Ep 3270b-Taylor Swift Is The Distraction Do You See What Is Coming Into Focus Timing Is Everything: X22 Report

Posted in: News, Patriots, X22 Reports



➡ Dave from the X22 Report thinks that even though famous singer Taylor Swift is supporting Joe Biden for president, it won’t help him win. He believes that people are smart and won’t just listen to a celebrity. Dave also thinks that if the economy gets worse and people lose their jobs, they won’t care what Taylor Swift says. He believes that people will see that Biden’s plans aren’t working and will want a different leader.
➡ This text talks about how some people believe that President Biden’s plans won’t work and that he’s not being honest. It also suggests that there might be a lot of information coming out about the Obamas that could change people’s opinions of them. The text also criticizes fact checkers and the news, saying they’re not always truthful. Lastly, it discusses issues with the border and immigration, and how some people think the current laws aren’t working well.
➡ The text talks about concerns over the U.S. government’s actions. It suggests that the government is not looking out for its own people and is allowing dangerous individuals into the country. It also mentions that the government is losing support and needs to bring in more people to maintain power. Lastly, it talks about the need for people to wake up and see what’s happening.
➡ Some people are trying to change the way we talk, making things less clear. There’s a lot of tension in the world right now, and some people think we might be close to a big war. Chemical weapons, which can hurt a lot of people, are a big worry. To stay safe, it’s a good idea to get a special mask that can protect you from harmful gases.
➡ There’s also a lot of fighting happening in places like the Middle East, and some people are trying to find and destroy hidden tunnels used by bad guys. Some people think that if all the tunnels are found and destroyed, it could cause big problems for the bad guys.
➡ There was a recent attack in Jordan that hurt and killed some American soldiers. Some people think that Iran, a country in the Middle East, is responsible for the attack. They also think that Iran is using money in sneaky ways to do bad things.
➡ Some people believe that the current American president, Joe Biden, is not doing a good job and that his actions are leading us towards war. They think that the previous president, Donald Trump, did a better job at keeping peace. They also worry that some people in the government care more about other countries than they do about America.
➡ Finally, some people think that the government is trying to take away people’s rights and destroy the military. They believe that this could lead to big problems for America in the future. They think that the only way to stop this is for people to get really angry and demand change.
➡ Biden hopes that Taylor Swift’s support will help him win, but most people don’t care about celebrity endorsements. Even though Taylor Swift helped the NFL get more viewers, it doesn’t seem like she’s doing the same for Biden. Despite all the challenges, Trump’s supporters are sticking with him. Trump wants people to vote for him because they believe in him, not because of any tricks or endorsements.
➡ Some people believe that there are bad guys, called the “deep state,” who don’t want fair elections. They think these bad guys might try to stop or delay elections. But, there are good guys, like Trump and his supporters, who are ready for this and want everyone to vote using paper ballots. They believe this will show the bad guys that people have chosen to say they are guilty of doing wrong things to our country.


Report. My name is Dave. This episode 3270 bn. Today’s date is January 29, 2024. And the title of the episode is Taylor Swift is the distraction. Do you see what is coming into focus? Timing is everything. Let’s get into the economic collapse, political and geopolitical news now, the deep state, the corrupt politicians, big tech fake news, the puppet masters. I do believe they are getting prepared and ready for a change of batter.

And yes, we have Biden out there and his handlers. They’re going to try to make a run for it. And I don’t mean they’re going to be running out of the country. They’re going to make a run for the presidency. But in the end, what’s going to happen? It’s going to fail. So they’re going to try to use whatever they possibly can to actually convince the american people that he is the candidate.

And you could see already they’re going to be using Taylor Swift. Taylor Swift is going to be endorsing Joe Biden. And again, this is all going to fail. Even though they have a celebrity that’s popular, it will still fail. The question is, why is it going to fail? Because you have to remember something very important. Trump, the patriots, they have a secret weapon and they know how to break through the illusion.

Remember going back in time when the people were sleeping? The people had no idea what was going on. The people would just go along with it. Oh, if the celebrity says so, I guess that’s what we have to do. Today is very, very different. The people, they’re awake. They’re thinking logically. And even the young generation, they will also wake up and they will not listen to the celebrities anymore.

