Ep 3271b – [DS] Is Setting Up The Civil War Narrative Cyber Attacks Timing Is Everything: X22 Report

Posted in: News, Patriots, X22 Reports



➡ X22 Report talks about how some people are trying to stop Trump from winning the 2024 election. They’re using different ways to make him look bad, like saying he broke laws or trying to make him look guilty. But these plans aren’t working and Trump is becoming more popular. The podcast also talks about how heating your home is getting more expensive and recommends a portable heater to save money.
➡ The text talks about how the next election might be different because more people might vote for Trump. It also suggests that there could be cyber attacks from countries like Iran and China, which might affect things like our power and water systems. The text also mentions that some people are worried about a civil war, but the author doesn’t think that will happen. Lastly, it talks about how some people are trying to take away our right to have guns and form groups to protect ourselves.
➡ Some people who believe in abortion got upset when a group of Christians prayed and sang at an abortion center. The Christians were peaceful, but they were arrested and could go to jail for 11 years. This is similar to how people in the past were punished for going against what others believed. But history shows that when people are united, they are strong and can stand up against those who try to control them.
➡ People are noticing that the government is not being honest about the situation at the border. The border is not secure, and many people are coming into the country without proper checks. Some people believe this is part of a plan to change America.
➡ The number of people coming across the border has been increasing over the years. This is causing problems for American cities and costing a lot of money. The president could stop this by changing his policies.
➡ In the past, other presidents have said that it’s important to control the border to stop illegal immigration and other problems. But they didn’t do much to stop people from coming in illegally. Now, many people are coming in and it’s causing problems.
➡ The text talks about concerns over illegal immigrants being used for political gain and causing chaos. It also discusses fears of a potential war and the importance of being prepared, including the use of gas masks for protection. The text criticizes current political leaders and their actions, especially regarding border control and international relations.
➡ This text talks about fears of cyber attacks and wars, possibly to delay elections. It mentions a group called Volt Typhoon that hacked into many places to let the Chinese government see their data. The text also talks about worries of attacks in the U.S., possibly through cyber attacks or missiles. Lastly, it discusses concerns about the World Health Organization having too much control and issues with diversity and inclusion efforts.
➡ This article talks about how people are starting to question the news they see and do their own research to find the truth. It also mentions some people in power who are being accused of doing wrong things. Lastly, it talks about a new law that might be made to stop groups of people from forming their own armies.
➡ This text talks about how Donald Trump and his supporters are doing well in polls against Joe Biden. It suggests that people are worried about the government taking away their rights, like the right to have guns. The writer believes that Trump and his team will not let the same things happen in the next election as they believe happened in 2020. They also think that the government might try to scare people into supporting them, but that this will backfire and make people support Trump instead.


And welcome. You’re listening to the x 22 report. My name is David. This episode 3272 Bn. Today’s date is January 31, 2024, and the thought of the episode is deep state is setting up the civil War narrative. Cyberattacks timing is everything. Let’s talk about being prepared. It’s freezing, but cranking up the heat is going to cost you a lot of money. Experts previously warned that heating bills will jump to the most expensive in more than a decade, and it’s holding true.

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Order now before this offer ends by going to getwarmnow. com. That is getwarmnow. com or click the link in the description. Let’s get into the economic collapse, political and geopolitical news now. The deep state, the corrupt politicians, big tech fake news, the puppet masters. It seems now that they are now building up the narrative for a civil war. And this doesn’t mean there’s going to be a civil war.

But you can see the deep state players. They are preparing everything. Remember, their entire strategy right now is to make sure that Trump doesn’t win the 2024 election and think about all the time and money that was spent in 2020. They released a virus. They put out fake numbers. They had doctors, they had the who, they had everyone all in on it, making it a very big, coordinated effort to make sure that Trump doesn’t win the 2020 elections.

And here in the United States, what did they do? They scared the people enough where they put dropboxes into place. They had people use mail in ballots, and they made the people so afraid that they wouldn’t go outside so they would have to use the mail in ballots in the dropboxes and they put their cheating system into place. Now, I do believe Trump of the patriots, they actually set all this up to make sure that they would go forward with their plan because they had to take their cheating system to the next level.

And by taking it next level, it was very, very easy to actually capture everything that they have done, because again, they’ve always had their cheating system. They’ve always had their systems in place. The patriots, Trump and the patriots, what they needed them to do is they needed these people to go far above and beyond of what they were doing. So this way, it was completely and utterly noticeable how they were cheating.

So if they spent all this time, all this money prepping for that moment where they had an insurrection on November 3, and they completed that insurrection on January 6, what do you think they’re going to do for 2024? Do you think they’re just going to sit by and just say, well, I guess if Trump wins, he wins and we’re out of luck here? No, they’ve been planning for this for a very long time, and it’s a multi phase plan.

The first part of the plan was to actually indict Trump as soon as he made his announcement. And they decided, okay, what we’re going to do is we’re going to use many different indictments. And yes, we’re going to look for certain documentation. We’re going to say he violated the presidential Records act, which he did not. And we’re going to look for certain classified information to see which direction and what his plan is.

And we need to look for all that information. And while we’re doing that, we will go ahead and indict him not once, not twice, not three times, but four times. And hopefully, with all these indictments, the people of this country, they decide, you know something, he’s in way too much trouble. We’re not going to vote for him, so we’re going to vote for a different candidate. Well, that completely and utterly backfired on them.

Then they decided, you know what? We’ll drag him in and we’ll take a mug shot. Well, Trump, he made millions of dollars selling the mugs and t shirts, and his poll numbers went up again. Now what are they looking to do? They’re looking to convict him. They’re hoping that if they can get a conviction, well, people will just drop him and say, you know something, he’s not even worth it anymore.

