down the deep state goes. That is what we’re going to say.

And I do believe the strikes will come faster and faster and faster against the deep state players, and people will start to learn, especially as we get closer and closer to the presidential election. I do believe we’re going to see a lot of truths all of a sudden come out of the woodwork and people are going to be shocked. Especially when you have the fake news, especially when you have the deep state players trying to push us into war and you have an individual saying, we don’t have to go to war, we could actually have peace.

This is going to destroy the deep state players in the end. But at that point, I don’t think they’re going to care. Why? Because they have to use everything. They possibly have to actually to try to stop Trump. Because they can’t have him winning the election. If he wins the election, they know it’s game over. So they will use everything. They will use as many scare events as they possibly can. And I do believe this is why Trump had to take control of the country. This is why he needed them to have the insurrection, because otherwise he wouldn’t have the control that he has today.

And yes, the military is monitoring everything to make sure that we are safe. Now, that doesn’t mean there’s not going to be an incident. But what I’m saying, we’re not going to have a nuclear explosion where thousands upon thousands upon thousands of people are going to perish in this country. And I do believe Trump set it up that way to make sure that people are safe in this country while showing the people of this country the 16 year plan. Now, we’re going to be talking a lot more about this a little bit later, but first, let’s talk about Hunter Biden.

Because since Hunter Biden has been convicted on three gun felonies, how come the DC bar still has him as good standing? Why does he still have his license? Does that make any sense? That seems kind of odd, doesn’t it? I mean, as soon as Trump got the fake conviction, what did they do? We’re taking away his liquor license. Even though he doesn’t have a liquor license, we’re taking away his gun license. Where we’re taking away everything from him, but nothing for Hunter Biden. Hmm. That’s interesting. And we know that the White House, that Biden, they continually lied to the people.

And remember going back in time when the press secretary Cream Jean Pierre, when she said, no, we’re not going to pardon Hunter Biden. Now, she said this back in September 15, 2023. Question and just a brief second, would the president pardon or commute his son if he’s convicted? Jean Pierre, so I’ve answered this question before. It was asked of me not too long ago, a couple of weeks ago, and I was very clear and I said no. But what do we know now? Well, the White House isn’t ruling out a potential commutation for Hunter Biden after his conviction.

So once again, they lied to the people. Now, there’s a difference between a pardon and a commutation. Zeno on X put this out and said words have meaning. And Democrats are professionals at mental gymnastics. A pardon forgives and often forgets the crime, erasing its legal effects. A commutation just lessens the severity of the sentencing but leaves the conviction intact. So another way of saying this is that a pardon relieves an individual of all guilt for the crime committed, while a commutation reduces the sentence without exonerating the person. So I wouldn’t be surprised if the White House goes through with this.

I’m talking about Biden himself because we know that this was always going to happen. And I do believe this was pushed and pushed very hard to put pressure on Biden because, remember, they were just going to sweep this under the rug. And then all of a sudden, it was brought out into the open. The plea deal was brought out into the open. So I do believe they’re trying to remove Biden any way they possibly can. And they’re going to put pressure on him every step of the way because what do they want to do? They want to bring someone else in.

Remember, Biden was never supposed to be the resident. It was supposed to be Kamala. She was going to be much, much easier to control because she would just do anything that the Obama said. Biden’s a little bit more stubborn, and it’s a little bit more, it’s a little bit tougher to control. But again, we can see at this point in the game, they must remove him any way possible. Now, the other thing that’s really interesting about Hunter Biden is that Mike Benz from Revolver, he wrote an article and it says, once you understand that Hunter Biden was a CIA intelligence asset, everything makes sense.

So if you take a step back and look at things from a different angle, everything starts to make a lot more sense. Instead of just seeing Hunter Biden as some perverted crackhead who grew up with a silver crack pipe in his mouth, what if we saw him as something more sophisticated, like a well groomed CIA asset? This twist adds a whole new layer to the longstanding drama around the Biden crime family. So Mike’s been highlighting Hunter’s very sensitive CIA work for quite a while now. The CIA by other name, Isis, Hamas, Hezbollah, Antifa, BLM. Hillary Clinton created ISIS with Obama.