How do we know this? Well, think about what’s going to happen in this country when the economic system breaks down and the people are having a difficult time surviving, paying their bills, getting a job, living. Do you really think the wealthy celebrity is the person they’re going to listen to? Because remember, Biden is going to continually tell everyone that the economy is great. You’re going to have Taylor Swift saying, yeah, everything’s fantastic.

Don’t you love it? Well, in reality, what are people going to experience? They’re going to experience a job loss. They’re going to experience inflation. They’re going to experience something very, very different. So do you think the celebrity’s words are going to hold weight? Take this to the next level. When there is an event in this country because we have all these illegals coming over the border, do you think people are going to believe the celebrity, when we’re approaching war and war is knocking at your door, do you really think the celebrity is going to hold any weight? Absolutely not.

Trump and the patriots, they know this. They know reality trumps anything they’re trying to do. When people are actually experiencing it, when people are actually reaching the precipice and they can’t take it anymore, you can have the richest person in the world, the most famous person in the world, telling you everything is going to be great, don’t worry about it. The people aren’t going to believe them. All they’re going to see is, oh, look at that rich person flying around in her plane, oh, look at that person.

Doesn’t have a care in the world because she has hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars trying to convince me that everything’s okay. Look, we’re going to war. She’s trying to convince me everything. This whole thing is never going to work. The people in this country are awake, and those who are not awake, they will be waking up. And those people that are voting for Trump, those people that are maga, they will never, ever switch.

So their entire mission right now is going to completely and utterly fail, and they will not be able to come back from this. And this entire mission is just a distraction because we know in reality that Biden is not going to make it to the presidential election. Actually, Trump is already letting us know. In his opinion, he doesn’t believe that Biden is going to make it. Now, Biden, he’s going to give it the old college try.

He’s going to try to push everything that he has. But again, in the end, this is going to fail. Really think about this and think about it logically. Right now, the economy’s falling apart. Right now, Trump is continually telling that we’re on the precipice of war. People could see war coming. Yes. They might not think, oh, wait, we’re in war. But they see problems out in the Middle east, they see problems in the Red Sea, they see problems out in Ukraine, they see problems with China and Taiwan.

And think about if there is an event here, which I do believe there is one coming, actually, Trump has let us know that we are ripe for a terror attack here in this country. So let’s know. Biden has Taylor Swift, he endorsed Biden. The young people are going along with it, and then all of a sudden we have a terror attack here in this country. Let’s talk about our health.

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com and use promo code X 22. That’s promo code X 22 at fieldsofgreens. com. That is fieldofgreens. com. Which way do you think Biden’s numbers are going to go? You think they’re going to skyrocket or do you think they’re going to drop like a rock and do you think the young people are going to go, oh, wait a minute, look at this. We just had a terrorist attack here because we had open borders.

This is not good. You think he’s going to lose a lot of people? No matter what Taylor Swift says, it’s not going to help him. Then add on top of this, if you see the economy really start to break apart and you see job losses and you see layoffs and people are getting layoff, do you really think they’re going to pay attention to what Taylor Swift had to say? No, absolutely not.

His poll numbers are going to drop again. And on top of that, if you see war building out in the middle east and you see the terrorist attack here and you see more american soldiers getting killed, do you really think people are going to pay attention to what Taylor Swift is saying? Absolutely not. And if we’re continually built and the country is actually attacked one way or another, do you really think that she’s going to hold any weight in the end? No.

They’re going to look at her going, she’s just a silly young singer girl. That’s it. That’s what they’re really going to see in the end, because reality is going to set in, especially with the young generation when they can’t make ends meet. Actually, they’re having a problem right now and they’re not believing Biden. They might not admit why it’s happening, but again, as time goes on, it’s just going to get worse and worse.

So this entire push is one gigantic distraction because they know in the end, Biden’s numbers are going to drop like a rock because everything that he has done, everything that he’s put into place is destroying this country. And you think the borders are just going to get better? Do you think the war is just going to go away? Do you think the economy is just going to automatically just turn around? No, it’s going to get worse and worse as time goes on.

