Ep 3288b – [DS] Building War Narrative Against RussiaSatellites DestroyedTrumps Revenge Success | X22 Report

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➡ The X22 Report talks about the political tension between Trump and his opponents, who are trying to prevent him from running in the 2024 presidential election. The author suggests that these opponents might even try to create a war narrative against Russia to disrupt the election. However, the author believes that Trump and his supporters are aware of these tactics and are prepared to counter them. The author also promotes Nightwatch Pros, a type of night vision binoculars, and discusses their features and benefits.
➡ The article discusses various controversies and allegations surrounding the Department of Justice (DOJ), the FBI, and the Biden administration. It mentions claims of corruption, double standards, and misinformation, particularly related to Hunter Biden and an FBI informant named Alexander Smirnoff. The article also talks about issues with immigration, including the treatment of illegal immigrants and the potential for forced involvement of residents in their resettlement. Lastly, it criticizes the New York City mayor’s plan to give out debit cards to illegal immigrants, suggesting potential corruption and lack of oversight.
➡ The text discusses concerns about potential manipulation of the voting system, with claims that large numbers of illegal immigrants are being allowed into the U.S. to vote in elections. It also mentions a lawsuit by Attorney General Ken Paxton against NGOs operating in Texas, which he believes are worsening illegal immigration. The text suggests that there is a struggle for control over information, with attempts to shut down alternative social media platforms. Finally, it criticizes the media’s handling of a recent shooting in Kansas City, arguing that the truth was withheld to push a gun control narrative.
➡ The article talks about the current political situation, where the government and media are accused of being corrupt and pushing for war. It suggests that the government is using the death of a person named Nalvani to impose sanctions on Russia and start a coup. The article also mentions a medical emergency kit by the wellness company, which includes life-saving medications. Lastly, it discusses the possibility of war and how Trump believes he could negotiate peace.
➡ The text discusses skepticism about the COVID-19 vaccine and its potential side effects, as well as political issues involving former President Trump. It suggests that the vaccine was pushed onto the public without full transparency about its potential risks. The text also talks about ongoing legal battles involving Trump, with the author suggesting that these are politically motivated attacks rather than legitimate legal issues. Lastly, it mentions a potential backlash against New York due to its treatment of Trump, with businesses possibly leaving the state and truckers refusing to deliver goods there.
➡ The article discusses political tensions and strategies, focusing on the potential for corruption investigations in Georgia, the impact of Biden’s age on his presidency, and the possibility of Trump returning to power. It suggests that Trump’s popularity is growing, especially in cities affected by illegal immigration, and that the deep state is trying to undermine him. The article also speculates about Trump’s potential vice presidential pick, suggesting it could be someone who has been “battle hardened.” Lastly, it mentions concerns about Russia interfering in the 2024 election and potentially launching an anti-satellite weapon.
➡ The article suggests that there are concerns about potential disruptions to communication systems, possibly due to actions by Russia. It also discusses the political divide in the U.S., with the author believing that Trump has the majority support of the people, despite the deep state’s control over certain institutions. The author predicts that Trump will continue to fight for his vision of America, and that the deep state will try to create distractions and push for war. However, the author believes that Trump will ultimately bring peace and expose the deep state’s manipulations.


Report. My name is Dave in this episode. 3288 bn. Today’s date is February 21, 2024, and the title of the episode is deep state building war narrative against Russia. Satellites destroyed. Trump’s revenge will be success. Let’s talk about being prepared. If you have ever wanted to see him pitch dark with high tech Night vision, now’s your chance. Thanks to new advancements in night vision technology, Night Vision is now more access and affordable than ever before.

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Use code 15 off at checkout to unlock 15% off only@nightwatchpro. com. Once again, that’s Nightwatchpro. com. Or click the link in the description. Let’s get into the economic collapse, political and geopolitical news now the deep state, the corrupt politicians, big tech fake news, the puppet masters. They have their plan in place to remove Trump to make sure that he won’t be able to run for the 2024 presidential election.

And you could see that they’ve tried in the very beginning to actually push him out of the race by just indicting him. And they thought, oh, he would drop out if we just indict him. And if we take his mug shot and we arrest him. And that didn’t work at all. And now we can see that they’ve been trying to stop him from becoming the GOP nominee, and they thought, oh, we’ll keep Nikki Haley in place and she will stay there until we have all these different cases.

Now, once again, we saw all the different states push the idea that they can remove him from the ballot. The Supreme Court has that case. We could see there were two cases that they ruled on where Trump has to pay quite a bit of money. And you can see that letitia James, she’s ready to basically confiscate his assets if he doesn’t pay this amount. Now, they’re putting all this pressure on Trump because what they want is they want him to bow out.

And we can see that there’s another case that’s coming up that has to do with Stormy Daniels. And remember, these are all corrupt judges. They all are on the side of the left. They donated to the left. And most likely these are all corrupt. They’re blackmail bribed, and they’re being pushed to do this because they have something on them. And we can see that they’re not going to give up.

And Nikki Hilly is most likely going to stay in until the very, very end. And I do believe this is the deal that Obama and the rest made with Biden. If you can get him out and you can get Nikki Haley as the GOP nominee, well, then you can run for the president again and we won’t have to worry about it because this will be a lot easier because Nikki Haley is not popular whatsoever, not like Trump.

But if Trump stays in and he doesn’t drop out, which he already signaled that he will not, well, then we’re going to have to do something completely different. And along the way, when everything fails, what I think is going to happen is they’re going to build the war narrative up. And that looks like it has already begun because now they’re building the narrative. And remember that intel report that came out that Russia has this weapon to destroy satellites to interfere with communications? It looks like they’re starting to build this up and they’re starting to build a narrative for all of this.

