Ep 3278b – Red Flags Going Off [FF] Alert Panic In DC U1 Comes Into Focus Fifth Column | X22 Report

Posted in: News, Patriots, X22 Reports



➡ The X22 Report talks about some serious issues in the government. It says that some politicians, including Biden, are involved in shady activities but aren’t being charged. It also mentions that there might be a big, dangerous event coming up. Lastly, it talks about a health product called Field of Greens that can help you stay healthy.
➡ Joe Biden’s brother, James, received a loan of $200,000 on the same day he repaid a loan to Joe. There’s confusion about where this money came from and if it was really a loan. Some people think Joe Biden might be in trouble because of this. Also, some senators want to remove Mitch McConnell from his position. They believe he’s not doing a good job, especially with issues like border security. Lastly, there’s a plan to blame the border crisis on former President Trump, but many people don’t believe this because they think the border was more secure when Trump was in charge.
➡ Some states are making it easier for immigrants to become citizens and get jobs, which some people think is taking jobs away from Americans. They believe this is happening because the current government reversed previous policies, like building a wall for border security. There’s also concern about states like Hawaii not allowing people to carry guns in public, which goes against the second amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Lastly, there’s worry about governments around the world, including the U.S., targeting their political opponents.
➡ This text talks about how people in the United States and other countries are unhappy with their leaders. They believe these leaders are working for global interests, not their own countries. The text also mentions some sad news about five US marines who died, and problems between North and South Korea. Lastly, it talks about how our online privacy is at risk, and how a service called Virtual Shield can help protect it.
➡ This text talks about various political issues. It mentions concerns about corruption in the US, Russia, Iran, and China. It also discusses the Middle East’s current problems, with many people blaming President Biden’s policies for the crisis. Lastly, it talks about potential threats to the US and the controversy surrounding the COVID-19 vaccine’s safety.
➡ Elon Musk criticized Disney’s diversity and inclusion policies, saying they focus more on race and gender than on people’s abilities. He believes this approach hurts the quality of their content. The article also discusses political issues, including accusations of racism and fraud against various figures. Lastly, it mentions concerns about mail-in voting and potential election fraud.
➡ A poll was done on people who voted in the 2020 presidential election. The results showed that many people who voted by mail might have done things that are not allowed, like voting in a state they don’t live in anymore or filling out a ballot for someone else. This could have changed the results of the election. Now, there’s a push for people to show ID when they vote to make sure everything is fair and honest.


Report. My name is Dave in this episode and 3278 bn. Today’s date is February 8, 2024. And the title of the episode is. Red flags going off. False flag alert. Panic in DC. Uranium one comes into focus. Fifth column. Let’s get into the economic collapse. Political and geopolitical news. Now the deep state, the corrupt politicians, big tech fake news, the puppet masters, they have now just released the report on Biden heard did his investigation, and he found, yes, Biden had his documents, but there are no charges whatsoever.

Now, once again, we need to understand everything that we’re witnessing, everything that we’re seeing, is to expose the deep state players and to wake the people up. The people must see the two tier justice system. And remember, all this evidence that is being produced right now will be used later on. Why do you think Trump was out there saying, listen, maybe I’ll get a special prosecutor to go after Biden after I win the election, because that’s exactly what’s happening right now.

The DOJ is going to do absolutely nothing. The FBI is going to do absolutely nothing. They are part of the criminal syndicate. The reason why everything is being exposed right now is because the deep state players aren’t in control. The only thing they have control over is the DOJ and the FBI. And this is to show people, look, this is the criminal syndicate, but as it’s exposed, the people, they see it, they understand what’s happening, and they’re scratching their heads going, why hasn’t this guy been arrested? Or why aren’t there charges being brought up against him? Because he actually had the documents when he was a senator and a vice president, which is completely illegal under the presidential Records act.

So once again, the people of this country, they’re seeing the two tiered justice system and the people, they’re seeing what the criminal syndicate really wants to do to this country and how they don’t care about the people. And yes, there will be false flags. Actually, we’re already getting a warning from sheriffs. And what’s very interesting about this is that Biden, he won’t even meet with police officers or sheriffs.

The FBI met with the sheriffs and the FBI saying, listen, we’re seeing more red flags right now than we saw back in 911. And remember, 911 was an inside job. So basically what the FBI is saying is that we have a false flag alert coming up. And once again, what happened today? Well, they passed a bill to send money to Ukraine, Taiwan and Israel, but there’s nothing going on with the border.

Think about what just happened with all of this, we have the sheriff out there letting everyone know there’s going to be an event. And all they cared about was passing their Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan Bill. They didn’t do anything to the border. He didn’t close the border down. And if there is, I do believe there is going to be an event. What do you think is going to happen with everyone in this country? They’re going to go, hey, wait a minute.

We just had this event and it looks like it’s a terrorist. They came over the border and the borders wide open, and Biden is doing nothing to shut it. Remember, he has all the power. I mean, the people aren’t stupid. They know that he has the power. He had the power to open it up. He had the power to not to build the wall. So he has the power to reverse all of it.

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Remember all the other reporters? They were controlled by networks, so they were able to control what was going to be said, what questions were going to be asked. And they knew that they were never going to bring up uranium one. They were never going to bring up how they made deals with Russia and how uranium was passed to Iran, North Korea, and everything else. Do you think Hillary Clinton right now is panicking over this? I do believe uranium one is coming into focus.

And actually, Hillary Clinton said a couple things which are very, very interesting. She mentioned a puppy show and she mentioned the fifth column. And I do believe she’s projecting these things out there because remember, who’s the fifth column? Oh, that’s right. It’s the deep state players. Now, we’re going to be discussing all of this a little bit later, but first, let’s talk about what is happening with the Biden classified document pro, because it ended with absolutely no charges.

And they actually said that Biden willfully retain and disclose highly classified materials when he was a private citizen, but no criminal charges are warranted. Technofog put this out on telegram, said the following. Special counsel Robert Hurd’s report has been released. A more thorough analysis will follow, but this part needs emphasis. Biden’s serious cognitive issues were exposed. He did not remember when he was vice president. He forgot when his term began.