He got indicted. He got a mug shot. Now he’s convicted. And you know something? Maybe we better look for a different candidate. Well, we know that this is going to fail also. So this is the multi phase plan, and I do believe that is the beginning stages of their plan to try to knock him down and get the people to move away from him. But instead it’s having the opposite effect.

Trump is becoming more and more popular. He’s having more and more rallies. We could see that they couldn’t knock him out of this position. Yes, Nikki Haley is standing by because I do believe there’s going to be news coming down the pike and she’s hoping that she will get all the delegates and she will be the nominee. But again, this is going to fail also. And eventually what’s going to happen is she’s going to drop out and Trump will be the nominee.

So they tried to stop Trump in the very, very beginning. They tried to stop him from becoming the nominee, but again, he’s going to become the nominee. Now, we have word that they’re planning to do what? Well, since he’s the nominee, what do they got to do? They need to remove him one way or another. That’s why you hear Alex Soros talking about assassination. This is why Tucker Carlson, when he was having an interview with Trump, he asked him about assassination.

And this is their next part of their plan. Most likely, they’re going to try to scare him and if they can, maybe even assassinate him. Now, I do believe that this is going to fail. I don’t believe they’re going to be able to pull this one off and this is going to make Trump even more popular than he was before. So this multipronged plan is failing at every stage.

So if all of this fails, where do they go next? Well, they understand that Biden will not be able to pull this off. And of course, this is why they moved the state of the union until March 7, because they’re waiting to see what happens with Trump and Nikki Haley and everything. And once they realize that Trump is the nominee, well, that’s when things start to really change.

This is when they’re going to have a change of batter and this is when they’re going to bring in someone else because they could see at this point if they’re going to use their cheating system, which they do have in place. Remember, they have all the illegals coming in and this is also part of their plan. Let’s have as many illegals coming into this country as possible because they need to replace the people that they’re losing.

Plus, they need enough of these people to allow them to cheat in the next election. But they can’t cheat with Biden because he just doesn’t have the numbers. And this is why they’re going to have a change of batter. And this is why they’re going to bring someone in who’s popular and supposedly clean. Now, is this going to work? This will probably give them a boost until information comes out against the Obamas.

And then people start to learn who and what they really are. Just like they learned about Biden. They learned that Biden is a criminal. He has shell companies. He’s been working with foreign governments. He’s been money laundering. He knows everything about his son’s business. He’s been dealing in his business, and he lied to the american people. So they’re going to learn that I’m talking about the people of this country, the same thing that they learned about Biden.

But this now is going to be focused on the Obamas. Now, of course, they’re going to push Michelle Obama, most likely, and they’re going to hope that they could cheat in the next election. And what they’re going to try to do is they’re going to see how many votes they have. They know their internal polling, they want to know how many people are with Trump. And they could tell already that the people are with him.

And they’re going to start to realize that this cheating system that they have in place that they used back in 2020 is not going to work this time around because Trump just doesn’t have 75 million people, 80 million people. I do believe he most likely will have anywhere between 100 and 3141 hundred and 50 million people voting for him, which means it’s going to be very, very difficult to cheat in the next election.

And I do believe that is why the deep state players now are preparing the narrative for a civil war, which there is going to be no civil war. But you have to remember why they’re preparing this, because they’re going to use their illegals to try to start something, and they are starting war at the same exact time. And we could see already that attacks are now coming into focus.

And yes, we could see that Biden is prepared and ready to go after Iran. Most likely they’re going to hit them with conventional weapons and they’re going to use cyberattacks against Iran. And I do believe the cyber wars have just begun, which means that these countries like Iran will actually retaliate and probably cyberattack the United States and probably hit certain infrastructure. Now, it’s not going to start off right off the bat where, hey, they just took down the entire power grid and everything’s out.

No, you’re going to see them build up the narrative. This is the way it works. And we could see already with China, we already have the FBI out there saying that they just shut down a cyber hacking team that’s from China, and they were actually attacking the infrastructure of the United States. So if these countries are going to be using attacks against United States, what are the ods that the attack hits? The election infrastructure, where they actually shut down the election system, and we can’t actually perform the election.

I do believe the odds are pretty darn good, because, again, Trump has let us know that we’re approaching war. I think people are starting to realize that we are definitely approaching war. We see things building up in the Middle east. We see that soldiers were killed. And now Biden is going to retaliate. What do you think the country is going to do after he retaliates? Do they see him as strong? Do they see him as a leader that will protect the United States? Or do they see him as a very weak man? Well, I do believe they see him as a very weak man, which means they’re going to attack the United States one way or another.

And I wouldn’t be surprised if other countries decide to join in on this. And the fake news, they start reporting that, yes, the infrastructure has been hit. You might see towns, their power might go out. They might hit their water systems. And all of a sudden, people start to realize, holy crap, we are vulnerable to cyber attacks. And I do believe they will be building this up the rest of the year, because as we approach the presidential election, they’re going to be watching everything very, very carefully, and they’re going to realize that the cheating system that they have in place is just not going to work this time around, especially as all the information comes out against the Obamas, because this is not going to help them at all, because the people are going to be learning the truth.

The people are going to learn whose treason is to this country. And this is going to put the Obamas in a very difficult position. And when you put the deep state players in a very difficult position, what do they do? They don’t just sit there and say, well, look, they got us, okay, now what are we going to do? No, they fight back. And yes, they’re going to push back very, very hard.

Because once again, how do you cover up your crimes? How do you have the biggest distraction in the world? Think about 911. Remember the 10 million or $10 billion that went missing? Then all of a sudden the towers went down. Did anyone ever bring that up again? Absolutely not. Why not? Because people forgot. Because there was a major, major disaster and people were distracted. If there is a war and we’re being attacked, do you think people are going to be distracted from all the crimes that they have committed? Absolutely.

