Ep 3293b – The [DS] Players Are Being Exposed Removed The Path Is Set Time To Take It All Back | X22 Report

Posted in: News, Patriots, X22 Reports



➡ The X22 Report talks about how corrupt politicians and other powerful figures, known as the “deep state,” are being exposed and removed from power. It suggests that these individuals have been trying to take over the country and get rid of the constitution. The report also mentions that Trump and his supporters are working to show the public the truth about the system and take back control. Lastly, it introduces a medical emergency kit from the wellness company, which includes essential medications to help people prepare for medical emergencies.
➡ The text talks about the struggle for control in the country, with the patriots fighting against the deep state. It suggests that the deep state is trying to stop Trump and the patriots by using various tactics, including indictments and economic disruption. The text also mentions the removal of investigative reporters who tell the truth, and the corruption in Congress. It ends by discussing the issue of illegal immigration, and how it’s seen as a threat by many Americans.
➡ The text discusses how countries like Venezuela are reportedly sending criminals to the U.S., leading to a decrease in their crime rates. It also talks about the U.S. Constitution’s clauses that ensure equal rights for all citizens, regardless of their state. The text criticizes attempts to control free speech and information flow, citing examples of potential censorship laws in Canada and other countries. Lastly, it mentions a situation where Donald Trump Jr. received a suspicious package, and the construction of a protective barrier around Germany’s Reichstag building due to fears of attacks.
➡ If you’re noticing more wrinkles, it might be due to low collagen levels. Many people are using multicolagen to improve their skin. In other news, the CIA and Ukraine’s government have been accused of causing conflict in eastern Ukraine, leading to a Russian invasion. There are also claims of corruption involving prominent U.S. figures in Ukraine, and concerns about escalating conflict and potential World War III.
➡ The text suggests that there are plans to disrupt communication systems globally, possibly as a test or a tactic to control information flow. It also discusses the possibility of cyberattacks and malware being used to shut down devices and internet connections. The text further suggests that these actions might be part of a larger plan to manipulate elections and control narratives, using fear tactics like the COVID-19 pandemic. It also touches on issues of racial division, crime rates, and political corruption, hinting at a potential plan to postpone elections and silence opposition voices.
➡ The article discusses the current political climate, focusing on the perceived pressure on Trump and the belief that he will overcome it. It also highlights concerns about the integrity of the 2020 election, with many believing there was widespread cheating. The article suggests that Democrats are trying to manipulate the voting system, but states are reversing these changes, making it harder for them to cheat in future elections. Finally, it suggests that there may be attempts to incite a civil war, but the author believes that Trump and his supporters will ultimately prevail.
➡ The article discusses concerns about illegal immigrants voting in the upcoming elections. It suggests that these individuals may be scared to vote in person and might resort to mail-in voting, which could be problematic if some states refuse these votes. The author believes that Trump and his supporters want to expose any attempts to manipulate the election, aiming for a transparent and secure voting process. The ultimate goal is to show that the majority of people are on Trump’s side, which would help him implement his plans more easily.


Report. My name is Dave and this episode, 3293 Bn. Today’s date is February 27, 2024. And the title of the episode is the deep state players are being exposed and removed. The path is set. Time to take it all back. Let’s get into the economic collapse. Political and geopolitical news now. The deep state, the corrupt politicians, big tech, fake news, the puppet masters, the deep state players, they are now being exposed, and many of them are being removed.

And the people of this country, they can see how corrupt the system is. Actually, the people now can see the system. And I do believe Trump of the patriots, they’re in control of what is happening in this country. And I’m not saying on the micro level, but overall, Trump of the patriots, they have set a path. And the deep state players, they’re following this path. And you can see this is all about the 2024 election.

The people needed to see what was happening to their country. The people needed to wake up. The people needed to make a decision, and the people needed to take the country back. And yes, Trump, he’s in control. Yes, he has the military, but again, he needs the people to do this. And this is why he set everything up, to make sure that people would see it and the people would understand how bad it really is.

Remember, the system was infiltrated a long time ago, even further back than Obama. And over time, it just got worse and worse. And basically what the deep state has done, they set up a criminal syndicate within DC, and they were running the country and they enriched themselves. They controlled the people and what they were thinking. And as time went on, it got worse and worse. And basically what the deep state players wanted to do, they wanted to take over the country and remove the constitution.

Because really, think about it. The deep state players, what do they do? If they’re going to push vaccine passports, do they start here in the United States? Do they push everything here first? No, they push it in other countries where they don’t have the same type of constitution. And they push it out in Australia, New Zealand, the UK, France. And when it fails, because it doesn’t work here in the United States, they go back to the drawing board and they start again.

And everything that you’re seeing, they’re always going to do out in other countries first, because, again, it’s much easier to do in the other countries because they don’t have the same constitution as here in the United States. This contract was created by we, the people, and those people working in DC and any other government, they have to sign this contract and agree to its terms, we the people’s terms.

In other countries, it doesn’t work this way. Plus, in this country, we’re born with very specific rights where the government can’t say, you know what, you don’t have this right anymore. Why do you think it’s been so hard for them to get rid of the weapons from the people? Why do you think it’s been so hard for them to actually control speech? I mean, look around the world once again.

