Ep 3327b – [DS] Sets Up War Narrative Trump Conviction Will Not Stop Him Timing Is Everything | X22 Report




➡ X22 Report talks about the current political situation in America. It suggests that corrupt politicians and other powerful figures are trying to hide their wrongdoings, including child trafficking and other crimes. The host believes that these issues are being exposed to the public, and that this exposure is important for the upcoming 2024 election. He also discusses the possibility of former President Trump being unfairly targeted and potentially imprisoned, but suggests that this won’t stop Trump from running for president again.
➡ The text discusses concerns about men claiming to identify as women to gain access to women’s spaces, potentially posing a threat. It also mentions allegations of sexual abuse and trafficking involving high-profile individuals and corporations. The text criticizes the current administration’s handling of border control and immigration, suggesting it’s causing problems. Lastly, it discusses the potential for a communication blackout, with social media platforms blocking content they don’t agree with.
➡ This text talks about concerns over censorship on social media platforms like Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram, especially during election years. It suggests that these platforms might try to control what’s being shared, but they might face challenges with other platforms like Rumble and Truth. The text also discusses the possibility of internet service providers being used to censor content, and mentions debates over the FISA bill, which relates to government surveillance. Lastly, it touches on issues around gun control and the violation of constitutional rights.
➡ The text discusses the debate on gun control, arguing that the right to bear arms is essential to protect against potential tyrannical governments. It also mentions a controversial photo of a navy ship commander mishandling a rifle, raising concerns about the military’s competence. The text further discusses potential threats from Iran and Russia, suggesting that the U.S. may be on the brink of a significant event. Lastly, it mentions warnings from the FBI about potential coordinated attacks on U.S. soil, possibly inspired by events in the Middle East.
➡ This text talks about various controversies and debates involving politicians and public figures like Rand Paul and Fauci. It discusses the idea of “gain of function” research and how some believe it was funded by the US and conducted in China. The text also mentions allegations of lies told to Congress and the Senate, and the potential for these to be investigated. Lastly, it touches on protests and riots, and the differing narratives presented by the media and politicians.
➡ Despite attempts to discredit him, Trump remains popular and is likely to be the GOP nominee. Even if convicted of a crime, he can still serve as president. The media’s portrayal of him as a racist is not believed by many, including the black community. The article suggests that Trump’s opponents are using fear to control the public, but believes that people are now more aware and won’t fall for it.


Hi and welcome. You’re listening to the x 22 report. My name is Dave, and this episode 3327 bn. Today’s date is April 11, 2024, and the title of the episode is. Deep state sets up war narrative. Trump conviction will not stop him. Timing is everything. Let’s talk about protecting your wealth. Has investing got you stressed? Is it too complicated? Well, don’t leave your money in the bank. It’s losing value.

Get it working. Invest in precious metals with noble gold investments. It’s simple, real, and always there for you. Real through history’s toughest times and noble gold investments. American experts make it easy. If you’re after an IRA and you qualify, you’ll even get a free quarter ounce gold standard coin. Keep it simple. You can’t go wrong with precious metals. Invest with noble gold investments. That is x 22 gold.

com or click the link in the description. And remember, there’s always a risk of investment, and there’s no guarantee of any kind. Let’s get into the economic collapse. Political and geopolitical news. Now, the deep state, the corrupt politicians, big tech, fake news, the puppet masters, they are now planning their escape. What do I mean by that? They’re planning their escape? Well, they know the information is coming out about them.

The people are learning about pedophilia, the pedophilia networks. People are learning about human trafficking. People are learning about child trafficking. People are learning about the treasonous acts that our politicians have committed. People are learning that these people are serial liars. The people are learning that their agenda is to destroy America. Their agenda is to destroy the american way of life. And the people, they’re seeing all this because you need to keep something in mind.

This is all about the 2024 election. What we’re witnessing, what we’re seeing is the court of public opinion. When the information comes out that people say it doesn’t matter what the DOJ does, the FBI and the rest, they’re part of the problem. They are part of the criminal syndicate. The most important part is, is for the people to hear it, the people to see the evidence, the people to understand what’s happening in their country.

Because remember, the deep state players, the FBI, the DOJ, the fake news, the Biden administration, Obama and the rest, they’ve been trying to keep this hidden from the people. So now the people, they’re there. They have a front row seat. They’re watching this, and they now are seeing all this play out. And we’re not in the phase where there’s going to be arrests. This is the phase that the people need to see to make a decision so we can have the arrests.

And the people, they need to understand how this system operates, who’s involved, how the COVID up works, who the liars are, how the fake news reports, fake information, and they try to spin everything. That’s what the people are witnessing right now. So everything that’s happening to Biden, everything that’s happening to Diddy Epstein, what’s happening at the borders, what’s happening out in the Middle east, out in Ukraine, this is all for public consumption.

So they understand what’s happening. Because again, if we’re going to take back the country, how do you take it back? Unless you see the tyrannical government, unless you see how they’re trying to destroy your way of life, you wouldn’t want to take it back because you wouldn’t understand what you were taking back. And this is why the people need to see it. And as we move forward, the people are going to see how these same people are going to try to cover up their crimes, cover up everything that they did.