President Trump, Hunter Biden is untouchable because his work in Ukraine touched on very sensitive CIA operation. So Mike Benz is saying that, yes, Hunter Biden is a CIA asset. And actually, when you look at it from that perspective, things start to make a lot more sense, don’t they? And honestly, this theory could really explain why there are so many high level relatives on the Burisma board and why VP Biden once threatened to withhold a billion dollars from Ukraine unless they drop their internal investigation. And perhaps the most troubling part is that nobody cared, possibly because our entire intelligence community was in on all of it.

You mean the entire criminal syndicate was in on it? Absolutely. Now I think people are starting to understand how deep and wide this really is and how they were all part of the same criminal syndicate. And this is why nothing will be done. Because when you have the criminal syndicate running everything, they’re not going to go after themselves and arrest themselves and try themselves. It makes no sense. And that’s why you see all of this being played out with attorney, Attorney General Merrick Garland. Remember, he is now in contempt because he didn’t hand over the audio recordings and he’s trying to convince everyone that he’s above the law.

Molly put this out and said Merrick Garland, who is hiding his boss’s audio taped interview regarding mishandling classified documents, tells Congress he’s above the law. And that’s pretty much what he’s doing. He put out a memo saying that this has no effect on me whatsoever. Now, remember, the deep state players that he’s, they did this to the conservatives. They did this to Trump’s people. Actually, CNN put out an article and it says House GOP votes to hold attorney general Garland in contempt over Biden audio recordings. But if you read down the article a little bit, it, it says the following.

Democrats have used this process several times as they ran into uncooperative allies and former aides to Trump during their investigation into the January 6, 2021 attack on the US Capitol. The Department of justice ultimately did not pursue charges against Trump, a Dan Scavino and former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows. But federal prosecutors did take two Trump ally Steve Bannon and former White House trade adviser Peter Navarro to trial on the criminal contempt charges. Now we have Peter Navarro, he’s in prison, and Steve Bannon, he’s slated to go to prison. I think it’s July 1 or so.

So think about what they’ve done here. And now Merrick Garland, who is in contempt for not handing over the audio recordings. He’s saying it doesn’t affect him whatsoever. DC Drano put this out and said, I’m happy Congress votes to hold Merrick Garland in contempt. Yes. Do I think Merrick Garland is going to now indict himself? Laugh out loud. There’s only one way for Congress to show they’re serious about this. They need to arrest Merrick Garland themselves with the house sergeant of arms. And yes, they have the legal power to do so, and they should do it.

Now, when you look at the sergeant arms, the duty of the sergeant arms is protocol and special events, chamber operations, house garages and parking, security information services, police services, law enforcement. Now, yes, they can arrest Merrick Garland. Who’s going to try him? What are they going to do with him? You think the DOJ is going to say, ok, let’s prosecute him? No, they’re not. They will get him off any way they possibly can and they will release him. That’s what you’re going to see. I mean, it would be pretty cool if the sergeant of arms actually arrested him.

But again, if you have the system which is corrupt, nothing can be done at this point. So once again, they’re actually showing the american people they are above the law because they are corrupt. Sean Davis says all DOJ does is lie. If it is refusing to release audio and video of President poopy pants deposition, it’s because the audio and video will show the transcript isn’t accurate and it isn’t accurate. And the Biden audio isn’t covered under executive privilege. This is a made up lie by Garland and his criminal enablers. They’re just hiding beef behind executive privilege.

Julie Kelly put this out and said, Joe Biden is the first president in us history to deny executive privilege protection to his predecessor. Biden’s decision allowed J six committees to access Donald Trump’s records for far earlier than usually allowed. So basically, they set a precedent. And once again, what’s going to happen when things are turned around? I do believe they’re going to do the same thing they did to Trump. Now, again, Trump likes to follow the rule of law. Do they? Are they going to need this? I don’t think so, because I think they have so much evidence on them.