And as we get closer and closer to the presidential election, what do you think this country is going to look like? It’s going to look like a complete and utter disaster. And no one’s going to be listening to Taylor Swift. No one’s going to be listening to Biden. No one’s going to be listening whatsoever. And they’re going to say, holy crap, we better do something. We better bring someone else in.

This is not going to work. So again, this is one gigantic distraction. And Trump has the ultimate weapon, reality. Their entire agenda is waking the people up. What do you think is waking up everyone, everything that they put into place. Remember, Trump knew that they were going to pursue the 16 year plan. He knew they were going to open the borders. He knew they were going to censor people.

He knew they were going to destroy the economy. He knew all of this from the very, very beginning. Actually, he mentioned it back before the 2020 election. We’ll be getting to that in just a sec. But he knew this and he knew that this would wake the american people up. Young, old, it makes no difference. So no matter what Biden is trying to do, it will not work.

They will try, but it will fail just like everything else. And you could see that they are struggling right now. They are desperate right now because they have tried everything to get rid of Trump. They tried from the very, very beginning when he came down the escalator. And they’re continually trying, and every single thing is failing and the people are sticking with him. That should tell you everything you need to know.

And I do believe in the end, Trump wants the one person in focus, and I do believe that is Obama. And I do believe Trump needs him front and center. So everything is then focused on them. Now, of course, there’s a lot of people saying, well, if Michelle Obama comes in, Trump’s done for. She’s going to win, she’s going to have the country. No, it’s the actual opposite.

Yes, she will come in, but you think this is going to be a normal election? Do you think that we’re just going to go to the polls and vote? Or do you think there’s going to be so much information coming out about the Obamas that people are going to start to realize that they have been treasonous to this country? Do you think people are going to see their crimes? Do you think there’s going to be information coming out left, right and center against the Obamas so people understand that these are the people that have destroyed or who have been trying to destroy our country? I do believe Trump and the patriots want these people front and center.

So the people start to understand who these people really are. And the people are going to start to learn, just like with Biden. Look, Biden, he has 20 shell companies. Biden has been working with his son. Biden has been working with foreign entities. Biden is treasonous to this country. Biden has classified documents. Biden is a liar. Biden is using the DOJ, the FBI to go after his political opponent.

Just like you learned all of this about Biden, what do you think you’re going to learn about Obama? That’s why Trump, I do believe, wants him front and center, because he wants the world to know that this individual, he is treasonous to this country. Why do you think he picked the name renegade as his United States Secret Service name? Because he is a traitor to this country. And I do believe Trump, he wants the people to know and he wants to show the american people who’s responsible for all of this.

And I do believe in the end, this is what the people are going to see. Now, we’re going to be talking a lot more about this a little bit later, but first, let’s talk about fact checkers, because once again, we know why the fact checkers were brought in, because no one was believing the fake news anymore. Because again, they are spewing propaganda. Remember the Smith Munt act well, that allow the fake news.

Yes. Fox News, MSNBCC, NBC, NPR, New York Times, Washington Post and the rest to use propaganda on the people. And that’s what they’ve been using for a very long time. And once again, when the people started not to believe them anymore, they needed fact checkers to confirm that what they’re saying is true. But everyone started to make fun of the fact checkers because they weren’t really dealing in any facts and no one was believing them.

I mean, look at Snopes right now. Biden was wearing a construction helmet backwards. They actually did a fact check and said, no, he’s not wearing it backwards. I mean, really think about it. And then the people said, you’re an idiot. You have no idea how to put a helmet on. And you’re the fact checker. I mean, if the fact checker can’t even tell you if the helmet’s on forward or backwards, why the hell do we need fact checkers? I think the people are smart enough to understand what’s real and what is fake because all the people have to do is think logically and do a little bit of research.

You know what fact checkers are? They are a group of people that back up the propagandists. That’s all they are. And they’re not really dealing in facts whatsoever, just like they’re not dealing in facts with the border. The border has been wide open for a very long time. And the Biden administration’s been lying to the people. The fake news has been lying to the people this entire time.

But the people always knew it. They always knew because all you had to do was look at the poll numbers. And the people said, you know something, I see the borders, they’re open. I see the people coming in, I see the count of people, I see all the people being bust all over the place. I know the border is open. I don’t need the fact checkers. I don’t need the fake news.

