Ep 3299b – [DS] Panics Over Super TuesdayAttacks Will IntensifyGame Is Over When The Public Knows | X22 Report

Posted in: News, Patriots, X22 Reports



➡ The X22 Report talks about how Trump is gaining popularity and the “deep state” (corrupt politicians and others) are scared. They’ve tried to stop him but failed. The text also mentions that these people might try to start a war to distract everyone from their crimes. Lastly, it talks about how the U.S. is too dependent on China for medicine, which could be a problem if there’s a crisis or conflict.
➡ The text talks about concerns over immigration in the United States, with some people believing it’s more of an invasion than immigration. It suggests that many of the immigrants are criminals and could cause problems in the country. The text also mentions that some believe the current administration is allowing this to happen for political gain. Lastly, it suggests that this situation could lead to chaos and possibly war, and that the military might need to step in.
➡ The article discusses the current political climate, suggesting that there are signs of a potential war and changes within the Biden administration. It also mentions the possibility of Michelle Obama running for president, despite her denial. The article also talks about the ongoing tensions with North Korea and the potential for conflict. Lastly, it discusses the handling of the Covid-19 pandemic, particularly the controversial decision by some governors to send Covid-positive patients back to nursing homes, leading to increased deaths.
➡ Doritos hired and then fired transgender activist Samantha Hudson after controversial tweets surfaced. Meanwhile, the economy is struggling, with rising inflation and fuel prices. People are also realizing that private browsing doesn’t protect their data, leading to increased use of VPNs like Virtual Shield. Lastly, crime rates are rising in sanctuary cities, leading to increased deployment of the National Guard and state police.
➡ The article discusses the political tension between Trump and Biden, with both sides trying to gain the upper hand. It mentions that Biden and his allies are planning to spend a lot of money on campaign ads to sway voters. However, the author believes that these efforts will fail as people experience economic hardships and potential war, which will make them distrust the messages in the ads. The article also highlights that many people believe the 2020 election was rigged and that Trump has a strong following, suggesting he could regain control of the Republican Party.
➡ The speaker believes that November 5 will be a crucial day in American history, as it could determine the fate of Trump’s presidency. They suggest that there may be attempts to prevent Trump from winning, possibly even to the point of assassination, but they believe Trump and his supporters are prepared for this. They also discuss a potential plot involving an Iranian spy, and suggest that Trump and Elon Musk may be working together. Finally, they predict that Trump will use the State of the Union address to correct Biden’s lies and wake up the American people to the truth.


Report. My name is Dave in this episode, 3299 Bn. Today’s date is March 6, 2024. And the title of the episode is. Deep state panics over. Super Tuesday attacks will intensify. Game is over when the public knows. Let’s get into the economic collapse. Political and geopolitical news now. The deep state, the corrupt politicians, big tech, fake news, the puppet masters now panicking because Trump, he cleaned up on Super Tuesday and they know that he’s going to be the nominee.

Now, think about this for a second. They have tried everything they possibly can think of to stop him. They didn’t want him to get this far. Think about all the indictments. Think about all the different states saying, oh, we’re going to remove him from the ballot. They were completely crushed. Everything was countered, and they weren’t able to stop Trump. Trump has the people. The people are now moving to his side.

And as more and more people see what’s going on, and when I say see what’s going on, it means that the people are starting to understand the system. The people are starting to understand who the deep state players are. The people are starting to understand, wow, this country is really run by a criminal syndicate. And they hate the people. They hate the Constitution. And to protect themselves, they will do anything, like releasing a virus on the world, bringing the entire world into a war.

They will do anything to stop Trump. They will try to put him in jail. They will convict him. They will even try to assassinate him. And it looks like the intelligence clowns, they started to started a new narrative right now where they’re saying that these iranian assassins, they’re coming after Pompeo, they’re coming after Bolton, they’re coming after Trump. And it looks like they’re building this up right now, because their entire push right now is to stop Trump at all costs.

Now, is this going to work? Absolutely not. I do remember there was a post saying that what happens if text messages and emails are released and it shows that the FBI and other corrupt politicians were involved in the assassination scheme. What would happen to the FBI, DOJ and everything else? Well, it would be a complete and utter disaster and we would have to go back in time and look at every single case.

So I do believe the deep state players right now, they’re panicking over what just happened. And I do believe the attacks are going to intensify as we get closer and closer to the presidential election. Now, if you really think about what Trump has said, he sees war coming. We know the economy is crashing, but if they’re going to distract the nation. If they’re going to use chaos, they will have to push their agenda, and their agenda is war.

And I do believe this is why they’re bringing in their foot soldiers, because remember, their end goal is to get rid of the country, to take it over, remove the constitution. And to do this, they’re going to have to push everything that they have, and they’re going to need a great war to stop everything. Because if there is a nuclear war, people will be concerned with a nuclear war.

They’re not going to be too much too concerned with the crimes that they’ve committed. But I do believe Trump has the ultimate weapon in the end, number one, he has the people. And as the people learn what they’re doing, especially if they’re trying to push us into war, the people are going to come into the know. And once the people know, the game is over for them. He also has peace.