If you look at Canada, you look at UK, if you look at the EU nations, what are they doing? They’re setting up laws for hate speech. Can you really do that here in the United States? Can the government control what you say? Well, they can try, but it will be a violation of your constitutional rights. And eventually what will happen is it will go up to the Supreme Court and there will be a ruling, say, no, the government cannot do this.

But again, where do they do this first? All other countries, because they know they can’t start here. So what they did was they put out a plan to destroy the constitution. And that’s what they’ve been trying to do this entire time. That’s what the infiltration is about. That’s what the foot soldiers, the invasion into our country, they’re bringing in their army to remove the constitution. In the end, that’s really what they want, because the United States is stopping them from actually moving forward with their plan.

United States has always stopped them. This is why they had to create the criminal syndicate. This is why they needed to bring in the dumbest people they possibly could find, where they are able to control them. Because remember, a lot of these people have fetishes. A lot of these people could be blackmailed, and they needed certain laws passed. They needed them to do certain things. And that’s why we have the country the way we have it today.

And what Trump and the patriots have done is they decided, let’s show the people the truth. Let’s show the people the system. Let’s show the people everything that they’re trying to do. And if the people agree with it, then you know what? The country’s lost. If the people do not agree with it, then we’re going to take back the country, and that’s what we’re in process of doing.

And Trump, yes, he had to put certain things into place. Yes, he had to take control, and yes, he had to have the deep state go down a certain path, because he knows that they control the election systems. He knows that they put their people in place to monitor the elections. They brought in the machines to cheat in the elections. They use the ballots to up their votes, which they’re really not votes, they’re just getting more ballots.

But all of that is now falling apart. A lot of the states right now have now ruled that everything that they put into place during COVID is completely unconstitutional. Actually, Delaware is the latest state saying, yeah, all these laws, they’re not really laws because the legislators didn’t make these laws. So we have to reverse everything. And election is going back to one day. So basically what’s happening with all these states that are doing this, it doesn’t have to be 100% because all you need is a couple of the swing states and a majority of the states.

I don’t mean 100%, but at least you have many of them going and reversing what has happened during COVID This allows the system to kind of work, not perfectly, but if Trump needed to use it, and this was the only way, then, yes, Trump can use it. It would be election on one day. They wouldn’t be able to create the ballots and we would have a winner and most likely be Trump.

Now, would he win by a lot? Maybe not. But I think what Trump wants to do is he wants to give every single person their vote. Let’s talk about protecting our health. Recent clusters of respiratory illness in northern China, alongside outbreaks of what is being referred to as white lung syndrome in the United States, are scattered across headlines right now, drawing attention to the importance of being prepared for medical emergencies.

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And in the end, what’s going to happen with everything that we’re seeing, everything that we’re experiencing? I do believe at that point, the people will be able to take back the country and the people, they’re going to see all this play out, because they have to see all this play out. And in the end, the people, they’re going to realize who the criminals are. How much easier is it going to be once the people understand who the criminals are, who was bringing us to war, who was creating the chaos? Do you think it’ll be a lot easier at this point to actually have trials? Do you think the people will be on board with this, especially when all the evidence comes out against them, especially with Epstein’s island and everything else? So I do believe that we are headed in the right directions.

The patriots are in control, and the people are about to take the country back. It doesn’t mean it’s going to be easy. I mean, think about the founding fathers who are fighting the revolutionary war. They were taking back their freedom. They were fighting, but it wasn’t easy. They had ups and downs. They lost battles, they won battles. But in the end, what happened? They won. So, yes, at this point in the game, the deep state players know as we approach the presidential election, they need to stop Trump at all costs.

They need to stop the people at all costs. So what are they going to do? They’re going to throw everything at him, and they’re going to use every asset and they’re going to deploy it against the people of this country. So they’re going to hit him hard with indictments and everything else, and they’re going to hit the people hard with them destroying the economy, with trying to bring us to war, having these people that invaded the country create chaos, and they’re going to push all of this to scare the people.

And what they want from the people is you need to do what we say. We can make it better. See what’s happening right now. I know you’re afraid. I know you’re scared. We can make it better. But again, I don’t think the people are going to fall for it this time. The people aren’t going to go along with the deep state plan. The people are going to do the opposite because the people, they’re awake, they’re thinking logically.

And Trump and the Patriots, if you really look at it, they’re making everything very, very transparent so people can see it and people can understand it. So I think in the end, this will definitely fail. The people will get their vote and we are going to take back the country. We’ll be talking a little bit more about this a little bit later. But first, let’s talk about Catherine Herridge, because we can see they’ve already started their process of getting rid of the investigative reporters and those people that tell the truth.

I mean, look, they got rid of Tucker Carlson, Dan Bongino, they got rid of Lara Trump. They got rid of Catherine Harridge. I mean, these are the people that actually report tell the truth. And why do they have to get rid of them? Because they can’t have these people on their staff as we go into the presidential election because remember, the fake news, it’s a propaganda outlet. So they fired Catherine Harris.

They let her go. And I do believe they were looking through her records to find what her confidential sources were. And when they found, oh, there’s really nothing here, they decided to give her files back to her. Now, again, she had the union go after them. But again, the deep state players, they just don’t give anything back unless they don’t need it. And I think what happened here is they looked through it.