He did not remember even within several years when his son Bo died. So it looks like they are now pushing the mental breakdown of Biden. He doesn’t have his cognitive abilities. He doesn’t remember things. And I do believe this is all for the change of batter. Now, remember, all this evidence that they are collecting on Biden, they are going to use this later. This is not the time to bring charges.

This is not the time to go after the deep state players, because you can’t. You can’t. Because the DOJ is part of the criminal syndicate. The FBI is part of the criminal syndicate. And I’m not saying every single person, I’m saying the top level, they will never move forward with anything. And if you’re trying to do it outside of DC, there’s a lot of federal judges that just will not do it.

Now. Yes. Will a red state, can they go after? Maybe, maybe not. But again, I do believe this evidence is being collected, being broadcast out to the public so the public, they can see the two tier justice system and they can say, this is completely unfair. Even those people that voted for Biden, they’re scratching their head saying something’s wrong here, and this shouldn’t be happening with all this evidence.

And I do believe Trump and the patriots, they’re going to be using all of this later on. Because again, what’s being exposed? Biden’s criminal family, and it’s getting worse and worse. Think about how comer is actually using all the information. He drips information out. He wants everyone to deny it. He wants Biden to deny it. He wants the fake news to cover it up. And as soon as they’re finished with all that, he then counters everything that they said with other facts, and it makes them look very, very guilty.

And this is what people are seeing now, the oversight committee, they put out a transcript about Biden because they just interviewed Carol Fox and this is what it says. Today we are releasing the transcript of our transcribed interview with Carol Fox, a trustee of AmeriCorps bankruptcy proceeding. AmeriCorps Holding, LLC is the financially distressed and failing rural hospital operator that James Biden is alleged to have fraudulently induced to provide loans of over 600,000 that were never repaid, 200,000 of which landed in Joe Biden’s personal account.

Carol Fox, who was appointed a trustee for AmeriCorps bankruptcy proceeding, could not determine what Joe Biden’s role entailed or what services he provided to the company. Information provided to Fox and her team under subpoena indicated that James Biden represented to AmeriCorps that his last name, Biden, could open doors. Though bank records identified two bank transfers from Americorps to James Biden as loans and one transfer for consulting and marketing, Fox was unable to find any information cooperating that the transfers were in fact made.

For those reasons. Fox confirmed that 200,000 check from James Biden to Joe Biden for a loan repayment occurred on the same day that AmeriCorps wired James Biden $200,000 for a loan. Fox testified that the money used to give James Biden the loans either came from senior citizen investors or merchant cash advances. And then the oversight committee said the following impeachment witness says no record of work loan to James Biden before payment to brother so what exactly happened here? It doesn’t seem like there’s any records and it looks like this might not have been a loan.

And everything that Joe Biden has been saying, it is completely and utterly falling apart. The people are saying this and this is not going to work out well in the end for him. Now, are they going to press charges? Are they going to go after him? Of course not. He’s part of the criminal syndicate. What they are going to do is they’re going to force Biden out of there.

And I do believe later what the Patriots are going to do, they’re going to use all this evidence and other evidence to go after Biden, and there will be an investigation, a full investigation, and not just with Biden, but with many other people. And we could see that the deep state players, the DS, the uniparty, their entire plan to bring illegals in and give them a fast path to citizenship, that completely fell apart.

And they are now struggling with all this. But they did get their money, which we’ll be talking about a little bit later. But first, it looks like Ted Cruz is moving a movement to get rid of Mitch McConnell. And right now, we have a couple of Senate minority leaders that are pushing this. We have Ted Cruz, Ron Johnson, JD Vance, Mike Lee, Rick Scott, Elon Musk says, time for Mitch to go.

And he’s absolutely right. The only reason Mitch McConnell backed off is because he saw, hey, look, we don’t got the people. They’re not agreeing with this and everything that we’re trying to do. Yeah, it’s not going to work out well. So I’m going to back off on the border bill that I help write and hide and everything like that. So we’re not going to pursue this. But again, did they get their money? Of course they did.

Did they secure the border? No, they didn’t. So, yes, they have money laundering, and no, they don’t care about the american people. And you could see that one of their agendas is to blame this on Trump. And they put together a nine step plan. And this is coming from the gateway, pun intended. It says, step one, flood the country for three years with millions of illegal aliens. Step two, watch approval numbers on the border drop below 20%.

Step three, election year is here. Decide you need to act now that you’ve let millions of illegals into the country and the american people are pissed. Step four, line up some rhinos in the Senate to assist with the next phase of the plan. Step five, work with rhinos on a bipartisan basis to devise garbage piece of legislation that would make the crisis considerably worse. Step six, ensure the bill is so bad that become toxic for Republicans so much that even the republican rhino leadership who helped negotiate it is forced to abandon it.

Step seven, message the doom legislation as the strongest immigration and border bill in history, knowing the media will faithfully echo your propaganda. Step eight, claim the only reason republicans abandon the bill is because Trump wants to use the open border as a campaign issue. Step nine, adopt your due 2024 campaign mantra the border crisis is Trump’s fault. Then every day between now and November, the american people are going to know that the only reason the border is not secure is Donald Trump in 2017, under Trump, the US recorded its lowest number of illegal aliens entering the country in 47 years.

Only 310,000 made it across the border in 2017. This is one 10th the number that walked across Joe Biden’s open border in 2023. 3. 2 million, the highest number ever by far. And this is why this is going to fail. First of all, if you look at Rasmussen reports and their poll numbers, well, you see that the people aren’t Bidenists. Number two, the Biden administration for the last three and a half years has been telling us that the border is completely secure.

Alejandro Mayorkas went in front of Congress telling everyone that the border is completely secure. There’s nothing that we can do because it is secure. So with all of that, do you really think the people are going to believe this entire plan? No, they’re not. And this is when you look at the polls, you could see the people are not believing it because remember, Biden decided to reverse everything that Trump put into place.

