Ep 3274b – Remember Your Mission Infiltration Not Invasion Remember Your Oath 2024 Election: X22 Report

Posted in: News, Patriots, X22 Reports



➡ The X22 Report talks about how many websites share our personal information with big social media companies. It suggests using a service called Virtual Shield to keep our data safe. The podcast also discusses politics, suggesting that some people might try to cheat in the 2024 election. It ends by mentioning a teenager who’s in trouble for making fake emergency calls.
➡ People are upset with the current government because they believe it’s not handling crime and immigration well. They think that the government is allowing too much illegal activity and not punishing those who break the law. They also believe that the government is using money meant for other things to support illegal immigrants. Many people are worried that this could lead to more problems in the future.
➡ A lot of Democrats are starting to worry about border security. They think it’s really important for our country’s safety. Many believe that the situation at the border is a crisis and even an invasion. They’re also worried about the possibility of a terrorist attack in our country.
➡ North Korea has a submarine that can shoot missiles, and there’s worry that this could lead to a big war. There’s also concern about possible attacks in the U.S., including from drones. Meanwhile, people’s online privacy is at risk because many websites share our information with big social media companies. Lastly, there’s a lot of crime happening, and some people think that the government needs to do more to stop it.
➡ In Nevada, Nikki Haley doesn’t have any supporters, so they’re waiting for South Carolina’s decision. There’s a court case about election interference that was supposed to happen on March 4, but it’s been delayed with no new date set. This is a problem for some people who wanted it to happen. Also, there’s a lot of talk about trying to get Trump to pay a lot of money and keep him and other Republicans from being able to run for office. In Oregon, some Republicans can’t run for office because they didn’t show up to work enough times. But all these plans to stop Republicans might not work in the end.
➡ President Biden has been changing his mind on a lot of things. He first said he would change what President Trump did, but now he’s going back to some of Trump’s ideas. This includes things like building a border wall and putting sanctions on Russia. Some people think this is because Biden’s ideas weren’t working and caused problems.
➡ There’s also talk about letting people who are in the country without permission join the military. Some people think this is a good idea because it could help them become citizens. But others worry that these people might not be loyal to America.
➡ There’s also concern about cyber attacks from China. These attacks could mess up important things like our power and communication systems. Some people think this could even affect our elections.
➡ If there’s a big cyber attack, we might have to use paper ballots for voting instead of computers. And if there’s an attack inside the country, the military might have to step in. Some people think this could happen if Biden loses the next election.
➡ This text talks about concerns that some people in the military might not be loyal to the United States. It suggests that these people might be used to keep certain politicians in power, even if they lose an election. The text also mentions a plan to protect the country and ensure fair elections, possibly using paper ballots. It ends by saying that despite challenges, the people will take back the country in the end.


Welcome. You’re listening to the x 22 report. My name is David. This episode 3274 bn today’s date is February 4, 2024, and the title of the episode is. Remember your mission. Infiltration, not invasion. Remember your oath. Two 2024 election let’s talk about protecting ourselves online. It’s now been revealed that thousands of websites share your information with social media giants. Most of us know that our every move online is tracked.

It’s no longer a surprise when we get an ad for a product we previously searched for. But what’s the extent of this invasion of privacy? Turns out it’s massive. A recent report reveals an average 2230 companies will send your data to the most popular social media platforms. This is why myself, along with tens of thousands of people, are starting to protect their personal data against this mass privacy invasion with virtual Shield.

Virtual Shield is the industry leading VPN offering military grade encryption, a strict no log policy, and a built in id monitoring that comes with a massive 1 million identity theft protection insurance policy. Turning virtual Shield on only takes two clicks and instantly helps protect your online activity from the prying eyes of corporations, isps, hackers, mobile carriers, tech giants, and more. You can experience this incredible protection of virtual shield with an exclusive 60 day risk free trial.

During this 60 day risk free trial, you’ll be able to enjoy unlimited bandwidth, anonymous browsing, and fast Internet speeds across all your devices. Don’t put your privacy at risk by not using virtual Shield. Get it now free by signing up@virtualshield. com. X 20 twovpn. That’s virtualshield. com x 20 twovpn. Try it now. You have nothing else to lose. Or click the link in the description. Let’s get into the economic collapse, political and geopolitical news now.

The deep state, the corrupt politicians, big tech fake news, the puppet masters, you can see that Trump and the patriots, they’re bringing them down this path because everything that we’re witnessing, everything that we’re seeing has to do with the 2024 election. And I do believe Trump and the patriots need to show the american people, look how dirty, how evil these people really are. And if you really think about it and think about what they’re going to do, they’re going to try to steal the election any way they possibly can.

And look, they went all out in 2020. They knew they had a cheat. They knew they needed something big enough to actually create the atmosphere where they could cheat on a scale that we’ve never seen before. Now, I do believe Trump, the patriots, they brought them down this path because they needed them to do something like this. Because how do you take control of the country? If you’re going to take the country back and you’re going to show the people the truth and you’re going to wake a lot of people up? You can’t just leave all of this to chance.

Now, I’m not talking about the civil suits and things like that. I’m talking about control of the country to make sure the deep state players don’t do something where we actually have a nuclear war or something like that. So I do believe Trump from the very, very beginning knew that he was going to need to take control because he was going to need to show the people the truth and show what the system actually is and what the system does and how it works.

And he needed to show that all these people that been lying to them all these years, he needed to show everyone here are the liars, they’re going to continually lie to you, and I need to show them to you. And that’s exactly what he’s been doing. And you can see that the deep state players, they are getting prepped and prepared for the 2024 election. Now, back on Thursday, we talked about a simulation, and we know that Alexander vindman, he is working with the simulation.

And I do believe it’s going to be the opposite. Remember, they talked about an oath keeper type of group where they’re taking over the White House because Trump lost in the election. Well, just think in your head. Think the opposite. If they’re bringing in illegals into this country and they want to bring these illegals into the armed forces, and you have the illegals now in the armed forces because this is a path to citizenship.