But again, I do believe Trump, the patriots, they know exactly what they’re about to do. They know that this is the direction that they’re heading in. And they want them to actually try to postpone the election. They want them to actually have some type of attack or some other type of method where they say, okay, the systems are down, the Internet is down, we can’t use the infrastructure right now.

So we’re going to have to postpone the elections. We can’t have the elections right now because we were just attacked by Russia and we need to figure all this out. I do believe what the patriots want is they want them to head down this path. So we don’t use their systems, we don’t use the mail in ballots, we don’t use the dropboxes. We don’t use their systems that read the mail in ballots because if we don’t use their cheating system, that means the people actually have a voice.

And I do believe Trump and the patriots know that most of these illegals will not show up in person. Remember, they want, they use them with the mail in ballots. They want them to mail in as many as possible to cheat in the elections like they did in 2020. The difference here is they’re losing a lot of the people and they’re trying to replace the people, but that’s not going to work.

So this is going to fail in the end. And I do believe in the end, the people, they are going to get their vote and they’re going to get their voice. And this is why Trump says, my revenge is success. And what that means is his success in beating the deep state, his success in showing the deep state, look, I have the people, you don’t. I win. Because once you have the people, it is game over.

Because think about it, what does the deep state have? They have Hollywood, they have the fake news. They have the high level of people in DHS, FBI, DOJ. What do they really have? The illegals? Because that means they really have nothing. Because that’s the minority, that’s a small group of people. Because once you lose the people of the country, you lose everything, and they will not be able to come back from this whatsoever.

And Trump, the patriots, they know this. And this is why we see all this happening. Yes. You’re going to see the scare event. Yes. You’re going to see Russia say we’re going to destroy America. Yes, this is all part of it because war is coming. Will we actually enter war? No, it will get to a point almost like the cuban missile crisis, maybe a little bit worse than that.

But I do believe that has to be done to wake the people up. And this is why Trump has been letting the people know that he can have peace. This is why he let the people know going back in time. Yes, I see World War II coming. He’s letting you know what’s coming. He told everyone before Biden came into office. Listen, he’s going to open the borders. He’s going to destroy the economy.

He’s letting you know the plan. He’s letting you know what’s going to happen. And he’s telling you how we’re going to counter all of this. And he’s been telling the people over and over and over. Of course, you can’t just tell the people, you got to show them. But when you look back in time, people then can realize and see, hey, wait a minute. He told us all about this and he told us what he will do to counter this.

And I think people are starting to catch on right now. And people are starting to realize this. And for those that are still sleeping and those ds that are really asleep, they’re going to be woken up and they’re going to start to think logically eventually. Is it going to happen right at this second? No. But I do believe as things get worse and worse and the economy gets worse and we get pushed into war and they believe that war is on our doorstep.

Yes, I do believe people are going to wake up like we’ve never seen before. And when people wake up, you know what else they see? They start to see other things, like the crimes that Biden has committed. They start to see the crimes that Obama has committed. They start to see crimes that Hillary Clinton has committed. They start to realize, well, wait a minute. All these people been working with the DOJ, the FBI, DHS and the rest.

Wait, are these people criminals, too? Yeah, people start to go down the rabbit hole. People start to think. And once this happens, it’s going to be game over for the d party. They won’t be able to come back from this. Especially when you find out evidence of what really happened to the DNC, that it was never hacked, that it wasn’t hacked by Russia, it was an inside job.

And that person just happened to die when he was getting robbed. I mean, really, think about this for a second. I do believe the truth is about to come out and this is going to be game over for the deep state players. And you can see the truth is coming out right now. And the fake news and the lawyers and the corrupt politicians, they’re trying to spin everything to try to convince people that what you’re seeing is not real.

Right now, Hunter Biden says the DOJ misrepresented sawdust as cocaine to make him look bad. So the lines that you see, this is from a carpenter. The kit that you see for cocaine, that’s really not a cocaine kit. All what you’re seeing right now is something else, and everyone got it wrong. I mean, do we really believe this? I don’t think so. And the other thing that’s very interesting is that they went ahead and they indicted an FBI informant and they’re trying to use this to cancel the impeachment case.

And the person they indicted was Alexander Smirnoff. And Representative Jim Jordan said that the Department of Justice is operating under a double standard after it moved to indict an FBI informant who allegedly provided false evidence of corruption involving Joe Biden while letting the author of the debunked Steele Dossier off the hook. Special counsel David Weiss indicted Alexander Smirnoff, who told the FBI in 2020 about the alleged corruption involving ukrainian energy company Barisma Biden and Hunter Biden on one count of making a false statement and one count of creating a false fictitious record.

Jordan appeared to suggest this is a double standard because Christopher Steele, a former operative of the secret intelligence service, never got charged for the discredited Steele dossier, which was used to try and remove Trump from office. So can everyone see the double standard, the two tiered justice system? I do believe so. The oversight committee on X put this out and said the DOJ and the FBI have a lot explaining to do about their reliance on the informant whose allegations were included in the FBI generated FD 1023.

Why did they use this informant, who officials claim was highly credible since 2010? Why did they pay the informant six figures? Why did the DOJ sit on a serious allegation from the informant whom the FBI deemed highly credible for years before investigating the claims? The american people deserve answers, and the american people do deserve answers. But again, are we going to get it from this DOJ? We’re going to get it from this FBI? No, this is the corrupt system that people are seeing.

This is the criminal syndicate that people are seeing. I do believe the patriots are in the house to block bills. We’re not going to change everything right now with the criminal syndicate running everything. This entire episode that everyone is watching right now is to actually show the people what the criminal syndicate is, what their system is, and how corrupt it is. It’s not about making things better or changing the laws right now.

It’s about showing the people. And I do believe this is going to continue as time goes on. And you’re going to see a lot more people wake up, because when you start to look at the border, you can see that people now are saying something. I want the wall. The wall is a national security issue and people are starting to say something. I didn’t believe it before. I didn’t believe we needed the wall.