But if they have to use it, they can cite the same exact thing that they did. Remember, everything that they’re doing to Trump, Trump is going to do to them. Stephen Miller on X said the secret tape of Biden is so damning, Garland would rather be held in contempt of Congress than turn it over. Absolutely. And I do believe what is happening right now is that they’re holding this audio tape back because they’re going to use this later on if Biden doesn’t step down on his own accord and they have to force him out, this audio recording is the perfect weapon because it will show that he’s losing it.

If you’re going to try to take someone out with the 25th Amendment, you’re going to have to show a little bit of proof. Yes. Do we see proof all over the place? Do we see it on video? I mean, he’s with the world leaders today and he’s a complete and utter mess. He turns around, Shakespeople’s hand that aren’t really there. He mumbles his words, he does all these things. But again, if you’re going to prove to the people that he really lost it, all you got to do is produce the audio recordings. And I do believe Garland is being instructed to hold on to them, do not release them yet.

We’re going to use this as an insurance policy because we’re going to push Biden out. And I don’t mean Trump’s doing this. I mean Obama and team, they are doing this. If he doesn’t leave and he’s going to stay in this position, then we will force him out. We will produce this and use it with the 25th amendment to remove him. And it might come down to this. We’ll have to see how this all plays out. Now, when we look down at the border, we understand that the borders are wide open and there are terrorists coming in.

And yes, I do believe there is going to be an event in this country. We’re already seeing one that actually was going to happen. But they countered it and they stopped the russian ISIS people from using a bomb in maybe one city or multiple cities. But I do believe if there’s a group like that, which is run by the deep state, you know, there’s going to be another group that actually is going to do something in this country, because the deep state players, they train multiple people. And remember the Islamic State, al Qaeda, and all the other terrorist organizations, they are state funded terrorists and they are run by our intelligence organizations.

So when you see out in the Middle east, remember back in the day with Obama when they were going into all the countries trying to maintain control and al Qaeda was attacking their new puppet government. It wasn’t really al Qaeda. It was the people trying to get back in control of their country. And they had to call them al Qaeda, a terrorist group to use the drones on them to keep them back. Remember, they wanted to prop up the petrodollar at the time, and that’s why they were going to Syria, because they were trying to keep the system going.

Now, think about today. We have a puppet government that is in DC, and what do they call all the people? Terrorists. That’s the same exact thing. But in reality, when you look at the Islamic State, al Qaeda, Hezbollah, Hamas, those are all state funded terrorist organizations funded by the deep state players. But again, anyone that goes against them, those people are called terrorists. That’s why Biden is, is saying maga, extremists, terrorists. That’s why they keep calling we the people names. This is why they’re saying, listen, if you try to remove us with an election or anything else, we have f 15s.

We won’t allow this to happen. Think about what happens in the other countries. When they replace the government there, the people try to take it back. They call them al Qaeda, and what do they do? They bomb them with drones. Just think about what Biden just said here. We will use f 15s on the people that are trying to remove us. See any similarities? Absolutely. But when you look at the border, you understand that border security now is national security, because once the event occurs, I mean, we already see the invasion, but once the event occurs, it is now a national security issue.

And this is why Trump said, listen, when I’m elected, I can use the military because we have an invasion. It’s a national security issue. Karma. Patriot put this out and said border security equals national security. Points to Speaker Johnson. Biden’s wide open border is allowing potential terrorists to enter the country, jeopardizing the safety and security of the american people. He is playing politics at the risk of our national security. It’s dangerous and unacceptable. And down below, it shows a terror watch list encounters and goes back to 20 17, 20, 18, 20, 19, 20 20. And those numbers add up to what? Eleven and when you look at 2021, 202-223-2024 you have 1598, 169 and 80.

There’s a lot more terrorists in there. And I do believe, and I agree with karma. Patriot that Tom Homan, Trump and the military, they’ve been monitoring all the illegals. They know how many are here, they know where they are, they know exactly what’s happening. And I do believe Trump of the patriots, they’re going to pull them out of the shadows and bring them into the light so they could be round up. But I do believe the deep state is actually going to release them onto the public. And once again, once they do that, you know exactly where they are.