What do you think is going to happen when they are activated and Biden or Michelle Obama, whoever, the deep state players, what happens when they lose the election? Are they going to have these people then turn on the american people? Are they going to go up against the actual Americans in the armed forces? Remember, this is infiltration, not invasion. So they infiltrated our armed forces. They infiltrated and they’re prepared and ready to go against those people that have taken their oath.

Because remember, these people, their allegiance is not to this country. Their allegiance is not to the United States of America. Their allegiance is not to the constitution. So the Democrats and the deep state players, they want to bring these people in, they want to allow them to join the armed forces because this is a quick path to citizenship. And yes, we know there’s many different agendas with these people.

With voting and everything like that. But if they are in the armed forces, which I do believe this is exactly what they’re going to try to do, and their master loses the election. And I’m talking about Soros and all the unelected people, will these people turn on the american people, on the people in the armed forces? Absolutely. And I do believe this is what they’ve been talking about.

This is the insurrection of 2025. That’s what they’ve been talking about. And I do believe this is why, through the cue post, we’ve been told, remember your oath, those Americans who took the oath to defend this country from foreign and domestic enemies, think about how this is going to play out. Because remember, they’re going to pull out all the stops in 2024. Yes, they’re going to try to cheat.

Yes, they’re going to try to use the balance. But I do believe in the end they’re going to realize that all of this is not going to work. And I do believe in the end they are going to try to stop the elections. We’re already starting to see the cyber wars begin. We already know from the FBI and CISA and the rest that China has been infiltrating our infrastructure.

And yes, this includes the election system and they’ve been planting certain malware into our systems. Now, once again, does the FBI and the rest know exactly where all this is? Absolutely not. And what do you think is going to happen in the end? Now, I do believe, yes, the military intelligence, they know exactly what’s going on. But again, if you’re bringing the deep state players down this path and you want them to postpone, you want certain things to be activated so you can use paper ballots, you allow them to do this and you allow them to hit the national infrastructure.

And remember, all optics will be off of Trump because again, he’s not sitting in the White House, even though he’s the commander in chief. All optics will be on the Biden administration, and they’re the ones who are going to actually call up the National Guard to protect our infrastructure because the United States has been attacked. And remember, they want to bring us to war. So I do believe this is all going to fall on the Biden administration.

And we’re going to see everything being focused on him because the optics are going to be very good. It’s going to be off of Trump. And when we have the election and Michelle, whoever else is running when they lose, well, again, Trump wasn’t responsible for this. But again, they will try to say that he cheated. They will say that we do not accept the results of this election.

Actually, they will begin the big lie. When they talked about Trump not leaving the White House, Trump using the military, it’s actually going to be them in the end. Now, we’re going to be talking a lot more about this a little bit later. But first, let’s talk about all this swatting that we’ve been seeing because it looks like they tracked down the person that’s been making this call.

And this individual is Alan Fillian, a 17 year old from California, is now facing legal repercussions in Florida for his alleged involvement in a series of swatting incidents across the United States. So once again, we have this individual who’s been doing all this. Now, again, did the FBI know about this person? Did they put this person up to it, convince this person to do this? Most likely, yes.

But we’ll have to see how this all plays out because it’s going to be very interesting. Just like we see what’s going on at the border, we know that there are many, many different agencies that are working with the deep state players because they’re part of the criminal syndicate and they’re helping the illegals come into this country. And we could see it’s getting pretty darn bad in every single one of these cities.

And what’s happening. The people of this country, they are watching all this play out. And the people, they are now going against the Biden administration, going against the fake news, going against the deep state players. And it’s not just the Republicans, it’s not just the independents, but it’s the Democrats and the minorities in the city saying enough is enough. And what’s very interesting is you can see New York City.

It’s getting worse and worse in the city. Wall Street Silver on X put this out and said fake refugee crews are stealing in New York, then going to Florida to have fun and spend the money. CNN John Miller, why don’t they stay and steal in Florida? Detectives said, because there you go. So think about that for a second. They’re not stealing in Florida because if they get caught, they go to jail.

They’re stealing in New York City because if they get caught, they don’t go to jail. That tells you everything you need to know. And all you got to do is look at what happened with all these illegals who came over the border illegally. They came into our country and these illegals were beating up police officers. And the other day we saw that they got off. And why did they get off because Manhattan Da Alvin Bragg, he issued a public statement saying that they didn’t have enough information on these people.

There was insufficient evidence, despite a video showing that they actually did this. So what does this tell you? Well, this tells you everything you need to know. And actually, remember when Trump was saying, they’re too busy going after me and look what’s happening in the city? Well, he’s absolutely right. Once again, it’s getting worse and worse as time goes on. But again, part of their agenda is to bring in as many illegals as possible.

Number one, they want to bring them into the armed forces because I do believe they’re going to need their foot soldiers later on. Number two, they need to do this to bring them to a fast path to citizenship. Number three, they’re going to use the others for chaos because when they lose the election, yes, we’re going to see chaos all over the place. And yes, they’re trying to keep these people very, very happy.

This is why in the blue cities, they’re allowing them to steal, because this is how they’re paying them off. And they’re also paying them off by putting them up in hotels, feeding them, and they’re also giving them prepaid credit cards. Look what’s happening out in New York. New York City is launching a 53 million program to hand out prepaid credit cards to migrant families. Wall Street Silver responded to this and said, new York City Mayor Adams, why are so many illegals, aliens coming to New York City? Also, New York City Mayor Adams, maybe if I give them free money, then word will get around and others will stop coming to New York City.

I mean, really, think about this for a second. They haven’t said the magical words yet. Close the border and they never will. Why? Because they’re being instructed. No, we need the illegals in this country. So you never, ever mention that. You give them money, you do whatever you have to do, but you keep them in this country and you don’t deport them, you don’t report them, you keep them happy because we need them later on.

