Ep 3306b – The Precipice Emotions Cloud Judgment Remain Calm We Are Here For A Reason

Posted in: News, Patriots, X22 Reports



➡ Dave, in his podcast episode titled “The Precipice,” discusses two main points. First, he talks about the dangers of ibuprofen and promotes a safer, natural alternative for pain relief, which is omega-3 fatty acids found in krill oil. Second, he expresses his belief that the U.S. is being run by a corrupt system, and that the people need to reach a breaking point, or “precipice,” to fully understand and expose this corruption. He argues that this realization is crucial for the country to take back control from the corrupt powers.
➡ The text talks about the current state of corruption in the system, with the author suggesting that the people and the military are the ones who can stop it. It also discusses the importance of fighting for freedom, not physically, but through information and voting. The author believes that the 2024 election will be crucial and needs to be fair. Lastly, it mentions a whistleblower’s suspicious death and the ongoing exposure of Biden’s alleged crimes.
➡ This text discusses concerns about corruption, border security, and illegal immigration in the United States. It suggests that people are becoming more aware of these issues and are increasingly supportive of stronger border controls. The text also raises concerns about crimes committed by illegal immigrants and suggests that the current administration is not doing enough to address these issues. Finally, it discusses the situation in Haiti and suggests that the U.S. government’s policies are contributing to problems there.
➡ The article talks about concerns over open borders and the potential dangers they pose, such as the illegal transport of drugs via drones. It also discusses the negative impacts of illegal immigrants on sanctuary cities and the potential for overcrowding in prisons. The article mentions a bill aimed at controlling information on platforms like TikTok, and the Supreme Court ruling that allows the public to sue government officials who block or mute them on social media. The author believes that these measures could be used to the advantage of the patriots in the future.
➡ The text talks about the power of information and how it’s being used in politics. It suggests that the government is trying to control information using artificial intelligence (AI), but people are fighting back by seeking alternative news sources. The text also discusses political tensions in places like Haiti and Israel, and suggests that these tensions could lead to war. Lastly, it talks about increasing crime rates in cities where police funding has been cut, and suggests that allowing people to carry weapons could reduce crime.
➡ This text discusses the alleged corruption within the U.S. government, focusing on the January 6 insurrection against Trump and the involvement of various agencies and individuals. It suggests that the system is rigged and compares it to a criminal syndicate. The text also mentions the potential for election fraud and the need for a change in leadership. It ends by suggesting that the people will rise up against the corrupt system.
➡ The text suggests that Trump will win the election by a large margin, not just a small one, because his supporters, referred to as Patriots, are in control. This victory will be significant and heard around the world. The author ends by thanking the readers and advising them to stay safe and prepared.


Report. My name is Dave in this episode. 3306 bn. Today’s date is March 15, 2024 and the title of the episode is the precipice. Emotions cloud judgment. Remain calm. We are here for a reason. Let’s talk about our health. Have you ever taken the time to read the back of an ibuprofen bottle? It’s pretty mind blowing that anyone will still take that stuff. It says right there on the bottle that the risk of using include heart disease, blood clots, strokes, and kidney failure.

I don’t know about you, but I’d rather find a safer, more natural way to ease my pain. Besides that, ibuprofen is the only masking the pain and it’s downright dangerous, especially for older adults. Since the root of most pain is caused by inflammation, I’d rather turn to a supernutrient like omega three fatty acids that do more than just ease inflammation. It helps prevent it altogether. Native past omega Three s are sourced from some of the deepest, chilliest waters of the Antarctic Ocean, making them free of heavy metals like mercury.

Unlike regular fish oil and natives past, krill oil contains Astanza xanthin, one of the most powerful oxyantidins found in nature. Astazanthin is 550 times stronger than vitamin E, 800 times more powerful than coq, ten and 6000 times more potent than vitamin C. Native’s past krill oil is formulated to be the most bioavailable, which means it’s more easily absorbed in the body and goes right to work. So you’ll get its benefits and results quickly.

Plus, right now, native path is giving my listeners a crazy good deal as low as $19 a bottle. So go check out the special offer@yetnativepath. com x 22 or click the link in the description. Let’s get into the economic collapse, political and geopolitical news now. The deep state, the corrupt politicians, big tech fake news, the puppet masters. They are now doing what they do best. And you need to remember something and remove your emotions.

They cloud judgment. Because remember, what is this all about? What are we doing here? What is Trump doing? He is exposing the system to the people of this country. You might be awake, you might be pissed off. You might say enough is enough. But think about the rest of the country. They need to reach the precipice. The country needs to reach the precipice because this is about exposing and making the people understand that the country is run by a criminal syndicate.

If it’s run by a criminal syndicate, they don’t follow the freaking rule of law. So if they don’t follow the rule of law, why is everyone expecting she’s going to get disqualified, Hunter Biden’s going to go to jail. Oh, we’re going to get Joe Biden. He’s going to be impeached. Really? Think about it for a second. The country is run by a criminal syndicate. The FBI is corrupt.

The DOJ is corrupt. DHS is corrupt. Prosecutors, judges across the country are corrupt. How in the world do you think something’s going to happen? It’s not. This part of the plan is to do what? To wake everyone up? Do you see the two tiered justice system? Do you see how they don’t follow the rule of law? Do you see how they attack a political opponent? Do you see this? If you don’t, I will give you more because I’m going to show you who these people really are.