But now people are changing. And think about it. All the dictators, and I’m talking about the governors and mayors in all the blue different areas, they’re going to continually push their agenda. And you know what people are going to see? The people are going to see what they’re pushing, just like out in Boston, just like out in Chicago, just like out in New York, where they’re saying, listen, you need to house some people.

You need to do your part. You think the people are saying, this is a great idea. Let me do this. Wait, can I take that criminal? Can I take that rapist? Because these are the people that I want. No, the people are going to say, absolutely not. And now you see Michigan out there and they’re saying that residents need to pick immigrants up at the airport to help them find housing and jobs so soon.

They’re not just going to ask everyone soon in these areas. They’re going to demand it and they’re going to make it mandatory because this is exactly what they do. Remember in the very beginning with COVID they said, yes, everyone needs to take the bioweapon. Take it. We’re going to give you a hamburger. We’re going to give you tickets. We’re going to give you a milkshake. We’re going to take you out to dinner.

Just go and get the bioweapon, please. And when people resisted, what happened? They started to force it on people through companies. They forced the company saying, listen, if you don’t follow these rules, you’re going to be in trouble. Even though they weren’t going to be in trouble, they tried to change the OSHA rules, which didn’t work. So they actually went from, listen, we’ll give you all this crap.

We’ll even give you lottery tickets to. Now we’re demanding it because you’re not doing what we say. This is what’s going to happen with the illegals. They’re coming out saying, listen, do your part. It’s the right thing to do. Maybe they’ll even give you a burger or dinner tickets or whatever they’re going to give you. But eventually what’s going to happen is they’re going to then demand it just like they did with COVID and it’s going to get worse and worse.

And people are going to push back and say, this is something I do not want to do. And people will push back in the end, and this is going to actually destroy their entire narrative. And the people are really going to wake up. And the other thing that’s very interesting is Marina Medvin put this out, and she’s pointing to a Washington Times article, and this is what it says.

House Judiciary Committee chairman Jim Jordan announced a subpoena for the case files of illegal immigrant kids accused of vicious crimes in the US after the Biden administration hid key information from the committee in files. It did turn over. After months of negotiation, Health and Human Services allowed committee investigators to look at the case files in a secret view. But when the investigators showed up, they found that HHS had redacted critical detail, including how the children were smuggled to the US and whether they had tattoos, which can be an indicator of prior gang affiliation.

So that’s very interesting. Why would they hide this information? I thought the Biden administration was the most transparent administration ever. I guess that’s turning out to be fake, phony, and false. Plus, they didn’t want Jim Jordan and the rest to find out that these individuals, they have ties to gangs. And that’s why they hid everything. Because if they didn’t have ties and they weren’t smuggled in, they would just say, here.

Here’s all the information. But once again, we can see who’s coming into this country. It’s the human traffickers, child traffickers, the insane people, murderers, terrorists, gang members. This is what’s coming into this country. And in New York, it looks like we have a massive brawl that broke out at Randall’s island in a migrant shelter, and they started to hit police. So the police responded, but then they started to attack them.

I mean, think about what’s happening right now, and these are the people that they want to put into society. I think we’re starting to see the truth of the matter right now, and we’re starting to see their entire agenda completely and utterly fall apart, because the people are really waking up and think about New York for a second, because remember, New York City mayor Adams, they’re planning to give illegals 10,000 debit cards.

Well, Tara Bull put this out on x and said the 53 million contract would give mobility capital finance, who the New York mayor touts as minority owned. Lots of fees for services, including 125,001 time setup fee, 250,000 in annual management fees, 1. 5 million for the next 50 million handed out, 2. 5 million for the next 100 million. No IG check required, no fraud control, and no restrictions.

Council member Gail Brewer wants to investigate the mayor’s connections to the firm and why the city issued a 53 million no bid contract without seeing if it could get a better deal. According to the contract, the most a card can have is 10,000 picards will be refilled every four weeks. The mayor insisted that part of the failure of the company was that it was a minority owned firm.

Wmbs. You know, women and minority owned business have historically been locked out. So I know I’m disrupting that. People traditionally would like for us to do. The mayor, who has a penchant for surrounding himself with friends and acquaintances, insists he has no personal relationship with the owner of the company. He said, we don’t hang out in the Hamptons together or go to baseball games together. Who else thinks this needs to be investigated? I do.

I do believe that this needs to be investigated because it seems like there is some type of connection and that connection is going to come out because think about it, no one else gave a bid and they just handed this over to this one firm. Oh, that doesn’t seem right at all. But we can see what the plan is of the deep state players. And this is why you have the mayors never saying, hey, shut the border, because again, they’re being instructed to allow these people to stay because they’re going to use them to vote in the election.

Yes, they’re trying to figure out a way to give them a fast path to citizenship. But I do believe that the patriots in the house are going to shut this down every single time they bring it up. Oh, let’s allow them into the military. I do believe the house is going to say, absolutely not. Oh, let them do this. And the house is going to say absolutely not because I do believe that’s what the house is for, to block everything that they’re trying to do.

And we could see that they’re already blocking the funds for Ukraine and it is working. But you could see their great replacement in action right now. Actually, Fox News put this out and said 7. 2 million illegals entered the US under Biden admin, an amount greater than the population of 36 states. So basically what they’re doing right now is they’re trying to bring in as many people as possible to actually change the fabric of this country so they can use these people to vote in the election.

And the only way they can use the people to vote in the election right now is with mail in ballots because these people, they’re not citizens. They’re not going to come in person. But if they can mail in ballots, they can mail in or drop them off at a Dropbox, they’re going to drop off many of them and they’re going to mail in many of them. So again, using their system, not going to work, no matter which way you look at it.