Why do you think out in Washington state, they diverted 340,000,000 in federal Covid funds to illegal immigrants, including via $1,000 checks. So the Biden regime sent billions to illegal aliens who were not qualified for the payments due to their immigration status. And this report is coming from the Economic Policy Innovation center. And they discovered that, yeah, 340,000,000 from the coronavirus state and local fiscal recovery fund was given to a program that sent $1,000 checks to illegal aliens in Washington state.

That tells you everything you need to know about the illegals. And Covid. I thought Covid was deadly. I thought we had a pandemic. I thought they needed all this money. Well, it turns out they didn’t need any of this money because once again, they use fake statistical numbers, they use fake reporting. They censored the real doctors, they censored the real peer reviewed documentation so no one would be able to find the real information when they had to make that decision to take the bioweapon or not.

And they tried to force almost everyone to take the bioweapon. But thank God there were smart people out there that said, you know something, we’re not going to do this. And if the other people had the proper information, they wouldn’t be doing it either. They were tricked into taking it. They used fear, they used fake statistical numbers, they hid vital information from the public. And by doing this, people didn’t have the information to make a logical decision if this is going to be good or bad for them.

And once again, we can see that the pharmaceutical companies, the fake news and the rest, they’re all responsible for this. And again, everything they’re doing with the border, just look back in time. Do you really think the bills that they’re trying to pass is going to make the borders better? Absolutely not. Actually, the Senate immigration deal is only going to make the border crisis really, really bad. And when you look at it, what is it going to do? Well, it’s going to allow more illegals into the country, because remember, their entire agenda is not to keep the illegals out, but to allow the illegals into this country.

Wall Street Silver put this out on accident, said the Senate border deal negotiated by rhino Senator Langford actually makes the problem worse. It writes into law that almost 2 million fake refugees per year will cross the border. It also funds Biden’s ability to fund their free hotels, free food, free phones and welfare benefits for millions of fake refugees. So once again, whenever they tell you, don’t worry, we got this bill, it’s going to make it a lot better.

Well, you know, it’s always the opposite, and we don’t need these bills. Biden has all the power he needs. Actually, when he came into office, he was able to reverse Trump’s executive orders, opening the border wide open, allowing everyone to come in, stopping the construction of the border wall. All he has to do is use the same exact powers and he can stop what’s happening because he’s the one that caused it.

That’s why. And once again, you can see that these people, they’re not doing anything that will benefit the american people. It’s lies. And they push things and they reverse the meaning of what is actually happening in the bill, and they try to trick the american people into going along with it. But I think the american people now, they are a little bit smarter. They’re thinking logically. They’re awake now, and they understand what’s going on.

And we can see that the trucker convoy, well, we can see they’re making their move into Texas. And you can see the fake news. They are truly the enemy of the people. This is what CBS puts out. Remember, these are american patriots. They see what’s happening on the border. They know that we need to stop the illegals. They know that human traffickers, child traffickers, gang members, terrorists are coming over the border.

So they’re saying, you know something, enough is enough. And look, there’s over 25 states that are now supporting Texas. And this is what the fake news puts out. CBS News a convoy started by far right extremists is bound for the Texas Mexico border this weekend to show support for the Texas government in its ongoing standoff against the federal government over the migrant crisis, raising concerns about potential violence.

So translation. Hey, by the way, the people of this country, who are patriots, they don’t like what’s going on because the federal government is allowing these criminals into the country. And they want these criminals in the country. And the people of this country want the criminals to be stopped at the border, and they don’t want them coming into the country. And they’re letting you know that there might be agent provocadors that are going to do something during this convoy, because, again, the american people are not going to do anything.

They’re going to infiltrate, and this is how they’ll try to start a civil war. Remember, they’re not just going to bring out the armed forces and say, let’s attack Texas. They’re going to start it within any type of protest, any type of convoy. This is how they do it. Because once this starts, then they say, well, maybe we need to bring in some federal troops to calm the situation down.

That’s what they do. And we can see that this is building right now. Elon Musk pretty much sums up what’s going on here. And he says Biden’s strategy is very simple. Get as many illegals in the country as possible, legalize them to create a permanent majority, a one party state. That is why they’re encouraging so much illegal immigration. Simple, yet effective. And he’s absolutely right. But again, the people, they understand what’s going on.

They see it. They understand it. They’re experiencing it. Rasputin reports. Put this out. And remember, these are Democrats. These responses are exclusively from Democrats. 63% say border security is a vital national security interest. 62% approve of more border wall construction. 60% say the situation at the border is a Cris. 55% see the situation at the border as an invasion. 42% say Biden has systematically undermined border security. 40% say replacement theory is the Democratic Party’s platform.

40% say Trump was right about a border wall. Think about that for a second. That’s all Democrats right now. That’s not even republican independence. This is all Democrats. The plan is working. The people are waking up. They understand what’s going on. They realize that everything that Biden is doing, everything the deep state is doing is wrong for this country. What do you think is going to happen when this continues on? When we have an event? Actually, Trump, he was being interviewed by Maria Baroma, and he actually said there is a 100% chance that there’s going to be a terrorist attack in this country.

And I believe him because you could see what’s happening in the border. Do you think this is going to wake a lot of people up? Do you think people are going to go, holy crap, you know something? We need to shut these borders down. You think these percentage numbers are going to skyrocket after this? Absolutely. And people go, well, why would he allow this? It’s not him. He’s not allowing anything.

Who’s running the country? It’s Biden. Right? Sometimes you need to show the people, you need to show the people the truth. Because remember, if he just tells you, you’re not going to believe it. If he just tells the Democrats, by the way, it’s 100% chance of a terrorist attack. That’s why we need the borders closed. Do you think they’re going to believe it? No. When they see it, that’s when they believe it.