That’s why the deep state will do this in the end. But I do believe Trump and the patriots, they are prepared for this and they realize that this is the path they’re going to take. And as they take this path, Trump, the patriots, they have something else planned. And I do believe they have paper ballots waiting in the wings. They have the ability to have an open, transparent election, and they have the ability to count the votes in one day, which means the deep state players in the end, will not accept these votes.

They will not accept the election. And that’s when they bring out the illegals. That’s when they bring out those people that would like to do us harm. And you could see they’re putting certain laws in place to make sure that the people of this country don’t have the ability to actually protect themselves. Remember, going back from the very beginning, it was infiltration from within. They were going to have young men, they are military age.

They were going to be spread out across this country. And yes, they will be able to get weapons. And they wanted to get rid of the weapons and make sure the people didn’t have the weapons so the people couldn’t fight against these people. This is why they’ve been pushing gun control for a very long time. Gun control has failed. Now they’re trying to introduce laws where people cannot form militias.

Think about this for a second. Why would they do this at this point? Because they understand that they can’t allow the people to come together. They can’t allow the people to be organized. But again, the second amendment allows us to do this. And yes, they will try to stop it, but they’re building the narrative up, trying to make it seem like there are extremists out there. The extremists are crazy.

And we just had a case of this individual who chopped off his father’s head because he called him treasonous. So they’re already building the narrative up. They’re already preparing to show that, look, here are the extremists. They’re crazy. But again, we’re not the crazy ones. It is them. Because true patriots are not going around decapitating their father. Again, they’re putting this into place. And by the way, the FBI knew about this guy.

They’re putting this into place for a specific reason. They’re trying to build an average, almost like having the Patriot Front group march around New York City and all other places where they’re holding the american flag. They have masks on, they have tan pants on. Oh, by the way, they’re feds. And they’re doing this on purpose because they’re trying to build that narrative. They’re trying to set the stage for a civil war.

And if the people don’t join in, they will actually use their own people, have them dress up as MAGA people to try to start the civil war. You saw the whole thing happen on January 6. People were running around dressed up as maggot, even though they weren’t. They were confidential human sources, they were antifa, they were FBI, they were Capitol police. They did it on purpose because they needed to make sure that the people joined in.

And how do you get people to join in? You dress up like them and you say, look, everyone’s doing it, and this is what they’re going to try to do with the civil war. But I don’t believe the people are going to go along with this. I do believe this is going to fail like everything else, and this is going to leave them exposed. And yes, the military will get involved, because remember, Trump continually lets us know that there’s an invasion going on at the border and these people are invading our country.

And if these invaders decide to attack the country from within, well, are we at war? I do believe so. And I do believe certain things begin to happen. Now, we’re going to be talking a lot more about this a little bit later, but first, let’s talk about Harvard right now, because we could see the plagiarism just doesn’t start with the head of the college. It’s going to every single position right now.

Chris Brunette put this out and said 40 allegations of plagiarism against Harvard’s chief diversity officer. Have you noticed it’s always the same exact people? It’s all the installed people, it’s all the diversity people. It seems that they’re the criminals. They plagiarize, they steal people’s clothes out of their suitcases. It seems like it’s all the same exact pattern. And you can see it is. Why? Because what does the deep state do? They find the criminals, they find the low lives, and they put them in these positions.

And you can see it’s the same mo over and over and over. Now, the other thing that we see is that the deep state players, yes, they’re coming after the people of this country. They don’t like people going up against what they believe, and they believe in abortion and they don’t want people pushing against this. And what’s very interesting is that christian protesters, they prayed and they sang hymns and they were sitting peacefully in the lobby of the abortion center.

And these individuals, they were arrested and now they faced eleven years in prison for praying and singing. So they weren’t violent. They were just sitting around. They were praying, they were singing. But look what they’re doing. They’re making an example out of all these people. This is why they did this to the January 6 people. This is why they’re doing it to these people. Because if you go up against what we are doing, we’re going to make examples out of you.

If you go back in time, this is what they did with their political prisoners. They made examples of them. Do not follow what these people do or else this is what’s going to happen to you. They’re doing the same thing right now. But are the people going to follow along in this? No. If you go and you look back in history, people never back down. Actually, this makes people push even harder.

And again, these people are going in the wrong direction. They’re going against the people. And the people, well, they’re the ones who call the shot in this country, and they’re the ones who have the power. Because once the people are united, and this is why they don’t want the people united. Once the people are united, you can’t fight against a united people because the people then have the strength.

And they know this. And the people, they’re watching all this play out once again. And the silent majority is not going to be silent anymore. And the people of this country, they’re watching the deep state players. They’re watching the crimes that they have committed. They’re watching exactly what they’re doing. They’re watching the open borders. They’re watching it all. And in the end, they’re going to actually show the deep state player who really has the power, especially with the border, because the people, they know when they’re being lied to, they know when they’re being gaslighted.

And that’s exactly what’s happening at the border right now. Maybe in the very beginning the people didn’t see it, but now, as the borders are completely and utterly wide open and they’ve been lied to time and time again, saying that the borders are secure. Well, and now the Biden administration is saying, if you want me to secure the border, you need to pass the bill. I think the people now see the truth of the matter.

And when you look at New York City, when you look at Chicago, when you look at all these different areas, the people, they’re starting to realize who they really care about more. They don’t care about the residents in the city. They care more about the illegals in New York. They’re going to screw 4000 legal residents out of a job so migrants can have them. So once again, we could see that new York, they’re putting the illegals ahead of the people of this country.

And by the way, the illegals, they’re allowed to move freely across the United States and they’re able to get onto planes without any type of id whatsoever. No checks, no nothing. Now think about the everyday american. They have to be screened. They have to show their id, they got to show their passport, they have to show proof. Illegals coming into this country, they don’t have to show anything.