The deep state. They’re already setting up a war narrative. They’re using the Middle east, they’re using Iran, they’re using Israel. They’ll be using Russia, Ukraine. And we could see this is what they’re trying to do. Think about what’s happening with Trump, where they’re going after him with all these different indictments. What are the people seeing? The people are seeing the victim. The people are seeing election interference. The people are seeing a political opponent going after another political opponent to try to stop him from being in the election.

I mean, think about what you’ve seen. They try to get him off the ballot. They indicted him, they took his mug shot, and now they’re going to try to convict him and throw him in jail. Now, once again, it’s the court of public opinion. You really think he’s going to get a fair trial in any of these trials? Absolutely not. So what are people seeing? They’re seeing the tyrannical government go after their political opponent and to finish it all off, throw him in jail into the clink, as Trump would say.

And I do believe the people need to see this. I know it looks scary. I know people are saying, I don’t want this to happen, but most likely it will. Hopefully not. But most likely it will. Because if you’re actually going to see a banana republic, if you’re actually going to see a tyrannical government go back in history, what do they do to their political opponent? Do they just stop and say, oh, you know what? We lost.

All right, you’re off. You, you go run against me. No, they throw them in prison. So I do believe that’s exactly what they’re going to do in the end. Now, is Trump going to be there a long time now, are the people going to see this and go, holy crap, they actually went through it. They have no evidence. They, they had, they charged him with this hoax and they actually threw him in prison.

So the trial was a show trial, just like you saw back in history. They threw him in prison to get rid of him. Now, once again, if Trump’s in prison, he still can run for president. There’s nothing that says he can’t. So is this going to stop him in the long run? No, it’s not. But will it help him in the long run? Yes, it will. Remember, timing is everything.

And I do believe Trump has timed this out perfectly and he knows what Biden, the deep state, what they’re going to do. And in the end, when it all falls apart around them and the people are completely awake and the people are saying, you know something, we’ve had enough. This is ridiculous. The economy’s falling apart. I lost my job. I can’t afford anything. We’re on the precipice of war.

They’re throwing the political opponent, Trump, in prison to stop him. The borders are wide open. We had an event which I do believe is coming in this country. I’ve had enough. It’s enough. And what do you think people are going to do? They’re not going to vote for Biden or if Michelle Obama is in his place, they’re not going to vote for her. They’re going to vote for Trump because he’s the people’s president.

And I do believe Trump played this perfectly. And I do believe he’s using these last two years of Biden’s residency as his platform for his campaign because he has created an issues campaign. And no, the abortion issue is not hurting him whatsoever. Actually, the polls show the opposite because again, he removed it and put it down to the state level. So Trump is running an issues campaign. He’s using the court of public opinion.

And the people, they’re watching this play out and they’re watching the evidence. They’re watching the documented evidence. They’re watching the DOJ, the FBI, they’re watching both sides. And people aren’t stupid. They realize when they’re being gaslit, they understand when they’re being lied to, when the DOJ, the FBI and the rest aren’t doing their job. They understand that. And Trump is counting on them to understand this. And I do believe in the end, the only thing the deep state will have left is chaos and war.

That is all. That is what they will have left in the end. And this is not going to work out too well for them, because I do believe Trump with the patriots, they have planned this to the very, very end to show the people. And we’re going to be talking a little bit more about the war narrative and the timing of all of this. But what’s very interesting is if we look at planet fitness and we go back a little bit in time, because we know the deep state players, they’re trying to normalize pedophilia, and you could see the progression of all of this and how they’re trying to normalize all this.

They hijacked the gay community. They use the gay community to say, oh, yes, we want peace, love, and everyone should be, you know, treated equally. Then they move that into the trans movement, and they then use the trans movement to usher in, oh, you know, I could be a boy, I could be a girl. I can have a sex with a young girl. Girl, a young boy. It makes no difference.

Everyone is fluid. Everything is great. And we have all these different pronouns. Then they decided, you know something, we’re going to take the trans people and we’re going to put them on women’s sports to normalize a look. We can go anywhere, and we can be in. We can be in the bathrooms. We could be anywhere. And they tried to normalize this every step of the way. And now we have men who are not even being.

They’re not even bothering dressing up as women. They’re just saying, identify as a woman because that’s where all this is leading to where they’re going now, into the locker rooms. They’re going into the bathrooms. But again, are these people really transgender? Are they really women? No. These are pedophiles. These are rapists. These are sex addicts. And if you look at the deep state players and you start to look at Hollywood, you look at the CEO’s of certain corporations, you look at certain politicians, well, that’s who they are.

And this is how they’ve been trying to normalize this. And think about what happened with a planet fitness, because now a planet fitness member was arrested after going to the ladies locker room, claim he identified as a woman, but he went in there as a man. I mean, we all knew that this was coming. We all knew this is what was going to happen just like when they take men and they throw the men into prison, into women’s prisons because they said identify as a woman.

Well, really, then why are they raping women in prison? Really think about this. We all knew this was going to happen this way because this is really what the deep state actually had planned from the very, very beginning. And it’s all backfiring them. And you can see the residential. Yes, he’s all part of this. I mean, think about Ashley Biden’s diary that came out where it says, yeah, Biden took a shower with her when she was a teenager and her diary said she might have been sexually abused.

You think the fake news would be all over this. And then they arrested the person that actually got the diary on a federal crime. And I can’t even believe that’s a federal crime. But they were punishing her and you would think the fake news would be all over this. But breaker of narratives put this out and said, if Ashley Biden was Donald Trump’s daughter, would democrats ignore her diary after she said he sexually abused her? Don Junior responded, said, I’m going to go out on a limb here and say no effing way.