And when we have an event, this is going to be a complete and utter disaster for the DS. And I do believe an event is coming. And people, all they have to do is look at the graph and the numbers and they can see that when Trump was in office, the border was secure. As soon as Biden took office, that’s when they brought in all the illegals. So this plan is going to go down the drain.

And their fast path to citizenship to get them to vote is also going to go down the drain. Yes. Maybe back in time when the fake news was the only news organizations out there and they controlled the narrative, the people would believe it. But now, since there’s other social media platforms and the ratings for the fake news has dropped so dramatically low, no one is believing them. So they don’t control this narrative.

They’re using their plans. That worked 1520 years ago. It doesn’t work today. Charlie Kirk put this out on x and said the following. The Biden White House now says that if Republicans don’t pass their amnesty bill, they will release even more migrants into the US interior and slash deportations down from their already minimal levels. Given that a handful of dangerous criminals are pretty much the only people actually deported at this point, this is essentially a threat to release gangsters and killers back onto the streets of America unless the GOP does as it’s told.

Don’t listen to any lies about funding. The Biden administration has all the resources and all the power it needs to secure the border. It just doesn’t want to. This is political terrorism against the american people. So let’s really think about this for a second. Should those representing we the people, should they be threatening we the people? Because if they’re threatening we the people, they’re not really representing we the people, are they? No, they are not.

And you can see that all these different compounds where they’re keeping the illegals, they’re mostly men. And it’s a disgusting sight. There is drugs, there is stabbings, there are weapons that are being confiscated. And muckraker went inside to actually see all this. And they put out a video showing that, yes, all of this is happening inside of these compounds. And really look at New York right now because Randall’s island has lost a community soccer field to massive illegal aliens.

We see this happening out in Chicago. We see it happening out in Boston. And they’re taking things away from we, the people who are citizens of this country, and they’re giving it to those individuals that came into this country illegally. And again, who’s paying for all of this? Oh, that’s right. The people that actually live here and the people, they’re getting pretty darn pissed off. But we could see why they’re bringing these people in.

And actually a reporter was asking the know, who are you going to vote for? And they said, joe Biden. Joe Biden is helping us here. Of course we’re going to vote for Joe Biden. And this is their plan. Their plan is to bring these people in. Now, of course, they were here illegally. They can’t vote. So this is why they’re trying to push this fast path to citizenship.

But again, this is going to be a major problem. I do believe Trump and the patriots, they have a way to counter all this because the only way they can actually pull this off, and even if they aren’t on a fast path to citizenship, they’re still going to send out the mail in balts. I do believe to counter all of this is to have the people show up in person.

And I do believe Trump and the patriots, they might have something like this planned. Wall Street Silver put this out and said this is why Biden is trying to get money through Congress for his ngos and the sanctuary cities. These people all support Biden. They will get registered to vote illegally and cast a ballot. They don’t care about the laws or rules, right. And their allegiance to this country.

They don’t really care about that either. And if something does happen, like an event, remember, these people are from all over the world. Who do you think they’re going to support? Their country or the United States. No, we have an invading army right now, and they’re prepped and ready to actually push their agenda. And we know that this is part of the 16 year plan. But you can see there are states now that are already moving towards giving them a fast path to citizenship.

And yes, it’s going to happen in the blue states. We have New York Governor Kathy Hoekel, who’s fast tracking a proposed proposal that would allow illegal immigrants to take american jobs. First they give him prepaid cards, now they’re going to take the jobs away from Americans. Why? Because they want them to become citizens and they’re trying to push this. But again, we go back to the source of the problem, and that is Biden, the swamp creatures, because they decided, hey, we’re not going to build a wall.

We’re going to reverse everything that Trump did. And we know we have the authority to actually put everything back into place, but we’re not going to do it. And if you look around the world, like in Poland and Israel and many other places, they all have walls. And guess what? The walls work pretty darn good. And now the people, they’re starting to understand this. The people are starting to realize, you know something.

And even the Democrats, because we talked about the poll numbers yesterday, the Democrats are all on board saying, yes, this is a national security issue. Yes, we need a wall. And guess what Joe Biden didn’t do? He didn’t finish the wall. Can you imagine if he finished the wall? We wouldn’t have this problem now, would we? And it’s showing that Trump was right again. Every move the deep state makes is actually hurting them.

It’s not helping them. They don’t control the narrative. The people don’t believe them, and all they see is lies coming from them. And it’s getting a lot worse for them. What do you think is going to happen when there’s an event? You think they’re going to blame Trump? No, they’re going to blame Biden. Trump, he told him what to do. Build the wall, keep the border secure. It’s that easy.

I set everything up for you. Instead, you reversed everything that I did and you caused this problem. And guess what? The people see it. They know who’s responsible for this, just like they know who’s responsible for the economy. They’re not blaming Trump for the economy? No. Are they blaming Trump for the Middle east problems? No. Why? Because it’s Biden. It’s the deep state players, and the polls are showing it.

Why do you think his approval rating is going down. Why do you think they have to get rid of him? Because no one believes him, that’s why. And you could see the deep state players. They’re still pushing their entire mission, which is part of the 16 year plan, to get rid of the weapons. They don’t want people carrying weapons. They don’t want people having weapons. But again, this is really backfiring.

But you could see Hawai right now, the Supreme Court, they have rejected the second amendment rights. And they said their state, Hawaii, does not recognize a constitutional right to carry firearms in the public. So article one, section 17 of the Hawaii’s constitution, mirrors the second amendment to the United States Constitution. The hawaiian court wrote in Hawaii versus Wilson, we read those words differently than the current United States Supreme Court.

We hold that in Hawaii, there is no state constitutional right to carry a firearm in public. Well, once again, people are born with these rights. The second amendment overrides everything else. And they’re saying that, yeah, we’re not going to go along with the constitution. Look what they’re trying to do. Remember, this is not the only state. This is one of the only states that came out and actually said it.

