Ep 3301b – Wall Is More Important Than You Know Set The Stage Remember Your Oath

Posted in: News, Patriots, X22 Reports



➡ This podcast episode discusses the importance of online privacy, the state of American politics, and the significance of border security. The host warns that private browsing doesn’t ensure anonymity online and recommends using a VPN for protection. He criticizes the current political climate, accusing politicians of not caring for the American people and highlighting the importance of the border wall for national security. He also suggests that the military will have to make a decision based on their oath to the constitution, not to any individual leader.
➡ The article discusses concerns about immigration policies and their potential impact on American society. It criticizes the current administration’s approach, suggesting it could lead to increased crime and job loss for American citizens. The article also mentions a bill called the Lincoln Riley Act, which was voted against by some Democrats, causing controversy. Lastly, it discusses potential threats to constitutional rights, such as freedom of speech and the right to bear arms.
➡ The article discusses how public trust in the CIA and other intelligence organizations is decreasing, with many believing they were involved in election interference. It also suggests that President Biden sees himself as a wartime leader, hinting at a potential future conflict. The article criticizes Biden’s administration for their plans in the Middle East, accusing them of aiding terrorists. Lastly, it discusses the role of Iran in the Middle East conflicts and suggests that former President Obama and current President Biden have strengthened Iran, leading to more instability in the region.
➡ The text discusses various political and health-related issues. It suggests that some government officials are resigning, hinting at potential changes. It also mentions a warning about possible extremist attacks in Russia. The text criticizes the use of masks and vaccines for COVID-19, suggesting alternatives like hydroxychloroquine. It also accuses the media and certain individuals of pushing for vaccines and creating fear, while arguing that people had a choice in their treatment.
➡ The text discusses various political issues, including criticism of mandatory vaccinations, skepticism towards media representation of President Biden’s policies, and concerns about the state of the country. It also mentions dissatisfaction with the handling of the Afghanistan situation and the arrest of a Gold Star parent during the State of the Union. The text ends with speculation about changes in the Republican Party and potential future challenges.
➡ This text talks about the controversy around counting illegal immigrants in the U.S. census. It suggests that some people believe this could change the voting population and the country’s political landscape. The text also discusses the idea of an “insurgency” or rebellion, possibly led by those who disagree with current leadership. It ends by emphasizing the importance of loyalty to the U.S. Constitution and the potential conflict between following orders and upholding one’s oath.
➡ The people in power are planning to fight back against those who are trying to manipulate things from behind the scenes. They’re doing this because they believe in protecting their country. Thanks for listening, stay safe, and always be ready for anything.


And welcome. You’re listening to the x 22 report. My name is David this episode 3301 bn. Today’s date is March eigth 2024 and the title of the episode is wall is more important than you know. Set the stage. Remember your oath. Let’s talk about protecting yourself online. Countless people are mistaking private browsing tabs as a way to stay anonymous online. It has gotten so bad that a popular web browser had to update their terms to make it clear to users that private it browsing tabs do not stop websites from collecting your data.

Even with private browsing mode enabled, you can still be tracked by websites and Internet service providers. While many tech savvy people already know that private modes in web browsers don’t make them anonymous, the average user is being misled. That’s why I’ve been protecting my privacy. Thanks to Virtual Shield VPN and absolutely love it. Thanks to Virtual Shield’s help, I’m able to browse the Internet anonymously, which helps protect myself, my data, my finances from cybercriminals, isps, rogue tech companies or data mining giants.

With Virtual Shield’s anonymous browsing, a strict no log policy, unlimited bandwidth and built in malware and ad blocking. This is a world class VPN for anyone who cares about privacy. Cover your tracks with military grade encryption and an industry leading VPN. Starting today. Be sure to use my link in the description below because every sign up using that link gets 67% off with a 60 day risk free trial with unlimited bandwidth, anonymous browsing and fast Internet speeds across all your devices.

Try it now before a sign up ends by going to virtualshield. com x 20 twovpn. Once again, that’s virtualshield. com x 20 TwovPn or click the link in the description let’s get into the economic collapse, political and geopolitical news now. The deep state, corrupt politicians, big tech fake news, the puppet masters. They are now panicking because they realize they do not have the people. Yes, we had Biden out there doing the state of the union.

We know the State of the union was filled with lies. Trump was out there countering every single lie as he continually said it. And we can see the people, they’re starting to realize that these individuals, they do not care about the american people. And actually, Biden was very, very angry. Biden was threatening people. That’s what a lot of people saw. And actually, people saw how he really doesn’t care about we the people.

Remember, we had an illegal kill A-U-S. Citizen and they weren’t going to even mention her name. They weren’t even going to mention the incident. Really, think about this for a second. Until Marjorie Taylor Green and other people said, say her name. Say her name. And of course, this is being broadcast and the people of this country are like, holy crap, he’s not even saying her name. He was forced into doing it.

I mean, think about when George Floyd, who was a criminal, who was on drugs, had a rap sheet. What did they do? They broadcasted his funeral. They gave him a gold casket, they painted the roads, they had marches. Well, here was an illegal who was let into this country illegally, and this criminal killed A-U-S. Citizen, a girl who was going to nursing school and decided to go out for a jog.

They weren’t even going to mention her name until it was forced upon them. That should tell you everything you need to know about these people and how they don’t care about the american people. And then Biden went ahead and threatened the supreme court. This should tell you everything you need to know here. His speech was anger threatening the american people, those people that didn’t do what they wanted.