And that’s why I do believe that Trump and the patriots, they’re going to actually do something else. I do believe they’ve been planning this for a while. And this is why Trump is out there saying, no, this is going to be a secure election, your vote is going to be secured. And I do believe they have come up with a plan, and I do believe our vote is going to be secured this time.

Because remember, this is the final battle. And the people, they need to see everything. They need to see who the criminals are, what the criminal syndicate is, they need to see the system. So this way they can make a logical decision at the voting booth. Because remember, those people that are elected, you just can’t remove them. You got to vote them out. And I do believe Trump is following the rule of law, following the constitution, and he wants these people voted out and he wants the people to do it.

Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is that Attorney General Ken Paxton, he is now suing to end ngos operation in Texas. The chaos at the southern border has created an environment where ngos funded with taxpayer money from the Biden administration facilitate astonishing horrors, including human struggling, while the federal government perpetrates the lawlessness destroying this country. My office works day in and day out to hold these organizations responsible for worsening illegal immigration.

And you can see that the Democrats, they are now on the side of Trump, actually, if you really think about it. Yes, the Republicans, independents, they are. But look at the Democrats. And Rasmussen reports put this out and look at the poll numbers. 82% say important now to secure our borders. 62% want more border wall construction. Go back to when Trump mentioned the border wall. Do you really think it was 62% of Democrats saying, let’s build that wall? No, I think it was the opposite way.

60% say border situation is a crisis. 55% see border situation as an invasion. And 54% say, fix America before sending money to Ukraine. So this is all over. 50%. And the Democrats now are speaking up. And this is working against the deep state players. And as this continually works against them and they can’t control the narrative, they can’t censor, this is going to be a major problem for them.

Remember, there are other platforms now. Go back a couple of years. They just had the fake news. They had complete control. When social media platforms were started, like Twitter, YouTube and Facebook, they controlled those platforms. Now there’s platforms that they don’t control, like rumble, for example. And they tried to go after rumble. And wired put out a story about culpa research which expressed skepticism about the legitimacy of Rumble’s video monthly active user counts.

And they tried to make this a big deal. They went to the SEC and the SEC said, yeah, we found absolutely nothing. Were they going to do something with the stock were they planning to bring down Rumble? It’s starting to look that way. And remember, these people are going to play dirty. And I think what’s going to happen moving forward is they’re going to go after Rumble, they’re going to go after true social, they’re going to go after gab, they’re going to go after all these platforms because they need to shut them down.

Now, when this fails, what they’re going to do, I think they’re going to move into their next phase, which is communication blackout. Because remember, if you can’t control the narrative, you can’t win this because this is an information war. And if you can’t control the flow of information, well, then you can’t win the war. So it’s either they control or bring these companies down or they shut down communications.

Now, if they do succeed in bringing any of these companies down, remember, you can always go to the x 22 report. com site and you can always go there. Now, if they bring down the host or anything else, be sure to join the mailing list so you can be mailed of where to go. Now, I’m not saying that this is going to happen, but you know what? You always need to be prepared because we’ve seen crazy things happen before.

Just go back a little bit in time and I think everyone can see it. And what’s very interesting is you could see that they’re trying to control the flow of information, not just here in the US, but around the world. You see the EU doing it with their new laws and you could see it out in Canada. And Canada’s opposition leader says the Liberals bill to ban hate speech online is about banning speech Trudeau hates.

And that’s exactly right. Remember, they’re calling other speech conspiracies. They don’t want the other speech. They want complete and utter full control. And they’re not going to get it because the people are awake. The people see what’s going on and they don’t have control over every single platform anymore. And that’s why I do believe that eventually what they’re going to do when all else fails, they will shut down the entire system.

And I do believe that’s what they’re already building right now with the narrative with Russia. We’ll be getting to that in just a sec. But first, you could see that they lost the narrative with the Kansas City shooting. Remember when they said it was juveniles? Remember when they said they can’t release the names? Well, it looks like that completely fell apart. And it looks like, they held back the information just long enough to push their gun control narrative, which is completely failing, because now the truth is out there.

Tim Young on X put this out and said the media said the Kansas City mass shooters were juveniles until late today, when they informed us that they were adults when they were charged. Dominic M. Miller, 18, of Kansas City, and 22 year old Lindell Mays, not juveniles. And what we’ve come to find out is that, first of all, they’re black. So they were trying to hide these individuals because it didn’t fit their entire narrative, and they were hiding the fact that the weapons were stolen.

So there goes their gun narrative that goes out the window, because anything that they’re proposing is absolutely meaningless, because, again, they have a stolen gun. Criminals don’t follow the rule of law. Criminals. They go to the black market. They steal because they’re criminals. But they didn’t want the people to know this because their entire mission was to convince the people it’s a mass shooting. We need to give up our weapons.

Well, think about it. If everyone had a weapon there, these people would have been stopped right off the bat. See, if you look at Ohio, they allowed constitutional carry, and crime is going down right now. So everything that they’ve been telling us is basically one gigantic hoax to convince you that you need to give things up. And not just weapons. Your freedom, your rights, you name it. They’ve been doing this this entire time.

This is what a tyrannical government looks like. And who covers for a tyrannical government? Oh, that’s right. The fake news and the corrupt politicians. So they’re all in on it. And you can see that they’re losing their grip on the american people. And it’s getting worse and worse. And they’re building war. They’re building war all over the place. You can see it out in the Middle east. You can see it out in Ukraine.

And I do believe they’re going to continue to do this now as everything breaks down out there. Tony Blinken, well, he has more important things to do, because he instructed his state department employees to refrain from using offensive terms like mother, father, and manpower because that upsets people. I mean, is this absolutely ridiculous? But again, this shows the people who they really are. We have things completely and utterly falling apart around the world, and this is what they’re worried about.