But think about Illinois, think about New York. When the Supreme Court came down with the ruling with Bruin, they went ahead and they created other laws that violated the Constitution and violated the Supreme Court ruling. Now we have Hawai out there saying, listen, we don’t care about the constitution. We’re separate and apart. We’re not following the constitution. I mean, now they’re just blatantly saying it. And we’ve said this from the very beginning, these people are not for the United States.

These people are not for the constitution. They violated their oaths, and all of these people should be removed. And once again, the spirit of aloha does not currently supersede the second amendment. Not at all. Now, what’s very interesting about this is we know that a lot of the blue states, they have gun control, and basically only the criminals get guns. And they use these areas to have mass shootings because they can’t have a mass shooting where everyone has a weapon because the mass shooter would be stopped and they wouldn’t be able to pull off their event.

And what’s very interesting about all of this is that Steven Crowder on x put this out and said, police report confirms columbine style mass shooting plans found in Chippewa Falls students’manifesto specifically wanted to kill christians, jocks, and preppy girls with pipe bombs and automatic assault rifles. School district failed to notify parents for more than three months. And this is what this person said. I plan to use this to kill multiple students at my school.

I will kill all the effing jocks and those effing preppy, shitheaded, effing girls. I want to kill every old man and woman who has claimed to their father, son and Holy Spirit. I think all the preparation will be done towards the end of the school year. So this person was stopped and this is what this person wanted to do. Now, once again, another false flag has been shut down.

And I do believe the deep state players, they’re going to try to continually have more false flags because they need to get the weapons away from the people. And the only way to push bills and everything like that is to have an event in this country to scare the people. And when people are scared, they say, yes, let’s confiscate everything. But again, it doesn’t seem like their plan is working.

Actually, every time something happens, it looks like gun sales go way, way up and more and more states pass laws saying, you know something, the people have the right to carry. Actually, we don’t even need these laws. We have the one law that says we have the right to b%MCEPASTEBIN%ear arms. Bear means carry. Arms mean any weapon. We don’t need a law that says constitutional carry. We don’t need a concealed permit.

We already have it in the second amendment. It’s clear as day. And I don’t know why we have all these other laws. Well, I do know why, because we have all these installed people that have been pushing gun control and we have to reverse everything that they’re doing. But again, as soon as these laws were implemented, they should be repugnant to the constitution and removed. It’s that simple.

If we have people that follow the constitution, all of this should be taken down and people should be able to carry their weapon wherever they want because the constitution tells us we can. Just like we have free speech. Do we have all these laws saying we have free speech here, there in the other place? No, because we have one that says we are allowed to speak freely and the government can’t violate it.

Remember, all of this is for the government, not for us. It’s a contract saying, these are the rights that we have and you can’t do anything to stop we the people. We have the right to free speech, we have the right to free press, and we have a right to carry a weapon. These are the things that you can’t stop us doing. That’s what this is. But again, what have they been doing for a very long time? They’ve been violating our rights all over the place.

But the people around the world, they’re starting to wake up, and they’re starting to understand that this has been happening. And people are seeing the dictators, the tyrannical governments, the people are seeing them go after their political opponents. I mean, look, you can see it right here in the United States. They’re going after their political opponent, which is Trump, because they know what happens when he wins. They all go to jail.

Same thing with Brazil. Remember, we had Biden’s people go down, release Lulu from prison. All of a sudden, he won the election, and Bolsonaro was thrown out. Now they’ve raided Bolsonaro’s place, they took over his passport, and they’re going after their political opponent because he has the people. He has the people behind him, and they don’t want this. And it looks like Trudeau is having a major, major problem.

And he said something very interesting when he was in parliament. He said that Canadians, they don’t want to make Canada great again. This is not what Canadians want. Now, think about what he just said here. That doesn’t even make sense. You mean Canadians don’t want their country great? That doesn’t even make sense, because that’s what his opposition is saying. They want to make Canada great again. So he came out and he says, well, people don’t want that.

It’s almost like here in the United States, people don’t want to make America great again. It doesn’t make any sense. And this is why it’s so hard for the deep state players to actually bash MAga. They do it. MAGA. Extremists make America great again. Extremists. That makes no sense. But out in Canada, when Trudeau was fielding questions, a woman stood up and accused him of selling Canada out for globalism.

Then she goes on to remind him that they used to hang traders in Canada. Ooh, that’s deadly. Now, think about what’s happening. You see, the difference here is that the people of these countries, they are now telling their installed puppets, listen, you work for the globalists. The people don’t want you anymore, and we’re going to remove you. And what you see on the flip side is the tyrannical dictators, where they’re actually trying to remove their political opponents.

So you’re seeing two things happen at the same time. The people are waking up, the people are seeing what’s going on, and the people are telling the installed puppets, listen, we’re going to remove you because you’re a traitor. And on the other side here in this country, you see Biden and the deep state players and the unelected people trying to remove Trump. It’s very, very different. Soon the people of this country are going to be looking at Biden, Obama and the rest and the swamp creatures going, you know something? You’re traitors to this country.

And we, the people are going to remove you. And that is the very big difference here, because the people of these countries, they are going to remove the install puppets and they’re already warning them and it’s getting louder and louder as time goes on. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is that five us marines, they went missing in California. Now it’s being reported that they are confirmed dead, which is very, very sad.

Condolences go out to the families. The third Marine aircraft wing, they put this out on x and said the five third maw marines have been confirmed deceased. To the families of our fallen marines, we send our deepest condolences and commit to ensuring your support and care during this incredible difficult time. And this is a very, very sad situation. Now, the other thing that we see happening is that North Korea, they’re pretty much breaking off all contact with South Korea and North Korea.

They scrapped all economic cooperation agreements with South Korea. And it looks like things are starting to heat up in this area. And this is going to be very, very interesting because we know that war is coming. We know there is many different flashpoints, North Korea, Taiwan, out in Ukraine, the Middle east. And we see things that are building and building and building right now, because Trump has told us for a very long time that world War three is coming.