They looked through everything and they couldn’t find anything. What would be the purpose of confiscating it? Otherwise they would just give it back to her just like anyone else. But again, it looks like they were looking through this. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting, we can see most of these individuals in Congress. They are corrupt. Foreign governments control them. And we know that they bid money laundering with these foreign governments.

Most of these individuals, their money laundering operations, they haven’t been found out. But look at Menendez. He was exposed. Look at Biden, he was exposed. And I think most of these individuals, they have other companies, they have foundations, they have institutions where they are money laundering, where they’re dealing with foreign governments and they’re selling secrets. And I think in the end, a lot of this will most likely come out.

But you could see who’s in line with the certain countries right now. We had Senator Majority Leader Chuck Schumer. He was waving a people’s Republic of China flag at the Manhattan parade on Sunday. And the flag waving occurred at the Lunar New Year parade in New York City’s Chinatown. And yes, there were many other people that went there. And you can see once again, they are totally involved in these different governments.

Do you think they’d be out there waving the flag for Russia? I doubt it. I don’t think they would do it, which tells you everything you need to know. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is that we know that Biden, he is becoming very, very desperate. He’s now arresting those people that have been blowing the whistle on him, and they’re trying to shut these people up. And it looks like the judge has ordered the FBI informant who blew the whistle on Biden.

Well, he has to remain in jail right now pending his trial. And if you notice, as soon as they unleash the indictment against this individual, all of a sudden they started to make the case that, oh, we don’t need the impeachment. Stop the investigation. We got this guy, he’s indicted. No, this is just the DOJ basically protecting those people that are in the criminal syndicate, and now they’re going to keep this individual in jail.

I wouldn’t be surprised if something happens to him in jail. This way he can’t speak anymore. This is how these people do these things. This is how desperate they are. They’re panicking right now like we’ve never seen before. And we could see they’re panicking over the border because the people, they’re not fooled about what is happening at the border. Remember the entire time they told us the border was secure, everything is fine.

Don’t look at the border. Remember Majorcas, Biden, we had Kamala Harris. They’re all telling us the border is secure, everything is fine. And then all of a sudden they needed money for the border, to secure the border. And now Biden is out there saying, well, maybe I can do something with the executive order. Basically, what they’re doing is they’re panicking because the people, they understand what’s going on.

Their propaganda is not working because the people see the truth, just like the people saw the truth back in 2020 when Nadler was out there saying the riots are a myth, when the fake news was out there saying these are mostly peaceful, the people knew what was going on. They knew that towns were being burnt down, people knew that people were being killed. People knew that stores were being looted, and everything that they were saying was completely fake, phony and false.

And now people understand that having open borders, this destroys the country. And every time the dictators, the tyrannical government, gives the illegals more and more money, I mean, really think about it. They’re giving them health benefits. They’re giving them food. They’re giving them all this. Remember going back in time when these same exact people said, well, we don’t have money to help the homeless. We don’t have money to give them health care.

We don’t have money to give you health care, but there’s enough money to give health care to all these individuals, millions of them. There’s enough money to give them food. It’s enough money to house them. There’s enough money to do everything. So I don’t think the people are falling for what they’re doing here anymore. And if you look at Maryland, the Maryland house has passed a bill allowing illegal immigrants to access state health care exchange.

This tells you everything you need to know. And think about it with these illegals coming in. We’ve seen an illegal kill a student, a nursing student, and what has the Biden administration said? What does the fake news say? Are they all kneeling because she was killed? Are they having parades? Are they making a statue for her? No, they’re ignoring it. Julie Kelly put this out and said a young girl was just murdered by an illegal who entered the country on Biden’s watch.

And all this clown can do is laugh about the border and bring up Trump. It’s even worse. There is no indication anyone asked him about Lake and Riley because the fake news is controlled by the deep state players. And this doesn’t go with their narrative. But this is how, you know, the people understand what’s going on. We had Gallup, they did a poll, and a record high number of Americans say illegal immigration is a critical threat to the United States.

So when Trump wins the election and he says, okay, we’re going to round up these people, we’re going to deport them, you think the people are going to be with them? Absolutely. Especially because these individuals, when they have an event in this country, and I don’t mean the event that we just saw, I mean a major event. Oh, yeah, the people are definitely going to be with Trump.

And think about it. Trump has continually said that we’re not getting the best of the best. What we’re getting is criminals because countries are opening up their prisons and sending the people here he’s saying, we’re getting those people from the assane asylums. They’re opening those up and sending them here. Actually, we’re receiving the garbage. That’s really what’s happening right now. And actually, Bloomberg even admitted it. It looks like Trump was right again.

N. Wilkness put this out and said, and this is the article from Bloomberg. Venezuela’s violent deaths fall to 22 year low on migration. So Venezuela has its lowest homicide rate in 22 years because their gangs are coming here. Let that sink in. Trump was right again. And then Trump put this out on truth. It’s article four, section two, clause one, and it says, the citizens of each state, not the illegals citizens, shall be entitled to all privileges and immunities of citizens in the several states.

The first section of the article four, section two, provides that the citizens of each state shall be entitled to all privileges, immunities of the citizens of other states. The provision is called the privileges and immunity clause, or the comedy clause. This clause, which is textually tied to state citizenship, should not be confused with the distinct provision in the 14th amendment, the privileges or the immunities Clause, which protects the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States against state invasion.