That’s what this is about. It’s about bringing the people to the precipice so they finally wake out of their sleep. They wake up and they finally see it all. That’s what this is about. So if you’re expecting some type of miracle to happen at this point, it’s not going to happen. Joe Biden isn’t going to prison yet. Hunter Biden’s not going to prison yet. Willis is not going to be taken off the case.

The cases aren’t just going to disappear. It’s not going to happen. Because think about it. What are they trying to do? They’re trying to stop Trump and they’re going to continue to do this because it’s a criminal syndicate going after Trump. Actually, they’re really coming after us. He’s just in the way. So if you understand this and you understand we’re in war, this is an information war. The war is not over.

Actually, the war has just begun because now the deep state’s going to really dig in. The deep state is not going to budge. They’re going to attack and attack and attack and attack. And yes, it’s going to get worse. This is how you bring the people to the presspace. Does Trump, the patriots know this? Yes, they’re leading them down this path. They want the people to see this.

They want the people to see the open borders. They want the people to see the two tier justice system. They want the people to see, look, they’re going to bring us to war. They’re going to destroy the economy. They’re going to destroy the country. That’s the whole point. Because how in the world are the people of this country. Just walk around a little bit. How are they going to take it back if they don’t get it? You might be getting it, but think about the rest of the people.

They’re not getting it yet. And yes, sometimes you really got to show them the darkness. You really need to show them exactly what’s happening. And that’s what people are going to experience. A lot of people have woken up. A lot of people already know this. You probably know this already. And yes, it’s getting you pissed off. Other people are just waking up. They’re starting to figure like, you know, I’ve been watching this on the fake news and I feel like they’re not following the rule of law.

I heard the case with founde Willis and I heard what was going on there. And how in the world isn’t she disqualified? This makes no sense. Hey, you know, I heard the case with Biden and his classified documents. He knew he had classified documents. He was reading his classified documents to the ghostwriter. How isn’t he brought up on charges? But they’re going after Trump. You see, people now are starting to say something doesn’t seem right.

What’s going on here? Just like the borders, the people see the open border and they say, well, wait a minute, what’s going on here? This is a complete and utter disaster. A lot of other people, like the Democrats, they’re saying, you know something, I don’t see a problem yet. I’m not seeing it. What are you talking about? Wait until there’s more events. Wait until you see as things progress here, how people are going to react.

So remove emotion. It clouds judgment. Remain calm. This is part of the plan to take the country back. Remember, there’s an insurgency happening in this country. It’s the deep state that is coming for all of us. When I say they’re coming for all of us, that’s what the insurgency is. That’s why they’re bringing the illegals. Yes, I know there’s many other agendas associated with it, but think about it.

This is their army. They’re coming after the people of this country. Trump is building, and he has been building the counterinsurgency. The counterinsurgency takes time. It was easy to get the military on his side. All he needed to have is the deep state to do what they do best. They cheated in the election because they knew if Trump stayed in power, it would be game over. So he was expecting them to cheat.

He knew they were going to overthrow the United States government and he needed the military to come and be activated. The longer part of this is getting the people. He needs to get the people. Actually, if you look at Andrew Jackson, this is what Andrew Jackson did. And actually, if you look at Trump back in 2016, 2017, he actually spoke in front of Andrew Jackson’s house. So he knew that he had to get the people.

But to get the people, he just couldn’t say, by the way, if you don’t vote for me, they’re going to destroy the country. If you don’t vote for me, they’re going to have open borders. If you don’t vote for me, they’re going to destroy the economy. If you don’t vote for me, we’re going to be in nuclear war. Would anyone believe it? Would anyone go, hey, oh, my God, you know what? Is that true, what you’re saying? Oh, then I should vote for you? He knew that wasn’t going to happen.

He knew the people weren’t going to be convinced. The only way to convince the people is to show the people. And when I mean show the people, I mean show the people, show them what’s going on. That’s what you’re experiencing right now. This has always been going on. He just accelerated and lifted the veil. Now you see it, actually, all your friends, your cousins, your brothers, sisters, all the people that don’t believe, they are now seeing it.

Now, they might not believe at this point, some people do. But as the economy breaks down, as we have additional events in this country and we go to war, and of course everyone’s going, I don’t see war. I don’t see this happening. Well, those people are going to wake up again, I’m saying it. You’re probably not believing it, but again, you’re going to see it actually happen. Just like if I told everyone back in 2017, 2018, oh, by the way, for 2020, this is what’s going to happen.

Yeah, they’re going to release a virus because they’re going to have to cheat in the election and you’re going to have to wear a mask, you’re going to have to close all the businesses, you won’t be going to school, your kids won’t be going to school, you’ll have to be, you’ll stay in your house and they’ll tell you you’re going to have to stay there for twelve years until they come up with some type of cure.

No one would believe that. But if you actually see it and you experience it, then you believe it. So that’s what’s happening right now. The criminal syndicate is corrupt. It’s the mafia. They’re running this system. And yes, they blackmail judge, they bribe judges, and yes, they will do what they’re being told to do. Now, a lot of people saying, why can’t we just stop this? How would you like this stopped? How would you like the FBI to be arrested? How would you like the DOJ to be arrested? Ask yourself that simple question.

Who would stop this? Think about it for a second. Who is going to stop it? I mean, this is the big question, right? Why doesn’t anyone do anything about this? This is ridiculous. Well, let’s see if Biden is part of it, Kamala Harris is part of it. If the DOJ is part of it, the FBI is part of it, DHS is part of it. You have the corrupt judges that are part of it.