And you can see with Nalvani’s death, you can see their agenda is to actually start some type of revolution in Russia, place sanctions on Russia, and hopefully get the world into war and Biden’s controllers, it looks like they put out a post on x, and it says the following. You may have heard some call into question the sanctity of America’s commitment to our allies. That’s not who we are.

We’re a nation that can be relied on. That stands up to Putin. Let’s prove it by passing the bipartisan national security bill so I can sign it into law. So basically, he’s using Nalvani’s death to push a bill to place sanctions on Russia and to start a coup. So who do you think had Nalvani killed? Well, Viva Frey says now, I believe that Biden had him killed, and I do believe he’s absolutely right.

Look what they did to the north stream pipeline. Remember, this guy was already in prison. Why would Putin all of a sudden have to kill him? It makes no sense. It makes more sense that the deep state players actually killed him. So there you are. But you can see that the people, they’re not with Biden, they’re not with the deep state players. How do we know this? Well, Rasmussen reports put this out on x and says, do you agree or disagree with the statement we must fix our country before devoting more resources to Ukraine? All voters strongly agree.

47% somewhat agree. 20% somewhat disagree. So 67% right now agree that we must fix our country before devoting more resources to Ukraine, which means the people are not with the Biden administration, and this is not looking good for them. And this is why they’re going to be pushing more. Because remember, when you lose the information war, you need to go to a physical war to distract the people.

And that’s exactly where they’re going to try to bring us. And this is why Trump, going back in time, says he sees World War III coming when nobody else saw it. Nothing was happening out in the Middle east. The only thing that was happening is out in Ukraine. And everyone probably said, you know, I don’t know what he’s talking about. There’s no war coming. And now people are starting to.

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That’s TWC Health X 22. Code X 22 saves you 10% at checkout. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Take control of your health with wellness company’s medical emergency kit. Start to worry. People are starting to see what’s really going on, and they’re starting to see North Korea. They’re continually firing missiles. And what’s very interesting is a story came out that north korean missile fired by Russia in Ukraine consists of 75% components from us firms.

So they got this from the wreckage. Now, what’s very interesting about this, this reminds me of post 1187, April 19, 2018. And there’s a link to an article, and it says North Korea once offered to sell Nancy Pelosi ballistic missiles. So that’s interesting that North Korea was interested in selling or maybe even buying something from Nancy Pelosi. Down below in this post, it says the words use re intel and buying, selling will bury her.

Think net worth, class level, highest. Now, think about this. They found us technology in these missiles. How did it get there? Someone had to sell it to them. And I do believe the corrupt politicians. This is what they’ve been doing. Now take that and expand it to uranium. Remember, we had Obama, Hillary Clinton, and many others. They sold uranium to who? Russia? Where else did this go? To many other places.

So if something happens, you can actually trace the isotope of uranium back to where? Probably here to the United States. And it will show that these are the people that actually sold it to them in the black market. Just like Nancy Pelosi most likely sold technology to North Korea, Hillary Clinton probably sold technology to China. Same thing with Joe Biden. I do believe we’re going to start to see all this play out.

And what we’re seeing right now, we’re seeing the narrative build up right now. And yes, you’re going to see these countries say, listen, if we don’t get our way, we’re going to start war. And we’re seeing Russia already do that. Now, did Russia actually say maybe, maybe they did, maybe they didn’t. But the headline is Russia will drop entire arsenal on London, Washington, if it doesn’t win Ukraine war.

Well, Russia already won the war. We know that Ukraine can’t even fight. They’re not even getting funds. They went through all their young people. It’s a complete and utter disaster in Ukraine. So really think about how this is playing out. This is all being done to show that, yes, we’re heading towards war. So now you have the deep state players pushing war, and now you have Russia pushing back.

So you have the fake news is going to be on the Biden administration side. You’re going to have the Biden administration, the corrupt politicians all pushing war, trying to convince the people this is the direction we have to go in. And Trump is going to say, no, we can go to peace. Why don’t we have peace? Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is OsInt defender put this out on x and said during a major meeting today featuring national intelligence and law enforcement agencies across Belarus, President Lukashenko claimed that polish and us intelligence agencies are preparing provocations against civilian centers in Poland, which will then be blamed on Russia and Belarus.

So right now, you’re seeing all this play out and you see the information coming out, and people now are seeing this and people are thinking to themselves, are we heading towards war now? Remember, throughout all of this, what is Trump saying? Trump is letting everyone know we don’t have to head in this direction. We can have peace. Remember the post from January 26, 2023? If I were president, the Russia Ukraine war would never have happened.

But even now, if president, I’d be able to negotiate an end to this horrible and rapidly escalating war within 24 hours. Such a tragic waste of human life. So as we approach war, we’re going to have Trump continually tell the american people he can have peace. So you’re going to have two sides now. And yes, I do believe it’s going to get scary. And yes, the fake news, the deep state players, they’re going to push the narrative of war.

And of course, why do they want war? It’s a huge distraction and you can reduce the population. You can destroy the infrastructure and then you can rebuild the world the way you want it. But do you think this is going to happen? Absolutely not. Trump has the most powerful weapon in the universe. It’s called peace, because once he does that, it counters every single thing they’re trying to do.

And everything then falls apart and they’re completely exposed, just like Covid is now exposed and the bioweapon is now exposed, and it’s getting worse and worse for them. Patriots are control and x. Put this out and said Bloomberg then and Bloomberg now. So going back in time to April 2021, this was the headline. The US has the shots it needs. But vaccine doubt is prolonging the pandemic. Fast forward to today.

It says, largest COVID vaccine study yet finds links to health conditions. Patriots are in control respond to this. And said so all that vaccine doubt that prolonged the pandemic was actually justified. What a surprise. These people need to be shamed into oblivion for how they treated those who simply didn’t want to get an experimental vaccine for a virus we weren’t at risk from. And that’s absolutely true. And they never expected the people to fight back the way they’re fighting back.