And he’s absolutely right. But again, who are they protecting? They’re protecting their people. And what’s very interesting, a video has come out and greed lives matter is. Put this out on next, showing Diddy with his newly adopted white girl. And this is what green lives matter says. This video of Diddy with his newly adopted white girl needs to be questioned now that he’s being accused of sex trafficking.

What the f is this? So the girl said, I was on the streets and papa combs decided he would be a caring man. So he saw me and he decided to pick me up. So we decided we can come inside and played with his kids. Did he then? Did he said, that’s borderline suspect. I adopted you like Madonna adopted kids and everybody else. Charlize Theron, I felt that you could enjoy having a black parent to take care of you.

I got permission from your mother. I always come over. Um, this is pretty weird. I’m not going to lie. There were alleged cameras in every room in this house. Remember that? Diddy was in cahoots with Rachel Chandler when she was only 14 years of age, according to her own comments. So what do you think this young girl is doing there? I think everyone can see this now. And as this continually builds, the people are starting to learn that, yes, these are all different honey pots that they used to blackmail people.

And this is not just the other one. We know we, Epstein is one. Nxiom, Nygaard and the rest all had others, and Wexner and the rest. And you’re going to see a lot more of these throughout the country. But that reminds me of post 1138, April 12, 2018. And there’s an article from Reuters that says Congress, sex trafficking. Trump signs a law to punish websites for sex trafficking.

Now, I do believe they’ve been using social media platforms to create honey pots to lure people in. And this is how they work their system. Because remember, when Elon came, the owner of X, he started to realize, holy crap, they aren’t going after all these pedophiles. They allow them to exist on the platform. But this says, study carefully. Facebook, Instagram, think, Ray Chandler, Twitter, etcetera, honey pots, which I do believe that’s exactly what they are.

And I do believe as time goes on, you’re going to find out a lot more information about these people. And as people start to learn that, yes, these people have been trafficking children. They have sex with children. They enslave the children. And they’ve been doing this to people, all these children and other people around the world, people are going to be completely and utterly shocked. I think they’re shocked right now, but I do believe it’s going to get a lot worse for them, just like the border is becoming a disaster for them.

Yes, they’re trying to blame it on the Republicans, but people aren’t stupid. I mean, all they have to do is say a couple of words, close the border. That’s it. Then everything that they’re talking about comes to a screeching halt. Libs at tick Tock put this out. And said. Denver mayor announces he’s diverting 90 million of the city’s budget to service newcomers. Mean legals, criminals, child traffickers, human traffickers, drug traffickers, terrorists, gang members, and he blames it on Republicans.

Democrats made Denver a sanctuary city in 2017. Democrats control Colorado and pass progressive immigration policies in 2021. So all he has to do to fix this problem is close the borders. Biden shut them all down. Then you won’t have all these people coming in. The only reason you have these people coming in is because Biden reversed everything. And Biden saying, oh, he’s looking into shutting the border down.

Well, you know, he’s never going to shut the border down because that’d be absolutely ridiculous. Would that go with his agenda of replacing Americans cheating in the election and having chaos? No, it wouldn’t. So why is he saying these things. Well, Molly explains. She says Biden isn’t examining a border shutdown. He’s buying time before the November election, because it’s all about the election. This is how these politicians work.

And the people, they’re not buying it whatsoever, because all you got to do is look at the documentation, and all you got to do is look at what Biden did. And everyone knows it’s a lie. But you can see there’s more and more states now. They are now signing legislation like Texas. We have Iowa right now. The governor, Kim Reynolds, she has signed a Texas style immigration law allowing Iowa officers to arrest undocumented immigrants under a new crime bill of illegal reentry into the state.

So she signed Senate file 23 40. So once again, we’re starting to see a lot more states do this because the federal government, the tyrannical government, is not doing anything. And we could see that things are now changing. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is that a reporter asked Joe Biden if he’s considering dropping the charges against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. In February, Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese supported a motion from parliament calling for Assange return to Australia.

And Biden was asked by a reporter about Albanese’s request. Biden replied, we’re considering it. So this is very interesting. Why would they be considering it? Number one, do they want Julian Assange to go to Australia so this way they can just get rid of him? Or was this a slip up? So this is very, very interesting what’s going on here. But we’ll have to keep an eye on what’s happening with Assange, because we need to remember that Assange knows exactly what happened to Seth Rich, Assange knows exactly what happened with the DNC servers, and it had nothing to do with Russia.

And do you think the deep state players want him talking? Absolutely not. But I do believe Trump of the patriots, they have something that’s very, very important. I do believe they have the server, they have the information, and they have it all, because remember Trump, he was in the White House. He saw all the classified information. They never expected her to lose. They didn’t have time to clean everything up.

And he came in and he was able to see all classified information. Why? Because he’s the president. That’s why. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is we know the deep state players. In the end, they’re going to try to push a communication blackout. And Brendan Carr, he put this out on X and says Meta blocked all posts from the Kansas reflector on Thursday after the nonprofit newspaper called out Facebook.

So that is very, very interesting, Brendan Carr responded. Said just one day after Facebook lobby the FCC to impose heavy handed net neutrality rules on its competitors, Facebook blocked all posts from a newspaper and removed all links to the outlet after it had published an article critical of Facebook. Does it look like we’re starting to see mass censorship beginning? Remember, it is an election year, so they put everything into place.