Corrupt prosecutors are part of it. Who’s going to stop it? Really think about this for a second. So when you really get the answer, you will know who’s going to stop it. The answer is the people of this country. The answer is the backing of the military. That’s who’s going to stop it now, again, to stop it. They’re not going to march into DC. They’re not going to bring in the tanks and the helicopters and march in there and throw people out.

That’s not how this country runs. And the people wouldn’t have learned a lesson. They wouldn’t know how to take the country back and they wouldn’t know how to keep it. Just like if you’re losing weight, if you lose weight by cheating, by maybe taking a pill or a drug or something, you actually really don’t know how to lose weight. And that’s why most of the people gain it back later on.

But if you work out, you change your eating habits, you eat right and you understand, wow, it took all this work to lose this weight. Most of the people keep it off because you’ve learned something. You’ve learned. This is what I had to do to get to here. The same thing with the country. The people are learning what freedom really is. Do you like your freedom? Do you want your freedom? If you do, then fight.

And I don’t mean fight physically. Fight against these people. Use information, vote when the time comes. That’s what this is all about. Yes, we will have the arrests. Yes, we will have the tribunals. Yes. Once we take control of the people, send a clear message, which I do believe is going to be shot, heard around the world. Because again, if you have the majority of the people on Trump’s side.

That is a shot around the world. The deep state will hear the thunder. The deep state will see the people, and they will understand that they have lost. But that doesn’t mean they don’t give up. That means they’re going to try to take back the power. But again, once Trump knows that he has the people, once Trump knows that he has the people on his side, nothing can stop this.

Nothing. Now, we’re going to be talking a little bit more about this a little bit later, but first, let’s talk about the Boeing whistleblower who died suspiciously. And most likely it is not a suicide, because he was exposing what Boeing was doing. And what’s very interesting is that the whistleblower said to his friend before his death, if anything happens to me, it’s not suicide, which tells you everything you need to know.

And there is an investigation going on right now. But once again, I do believe that this person was taken out because, remember, the criminal syndicate, they played dirty, and they don’t want people going out there telling everyone their secrets. And this has to do with corporations. This has to do with the corrupt system in DC and everywhere else. Now, what’s very interesting, like we discussed before, the criminal syndicate is running the system right now.

Trump and the patriots want everyone to see this. This doesn’t mean the patriots aren’t in control. Remember, Trump has the military behind him. He keeps telling everyone that he has the real generals. He has the real military. He doesn’t have the TV generals. Those are just the TV people that are the advisors to the resident. He has the actual military with him. So Trump, he needs everyone to see how dirty and how corrupt the system is and what the criminal syndicate really is.

And I think everyone could really see this when special counsel heard did his investigation with Biden and actually how Biden has been lying to the people. And remember, the Internet is forever. And Trump, he put this out on truth, showing Joe Biden lying to the people, saying that you can guarantee it. I do not share classified information, except special counsel. Her kind of countered everything that he said.

Take a listen. I did not share classified information. I did not share with my ghostwriter. I did not guarantee you did not. We also identified other recorded conversations during which Mr. Biden read classified information aloud to his ghostwriter. And that should tell you everything you need to know. So if that is the case, if Biden knew he was reading classified information to the ghostwriter, then Biden knew he had classified information because it’s more classified.

So how in the world didn’t special counsel her press charges against Biden? Think about it for a second. Why didn’t he do it? Oh, is this showing people the two tier justice system? Of course it is. And the other thing we could see is that the house, they were put into place, the patriots there. I’m not talking about the rhinos. I’m not talking about the DS, because that’s the uni party.

I’m talking about MAGA. They have been inserted into the house to expose Biden, if you really look at it. Who’s exposing Biden? Who’s showing everyone the crimes that he has committed? Who’s showing everyone that he’s been lying to the american people? It’s the MAGA people. It’s not the rhinos. It’s not the DS. And why do you think Biden wants to stop this? They never wanted this information out there.

They never wanted people to know about this. Why do you think Hunter Biden didn’t testify in public yet? Remember, he was telling everyone. That’s what I want to do. I want to testify in public. I want to tell people my story. But now he’s rejecting it. Why? Think about it for a second. Remember, this is about exposing the criminal syndicate. Right? Now, even if arrests were made or they charged these, what do you think the DOJ was going to do with all this? What do you think the judges in DC, do you really think there was going to be a fair trial? Do you really think that this would go the way you thought it was going to go? No.

You need to clean house. But before you clean house, what do you got to do? You got to make everything public. You need the people to understand. You need to show the people the truth about it. Because once the people know, they realize, we need to clean house. We need to get rid of all these people. And the only way to do this is to vote in the people.

And I don’t mean install them, I mean the people need to vote in those people that are going to clean house. And the only way to do that is to have a fair election, which means we can’t use the deep state election system. So that’s where all this is headed. And this is why 2024 is the most important election. This is the final battle. And with this final battle, we need an election that is controlled by the Patriots, where everyone’s vote is heard.

I do believe Trump, the Patriots, they already have this laid out. And yes, the deep state players, they’re heading down this path. Now, what’s very interesting is we could see that the House and the Patriots, they’re continually exposing the crimes of Biden. Paul Sperry put this out and said, interesting that Biden added to his legal defense team the Obama DOJ official, David Loughman, who headed DOJ’s counterintelligence section, which enforces the Foreign Agents Registration act.