And remember, World War three, well, that deals with many, many countries because it’s the world. And we’re starting to see all of this start to kick up. But once again, the deep state players, they got what they wanted. They got their 95 billion aid for Ukraine, Israel, Gaza and Taiwan, which means money laundering can continue. And when you look at the rhinos who voted for this, well, it’s the names that we all know.

Murkowski, McConnell, Cassidy, Wicker, Young, Collins, Caputo, Kennedy. Let’s talk about protecting ourselves online. It’s now been revealed that thousands of websites share your information with social media giants. Most of us know that our every move online is tracked. It’s no longer a surprise when we get an ad for a product we previously searched for. But what’s the extent of this invasion of privacy? Turns out it’s massive. A recent report reveals an average 2230 companies will send your data to the most popular social media platforms.

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You have nothing else to lose. Or click the link in the description. Toon, Sullivan, Romney, Ernst Rounds, Tillis, Corning, Grassley, Moran, they all voted for it. So what people are seeing right now is, look, they got their money. Do they really care about the border? Absolutely not. Yes. Will they try to blame on Trump? But they’re going to start to realize that it’s going to completely and utterly backfire and it’s going to get worse and worse for them as time goes on.

Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is we know that Tucker Carlson, he’s going to be airing the Putin interview. And it looks like Hillary Clinton decided to get out in front of this. And it seems like she’s panicking right now and wokeness put this out and said Hillary blasts Tucker Carlson and suggests he is part of a fifth column for Putin. He’s like a puppy dog. He’s been fired from so many outlets here in the US that I wouldn’t be surprised if he emerges with a contract from a russian outlet.

So she’s projecting right now. And it’s very interesting that she said something about a puppy dog because if you go back to post 2843 February 20, 2019, it says fear. And this is down below, the fun begins directly after will make the Super bowl look like a puppy show. So this is going to be very interesting. And this also reminds me of post 4603 because she said Fifth column and this is July 2019 2020.

Now, down below it says the following renegade, a person who deserts and betrays an organization, country or set of principles similar to trader, defector, deserter, turncoat, betrayer, rebel, mutineer. Fifth columnness. So Obama and many others are fifth columnist. Then we have post 46 26, August 20, 2020. It just says in all caps fifth column. So what is a fifth column? A fifth column is any group of people who undermine a larger group or nation from within, usually in favor of an enemy group or another nation.

Fifth columns are domestic actors who work to undermine the national interest in cooperation with external rivals of the state. The activities of the fifth column can be overt or clandestine. Forces gathered in secret can mobilize openly to assist an external attack. This term is also extended to organized actions by military personnel. Clandestine fifth column activities can involve acts of sabotage, disinformation, espionage, and or terrorism executed within defense lines by secret sympathizers with an external force she is projecting out there, letting everyone know they are the fifth column.

And then storm has arrived. Put this out and said. Hillary admits that she is frightened by the prospect of Trump’s second term. In his first term, on many occasions, he was reined in and even stopped, she says, by the people around him. He will now fill those positions with people who are totally members of his cult. There is something about Trump’s hold on the Republican Party that is frightening.

So to summarize what she just said, they had a deep state operators infiltrating his first administration who were able to minimize his ability to drain the swamp. Now Trump has identified those people and they are absolutely screwed when he retakes the White House. They never thought Hillary Clinton was going to be the source of my opium, but we are here. And then Rasmussen reports put something out that’s very interesting.

And it says Clinton foundation donations and Bill Clinton speaking fee. And they highlighted a certain part here. April 23, 2015, the New York Times wrote about the uranium issue, saying the paper had built upon Schweiser’s information. The Times detailed how the Clinton foundation had received millions of notations from investors in uranium one. The donations from those with ties to uranium one weren’t publicly disclosed by the Clinton foundation, even though Hillary Clinton had an agreement with the White House that the foundation would disclose all contributions.

So this is very interesting that this article talks about uranium one, Rosatom, and how the Clinton foundation was involved. And that reminds me of a couple of posts, because I do believe uranium one is coming into focus. And who else was involved in uranium one? Well, that would be Obama. This is post 38 36, February 6, 2020. Down below it says, think uranium one. Sale of us uranium to Russia sold out us to benefit Russia for personal financial gain.

Risked us national security for personal financial gain. How was payment made to U. S. Persons? Think Ukraine, think Iran, Russia and Iran allies. Russia, Iran and China allies. Us politicians corruption China, us politicians corruption Ukraine, us politicians corruption Russia, us politicians corruption Iran common denominator. China, Russia, Iran closed financial systems. Logical thinking. Then we have post 13 7 April 30, 2018. Down below it says the following. POTUS declass, Syria, Iran plus uranium one connection.

Where does the EU fit in? Sick. Then we have post 48 45 and it says the following. Clinton Foundation, Soros, journalist director Africa, Saudi Arabia, China, Russia, uranium one Hussein director Benghazi Muslim Brotherhood, CIA assets, crimes against humanity route huma, huma, cc to Wiener’s laptop. Nothing is ever truly deleted. Threats, blackmail and bribes. And I do believe Trump has declassified all this information. Hillary Clinton is panicking right now because she’s afraid that something is going to come out about uranium one, about the Clinton foundation, about Obama, and they are now panicking over this.

This is going to be very, very interesting as we move forward. And I do believe the uranium one entire thing that went on is coming into focus right now. And we could see the Middle east is a complete and utter disaster right now. Hamas and blinken, they’re trying to push this ceasefire deal. And Netanyahu has rejected the proposed ceasefire deal, slams this as delusional Hamas demands and says, we are going to complete our mission, we are going to remove Hamas.

And I do believe that’s exactly what he should do. But again, the Middle east is a complete and utter disaster. Trump had peace there. Rasmussen reports put this out and said the following. There is a major crisis in the Middle east, according to majority of voters who agree with a former Trump administration official who blames Joe Biden, his policies, for the problem. And he’s absolutely right. And the people, they agree with this.