Trump is a master at negotiating, so he can have peace very, very easily and think about two of these things. Let’s talk about protecting ourselves in a crisis. The pandemic showed just how vulnerable our supply chains are. And the truth is, the US has left itself vulnerable to supply chain manipulation from China. With close to 90% of our pharmaceuticals being produced outside of the US, what happens when the next global crisis strikes? Or China decides to use supply chains as a weapon in conflict? Pharmacy shelves in America would be empty.

Do you have what your family needs? The question of whether we need to be preparing for drug shortages is no longer a question. While the Biden administration won’t bother sounding the alarm, other countries are advising their citizens to start preparing by stockpiling prescription drugs that they may need. European consumers, like american consumers, are reliant on pharmaceutical supply chain that have been almost entirely taken over by the Chinese, which poses a very big problem.

This reliance on China for prescription drugs has only gotten worse since COVID And as tensions escalate between the US and China, the possibility of China using the leverage to their advantage becomes more and more plausible. So how do you protect yourself and your family against prescription drug shortages? Be prepared with the wellness company’s medical emergency kit. The wellness company’s medical emergency kit includes eight life saving medications, including amoxicillin, ZPAc, and ivomectin, for you to keep on hand, along with a guidebook for safe use.

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And once the population knows, especially as we’re approaching war, because, you know, information is going to be coming out about all these people, who’s pushing war? Who really wants war? Trump is going to actually usher in peace, which is going to completely expose everything that they’ve been trying to do. Because remember, they’re hoping the war distracts. If you have peace, that counters the distraction, which means when they try to push war from this point on and they try to stop Trump, they’re going to use all different methods, which is going to expose the criminal syndicate.

But they don’t care because they think they’re going to usher in war and they’re hoping that war erases everything that they have done. But when Trump ushers in peace, everyone then sees it, and the public then knows exactly who and what they are and what they’ve been trying to do. And the people are going to realize, hey, wait a minute, these people have been trying to bring us to war because they’re trying to cover up their crimes.

They’d rather kill millions and millions of people and destroy the infrastructure than to face justice. They’re willing to sacrifice lives like this. Oh, yeah, the people are going to know. The people are going to understand. And I do believe Trump, the patriots, they’re counting on this, because this is how you wake the population up. This is how you make the population see how evil they really are. And once Trump counters all of this, it’s really game over for them.

But again, we need to get there. And I do believe the patriots are in control. We can see there’s a lot of candidates right now. They are now dropping out. And we see that Trump owned Super Tuesday. And it looks like Nikki Haley, she decided to suspend her campaign, not drop out, and she didn’t endorse. Hmm. That’s very interesting. And Trump actually said something about Nikki Haley, about staying in the race, which is very, very interesting.

I still believe that she’s going to try to hang on. Remember, she doesn’t have to campaign. She doesn’t need money anymore. She just has to sit there and wait. But I think she’s going to be waiting a long time because Trump isn’t going anywhere. They’ll try. They’ll try many, many things. But I think she’s going to be waiting for a very, very long time. And it’s very interesting that she hasn’t endorsed him.

I mean, think about it. Vivek, he dropped out. He endorsed Trump. DeSantis, he dropped out. He endorsed Trump. Chris Christie, he dropped out, did not endorse Trump. Are you starting to see the real rhinos right now? I think everyone’s starting to really see it now. We’re going to be talking a lot more about this a little bit later, but first, let’s talk about those people that are not seeking reelection right now, Kirsten Sinema of Arizona.

She decided, you know something? I am not going to be seeking reelection in the US Senate. And I don’t think a lot of people are surprised by this. And I think we’re going to see a lot more people really drop out now. Remember, we’re starting to see all these people that have been blackmailed, all these people that have been bribed. They’re cutting their losses. They’re getting out now because they see the writing on the wall.

And I do believe we’re going to see many more of these people now. The next level up, those people, they’re probably going to stay to the very, very end and they’ll fight to the very, very end because they have a lot more to lose. Those people that have been blackmailed, maybe they made some money. Bribed, well, they’re saying, you know something, I’m just not going to run. So whatever happens, happens.

I’m out of this. Those people that have been really orchestrating a lot of it, controlling the people really involved in the crimes treasonous to this country, well, they just can’t drop out. They just can’t say goodbye because they’re still treasonous to this country. So I think they’re going to fight to the very, very end and actually try to orchestrate war. And I do believe this is where all this is headed.

And Trump and the patriots, they know that this is what they’re trying to do. But again, what is this really going to do? This is going to wake up a lot of people and a lot of people are going to go, holy crap, I now see it because, again, it’s a slap. It’s another slap. The slap is getting harder and harder. And yes, there’s going to be a lot of ds that are going to really wake up and people are going to learn quite a bit about what’s been going on here.

And we can see the deep state players. They’re losing control over the narrative, over almost everything, the investigations into Biden and everything that has been going on, especially the border. And they’re trying to make fun of this. Actually, on MSNBC, we had Jen Sackey, Joy Reed, Rachel Maddow. They’re laughing on MSNBC at the fact that the voters in Virginia care about immigration, and they’re trying to make fun of this.

But when you really look at it, the country is very, very concerned about immigration. And this is not really immigration. Let’s call it what it is. It’s an invasion of these military aged men coming into this country. And when you look at the exit polls, North Carolina, Virginia Republicans say immigration is the top issue in 2024. Why are they so concerned? Because they know that all these people are coming in.