There’s ample evidence Biden and son violated Farah. Loughman, weaponized Farah vs. Trump advisors. So this is all coming back to haunt Biden? Yes, this is the exposure phase. This is not the justice phase yet. People need to understand that, yes, they are corrupt. I do believe Obama will be brought into focus and people will start to learn that he is corrupt. And people will start to learn that he was actually orchestrating the 16 year plan that is the destruction of this country.

Remember, it’s infiltration. So basically people are going to start to learn, wait a minute, he’s the one who wanted all this. He was lying to us, saying, oh, he’s following the constitution, we got to do this behind the scenes. He was actually destroying the country. And now people, they’re starting to really wake up of what’s going on, especially with the borders. People are starting to see the borders is a national security threat.

With Rasmussen polls, we could see that the black, hispanic, they’re on the side of Trump, close the border, secured the border. The people of the country are saying, yes, it’s a national security threat. Even the Ds are coming on board now saying, yes, it’s a national security threat. Once you show the people, the people then react. And the people use common sense. And that’s what Trump keeps saying.

It’s common sense. Especially when people see crimes, especially when they see their resources being used, people start to say, you know something, this is not good. This doesn’t make any sense anymore. And when you start to talk to your friends, your cousins, your brothers, your relatives and everything else, and everyone starts to speak to each other, people say, you know something, I agree with you. This is not right.

It doesn’t matter if you’re republican, Democrat, that makes no difference. It’s common sense. But as every day that passes, you can see more and more of the crimes that are being conducted by these illegals and it’s pissing people off. They’re getting very, very angry right now. N. Wilkness put this out and said an illegal from Haiti has been charged with raping a disabled girl. He was led in under a Biden administration program which allows 30,000 illegals in every month from Haiti, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Cuba.

Corey Alvarez 26, flew to New York in June. Recently, he was under this Biden DHS program. 138,000 Haitians have been let in since last year. They were all given legal status, so they came in illegally. They weren’t really vetted. And this person raped a disabled girl. Think about it. Is Biden ever going to say her name again? This disabled girl, she’s not going to be able to live her life because Biden allowed this person to come into this country.

And if you notice the deep state players, they only amplify what they want. Anything else, they keep to the side, which tells you everything you need to know. They don’t care about the american people. If you’re thinking that they’re going to care about the american people, well, stop. They only care about their foot soldiers. They only care about the people that they need to fight the american people.

That’s why they hooked into the trans community. They know they’re unbalanced. They know they have mental problems. They know they’re on medication. They’re easily controlled. They brought in the illegals not because, hey, we love this country, and we want to assimilate, like they say. No, they brought in the illegals to battle the american people. They can’t stand the american people. They only like american people. If you agree with them, if you go against them, they can’t stand you.

They want you destroyed. If you think of it in these terms, it all starts to make sense. And everything else becomes much, much clearer, especially when you look at the human trafficking. Child trafficking. Because remember, they’re bringing all these people in. They’re doing it right in front of everyone’s faces. Remember when their big thing was, oh, look at the cages. Oh, my God, I remember Obama set those up.

Look at the cages. Trump is putting these illegals into cages. Well, here we have child trafficking, human trafficking. These children are being sent all over the country. Do you hear anyone saying anything? No, they’re saying absolutely nothing. Are they concerned about the girl who was disabled, who got murdered? Are they concerned about the college student who was jogging? No. This tells you everything you need to know. And actually, during a hearing in Congress, we had a representative ask HHS secretary Xavier Bacara a specific question.

He said, do you have any idea what percentage of unaccompanied illegal alien children are placed in the home of someone who is not legally present in the country? And of course, the HHS secretary, Xavier Bacara, says, I couldn’t tell you that. So wait a minute, they’re taking the children. They’re putting them into homes. And they’re not vetting to see if the person’s here illegally. Are they vetting them to see if they’re criminals? Are they doing anything? Probably not.

Because remember, you’re witnessing child trafficking. That’s what you’re witnessing. And again, if you’re trafficking children, would you care if the person’s illegal? Would you care if the person’s a criminal? No, you wouldn’t because they’re part of the criminal syndicate. And remember, think about Haiti. Think about all the children there. Think about all the money that was spent there. Do you really think it was there? All the money was there to help Haiti after the earthquake? No.

They tricked the american public. Clandestine, put this back, put this out on X and said flashback 2010, the Clinton foundation were in charge of the 13 plus billion in aid to rebuild Haiti. Bill Clinton used the phrase build Haiti back better. The Haiti people never saw that money and now their country is ruled by cannibal gangs. This is what the Dems mean. And he’s absolutely right. And the people now, they understand that, hey, there’s child trafficking, there’s human trafficking, and they’re starting to see the deep state very, very clearly.

They’re starting to see the criminal syndicate very, very clearly. And like we said from the very beginning, people want the borders closed. Now, Rasmussen reports put this out and said 81% of black voters and 79% of hispanic and other race voters say it is important that the government stops illegal immigration. Then Rasmussen reports put this out and said, taking Trump out of it, 50% of votes say they trust congressional Republicans on border security.

Only 37% trust Biden or congressional Democrats. I think that tells you everything you need to know. And all these people that are coming into this country, you can see that they’re going to be causing problems in this country. And what’s very interesting is since we have major, major problems in Haiti, it looks like the Biden administration, they’re planning to use Guadanamo Bay as a processing center for haitian migrants.