Dave Rubin put this out on x and said, just snap this pic. This is the state of absolute insanity happening at our airports. I’m in the pre TSA line where migrants don’t have to have an id to get through security. And it’s their choice whether they want their picture taken. There is a plan to destroy America. Absolutely there is. And I think people are starting to realize what this plan is and that those people that are destroying America, they have infiltrated our country.

And this infiltration started a long time ago. It started back with Obama, if you noticed. He put many different people who had the faith of muslim brotherhood. He put them into place and then he started to bring in all these illegals going back to his day. And they tell you a really great story that, oh, no, we can’t shut the border. Oh, no, it’s too difficult. Oh, no, don’t worry.

We’re going to do our best. But again, it’s all lies. Trump showed you it was all lies because he was able to shut down the border with absolutely no problem whatsoever. And when you look at Elon Omar, you can see as clear as day her allegiance and many others are not with the United States. And we could see just by her press conference that she had where she admitted this.

Plus we could see who she’s retweeting. N Wokeness put this out and said, elon Omar just retweeted this person. This is from Mujahid Stafio. There is a power with numbers. Breed like rats and establish global dominance. Inshallah, the 21st century will see the great rise of Islam. Glory to be Allah. And then this is the pin tweet from Mujahid Stafio. Long live the great replacement. So that whole replacement theory is true.

And that’s exactly what they’re trying to do. This is why they’re bringing in millions and millions of illegals into this country, because eventually what they want. And actually, if you go back in time, Joe Biden let everyone know that soon the white people, they will be the minority, and we’re going to bring in many, many other people, and they will be the majority and they will replace the people of this country.

And you could see there are certain people in Congress that are assisting this because they’re part of the criminal syndicate. And this has been their plan for a very long time. Remember, it’s infiltration from within. Representative Tom Tiffany put this out and said 154 House Democrats voted against penalizing illegal aliens who evade border patrol. That’s how you know the Biden border invasion is intentional. Absolutely. And right now, Speaker Johnson, he is rejecting the pending border deal, and he should reject it because there’s no need for it.

Biden can go ahead and use the executive order just like he undid everything that Trump did. He could put everything back into place. And I think the people, they understand that he’s been lying to us from the very, very beginning. Because remember, may Horkus Biden and the White House press secretary, they’ve been saying that the border’s been secure, the border is fine, and now all of a sudden they need money and they’re telling us the border is not secure.

So which is it? I think the people understand this. I think the people aren’t fooled by this. And if you go back in time, Kenneco the great put this out. You can see how the border numbers have changed. 2012 364,000 2016 415,000 2018 404,000 2019 859,000 2021 1. 9 million 2022 2. 7 million 2023 3. 2 million that tells you everything you need to know. And remember Biden’s inaugural day.

He introduced policies that incentivize illegal immigration. Pause deportation suspended remain in Mexico. Stop border wall construction. Since Biden’s policy changes, over 8 million people have illegally entered the country, with millions more slipping past border patrol undetected. This surge in illegal immigration is a national security crisis, costing american taxpayers hundreds of billions per year. Major us cities, grappling with the escalating financial burden are slashing budgets for essential services such as fire, police and education.

Biden holds the power to halt this crisis that is draining America’s resources and endangering its citizens. The solution is as simple as the actions that led to this. Cris Biden should use his pen to reverse this executive order. And remember what Biden said. This is going back in time. No great nation can be in a position where they can’t control their borders. It matters how you control your borders, not just for immigration, but it matters for drugs, terror, and a whole range of things.

This is Barack Obama back in the day. We simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented, unchecked, and circumventing the line of people who are waiting patiently, diligently and lawfully to become immigrants in this country. Bill Clinton. All Americans, not only in the United States, most heavily affected, but in every place in this country, are rightly disturbed by the large number of illegal aliens entering our country.

The job they hold might otherwise be held by citizens or illegal immigrants. The public service they use imposes burdens on our taxpayers. That’s why our administration has moved aggressively to secure our border by hiring record number of new bodyguards, by deporting twice as many criminal aliens as ever before, by cracking down on illegal hiring, and by borrowing welfare benefits to illegal aliens. Now, again, these people are great with their words.

Why didn’t they just build a wall like Trump was building the wall? Because, again, they wanted the illegals to come in. They needed the illegals. And now they don’t care what people see. They don’t care if they see all the illegals coming in because they’re in trouble. What do I mean by this? Well, they need the illegals because how are they going to cheat in the election? How are they going to create chaos? They need their foot soldiers.

Remember, the people are no longer brainwashed by them and the people, now they are rejecting everything that they’re doing, and the people are getting freaking pissed off about it. So what do they got to do? They got to bring people in that are loyal to them. Because, look, we gave you a home. We allowed you to come in. We’re giving you money. You are loyal to us. You are our foot soldiers.

You will do what we say. Especially since they’re criminals and terrorists, because the criminals and terrorists, what do they love to do? They love to create chaos. They love to murder. They love crime. They are the criminals. Remember the criminals, they bring in their own criminals to do the dirty work. And you can see that these criminals, they’ve been doing their dirty work in all different cities. And there was a video that was captured of illegals, they were assaulting a New York City police officer, Tom Fitton put this out on x and said, biden border invaders assault New York City police.

Meanwhile, republican leaders in Senate trying to come up with a rescue plan to relieve pressure on Biden to enforce immigration law and protect America. Trump responded to this and said, the illegal aliens that are pouring into our country are taking over our cities and attacking our police. They are forming gangs and they are tough. Close the border. You do not need a ridiculous border bill that will allow 5000 people into our country a day.