They’re military aged. Their allegiance is not to the United States. And they know that if something happens in this country, they’re going to be out there rioting. They commit crimes. Most of these people are drug traffickers, child traffickers, cartel members, gang members, you name it. So the people, they understand it. They understand what’s going on. And they see, when they look at New York City, when they look at Chicago, when they look at Detroit, when they look at Denver and they look at all these different places, la, they see that it doesn’t work.

And these different cities are having trouble. There’s a lot of crime there. The illegals are sleeping on the street. They’re getting the money that was really meant for the people of that city. And now what people are realizing is that they’re kicking the children out of their schools. They don’t have the recreation centers anymore. And what’s very interesting is in Denver, they’re now laying off government employees in order to pay for the migrant crisis.

So the mayor’s office said that some government employees would have their hours reduced to zero. Why? Because they need to pay for all these illegals. So those people that are us citizens who are earning a job in government, their hours are going to go to zero, which means they’re laid off. If you really just want to think about it that way, to pay for these people that are coming into this country illegally, I mean, is this not waking people up? I do believe it is.

And we can see more and more people in this country are really waking up. Rapper Meek Mills, he put out a warning to Americans. He says, make sure you strap up in America, it’s extremely dangerous on the streets. They have no control illegal immigrants everywhere. Automatic guns flooded the inner cities. Fentanyl poisoning most drugs, opioids, melting the brains of humans, and algorithms, mind control. So people are starting to catch on and people are starting to see and understand what’s really going on.

And again, this is how you wake the people up. Sometimes you got to show the people. You just can’t explain it to them. And now that people see this, they’re never, ever going to forget and remember Biden right now, because of what Texas is doing, they locked down the border. The people aren’t coming over the border anymore. The Biden administration, they’re now flying these illegals into this country.

So they have bases set up in Central America and many different places they go there. The people board planes and the deep state players are actually bringing in their invading force and they’re setting them free in this country and they’re protecting them in sanctuary cities. Think about that for a second. Steve Miller put this out on ex and says the man who is fueling up jet planes round the clock to find illegals and fly them into America while lobbying Congress to make them citizens, is going to try to deliver a lecture on border security this Thursday, which means during his state of the union, Biden’s State of the union, he’s going to try to tell everyone that everything is fine at the border and he’s going to lecture the people of this country.

You think the people are going to believe him? I think this is going to be a complete and utter disaster, actually. Trump responded to all this. He says the White House flew more than 300,000 migrants into the US. This is both illegal and crazy. The worst administration in history. Elon Musk, he responded to all this and said, it is obvious to anyone who is not a fool that this administration is deliberately importing vast numbers of illegals.

No grand conspiracy theory is needed to explain this. Just simple incentives. They are far more likely to vote Democrat than Republican. This is why dems are constantly pushing to illegalize illegals and won’t deport them even when they are arrested for a crime, which otherwise seem, I don’t know, like an opportune time. If illegals can beat up american police on camera in Times Square, be released without bail, and get rewarded with free tickets to California, what more do you need to know? So really think about this.

And Elon’s right. If they can beat up police and they are released from prison, what do you think is going to happen when they attack the american people? Do you think law enforcement is going to come to your rescue. Do you think they’re going to say, hey, we need to arrest all these people? Remember, they’re bringing these people into sanctuary cities. This is where they’re allowed to do whatever they want.

The rule of law does not apply to them. They are protected. It’s actually a safe haven for their foot soldiers. And now we have Biden bringing them to all these different cities. Now, again, I do believe this is going to be used for the chaos. I think Trump and the patriots, they know exactly what is going to happen. And again, who’s going to stop it? When they start to burn, when they start to loot, when they start to hurt the american people, are the local police going to do anything? Well, the laws don’t allow this.

So when an invading force decides to go all out and fight the american people, fight the system here in America, this is a war then, it’s an invasion right now, and then it’s a war when they’re activated. So who’s responsible for stopping this if the local police won’t? Because remember, they’re in sanctuary cities. I do believe it has to be the military. They’re going to have to remember their oath to protect the country from foreign and domestic enemies.

And when the local law enforcement is not up to the task because they’re being told to stand down, I do believe then this has to completely change into something different. Because again, this is what, this is an attack on the United States of America and the people of the United States of America. And I do believe we’re going to see something very, very different happen. I do believe Trump, the patriots, they know that this is going to happen.

And if all these people are in the sanctuary cities and they’re all doing these things, is it a lot easier to round these people up very, very quickly? Yes, you might have stragglers in other parts of the country. But then again, and I do believe Trump is going to be using the alien Enemies act to deputize all the local police and everything like that. But again, will it make it a lot easier to round up these people and deport them? I do believe so.

I do believe it’s going to happen. Now, what’s very interesting is we can see the deep state players. They’re going to need war to cover up everything that they’ve been doing, cover up their crimes, cover up the criminal syndicate, and actually take control over everything. Because in the end, when you have death, destruction, they’re going to try to implement the great reset, the Green New Deal. That’s their ultimate plan.