I mean, most of the people know where they are. You just got to look at the sanctuary cities. But again, they probably disperse them into many other locations that we don’t know of. But I do believe the military does know. And what’s very interesting is we could see all the countries, they have a illegal immigrant problem, an invasion on their hand. And when you look at Europe, you could see it as clear a day. But now, remember, the installed leaders, they’re allowing this, they want this to happen just like here in this country. They’re actually just flying in the foot soldiers.

But there are certain countries in Europe that don’t want the illegals in this country. And remember, the EU, which is an unelected body, they are now controlling all these nations and say, no, you must do what we say. Hungary now is fined 200 euro, 200 million euro for not allowing the invasion. So Victor Orban has been refusing and saying, no, we’re not allowing all these people in here, and they’re going to be fined €200 million every day until they allow the invaders. So an unelected body, the EU, is telling a country, you must do what we say or we’re going to fine you every single day.

And Victor Orban, he said, this is outrageous and unacceptable. Remember, this is a sovereign nation. You have unelected people telling you what to do in your nation. The EU should be disbanded immediately. It should have never been created in the first place. But again, it was a template to have total control over all the nations. And it looks like the nations are waking up, the people are waking up in Europe. And this is why you have France, Spain, soon, the UK, Netherlands unit, Belgium, they’re all now panicking because the people are saying, you know something, we’re done with the installed leaders.

We’re out, we are removing them, we’re taking back the country. The same thing’s going to happen here. The people are going to take back the country. Now. How are the people going to take back the country? Because the people are seeing how the deep state players are destroying this country and it’s going to get worse and worse as time goes on. And we could see war is definitely building all throughout the Middle east. It’s building in Ukraine and soon Taiwan. And we have russian ships that you do. You know that millions of Americans face an epidemic of sleeplessness that is silently harming their health and well being.

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Is it happening right now? I don’t believe so. I believe they’re just in port right now visiting Cuba. But again, this sets up the entire narrative. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is that the G seven leaders, they’re going to lend Ukraine billions backed by the Russia’s, by Russia’s frozen assets. And Alex put this out and he says, here’s how it’s going to work. The G seven will announce a $50 billion loan to Ukraine. Two months ago, us approved a 61 billion to Ukraine. The grift will never end. The goal of the loan is to make it Trump proof.

If Trump wins in November, he will not be able to stop the money flows to protect Ukraine. The US will provide most of the 50 billion loan to Ukraine. The loan will be backed by the profits from the 200 billion in russian frozen assets frozen in Brussels and euro clear. Stealing the full amount of russian frozen assets has proven to be legally difficult and risk spooking investors, leading to an exodus of funds from Europe. But they can take loans out on it. And I do believe this is what they’re going to do here. And they’re going to try to keep Ukraine operational.

And it looks like Biden and his administration is trying to sign a ten year agreement with Ukraine. Now, I do believe Trump, he’s going to remove this when he comes into office. Now, again, they’re going to try to make it very, very difficult for him to do this, but I do believe they’re going to find workarounds and they’re going to find out that this was done illegally. So once again, I do believe Trump, he’s going to remove everything that they’re doing right now, even though they think that they’re putting everything into place where they, where Trump won’t be able to do anything.

But think about how Trump was able to renegotiate NAFTA. They thought it was, you know, foolproof and he was able to renegotiate it. I do believe he’s going to be able to do everything that he did before and do it again, even though they’re trying to make it seem like he can’t. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is that NASA accidentally broadcasts a simulation of astronauts being treated for decompression sickness on the International Space Station, prompting speculation of an emergency in posts on social media. Now, it was leaked out. It was a simulation they were practicing.

But why was this brought out into the open? And I find this very, very interesting, because think about all the movies that we’ve seen. We’ve seen the one from Obama where there’s a cyber attack on the country, and we know the cyber attack narrative is building right now. There’s another movie out there called Civil War. We know the deep state players, they want to have a civil war. They want the american people fighting the illegals. They want blood and guts and destruction everywhere because they can handle something like that. And they want what? A nuclear war.

And there, there was a movie that was just released called ISS, the International Space Station, where people were in the space station and they watched Earth being blown up by nuclear weapons. And the most important item on the International Space Station is the treatment for radiation sickness. And who do you have on the International Space Station? Russia and the US. And they started to take sides. So that is very interesting that this was accidentally put out into the open. But when you go to the YouTube channel, you see that the audio, it just shows error messages right now.