They agree that there is a major, major problem in the Middle East. Rasmussen put out two polls and it says the following 71% of voters call the situation in the Middle East a major crisis, 21% minor crisis, 5% no cris. Then Rasmussen reports put this out and said just three short years ago, we had peace in the Middle east and now everything in the world is aflame. It’s because Biden moved away from a peace through strength posture that Trump had into an appeasement posture.

56% of voters agree, 40% strongly agree, 38% do not agree. So once again, the people know, the people aren’t stupid. And because of what Biden has been doing. We can see we are now on the cusp of some type of an event. Now, remember, Trump has let us know there’s a 100% chance that there’s going to be a false flag. And I do believe we are going to have a false flag, because what’s very interesting is that Christopher Ray met with sheriffs and said there are more red flags right now than ever before.

Carly Bone. Put this out and listen to the sheriff from Butler County, Ohio. We’ll start it off with. My name is Rick Jones. I’m the Butler county sheriff, Butler County, Ohio. I just came back from a national sheriff’s training in DC three days ago. Two days ago, we were briefed by the FBI director, Ray, the director of the FBI, and several federal agencies. There’s 3300 sheriffs in the United States.

The president of the United States refuses to meet with the sheriffs of the 3300. We have a hierarchy. We have a president, we have a vice president. President of the United States refuses to meet with the sheriffs. He also refuses to meet with the police chiefs of the United States. They have a hierarchy. Also. He refuses to meet with them to talk about border issues or talk about crime that’s going on because of the border issue.

We were also told by Mr. Ray, the FBI director, that there are more red flags going off now than before 911. Okay, when I say red flags, meaning people that are here in this country that are wanting to do harm to us, we were also explained, we’re bombing two countries right now, two countries. These people do not like us. Before this started, there’s thousands of people here from other countries, 160 different countries.

They’re here not to be our friends. Some of them are coming because they’re wanting to come here to the best country in the world. The way we see it, some are coming here to do harm to us. And we were told by the FBI director, it’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when. We were also told five sheriffs went to Israel five weeks after the attack.

The only thing that saved the Israelis, and I think that tells you everything you need to know, where they’re expecting something to happen. And again, this is all going to fall on Biden because they had three years to secure the border. They told us it was secure. They lied to the people. Then they said they needed a bill to make the border secure, even though they were telling us that it was secure this entire time.

And Alejandro Mayorkas even testified in front of Congress saying it was secure. And the people in Congress are saying it’s not secure, and they argue that it was secure. And now we’re going to have an event. Who do you think they’re going to believe? Do you think the people are going to believe that it’s Trump’s fault, or do you think it’s going to believe? Everyone’s going to believe it’s Biden and Alejandro’s majorca’s fault.

Well, we know the people are going to believe that it’s Biden and Majorca’s fault because why? All you got to do is look at the poll numbers. The people believe that they’re responsible for all of this, but it looks like there might be something going on with the Super bowl. Now, again, when you have a lot of people that are in one location, yes, it’s always ripe for some type of an event.

And what’s very interesting about this is very reasonable information on telegram put this out and said, what about this seems normal. Why is Majorcas fielding questions about Super bowl safety? Why is he attending an NFL press event? Well, once again, this is the guy that told us that the border was completely and utterly secure. And this is the guy that the people said, yes, we believe he should be impeached.

They tried to impeach him, but it failed. And this is the guy that is giving a press conference. Does anyone feel safe with this guy? I don’t believe so. Which means something might be on its way. Now, if the sheriff just got a report that something might happen, where would these illegals, these terrorists, where would they have an event? Would they have it at the Super bowl? Would they have it at some other place? Well, we’re going to have to see how all this plays out.

But we know that something is coming, and there are red flags everywhere. And Trump has let us know that this is going to happen. And once again, once this happens, the people are really going to wake up and this is going to be a sad thing because nobody wants these type of events. But again, the people are going to realize who’s responsible for all of this and everything that Biden has been saying.

It’s going to go down the tubes. Same thing with Majorcas and all the others. And the people, they’re going to want accountability because the people are going to be very, very pissed off, and this is going to be a complete and utter disaster for them, just like it’s a complete and utter disaster for the pharmaceutical companies right now. Because as more and more evidence is produced, it shows that, yeah, they knew exactly what they were doing.

Rasmussen reports put this out and said they claim that it was 95% effective. They never tested it because Congress gave them immunity from liability, so they have no incentive to test it. Efficacy of COVID vaccine, less than 10%. And this is coming from Paxon. Then we have Steve Kirch, who said the following people have said I’m a misinformation spreader because since May 2021, I have been publicly saying that Covid vaccines are not safe now.

The medical peer reviewed literature shows I was right. Do you believe me now? And he is right. The vaccines are not safe now. We’re getting peer reviewed documentation. All the other studies that aren’t peer reviewed, they’re worthless until they are peer reviewed. And now we’re starting as time goes by. Time is an amazing thing because it proves a lot of things. I mean, look at January 6, look at the 2020 elections.

We’re getting the proof now that, yes, the elections were rigged. The January 6, that was an insurrection by the deep state players, Nancy Pelosi, even Trump is saying that now. And now we’re getting proof that these bioweapons that they introduced and stuck in people’s arms, they are dangerous to the people. We’re also learning over time that DeI does not work. And they’re still trying to push this. Actually, Elon Musk put this out and said, an anonymous source just sent me this from Disney.

It is mandatory institutionalized racism and sexism. So basically, they break it down of how many different people you need, which skin colors, which gender, and it’s basically racism. Elon Musk continued and said, here is the full racist, sexist, et cetera, discriminatory set of laws enforced by Disney’s Dei Gestapo. But wait, there’s more. And shows that, look, look what they’re doing here. Oh, we need this many black people, this many hispanic.