I see it with my own two eyes. I understand exactly what is going on and I see that you have been lying to me. And when I say you, I’m talking about Majorcas, Biden, Gene, the White House press secretary and the rest. They have all been lying to we, the people this entire time. And the people, they know it. They know liars when they see it, when they hear them.

The people aren’t stupid in this country and they know that they’re being lied to now. Oh, well, if we want the borders closed, then we need legislation. We don’t need any legislation. It’s enough with the legislation. We have laws on top of laws on top of laws that do the exact same thing. We already have laws on the book, Biden, all he has to do is shut down the border.

Remember, everything Trump did, that’s all he has to do. All this other stuff is all bs. It’s all smoke and mirrors and everything else that these people do. None of this has to be done. All they want is what they want. So they create legislation. Hey, by the way, I got legislation for my legislation. You know what else we need? We need another legislation to put on top of that legislation.

Can you imagine if we got all the legislation out of the way. And we went back to the constitution, you know, how great this country would be, it would be absolutely freaking amazing. But again, they don’t want people to see that. Trump wants everyone to see that. But again, they don’t want the people to see that. And this is why they keep pushing all this ridiculousness. But again, I think the people are starting to learn and the people starting to understand what’s really going on here.

Wall Street Silver put this out on ex and said Congress is trying to ramp through a bill to expand welfare benefits for illegals crossing the border. And this is the title of the bill, the tax relief for American Families and Workers act. Well, they’re advertising the legislation as tax relief, but it is a Trojan horse with where the title has nothing to do with the actual language in the legislation.

It is going to cost 165,000,000,000 in just the next year if it passes. Well, the wall is a lot cheaper and it’s a lot better to do. We wouldn’t have to do any of this. Again, they are actually trying to push forth legislation for themselves. They don’t want the border shut down. They want the people inside this country. And we know why. Because they want these people in the country so they can use them to vote.

They want them for chaos. They want them for all of these reasons. But again, you can see that all they have to do is shut the border. And as the people learn more about the border, more about the legislation, more about what Trump does, people are starting to see the reality of this, and they’re starting to see exactly what’s true and what is fake. And you can see that these people are truly, truly sick.

A Texas Democrat has posted a tweet seemingly calling for the bombing of american citizens who support Texas against the Biden’s regime over the border. So we have a far left Texas state legislator over the weekend posting a tweet suggesting that the US military would be justified in taking out Americans for daring to own guns and standing with Texas. So basically, n wokeness put this out and said, ten states with the most guns per capita.

Montana, 66%. Wyoming, 66%. Alaska, 64%. Idaho, 60%. West Virginia, 58%. And it goes on and on and on. And Gene Wu responded to this and put this out on x and said it’s all fun and games until someone eats a drone fired hell fire missile and shows a stealth fighter dropping bombs. I mean, really think about this. So basically, remember when Biden says, you’re going to need an f 16? So these people, they’re totally serious.

They would go to war with their own people in this country. They would go ahead and bomb american citizens. Is that what they’re really saying? Absolutely. Why? Because these people are installed. They’re not elected. They’re not Americans. They are part of the deep state system. They are part of the criminal syndicate. And they look around America, they say, disgusting. I hate it. I hate the Constitution. I hate everything about it.

And they’re telling you exactly what they want to do. They want to kill the people of this country. Why do you think Biden continually repeats f 16s? What resident says, I will use f 16s against my own people. Only a dictator would ever, ever say that. And there you have it. But you could see that what they’re doing right now is not working to their benefit. The Border Patrol union says it has no problem with Texas and says they appreciate and respect the agents out in Texas.

They have no problem with it whatsoever. But you know what did happen? It looks like the federal authorities caught a terrorist at the US southern border and released him into the country where he roamed freely for nearly a year before being arrested in Minnesota just days ago. Was he planning to do something? Was he prepared to have an event? Do you think this is the only terrorist in this country? Absolutely not.

And the unnamed individual who the memo only identifies as a member of the Somalia terror group al Shabaab was released shortly after being caught illegally crossing the southern border near California. So once again, we had a terrorist roaming around the country. And what other terrorists are there? I do believe there’s a lot that they didn’t catch and they have no idea that they’re in here. Or maybe they do.