The key purpose of the privileges and immunities clause was to help fuse into one nation a collection of independent sovereign states. Under the prevailing view of the clause, its central requirement is that in any state, every citizen of any other state is to have the same privileges and immunities which the citizens of that state enjoy. In other words, the clause prevents a state from discriminating against citizens of other states in favor of its own.

The clauses concern implicate not only individual rights to nondiscriminatory treatment, but also the structural balance essential to the concept of federalism. Absolutely. And this should tell you everything you need to know, and tells you everything you need to know about the deep state players. And it shows that they’re not following the Constitution at all. I mean, think about how they’re trying to take the weapons away from the people.

Think about how they went after Trump, and they are using excessive fines, which is completely against the 8th Amendment, which we’ll be talking about in just a sec. And think about how they’ve been censoring free speech. Now, remember, they always start in other countries, and they always implement their laws there first, because they know if they start at the United States, it won’t work. So what they try to do is they try to convince the world that this is a good direction to go in this is something that the world needs.

So they start out in Australia, New Zealand, UK, Canada, and then the last country is United States. And they’re hoping that the people, they go along with this and they can create a law. But again, if it’s repugnant to the constitution, it doesn’t work. Now we’re going to be talking about what the other countries are trying to do here. But first, it looks like Don Jr. Had a problem.

He received an envelope with white powder and a hazmat team was dispatched. Now, it looks like the white powder wasn’t really anything, and it looks like everyone is okay. But again, that’s kind of scary because you don’t know what people are sending you. And if you open up an envelope and there’s white powder in there, you get a little nervous. But it looks like. It seems like everything is fine there.

And it wasn’t deadly or anything like that. But going back to what the deep state players are trying to do, they’re trying to control the flow of information and they’re using hate speech to do this. And this has nothing to do with hate speech. This has to do with what you’re allowed and what you’re not allowed to say. That’s pretty much what it is. And if you go back in time, think about all those people that spoke out against the king or queen or the catholic church or anything, or anything like that.

What normally happened to the people? They were thrown into prison. We’re seeing the same exact thing right now. What are they doing out in Canada? Remember, Trudeau follows the orders of the World Economic Forum. And yes, there are other countries that are doing this. So they’re now trying to introduce an online hate bill. And this bill contains a $20,000 fine for speech and life imprisonment for hate crimes.

What’s a hate crime? Think about it for a second. So you’re going to be fined 20,000. What happens if you can’t pay the 20,000? You go to prison, don’t you? Are they doing the same exact thing? Yes, they are. But you can see that they’re doing this because they’re panicking. You see, there was a time where they had control the narrative. There was a time where people were on the same page.

That time has passed because now the people are no longer on their page. The people are thinking logically, and the people, they know who the enemy is. And the more they do these type of things, the worse it’s going to get for them. But they have no choice because they are panicked. They’re desperate and they need to regain control. This is what always destroys these type of people, the dictators, tyrannical governments, because once they lose the people, they show you who they really are, and you can see it now happening around the world, and they need to protect themselves.

Look what’s happening out in Germany. Germany is now building a medieval fortification in front of the Reichstag to protect democracy from armed attacks. The trench is a reaction to the storming of the Reich tag. This was the name given to an action by right wing protesters who wanted to enter the Reich tag building by force in 2020. So they’re building a trench, filling it up with water, basically a moat, to protect themselves.

Because when the people had enough, where do you think the people are going to go? They’re going to go after those people that are making their lives miserable. This is what always happens in history. Remember when people were pushed to the precipice? What did people do? They went after the kings and queens. They dragged them out, they chopped their heads off. And I’m not saying anyone should chop anyone’s head off, but this is what happens to the people when they’re pushed to the precipice.

So, yes, in modern times, will people go into these buildings and say, enough is enough, and arrest these people and take control? Yes, this is what happens. It’s called a revolution against the tyrannical government. We had this when the colonists fought the british government. Remember, the british government was not a separate government, it was their government at the time, and it was tyranical. And they didn’t want this anymore.

They wanted freedom, and the british government wouldn’t allow it. And the british government, they pushed harder and harder and harder until they actually brought the troops and the war to the United States at the time, the colonies. And how did it start? They went after the weapons. So once again, we’re starting to see the same exact thing again. I do believe we’re in a second revolution. But Trump the patriots, they didn’t want a bloody revolution.

Instead, why not just wake the people up? Why not just show them the criminal syndicate? Why not just show them the tyranical government? Why not just show them the dictators? It’s much easier because once you have the people on your side, it’s game over for the deep state players. And we can see every day that passes, more and more of the deep state is being exposed. The New York Times, they published a rare us admission that the US intelligence has not only been instrumental in Ukraine’s wartime decision making, but has established and financed high tech command and control spy centers, and was doing so long prior to the February 24 russian invasion of two years ago.

The New York Times admitted that the program was established a decade ago and spans three different american presidents. The Times says the CIA program to modernize Ukraine’s intelligence services has transformed the former soviet state and its capabilities into Washington’s most important intelligence partner against the Kremlin today. So this means that with this disclosure of the longtime, closely guarded secret, the world just got a big step closer to World War II.