The only reason the poll numbers are so high right now with the border is because they’re experiencing it. They’re seeing it firsthand. He told them from the very, very beginning, if Biden is in the White House, you’re going to have open borders. It’s going to be a complete and utter disaster. He’s going to let in human traffickers, child traffickers, gang members, terrorists. It’s going to be a complete and utter nightmare in this country.

Did the people believe him? No. What did they do? They voted for Biden. Well, yes, I know he had a lot of ballots, but there were still Democrats that voted for him. Now what are they seeing? They’re seeing something very different. It’s not because Trump told them, it’s because they’re seeing it. They’re experiencing it. This is how you wake the people up and, yes. Do they have to see more? Absolutely.

And people, they get it. We’re starting to see people saying, yes, this is an invasion. Rasmussen again put out this poll. How accurate is it to describe the current situation with migrants at the border with Mexico as an invasion of the United States? The white, this is how I broke it down. White, black, other minority, white, 60% yes, it’s an invasion. The black population, 74% yes, it’s an invasion.

Other minority, 73% yes, it’s an invasion. So everyone agrees that it is an invasion. And we’re being invaded by these people, military aged men. What happens when these military aged men act out? What happens when they go against this country? What happens if they’re in the armed forces because they’re in the quick path to citizenship and this is what the DS want. What happens when they go up against the constitution and they turn on the people of this country? Is this treason at the highest level? Is this an internal war now? Because now they’re in our country? I do believe so.

And we could see that this is all playing out. We’re going to be talking a little bit more about this a little bit later. But first, let’s talk about what’s happening with Elon Musk now. Again, they’re trying to shut down Elon Musk because, remember, he owns X. He’s allowing people to speak freely. Not everyone. Yet there’s many thousands of people that haven’t been brought back on to X, but there are a lot of people out there that are on X speaking freely, and they’re actually trying to bankrupt him.

They’re trying to force him out. Why? Because they need to regain control. And you can see that they’re pushing very, very hard. Kenneth the great put this out and said judge Kathleen McCormick rescinded Elon Musk’s 55 billion Tesla compensation package, overturning the company’s board and 80% of its shareholders. McCormick also ruled against Elon Musk during his Twitter acquisition. Kim. com responded to this and said Biden corruption cost Elon Musk 55 billion is just the beginning.

Democrats won’t stop until Elon is kicked out of his companies, his fortune gone and his reputation destroyed. That’s what happens to tech entrepreneurs with a conscious. And remember, they’re not just doing this to Elon, this is also what they’re doing to Trump. Remember, a lot of these are civil cases, and these civil cases have a very high price tag. We could see with E. Jean Carroll is at $83 million.

So that puts a lot of pressure on Trump. Yes, I know he’s going to appeal and stuff like that, but think about it. $83 million, that’s how much you owe. Then we’re going to have Judge Angorin. What do you think he’s going to rule? You think he’s going to rule like, oe owes 200, 300, $400 million? They’re trying to do the same exact thing, put as much pressure on Trump, put as much pressure on Elon.

We want them to fold, and if they don’t fold, we’ll continue to destroy them all the way down the line. This is how the deep state works. And I do believe they’re probably absolutely shocked that they have tried everything with Trump from the very, very beginning. And any normal person, they would have folded a long time ago because most people wouldn’t be able to take this amount of pressure.

Trump is taking it all. He’s actually getting hit with all the slings and arrows, and they’re continually doing this, trying to put as much pressure on him as possible. And I do believe this is why Nikki Haley’s standing in the wings waiting to see if he’s going to fold. Now, I do believe he will never, ever fold because I do believe he’s in control as the commander in chief.

And yes, these are civil suits. But again, he needed to have control over the other parts of the country. I do believe he could take care of this with the appeals because they really don’t have a case. There’s no victims, there’s no proof of anything. And any judge that’s following the rule of law, they will actually completely reverse all of this. Just like if you go back in time to Aventi and you go back to all those cases, what happened? All the crooks, all the criminals, everything was turned around and they went to jail.

They’re the ones who had the problem. And what do you think is going to happen with E. Jean Carroll and all these other people? Well, it’s going to be shown that they’re the ones who made up all this information, and they should have to pay the 83 million, they should have to pay for all the attorney fees and all those people that were on their side pushing this fake case and the judges and everything else, they should be disbarred and they should pay up.

And I do believe in the end, we might see something like that now. We could see that the people of this world, they are now starting to rise up, not just with the economy and with what’s happening with the farmers, but they’re starting to understand what the World Economic Forum, the central bank, is actually doing. And they’re not going along with these extreme ideologies and misinformation and everything else that they’re putting out there.

Actually, thousands of Swedes, they’re marching in Stockholm to protest the taxpayer fund and news channel, accusing them of spreading extreme ideologies and misinformation. And I do believe this is going to spread as time goes on and more and more people are going to rise up, and we see it happening across the globe, because all you got to do is show the deep state players. And that’s exactly what Trump has been doing.

He’s been showing the people, look at the deep state players, look at what they want to do to this country, not just the country, but the world. And look what they’re pushing and the people, they’re rejecting all of this. I mean, as we go through this year, we’re going to see World War II build up. And we’re already starting to see this right now. Right now, Britain is going to test fire a nuclear missile with a dummy warhead from a submarine in the Atlantic.

We were told to watch the water, and we’re starting to see a lot of strange things happening out in the water. We have North Korea with their new weapon that can create a radioactive tsunami. We know that North Korea, they have a sub that can fire ballistic missiles. And North Korea right now is showing every sign of becoming the trigger for World War II. Remember, this is what they wanted to do to Trump.

They were going to use North Korea. And I do believe it was going to be the deep state. I do believe it was going to be a rogue sub where they were going to fire a missile into the United States to start the war. But Trump countered all of this when he was in the White House and he made peace with Kim Jong un, and he started the right letters to Kim Jong un.