Call it the stupid bill and make sure it doesn’t get passed. It will make things much worse. Close the southern border. No bill necessary. And Trump is absolutely right, you do not need a bill for this. This is all smoke and mirrors by the rhinos, by the DS, because they always push a completely different agenda and the agenda is always against the american people. They know they don’t need this bill.

They know that Biden can just secure it. They know that this is all BS, but they all go along with it because they’re going to get something out of it because they are installed, they’re following what their masters are telling them to do. And again, all these people that vote for this bill or even considered the bill, they are installed. There’s no reason to have them in Congress because anyone with a brain realizes when Biden came in, all he did was reverse everything that Trump did.

Let’s talk about protecting ourselves. With tensions between China and Taiwan, the Middle east and eastern Europe, World War II has never been this close. But many war experts agree that the worst outcome isn’t nukes, it’s chemical weapons. That’s because chemical weapons have the potential not only for immediate mass devastation, but painful long term health effects that span generations among innocent civilians. This is why I highly recommend grabbing a Patriot M 54 gas mask ASAP.

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Order now by going to getgasmas. com, that is getgasmas. com or by clicking the link in the description and he has the authority to actually shut it down. Again, only the installed people, those people that aren’t working for we the people will actually vote for this bill. There’s no need for it whatsoever. Speaker Mike Johnson, he put out a statement, and he said the following. Since the moment he was confirmed, Secretary Mayorkas has willfully and consistently refused to comply with the federal immigration laws, fueling the worst border catastrophe in american history.

He has undermined public trust through multiple false statements to Congress, obstructed lawful oversight of the Department of Homeland Security, and violated his oath of office. I commend the House Homeland Security Committee for conducting a thorough and exhaustive investigation into Secretary Mayorkus’failed leadership of the department and his role in the ongoing border crisis. Today’s vote in the committee is a solemn but necessary step to bring accountability for the american communities devastated by the effects of an open border.

And, yes, Mayorkas, all he did was lie to the american people. One lie after another. He told everyone that the border was secure, that everyone was crazy. He gaslighted the people. Then Biden came along and said, listen, if you want me to secure the border, you got to give me more money. So, again, I think the people understand who the liars are. And the people, they see their true agenda.

Their true agenda is to continually let these people into this country. It will never, ever end, because they need them for cheating and chaos and, yes, other agendas. Now, you could see that as we approach the presidential election, everything that they tried to do to stop Trump is failed. Remember, they were hoping that he wasn’t going to be the nominee. They’re still hoping that, but I don’t believe that’s going to work.

And every step of the way, what they’re going to do is they’re going to implement the next part of their plan. And I do believe when we get to the end, it will be war, because they will need to stop everything, distract everyone from what is really happening. And I do believe they will go all out, just like they went all out with COVID If you don’t think they’re going to go all out, just think about what happened with COVID Did they shut down the world? Did they make you stay inside? Did they make sure that nobody went to school, nobody went to work, you had to wear a mask everywhere? Did they force you to get a vaccine? Did they make you very, very afraid? So if they could do that in 2020 to stop Trump, what do you think they’re going to do this time around in 2024? Since the people now are completely with Trump, do you think they’re going to go easy on everyone? You think they’re just going to say, oh, you know what? Yeah, we’re going to try to cheat.

And if that doesn’t work, you know what? We’re just going to crawl back into a hole and we’ll just disappear. No, they’re going to use everything they possibly can to scare the crap out of people into having the people do what they want. And if you do not comply, they will bring this entire world to war to cover up their crimes. Yes, it’s going to get scary. Yes, it’s going to get dark.

But remember, all of this is not for the people that are awake, because you’re already awake. You already know what’s going on. This is the rest of the people that have no clue what’s going on. This is going to wake them up. And you can see they will not slow down. They will not give up. They will continue on until they get what they want. But I do believe Trump and the patriots, they’re counting on this.

They’re counting on these people to do these things because this is going to trap them in their own agenda. But you can see that we’re on our way. Look what’s happening out in the Middle east right now. The european nations, they are still thinking about tackling the Red Sea attacks. They’re still talking about a mission. And again, they’re just saying who’s going to be in the lead. Actually, it seems like they don’t have anything together.

They’re afraid to make a move or do anything, and they’re just talking about it. But remember Trump? He had peace. He put this out on truth. Three years ago, we had peace in the Middle east, and today, do we have peace? No. Look what happened to the soldiers. They were killed on Biden’s watch. And then we have the White House press secretary calling these people, these soldiers, these heroes, folks.

I mean, this is completely and utterly disgusting. Every single American should be disgusted with these people. These people aren’t american. These people are criminals who are running our country. And you can see that Biden is prepared and ready to attack Iran. And right now the response is being described as a prolonged campaign and targets have yet to be finalized, and they will include kinetic and attacks. All the targets are expected to be outside of Iran proper, but will span multiple countries.

What do you think is going to happen when Biden goes ahead and they hit Iran and their bases or whatever it is in all different places? Do you think the Muslim Brotherhood and all the others, the Houtis, Hezbollah and the rest, and all these people that have allegiance to them. What do you think they’re going to do? What do you think is going to happen when Biden hits them with a attack? Do you think they’re going to respond with attacks? I do believe the cyber wars have just begun.

And again, why are they building this up? Why do they want a cyber war? Because I do believe in the end, what they want to do is they want to postpone the election, because they’ll realize they will not be able to pull this off this time around. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is that a group codename Volt Typhoon hacked into hundreds of offices and home office routers to allow the chinese government to access their data.

And the hackers have been targeting us water treatment plants, the power grid, oil and natural gas pipelines and transportation systems. And what’s very interesting is that the FBI shut this down, which means this has been going on for a very long time, which means most likely they have introduced malware or something into the system where they’re going to be taking down the infrastructure one way or another. But remember, this is infiltration from within.