But again, Trump has that weapon. It’s called peace, and that counters everything. But again, the people need to see the truth as we approach the presidential election, as we approach war, because you can’t just tell the people. You got to really show them. The people really need to experience it. That’s when the people really wake up. But you can see they’re definitely trying to bring us to war.

And we can see they’re also making a switch right now. And if you notice, there’s a lot of individuals that are leaving the Biden administration, those individuals that were with Obama then they were put into place for Biden. And now those same people are leaving Biden, which I do believe tells you everything you need to know, which means they’re preparing and getting ready to make a major change.

Of course, Biden has to become the nominee, and that has to happen first. So there’s no other people running and he is the main guy. It makes it a lot easier to switch the people out. Now, I know Michelle Obama and all the fake news are telling you she said she’s not running. That’s that. But again, if you’re going to sneak someone in, why in the world would you tell them, oh, I’m going to be running for president? Who would ever do this? No one would.

Because what happens to Biden then? Is this going to put everything into flux? Absolutely. And then what happens when people say, well, if Michelle’s going to come in, I don’t want Biden, and then what happens if another candidate comes in and says, okay, I’ll run, then this would be a complete and utter mess. So I do believe this is why they put this out there right now. But you can see there’s a lot of people leaving the Biden administration.

And the latest one is Newland. And remember, she orchestrates, she’s the architect of what happened in Ukraine, where they had the overthrow of the government there. And think about who’s taking her place right now. She’s going to be replaced temporarily as undersecretary by another career diplomat, John Bass, a former ambassador to Afghanistan who oversaw the US withdrawal from the country. Where do you think all of this is going to head right now? Because if he handled that, what do you think is going to happen out in Ukraine with Russia? I do believe they’re going to set up war right now.

And, yeah, we’re going to see war coming. And what’s very interesting is that Macron still demands that Europe not be cowardly in the face of the russian threat and claim that his controversial suggestions of sending troops into Ukraine was merely about opening a debate. So basically, the deep state players, they’re still trying to push this. They want to put troops on the ground. And the only way to put troops on the ground is to have, what, some type of an event in Ukraine, which I do believe there is an event coming.

And I wouldn’t be surprised if it has to do with maybe a nuclear power plant or a dirty nuke or something that might happen out in Ukraine where they can blame it on Russia. And I wouldn’t be surprised if that happens in the next three to four months, because remember, we’re now coming out of the winter months. We’re heading into warmer weather. And definitely they will have many false flags to try to push this war.

And we could see that North Korea is definitely coming into the fold. And North Korea right now is threatening military response to US South Korean armed drills. And, yes, they’re building the rhetoric. Yes, they’re building the idea that if this continually happens, North Korea is going to do something. Now, remember, Trump, he had peace with North Korea. He knows Kim Jong un. They wrote letters back and forth.

He went to North Korea and South Korea. He walked across the DMC, brought Kim Jong un across the DMC. There was peace. They weren’t firing missiles anymore. And now we see the opposite happening, which means all of this is being pushed to bring us into world War three. And I do believe Trump and the patriots, they know exactly what is happening. Trump knows all the players. And I do believe as the deep state tries to push us into war, because this is part of their 16 year plan, Trump knows because I do believe he’s working with G’s, working with Putin.

He knows Kim Jong un. He can have peace very, very quickly. And I do believe this is why he says, if you elect me, I can have peace in 24 hours. Because when we’re on the precipice of war, the people are going to have to make a decision in this country. And I do believe this is going to be before the election. Do you want war? If you do vote for Biden or Michelle Obama, you can have war.

If you would rather have peace and not have your family destroyed, then it’s a vote for Trump. If you want to live in poverty, you vote for Michelle Obama or Biden. If you want prosperity, well, vote for Trump. I think this decision is going to be very, very easy. And again, those people that are saying that, oh, I’m never, ever going to vote for him, I’d rather die.

Wait, until they’re put in that situation, everyone’s very, very brave until they’re in that situation. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is that we know that at this point they really can’t use Covid to manipulate the elections. They’ve tried. They even tried to scare the population with disease x. I wouldn’t be surprised if they try to push that. I don’t think it’s going to actually work. I think the country’s been hardened and I don’t think the people just believe the way they used to believe.

But what’s very interesting about this is that Andrew Cuomo right now is back in the spotlight. He’s been subpoenaed by congressional subcommittee investigating Covid error handling of the nursing homes. So this is very interesting. Remember going back in time? Remember when Fauci and all the fake news saying, oh, Andrew Cuomo, this is the gold standard. This is how you’re supposed to handle Covid, really, by throwing sick people into nursing homes and killing them.

So the House select subcommittee on the coronavirus pandemic is seeking to question Cuomo about one of his administration’s most controversial Covid error directives, instructing nursing homes to admit recovering COVID positive patients from hospitals, a move that has faced criticism that led to increased deaths in nursing homes. Now, again, we knew about this going back to 2020. This is how they had to push the death rate up. And remember, he wasn’t the only governor.

We had other governors doing this. So once again, they tried to use this method to scare the people to think, look how deadly Covid is. Well, yeah, when you send them sick people into a nursing home with pneumonia, flu or anything, what do you think is going to happen to compromised immune systems to those people? They’re going to die. But when this was found out and people were like, whoa, what’s going on here? They decided, okay, we need a new plan.