So was it done purposely? Did they want to leak this out? Are they projecting out there? It’s starting to seem that way. Now. The other thing that we’ve come to find out is that the bio weapon, well, it’s taking its toll on the population of this planet because that is the real plan, demic. And they made sure, and they tried to make sure that everyone took it. And there were a lot of people that took it, but there were a lot of people that didn’t take it. And you could see that certain countries that did decide to take it and actually take boosters, well, they are now paying for it.

Steve Kirsch put this out and said data from the New Zealand Ministry of Health shows that the COVID vaccines have killed over 10 million worldwide. It’s finally here. Record level data showing vaccine timing and death rate. There is no confusion any longer. The vaccines are unsafe and have killed an average of around one person per 1000 doses. And this was put out on December 1, 2023. And what’s very interesting is that Rasmussen did a poll and chief nerd put this out and it says more Democrats than Republicans are questioning the safety of the COVID vaccines. So now Democrats and mostly Democrats took the vaccine.

I’m not saying all Democrats, yes, there were Republicans that did take it, but a lot of MAGA people decided, you know something, I’m not going to do this. And a lot of Democrats, they took boosters. They still wear in their masks. And this is very, very interesting. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is we’ve come to learn that Doctor Anthony Fauci, his department concealed plans to create a mutant monkeypox virus that could have started a pandemic. Now the question is, did he create the original monkeypox. Because now we have to start to look at all these diseases and start to question, where did they actually come from? Was Fauci and others involved in all this? That is very interesting.

But the other thing that’s really interesting is it looks like India. They are really cracking down on those scientists that decided to hold back ivermectin. The L observator put this out and says, ivermectin who scientists faces death penalty. India could be the first country to you to sue a who scientist for advising against ivermectin, against Covid-19 the India Bar association has initiated proceedings. So India is not messing around here. And they’re saying, listen, you are criminally negligible. You killed people for holding back ivermectin. Now take that and expand that. Remember when Trump was telling everyone hydroxychloroquine, it acts like a vaccine and it actually works.

And what did the deep state, what did the who, what did Fauci, what did everyone, the medical association, what did they do? They pretty much told people, don’t take it, you’re going to die. They did the same thing with ivermectin. These people are guilty. Guilty of killing Americans, guilty of killing people around the world. They knowingly did this. They knew exactly what these drugs were. They’ve been around for a very, very long time. They lied to the people. And again, the people are learning this. This is why I believe that the next pandemic is really not going to take off.

They will push it. They’ll try to convince people, and they will try everything they possibly can, but I don’t think it’s going to work this time around, just like Dei is not working. I mean, people now could see very, very clearly that Dei does not work. I mean, Kamala Harris, she was brought in as the vice president, and she’s a Dei applicant. I think that tells you everything you need to know. But Maxine Waters, she was out there, and she says Dei is important because black prosecutors and judges like Leticia James, Tanya Chukan are going after Trump.

So, you know, the black prosecutors who actually campaign on getting Trump, this is why we need these people. Well, again, let’s just put this in perspective. These people are criminals. These people can’t think on their own. They’re easy to control and they’ll do whatever they’re told to do. Are they working in the best interests of the people of this country? No, they’re Dei, which means they’re not the best of the best. They don’t have the best qualifications. They have the worst qualifications, and they’re easy to control. And this is what we see. And the people, they’re starting to understand and starting to learn that, you know, what? Dei is not the way to go.

Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is we could see the deep state players. They are pushing their foot soldiers very, very hard. Now, just because Biden is part of the criminal syndicate doesn’t mean he’s controlling antifa. I don’t believe he is controlling antifa. I do believe the unelected individuals, the intelligence community, and many others, they’re the ones who, you name it, they’re controlling the foot soldiers. Remember, their entire mission is to destroy this country any way they possibly can and to kick off a civil war. They don’t care how they do it. They just want to do it.