He didn’t use email, he used the phone, and he made sure he was in communication. And the people of this country and the world saw him walk across the DMZ. Now we have North Korea and yes, many other hotspots around the world where you see war is now building and building and building, and I do believe it’s going to build as time goes on. And like we said before, Trump was being interviewed by Maria Baroma, and he did mention that most likely 100%, there’s going to be some type of terrorist attack in this country.

And I do believe this is going to wake a lot of people up, because the people are going to start to realize, wait a minute, look what’s happening here. We’re starting war with Iran right now. We have terrorists coming into this country, and now they attacked us from within. And Biden allowed this to happen. And I do believe these people that are coming into this country, they’re getting prepared and ready to attack us in all different ways.

And actually, Tony Suruga on X put out something very interesting, and this is what he says. The US has authorized strikes on Iran, iranian targets in Iraq and Syria, and potentially Iran. Iran has said that they will retaliate if the US decides to go ahead with these strikes, regardless if there are any casualties. China, Russia, North Korea, and even us allies Saudi Arabia are siding with Iran. Chatter is that these bad boys will be used against major american cities.

And he’s showing a picture of a drone. Add chinese EMP attacks, cyberattacks, and then on the ground saboteurs, and the average American will not know if they’re coming or going. The plan is to overwhelm and panic the entire populace. With eight to 12 million recent arrivals, you can bet they’ll go rogue. Like I said, months ago, waves of 911 size attacks. So once again, they might use some type of drones.

And actually, Trump is letting us know there might be an attack. So we might see something happen like this, and we could see that this would scare a lot of people. And we know that we’re approaching war now. Again, we are in war. And never forget that this is an information war. We’re at war with the deep state players. If Trump was not in the way, most likely these people would be rounding up people in this country and putting them in prison because of their political views.

Why do you think Biden is out there saying a MAGA extremist domestic terrorists? Why do you think they’re arresting people that never went into the Capitol? Let’s talk about protecting ourselves online. It’s now been revealed that thousands of websites share your information with social media giants. Most of us know that our every move online is tracked. It’s no longer surprise when we get an ad for a product we previously searched for.

But what’s the extent of this invasion of privacy? Turns out it’s massive a recent report reveals an average 2230 companies will send your data to the most popular social media platforms. This is why myself, along with tens of thousands of people, are starting to protect their personal data against this mass privacy invasion with virtual shield. Virtual Shield is the industry leading VPN offering military grade encryption, a strict no log policy, and a built in id monitoring that comes with a massive 1 million identity theft protection insurance policy.

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Their 16 year plan was to destroy America from within. And Trump, he’s showing you exactly what they’re trying to do to wake the people up. So the people fight back. And I don’t mean fight back, going out with their weapons and shooting people and having a bloody war. Fight back and vote these people out. Vote those people that are doing the dirty work for those unelected people. Because remember, the unelected people, they can’t do anything without the installed people.

Because if you have patriots in Congress, and you have patriots, and their allegiance is to the United States, the patriots would not go along with the unelected people. If you install your people, your foot soldiers into Congress, can you have them do certain things? Absolutely. And that’s why you see all of this happening right now. And Trump, he needed to show the entire population, look how evil, look what they’re trying to do to this country.

And people, they’re seeing it now, just like they’re seeing crime all over the place. And it’s getting worse and worse, especially out in DC. A former Trump administration official, Michael Gill, has died after being shot during a carjacking in DC. Trump he put this out on truth and said, wonderful and brilliant. Mike Gill, a highly respected member of the Trump administration, was ruthlessly and viciously shot in the head during a carjacking in DC.

He was a special person. His family and friends are devastated. The federal government must take over DC. God bless Michael and his family. And yes, Trump, he’s going to have to take over DC and remove the mayor. And yes, he does have the ability to do that. And I do believe we’re going to see that done because remember, he needs to control the entire situation. Does he have control now? Yes.

When the people vote him back in, is he going to have ultimate control? Absolutely. Will he be able to do many things that he couldn’t do before? Absolutely. Why? Because the people will be with him. And when he starts to point out all the different candidates, the people are going to understand, wait a minute, we can’t have these installed puppets in there anymore. We need patriots in Congress.

We need to get rid of all these people. Remember, Trump just can’t come along and just remove the elected people. The people must remove the elected people. And I do believe we’re going to see a big change coming up in this election. But once again, they’re going to try to stop Trump every step of the way. And yes, they brought all these different indictments, civil cases and everything else, and they’re going to put as much pressure on them as possible.

But again, it’s not working. It’s falling apart. And it doesn’t mean they’re not going to try, especially in the civil cases. With them coming up with a verdict of millions and millions of dollars, they’re going to put as much pressure on them as possible. But in the end, this is all going to fail and it’s going to fail big. But again, people need to see it play out and people need to see exactly what’s happening.

And you can see that. Judge Ngoron well, it looks like the verdict in this civil trial has been delayed, which is very interesting because again, Nikki Haley is staying in the race until South Carolina. And I do believe they’re going to put out this verdict around that period of time. And the court did not specify why Angoran is taking extra time on his verdict. Reports have suggested a letter from the former federal judge Barbara Jones sent on January 26 is likely a factor in the delay.

Jones has been serving as the court appointed monitor overseeing the Trump Organization’s financial report since November 2022. In her letter, Jones told Angoron that she identified certain deficiencies in the financial information that she has reviewed. So I wonder if this is being delayed on purpose because they’re waiting for the right moment. Remember, timing is everything. And I do believe they’re probably waiting for South Carolina. The end. Because again, in Nevada, Nikki Haley has no delegates, so they’ll wait for South Carolina.

And I do believe they’ll probably come out with a verdict. Judge and Gordon will come out with a verdict, probably 300, 400. I wouldn’t even be surprised if he says it’s a billion dollars just to put a lot of pressure on Trump to have him fold. Do I believe this is going to work? Absolutely not. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is that the election interference case in DC has been removed from the court calendar and it’s postponed indefinitely.