Yes, there’s a lot of people from muslim countries coming in. Yes, there are Chinese coming in. And again, they’re infiltrating this country for one reason and one reason only, to bring the country down one way or another. So do I think there are things set up? Yes. Do I think we’re going to see events here in this country? Yes, because remember, Trump continually tells us that we’re going to world War three.

How do you think this war is going to start? You think it’s just going to be know, in a far off land someplace else, out in a desert somewhere? No, the war is going to be here. The war is going to come home. And yes, the deep state players, they’re going to have to scare the people as best they possibly can, because what do they want the people to do in the war? They want people to get involved in the war.

They want people to join up to the armed forces. They want to draft people into the armed forces. They want the american people fighting. That’s what they want in the end. So how do you get the american people fighting? You have to have something happen here in the United States, because the american people aren’t just going to go along with it. There has to be some attack. Were we attacked in 911? Yes.

That was an inside job, but they made it look like it was an outside job. So this way everyone said, yes, let’s go get the people out in Afghanistan, the same thing’s going to happen now. They’re going to attack the United States one way or another. Most likely, it will probably be with a cyberattack. There might be an incoming missile or something. Because as we know, North Korea is continually firing missiles.

We know that since Biden’s prepared and ready to retaliate against Iran, they’re most likely going to do something, or one of their factions are going to do something. And we know that this country has been letting in terrorists, and they’re all over the place. And Trump has let us know that we are 100% ripe for a terror attack in this country. And, yes, people are going to see this play out.

So I do believe the cyber wars have begun. I do believe that the deep state players, they are preparing for war, and this is how they’re building up the narrative. And they’re also building the narrative for a civil war, because remember, they want chaos leading up to the elections. Think about 2020. We had a virus and we had riots in the same exact year during a presidential election.

Think about that for a second, and remember what they did back then. They spent a lot of time, a lot of money. What do you think they’re going to do this time around? Well, they’re going to make it a lot worse. They want the people to pay you. Why? Because they’re going along with Trump and they want to punish the people. What do you think they did to January 6? They’re punishing the people.

How dare you go up against us? How dare you reject the elections? Nobody does that to the deep state. And yes, they’re making examples of all of these people. This is what a dictator does. This is what a tyrannical government does. We’ve seen this in the past. Now, we know that they’re going to try to cheat. We know that they’re going to push whatever disease x, the unknown disease, which they know everything about.

They’re going to try to push this, because, again, they’re going to have to try to scare the people any way they possibly can. They might use other events to do this, but again, what do they want to happen in the end? They want the WHO to take complete and utter control. Derek Brose’s Daily News put this out and says who warns that pandemic agreement might not be finalized by May 2024.

Blames conspiracy theories. On Monday, the WHO’s director general Tedros raised concerns that the draft of the pandemic agreement may not be finalized by May of this year as previously agreed in this informal session, WHO secretary Tedros fake news, lies and conspiracy theories for the slow progress on the WHO’s pandemic agreement, the IHR working group are operating admits a torrent of fake news, lies and conspiracy theories. There are those who claim the pandemic agreement and IHR will cede sovereignty to who and give the WHO secretary the power to impose lockdowns or vaccine mandates on countries.

You know, this is fake news, Tedro says, and these are all lies. Well, I don’t think the people believe that. And I think the people believe that, yes, they will cede control, because what would be the reason for the agreement? Really? Think about that for a second. And we know they want the who to have the ultimate power over all the countries, and they want the who to tell everyone what to do because this was their shortcoming.

When you look back at Covid, they didn’t have complete and utter control and that’s why they’re looking for complete and utter control. But I don’t believe that this is going to work. And you could see that they’re having major, major problems because people aren’t going along with this. Just like people aren’t going along with having men in the women’s restrooms or they’re not going along with diversity, equity and inclusion.

Right now, the republican governor, Spencer Cox of Utah signed a bill that bans men from using women’s restrooms and locker rooms and creates a legal definition for male and female. Republican Utah Governor Spencer Cox also signed a bill to ban diversity and equity and inclusion departments at public universities and government funded employers in the state. And yes, this has to be done in every single state. And we could see that their push for racism is completely and utterly falling apart.

I mean, look, Mark Cuban got in trouble for this, saying, oh, no, it’s diversity. No, it’s called racism. It’s that simple. Because when you’re basing anything on skin color, gender, race or anything like that, it’s racism. I mean, just go back to Dr. Martin Luther King. Isn’t this why he had the protests? Isn’t this why he continually said, don’t judge people on their skin color, judge people on the content of their character? Well, it looks like these people who are racist, they want to go back in time, but it is failing just like everything else that they’ve tried.

I mean, look at January 6 right now. That entire plan to blame it all on Trump and his supporters is completely and utterly falling apart. Think about what the people have learned. The people have learned that there’s over 100 confidential human sources. They’ve come to learn that people dressed up as Trump supporters, they’ve come to learn that the deep state players, they completed their insurrection against Trump on January 6.

And the pipe bomber, well, is a government official, most likely part of the Capitol police? Actually, when this person was walking down the street, the person actually waved to the police. So, once again, the pipe bomber is now considered a current government employee. And once again, we can see that this entire operation was orchestrated by the tyrannical government. I mean, really, think about what they did here. They created a cheating system.

On November 3, they overthrew the United States government. They overthrew the duly elected president. And then on January 6, remember, this took over a year to plan thousands, hundreds of thousands of dollars. They staged an insurrection against Trump, but pretended that Trump staged the insurrection against. Wait, who was the president against? Himself. Trump. No, it doesn’t make sense, does it? They did all of this to cover up what they did on November 3.