Given it means the CIA is largely responsible for the effectiveness of the recent spate of attacks, which have included direct drone hit on Kiev, oil refineries, and energy infrastructure. The US intelligence services have been operating in Ukraine for years now, so they’re really waging war on Russia. Are the people happy with this? Is this what the people wanted? Absolutely not. Kenneco the Great on X put this out and said the New York Times disclosed yesterday that the CIA built twelve secret spy bases in Ukraine, waging a shadow war against Russia for the past decade after a US supported violent let’s talk about our health if the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and other signs of aging on your face and body are getting worse, it may be more than just New Year’s.

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Millions of innocent civilians were caught in the crossfire of a geopolitical chess match between Russia and the United States. This is part of the story often ignored by the western press. So who really started the war there? Oh, that’s right. It’s the CIA. It’s the deep state players. That’s what you’re seeing. And once they took over Ukraine, what happened? We had John Kerry, Joe Biden, Obama, Hillary Clinton.

They set up shop there. Actually, Biden put his son on the board, a baristma. Same thing with John Kerry. He put, I think, his nephew in place in some of these companies. This should tell you everything you need to know. DC Drano put this out and said, we also know there was Pentagon partnerships with ukrainian biolabs. Yes. Plans for Ukraine to join NATO. Hunter Biden’s pay big deal with barisma.

Joe Biden withholding a billion until Ukraine fired the Barisma prosecutor. And we can’t forget, they impeached Trump over a phone call to Zelensky. Ukraine has been a deep state money laundering playground for decades. And now they’re trying to cash in big time with world War three. People need to be held accountable for what they have done on all sides of this disaster. Absolutely. And once again, all these wars, they are being waged by the deep state players, not by the people of this country.

The people of this country. They don’t want wars around the world. And now it’s all being exposed for everyone to see. And it’s getting worse and worse as time goes on. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is yesterday, Kanako the great put out a post on x talking about a russian counterterrorism unit that thwarted an assassination. Now, again, the Moscow man that was arrested was allegedly accepting payments.

And again, the source of this story is coming from one location. It hasn’t been cooperated. That’s why Kanako the great said allegedly. And again, it’s not cooperated. So we’re waiting to hear if this is absolutely true. And actually, Kaneko the great put this out on x and said Tucker Carlson gleefully escaping from his assassins. As I mentioned in my replies, the story originates on an unknown website and YouTube channel.

Hopefully Tucker Carlson comments. Meanwhile, everyone is relying on the same uncooperated source. So that’s very interesting. But Karma Patriot, she has a theory about this. And this is very interesting. And this is what she says on truth. My thoughts on Tucker assassination story. I think it’s exactly why Putin dropped the Tucker CIA info in his interview. Much like Trump goes off script to highlight certain people, topics he wants the mainstream media to cover.

Putin randomly dropping the Tucker CIA connection put a direct spotlight on the CIA, possibly Putin saying, we know your plans. Next, we had russian opposition leader Navani die in prison. Deep state blames Putin, followed by Pelosi actively seeding a mainstream media narrative that Trump is being financially blackmailed by Putin. Then the announcement of a possible Tucker assassination plan while he was in Russia. And today, Don Jr. Gets a white powder in the mail.

For me, it all circles back to the civil lawsuit Mayor Rudy Giuliani filed against Biden Hunter campaign in New Hampshire accusing Joe of falsely claiming Rudy was a russian spy during 2020 presidential debate with Trump. Because discovery, remember all the raids, legally admissible evidence. And yes, we’ll have to see how this all plays out. And it’s all starting to fit together. We’ll have to see. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is we could see the deep state, they are now ceding the narrative that there will be troops on the ground from other countries.

And Macron, he came out and he said, yes, what we’re going to do is we’re going to bring in troops and they’re going to be fighting on the ground in Ukraine. So why did he do this? You think it was just a slip or are they building the narrative? So this is what they normally do. They put this information out there and people say, well, I don’t want to do this.

You have other installed individuals say, no, we’re not doing this. We’re not putting troops on the ground? Absolutely not. And then what do you think happens next? Most likely an event. Now, they already said, let’s put the troops on the ground. Now they’ll say, okay, we need to put the troops on the ground. Look at the event that just happened. I do believe that’s where they’re all leading to.

Because remember, in the end, what do they want to do? They want to start World War II. So right now, Spain and UK officials, they have dismissed what Macron has said. Poland, Czech Republic, they’re again setting ground troops to Ukraine. What happens if there’s a nuclear explosion? What happens if they blame it on Russia? And they say, oh, look, Russia set something off and they actually blew up a nuclear reactor.

Do you think that would be enough an event to actually have these countries say, oh, you know what? Putin’s taking this to the next level. We need to put troops on the ground. Yes. This is how it’s done. And they’re going to keep doing this because they want world War three. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is we could see that everything is heating up in the Middle east now.

Again, Biden, we have antifa, the illegals on the streets, they’re all calling for a ceasefire. Why? Because they know that Israel is going to actually destroy all the tunnels, get rid of the terrorists, and they don’t want this to happen. And they’re hoping they can stop it before this happens so they can regroup and go ahead and rebuild the terrorist organization. But again, Israel is not going to stop.

Now, Biden, he’s continually saying that he’s in talks with Israel and Gaza, and they’re very, very close to a ceasefire. Now, we have two sides here. Israel is saying they’re not going to stop until they wipe out all Hamas, all the terrorists. They find the tunnels, they destroy them. And Biden is saying they’re very close to a ceasefire. Now, I do believe what Biden is probably doing, he’s probably saying this to appease those people that are against him right now.