Let’s keep using the PCR test to show people that are sick, even though it’s false positive, it really doesn’t work. And let’s start paying hospitals to say everyone died from COVID And that’s exactly what they did. But let’s go back to a couple of posts here. Here’s post 43 29. This is May 27, 2020. If elderly, most at risk, knowingly why order Covid-19 positive patients back into nursing homes? Hospital capacity United USNS comfort capacity ignorant A or deliberate b accountability options outside other than ballot box post 4337, May 28, 2020.

Why did our nursing home population suffer a direct hit re Covid-19 deaths New York and New Jersey governors ordered push Covid-19 positive elderly nursing homes USNS comfort capacity, hospital capacity what other d governors mandated similar same orders? Ask yourself a very simple question. Was it known? Common sense, early medical reports elderly community most at risk. Why would 4D governors push Covid-19 infected patients into safe nursing homes? Ignorance is a choice.

Post 4339 May 28, 2020 there’s a huge tarp hanging off a bridge that says Cuomo killed my mom. At what point should this be reclassified as murder? At what point is ignorance, common sense no longer valid excuse. Evil surrounds us. Absolutely. And now this is all coming out and I think one’s going to lead to another. Sometimes things take time. But again, if you have the right people in the right positions investigating, the truth actually comes out.

Now, does this mean the DOJ is going to take up this case and they’re going to prosecute all these different governors? No, because they’re corrupt. But again, this is about the court of public opinion. The people are going to see this. Now, there might something that might happen to Cuomo. They might find him guilty. But again, this is the court of public opinion. People need to understand what happened during COVID what it was really used for, what they were trying to do.

Just like now, when they’re trying to bring us to war, when they’re trying to destroy the economy, when they’re trying to invade this country with open borders, people need to understand the system and see it. Because again, when the people are slapped out of their slumber, people then are awake and they start to realize what’s really going on. And once the people know, it is game over. Now it looks like Doritos tried to do the same thing as Bud light.

They brought in a transgender activist to push Doritos. But this was a major fail. Colin Rugg put this out and said Justin Doritos fires transgender activist Samantha Hudson just two days after hiring them. Claims they were unaware that Hudson likes sexually assaulting children. You mean a pedophile? Are these marketing departments run by morons? Doritos is no longer working with Hudson after tweets surfaced of the transistor saying that they would do depraved things to a twelve year old.

Hudson is a proud marxist and calls for the destruction of the monogamous nuclear family. I want to do thuggish things to a twelve year old girl’s expletive, Hudson previously said. In the middle of the street in Melaroca, in panties and screaming that I am a nymphomaniac in front of a super beautiful eight year old girl. I hate women who are victims of a sexual assault and go to self help centers to overcome their trauma.

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They’re having a very difficult time. The economy is breaking down, inflation is continually moving up, fuel prices are moving up, bills are increasing, and the people really don’t have money to make ends meet. People are struggling, but again, a lot of the money is going to the illegals. They’re getting their meals, their rent and everything else. They’re able to travel freely because the government is paying for everything and now, the Senate Appropriations Committee has released a spending bill which is being voted on tomorrow.

Lives at TikTok put this out and said it includes 1 million of your tax dollars to go towards renovating an LGBTQ center in PA, which boasts rooms to try BDsm and sex fetishes and host BD’s, BDsm and sex kink parties. There’s even a kink party happening there this weekend. So why are we spending money on this? See, this is when we need to get rid of the private west of central bank.

This is when we need checks and balances. Because when you have an open ended credit card, the deep state players, they can just use this on anything and launder the money back to themselves. And this is what they’ve been doing. Think about all this money, where it’s all going. It’s going to all these different countries for these ridiculous studies, and now it’s going to, this. This has to stop.

And I do believe this is what Trump and the Patriots are going to do. But again, the people need to see this. Yesterday when we talked about that iconic photo of the Times Square Kiss after World War II, well, remember the veterans affairs facility? They were going to ban this photo, but there was a huge amount of backlash. And the people said absolutely not. Remember, they were going to do this for inclusivity.

Well, the people said absolutely not. And now they’re backing off. But what’s very interesting, and then wokeness put this out, snopes, they decided to fact check this. And it turns out that it was true, but they tried to say it was false. So it says Snope rates it false, but then admits that it was actually a real memo rescinded by the Biden VA after public outcry. So again, do we really need fact checkers for this? I mean, think about it.

They’re saying false, but they’re admitting it later on. These aren’t fact checkers. They’re trying to control the narrative, and it’s completely and utterly failing. Why? Because we have the digital soldiers. We have many other people doing the research showing that the fact checkers are lying to the people. So their entire plan is completely and utterly falling apart right in front of their eyes. And we can see that crime is completely out of control in all these sanctuary cities, all those places that said, we don’t need the police, let’s defund the police.

Let’s go ahead and legalize the drugs. Let’s legalize the crime. Let’s not put people in jail. Well, the people of all these different areas, they’re starting to realize, yeah, this wasn’t a good idea because our cities, our states, it’s a complete and utter disaster. And really think about this, that food and products now are being locked up and the actual people doing the crimes, they’re being released and they’re free.