And what we had was we have these Hamas supporters who are dressing up like Hamas terrorists, if you really want to look at it this way, because that’s what they’re doing. They’re dressing up as Hamas terrorists, and they’re terrorizing the country. Hmm, very interesting. And they use the scarves to cover their face. Remember, these are the same people, Antifa, who were covering their faces during the BLM protest, but then they were able to use masks. Well, a lot of people aren’t wearing masks today. So they decided, you know something? Let’s cover our faces with the scarves, and we can ride on the Hamas terrorists, and we can use the COVID story of, oh, we got to free Palestine.

Well, Palestine is being freed. Israel’s removing the terrorists, so they should be very, very happy. But now we have these individuals going into the New York City subway asking people and chanting, are you a zionist? Are you a jew on the trains? This is your chance to get out. Long live October 7. Now, what happens if they spotted someone with, like, say, a jewish star or something like that? Or someone said, yes, I am. I’m jewish. What would they do to these people? I mean, are we seeing a repeat of Nazi Germany? It’s starting to seem that way.

And the jewish community, which is very interesting, they’re saying, you know something, it’s time to ban masks in New York. Actually, masks were banned in New York and many other places until Covid, and then that ban went away. I do believe they should reinstate that ban because they’re bringing up the case of the Ku Klux Klan. As soon as they banned the mask, the hoods, and they couldn’t wear them because it was against the law that pretty much destroyed the Ku Klux Klan. Yes, they still exist today, but not the way we know them. They’re still, yes, in the shadows.

So once again, why does the deep state want masks? Because they want the foot soldiers to hide their identities. Most of these individuals, I would say the majority, are antifa and trans. And once you find out who they are, I think people are going to be very, very surprised. You’re going to find out that probably from rich families, they might be professors, they might be teachers, and people will be absolutely shocked of this. But the bass should come off and the law should go back to the way it was because you know what Covid has passed now.

You know what hasn’t passed. What happened on January 6. More and more evidence is coming out showing how this was a complete setup. It was driven by the deep state players. They had their foot soldiers on the ground, dressed up as Trump supporters. They had 100 confidential human sources, and it was coordinated and planned for over a year, all to go after the Trump supporters to say, don’t even ever, ever come after us. Think about what we said before. Think about what Biden said about f 15s. Think about how they do this in other countries. They put in a puppet government.

And anyone that goes against what they’re doing, they are arrested or killed. What are they doing here? They’re arresting all the people that went up against them. We’ve seen, we’ve seen what they’ve done in other countries. It’s the same exact playbook. There’s no difference. Julie Kelly put this out and said, I’ve obtained the transcript of the sentencing hearing for a 76 year old Paula Harlow, who was convicted by a DC jury by, for blocking a doorway at late term abortion clinic in 2020. When I tell you the Lyme prosecutors and judges in DC are solace, saddest, believe me.

And they want to give this individual, the 76 year old individual, 33 to 41 months, and this is just blocking a doorway of a late term abortion clinic. Think about all those January 6 people that have been put into prison. They’re still in prison. They’re trying to teach the Trump supporters a lesson. Do not go up against anything that we’re trying to do or we will put you in prison for a very, very long time. This is how they’re actually sending a message and cash. He’s sending a message of his own. And think about what happened during January 6.

Trump authorized the National Guard who rejected it, Nancy Pelosi, the mayor of DC, and many others. Carly Bone, is pointing to cash Patel. He put out a video. It says, do you remember the time when we told you the truth and everyone else lied? Take a listen. I was in the Oval Office on that day, days prior to January 6, with the secretary of defense, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and others in President Trump. And he authorized, as the law requires, ten to 20, 20,000 national guardsmen and women to be utilized around the country.

Mayor Bowser’s letter where she declined the National Guard authorization from President Trump. To be clear, the District of Columbia is not requesting other federal law enforcement personnel and discourages any additional employment communications between the leader of the Capitol Police and their chain of command to the doctor refusing our request. Before January 6, acting Capitol Police chief Yogodanda Pittman blamed the Capitol Police board for denying an early request to call in the National Guard. That request did not come in from Nancy Pelosi and the Capitol police. On January 4 or fifth. Did you, as required by law, authorize that? 100%.