Remember, we’re coming up to a 2024 presidential election and he needs their votes. So I do believe he’s going to keep, he’ll keep dangling the carrot until the presidential election. But let’s see how this all plays out. This will be very, very interesting. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is we know in the end, the deep state players, once they lose the control of the narrative and they lose control of the flow of the information, they will not want people to actually hear the truth.

And they’re going to try to control the flow of information and the narrative because they’re going to be in the process of trying to bring us to World War II. And they don’t want anyone to hear another side. Just almost like Covid and election fraud. They only wanted you to hear their side of it because that’s the only way it could work. But again, the truth was getting out, even during COVID and the election fraud.

This time around, it’s going to be a lot more difficult because they don’t control all the social media platforms and a lot of the people have found new homes or people know where to look to find the truth. If they can’t get something on YouTube, they can’t get it on Instagram or Facebook. A lot of people know about true social a lot of people know about x. A lot of people know about rumble.

So can they control those platforms? No, at this point, they cannot. So I do believe in the end, what they’re going to do is they’re going to shut down communications, and I do believe they’re going to do it in multiple different ways. Cutting communication cables and attacks one way or another, I think they’ll bring it all down. And you can see out in the Middle east, this is what they’ve been already starting to do here.

OsInt defender put this out on X and said significant network disruptions are already being reported at data centers in Djibouti following the Hootie terrorist group’s attack recently on several undersea communication cables in the Red Sea. So I do believe that was probably a test. Let’s see if they can reroute, and let’s see if we can interrupt communications. And I do believe they will use this same tactic in all different places and actually add on top of that, they will most likely use cyberattacks to actually shut everything down.

Now, I do believe in all our devices and everything that we have, we have certain malware that has been embedded in certain chips to make it that you cannot connect to the Internet. And I do believe the FBI was already feeding that narrative when they mentioned, hey, by the way, we found that China has malware in a lot of the chips, and we’ve been zapping it. So I do believe they’re trying to build the narrative right now because they know in the end, they will not be able to cheat in the election.

They know that they’re going to have to take complete and utter control of communication. They’re going to have to stop the election because they are losing their narrative over all of it and control over all of it. Think about what’s happening with COVID right now. Remember, back in 2020, they had the ability to scare the people, and the people went along with it because they didn’t want to leave their house, and they ushered in mail in ballots even though the states didn’t pass the actual law.

We had secretary of state, we had governors, attorney generals actually create laws which they’re not allowed to do, which means the 2020 election shouldn’t have been certified ever. Actually, it should be a redo because the election wasn’t run under the rule of law. But once again, if you have a criminal syndicate running everything, who’s going to do it? The FBI? DOJ? No. If you have the swamp controlling all the different agencies, are they going to do anything about it? Absolutely not.

But you can see that Covid or even disease X, it’s not going to work this time around. Look what’s happening out in Australia. The COVID vaccine mandate for emergency service in Australia’s Queenland was unlawful and in breach of human rights, and that’s coming from the state supreme court in Australia. So everything that they did, the different countries are saying, this is not right. This should have never happened.

It’s completely against our constitution. The same thing happened in the United States. So for them to pull off another disease or virus, it’s going to be very, very difficult to do, which means they’re planning something completely different. And I think they used Covid and everything else as a ruse to make you think this is the direction they’re heading in. While in the meantime, they have a different plan.

And I do believe that plan is to postpone the election. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is we can see that there’s crime all over the place. There’s looting. You see it in San Francisco, you see it in LA, you see it in New York, you see it in Chicago, you see it all over the place. And most of the time, it is, sorry to say, but the plaque population that is looting, and a lot of these individuals are probably illegals and criminals and things like that.

And this is actually how they’re keeping these people at bay and keeping them happy with pay. And what’s very interesting is that the FBI decided to put out a post on x, and they chose a stock photo, and it’s white women stealing purses. And you know what happened after this? The people just went crazy over this. N. Wilkner said, hey, why don’t they just put Maga hats on them? I’m pretty sure those are the ones doing all the shoplifting.

Then we had Tom Kinet put this out. Guys, there just weren’t any photos of the actual looting to choose from, trust me. And chose pictures of all the people looting. I mean, there’s tons and tons of pictures, real pictures of people looting. So basically, they’re trying to build the narrative that it’s only white people that are criminals. Why would they be doing this? Because I do believe, just like we saw in leave the world behind, that if everything hits the fan, don’t trust the white people.

See, they’re trying to divide the country. But if you look at the FBI’s own arrest record, crime statistics, 52% of the robberies are carried out by blacks or African Americans, despite the fact they only make up 13% of the population. Even with significantly higher population, whites in America only account for 44. 7% of robberies. And I think this tells you everything you need to know and what they’re planning to do here.

And this is why they put it in that movie. They always like to project out there. They always like to keep the country divided, and they’re going to keep doing this to the very end. But I think this is all going to work not in their favor. I think it’s going to boomerang on them, because as they push war, as they push chaos, the people of this country, they’re awake.