And we can see that the people, well, they’re not going along with this and they know it. I do believe the d state players realize they have lost the people. Who’s he really talking to? He’s talking to his deep state people. Keep me in the campaign. Look what I’m going to do. Don’t worry about it. I can handle this. That’s really what he was doing. He was campaigning to the deep state.

Once again, the people see this, the people are understanding it, and the people are understanding how important the wall is now. And actually, it’s so important, I don’t even think people realize how important it is. Yes, I understand that there’s drug traffickers, human traffickers, criminals coming over the border. I understand that they’re bringing in all these people. But actually, when you really look at it, you need to understand why Trump was building the wall, why we have to have secure borders, not just to stop crime, not just to stop these people.

But there’s a much, much bigger reason. And I do believe going back to when Trump was in the White House, he set the stage for everything. And during Biden’s State of the Union address, he did say something that was very, very interesting, where those individuals, they need to remember their oath, because we are going to protect this country from foreign and domestic enemies. Really? Think about that for a second.

Why would he say that? Why would he mention that? Remember your oath. Remember, your oath is not to Biden, it’s to the constitution to protect the country from foreign and domestic enemies. It has nothing to do with who’s in charge. So I do believe in the end, like we’ve been saying, when they have their insurgency, those people in the military, they are going to have to make a decision because I do believe they’re going to get orders to do something and it’s going to basically go up against what they swore to the Constitution.

They took the oath, and they’re going to have to make a decision in the end. Actually, I do believe they’re going to have to call the ball. And I do believe this is already set. Everything is ready to go. And the people now are understanding what’s going on. They’re realizing what’s happening. And we’re going to discuss the deep state’s short term plan and their long term plan. And Trump, the patriots, they’ve known both of these plans, and they have put into place all of these countermeasures, the counterinsurgency, the deportation of all these individuals.

Once you start to understand what they’re trying to do here, you will understand why Trump had to show the people. You will understand why he’s been saying the things he’s been saying and why he’s been talking about the military quite often now, saying, oh, no, I know the real military. I know the real generals. It’s not the tv generals you’re seeing. And you’ll understand why he’s saying that Biden is actually aiding foreign and domestic enemies.

And we’re seeing an invasion right now. We’re going to be talking a little bit more about this a little bit later. But first, let’s talk about what is happening in New York right now. Because again, they’re setting the stage, and I’m talking about the deep state players. They’re setting the stage where the illegals, they will have the ability to get jobs, live in America. And there’s a reason for this.

Yes, they might try to use them for the elections, but do they really need the illegals for the elections? No, because they really use the ballots. And I think Trump said this, but again, yes. Will they try to use illegals? Of course they will. I mean, they’re liars, they’re criminals, they’re cheaters. They’re going to use all this. But the illegals, it’s a much, much bigger picture as we approach the presidential election and afterwards.

So in New York state right now, we’re going to probably see a lot of blue states do this right now. New York state is now removing the tate to allow illegal migrants the ability to obtain government state jobs. And they need to put these people in place because how do you start to change America? Remember, they’re going to put people into government jobs. They actually want to bring them into the military.

But I don’t believe that’s going to happen. What happens when you have illegals who might be criminals? Do you really think they’re going to be their allegiance? You really think it’s going to be to this country? Absolutely not. So if you’re putting them all into these government positions, you’re electing some of these people, they’re making the rules. If you bring them into the armed forces, which I don’t believe that’s going to happen because again, Congress is going to have to vote on that.

And I do believe the House was put in there to block everything. Do you really think they’re going to adhere to the constitution? Remember, their allegiance is not to this country. And if there is war, what do you think they’re going to do? I mean, think about all the people right now that are violating the constitution. A lot of these people in the social media companies who are working with government people and even government people, most of these people are from different countries.

And I’m not saying that’s a good or bad thing. I’m just saying these illegals, their allegiance and their way of thinking is not directed by the constitution. They’re not going to be following along the constitution. Because again, if you’re just giving them a fast path to citizenship or you’re just putting them into positions, do they really know anything about the Constitution? Do they really know anything about freedom of speech? Do they really know anything about your rights? No.

Just look at what Biden has been putting into place. Just look what’s in these different corporations. Then you start to understand. But what’s very interesting is that the House passed the Lincoln Riley act and 170 Democrats voted against this bill. I mean, really think about this for a second. The bill requires ice to arrest and detain illegal aliens like Lake and Riley’s murderer until they are removed from the US.

So wait a minute, these people are against that? How could that be? Well, that just shows you how they hate America. Because remember, this was someone who was not part of this country, came over the border illegally, who was a criminal, murdered someone who is A-U-S. Citizen, and they’re not all for it. This should tell you everything you need to know. And Trump, he put this out on truth.

He said the truth about Biden’s border bill. Actually he crossed out border and put amnesty bill enshrines catch and release into federal law. Allows at least 5000 illegal entries per day, over 1. 8 million per year. New authority for Biden to grant asylum to unlimited number of illegals. Path to making Biden migrants into voting citizens. Grants millions of work permits for Biden illegal stealing jobs and wages from american workers.

Provides taxpayer funds to fly and house illegal aliens. Replaces immigration judges with asylum officers to rubber stamp fake asylum claims. Provides taxpayer funded attorneys to illegal aliens. And thank God this bill was blocked because look at what they wanted to do here. Because again, their mission is something very, very different than most people realize. Their mission, yes, is replacing the american people. But think about what they’re actually going to do to this country and their long term plan.