That’s very interesting, isn’t it? But the other thing that’s really interesting, you can see it’s getting a lot worse since these sanctuary cities are taking on the amount of illegals. Because remember, most of these people are released from a sane asylum, from prisons. They’re drug traffickers, human traffickers. They’re part of cartels, gangs, terrorists, you name it. That’s why the countries don’t want them back. We could see the states now and the cities, they’re having a very difficult time.

And because of the laws, they’re being released and they’re never going to prison. I don’t even think the prisons would be able to handle all these people. But to maintain control, we see out in New York, Governor Hoekel, she has deployed 1000 National Guard and state police to patrol New York City subways and check bags amid violent crime surge. So things are getting out of control. The national guard is being placed in certain areas which I find very, very interesting.

But again, as we move forward, when everything starts to break down and all these people are activated and you start to see the looting, the crimes and everything that you saw back in 2020, but now it’s a lot worse. What are all these states going to do? Because the people this time around are going to say this is not good enough, is enough. So the governors going all the way to the Biden administration, they’re going to have to do something, because remember, this will all be happening in their blue states.

I don’t think the red states will tolerate it. They might have some in some of the cities. But again, I think the red states are going to crack down very, very quickly on anything like this. But again, in the blue states, in the blue cities, I think you’re going to see all of this play out. And again, as we’re approaching the election, what are they going to do even after the election? What are they going to do? Because the people are going to be pissed off.

I do believe someone’s going to have to call the ball, because when law enforcement, local law enforcement, is not up to the task and the laws don’t allow them to stop this and arrest these people, something else needs to happen. I do believe Trump and the patriots, they are prepared and ready for this. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is we can see the people, they understand and they realize the country is completely heading in the wrong direction.

And actually, Rasmussen reports put out a poll and said only 20% of independent voters think the country is headed in the right direction. 70% say the wrong track. Biden approval among independents now is 31%. So we know the Republicans, same thing. We’re heading in the wrong direction. The DS, they’re starting to wake up right now, and they’re going to come on board as we move down this track here because they’re going to start to understand that as we approach an economic collapse, as we approach war, the country is definitely not headed in the right direction.

But you can see, since Trump won Super Tuesday, you could see the deep state players, they are now moving into other phases of trying to stop Trump. And yes, the attacks are going to intensify and they’re going to use anything they possibly can to stop him. And Joe Biden and his allies, they intend to bury Trump in campaign cash, hoping that this will make it very difficult for Trump to keep up.

So there’s an estimated 2. 7 billion is expected to be spent just on the presidential campaign advertising this cycle. Pro Biden, super PAC, future forward, and American Bridge already have committed to a blizzard of ads with 250,000,200 million in spending, respectively, as democrats prepare an onslaught of ads to turn voters attention away from Biden’s age and remind them of Trump’s chaotic first term. So they’re going to push this very, very hard.

This is not going to work. And I’ll tell you why. They can have advertisement after advertisement, they can spend hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars, just like Nikki Haley did. What’s going to happen is, and this is Trump’s ultimate weapon, is that when the economy breaks down and they realize that Biden is continually lying to the people that the economy’s fine and people can’t pay their electric bill, people can’t pay their gas bill, people can’t pay their water bill, people can’t buy food because it’s way, way too expensive, it’s very difficult to fill up their car.

And when people are getting laid off, well, no matter how many ads you put on the tv, on social media or any other place telling everyone everything is great, they’re not going to believe you. As we approach war and it becomes scarier and scarier and we see events in this country, no matter what they say, no matter what ads are running, the people are experiencing it, that overrides the ads because the ads are propaganda.

What people experience is going to be real life. Trump is going to play on that and this is going to destroy everything they’re trying to do. And they can try with all this money. I don’t believe Trump needs that much because the people are going to experience the entire country heading in the wrong direction. And you can see the deep state players, they are panicking over all of this because Trump, he won Super Tuesday.

And I don’t think people understand how much he won. By when you actually look at the figures and you look at the delegates, this really paints the picture here. Trump had 1057 delegates. Nikki Haley had 92. The country, the Republicans, they want Trump. I mean, look, DeSantis dropped out, Vivek dropped out. And DeSantis got nine, Vivek got three, Trump got 1057 compared to Nikki Haley’s 92. That tells you everything you need to know.

And you can see the deep state players, the fake news. They’re panicking right now because they really don’t understand what’s going on. They can’t believe this is happening. And Trump is actually, and the people, they’re taking over the Republican Party. So is it actually the Republican Party or is it the MAGA party? Well, Kanakoa the great put this out on x. And he’s referring to CNN’s Tapper. And this is what CNN Tapper said, Trump has reformed the GOP with more working class people, including voters of color, men primarily.

TAPpeR, if you’re talking about how he is reforming the Republican Party, more working class people, including votes of color, african american men primarily, but also Latinos, and also Democrats picking up more educated voters. But there’s also, so you talked about the education divide, also a big gender divide. Men voting Republican, women voting Democrat. So King responded to Tapper. And King said, and this is on CNN, by the way, said it’s 88% of the delegates.