So they’re going to bring them there first. Do you think this is going to be the children, the women, where they’re setting them up to be trafficked into the United States? Yes, I do believe there will know military age men, but I think most of these individuals because I think that’s what Haiti was used for. I think we all understand that it was used to traffic children for the pedophilia network.

I do believe that’s what this is going to be used for. So if you really look at this Joe Biden, he actually worsened the Haiti chaos by facilitating middle class migration. So the Haiti’s government has collapsed. Three years after Joe Biden’s pro migration deputies began facilitation, the migration of critical reserves of better educated Haitians, including policemen and politicians. Haiti’s 10,000 man national police lost 1600 police in 2023.

Many of them came to the US through this program, and they’ve been losing more and more of these individuals. So if you’re reducing the police force, can other people take over the country? Absolutely. And what’s very interesting is Mayor Eric Adams. He is telling the haitian migrants to come to New York. He says, we call New York City the port, a prince of America. We feel the pain our haitian neighbors feel as the situation grows dire to the people of Haiti and our own haitian community here in New York City, know that we stand with you today and always.

So is he telling them, hey, send the children here, send the women here. It’s starting to seem that way. Trump, he put this out on truth. He said, hundreds of thousands of people are pouring into our country from Haiti. They’re headed to Florida. But don’t worry, cricket, Joe Biden has everything totally under control. MAGA let’s talk about protecting ourself. Law enforcement agencies across the country are struggling to contain the steadily rising violent crime rates.

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Now, a couple of weeks ago, we talked about false flags and how the next false flag might be with a drone. And what’s very interesting is that the DoD officials, and by the way, Senator Ted Bud put this out, DoD officials have admitted that thousands of drones are crossing the southern border every month. They say it’s a threat to our homeland and it’s skyrocketing. So they’re realizing that there are a lot of drones being flown into this country.

And it looks like it’s a lot of the cartels. They’re using drones to transport drugs across the border. And I wouldn’t be surprised if other drones, much larger drones, are being flown into this country for other reasons. Because, again, if these drones can fly into this country, nobody’s stopping them. Why isn’t anyone stopping them? Oh, that’s right. It’s a criminal syndicate. They’re not going to stop it. Remember, their plan is to destroy the country.

Trump’s plan is to wake you up with this. So when you look at this, you understand why all of this is happening. And the people, they’re learning that open borders is not the way to go. Actually, Lara Loomer, she put out a really incredible video that shows all the illegals coming in, all the gang members, the cartels. You could see it as clear as day, and they’re continually bringing in these people, and these are the people that are infiltrating our country.

And remember, these people are being sent to where? Sanctuary cities. Sanctuary City is a safe haven for their foot soldiers. The rule of law does not apply to them. That’s why when they come in, they’re given legal status. That’s why they’re released with a cash bail. If you notice, they set all this up before all of this even happened because they realized the people that they were bringing in, they were going to be criminals.

They’re going to be people from the assain asylums, they’re going to be people from the prisons coming from Venezuela, coming from Haiti, coming from all the other countries, and they’re not going to be upstanding citizens. So the prisons would become overcrowded, wouldn’t they? And you don’t want your foot soldiers in prison. So what you got to do, you got to set up a certain mechanism to release them very, very easily.

Plus you need to keep them very, very happy, and you need them to steal and pillage and loot in this country to keep them paid. That’s pretty much what they’re doing. Because remember, they don’t care if they destroy the cities. They don’t care if people get hurt, because remember, their entire objective is to destroy the country. So would they really care about the american people? Absolutely not. And trump the patriots, they know this.

They want the people to see this. They want the people to experience this firsthand. How much are you going to take until you say enough is enough? How much are you going to sit there and do nothing? A lot of people are starting to push back. A lot of people are starting to protest. A lot of people are waking up. And yes, this has to continue to happen just like it continued to happen with the fake news.

Remember, we’re in an information war. So you’re seeing information, you’re watching it, you’re experiencing it. And when people saw the fake news lying to them, what did they do? They said, I’m not listening to you anymore. This is why the percentage of people listening to the fake news is continually declining. So since that is declining, and the deep state players can’t control the flow of information, they can’t control the narrative, because they don’t have control of the people.

What do they got to do? They got to do something else. They need to control information. And I do believe this is one of the reasons why they decided to pass the TikTok ban legislation. Now, I do believe Trump and the Patriots will most likely use this against them in the end. But again, they’re going to attempt to use this to try to control information. Now, Charlie Kirk, he believes that, yes, it’s good to have this bill, because when he read it, it says they’re going after TikTok.

But when you look closer and closer at the bill, you see there’s certain points where they can use it against X or Rumble. But let me just tell you what Charlie Kirk says. I’ve been listening to and observing what many different people I respect have to say about the TikTok bill. After serious thought, I’ve concluded that TikTok sucks. And should either one be banned, or if China agrees to divest, to be sold to a trustworthy, non woke company like Rumble, I agree with that.

I do believe this bill was put into place to force the sale of TikTok. Because there’s a threat that TikTok will be banned. So that will most likely force them to do what? Probably sell it to an american company. And we see Minutian, and we see Rumble going after TikTok right now. Let me continue. TikTok’s algorithm spreads poison, destroys the mental well being of young people, and turns 130,000,000 phones into spy devices of the CCP.