Yes, they’re going to use them to create chaos and have a color revolution. But think about their long term plan here. We’ll be discussing that a little bit later. But Trump, he did put this out on truth. He said this was an angry, polarizing and hate filled speech. He barely mentioned immigration or the worst border in the history of the world. He will never fix immigration, nor does he want to.

He wants our country to be flooded with migrants. Crime will rise to levels never seen before. And it is happening very quickly. And he’s absolutely right. And this goes into what their long term plans are. Now, what’s very interesting, during the state of the union, Alejandro Mayorkas, who’s being impeached the house impeached him. Representative Marjorie Taylor Green offered Secretary Mayorkas the pin that says say her name, laken.

He refused to say her name and refused to take the pin. So let’s see, these people are supposedly american citizens. They are all for America. They’re in these positions of government. An american citizen was killed by an illegal, but they don’t want to actually acknowledge this. When a criminal is brought down to the street level and he was held down because he was drugged out and he had a rap sheet and he died because of a drug overdose, they went crazy and said, this guy needs a parade.

This guy needs a gold coffin. This guy needs not one, but two or three funerals. And we need to have parades and we have to have monuments. We got to kneel to this guy. But an american citizen who’s killed by an illegal, they can’t even acknowledge it. Like we said from the very beginning, these individuals, they’re not Americans. Their allegiance is not to this country. Their allegiance is to their master.

They want this country destroyed. They want the constitution destroyed. That’s actually what they want. And actually, Marjorie Taylor Greene, she had a scream at Biden and she continually said, say her name, say her name, lake. And Riley actually called her Lincoln. I mean, really think about this. Think about what the american people heard when he was discussing her. And what’s very interesting, he actually said an illegal murdered Laken Riley.

And then Pelosi went on CNN and actually corrected him and said, oh, no, he should have said undocumented. I’m surprised she didn’t use the word newcomer. But he actually said it in front of the american people. An illegal was in here and the illegal murdered a us citizen. Think about that for a second. Think about what the people heard. And once again, Nancy Pelosi’s more worried about the wording than the actual person because the person was just killed by an illegal.

And again, these people, they don’t like the people of this country. This is why they continually call the people of this country names. And it started out with Hillary Clinton deplorables. Then we moved into white supremacist maga, extremists, terrorists, domestic terrorists, neanderthals. I mean, really think about it. When the people started to learn the truth and the people started to counter their narrative and they lost the people, they called those people names, all of us names.

Does Trump going around calling all the people names, even the DS? Does he go to the D’s and saying, oh, my God, you’re neanderthals? No, he doesn’t. You know who he calls names? All the deep state players, all the criminals, all the treasonous people. That’s who he calls them. He calls them names, but they specifically call us names. And that should show everyone how they really feel about the american people.

Because again, even if you’re a d right now, if you counter anything that they’re saying, they will start calling that person a name because they don’t care about if you’re a D or not. Because as soon as you ask a question as a Democrat, as soon as you say, you know what, I don’t believe this anymore, they don’t need you because you’re no longer brainwashed. That’s when they start calling you names.

And I think people are starting to see this and realize this now. During his speech, Biden basically threatened the supreme court justices to their faces over abortion. So everything that’s going on in this country, we’re heading into war, the economy’s crashing, the borders wide open. Most likely we’re going to see event very soon in this country. He’s worried about killing babies. I mean, really, think about this for a second.

Well, I guess that’s what they do, don’t they? He wasn’t worried about an illegal killing a person, so why would they be worried about killing a baby? They wouldn’t. Would they be worried about us going to war? No, because they don’t care about our lives. And the justices, they just looked at him, actually, Paul Sperry put this out and said, check out the scowl on Justice Kagan’s face.

The justices, they were looking at Biden going, what the hell? But again, the Supreme Court’s not doing what he wants. So they get angry, they get pissed off. And he’s going to get angrier and angrier as we get closer and closer to the presidential election. Because what’s going to happen? Well, the people, they’re going to wake up. The people aren’t going to be listening to the narrative and the people are going to be countering the narrative and they’re going to be looking for the truth.

And this is going to be a major problem for them. And during the state of the union, Biden pretty much came out and said, listen, we got to get rid of all the assault weapons. Basically, we need to get rid of every single person’s weapon. That’s been their main goal. That’s the 16 year plan. He just told you what they’re going to do. Trump, he put this out and said he wants to take away everyone’s gun.

Remember that when you go to the voting booth, because if I’m not elected, your guns are gone, along with your freedom. And Trump, he’s not kidding around. If Trump doesn’t win the election, if the people don’t wake up and vote for him, the country will be lost. Now, I know a lot of people are going, well, what do you mean by that? Well, think about the border. Think about the wall.

Think about the illegals that are coming into this country. Think about what they really want to do here. Now, remember, Trump, he has set up a counterinsurgency. Yes, he has full control of the country with the military, but without the people, it makes no difference. The people must be on the side of the military, must be on the side of the commander in chief, and the people must send a signal, a message that we are taking back this country, because that’s the only way the counter insurgency will work.

Because if Trump just comes in with the military, it will look like a military coup. And on the world stage, it would look pretty darn bad. And actually the optics wouldn’t be good at all. But if you have the american people vote Trump in and he becomes president, which I do believe is going to happen, and he gets the majority of the people, what can be done then? Quite a bit.