And this is why they downed Trump’s Twitter account, because he tweeted out the part where it says, go home peacefully, and he was talking to the deep state players, stop the insurrection, go home peacefully. They didn’t listen, and they completed the insurrection. This is exactly what the president does when there is an insurrection, which means the military took over. And the deep state players, they had their insurrection.

They put in a puppet government, and they’ve been destroying America since that time. And the people, they see it as clear as day. And think about it. Think about all the people that are doing research. Think about all the people that are now looking into things, trying to figure things out and going, and they’re bypassing the fake news. They’re really looking at documentation. They’re really looking at information.

And you can see the fake news. The deep, say players, they don’t like this. This is why you’re seeing articles. Don’t think for yourself. Don’t research for yourself. Well, actually, if you notice, Q has always told us the opposite. Think for yourself. Research for yourself. And the deep state right now is trying to tell you that’s bad for you. Patriots are in control. Put this out and said it’s a conspiracy theory.

Morning blitz from the Associated Press. Four different articles in less than an hour. If you need proof that we are winning the information war, this is it. And here are the articles. Conspiracy theories. Why we want to believe when the facts often aren’t there. Grave peril of digital conspiracy theories. What happens when no one believes anything anymore? Days of darkness. How one woman escaped the conspiracy theory. Trap that has ensnared millions.

Secret history. Even before the revolution, America was a nation of conspiracy theorists. So basically what they’re really saying, and let me translate this for you, people are learning the truth, and now they’re afraid, because now people are learning exactly what’s been happening. They understand that they’ve been lied to. They’re doing research on their own, and they’re following the money, they’re following the documentation, they’re following the facts, they’re following the truth, and they’re no longer listening to the fake news.

And the fake news is panicking right now because they don’t control the narrative and it’s all falling apart on them. So they’re trying to bring the people back, telling them that you’re cuckoo crazy if you do your own research and you actually look through the facts. I mean, that should tell you everything you need to know. And I think it does, and I think people understand this. Now.

Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is that we can see that Fanny Willis, she was in trouble. We see Nathan Wade, he decided to make a move. He settled his divorce case on the eve of the hearing to avoid testimony on improper relationship with Willis. Hmm. I wonder who put him up to actually settling. That’s interesting. Technofoc put this out and said Fulton county special prosecutor Nathan Wade’s divorce case has settled.

This comes not long after his wife subpoenaed all of his financial records and travel records. It prevents discovery into his finances and potentially ethical issues in what he has purchased Willis and shuts down Wade’s testimony regarding his affair with Willis, which was supposed to occur tomorrow. It also forecloses on the potential that Fulton county da Fanny Willis would have to testify on the affair and trips, etc. In light of what is going to be made public, Wade opened up his checkbook and gave his soon to be ex wife an offer she couldn’t refuse.

This, my friends, is what we call leverage. Absolutely. But Fanny Willis, she is getting slapped with 22 articles of impeachment. And what we’ve come to find out is that Fanny Willis fired a whistleblower who privately warned about misuse of federal funds. So once again, she’s not on the up and up. She’s part of the criminal syndicate. And that’s who they actually bring in. They bring in the criminals to do their dirty work.

And yes, they’re corrupt. And a whistleblower member privately was warning Fanny Willis in 2021 that her top aide was trying to misuse federal funds. Willis did not dispute the allegations and 56 days later, Willis fired the whistleblower and perp walked her out of the office. That tells you everything you need to know. Now, Trump, he’s getting prepared and ready to appeal the decision by Judge Kaplan. And this is what Trump put out on truth, he says.

I’m in the process, along with my team, of interviewing various law firms to represent me in an appeal of one of the most ridiculous and unfair witch hunts our country has ever seen. The defamation sham, presided over by a Clinton appointed, highly partisan, Trump hating judge, Louis Kaplan, who was together with certain other radical left Democrat judges, one of the most partisan and out of control activists that I have ever appeared before.

He was a bully who demanded two trials rather than one, denied me due process, would not allow me to put forth vital evidence, of which there was much, and only allowed me to be on the witness stand for minutes, telling my lawyer that what to ask and telling me to only give one word answers as his wife and friends sat in cordoned off front row seats, watching with glee.

The entire hoax is a disgrace to our american system of justice. Any lawyer who takes the Trump case is either crazy or a true american patriot. I will make my decision soon. And yes, he’s going to appeal all of this. But again, the deep state players, they will try to convict him one way or another. And I do believe this is why Nikki Haley is standing by. Because something is about to happen.

And if it’s not a conviction, it’s going to be something else. And she’s hoping that she will be the next nominee. Now, I do believe this is going to completely and utterly fail, because no matter what they try to do, Trump is going to come out on top. And Rasmussen reports put this out on X and said the following. Among those who voted for Trump in 2020, 20% say a felony conviction would make them less likely to vote for him in 2024, while 31% say it would make them more likely to vote for Trump again.

And 45% say it would make no difference. 31% more -21 20% less equals 11% boost for Trump. So is a conviction going to work? Absolutely not. And remember, the deep state players, they put each phase into place to try to stop Trump. And as each phase fails, they will then introduce the next phase. And it looks like they’re already starting to build the narrative for the next phase.

And what’s very interesting is that a 33 year old Pennsylvania man has been accused of decapitating a 68 year old father, a federal government employee, then posting a very disturbing video on YouTube to express his antigovernment sentiments. Justin Mon reportedly committed the ghastly murder, and this is what he said. This is the head of Mike Mon, a federal employee of over 20 years, of my father. He is now in hell for eternity as a traitor to this country, the sick man said in the first 20 seconds of the gruesome video.

It is said those who commit treason and betray others occupy the lowest pits of hell for all time. The federal government of America has declared war on american citizens and the american states. America is rotting from the inside out. As far left woke, bombs rampage our once prosperous cities, turning them into lawless zones. And this was a video that was published on YouTube. It was 14 minutes long, and it was there for 6 hours before YouTube deleted it.