Nancy Pelosi turned it down. It was a fed selection. They knew the fix was in. Secretary of the army was supposed. It’s really a tragedy. Intelligence available before January 6 identified plans to, quote, invade the Capitol. We immediately shared that information with DC and Capitol police. If you knew about this, why didn’t you call in the guard? President Trump gave no order to deploy the National Guard that day. Conspiracy to defraud the United States and conspiring in attempting to obstruct an official proceeding. What’s going on here is a massive cover up by Pelosi and the Democrats.

It will make Christopher Steele and Danchenko look like a teacup ride at Disney World. Who goes to the extent of destroying encrypting documents. The only insurrectionists are the Nancy Pelosi’s and mayor bowsers of the world. And this January unselect committee, Tony Ornato, another one of those witnesses we didn’t get to see, the full transcript of, he testifies. You darn right, that Donald Trump authorized 10,000 national guards. Barry Loudermilk made criminal referrals for obstruction. Liz Cheney and Adam Schiff buried this exculpatory evidence of Donald Trump. And I do believe that eventually, as time goes on, as we get closer and closer to the presidential election, I wouldn’t be surprised if evidence comes out and people start to learn that, yes, NaNcY Pelosi, well, she was responsible for rejecting the National Guard.

Actually, Trump has told us many, many times before, but I do believe people are going to see the emails, text messages, and many other messages. They believe they deleted them, but I don’t believe they’re deleted whatsoever. Now the other thing that’s very interesting is we know that the DNC, they are having the Democrat national Convention this summer in Chicago, and they’re very, very nervous in Chicago because of what is happening with the anti Israel marches, with the terrorists roaming the streets, you know, antifa. And now the Chicago police are undergoing special training and expectation of chaos at the DNC.

So we’re going to have to see how this all plays out. This is going to be very, very interesting and we’ll see what craziness happens during this period of time because remember, this is when they’re going to nominate Biden. And once they nominate him, we’re going to see the change of batter. And I do believe it just right around the corner. Why? Because Biden’s numbers are dropping like a rock and he’s in trouble and they need someone that is halfway decent where they could try to repair some of this. Remember, if they’re going to try to cheat in the election, they have to make it look like it’s at least close, where they actually have voters.

If they have no voters and they have to make up all the ballots, it’s going to look very, very suspicious. And what’s very interesting is that the Nevada’s republican governor, Joe Lombardo, says that inflation is going to lead to Joe Biden’s losing the state in November. He says people, they’re experiencing real economic hardship and Biden just doesn’t get it. It’s not just Nevada. It’s many, many states. People now, they see it, they understand this and they realize that he’s not fixing the problem, he’s making the problem worse, which means people have this in common and people are going to have war in common.

They’re going to have both in common because this has nothing to do with Republican or Democrat or independent. Because when the economy’s failing, you lose your job and you can’t support your family, can’t pay your bills, and war is on the horizon. You want someone to fix this and all the people are going to see is Biden, who wants to actually bring everyone to war. And he’s not going to fix the economic problem. He might try to talk to people like he’s going to do it, but he’s never going to do it because people have to do is look back in time where he said he was going to control inflation, he was going to make the economy better.

How’s that worked out it’s getting worse and worse as time goes on. Remember, inflation is cumulative. It might slow with the percentage numbers, but you can’t remove the inflation. If that was the case and we went back to 0%, we would go back to 1971 prices, wouldn’t we? But instead we actually, in reality have 3000%. And all you’re doing is now controlling how fast inflation goes up. Does it go up by 4%, 5%, 6%? Or does it just go up by 2%? But you’re not removing the inflation that is already there. And that’s why people are still having problems today.

But I do believe Trump has set the stage for Biden. Think about what Trump has done. He has now shown the people that the Hunter Biden laptop is real. Because of the hunter trial. The laptop was introduced and it’s no longer russian disinformation. It’s no longer a russian plant. It is now real. And think about everything that has come out about Biden and how he was doing business with foreign governments. People now know the shell companies are real. People now know that he received money. Hunter was the middleman and he worked with Joe Biden. So when you look at this and you go back in time, the stage now has been set and the people are going to learn the truth.