And we could see that they’re going to try to control everything that’s happening right now because you need to remember they can control their own platforms like YouTube and Instagram. You know, those platforms that they can control, they can censor the people. The problem is they’re going to have problems with other social media platforms like rumble and truth. Now, this is why they’re trying to destroy truth, because they don’t want truth to be prosperous.

They don’t want people to go to truth. And I do believe we probably have insiders dropping stock like crazy right now because you see the drop, the stock dropping quite a bit, and the institutional investors, they’re not even touching it right now. So I do believe this is one attack on truth where they’re trying to destroy it before it gets fully operational. Yes, it’s operational now, but they were going to bring in advertisers.

They’re going to use the money that they have raised to increase the functions. And you know what they can do once they have all this money? They can make true social look absolutely incredible. Now, does the deep state wants this? No, they don’t want this whatsoever. So it looks like their first act is to try to destroy it as best they possibly can. I mean, you could see it all over the fake news where they’re saying that Trump lost money.

The stock’s taken a dive. Truth, socials over this is what they’re continually doing. But I do believe in the end, it’s not going to work just like everything else. Now, like we said before, they don’t control any of these platforms. So how do you censor people on these platforms if you don’t control them? Yes, they can send requests, but again, that’s violating your constitutional right. So what happens if they go after the ISP providers? This is what Obama wanted from the very, very beginning, net neutrality.

What happens if you censor people from that area instead of on social media platforms? Well, you can censor a lot more people. You can still give them access to the Internet. They just won’t be able to reach certain platforms. I do believe they’re going to try to do this, but I think in the end, people are going to start to notice and people are going to start to realize, hey, wait a minute, what’s going on here? You’re trying to tell me what I can or cannot see, and this will not work.

Plus, people will start using VPN’s and this will be very, very difficult for them in the end. So I do believe in the end, they’re going to have to move to some type of communication blackout. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is yesterday they voted on FISA, which doesn’t mean FISA is gone. They actually voted on the resolution of FISA, which we’re getting to in just a sec.

But what’s very interesting is that Tom Massey was continually asking committee chairman Turner about the FISA build, and it looks like they did carve out a certain area for those people in Congress where they, individuals will get notified if they’re being spied on. Not the american people, though, only the people in Congress, which tells you everything you need to know, which means, is this bill good? No. I think this is why Trump said, kill Fisa and the Fisa bill was killed for now.

And these are the people that decided not to vote for it. Good. Luna, Norman, Burchett, Boebert, Gosar, Gates, Bishop, cloud, Crane, Higgins, Roy, Rosendale, Mills, May, Stube and Biggs, they decided to vote against it. But Thomas Massey, he put this out on exit, said the following. Many people have been misled today. There was not a vote on the Fisa bill. There was a vote on the resolution that would have allowed FISA, as well as six amendments to it, including a warrant requirement amendment and three other pieces of legislation, to come to the floor.

On a partisan procedural vote like this, Democrats reflectively vote no and Republicans typically vote yes. 19 Republicans voted with all the Democrats to stop everything from coming to the floor today, including the warrant amendment to FISA. Many of us who are adamantly opposed to warrantless surveillance voted for the resolution, wanting to get a recorded vote on warrants and recognizing the speaker can otherwise suspend the rules and bring anything to the floor without a resolution like you did with the omnibus.

Tactically, where the 19 did the best thing or not is to be determined. They may have just stopped our only chance to have a vote on whether the government needs a warrant to spy on you. The vote might not have passed, but everyone would have had to go on the record for the world to see. So what we had was a difference of tactics with members like Jim Jordan, MTG, Warren Davidson, myself, and other defenders of the constitution parting ways with those who saw an opportunity to temporarily throw a wrench in things by voting with Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff.

Now that the rules resolution for the bill plus amendments has failed, the swamp could do the following. Suspend the rules to pass a worse FIsa, make concessions and approve the rules for the bill. Say they don’t need a bill to keep FiSa going, or let the Senate move first on FiSa. Let’s see how this all plays out. But what’s very interesting is that the House judiciary GOP, they took a survey and the people voted the following way.

And this is the question, should the FBI be able to spy on you without a warrant? 97% said no, actually. Now they’re going up against the Fourth Amendment. So think about what you’ve been witnessing right now. You’ve been witnessing the deep state players violating your constitutional rights. You saw it with censorship. And that refers to amendment number one. You saw them going after your guns and they’re continually going after your guns.

That’s number two. Plus, they’re now telling people in certain states, hey, why don’t you take the illegals in, which is quartering. Now they’re trying to spy on the american people, which they’ve been doing for a very long time, and they’re trying to do this without a warrant. So they’re violating your fourth amendment. So when you look at this, you could see that the government, the tyrannical government, they’re violating your rights.

These are the people’s rights. They don’t have the right to do this. Only tyrannical governments would do this. And this should show you everything you need to know. And this is part of the plan. The people must fight for their freedom and every step of the way. I do believe Trump at the patriots. Remember, this is the court of public opinion. They’re showing you how a tyrannical government will come after your rights and violate your rights over and over and over.