They never expected, like, what, one third of the people to say, I am not getting it. Shouldn’t all these people be dead? Shouldn’t everyone who didn’t get the vaccine, shouldn’t they be lying in the street dead? Why didn’t it happen? Think about it for a second. They told us it was very deadly. The only cure was the vaccine. If you don’t get the vaccine, you’re going to kill Grandma.

You’re going to kill yourself. You’re going to spread it all over the place. How come all these people aren’t dead? Because it was a lie, that’s why. And now you see the truth. Now you understand what they really wanted. They wanted you to take the bioweapon. You know what the bioweapon does? It makes you sick. That’s the pandemic. That’s the real pandemic. And they never expected the people to push back.

And once again, their entire narrative is now failing and the people are waking up like crazy. And what’s very interesting is you can see that as everything falls apart and as they try and try to get Trump, it’s not going to work. But it doesn’t mean they’re not going to try. Remember, they can’t allow him to become president because once he becomes president and the people vote for him, it’s game over for them.

So they’re going to continually try. And there’s another case that’s coming up, and this one is going to be ruled on by Judge Merchant. And this case has to do with Stormy Daniels. So the leftist judge, Juan Manuel Merchant, who will oversee Trump’s junk criminal case in New York City that is scheduled to start next month on March 25, made political contributions to a nonprofit fundraising platform for democratic candidates and progressive groups.

And remember, this is the guy, this judge put Trump’s 75 year old former CFO into prison. And remember, they’re coming after Trump and anyone that supports Trump. And they’re going to continually try and try and try until the very end. And think about it. They banned Trump from New York because he did nothing wrong. The banks are happy. He didn’t swindle anyone out of anything. He repaid his debt.

There are no victims. But they banned him. They find him. And you know who they didn’t ban? Well, Julian rum put this out on truth. He said New York never banned this man from doing business in New York. Jeffrey Epstein, you know, the guy that had the island where he was bringing young boys and young girls down there, he was a pedophile. There are many pedophiles that went down to this island on Lolita Express.

How come they didn’t ban him from New York? How come they didn’t bring him up on charges of fraud? Also, think about this for a second. But you can see that people are fighting back and the people are going to continually fight back because I think what New York did is they just destroyed their entire state. And I think what’s happening now is businesses are preparing to move out of the state and the state is going to go down the tubes.

And all those people that are living there, it’s a terrible thing that this is going to happen and business is going to be destroyed there. Because why would a business want to stay in New York? Because if you side with Trump or you’re going for political office and you’re MAGa, why take the chance that they’re going to do it to you? And what happens if they just decide to go after anybody at this point? I know they made the promise it was only for Trump, which tells you it’s election interference, that they’re not going to go after everyone else.

But if they use this just to go after Trump, how can you trust them? And that’s why businesses are moving out. That’s why investors are no longer going to invest in New York. And we can see that truckers, they’re already speaking to other truckers and they’re know something, we’re not going to be delivering into New York. Trump, he put this out from Chicago one ray, and this trucker says, I’m in Wisconsin.

I’m hearing guys refusing loads. This could take longer than a week. My advice for New Yorkers is to start stocking up. There’s millions of truckers for Trump. Millions of us. Leave Trump the f alone. So are people going to notice this on day one? Absolutely not. But I do believe as time goes on, people are going to feel the heat and the people are going to be very, very angry.

I think businesses are going to start to hurt and they’re going to become very, very angry if they’re not moving out. And this is going to backfire on the deep state players. But it doesn’t mean the deep state players aren’t going to stop. They’re going to continue on and they’re going to try to get Trump any way they possibly can. Because Letitia James is already out there saying, listen, if Trump doesn’t pay up, I’m going to go after his assets, his buildings.

And remember, Trump put up the 8th amendment, and the 8th amendment is excessive bail should not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted. How did Judge Angoron actually come up with this number when there is no victim, when the loan is paid back? How did he calculate this number? Think about it. He just made it up. There is no calculation. So I think everyone’s starting to see this, just like everyone’s seeing the case with Jack Smith.

Julie Kelly put this out and said things continue to heat up in classified documents. Case yesterday, Trump filed a motion asking Judge Cannon for permission to file a single brief, not more than 200 pages, to further detail their argument against the case. This continues Trump’s efforts to get redacted Swasti discovery unsealed, something Canon is already contemplating, but proceeding with caution. Canon just filed this order asking Trump’s lawyers to stick with individual motions, slightly expanding normal size of motions, and for Jack Smith to respond to Trump’s request to unredact certain info.

Smith is fighting basically every request to make discovery, including unclassified evidence available to the public. Od since Smith considers the public a party in the DC case, Canon has already denied some of Smith’s requests and sternly reminds DOJ that transparency is paramount. She has already denied some of Smith’s attempts to keep material under seal, ordering motions unsealed that should not have been. Earlier this month, Canon granted Trump’s request to unredact portions to a separate motion that was heavily redacted under existing protective order.

The redacted passages dealt with comms with Biden, White House collusion, by the way, DOJ and Nara evidence of bias on special counsel team and other damning info. It’s temp on hold as they continue to sort through the redaction. Cannon is very leery of Smith’s attempts to conceal information from her two six order. Jack Smith is trying to get away with the old sources and methods, witness intimidation, defenses he gets away with in Judge Chukan’s courtroom in DC.

Cannon asked Smith to substantiate these claims for Smith’s motion, asking Cannon to deny Trump’s request to unseal. In addition to this fight, Cannon is weighing Smith’s request to keep classified material away from Trump in discovery process under Classified Information Procedures act. This statute allows the government to conceal from defendants sensitive records they are accused of stealing. Except the defendant has never been a former president whose administration created the records.