Now, they were going to have this on March 4, right before Super Tuesday, and this looks like this is a blow to the radical Obama judge, Tanya Chukin, and they are now having problems with this. Now, what’s very interesting is that shipwreck crew put this out on X and explains why this happened. He said. Everyone posting theories about why the US versus Trump DC case was removed from the March 3 calendar, which I noted here yesterday.

Are making clowns of yourself. Your guesses are idiotic. Tomorrow was the day the juror questionnaires were supposed to be returned to the court by prospective jurors and given to the parties. Was a questionnaire ever prepared? No. The case has been stayed, so no questionnaires will be received. There were procedures in place to review the questionnaire over the next several days, and each side was make requests as to which jurors to excuse without the need for them to come to court for jury selection.

None of that is happening. Also, the logistics of bringing in several hundred prospective jurors is daunting. The DC district court is not that big. Doing that requires a lot of pre planning by court staff. Has any of that been done? Probably not. Were juror summonsons even sent out to several hundred prospective jurors? Maybe, maybe not. These are the nuts and bolts details of how a jury trial happens.

You don’t just have hundreds of potential spontaneous walk through the door on the first day of a trial as prospective jurors. If none of it has taken place, then it has been a given for weeks that the trial would not start as scheduled on March 4. But there was the possibility that March 4 could have been used as a date to get the juror questionnaire sent out at least.

But because Trump is not obligated to participate at all in trial prep activities while the case is pending on appeal, the questionnaire has never been done. One of the first question is do you have any plans that would make it impossible for you to be a juror from March 3 to May 3? Well, you can’t send that out until you know what the start date will be. So all you supposedly in the know extras just stop posting nonsensical conspiracy theories about the court.

Not Jack Smith removed the trial from the March 4 calendar so we could see that this was dropped. Well, Julie Kelly responded and said Trump DC trial drops off court’s March calendar. This is why media is pressuring DC circuit to rule on immunity issues. Everyone was preparing for historic March 4 trial in Washington and now that’s gone March 1 hearing in Florida as Judge Cannon wants an update from Jack Smith about status of DC trial.

J Bratt claimed DC trial would be resolved before classified Doc’s case went to trial on May 20. Canon was doubtful. This should be fun. Even if appellate court files a decision tomorrow upholding Chukin’s denial of immunity, Trump can ask for an end bank decision by DC circuit. Obama heavy court will deny prompting Cert to SCOTUS. If SCOTUS accepts erlist, it could be resolved. Is end of June, end of term.

This backdates J six trial six months from time Chukin put pretrial proceedings on hold. She has said all suspended time will be accounted for in preparation for trial. So DC trial looks unlikely before election. Is SCOTUS fast tracks also unlikely? It still appears impossible. This trial happens before November and SCOTUS decision on 1512 C two half of Smith’s indictments could prove fatal to case anyway. So it looks like it’s not working out for the deep state players and they’re having major problems.

And even Fanny Willis is having problems because Representative Jim Jordan asked the question, did Fanny Willis misuse federal grant money for personal benefit? Did she misuse Georgia taxpayer money for personal benefit? Why aren’t Democrats asking these questions? Jim Jordan has subpoenaed Fanny Willis. Trump put this out on truth and said the following Fanny Willis, the DA of Fulton county, just admitted to having a sexual relationship with the prosecutor she, in consultation with the White House and DOJ, appointed to get President Trump.

By going after the most high level person and the republican nominee, she was able to get her lover much more money, almost a million dollars, than she would be able to get for the prosecution of any other person or an individual. That means this scam is totally discredited and over. Absolutely. And you can see the deep state players, Biden, they’re having a very, very difficult time with this.

Remember, they’re trying every way possible to get Trump and to keep the Republicans off the ballot. So if you really start to look at it, you can see that they’re trying to indict Trump as many times as possible. They’re trying to make Trump pay these enormous fines, these rulings that come out like 83 million. I wouldn’t be surprised if Angorin comes up with a half a billion dollars or maybe even a billion dollars, because they’re trying to put a lot of pressure on Trump.

And they’re doing that at the same time they’re trying to get Trump off the ballot. Remember, they’re using all of these different tactics to go after Trump, to get him off of the ballot, to get him out of the election. They want him to fold and they’re putting a lot of pressure on him right now as we approach South Carolina, because they know once he becomes the nominee, they’re going to have to move into the next phase.

But you could see they’re using the ballot thing not just for Trump, but for other Republicans. And if you look out in Oregon, what are they doing? Well, Oregon Democrats, they’re banning ten GOP lawmakers from the ballot for same action Democrats took in multiple states. So this is what they’re trying to do. They’re trying to remove people from the ballot. And this is what dictators do. This is what a tyrannical government does.

They remove their opponents. So the Oregon Supreme Court has ruled that ten republican lawmakers may not seek reelection because they participated in a walkout last year over a policy dispute. And according to the rule in Oregon, called measure one, 1310 or more, unexcused absences disqualifies one from seeking reelection. And yes, they’re going to try to use this in Republicans in those states that are completely and utterly corrupt, like Oregon and many other states, the blue states, they are going to use this type of tactic, but in the end, it’s going to fail like everything else, because again, this is going to be appealed.

And you just can’t remove people off the ballots because you decided, hey, here’s a rule after the fact, because these people walked out, even though they walked out, too. So again, they’re trying to use whatever they possibly can to remove as many Republicans and remove Trump. But again, this is all going to fail. And remember all those fake articles out there saying that, oh, look, RFK Jr. He’s running in a different party.

He’s not in a Democrat party anymore. And this is going to take votes away from Trump and it’s going to hurt Trump. Well, it looks like that was fake news once again. And we knew that the MAGA people were never going to switch to RFK Jr. That’s absolutely ridiculous, actually. When the population sees the entire country being destroyed by Biden, what do you think people will do? They’ll probably go to RFK Jr.