Can he go after the deep state? Can there be trials? Can he round up the illegals? Yes. Can he put the country on the right track? Absolutely. So when Trump says this is the final battle, it is the final battle, because we’ll be discussing that a little bit later. But you can see Trump’s plan, the Patriots plan, it is working. The people are definitely waking up because remember, going back to the 2020 election, most of the people didn’t believe the elections were rigged today, 66% believe the 2020 elections were rigged today, people see the election interference, and 52% of the people believe that the 2024 elections are going to be rigged and the intelligence organizations, they’re going to help rig the elections.

But the other thing that’s very interesting, and Rasmussen reports put this out, it says Republicans used to dependably support the US intelligence agency. They no longer do. The question is impression of the CIA. And they asked the Republicans and the Republicans, well, they do not trust the CIA anymore. And when you look at the numbers, it looks like things are definitely changing. When you look at independence and the question was impression of the CIA, it says somewhat unfavorable, very unfavorable.

When you add those two numbers together, the independents say 44% say, yeah, the impression of the CIA is unfavorable. When you look at the Republicans, 50% of the Republicans say the impression of the CIA is unfavorable. When you look at all, and that includes the Dems, you’re looking at a number of 39% right now. So that number is increasing. And I do believe it’s going to get worse and worse as time goes on.

Because when people start to learn that the intelligence organizations were involved not just in covering up everything with the Bidens and they’re part of the criminal syndicate, when they understand that they were involved in rigging the elections, when they realize they were involved in election interference, and when they realize that they were involved in the 2024 rigging and everything else that we’ve seen, well, I think those numbers are going to actually start to increase and people are going to have an unfavorable view of the CIA, just like with the FBI, same thing with the DOJ, because remember, they’re all part of the criminal syndicate.

Now, what’s very interesting, it looks like Biden. He opened his speech with this line, and Charlie Kirk put this out. He said, in January 1941, Franklin Roosevelt came to this chamber to speak to the nation. That’s seemingly a random way to open a speech. Now, remember, Julian’s rum, looked at the picture of Biden sitting there, realized that it was print on the other side of the paper, decided to zoom in on it, flip it around, and realize, oh, wow, this is the speech that Franklin Roosevelt gave in 1941.

And a couple of months later, we entered war. So this is Biden’s pre war speech. And you can see that, yes, this is where they’re going to bring us. So, Kirk, what he said was, that’s a seemingly a random way to open a speech. Or is it? FDR spoke about declaring all out war in two theaters and to rally Congress. Joe Biden views himself in the same light.

He sees you and anyone who supports the republican nominee for U. S. President as the moral equivalent of the Nazis worthy of destruction. Joe Biden sees himself as a war time leader overseeing a domestic war against the american right. I do believe he’s also using this because we are heading towards World War II. And yes, he sees himself as a wartime president because that’s where all of this is headed.

But again, Trump, the patriots, they knew that they were going to bring us to war because they’re following the 16 year plan. It’s that easy. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting, out in the Middle east, it looks like the Biden administration, they’re claiming they’re going to have no us boots on the ground because they want to build a port in Gaza for aid. Well, once again, this is mostly false because the project would require thousands of us troops either on the ground or close to the shore.

And Biden used the state of the Union to propose that the US military build a new port in Gaza to facilitate the transfer of aid into the area. Now, remember, the israeli government has repeatedly pointed out that unlimited amounts of aid already enters Gaza. The problem is distribution, especially as Hamas steals much of the aid. And the White House itself admitted in a briefing that trucking aid is more efficient and effective approach.

So why would they want to build the port? What happened to the port? There was a port there before because they had a port before the war. The Hamas terror group controlled it and used it to launch maritime assaults in the October 7 attack against Israel. Israel destroyed the port in November in a clash with Hamas terrorists. So what are the deep state players doing? They’re building the port for the terrorists again, do they really want to give aid? No, aid’s coming in.

They have a distribution problem because of the terrorists. So again, they just want to build the port for the terrorists to give them an upper hand. That is it. And again, the people of this country, they’re seeing this again. When Trump says Biden is aiding and abetting foreign and domestic enemies, he’s not kidding. And think about it. Iran, right now, they’re directing a lot of this. And let’s talk about protecting yourself online.

Countless people are mistaking private browsing tabs as a way to stay anonymous online. It has gotten so bad that a popular web browser had to update their terms to make it clear to users that private browsing tabs do not stop websites from collecting your data. Even with private browsing mode enabled, you can still be tracked by websites and Internet service providers. While many tech savvy people already know that private modes in web browsers don’t make them anonymous, the average user is being misled.

That’s why I’ve been protecting my privacy. Thanks to virtual Shield VPN, and absolutely love it. Thanks to Virtual Shield’s help, I’m able to browse the Internet anonymously, which helps protect myself, my data, my finances from cybercriminals, isps, rogue tech companies or data mining giants. With Virtual Shield’s anonymous browsing, a strict no log policy, unlimited bandwidth, and built in malware and ad blocking. This is a world class VPN for anyone who cares about Privacy.

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com x 20 twovpn or click the link in the description again. Who’s in line with Iran? That is Obama and Trump. He actually pointed out very specifically that when he was in office, Iran was very weak. Remember, Obama sent over pallets of cash to Iran, but this is what he put out. Under Trump, Iran was weak and broke. Under Biden, Iran is rich and funding terror. He made Iran rich.

This is why we have the problems in the Middle east. With me, Iran was broke. He is the reason that the Middle east is blowing up. Well, who’s directing all that? I do believe it would be Obama, wouldn’t it? Because remember, he sent over cash. He was working with Iran and he was helping Iran out. Remember, it’s about the Muslim Brotherhood. It’s about infiltration. And we could see how this is all playing up because this is all part of the 16 year plan.