They don’t care what their abilities are. If they’re qualified or anything like that. Then Elon says, no wonder most of their content produced over the past several years has sucked. Just trying to navigate the Dei minefield is going to crush the creative process. And not just that. Think about the airlines. They’re not looking for qualified people. They’re just basing everything off of Dei, which is skin color, gender, race, and everything else, which is completely against the law.

And this is racism. Yes, they like to use other words, but look at Biden’s administration. Look at the people that he brought in. Every time you have this, the companies, the production, anything goes down the drain, and it goes down the drain very quickly because you’re not bringing in qualified people. Actually, the perfect example of this is Mayor Adams. Salty Texan put this out and said, Mayor Eric Adams shows off his diverse administration.

Have you ever seen this much chocolate leading the city of New York? This is why they’re hating on me. Well, let’s just change the words a little bit. Have you ever seen this much vanilla leading the city of New York? I mean, what would happens if someone said that and it was all white people? People say that’s racist right there. Well, it is racism right there. He then compares himself to Jesus for assembling such a non white team.

He’s a bigot. He’s a racist and he’s proving it. And again, these are the people they install. The people of New York need to remove him and remove him quickly and hopefully in the next election. That’s exactly what they do because that’s how they remove him. Or they can sign a petition to try to get him out. And we’ll have to see how this all plays out, because as it gets worse and worse in New York City, let’s see what the people do.

Because remember, it takes the people to push all of this. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting, and this has to do with what we saw back in 2020 with BLM and things like that, it’s very interesting that all those people that were against Trump, it always seems that they’re the criminals. Oh, that’s right. They’re part of the criminal syndicate. And what’s very interesting is that the former top Baltimore prosecutor, Marilyn Mosby, who previously threatened to prosecute federal agents sent by Trump to stop BLM riots, well, she is found guilty in a mortgage fraud.

So they’ve been investigating her and now she is guilty of mortgage fraud. And she is just a long line of people that were trying to get Trump, that were going up against Trump, and it turns out that they’re the criminals. And this continually happens. It’s absolutely unbelievable. And the other thing that’s absolutely unbelievable is that the Democrat that’s going up against Biden, Marianne Williamson, she decided to drop out.

Now, I do believe this is all part of the deep state plan. They didn’t want anyone else running against Biden. Yes, he’s going to win the nominee. And I do believe that they’re going to replace him with somebody else. And I just interviewed Roger Stone, and if you haven’t listened to that interview, you should go listen to it. He actually breaks it down on how they’re going to do it.

And I do believe they’re going to try to bring in someone else. Roger Stone believes it’s going to be Michelle Obama, because once again, Biden, with his poll numbers, they’re dropping like a rock. The fake news is continually reporting how Trump has the lead. I do believe that there has to be a switch because there is no way that Biden would have the popularity, have the ability to actually beat Trump in the election using cheating.

They need someone halfway decent to do this. And I do believe this is why they’re going to make the swap. And I do believe the Obamas are preparing to do this. And this is why I do believe Tucker is out in Russia because that leads to who? Hillary Clinton? It leads to Obama. It has to do with uranium one. And I do believe we’re heading down this path right now.

And yes, every day that passes, what do we see? We see Joe Biden. He is shaking nobody’s hands. He’s mistakes, dead politicians with living ones. And he’s done this the second time this week. It just came out that his cognitive abilities, they’re not there. The public is learning this and it’s getting worse and worse. And we know that he’s not really running anything. And what’s very interesting is that Trump, he was being interviewed and he let everyone know that it could be Obama that is running the country, certainly have a lot of the Obama people working right next to him.

He said it could be. I mean, it’s not a good thing, but it could very well be. And I do believe Trump, the patriots, I do believe they want Obama front and center. And I do believe this is why all this information will be coming out about uranium one and everything else. Because I do believe in the end, it’s all roads lead to Obama. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is we can see that Nikki Haley, she is losing left and right.

And Dan Scavino put this out on X and says Nikki Haley loses to Trump everywhere. Alabama, California, Texas, North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, Oklahoma, Massachusetts, you name it, she is losing. And she will end up losing South Carolina in the end. Now, I do believe the only reason she’s staying in there, yes, she’s a democratic plan. She’s part of the uni party. I do believe she’s staying in there because they’re waiting for the news to come out.

And I do believe this news is going to be coming out from probably Angoron. They’re waiting for the Supreme Court to rule on the ballot. And it doesn’t look like that’s going too well. We’ll be talking about that in just a sec. And I do believe all this happening at the same time. They just wanted her on standby so this way she could have all the delegates. But I don’t think this is going to work out the way they think it’s going to work out.

And this is why we have the deep state players putting out these ridiculous polls. And this one is from the Hill and says 74% of Republicans say it’s fine for Trump to be a dictator for a day. Do you think that’s really a poll? I mean, really think about this for a second. Rich Barris responded to this and said no serious independent poster, let alone academic, would ever ask this question, considering this is a totally fabricated partisan media talking point.

Shame on Amherst. They’re the ones who put out the poll. Absolutely. And the reason why they’re so desperate and they’re afraid. And it’s not just the DS, it’s the rhinos, because they’re all part of the uniparty. They’re panicking right now because everything is not going the way they thought it was going to go. And the people, they’re waking up and we have the black community, we have latino voters.

They are now looking at Trump saying he is the guy that we need. And what’s very interesting about, with everything that’s going on time and is an amazing thing, like we’ve said, and you could see with January 6, with COVID and the 2020 elections, when you have time to show people, look what happened here, people start to believe, people are believing that, yes, the vaccine is a bioweapon.

January 6, the Trump supporters. Trump had nothing to do with it. Actually, it was the deep state players. And when you look at the 2020 elections, people are starting to understand that, yeah, those were rigged. And what’s very interesting is that during the run up to the 2020 presidential election, the election process were changed to roll out no excuse mail in voting. Some states even went as far as sending ballots to every voter on the voter registration roll.