Based on my own reading of its content, this bill does not seem to put Rumble or X in any real threat. If that changes, or if I get additional information, I reserve the right to change my mind. The timing of the bill and Washington’s sudden urgency to pass it are suspicious, I admit. But the text of the bill seems to put sufficient checks on executive power. Any ban of an app is subject to judicial review.

And the bill uses a very specific definition of an adversarial country, one which will preclude punishing Rumble’s canadian roots or banning X because it carried a small saudi investment ban. TikTok, or a secondary option, forced China to sell it, which I do believe that’s the intent. And yes, there is judicial rule to actually have checks and balances. But when you read the bill and it depends who controls Congress, that’s how you control what’s going on.

And again, right now, the control is with the patriots. And I do believe since the patriots have that control, the bill will work in the favor of MAGA and those people that are taking back the country. Clandescent put this out and said, we are in the middle of an information war that we are winning. And Republicans want to give Biden the power to label Elon Trump as under control of foreign person or entity, forcing them to sell true social and x just in time for the election.

So he highlights a section here, a person subject to the direction or control of a foreign person or entity described in sub paragraph A and B. So basically, they want this to happen. They want to say, hey, look, Russia, Russia, Russia, truth. Social is being controlled by a foreign adversary. X is being controlled by a foreign adversary. So now we can take this, we can go to judicial review, and they can review it, and then we could see if this is true or not.

I do believe what Trump and the patriots are doing is, number one, they’re forcing the sale of TikTok, trying to gain control of that. As long as the Patriots are in control to block certain things, I do believe this can then be used against the deep state players, because if there is election interference and YouTube, Instagram, Facebook are involved, like Trump says, Facebook, that’s the biggest threat, and you prove that there was foreign influence with these platforms.

Does this bill help trump in the end? I do believe it does, and I do believe this is the direction that we’re heading in. But the other thing that just came out, which is absolutely incredible, and this was unanimous by the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court ruled that members of the public can, in certain cases, sue government officials who block or mute them on social media. The justices determined that whether a lawsuit is justified will depend on not only on who the blocker is, but whether they acted using an official account where government business is conducted.

Justice Amy Coney Barrett wrote in the ruling that the social media accounts can be viewed as official channels of communication when the user possessed actual authority to speak on the state’s behalf and purported to exercise that authority in some circumstances. She added, the post content and function might make the plaintiff’s argument a slam dunk, such as when the account is marked as official. So right now, if they try to block anyone, well, you can sue.

But again, think about what the deep state is doing right now. They’re creating AI that they want to sell to the companies. They’re going to use AI instead. Now, once again, it doesn’t mean that there’s going to be no government officials saying down this person or block or mute this person, which enables the people to actually sue. So actually, this is a benefit to the people. But again, the deep state players, they’re always going to fight back and they’re going to continue to fight back because this is an information war.

I do believe Trump and the patriots, they are winning the information war because think about it, the ratings for the fake news have been declining. People are looking for alternative sources to understand what is going on, which means they’re not winning the information war. It means the Patriots have control over the information, and it doesn’t take that long to debunk anything anymore, which is making it very, very difficult for the deep state players, just like in Haiti, it’s making it very difficult for them.

And it looks like out in Haiti, one of the gang leaders barbecue, he is now threatening violence against the families of anyone who joins the Biden administration backed transitional council. So these people are not with Biden. They’re actually against Biden. So this is becoming very, very interesting in what’s happening out in Haiti. And we’ll have to watch Haiti because I think things are about to change and certain things are about to be exposed.

And I think this is going to be very, very interesting as we move forward. If you notice, the storm is definitely building and people are getting a lot of information and people are starting to learn a lot as we go down this path. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is we could see Israeli’s prime minister, he’s approved a plan for the military to go into Rafa in the southern Gazan strip.

And they’re going to remove the Hamas terrorists. Now, you could see the deep state players. They’re panicking over this, especially those installed individuals like Chuck Schumer. He is now saying that we need to remove Netanyahu. He no longer fits the needs of Israel after October 7. So are they panicking a little bit? It’s starting to seem that way. And if he is now calling for the removal of Netanyahu, isn’t that election interference? I do believe so.

Richard Goldberg put this out on X and said, what? A 24 hours? Biden gives Iran $10 billion. White House offers to meet with caar care in Chicago. Schumer calls for regime change in Israel. Biden imposes sanctions on more Israelis. All our political warfare on our ally, rewards for terrorists, their sponsors and allies. Yeah. And a lot has been happening. And what’s very interesting is that Obama, who’s in the basement, is supporting Iran.

And what’s very interesting is that the House Republicans, led by Mike Waltz, they’re insisting that John Kerry reveal specifics about his self proclaimed shadow diplomacy with Iran during Trump’s administration. So who put John Kerry up to this? I do believe this was Obama. He met with the iranian foreign minister at the time. We’ve known about this, which violates the Logan act. Remember, the Logan act enacted in 1799 under John Adams forbids private individuals from unauthorized communication with foreign governments in an attempt to shape that government’s interactions with the United States.

Now, has anyone really been brought up on charges? Very few people. But again, this is what they were doing. They were running a shadow government and they were keeping in contact with all the different leaders around the world. And now we’re moving into the insurgency part of it. But this reminds me of post nine four 7 March 15, 2018. It says Iran next RT days after RT Kenya, no coincidences.

Track important Muslim Brotherhood boom. I do believe everything is leading up to Obama because Obama brought in all the Muslim Brotherhood people. Brennan and the rest, he’s bringing in all these illegals, building up their army and infiltrating the country. This wasn’t Biden’s plan. He didn’t hatch this plan. This was Obama when he came into power. He started the insurgency when he was sworn in, and he’s continuing it to this day.