Trump cannot mathematically clinch tonight, but he can get within 100 or so of what he needs, that he can do that next week. And so what you have here is he has remade the party in his image. There are still some Republicans who are trying to take it away, like take it back. That’s over. The party doesn’t exist anymore. He’s on a march to the nomination. If the general election were tomorrow, there’s a lot of data that suggests he would win right at this moment in time.

It’s not tomorrow. It’s eight months from now. Republicans are increasingly appealing to working class men without college degrees while Democrats are gaining support from college graduates and women. Well, I do believe this is going to change because think about what’s coming up. I do believe war is coming up. And think about all these college graduates and the women. Do you think they want war? Do you think they want to be drafted? Because I do believe there’s a bill sitting there that says women can be drafted.

And if it’s war, it’s not going to be fought in a foreign land, it’s going to be fought here. So all these educated people, do you think they want war in the end? I don’t believe so. And this is where it’s going to fall apart for them. But the people, they are starting to realize and they understand that the 2020 election was rigged. And what’s very interesting is that the percentage of people, they’re believing and they’re understanding that, yes, it was rigged.

And they’re seeing the facts, they’re seeing the proof. So the question becomes, and Trump has asked this many, many times before, when the truth finally comes out, what is the remedy to this? When people actually find out that they overthrew the United States government, they overthrew the duly elected president, and Trump lost four years, which he actually didn’t lose because I do believe this was part of their plan.

But again, what would be the remedy for this? Does he get another four years? Isn’t that interesting? But you could see the people, they’re starting to understand there were rigging during the 2020 election. They’re saying that Biden did not legitimately win the 2020 election. And this is coming from CNN. Polling out of North Carolina reveals 60% of voters believe Biden did not legitimately win the 2020 election. Yeah, that should tell you everything you need to know.

And the other thing that should tell you everything to know is that McConnell is now endorsing Trump because they don’t have any choice. And again, those rhinos, they have been put into submission and they’ll be told what to do. And again, those people that are dropping out, those people that are still there, they’re going to be told, this is what you have to do. And Trump now, he owns the Republican Party.

So we have McConnell now on board. Nikki Haley, well, she decided to suspend her campaign. Again, when you look at the results, I mean, she could stay in the race, she could spend more money. But why? She knows she can’t catch up. That’s not the whole point of this. The point of this is for her to wait around to see if something happens to Trump, then she can take the delegates.

She hasn’t endorsed Trump at all. She suspended her campaign. Yes, she wished Trump luck, but she also wished anyone who’s running for President luck. So right now, she’s holding off on endorsing Trump, which I do believe. She’s waiting in the wings for something, and she’s being told to wait in the wings for something. And Trump, he put out a very interesting truth. He said, nikki Haley got trounced last night in record setting fashion, despite the fact that Democrats, for reasons unknown, are allowed to vote in Vermont and various other republican primaries.

Much of her money came from the radical left Democrats, as did many of her votes, almost 50%, according to the polls. At this point, I hope she stays in the race and fights it out until the end. I’d like to thank my family, friends, and the great Republican Party for helping me to produce by far the most successful Super Tuesday in history, and would further like to invite all of the Haley supporters to join the greatest movement in the history of our nation.

Biden is the enemy. He’s destroying our country. Make America great again. But what’s very interesting about this, since most of these individuals are Democrats and 92% of her voters approve of Biden’s performance, Biden actually came out and they put out a statement, and it says, it takes a lot of courage to run for president. In a statement released after Nikki Haley suspended her 2024 presidential campaign, Biden commended Haley on her willingness to speak the truth during her run and welcomed Haley’s supporters.

Aren’t they his supporters? Weren’t they voting for her because they hate Trump? This is very interesting. But again, she didn’t endorse Trump and she suspended, which means she’s just waiting in the wings right now, which is very interesting. But Trump, during his speech at Mar a Lago, he said, and storm has a ride, put this out. He said that November 5 is going to be the most important day in american history.

We’re going to beat them and it’s going to be the greatest election. I believe that November 5 is the most important day, perhaps in our country’s history. So if this is the most important day and this is the most important election, that means the deep state players cannot allow Trump to win. They will cheat and they will go after him and they will try everything to try to stop him.

Now, I do believe Trump and the patriots, they know this. The military knows this. The military intelligence is working overtime right now. And yes, they are going to pull out all the stops. Think about Abraham Lincoln. Think about John F. Kennedy. Think about Reagan. When they decided to go against the deep state players, some were taken out, some they tried to take out, and some were warned. So I do believe in the end, with everything that they’re trying with Trump, they’re going to become so desperate that they’re going to try to most likely take him out.

Now, I remember the interview with Tucker and Trump. Tucker asked Trump, what about assassination? Trump never answered that question. Now, once again, do I think they’re going to succeed in this? No, but I think the people, when they see something like this, people are going to go, holy crap, they tried to take him out. You think his votes are going to go up? Absolutely. I wonder, and we know there’s a post out there saying that what happens if emails and texts are revealed that certain agencies were involved in all of this? And the reason why I’m saying this, and this is coming from the BBC, which means the intelligence clowns are now putting this out and they’re building a narrative.