And part of the 16 year plan is to bring us to what, world War three. And this is why they’re allowing war to actually happen. Why do you think Putin decided to go into Ukraine? Now, I do believe Trump and the Patriots, they’re working with Putin. They’re working with Xi, they’re working with other Kim Jong un and other leaders. But again, Trump is pointing out to everyday people that are watching Fox or CNN, MSNBC, that look with Trump there, Putin would have never gone into Ukraine.

He would have never done it. But because Biden is weak and he’s actually working with the deep state players and he wasn’t going to do anything and he wants to start war. He allowed this to happen because Putin said, okay, what is he going to do? Nothing. And Putin decided to go in. And the deep state players, all they’ve been doing was laundering money through Ukraine. And Putin, because of the patriots, what did they do? They exposed the bioweapons.

They exposed the Nazis. They exposed everything in Ukraine, and they completely and utterly shut it down. I do believe that was the mission. I think that’s the same mission that China’s going to have in Taiwan. And Trump, he did put this out on truth. He said he didn’t stand up to Putin. He gave Putin Ukraine. And remember, Victoria Newland, she was the architect of the entire color revolution in Ukraine to overthrow the government there and put in a puppet government.

And who was the puppet government at the time? It was Nazis. And now she has resigned. Remember, she was under Obama. Actually, a lot of people that were under Obama were put in a position under Biden, and now they’re all resigning, which tells you that something’s about to change. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is that the US british embassy in Moscow, they have warned that extremists have imminent plans to target large gatherings over the next 48 hours in Russia’s capital.

So it looks like they might be trying to do something in Russia, maybe to start a war or push something. And I do believe we’re going to see a lot of these events as we go throughout this year. Because again, if something like this happens and it turns out that it’s Ukraine or another country or something like that, you’re going to have Russia saying, okay, we’re not going to let this stand.

And the deep state is going to use this narrative to say, oh, they might attack us, they might attack this country. A war is starting. They’re trying to start a war any way they possibly can. And they need to continually push and push and push to see if they can get the war started. Now, what’s very interesting is we could see that Biden did say something very interesting during the state of the union in regards to Covid and the vaccines.

And by the way, Bernie Sanders is still wearing a mask in 2024, which is absolutely ridiculous, because we all know that masks don’t work. If you look at the science of masks, especially the one that he’s wearing, the opening is about 80 microns. A virus is three microns. Can a three micron virus get through an opening that’s 80 microns? Absolutely. Then people say, well, what happens if it’s on water vapor? Which actually, they’ve proven it’s not on water vapor, but let’s use water vapor, that’s 60 microns.

Can a virus then still get through? Absolutely. So what is the mask actually doing? Well, the only thing that doesn’t get through is bacteria. So he’s collecting bacteria, he’s making himself sicker and sicker. That’s what he’s doing. But Trump, he put out a truth, and he actually quoted Biden. And this is very interesting. He said the pandemic, and this is the quote from Biden, by the way, the pandemic no longer controls our lives.

The vaccines that saved us from COVID are now being used to help beat cancer, turning setback into comeback. And then Trump said, you’re welcome, Joe. Nine month approval time versus twelve years that it would have taken. You now, remember, the deep state plan was to do what they were going to lock the people down for twelve years, which means the economy would completely and utterly fall apart. The supply chains would come to a screeching halt, credit would dry up, people would not be working, they would not be going out, they’d be trapped in their homes.

Most of the people would have gone crazy. People wouldn’t be able to get food, they’d be rationing, which means a lot of people would die off. Why did they pick twelve years? Because they were going to reduce the population. They wanted the people subservient to them. So whatever they said you were going to do. So instead of having hundreds of millions of people die off over twelve years, Trump countered it and said, we have something that can stop this, but it’s not the only thing we have other things that you can use.

Remember, he never mandated this. He never said, you must take this to stop Covid. Actually, Trump showed you that there were alternatives. Go back to May 2020. Remember when Trump was actually taking hydroxychloroquine and the fake news went absolutely crazy? Why would they go crazy of this? Actually, he was showing you. He was telling you, I’m taking it. It’s working. It stops Covid. But the fake news, they put out tons of articles.

And let’s go back to post 4104, May 4, 2020. If you look at all these articles, they have the same thing in common. And what does it say? It says, no benefit, more death if you take hydroxychloroquine. Now, think about this. Hydroxychloroquine has been around, what, 50, 60 years? People take it all the time. When you go to Central America, Africa or South America, they use it for malaria.

People take it all the time. It’s been around 50, 60 years. So truthfully, is this a dangerous drug? No, it’s not. Actually. If you go back in time, it’s not dangerous at all. But they had to block it because there are certain individuals, like big pharma, biden, deep state players. They wanted you to take a vaccine. Actually, they wanted it mandated. Trump was telling you, hey, what about hydroxychloroquine? I’m taking it.

He actually took it. So let’s go back to the article that’s listed here. There was a study that was done with hydroxychloroquine. Guess who did the study back in 2005? It was Anthony Fauci. So what did he find out? What did the National Institutes of Health find out? That hydroxychloroquine stops Covid, even though this is a variant of the COVID they tested on the genome, is 79% similar to Covid-19.