And that’s why Trump started the counterinsurgency, started the plan to counter everything that they are planning to do, and it’s working. And the people are on Trump’s side, and more and more people are going to be on Trump’s side. When all this is said and done, when we actually reach the precipice, we haven’t reached the precipice. We’re going to see dark days ahead. But again, this is part of the plan to wake the american people up and have the people stand there and say, enough is enough.

We’re taking the country back. You have removed our freedom. You’re trying to bring us to war. You destroyed our economy, you’re destroying our borders. We’re seeing events. We’ve had enough. We’ve reached the precipice. We’re taking back the country. That’s where all of this is headed. It’s headed all the way towards the 2024 elections. So these next seven months are going to get worse and worse and worse, because sometimes you got to go through the darkness before you see the light.

And that’s what people are experiencing right now. It’s got to get really, really dark, which means war is on its way. And we can see North Korea right now. They have debuted their most powerful tanks in the world, and they’re showing them off. Remember, it’s going to look like we’re heading towards war. It’s going to get very scary. Just like COVID. Those people believed there was a real pandemic.

They believed that the virus was so deadly that if they walked outside, they would just drop dead. War is going to feel the same exact way. Think about what they had to do with COVID They had to show you the deaths. So what did the certain governors do? I think five of them. They threw sick people into nursing homes to kill them. Then they had to show you that people were dying in the hospital, so they paid the hospitals to say that everyone died from COVID Then they had to show you that everyone was sick.

So they used the fake PCR test and they kept this going and they made you scared by keeping the tickers on the news. And every day all you saw was the count. And this is called brainwashing. So when we’re heading to war and you see missiles flying to this country and you’re seeing them being intercepted and you’re seeing it every day, you think, this is going to scare a lot of people? Absolutely.

It’s going to scare people that we’re heading towards nuclear war, that war is heading this way. And when people are scared like that, they’re going to have to make a decision. It’s either you have peace or you have war. Either you go with Trump or you go with Biden. The fake news and all the other people that are calling for war, we’ll have to see how this all plays out.

This will be very, very interesting. But the other thing that’s very interesting is you could see that crime. It’s completely and utterly out of control. Remember the deep state players, they have their sanctuary cities. They defunded the police. They didn’t want the police. And now, as they bring in all the illegals, what are you seeing? You’re seeing crime completely and utterly out of control, especially with no cash bail.

So they’re just releasing the criminals all over the place. And now we see a man. He was shot in the head in New York City in a subway station during rush hour. DC Drainer responded to this and said they put state troopers and National Guard troops in New York City subways, and people are still getting shot in the head. It’s the bail reform, idiots. Start locking up bad guys, stop locking up good guys, and watch the violence drop overnight.

Well, what happens if everyone was carrying legally? What happens if people had a way to defend themselves? Do you think crime would go down? I do believe so. But think about this. N. Moknis put this out. New York City in 2020. Defund the police. New York City in 2024. Where’s the NYPD? Unbelievable. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is that we’ve come to learn that the CIA was also involved in January 6 and judicial watch.

They received 88 pages of ATF records from the DOJ in a lawsuit that show that the CIA deployed personnel to DC on January 6, 2021. So, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, the ATF. The records include a series of text messages under the heading January 7 intel chain, in which two separate references to participation by the CIA are made. One states that two CIA bomb techs are assisting with a pipe bomb scene on New Jersey and D Street, Sc.

Another references several CIA dog teams on standby. These striking rigors show the CIA resources were deployed in reaction to the January 6 disturbance. I didn’t know the CIA can operate on US soil. I thought that was the FBI’s job. So the CIA was involved in all this? Very, very interesting. The entire January 6 insurrection against Trump is falling apart. And actually, now that people are seeing that, let’s see, the FBI, DOJ, CIA, Nancy Pelosi and many others were involved in actually having the insurrection against Trump.

They overthrew the United States government, they overthrew the duly elected president. That’s what they did. And what they had to do is they had to cover up all the evidence. Why do you think they destroyed everything? Why didn’t they publish all the different emails that exonerated Trump and their investigations and their hearing recordings and transcript, because once again, they’re covering up their insurrection. And I think people are starting to really get this.

Just like people are starting to understand what happened with Fonnie Willis. I mean, did people really think that she was going to be disqualified? Did anyone really believe that with all the testimony going against her, that she was going to be disqualified with a corrupt system? The judge was corrupt. Do you really think he was going to say, this case is gone? Come on. Remember, the system is a criminal syndicate.

It’s like the mafia running a town. The mafia doesn’t go after their own unless those people go against them. So they’re not going to take out their own if they’re trying to take out Trump. Remember, their entire mission is to stop Trump. So no matter what evidence you produce, no matter what happens, you will not stop them. But I don’t think that was Trump’s move. I think he wanted to show the people, look how corrupt the system is.

Look at it, look what they just did. All the evidence was completely against her. Actually, the judge, he actually donated to Fannie Willis. I mean, really think about this. But patriots are in control. Put this out. Shows then and now. Washington Post. When Fonnie Willis took the stand, her fury was precise and laser focused. Now Fulton County DA Fannie Willis must step aside or remove special prosecutor in Trump case.