I mean, it’s very, very easy to see with gun control, because right now, the Biden regime, they approve the expansion of background checks for gun shows and online firearms sales, which is absolutely ridiculous. The firearms policy coalition put this out on x and said there’s no such thing as gun show loophole. And despite everything wrong with the despotic overreach, ATF even makes this clear when answering the public comments of supporters.

Your intentionally deceitful commentary mirrors that of history’s most vile government actors. Absolutely. And put, put it this way. Think about all the different cities, all the different places that have gun control. Remember the deep state they needed to create the idea that we need gun control. So remember, they always create the problem because they have a solution waiting for it as soon as people start to recognize the problem that they created.

So think about what they’ve done over time. They created a problem in all their cities where people are getting shot, there’s mass shootings. Because let’s talk about protecting your wealth. Has investing got you stressed? Is it too complicated? Well, don’t leave your money in the bank. It’s losing value. Get it working. Invest in precious metals with noble gold investments. It’s simple, real, and always there for you. Real through history’s toughest times and noble gold investments, american experts make it easy.

If you’re after an IRA and you qualify, you’ll even get a free quarter ounce gold standard coin. Keep it simple. You can’t go wrong with precious metals. Invest with Noble gold investments. Go to x 22 gold. com. That is x 22 gold. com. Or click the link in the description. And remember, there’s always a risk of investment and there’s no guarantee of any kind. The people in those cities cannot have weapons to defend themselves because they implemented these draconian laws, which actually is a violation of your constitutional rights.

So they created these cities where people can’t carry, people can’t defend themselves, which opens up to criminals and mass shootings. Because if you can’t have anyone in a building like a school or something like that that has a weapon to protect themselves, what, where do you think the criminal is going to go? They’re going to go there to shoot everything up, especially if you’re controlling innocence to do this.

So they created this problem, and their solution is gun control. We need to take more of your weapons away. But in those areas, they already have gun control, and they’re trying to use this to convince you that this is why we need to take the weapons away. But when you look at other places where there isn’t gun control and people carry freely, you don’t have the same problems.

Plus, the founding fathers, they put this in there because they just got finished fighting a tyrannical government. And the only way to go up against a tyrannical government is for the people to have weapons. Those people that have experienced tyrannical governments, they understand this. And those people who think, oh, no, we’re never going to have a tyrannical government, they’re fooling themselves. Those are the people that always end up dead in the end, because they just can’t believe it.

And what’s very interesting is that a survivor of Mao’s cultural revolution was speaking to David Hogg on gun control. Remember, he’s the guy from Parkland. And just take a listen to the conversation here and you’ll understand that the gun control argument is now dead. Lady Tang Williams, welcome to my live free old die state. Actually, I am a chinese immigrant who survived communism. And under Mao, you know, 40 million people were starving to death after he sold the communism to them.

And 20 million people died murdered during his cultural revolution. So my question to you, David, is that can you guarantee me a gun owner tonight? Our government in the US, in DC, will never, never become a tyrannical government. Can you guarantee that to me? There’s no way I can ever guarantee that any government will not be there. Well, then the debate on gun control is over because I will never give up my guns.

Never, never. And you should go to China to say how gun control works for dictatorship of CCP. Now think about what was said here. She asked a very simple question. Can you guarantee me that the government will not become tyrannical? No, nobody can guarantee that. Well, then you can’t take our guns because that was the whole purpose of the second amendment. Because our founding fathers, they just bled, they just lost their families, they lost their wealth, they lost their farms, they lost people close to them.

They just finished fighting a war. They didn’t sit around the table going, holy crap, you think we need these weapons to hunt so we can get food? Yeah, that, that needs to be the second amendment. No, they said, holy crap, this can never happen again. And the people, they have the right to speak freely, the press has the right to write anything because they were censored. And they said, you know something, we need to protect the first amendment with the second amendment so the, the people have a right to carry and own any weapon and shall not be infringed.

They did this on purpose because they just finished fighting a tyrannical government and they knew eventually what was going to happen is that another tyrannical government was going to take its place after many, many years. And they wanted the people to have the ability to protect themselves and to stop it. And this argument right here shuts it all down. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is that the navy, they put up a photo of a ship commander shooting a rifle and people started to notice some strange things with the rifle.

First of all, his hand grip is very, very close. Secondly, the scope is backwards. He still has the lens cover on there, and there’s someone holding his shoulder while he’s firing the weapon. Does that make any sense? And then the navy decided to delete it. John Stokes put this out and said, this US Navy IG post is making the rounds. It’s truly something else, man. That man is the captain of this vessel and a graduate of the citadel.

For non gun people, obvious things happening here are. The optic is backwards, lens caps are on from his shoulder to his grip to his stance. He’s holding the rifle like he has never in his life fired a rifle. You wouldn’t even hold your grandpa’s hunting rifle this way, much less an ar patterned gun. Why is someone touching his shoulder while he’s firing? Why is he looking through the optic with his shades on? Nobody involved in this spotted any of this.

Not the captain of the social media team or anyone involved in the photoshoot. It’s completely, totally wild to me. It would be like if, say, the Microsoft social media team were taking IG photos of an open floor plan office at headquarters, and the engineer in the shot had his laptop upside down, was pretending to type on the screen and look at the keyboard. It’s that bad. I’m trying not to over index on this, but we pay the military a lot of tax money, and we trust them to defend our civilization.