Most of these changes were made without the consent of the legislatures as mandated by the US Constitution. Well, if these changes were made in violation of the Constitution, article one, section four, clause one, then can we certify this election? No, we cannot. Why do you think they had the insurrection? Because they knew this. And a result of this, the number of mail in ballots cast according to the US Elections Assistant Commission went from 33 million mail in ballots in 2016 to approximately 65.

5 million in the 2020 election. Despite warnings from a 2005 bipartisan report from President Jimmy Carter and former us secretary of State James Baker in 2005 that stated mail in balloting was one of the major sources of fraud. So last December, the author of the report, the Heartland Institute, partnered with Rasmussen reports to conduct a poll of 1085 people who voted in the 2020 presidential election. The results were shocking.

The Heartland Institute took the polling results a step further. They measured the effect of mail in ballot fraud in the Trump Biden race for the White House through their report titled who really won the 2020 election? Trump wins outright in 26 of the 29 scenarios. If you include a tiebreaker, Trump wins 27 out of 29. Before reporting the results of the individual assessment of swing state races based on varying levels of fraud, it is worth acknowledging the results of Heartland’s poll with Rasmussen that formed the basis of their assessment.

In a poll of 1085 voters in the 2020 election, 30% responded they voted by mail. Of those, 21% of mail in voters admitted that in 2020, they voted in the state where they are no longer a permanent resident. 21% of mail in voters admitted that they filled out a ballot for a friend or a family member. 17% mail in voters said they signed a ballot for a friend or a family member with or without his or her permission.

19% of mail in voters said that a friend of a family member filled out their ballot in part or in full on their behalf. The report’s analysis were able to determine that 28. 2% of respondents who voted by mail admitted to committing at least one kind of voter fraud. And the report concludes that even if the level of fraud shown by our survey, 28. 2% of all mail in ballots, essentially overstates the true level of fraud that occurred, Trump would still have won in most of the likely scenarios.

With only three exceptions, the author claimed they have no reason to believe that the survey overstated voter fraud by more than 25% points. So basically what happened here? Well, the election wasn’t secure and it was filled with voter fraud, and that tells you everything you need to know. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting, and Trump put this out. He said a very important effort is now underway in Nevada to amend the state constitution to require voter id.

But this can only happen if enough citizens of Nevada sign the petition to put the proposed voter id amendment on the ballot for the November 5, 2024 election. If you are showing up today to vote in the GOP caucus in Nevada, make sure to sign the petition for voter id that many people will be circulating at caucus locations. This is a very big deal thank you. And what’s very interesting about this is Trump is continually pushing voter id.

And right now we have 37 state laws that request require voters to show some form of identification at the polls. 13 states do not require any documentation to vote at all. So once again, if we were going to have the people vote in a system that is transparent and secure, we need to go back to paper ballots. And there are 37 states right now that require some type of voter id.

This would make it very, very difficult for the illegals to vote. Remember, they don’t want the illegals going in person. They want to use mail in ballots, because this way they can produce multiple ballots and they can cheat in the election. If you have these people go in person, it’s not going to work. Plus, they don’t want to be caught, they don’t have id, and they won’t be in the poll books.

This will be a major, major problem. So I do believe Trump and the Patriots, in the end, they’re going to have to do something where people have to show up in person and the elections are guarded, unless there’s some other method to do this. And we’ll have to see how this all plays out. Now, we know that Trump, he took the long way around. He didn’t go directly at the deep state player, because this would be a complete and utter disaster.

The other presidents tried this in the past and look what happened to them. They were shot at and killed. Trump, he decided, you know something? The better way to do this is to have the people understand what the criminal syndicate is, understand what their system is, and let the people wake up. And I do believe Patrick David says it the best here. He says 1% of the population controls the world, 4% of the population are their puppets, 90% of the population are zombies.

The 5% are trying to wake up the zombies. The 1% make sure that the 4% stops the 5% from waking up the 90%. And I do believe he’s right. And what’s been happening with all this, because it started out with a very small percentage of waking up the people. We needed to break free of the fake news, break free of the deep state players, and actually control what was going on.

And I do believe that was successful with the digital soldiers, and that started to wake up a lot of people, because once you get the ball rolling, more and more people wake up. More and more people do research, and more and more people create accounts, and the deep state can’t control this. This is why they started to censor everyone, because it was getting out of control. I do believe in the end they will try a communication blackout.

But now that there are other platforms that have started and you have Video and you have truth and you have x, this is even more difficult for the deep state players, which means even more people are waking up. And this now is turning into a major problem for the deep state players. In the beginning, they were able to control it. Now they cannot remember going back to the revolution, it was a very small percentage that was actually fighting against the british government in the very, very beginning, they were awake.

The rest of the population, they were not. Yes. When war started and everything started to go downhill, other people started to wake up and people took sides. The same thing happened here. It was a very small percentage in the very, very beginning. But as time went on, more and more people are singing. Now, does this mean every person’s awake? No. What’s happening right now is that people, they need to reach the precipice.

They need to reach a point where it breaks them. That’s really what it is. It breaks the brainwashing, it breaks the hole that the deep state has on them. And once that happens, that’s when they start to wake up. And sometimes it takes a major, major event for this to happen. And I do believe this is why Trump and the patriots are bringing us down this path where the economy is breaking down, we’re heading towards war, and there’s going to be an event, because I do believe this is going to wake a lot of people up, and a lot of people are going to start to ask a lot of questions.

And yes, I do believe it’s going to become very, very scary. But there’s a reason in for this, because if we’re going to take back our country, the people must understand who took it over and how this country has been infiltrated. And I do believe this is why all of this is happening. And in the end, once the people understand, once the people are awake, that’s when they can go ahead and vote and vote these people out.

And I do believe Trump, the patriots, they have a plan to make sure that the election is secure. Trump mentioned this multiple times, and I do believe they will make it secure so that people have their vote and they have their voice. Why? Because the patriots are in control. Listen, everyone. Thanks a lot for listening. Be well, be safe, and especially be prepared. Thanks a lot. It’s close.


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