So what do you think she’s going to do? Do you think she’s going to drop the case or do you think they’re going to have Wade removed? Maybe he’ll resign. Maybe she will say, you’re out of here, but it makes no difference, because that’s exactly what happened. What happened was Nathan Wade resigned. The case is going to continue. But I do believe Rasmussen reports says it perfectly. Perjury is fun and easy to do.

Most courts are a joke and out to screw you. Absolutely. And Marjorie Taylor Greene confirms that, yes, the judge, Judge McAfee worked for Fannie Willis and donated to her campaign and has now ruled that Fanny can keep prosecuting Trump, but only if she removes her lover, Nathan Wade, which she absolutely does. So Curtis Hooke put this out and this sums up everything that we’ve been seeing in the past couple of years, and you’ll understand how corrupt it really is.

So if I have this right, Fulton County Judge Scott McAfee decided to pull a James Comey, a Robert Mueller, and a Robert her writing a ruling saying Willis and Nathan Waite are guilty as hell, have no ethics, and aren’t good role models. But she can stay. Think about it. Remember, they had to do something. They had to make it look good. And they said, okay, one of you got to go.

That’s how they solved it. So Nathan Wade, he resigned from the case against Trump and the case will now continue. Rasmussen reports put this out and said this is great news since it keeps the GA 2020 election fraudster spotlight and they hate it. So, yes, this is going to put the spotlight back on the election fraud, the rigging of the election. I do believe Trump at the Patriots, they needed to show the american people, look, it’s corrupt.

The whole system is corrupt. It’s all over the place, not just in DC. Do you see it now? Do you actually really see it? And I think people are really starting to see it right now. Trump, he put this out and said the things that took place at the Manhattan DA’s office in conjunction with people from the DOJ put in charge of getting Trump are truly a sight to behold.

They illegally withheld thousands of pages of documents. Then you have the really shady Pomerance issue. And, wow, people have never seen anything like this one. This will make Fanny and her lover look like small potatoes. Trump is pointing out to everyone, look at the corruption, look how bad it really is, and look how they’re doing whatever they possibly can to go after Trump. They’re not following the rule of law.

They don’t care about the rule of law. They don’t care if the judge is compromised. They don’t care if the judge has donated to the person that’s on trial. They don’t care about that. Their mission is to get Trump, period, the end. Trump is showing everyone the entire corrupt system. And I do believe people can see it very, very clearly. And you know what else people could see? The people can see the uni party.

I think it’s becoming clearer and clearer every single day. And I do believe we have a separation now. We have the DS and the rhinos. They’re together. That’s the uni party. And then we have MAga. So those are the two parties right now. Actually, it reminds me of Andrew Jackson when he created a party. That’s very interesting. But Emerald Robinson put this out and said the GOP is working with the Democrats and the FBI to stop Trump from winning in the 2024 in such an obvious way now that it’s putting America’s political system in serious peril.

Once people understand that our two party system is just one party system, that time has come. And she’s absolutely right. People now see it. And since people are seeing the corruption, people are seeing all this and people understand what’s happening. Do you really think the deep state players are going to have the ability to cheat in the election and win? No, I don’t believe they’re going to have the ability, but I do believe they need someone in there that’s halfway decent that actually can counter everything that Biden has done.

Because remember, now people see Biden as the destroyer. They need someone in there halfway decent doesn’t mean they have the popularity and they can win against Trump. They just need someone halfway decent to separate themselves from what Biden has done so far with the border and everything else. And I do believe that’s why they’re going to bring in the change of battery. Now, of course, it’d be great if it was Biden because this would be an easy win.

His poll numbers are dropping like a rock. He can’t really function in front of the people. He won’t debate Trump. So would this be a very, very easy win for Trump? Yes. Would people want Biden out and would they come to the side of Trump? Absolutely. So do you think the deep state actually wants that? Or do they need to change course and bring in someone halfway decent? Doesn’t mean that they are now polling above Trump, because nobody is.

Michelle Obama’s not. Gavin Newsom isn’t there. I mean, Michelle is above Newsom. But again, they just need someone halfway decent, halfway clean, that can actually separate themselves from the policies of Biden. I do believe that’s why they’re going to have a change of batter. But you could see that in the end, they know that they won’t be able to cheat because they have their internal polls and they’re going to try to probably shut down communications, make sure people can’t get to the Internet somehow, some way.

And what’s very interesting is we know that there was an Internet outage in Africa and it looks like it was because of a subsea cable and they reported a failure all of a sudden. It’s funny how we’re getting the cell towers, the cellular service, their failures over there. We’re getting failures of Internet going out. It’s just amazing how all of a sudden this is happening as we approach the 2024 election.

But Elon Musk, he responded to this and said Starlink still works. And yes, Starlink is not affected by any of this, which is very, very interesting. So I do believe in the end, the deep state players, they’re going to try to the very end to try to control information. But I do believe the patriots, Trump and the Patriots, they have countermeasures all in place, and they’re leading the deep state players down this path.

And as they go down this path, it will allow them to do the things that need to be done and show the people the actual criminal syndicate and the people, they will rise up and go against the deep state players in the end. And I do believe Trump will allow everyone to have their vote, and the people, they will vote for Trump, and this will be the shot heard around the world.

And I do believe the people around the world are going to hear the thunder. They’re going to hear it because Trump won’t just win by a little, he’s going to win by a lot. Why? Because the Patriots are in control. Listen, everyone, thanks a lot for listening. Be well, be safe, and especially be prepared. Thanks a lot. .

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