Trump will get his first opportunity to confront Biden about his lies since everything that he said back then is now true. And I do believe the people, they’re going to learn quite a bit. Because again, all of this was used to interfere in the election. It wasn’t just one thing, it wasn’t just the ballots, it wasn’t just the Dominion machines. It was everything that was used to interfere in the election. Just like they’re using everything today to interfere in the election. You have the indictments, you have the conviction, you have the manipulated numbers for the economy.

When you manipulate the economy and you tell everyone it’s a good economy, but actually you’re basically overstating everything and making it look much better than it really is. You’re interfering in the election. And I think the people, they realize is the people understand that 2020 was rigged and the people expect 2024 to be rigged again. And you can see there are many different states right now that are pushing back on all the secretary of state, all these attorney generals and judges who put laws into effect and they didn’t have the legal right to do this. And everything that they put into place, like the mail in ballots and everything, signature verification, all of this is being dismantled.

The Michigan judge, Christopher Yates just ruled that Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson election manual sent to election officials across the state is unconstitutional and against state law. Judge Yates also mandated strict signature verification for mail in ballots, making it more difficult for Democrats to cheat with their mass manufactured votes. This blows holes in Jocelyn Benson’s plan for election chaos in Michigan. And here’s the judge judges conclusion. For all the reasons set forth in this opinion, the court declares that the initial presumption of validity and signature verification of absentee ballot applications and envelopes mandated by the December 2023 guidance manual issued by defendants is incompatible with the constitution and laws of the state of Michigan.

Boom. So right there, everything is being pushed back. And you can see they’re going to have a very difficult time cheating in the next election. And people are expecting them to cheat in the election. So think about it. If they can’t cheat, will they allow, will they allow the elections just to go forward? Will they just say, okay, we’re just going to lose, or will they try to stop it? And what happens if the people, no, there’s going to be cheating? Will they be all for paper ballots one way or another? I do believe so. Rasmussen reports put this out and said a national telephone and online survey finds that 66% of likely us voters are concerned that the outcome of the presidential election will be affected by cheating, including 40% who are very concerned.

31% aren’t concerned, including 14% who are not at all concerned. So right now, 66% are saying, yes, the 2024 elections, there’s going to be cheating. So if the people know that, are they going to be on Trump’s side or on the side of using paper ballots? I do believe so. Now, Trump, he put something out which is very interesting and truth. We had the Republicans and Democrats, they were having their yearly baseball game. And Dan Goldman, he was up at bat and Greg Stubey, he was pitching. And it looks like Dan Goldman struck out. And Trump, he put this out.

He’s pointing to RNC research, says Dan Goldman, swing is much like his political career, embarrassing. So they struck out again. The Ds are always striking out. But the other thing that’s very, very interesting and DC Lidstone put this out, says no f and way baseball game, final score, rs 31 DS eleven. So if you put that together, 30 111, which is 3111, and you go to post 3111 March 18, 2019, it says the strike will be fast. Let’s keep playing. So I do believe as we get closer and closer to the presidential election, we’re going to see a lot of information drop.

And I do believe it’s going to be against Obama it’s going to get be against Hillary Clinton a lot of the truths are going to come out and this is going to be a complete and utter disaster for the deep state players and the people. They’re going to see the truth now again the deep state players what are they going to do? They’re going to use everything and anything to try to stop the election and I do believe this is where Trump, the Patriots actually want them to go because again I do believe in the end Trump wants to show the deep state players that he has the people to count insurgency work the people they will see it and they will feel empowered and Trump will have everything that he needs to go after the deep state players the people will see justice and we will take back our country.

Why? Because the Patriots are in control. Listen everyone thanks a lot for listening. Be well, be safe and especially be prepared. Thanks a lot sa.

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Biden's political lies Biden's potential removal from office Border Chuck Norris health and energy secrets Government labeling opposition as terrorists Hunter Biden CIA asset theory Hunter Biden's legal issues Merrick Garland's audio recordings controversy open borders and terrorist threats Political pressure on President Biden Trump revealing deep state in debates Trump's truthfulness about government corruption

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