So it works because the virus is a virus is a virus. So basically, Fauci knew this, they did a study on this, and this is what they said about chloroquine. Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread. Chloroquine has strong antiviral effects on SARS COVID infection of primate cells. These inhibitory effects are observed when the cells are treated with the drug, either before or after exposure to the virus.

And this drug can be used as a vaccine or you can just take it. That’s interesting. But look what CNBC wrote back on May 18, 2020. Trump says he takes hydroxychloroquine to prevent coronavirus infection, even though it’s an unproven treatment. So let me say we have HCQ. They did a study on HCQ and they know it helps with the virus. We had Dr. Zelenko at the time, when he was alive, he used it on many, many patients and cured all of them.

We also know that ivermectin, very, very similar to hydroxychloroquine, that also works on viruses. So they said this was unproven, but the drug’s been around for very long. It’s very, very cheap. Again, the pharmaceutical companies couldn’t make a profit, but they didn’t want people to use it. Actually, Trump was showing the people, I’m taking it. Have I died? No. Am I sick? No. But again, they said it was unproven.

So let me ask you, when the bioweapon came out, what was your proof that it works? Remember, it was out for a second. What was your proof that what they developed worked? There was no proof. So how did the people make a choice? Because you had a choice at the time. You could have picked hydroxychloroquine. The people, this country could have said, we demand hydroxychloroquine. But nobody did.

How come? But everyone decided to go with a bioweapon that was completely unproven. No one proved anything. They told you a lot of crap. They never backed it up. And now you know the truth. Think about it for a second. So let’s go back to post. 42 82, May 19, 2020 POTUS Daily ingests hydroxychloroquine prevent Covid-19 preannouncement tools data Covid one versus Covid two analysis provided to factually challenge narrative full attack versus HCQ by media DS.

Why? Why wouldn’t the media DS want to work on all fronts to find a possible solution? Immediate dismissal. Why doesn’t the media DS want the pandemic rearrange dempanic to slow stop? Why doesn’t the media DS want society to heal, recover? Why doesn’t the media want people to no longer fear going outside? Why doesn’t the media DS want people to point the finger at China, at the source? Why doesn’t the media ds want people to return to work? Normal daily lives? Who benefits the most? Why does Corp media d attempt to control us? Why does Corp media d challenge, attack anyone who defies, pushed, coordinated narrative? Why does corporate media d attempt to prevent individual critical thinking public? Is this about the virus or something else? Everything is at stake this election.

So what was it really about? Did they really want to cure you? No. They wanted you sick. They wanted you trapped in your homes. They wanted to make the bioweapon mandatory, because that was the real pandemic. They wanted to keep you sick. They wanted you dead. Trump gave people choices. He countered their entire operation. So when people say, oh, look, Trump did this. No, Trump didn’t do anything.

You had a choice. Everyone had a choice. And the people decided to believe an unproven vaccine that was out for a minute. How did you know it didn’t interfere with any of your medications? How do you know? I mean, people drove up with their arms sticking out of their car window saying, inject me. With no proof whatsoever. He saved hundreds and hundreds of millions of lives. Everyone had a choice.

He showed you, but you didn’t want to listen. The people out there didn’t want to listen. And again, who made it mandatory? Biden. The pharmaceutical companies. They were forcing it on the people. You can’t work. You can’t go there. You can’t do this. They forced it on the people. That’s what they wanted. They wanted you dead, sick, ill. That’s what they were doing. And now we have the proof.

Time is an amazing thing. Now people get it. Actually, I’ve been speaking to people, some people that have taken the vaccine. They said, this is the worst decision. If I knew what I knew today, I would have never taken it. If they told me and they showed me the truth about the vaccine, I wouldn’t have taken it. So why did you believe them in the first place? I don’t think people are going to make that mistake again.

I think this was a huge lesson, and now I don’t think the people are going to fall for it. So when they try to push the next virus, it’s not going to work on the majority of people. Think about the millions and millions of people that resisted. They were thinking logically, they were questioning it. They were like, well, wait a minute. If Trump can take hydroxychloroquine, why can’t I? Why do I have to take the bioweapon? I don’t want to take this.

People see it now, just like the people are seeing who the criminals are and who the criminals put in a place to go after Trump. I mean, look at Letitia James right now. They had this case. There were no victims. Everything was on the up and up. The bankers were happy, but they went after Trump and they made a ruling against him. And now the attorney general, peekaboo James, she went to the stage of the FDNY.

And the people out in the audience, they booed her and they chanted, Trump, Trump, Trump. And the people understand. That tells you the people understand, the people get it. They know what’s going on. They understand that these people, they’re going after Trump. And if Trump wasn’t there, they’d be going after all of us. Because, again, anyone that counters what they’re saying, anyone that doesn’t believe what they’re saying, they don’t need you, they need the sheep.

They don’t want logical thinking people. Absolutely not. And remember when they told us that Nikki’s. Haley’s out of the race and she’s done well? This is very interesting. The Hill put this out and says, although Nikki Haley has stepped back from the republican presidential primary race, the onset of the general election marks a new phase where her influence could be decisive while not securing the nomination sees she is uniquely positioned to influence the outcome against Trump.

In a demonstration of her commitment to the principles of democracy and a move to offer voters an alternative path Haley could decide to run as a ride in candidate. So, wait, are they saying that she’s going to stay and continue on and she’s going to be a ride in candidate? What is she waiting? Hmm. That’s very interesting. But look what CNN is out there doing. They’re trying to make everyone believe that the people are with Biden.