First and then to Trump. And that’s exactly what we’re seeing. Julian’s run put this out and said Harvard Cap’s Harris poll shows Trump leading Biden by seven points, 48% to 41%. Trump leads rose to eight points, with Kennedy added in the mix. In a three way race, Trump scored 41% to Biden, 33% to Kennedy’s 18%. And it was never going to happen where RFK was going to take voters away from Trump.

Actually, this is benefiting Trump. And as things get worse and worse, it’s going to benefit him. We had MSNBC talking to individuals who actually voted for Biden. Now they see the economy breaking down, they see what’s happening in the country. And these voters right now, they’re saying, listen, with Trump, we had money in our pocket, and now with Biden, we don’t have any money. And every day it’s getting harder and harder.

And this is what the population is learning. And this is what the population is seeing right now. They’re also seeing that Biden, remember when he was running for 2020 presidential election, he said he was going to reverse everything that Trump was doing. Well, he did do that, and then he reversed it back because he started to realize, holy crap, I need votes now. I need to actually go back to what Trump did, because everything that I did is destroying the country.

And the people now are seeing this. And the New York Post put this out and said Biden reverses course, reinstates numerous Trump era policies like hooties, borderwall and oil. So Biden rode into office promising to undo his predecessor’s work, only to quietly revert to Trump era policies and initiatives across an array of fronts. So Biden has quietly reverted to Trump’s policies. So on Trump’s last day in office, Trump imposed tough sanctions on a russian vessel and its parent company involved in the construction of the Nordstream two pipeline, a project that would have doubled Russia’s capacity to send natural gas to Europe.

Well, it looks like Biden reimposed the Nordstream sanctions just hours before Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022. The pipeline was ultimately destroyed in September 2022 amid mysterious circumstances, which we know Biden orchestrated. And we could see the same thing with the hooties. Biden said, okay, they’re not terrorists. And then all of a sudden, the hooties started to attack ships. And they said, okay, let’s put the designation of terrorists back on the hooties.

In October, Biden made a U turn and cleared the way for new border wall construction. And we know why he did this one. It’s not because he wanted to close the border, because he needed the money for Ukraine, but he knew the border was wide open because he opened it. So he said, okay, you know what? I’ll close the border. So actually, he’s letting the people know that everything that Trump did, that was the right thing to do.

And when he undid it, we saw chaos. And then he wanted to put it back because he needed certain things. I think the people see this very, very clearly, and I think people see exactly what’s happening with the illegals, how they’re all pouring into this country. And you can see their plan starting to form right now. And we have Senator Durbin of Illinois, and he said something very, very interesting where he said that we need to allow the illegals to join the armed forces because this will give them a fast path to citizenship.

Because he said, look, right now with the armed forces, we’re not having the american people join the armed forces. We’re not getting the recruitment numbers. So we need to build this up, and we need to allow the illegals who are coming into this country to join the armed forces. Now, again, these people have no allegiance to this country. And once again, what do you think is going to happen if we get into war or if their masters tell them what to do? They’re going to turn on America.

But just take a listen to what he said. I hope I describe it accurately says that if you are an undocumented person in this country and you can pass the physical and the required test, background test, the like, you can serve in our military. And if you do it honorably, we will make you citizens of the United States. Do we need that? Do you know what the recruiting numbers are at the army and the navy and the air force? They can’t reach their quotas each month.

They can’t find enough people to join our military forces. And there are those who are undocumented who want the chance to serve and risk their lives for this country. Should we give them the chance I think we should. So we know that they want to bring illegals in there. So are they going to follow their oath? Are they going to adhere to the constitution? No, of course they’re not, because they have no allegiance to this country.

Why would they adhere to their oath? Do they even believe what they’re saying? No, absolutely not. And Trump, he did warn everyone of all this. Joe Rambo put this out and said, trump just confirmed my theory. 26,000 military age males. What are we building? A little army? Take a listen to what Trump says here. 6000 people from China, all young males. Okay, so what’s going on with that? 26,000 people just was reported over a short period of time.

This isn’t a long period of time. So what, are we building a little army in our country? And we have a guy now. Just think about this. Think about what we talked about on Thursday, about the simulation where they were saying, okay, there’s going to be this group just like the Oath Keepers, and they’re going to turn on America. And those people that are with the armed forces, they’re going to turn on Biden because Trump is going to lose.

So I do believe it’s the actual opposite of what they’re planning. And I think we’re starting to see this all form now, because who are they trying to bring into the armed forces? The illegals? Who do you think is going to turn when Biden loses or Michelle Obama loses and the deep state loses? Well, they’re going to turn on everyone else to keep the deep state in power.

And I do believe in the end, they will not leave the White House. They will push back very, very hard. Because what’s going to happen? I do believe what’s going to happen, and we could see that things are building. I do believe in the end, when they realize they can’t cheat, they’re going to have to try to postpone the election, but this is not going to work out in their benefit.

And remember, the Department of Justice and Federal Bureau of Investigation, they announced that they were able to disrupt a massive chinese cyber espionage campaign called Volt Typhoon that penetrated critical american infrastructure. Volt Typhoon was detected and made public by Microsoft cybersecurity team in May 2023. Microsoft described the perpetrators as a state sponsored hackers from China who were developing capabilities that could disrupt critical communications infrastructure between the United States and Asia region during future crisis.

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency CISA of the Department of Homeland Security, DHS, said in December that China was clearly prepositioning cyber warfare assets to disrupt or destroy the critical infrastructure in the event of a conflict, to either prevent the United States from being able to project power into Asia or to cause societal chaos inside the United States. You mean like a communication blackout, maybe some power outage or to disrupt the elections? Yes, that’s exactly what they want to do.

Just human put this out and said. The US Justice Department said Wednesday that the FBI sent commands to hundreds of infected small office and home Office routers to remove malware chinese state sponsored hackers were using to wage attacks for critical infrastructure. So that’s very interesting. Rasmussen reports responded to this and said, but Wi Fi modems inside american electronic voting systems are tolerated because no bad foreign actor would ever wait.