Next week will be interesting. All this in advance of planning hearing in Cannon’s courtroom on March 1 on status of this case. So this is becoming very interesting. And we can see that Jack Smith doesn’t want the classified information out there because once the people see the classified information, they’ll realize that this whole case, well, there is no case, just like everything else that they’re doing to Trump and they’re trying to hide it from we, the people.

But I do believe Trump in the end, will win and this will completely and utterly fall apart, just like the case with Fannie Willis out in Georgia. This whole thing is completely and utterly falling apart. And actually, people are looking at Brian Kemp saying, you know something, why haven’t you ordered a criminal probe? Why aren’t you looking into this? Mike Davis put this out and said Fulton County DA Fanny Willis and her boyfriend Nathan wait are above the law.

Georgia Governor Brian Kemp has the statutory power to order a criminal probe on their corruption. Kemp has refused for months. It’s clear Kemp wants Biden to win and Trump to die in prison. And yes, that’s how these people work, and it’s not helping them. It’s actually making it a lot worse because the people are awake. The people see what’s going on. But you can see the strategy of the deep state players.

They’re trying everything and anything to get to Trump. And I do believe what they’re going to do is they’re going to use Biden’s age and they’re going to try to switch this around and use it on Trump. Because if Biden has to drop out, then Trump has to drop out. And what’s very interesting is that the White House is furious with the New York Times for reporting on issues of Biden’s age.

So they’re making this a very, very big deal. And they’re saying, oh, no, he’s fine his age. But when they remove him because of maybe his age, I do believe they’re going to try to shift this around and try to use it on Trump later on, especially when they have the change of batter. So I do believe this is what’s going to happen. And they’re already setting the narrative for this.

But again, Trump, his age isn’t a problem. He already took a cognitive test and he is fine. Biden, they have to remove, and I do believe they’re going to focus on age. And this is why they’re making it a very, very big deal because they’re going to try to use this on Trump, especially if Michelle Obama, which we all suspect that she’s coming in, especially if she comes in, they’re going to say, look, look how young she is.

Look how old he is. It’s just like Biden. I do believe that’s exactly what they’re going to try to do. And what’s very interesting is that before Michelle Obama comes in, we might have a substitute that actually comes in and then they remove later. Because what’s very interesting is that reporters are asking Biden, why are you going to California? Are you coming up with plan b for 2024? Does Gavin need to stand by and just wait for your signal? So I do believe that they might put Gavin Newsom in just for the time being, and then he will drop out.

Or they might say they’re bringing him in, but he will never come in. And then they’ll do the change of batter. But you can see that they’re preparing to have a change of batter and they’re preparing the narrative. And what’s very interesting is, like we said from the very, very beginning, Trump is now going, he’s now going into the blue cities because he realized with all the illegal immigration, the people of these cities, they’re getting sick and tired.

They’re fed up. And you can see that Trump now is making his move. I do believe he’s going to have a rally at Madison Square Garden in New York, and people are going to hear them. People are going to hear what he says, and it’s going to be completely the opposite of what Biden is. Doing right now. And what’s very interesting about all this is when he goes into New York, probably to Boston and many other cities, and he gives his speech at the rallies, people are going to remember, because as it continually breaks down in these cities, people are going to remember, wait, Biden is doing nothing.

The mayor is doing nothing. The governor is doing nothing. And Trump said he will deport all these people. Because remember, the people are going to hit the illegal immigration precipice and they’re going to push back. And I do believe Trump, he’s going to get a lot of these people. And remember, the illegals right now, they cannot vote in the election. Now, of course, criminals do what they do.

They break the law. They don’t follow the rule of law. But remember, there is a law that says it’s illegal. US code 18, section six one, one, it’s illegal for a non us citizen to participate in federal elections. Now, once again, when you look at the criminal syndicate, they’re bringing in the criminals and they’re bringing them over the border. They don’t follow the rule of law. But again, if they go ahead and they try to use the mail ins, if they try to do anything like this, well, Trump and the patriots, they have a case against all these people.

Really think about it. Every move the deep state tries to do, there is a counter move. And it doesn’t work out well for the deep state in the end. Because once Trump comes into power and the people say, we want you as the president, we want to take the country back. Everything that they did where they broke all the laws, Trump, the patriots will just use against them later on makes it a lot easier to deport a lot of these people.

Because when you look at people that have been interviewing the illegals, who are you going to vote for? Biden, remember, they’re not allowed to vote, so why are they saying they’re going to vote for Biden? See who’s been telling them that. So I do believe everything that they’re doing and all the laws that they’re going to break, it’s all going to be used against them in the end.

And it will be used against them because Trump has the people and the deep state, they’re losing the people. But before we get to that, Trump, he had a town hall meeting with Laura Ingram and she asked him, who’s the VP going to be? And there was a list of names. These were people on the shortlist, Ron DeSantis, Vivek, Christy Noam, Byron, Donald Tulsi, Gabbard but I think all of this is a ruse because if you really listen to Trump, he says it doesn’t matter who the VP is because as long as you have a good president, a strong president, the people will just go along with that.

And he did say something else that’s very, very important, that we need someone in place to carry all of this forward, someone that uses common sense. And I do believe you need someone strong, someone who’s been through all of this. And these people that were mentioned, I don’t believe they have the ability to do this. Now. I do believe that General Flyn is probably a very good choice.

Remember, they came after him with everything that they had. He did not fold. He was a general. And people are going to hate this. But Pence has also gone through all of this. And actually, I do believe he worked with Chris Miller to actually put together the plan for continuity of government. So I do believe that these two individuals might be Trump’s choice. Maybe he’s picking somebody else.

But I do believe you need someone that has been battle hardened because if anything should happen or to move this forward after Trump’s term is over, you need someone to carry this forward. So I do believe these people that he’s putting out there, these are just names to distract from who he’s really picking. And I do believe this is why he’s continually saying that it doesn’t matter who the VP is.