He did really, really well in a snap poll. And this is what’s out there. And the person that put this out is Biden wins. It says 62% of the people polled who watched the state of the union tonight says Biden’s policies will move the country in the right direction. That’s a significant win for Biden. Well, Rich Barris corrected all of this and said the following. That’s not honest at all.

They are snap polls, and 62% is actually fairly low for a state of the Union snap pole. People do not believe his policies will make the US and their lives better. And he’s absolutely right. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is that during the state of the union, we had a gold star parent who lost their child in Afghanistan stand up and started to talk back to Biden.

And the father, Steve, was screaming out and he was talking about Abigail at the Kabul airport. And he lost his son there, and they dragged him out and arrested him. Now, really think about this for a second. We have a father, and the father had his son fighting for this country, lost his life. After Biden made this terrible decision in Afghanistan, he decided to save all the deep state players, but not the people of this country.

This person’s son, the father, his son died there fighting for this country, and they drag him out and arrest him. This should tell you everything you need to know on how they really feel about those people that fight for this country, the people of this country. I mean, later he was released, but again, during the state of the union, this is what you do to a father who lost their son in Afghanistan, and it’s Biden’s fault.

I mean, this just is absolutely unbelievable. And the entire country saw this happen. Absolutely unbelievable. And Trump, he let everyone know that Biden is getting very, very angry because again, he’s not in control. Everything that he’s doing is completely failing. And the people are waking up. He put out a couple of truths, and this is what they say. He looks so angry when he’s talking, which is a trait of people who know they are losing it.

The anger and shouting is not helpful to bringing our country back together. Then Trump, he put this out on truth. He said the fake news media is taking crooked Joe Biden’s anger and calling it fiery. That’s why they’re the fake news and there’s nobody like them. And yes, if you look at all the articles, it says, oh, his fiery speech. No, his angry speech. But again, they have to play around with the words to make it sound better than it really is.

And Trump is right. That is why they’re the fake news. Then he put this out there and he says, whether the fake news media likes admitting it or not, there was a tremendous misrepresentation and lies in the speech. But the people of our country get it. And they know that November 5 will be the most important day in our nation’s history. And I do believe when, as the people saw all of this play out and they heard the speech, the people, again, they experience something very, very different.

When you’re talking about the economy, when you’re talking about the borders, when you’re talking about the war that is building now, the people, they see something, they feel something very, very different. And this is something that the deep state can’t gaslight the people on. Because when people are experiencing it, when the people are seeing it with their own two eyes, you can’t convince them. Remember back in 2020 when they tried to convince people that the riots that they were seeing were mostly peaceful and it was a myth? Well, did the people really believe that? No.

The people called them out on it and said, no, we see the riots. We see the burning, we see the looting. The people are not believing it. So when you’re losing your job, when you’re paying more at the gas pump, when you can’t make ends meet, when you see the open borders, when you see illegals killing people, when you see the city going down the tubes, when you see the city spending all the money on the illegals and not for the people that actually live there, when you see crime continually increasing, I think people see the truth.

People get it. Where’s the real enemy? The enemy is here in this country. And I think Ron Paul says it perfectly. I am convinced that there are more threats to american liberty within the ten mile radius of my office on Capitol Hill than there are on the rest of the globe. And he’s absolutely right. And what do we see happening right now? Well, looks like everything is changing in the Republican Party.

We have Michael Watley and Lara Trump. Lara Trump is now the co chair of the RNC. Michael Watley is the chair. So it looks like things are about to change. And we’re going to have to see what happens with the RNC right now. Remember Ronan McDaniel? She was running cover. She was working with the rhinos. And I do believe things are going to change, which is going to put a lot of pressure on the deep state players because remember, the Republican Party, they never pushed back.

They never did the same things that the DS were doing. So once the republican party starts to do what the Ds are doing and they are doing the ballot harvesting and everything like that, what is the deep state going to do? Because again, if the Republicans are doing it now, can they cheat in the elections? No. It’s going to be very, very difficult. And I do believe this is why they have been bringing in the illegals.

Yes, they’re going to use them later on. But I do believe that’s their long term plan, to cheat in the elections and to change the fabric of this country. The short term plan is to actually use them as their foot soldiers for chaos. Because again, from now until the elections, can they get all these people to vote? Well, no. Can they send them ballots? Of course they can.

But do they really need them to send them ballots? Not really, but again, they could use them. But I do believe there is a long term plan with all these illegals and karma. Patriot put this out and it’s very interesting. The census takes place every ten years. Last one was 2020. Trump took a case to the Supreme Court which would allow a census question on citizenship and also exclude illegals from the calculation used to determine congressional seats.

They punted the case. So the Supreme Court ruled that the Trump administration cannot include a question about the citizenship on the 2020 census form that goes to every us household, giving a win to mostly democratic, populous states. That said that the question would discourage the illegal and illegal immigrants from responding and making the population count less accurate. So Trump was trying to change this. And you could see why he was trying to change it because think about all the illegals coming into the country right now and think about why the wall was so important.

It’s not just to stop the drug traffickers, human traffickers and the rest. Yes, that’s very, very important, too. But I do believe it was very important because when you bring all these illegals in and you continually do it over time, you change the voters, you change the entire country. And I do believe this is what they want to do long term. Let’s go back to post 30 71.

It says no wall. Open borders. All welcome equals more devotes deny proper counting us census avoid public knowledge real illegal pop to avoid voter fraud percent risk to elections welcome to the d party. Post 37 50 December 23, 2019 why are ds attempting to block the counting of illegal immigrants? Two plus two equals four. What is the total number of illegal immigrants currently in the US? What is the real total number of illegal immigrants currently in the US? By flooding coastal states controlled by DS.