They understand. And I don’t think they’re going to be listening to these individuals, because Trump, the patriots, they’re going to be out there telling them something completely different, that we don’t have to go to war, we can stop the riots, we can stop the chaos. It doesn’t have to be this way. Now, again, the deep state players, they don’t want Trump to do this. They need to get rid of him before the elections.

And everything they’re trying to do, well, it’s failing. And we know there’s another case coming up. It’s the hush bunny trial by, and this is from Manhattan district Attorney Alvin Bragg. And he actually wants to gag Trump on this trial. So they don’t want him to have the ability to speak freely. They only want their side of the. Hmm, sounds very similar to what all the other countries are doing with their people.

We don’t like what you’re saying, so we’re going to fine you or imprison you. Weren’t they doing that here in this country with the social media platforms? The government was violating everyone’s rights. So now they don’t want Trump to speak freely. They only want their side of the story. But Trump does have a case with peekaboo. That’s Letitia James. Trump calls Letitia James Peekaboo. And Trump mentioned the 8th Amendment.

Now, the 8th Amendment to the United States Constitution provides that excess bail shall not be required, nor excess fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishment inflicted. The New York court’s ruling ordering the Trumps to pay over 360,000,000 under New York state law likely violates the 8th Amendment prohibition on excess fines. Now, remember, they’re adding interest to this, and I do believe it’s very, very close to a half a billion.

So if we go back to 2019. The United States Supreme Court held that the 8th Amendment prohibition on excessive fines applies to states, not just to actions by the federal government. Thus, New York state fines are subject to the 8th Amendment. Next. While the fines imposed by the New York Court in the Trump case are characterized as discouragement, the United States Supreme Court and federal appellate decisions confirm that discouragements are penalties or fines for purposes of federal law.

Thus, the New York court’s discouragement penalties are subject to an excessive fine challenge under the 8th Amendment. As the United States Supreme Court decision instruct, the focus of the grossly disproportional inquiry is on the following factors. Number one, the degree of the defendant’s reprehensibility or culpability. Number two, the relationship between the penalty and the harm to the victim caused by the defendant’s actions. Number three, the sanctions imposed in other cases for comparable misconduct.

Applying these factors to the New York court’s decision reveals that the fines are clearly excessive. There are no victims in the Trump case. No one was harmed. Each and every financial institution involved was fully repaid and made money on its loans. A review of case law in New York demonstrates that there simply are no cases ordering a defendant to pay hundreds of millions of dollars in discouragement without any victim being deprived of anything.

And how reprehensible is it to obtain loans and credit facilities and then pay back the lenders back in full, on time in compliance with the agreement? The answer is not very so right there. I do believe Trump has a case. And yes, the deep state players are eventually going to lose. But look what they’re doing. They’re flashing the numbers over and over and over, saying, look, now he owes 600 billion.

Now he owes 700 billion. They’re doing this on purpose to put a lot of pressure on Trump. They want the people to see this, and they’re hoping the people won’t stay by his side. But again, all of this is going to fail. And I do believe Trump, he’s going to pull something out of his hat and everything is going to backfire on them, which means they will take it to the next level.

Remember, they’re punishing him, and they’re going to punish the people. They punish the people by destroying the economy. They punish the people by opening the borders. They punish the people by having these people in this country hurt. We the people. They punish the people by bringing the people to war. So they’re doing this to everyone because they are losing. They’re panicking. And this is what a dictatorship, a tyrannical government, does when they are losing.

They show you who they really are. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is that the majority of voters right now, they realize that there are problems in the 2020 election, that most likely there was a lot of cheating. We know this from the poll numbers. 22 there were problems in the election and especially out in Arizona. Many of the people out there believe the way they ran the elections, well, there was a lot of cheating.

And the election results, well, they weren’t on the up and up. Rasmussen reports put this out and said a majority of Arizonians believe that problems with how Maricopa county conducted the 2022 election affected the outcome. Public trust in our institutions is faltering. This lawsuit is about restoring integrity to our election process. And what is Maricopa County’s response to the illegitimate concerns of its citizens? Frivolous procedural motions trying to delay the case and ensure it is not heard on its merits.

This voluntary dismissal is not the end of this case, but just the beginning. With this case newly refiled in Yavapai county, we will continue to zealously prosecute this case on behalf of our clients. It’s time to restore the public confidence in Arizona’s elections. James Rogers from the american first legal senior counsel and yes, the people, they’re not going along with this. And the people, they understand that there are major problems with the elections.

But look what just happened out in Delaware. The Democrat passed laws authorizing a ten day voting season and permanent absentee voting status violate the Delaware constitution. The Superior Court of the state of Delaware, Judge Mark Connor, determined that legislation founding document the lawsuit challenging the statutes in question was brought by the Public Interest Legal foundation on behalf of Michael Manella, an inspector of elections for the Delaware Department of Elections.

State Election commissioner Anthony Al Benz and the Delaware Department of elections are defendants in the case. More specifically, he highlighted how the ten day voting period illegally circumvents article five, section one of the Delaware constitution, which mandates votes cast ballots on the Tuesday next after the first Monday in November. Meanwhile, Democrats permanent absentee voting statute is inconsistent with the constitution’s required qualifications for absentee voting. States cannot pass election laws that conflict with their state constitution.