So this extreme level of yikes from these people is mildly terrifying to me. God save us all, because this dude in this picture sure won’t. And people are questioning this. Are. Are these people going to be able to defend America? What is going on here? And remember, the deep state players? Their entire plan was to weaken the military. I mean, who would put a picture out like this? I mean, really think about this for a second.

I mean, think about it. They’re having military soldiers walk around in heels, wigs. Do you think people really want to join the military? This is how they’ve been weakening the military, because in the end, what do they want? They want war, and they want the United States to lose the war. So how do you do that? You infiltrate the country from within. You invade the country from within.

You rot it out from within, and then you attack it from the other side. And you can see that all of this is now coming into play. And what’s very interesting, we can see that war now is building. And think about what we’ve learned. Yesterday, we had the army. They were running a drill in New Jersey, a nuclear drill in the cure center, where they were evacuating people because there was a nuclear weapon.

We know that there was a story about Iran now having enough uranium to build nuclear weapons. And we know that the deep state players are trying to push Russia into a nuclear war. This is why they want Ukraine to join NATO. But the other thing that’s very interesting is out in the Middle east with Israel and Iran. Now, remember, Obama and all his people that he brought in, where he infiltrated the government, started the insurgency, they’re all part of the Muslim Brotherhood.

And yes, he has ties to Iran and many other countries. So right now, finance a lot, put this out and said Iran has told the White House that if the US defends Israel against its forthcoming retaliation for the Damascus strike, it will consider the US a viable target as well, per the intercept. So right now, Iran is saying, listen, if the US tries to do anything, they are now targets.

So what happens if the US gets involved? I do believe the deep state will probably try to do something like this. If you’re going to start the war narrative, does that mean Iran might try to strike someplace here in the United States using their terrorist organizations, maybe plant a nuclear weapon? It could be Iran, it could be Russia. But you could see how this is all building right now.

And I do believe that we are now on the precipice of an event. Now, of course, the FBI, the deep state players, they like to use scare tactics to get their funding, of course, but I do believe that we’re going to see something happen. And yes, they’re going to use fewer tactics to get funding. And what’s very interesting is that Chris Wray has warned Congress that there is a concern of future coordinated attack on the US weeks after the crocus theater attack.

So he says, our most immediate concern has been that individuals or small groups will draw twisted inspiration from the events in the Middle east to carry out attacks here at home. But now increasingly concerned is the potential for a coordinated attack here in the homeland akin to the ISIS K attack we saw in Russia. So they’re already paving the way. And we know that there’s going to be some type of an attack.

Now, we could see that there are now messages going out all over the place, like one in Spain, that ISIS is ready to attack someplace there, which it might happen, might not happen. But you could see they’re building the narrative and they’ll keep building it up until there is an attack. And again, people are going to question, how did these people get in here? How did they attack the United States within the United States? Did they come through the border? I think in the end, this is not going to work out too well for them.

Just like Foushee is having a very, very difficult time. Because remember all those hearings with Rand Paul and Foushee, and Rand Paul was calling Fauci out on gain of function and Fauci called him a liar. Well, Rand Paul is no longer a conspiracy theorist, and Fauci turned out to be a liar because, again, think about all the emails. Think about all the evidence that has come out. Now, we know that, yes, the US paid for a gain of function.

They were doing it in China and many other places. And Rand Paul is calling them out on this and he’s going to investigate all of this. So this is completely falling apart on all of them. And they have lied to the senators, they have lied to congress, and now it’s all coming out. And as they dig deeper and deeper and deeper, people are going to start to realize they lied.

From the very beginning. There were people that were trying to tell the truth, but the deep state players, what did they do to them? They censored them. Those people said, no, it’s a lab leak. It didn’t come from the wet market. Oh, no, this is gain of function. This was released on purpose. Ivermectin works. Hydroxychloroquine works. All of these people, now that people can see that these have, these people have lied.

Now, people could say, oh, what, they didn’t know? No, people knew. They just censored those people because they didn’t want anyone to counter their narrative. And now the people are seeing it. It’s falling apart on them. And they’re learning the truth. And they learn the truth about what happened with George Floyd and all these ridiculous protests, because they told us it was protests. And people kept saying, no, no, these are riots.

I mean, the cities are burning, towns are burning, people are getting hurt, there’s looting. And they, and the fake news try to convince us, and even some congressmen and congresswoman try to convince us that this was a myth, that what you were seeing was not real. And the people, they said, no, no, it’s real. I see it. And it looks like they’re trying to do the same thing again.

They’re trying to find someone where they can push the same type of agenda. And I do believe they’re just waiting for the right incident. But I think this time around, it’s going to be a little bit more difficult to do it. Doesn’t mean they can’t do it, because we have a lot of people that actually are out there debunking and showing the real facts. So what’s very interesting is that this individual, Dexter Reed, he was stopped by the police, and they told him to roll down the window and roll down the back window.

And they decided they weren’t going to do this. They rolled it down a little bit, but they put it back up and then they started to shoot at the police, and the police had to take cover. So the mother is trying to convince everyone that he was just riding around in his car and. And they killed him. Well, that’s not how it happened, because that is a fake story.

When you look at the video, they were in the white suv. The police said, roll down your window. They had their guns drawn. They decided to roll it down, then roll it back up, and they started to shoot at the police. The police, they weren’t firing. They actually ran away and took cover, and they shot quite a bit at the police. So this story right here is completely and utterly falling apart, just like everything that they’re trying to do to Trump is completely and utterly falling apart.