And in the video, this individual identifies himself as the commander of a nationwide militia group he refers to as Mond militia. This is also the name of the YouTube channel. Now, this person had 15 subscribers and featured a total of eight videos. So once again, this person had no following, and the FBI knew about this individual. So what are they doing here? I do believe they’re building the narrative look.

It’s the Trump supporters look. And they actually even use QAnon. Actually, there is no QAnon. There’s Q and anons. But you could see that they’re building this up because what are they doing? They’re getting prepared for some type of an event. And what’s very interesting, and the USA Today put this out there, and this is the headline, paramilitary groups are illegal in 50 states. Will a new federal law stop them? So basically, there’s new legislation that is proposed in the House and Senate, and it seeks to outlaw paramilitary activity, including patrolling and drilling.

The federal law would add to state laws against the groups often self described as militias. And this law, which is called the Preventing Private Paramilitary Activity act, was proposed by Senator Ed Markey from Massachusetts and Congressman Jamie Raskin of Maryland. It was introduced on a three year anniversary of the January 6 insurrection. So let’s think about this for a second. Congress is working to pass an antimalitia legislation making formations of such groups illegal nationwide.

So let’s see. The feds are parading around as Patriot front groups. We have a crazy person who’s known to the FBI cutting off his father’s head because he says he is treasonous. Raskin and Marquis just so happen to introduce the Preventing Private paramilitary Activity act. And then we have Joe Biden calling Trump supporters extremists and a threat to this country. Remember these tweets? This is October 6, 2020.

Unity over division, Biden says. And then fast forward to September 1, 2022. Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans are a threat to the very soul of this country. So gun control failed. So now they want to make sure that people are not organized, so they’re trying to make it illegal. Think about this for a second. Let’s go back to post. 36 56 December 7, 2019 what happens when people don’t conform to their rule? What happens when people cannot defend themselves? Why do DS want to abolish the second amendment? A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

What did the framers of the constitution fear the most? That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it and institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its power in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their safety and happiness. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object and vinces, are designed to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is the right, it is their duty to throw off such government and to provide new guards for their future security.

We the people, so what are they afraid of? I think we’re starting to realize this. And when you start to look at what has been happening with Trump, Trump now is in the lead. The deep state players now are panicking. Trump right now is crushing Biden on the two most important issues in the swing states, immigration and economy. And Trump, he put out all these polls. Trump beats cricket Joe in Wisconsin, 49 to 44.

Trump beats cricket Joe in Pennsylvania, 48 to 45. Trump beats cricket Joe in North Carolina, 49 to 39. Trump beats crooked Joe in Nevada, 48 to 40. Trump beats crooked Joe in Michigan, 47 to 42. Trump beats crooked Joe in Georgia, 49 to 41. Trump beats crooked Joe in Arizona, 47 to 44. I think that tells you everything you need to know. And you can see that the deep state players, they are going to be panicking over all of this because they’re going to start to realize that they will not have the ability to cheat in the next election like they did in 2020.

Plus, I don’t believe Trump and the Patriots are going to allow them to do what they did in 2020. 2020 was very, very different because they needed to have the resident in place. They needed to capture what they were trying to do. But this time around, I do believe it’s going to be very, very different. And Trump the Patriots are leading them down a completely different path. Remember, both sides have internal polls.

They know how many votes they actually need, and they know that Trump, he has the people with him. They knew back in 2020. That’s why they stopped the election, because they realized he had the people they needed to produce the ballots to make up the people. This time around, they could try stopping the elections, but they’re going to need so many more ballots. It’s absolutely ridiculous. Because think about Biden’s poll numbers right now.

They’re down in the dirt and it’s getting worse and worse as time goes on. Even if they bring in a change of batter, it will look okay in the very, very beginning. But I do believe as information comes out against Michelle, against Barack, this is when it’s going to start to break down and they will not have the people with them, which means they’re going to have to take this to the next level.

And I do believe this is when they’re going to use war. This is when they’re going to use attacks. And remember, everything that we’re witnessing right now, it’s not for the people that are awake right now. It’s for everyone else. Actually, clandestine explains it. If you are awake, the rest of the ride is not for you. You already know that. The border is insecure. Biden is a meat puppet.

Ukraine is money laundering scheme. C 19 was manmade. Washington is corrupt, et cetera. The next nine months are about waking up those who are still asleep. And he’s absolutely right, because remember, these people are in a deep slumber. These people need to be slapped awake. And the only way to slap them awake is to actually push fear. And that’s exactly what the deep state’s going to do. And it’s going to work against them because it’s going to wake people up.

And the people, they’re going to see the difference between a group that is bringing them to war and Trump and his team bringing them to peace. And I do believe in the end, once these people wake up, once the people see what’s going on, they’re going to make a completely different decision, actually. Yes. It’s going to get very dark. Yes. It’s going to get very scary. Yes. The deep state players, they’re going to pull out all the stops.

They’re going to make it look as real as possible. Yes. You might even see a missile heading towards the United States, or there might be an event inside this country and there might be a attack to make everyone believe that we’re heading to war. I mean, think about what they did with COVID They actually had five governors throw sick people into nursing homes and kill the people in the nursing homes.

Think about this for a second. Think about what they did to this country. Do you think if they’re fighting for their lives and they know that if they lose they go to prison, you don’t think they will pull out all the stops this time around? Absolutely they will. And I do believe Trump and the patriots, they’re counting on it because again they’re leading them down this path. This time it’s very, very different.

This time the patriots, they’re not going to let this one go. They’re not going to let them cheat which means the people are going to get their vote. Why? Because the patriots are in control. Listen everyone, thanks a lot for listening. Be well, be safe and especially be prepared. Thanks a lot. .

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