Does this pull votes out of the heartland? At what point will your voice and your vote become null and void? Five by five, post 3016, the real reason they want open borders? Illegal immigrants first, Americans last. They are afraid of losing power forever. They should be welcome to the D party. They know the people of this country are going to vote for Trump. The deep state players, they know this.

They know from their internal polls. They’re not looking at ABC, CBS. Trump has his internal polls. The deep state player has their internal polls. They know they have lost the population and they’re going to lose a lot more. So really think about what they’re doing, and let’s talk about the short term plan here. The short term plan is to actually have an insurgency. And since they know that Trump’s going to win, they can have an insurgency and create chaos in this country.

Remember, Trump is not inaugurated until January. So they have from the time the election happens all the way up to January to push this. So they’re hoping that they can have this insurgency. Yes, they will try to postpone the election, but it won’t work. And that’s why Trump wins. Because, again, once they have the attack, and they say, we’re going to war and we have an insurgency in this country.

They’re going to try to actually shut down Trump, shut down everything, and they’re hoping they will succeed. Now, this is why Trump is out there letting everyone know that Biden has been aiding foreign and domestic enemies, and Trump continually calls it an invasion. So this is the insurgency by the deep state. And I do believe that Trump, what he has been doing is he’s been creating the counterinsurgency.

He has the military, they’re in control. That happened November 3, January 6, it completed. He just needed to get the rest of the people on his side. Without the people, you can’t have the counterinsurgency. So I do believe the deep state players believe if they have this insurgency, they will be able to stay in power, they will be able to keep everything they have, and they’ll be able to use the illegals as they keep bringing them into this country as their voters.

And what they really want to do is they want enough of these illegals in here who will vote for them to outnumber the american people or get it up high enough where they can cheat and there’d be no problem whatsoever. Now, remember, I do believe that’s their long term plan. So as we move forward, they always win the elections. And this is why the wall was so important, to keep all of this out, to stop them from doing this.

And I do believe people are starting to understand this and realize this now. But again, we’re going to have this inflection point. There’s going to be a crossroads here where the military is going to have to make a decision, because I do believe there’s going to be orders that are going to be given to certain military soldiers, the National Guard and the rest, that’s going to actually go against the oath that they took, where they were going to defend this country against foreign and domestic enemies.

Now, Biden, during his State of the Union address, said something very, very interesting. Just take a listen to the last part of this. This is a moment to speak the truth and to bury the lies. Here’s the simple truth. You can’t love your country only when you win, as I’ve done ever since being elected to office. I ask all of you, without regard to party, to join together and defend democracy.

Remember your oath of office to defend against all threats, foreign and domestic. He let everyone know. Remember your oath of office to defend against all threats, foreign and domestic. So again, when you see the insurgency and you see what’s going on, in this country. I do believe the Biden administration actually, coming from Obama, they’re going to have very, very specific orders, and the orders are going to conflict with the oath that they took.

So the military at this time, the commanding officers, they will have to call the ball. And I do believe they’re going to have to follow their oath. And what’s very interesting, the US army put this out on March 6, and it says the following. Stay faithful to the US constitution. Loyalty is about belief and dedication to something or someone. Down below it says, loyalty bear true faith and allegiance to the US constitution.

The army, your unit, and other soldiers bearing true faith and allegiance is a matter of believing in and devoting yourself to something or someone. So the army is letting their soldiers know. Remember your oath. You must follow the constitution, which I find very, very interesting because as we get closer and closer, what’s going to happen? I do believe they’re going to have to make a decision, and I do believe this is all part of the plan.

I do believe the stage has been set. Trump knew that Obama was formulating and creating this insurgency just like they have done in all other countries where they had the color revolution. And in the end, Trump knew that he was going to need to get the real military, not the tv generals and these soldiers and the people. They would have to be the counterinsurgency against all of this.

Because if you just had the military and the people weren’t with you, the people would see something that was happening and they wouldn’t agree with it. If you had just the people and you didn’t have the military, this would be a major problem. If you have the military and the people together and they’re both on the same side, you can counter the invasion in this country. And I do believe they’re going to, and I’m talking about certain military individuals.

They’re going to get certain orders coming down from the administration that is going to be in conflict with the US constitution and the oath that they have taken. And I do believe they’re going to have to make a decision. I do believe they will make the right decision. So let’s go back to post 45 43 and this is June 29, 2020. It says loyalist critical now. Loyalist a person who remains loyal to establishment ruler or government, especially in the face of a revolt.

That’s interesting. Now, when we read a couple of lines down here, it says some commanding officers, Eos may provide class one through 99 that do not reflect those one through 99 of the POTUS or the Ag of the United States, appropriate actions should be taken. Remember your oath. Remember your mission. Infiltration on invasion. Defend and protect at all costs. So I do believe at this point they will have to make a decision.

I do believe they’ll make the right decision. Post eight, seven, 9 March eigth, 2018 set the stage. POTUS. Do you believe? Buckle up. And yes, I do believe that the Patriots, they’re in control. Those who took an oath to the Constitution, they will follow their oath, and they will not go along with the deep state players. And we will counter what they’re trying to do. Why? Because the Patriots are in control.

Listen, everyone, thanks a lot for listening. Be well, be safe, and especially be prepared. Thanks a lot. .

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