Yes, they’re having the show trials because that’s really what they were, what they are. If you go back in time, you can see that british government and many other governments back at the time when the kings and queens, when they didn’t want people to put the truth out there, or they were counting their narrative, they would have a show trial and then they would throw people in prison.

Most, most of the time is their political opponents. And that’s exactly what we’re seeing today. I mean, think about the cast of characters that are now going after Trump. These are the people that they’re using. Viva FrEY put this out and said, it’s amazing to appreciate who are the players in the Trump persecutions. Porn starred Stormy Daniels, convicted perjurer. Michael Cohen, convicted extortionist. Michael Avanetti, adulterer and perjurer.

Fonny Willis, adulterer and divorce fraudster. Nathan Wade, corrupt judge with family ties to prosecution. One merchant, crazy old pervert who fantasizes about rape and named her cat vagina. T Fireball. E. Jean Carroll, prosecutor who was, who’s been credibly accused of international extortion schemes. Jack Smith, corrupt Soros funded prosecutor. Alvin Braggs, corrupt prosecutor who campaigned off targeting Trump. Letitia James and Vonnie Willis. If you don’t understand that the criminals are in charge, you are a moron and a Democrat.

And yes, the criminals are in charge right now. And that’s the whole purpose. The whole purpose is to show the american people. Look at the criminal syndicate. Can you see it? I mean, look at the people that are going after Trump. They’re all criminals and they don’t follow the rule of law. And most of these people eventually will be thrown in prison or they’re in prison. I mean, really, think about this for a second.

It’s absolutely unbelievable. And we know that Jack Smith is a criminal and he’s not going to follow what the Supreme Court says. Actually, he’s already city signaling that he’s going to circumvent SCOTUS if they rule against him. This should tell you everything you need to know. I think what Trump and the patriots are showing you, do you see the criminal syndicate now? Do you see the criminals? They don’t follow the rule of law.

They hate the rule of law because they’re criminals and they’re coming after me. I’m showing you the cast of characters. I mean, it just can’t get any worse than this. You think this is part of the plan? Absolutely. How do you wake the people up? How do you show people? Because remember, the people, they are the court of public opinion. If you want to show the people the corruption, if you want to show that these people are criminals, if you want to show that these people go after the political opponent, if you want to show that the DOJ, the FBI, they will never prosecute their own and they’ll go after everyone else.

How do you do that? Well, you find the best cast of characters from central casting and you set them up and you begin the show. That’s pretty much what we’re watching right now. We’re watching the show now, Trump, he’s continually out there, and he put this out on truth. He said, if a president doesn’t have immunity, and this is what Jack Smith is trying to get rid of, he or she will be nothing more than a ceremonial president.

Now, he’s continually making the case. You can’t get rid of immunity. Now, we know that Jack Smith, that’s his main goal, is to get rid of immunity. Now, once again, it looks like Trump is baiting them in, just like he baited the in with the taxes, saying, I’m not going to give my taxes, which made the deep state go after his taxes even more. And he kept resisting and resisting and resisting, and the deep state kept pushing and pushing, pushing, brought it all up to the Supreme Court.

And the Supreme Court ruled, yeah, you can get the taxes, you can get the taxes of the family members, you can get taxes of, they’re corporations, you can get taxes of everything. And this is the problem that Joe Biden’s having right now. So did this help them or hurt them? It hurt them. And I do believe in the end, their main mission is to convict Trump and throw him in prison.

And I do believe Trump is baiting them in with this also. Because think about it. If you’re going to show the people a tyrannical government, a tyrannical government that’s going after their political opponent, where they’re interfering with the election, the next, the next logical phase is to actually have the political opponent be thrown in prison. Doesn’t mean he’s going to spend a lot of time there, but it’s not going to stop him from running for president.

And the deep state. On one side they’re saying, holy crap, we can throw him in prison. The people will say, okay, I’m not voting for him because now he’s a convicted felon and he’s in prison. And they’re hoping that the people will say, okay, we can’t vote for him, just like they did it with the ballots. Did that work out? No, it didn’t. Trump is showing the people, because remember, this is the court of public opinion.

Look what they just did. They threw their political opponent in prison and they don’t even have a case. They have nothing. It’s made up law. Statute of limitation has run out. There’s letters from Stormy Daniel, or if Jack Smith decides to get rid of the immunity, they can get him with other things. But people are going to start to realize that, hey, wait a minute, they were actually threw him in prison and you think the people are going to vote for him or not vote for him? I think more and more people are going to come to the side of Trump and they’re going to vote for him.

And the deep state, they understand that just by convicting him and throwing in prison, it’s not going to stop him. Patriots are in control. Put this out. And this is from the Washington Post. Trump’s the likely GOP nominee. He can serve even if convicted of a crime. While many states ban felons from voting, there is no federal prohibition on felons running for or serving in the White House.

So is their plan going to work? No, it won’t stop them that way. They’re trying to convince the people not to vote for him. Trump is going to use this against the deep state just like everything else. And the people, well, they’re going to vote for him and he’s going to get a lot more people. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is that we know that David Cameron, he had a meeting with Trump and he said the following, and storm has arrived.

Put this out on x and says, the meeting I had yesterday with Trump was a good meeting. It was a private meeting. So I have to be careful what I say. And this is very, very interesting. Totally normal for foreign leaders to meet with a former president to discuss ongoing wars, right? No, that makes no sense whatsoever. So what’s really going on? Hmm. That’s very interesting. But you could see everything that the deep state has been trying to do to Trump.