And this is what the headline says. The FBI warns about iranian spy allegedly plotting to kill U. S. Officials. The FBI is hunting for an alleged iranian spy it believes is involved in plots to kill current and former us government officials. And they’re looking for Majid Farahani, and he’s plotting a revenge killing for the killing of Soleimini. Remember Solomoni? He was the commander of the Iran Qat force.

Remember Trump bombed him and killed him. So this is very interesting. So the list of names are Mike Pompeo, Bolton and Trump. So it looks like they’re going to try to use this narrative. And I do believe this is probably going to be building and building and building. And we could see that most likely they will try to attempt something. Now, do I think this is actually going to work in their favor? Absolutely not.

Do I think Trump and the patriots have full control of the situation and they’re monitoring the situation? Absolutely. And I do believe in the end, the deep state players, they’re going to become so desperate that they’re going to try anything they possibly can to try to remove Trump. Yes, we will see more attacks. They’re definitely going to intensify. And when all else fails, what are they going to do? They’re going to continually build up war and they’re going to continually move in that direction.

Now, what’s very interesting is that it looks like Elon Musk flew to Mar a Lago and he might have met with Trump. Patriots are in control. Put this out. And there’s two New York Times articles and it says, why Elon Musk is the second most important person in MAGa. Donald Trump seeking cash infusion, meets with Elon Musk. So the question is, is this the real story? Was Trump really looking for cash, or was something else being discussed? Because Elon Musk on March 6, 2024.

Put this out. Just to be super clear, I’m not donating money to either candidate for us president. So did Musk have to fly all the way over, or could this discussion happen over the phone? And was Musk in this area talking to Trump for another reason? That’s very interesting. I do believe both of these individuals are working together, and they’ve worked together for a very long time. Remember? I do believe Trump, the patriots, they’ve been working with Musk, they’ve been working with G.

Putin, because this whole operation is to take down the deep state players. Number one, he needed to set everything up to make sure he was in complete and utter control, to make sure the military is in control. They can monitor everything, because military intelligence, they’re above the NSA and all the clowns. He couldn’t trust the clowns. He needed to go to the real military, those people that would follow their oath.

So how do you do this? You need to take control of the country. The only way to do that is to allow the deep state to do what they do best, to actually cheat in the election, to have an insurrection which allows the military to take control. Once the military is in control, then you can move into the second phase. What’s the second phase? Wake the population up.

Let the people see the system. Let the people see the true tyranical dictators. Let them experience it, because that’s the only way they’re going to understand it. Allow them to go through this for four years, and at the end of the fourth year, let them feel what it’s like to have the economy completely implode. Make them feel what it’s like to go to war and make it look real as possible, to scare the population out of their slumber.

And Trump, along the way, he’ll just continually push peace every step of the way. And when the time comes, those individuals that he’s been working with, they will basically shut down and arrest the deep state players. And I do believe this is where all of this is headed. And I do believe Trump is working with these people. Now, what’s very interesting is we know that they moved the state of the union to March 7, which is going to be tomorrow.

And Trump, he put out a very interesting post and it looks like this is all part of the plan. Think about everything that’s been happening. You know, Biden’s going to be lying about the border, the economy, what’s happening out in the Middle east, what’s happening out in Ukraine, what happened in Afghanistan, and everything else. He’s just going to continually lie. What is Trump going to do? He’s going to tell the truth and correct everything that Biden says.

This is what he put out on truth. I am pleased to inform you that tomorrow night we will be doing a live play by play of crooked Joe Biden’s State of the union address. I will correct in rapid response any and all inaccurate statements, especially pertaining to the border and his weaponization of the DOJ, FBI, AG’s, and jurisdict attorney, to go after his political opponent, me. Something never done before in this country.

We did this once before to tremendous success, beating all records. It is important for the country to get the truth. So he did this the last state of the union. Now he’s going to do it this time. And this time, more people are awake, more people are going to see it, and more people are going to go, holy crap, Trump is right. This is how you wake the people up every step of the way, and you show that the Biden administration, they are lying to you.

And it’s going to become clearer and clearer as we get closer and closer to the presidential election. So let’s go back to post 16 2, June 27, 2018. And I’m going to read down below, because I think this sums up everything that we’re experiencing right now. If you continue to proceed down this dangerous path, only know that we are prepared. So this is the patriots talking to the deep state.

You should know this based on earlier drops, Saudi Arabia, National Guard, military intelligence assets activate us soil. The game is over. When the public knows the fight to keep the lights off is all that matters to you, you will fail. The american people are awake. You lost control, sheep. No more. You underestimated their resolve and their ability to freethink away from the pipeline narrative. We will declass. We will shine light.

There is nowhere to hide. No amount of money, influence, or power can stop this. Our rights to secure and protect at all costs then become justified. We stand at the ready. Red wave, white squall. In God we trust, and yes, our rights to secure and protect at all costs then become justified. Think about that for a second. The patriots are in control. Listen, everyone. Thanks a lot for listening.

Be well, be safe, and especially be prepared. Thanks a lot. .

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changes in Biden administration crisis due to China dependency current political climate deep state fear immigrants as potential criminals invasion versus immigration Michelle Obama presidential run military intervention in immigration political gain from immigration potential chaos from immigration potential war distraction signs of potential war Trump gaining popularity US dependence on China for medicine US immigration concerns

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