So let’s think about this. We know that the election infrastructure is connected to the Internet. Yes. They download patches, they test it. They do all these things. What happens if Malware was inserted already into the election system? What happens if malware was already inserted into certain national infrastructure? Because, look, the FBI just came out and said, listen, they knew about this. They were zapping it. What happens if there’s other malware that they don’t know about or they do know about and they allowed it to happen? Because in the end, when everything starts to fall apart for them and they can’t cheat in the election, and remember, they overthrew the United States government, what are they going to have to do? They’re going to have to shut down the elections one way or another.

And that reminds me of post 724. And Anon on the board said something very interesting about Red October, and it’s not hunt for Red October, but Red October was a cyber espionage malware discovered in October 2012 to January 2013. It operated worldwide for up to five years before it was discovered. It sent info ranging from diplomatic secrets to personal information, including from mobile devices. Red October was termed an advanced cyber espionage campaign intended to target diplomatic, governmental, scientific research organizations worldwide.

So the question is, what happens if something else was inserted and it was done on purpose to shut down everything here? I do believe that might happen. And think about if that does happen. There are certain safeguards in place where we will no longer use the computer systems to run the election. I do believe CISA has certain things in place where they’ll revert to paper ballots. Now, this is an attack on the United States.

And if we are attacked within the country and we have certain foot soldiers start to move into position and maybe we have drone attacks or other attacks, what happens with the invasion in this country? The invasion then looks like an army. And if they start attacking the United States, well, is that an attack on the country? Does the military somehow, some way, do they need to do something? Will Biden then activate them? I do believe so.

And remember, during this period of time, I do believe they’re going to try, or they’re probably already doing it, letting a lot of these legals into the military, and they do not adhere to our constitution. The oath that they’re taking, they really don’t care about it because they don’t care about this country. Their allegiance doesn’t lie with this country. So we’re going to see infiltration like we’ve never seen before.

And I do believe they’re going to use these people to their advantage. Think about that simulation that they had where they said Trump was going to lose. Trump was going to use the military. I do believe it’s going to be them. And I do believe this is why on the post it always said, remember your oath. Let’s go back to post 21 78. It says, remember your oath.

United we stand. And this was Admiral Rogers reciting the oath to all his people. And they were reciting the oath to the United States. Then we have post 4413. It’s the american flag. Down below it says, those loyal to our constitutional republic and our command structure, those loyal to the office of the president and the will of the people, those who swore an oath to protect and defend against all enemies, foreign and domestic, those people who serve proudly for America, Castle Rock for God and country.

What happens if the castle is going to be rocked again? We saw it back in January 6. Remember, this is their 2025 insurrection. What happens if Biden and those deep state players swamp creatures, what happens if they turn and they use their foot soldiers to keep the White House? What happens if they don’t want to leave? That makes a lot more sense now with remember your oath for those people that are truly american and those people swore an oath to defend this country from foreign and domestic enemies.

Let’s go to post 4543. This is June 29, 2020. It says loyalist critical a counterattack to the first law and order strike prepared and ready in an effort to change the narrative, prevent blind mass public awareness. Re coordinated effort to remove sitting US POTUS covertly disrupt chain of command regional calm as needed media plans to disregard and inject script some commanding officers Eos may provide classroom one through 99 that do not reflect those one through 99 of the POTUS or the AG of the United States.

Appropriate action should be taken. Remember your oath. Remember your mission infiltration not invasion. Defend and protect at all costs. And I do believe we are now headed down that path with the cyber information that just came out with understanding that they were placing malware in the system. It looks like all the pieces are starting to come together with the DS saying that they want to put the illegals to a fast path to citizenship and putting them in the armed forces.

It’s all starting to make sense. And I do believe Trump and the patriots, they knew that they would follow this path. They knew that they were going to use their foot soldiers. And in the end, Trump needed them to follow this because remember, they’re building war, the economy is crashing. People see the illegals, there’s going to be a terrorist attack. This will wake up a lot of people.

This will make it a lot easier for what needs to be done. Will people then accept paper ballots if all of this is happening? I do believe so, and I do believe that’s exactly what we’re heading. Now. The other thing that’s very interesting is that Dan Scovino put out, and he put this video out before, but it looks like there’s dogs, and Trump’s on the tv and he’s know, sit down.

He’s actually talking to reporters, but the dogs, they started to sit. So it looks like there are more dog comms right now. Does that mean we’re going to see another distraction with a funeral coming up very, very soon? It’s starting to look that way. And I do believe everything that is happening right now is part of the plan where they need the deep state players to go down this path, and they need them to set certain things up so the people are able to take back this country.

Remember, everything that has been done is for the 2024 election. Everything that has been put into place is to take control of the country, to make sure that the deep state heads down the path that we want them to head down and have the people have the ability to actually vote and have their vote count. Because remember, if you’re playing in the deep state election system, your vote is not really going to count because it’s not an open, free, transparent system that works for we the people.

It’s a system that is developed to cheat and have the deep state win every single time. So I think Trump needs to remove this, and I think he thought of a plan and maybe something else will happen during this entire path down to the 2024 election. But he’s come up with a plan to make sure that the people have their vote. And I do believe and he said it many, many times before.

The only way to do that is to have paper ballots. The only way to do that is to protect the elections. The only way to do that is to actually count the votes that day. And that removes foreign actors, that removes the deep state players, that removes everything, especially if you have the National Guard, you have the military, who are following their oath to protect our most sacred elections.

And I do believe Trump and the patriots, they’re setting the deep state up. And the people, they’re going to take back the country in the end. And, yes, the deep state, they’re going to try to stop it. But again, the patriots are in control. Listen, everyone, thanks a lot for listening. Be well, be safe, and especially be prepared. Thanks a lot. .

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