Because as long as people love the president and people are with the president, who’s running for president, the VP, whoever it is, they will accept. And I do agree with him with this. So we could see that the deep state players, they know that the people now are coming to Trump’s side. More and more people are coming to Trump’s side. They’re losing the people in this country. This is why they’re bringing the illegals.

And we can see they’ve already started the narrative that Russia is going to interfere in the 2024 election pretty much right on schedule. And I do believe they’ll be building this up as we go throughout this year. Joshua Walker put this out and said, here we go again. Dem Rep. Dan Goldman claims it now appears as if the House Republican majority is being used by Russia to interfere in the 2024 election.

Are they really going to try this again? Does anyone actually believe that Russia is being utilized by Republicans? No. They’re building the narrative because they want you to believe that Russia is going to interfere. Remember, they use this over and over and over again. This time they’re actually going to make it happen. And I do believe when the US is attacked one way or another, cyber attack, hitting satellites, hitting the national infrastructure, they’re going to blame it on Russia.

So Forbes, they put out an article and says what to know about the Russia anti satellite weapon that could launch to space this year. So they put this out because they want everyone to believe that Russia is going to destroy our satellites. And they’re going to either blind jam fry the satellites and the internal electronics will not be functioning, and they’re going to blame this on Russia. Inside paper put this out and said us thinks Russia could deploy the nuclear weapon or a mock warhead into space as early as this year.

Assessment is Russia doesn’t plan to detonate, but there’s a risk of an accident. An explosion could potentially affect one third of the satellites. So wait a minute, how do they know there’s going to be an accident unless they’re planning on an accident? So they’re already telling you what they’re going to do. They’re going to shut down communications and they’re going to try to bring down a lot of the satellites or try to fry them or do something during an election year.

So will communications go down? Yes, most likely. Who are they going to blame? Russia. Think about this for a second. So if we do have communications that go down and maybe we have blackouts, think about who they let in here, their foot soldiers. Julian’s rum put this out and said they’re flooding the US with illegals and releasing violent criminals from prison. Millions of them. Now, imagine what these illegals, felons are likely to do during a mass blackout.

Just think about this for a second. You see, when the people aren’t going along with the deep state, what do they like to do to the people? They like to punish the people. When people didn’t go along with what they wanted in Covid, they started the riots. They were punishing the people. Plus, I do believe it was a test for their main riot in 2024. But think about what Trump has.

Trump, he has the people. What does the deep state have? Well, they have the CIA, the FBI, DHS, but not all the people. They have the top echelon. So these people must remember their oath. And there’s a lot of good people in these different agencies. Biden has the illegals. Yes, these are criminals. They’re released from the insane asylum. They’re terrorists, they’re gang members. But again, are there a lot more of us than them? Yes, Biden has Hollywood and the colleges, the professors.

But then again, Trump is getting the people. Even the young men now are joining Trump. But Biden, he’s lost control of social media. He doesn’t have complete and utter control. And remember, when I say Biden, it’s really the deep state players. They’re going to try to regain control, but eventually what they’re going to do is they’re going to shut everything down. Trump, he has the most powerful weapon on the planet.

It’s we the people. Once you have the people of the country, you have it all. Because if you really look at the deep state players, okay, they have a couple people in DC. They have maybe the heads of the corporations. Not every single person in the corporation. They have the heads of the FBI, DHS, DOJ, CIA, but not every single person. So they really have the minority. Trump has the majority.

That is the main difference. And Trump, he let everyone know, no matter what they do, no matter what they try, he’s never going to drop out. Take a listen to what he says here. I’m done. This is what they, why a lot of people would have said, I’m going to come out. Why are you staying in this? I can’t, because I want to make America great again. It’s not great right now.

And we can do that. We can do it. We can get it fixed. It’s harder now. It would have been so much easier if we just finished off that. Everything would have been so perfect. We had the border set, everything was set to rock and roll. We had no. You feel like you have an obligation to America because, and he says he’s not going to drop out because he wants to make America great again.

He’s letting you know that no matter what they do, he will stay in there. He will stay in and he will continue to fight because it’s the right thing to do. And then he was asked a question about revenge because the fake news is out there saying that Trump wants revenge. He’s going to get revenge. You know what the revenge is? Success. Think about what the deep state is going to feel, what they’re going to feel like when the people vote for Trump.

And I don’t mean, oh, it’s going to be a close race. I’m talking about a red wave, a freight train. And the deep state sees that he has everyone on his side, the country, the world sees that he has everyone on his side. And he’s going to show the deep state that they’re no longer in control. Because once you lose the people, you lose control over everything. And once Trump is elected.

That is the message from we the people that it’s time to remove these people. It’s time to clean it all up. It’s time to make arrests. And this is when the deep state players, they’re going to actually push distractions. They’re going to use their foot soldiers and they’re going to try to push us to war. And you can see they’re already building the narrative. But again, Trump has the ultimate weapon.

It’s called peace. And once he has peace, and Putin and Ji and Kim Jong un and Iran, when all this is put to rest, the deep state is completely exposed. There’s no distraction, there’s nothing to hide behind. They can’t push. The great reset, the green new scam, all of it falls apart and the people now see them. It’s almost like we remove their clothing and they’re standing there naked.

There’s no place to hide. Everyone can see them. And it’s game over for the deep state players. And I do believe this is where all this is headed. But again, we’re going to go through some scary times and this is important to wake the people up. It’s slap after slap after slap. And yes, it’s going to get scary. It’s going to look so real, it’s going to scare the bejesus out of most of the people.

But again, Trump is in control. The patriots are in control. And I do believe when he’s elected, he will usher in peace and all of this will disappear. The war will just disappear and the people will be thanking him for this and the people will behind him. And then we can do what needs to be done to remove these people from power. Why? Because the patriots are in control.

Listen, everyone, thanks a lot for listening. Be well, be safe, and especially be prepared. Thanks a lot. .

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