Now, you don’t think the Democrats knew this? Of course they did. And if you notice, a lot of states are reversing everything that they did. And a lot of the states that actually implemented laws without the legislature, those have been reversed, which now it’s going to make it very, very difficult for the deep state to cheat in the election. They don’t have Covid, they don’t have everything set up the way they had back in 2020.

The scare factor is not there. So this is going to be a major, major problem for the deep state players, which means they’re going to be forced into doing something else. And I do believe this is why we’ve seen Nancy Pelosi actually invest in call options for a cybersecurity firm. I do believe this is why they’ve been testing certain things. And I do believe in the end, this is exactly what they’re going to do, and they’re going to create chaos on the street.

I do believe in the end, what they’re going to try to do is they’re going to try to create a civil war. And if you notice, there’s another movie coming out called Civil War. I do believe this one comes out in April. So first we had a cyber attack. Leave the world behind. And the next film is Civil War. Just go on to rumble or YouTube or wherever you want to go.

Look up civil war. And you’re going to see that, yes, there’s another movie coming out that shows present day, that the country is in a civil war. And I do believe this is exactly what they want in the end. And think about it. Who do they have marching around the streets? They have the Patriot Front group, the neo Nazis. And now in Brooklyn, they have communists marching in the streets in New York City.

Why would they do this? Why would you have all these groups? And if you look at their flags and you look at everything they have, it’s all brand new. Why would they have these people marching around like this? Because I do believe in the end, they’re going to be using these groups to clash. And they’re hoping to kick off a civil war. Yes, they will have an event.

Yes, they will try to push all of this. And they want the people to fight back. They want the people out there because they want a civil war. They know how to handle physical altercations. They know how to handle this, because what are they going to do? They’re going to bring out the armed forces. Now, think about this for a second. Let’s say they have their illegals, they have these people, and they have certain people dressed up as Trump supporters.

And you see chaos on the streets. And of course, the fake news is out there reporting that it is the Trump supporters, just like what happened on January 6. But it really wasn’t the Trump supporters. It was the confidential human sources. It was antifa, it was neo Nazis, it was the Capitol police, it was the FBI. They’re the ones who had the insurrection. It was their team that created the problems.

The Trump supporters, they were peaceful. They actually walked between the velvet ropes. They took pictures. The police invited them in. This time around, I do believe they’re going to bring it to the next level. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Biden administration declares martial law to try to shut everything down. I do believe all optics are going to be incredible during this period of time. And I do believe since the military is already in control and since the country is heading towards war and most likely the country will be attacked, I do believe the control will be with the military.

And when Biden and certain individuals say we need to control the situation, the military, well, they will have to control the situation. And who are they going to round up? Who are they going to stop from destroying the towns and the cities? I do believe it’s going to be the deep state foot soldiers because I don’t believe the MAGA people are going to be burning their own cities.

The MAGA people aren’t going to be destroying their own homes. And I do believe this is the direction that we’re heading in. And I do believe Trump, the patriots, they’re in control of the situation. They’re monitoring the situation, but the optics are going to be on the Biden administration in the end. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is that the deep state players, the DS, they’re losing the young voters right now.

There was a poll that was taken and it looks like the young generation, ages 18 to 34, 48% say they would vote for Trump, 52% would vote for Biden. So Trump is gaining ground right now, and he’s getting more and more young people. Why? Because they’re struggling in the economy. They’re having a difficult time making ends meet. They realize the economy is not working for them. Biden, on the other hand, what is he doing? He’s trying to pay them off.

I’ll cancel your student loans. I’ll do whatever you need me to do as long as I can buy your vote. In the end, what you’re going to see as we go throughout this year and the economy gets worse and we approach war, think about this for a second. What happens when the deep state says, well, war is building, we might have to implement the draft? Think about the young people between 18 and 34.

You think they’re going to say, yes, let’s go, Biden, what do you think these percentage numbers are going to change very, very rapidly? Well, I do believe they’re going to change. And this is when the deep state’s going to be in trouble, because when you lose the black population, you lose the latino population, when you have the Asian Americans, when you lose the young voters, who do you have left? I do believe Trump will have the people.

And no matter what candidate they bring in, they will not have enough people on their side, even with the illegals in this country. And remember the illegals, they will be afraid to go to the voting centers in person, so they will have to use mail in. But when a lot of states are not going to accept the mail ins, this is going to be a major problem for the deep state players.

Which means if they can’t cheat in the election, are they just going to allow Trump to win or are they going to try to do something else to stop it? I do believe they’re going to try to stop it. And I do believe this is exactly what Trump and the Patriots want. They want them to try to stop it. Because I think in the end, what Trump wants, he wants to use paper ballots.

He wants the elections to be transparent and secure, and he wants to show the deep state players, look what I just did. I got the people on my side and look at the amount of people that voted for me compared to you. And he actually wants the country to see this. Not just the country, he wants the world to see this. Because remember the deep state players, the fake news they’ve been continually telling everyone that people aren’t with him.

I do believe he wants to give the deep state the biggest middle finger you’ve ever seen. And I do believe he’s going to do it. Why? Because the people are going to be with him. And this is how the people are going to take back the country. Because once Trump shows that he has the people, it’s going to make it a lot easier for him to do everything that needs to be done.

And the people, they will be with it. Why? Because the patriots are in control. Listen, everyone, thanks a lot for listening. Be well, be safe, and especially be prepared. Thanks a lot. .

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