It is completely failing. And the people are coming to his side. The black community, the hispanic community, the Democrats, they’re losing all these people. And what’s very interesting is the fake news. They’re trying to keep that whole racist narrative going and they’re putting out headlines saying that Trump is a racist. CNN I couldn’t be more offended. Analysts reacts to Trump’s comments about black voters. Rolling Stone. Trump claims he’s being indicted for the black population.

NPR Trump says his indictments are helping him attract black voters. So the fake news is trying to make it look like he’s a racist. Well, he went to chick fil a. He went to many other places. The black community loves him. So the reality is he’s not racist. Not at all. Not a racist bone in his body. And the fake news is failing every step of the way.

Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is that DeSantis, well, he decided to endorse Trump after he was running against him. Nikki Haley didn’t do that. Chris Crispy didn’t do that, but DeSantis did. And now DeSantis, well, he’s going to fundraise for Trump. And Trump tells DeSantis, welcome back. Hmm. This is very, very interesting. How can this be? Well, it looks like we have a lot of actors in this show.

And I do believe in the end, when we have the garden of heroes and we have a celebration a year long, this is what Trump has been telling us. I do believe we’re going to see all those individuals that put their career, their lives on the line to take back this country. Sometimes you need to sacrifice certain things because if you don’t, we lose the country. But in the end, when you look back, you’ll see who the real heroes are.

And I do believe you’re going to, I think a lot of people are going to be surprised who the heroes really are and how a lot of these people put their entire lives and everything on the line, is it really that difficult to do? I mean, think about our founding fathers and the colonists. They put everything on the line to fight for freedom. They lost their lives, they lost their families, they lost their wealth, their farms, everything, the businesses today.

All right, so someone makes fun of you, you lose your reputation in the end. Is that so bad, to take back this country from a tyrannical government? No, it really isn’t. Is it that bad that Trump calls you names the entire time? No, not at all. Because when people look back in time, you know what they’re going to see? They’re going to see the patriots that stood up for the country and fought for this country and put everything on the line.

So once again, I don’t think it’s that big of a deal. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is you can see that the Democrats, they definitely want the illegals in this country. And I think this just pretty much sums it up. Uh, James Comer, he put this out and said every Democrat in the oversight committee yesterday voted against a bill seeking to add a citizenship question to the US census.

The census asking whether you are an american citizen or not shouldn’t be controversial, unless you want to use all the illegals to vote in the election, take the jobs and destroy America. I think they just played their hand right here and everyone can see it. And now the people understand, in the end, the deep state players, they’re not going to win this. In the end, they’re going to lose, because the people, the court of public opinion, they’re watching this entire case play out.

This is Trump’s campaign and the deep state, they’re losing every step of the way. And I just want to leave everyone with this about the brainwashing and mind control that the deep state does, because we know we’re coming up to a lot of events, we’re getting closer and closer to the presidential election. And Jason Kristoff put this out and said, to effectively brainwash and mind control a population, you first need fear.

You then need a ritual or ceremony which relieves the fear. That ritual must be simple, so anyone can do it. You must make average people feel like heroes for doing exactly as they’re told. The tyrant is best served by being in full control of the fear, plus manufacturing the ritual, that removes the fear. That pre manufacturer ritual will, in turn, trick the public into participating in their own enslavement and brings them willingly into the iron grip of the tyrant.

Absolutely. So when we start to see events happen in this country, remember what they’re trying to do and remember that they’re using fear to try to control you every step of the way. And I think at this point, with COVID with everything that people have been seeing, I think people are awake enough now that they can start thinking logically and instead of having fear take over, they can start to look at what’s really going on and they can say, you know something, this time it’s not going to happen.

Because we know as we get closer and closer to the presidential election, we know that the deep state, they’re going to pull out every single tactic, every single trick, all the ammunition that they can muster to push fear, to try to make the people into doing what they want to do. But I do believe in the end, since we have the people awake think, since we have people logically thinking and we have Trump out there telling us, no, no, it doesn’t have to be this way.

I think the people aren’t going to fall for it this time. I think the people, they’re going to push back very hard in the deep state. They’re going to be trapped in their entire agenda and the court of public opinion. Well, they’re never going to let them forget that, hey, we see what you’re doing and we want this country back. And I do believe in the end, the people, they’re going to go along with what Trump is saying.

They’re going to do the right thing, they’re going to follow the constitution and they’re going to vote these people out. So this way, we can then go after each and every one of these individuals. Because remember, even though, when Trump wins the election, the deep state players, they’re still in charge because Trump is not inaugurated yet, which means the deep state, they’re going to push everything that they have to try to stop him, they’re going to try to remove him.

How do you do this? How do you distract? How do you do any of this? You bring the country to war, to nuclear war. You have a scare event that is so scary. And they’re hoping that they can start World War three. But in the end, I do believe this is all going to fail. Because Trump, he has the secret weapon. It’s called peace. And once you have the people on your side and you’re talking about peace, the deep state, they don’t have the narrative.

They can’t push it. They’re done for. And once peace is ushered in, they’re all exposed and it’s game over. Why? Because the patriots are in control. Listen, everyone, thanks a lot. For listening. Be well, be safe, and especially be prepared. Thanks a lot. .

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