Attorney General Andrew Bailey put this out and said, I didn’t serve in the United States army during the war on terror just to sit by and allow terrorists into our nation because Joe Biden refuses to secure the border. See you in court, POTUS. And he’s absolutely right. And really think about what the Biden administration is actually doing. Biden is threatening military action against his own citizens in order to allow non citizens to pour into the country.

Think about that for a second. Think about what they’re actually doing here. The country now is seeing it, but we understand why they need the illegals in here because they need them in here because they need to replace those people that they’re losing. Remember, every day that passes and as more and more people wake up and they see exactly what’s going on, it means that they’re losing their base.

It means the people are no longer with them. And this is exactly what’s happening. And this is why they need these people to make up the difference. Because when they lose people, what happens? They lose their base. If they lose their base, how are they going to cheat? So they need to replace them one way or another. Yes, I know there’s many different agendas associated with the illegals coming in, but the main agenda, just like the main agenda with COVID was to get Trump out of office to make sure that he doesn’t win the election.

So, yes, they’re going to continually, no matter what happens, they’re going to continually bring in more and more people, which is going to wake a lot more people up, especially when there’s an event. But let me just go back to post 3016. This is March 9, 2019. It says the following. The real reason they want open borders. Follow the maps. Illegal immigrants first, Americans last. They are afraid of losing power forever.

They should be welcome to the D party. Then Trump, he put this out on truth. He said the following. A border bill is not necessary to stop the millions of people, many from jails and mental institutions located all over the world, that are pouring into our country. It is an invasion the likes of which no country has ever had to endure. It is not sustainable or affordable and will, under crooked Joe Biden, only get worse.

I had the safest and most secure border in U. S. History. I didn’t need a bill. They’re using the horrific Senate bill as a way of being able to put the border disaster onto the shoulders of the Republicans. The Democrats broke the border. They should fix it. No legislation is needed. It’s already there. And he’s absolutely right. There is no legislation needed whatsoever. The Republicans have nothing to do with this.

Biden came into office, stopped the wall, reversed all the policies that Trump had into place, and opened the border wide open. He was following the Obama model, actually, Trump came in and reversed the Obama model, and Joe Biden, under the instructions of Obama in the basement, went ahead and opened the border. But again, why do people need to see it? Because people need to understand that they are full of it, that people need to understand that.

Wait a minute. We had a secure border. All he did was reverse everything Trump did. So if he went ahead and he started to build the wall, he actually secured the border. We will have no problem. This has nothing to do with Republicans. We don’t need legislation. Basically, what Biden is doing right now is he’s blackmailing the american people because he needs money. He needs money for Ukraine, he’s trying to blackmail people, saying, listen, I’ll slow up the weapons for Israel.

I’ll keep the border open if you don’t give me my money. That’s what Biden does best. He knows how to blackmail people. Just look at Ukraine. It’s that simple. But the people, they’re seeing it. The people, they’re understanding exactly what’s going on in Trump is absolutely right. It’s going to get a lot worse. Why? Because there’s a lot more people in America that’s got to wake up. They got to understand what’s going on.

And those people that are still sleeping, your cousins, your brothers, your sisters, your mothers, your fathers, who are still not awake, who still believe Biden’s doing a great job. Well, sooner or later, when there is an event, they’re gonna go, holy crap, what just happened? Oh, my God. Did you see this coming? And you’re going to sit there and go, yeah, I did. I tried to warn you.

Yes, the people, they’re going to see the truth in the end. And yes, it’s going to get bad. You’re going to reach that place of darkness. You’re going to reach a place where you never thought you would be. Why? Why do we have to go there? Why do we have to go to a place where it’s so dark? Because this is the only way to wake the people up.

You need to see who the true enemy is. And those people that are still sleeping, your neighbors, your brothers, your cousins, your mothers, who are still sleeping, they have to see it firsthand. And some of these people, they need the biggest slap in the world to wake them up. Without the slap, they’re just going to go on and on and on and tell you how great Biden is, how they’ll never, ever vote for Trump.

And soon these people are going to get so many slaps, their face is going to be red, that they’ll just say, you know something, oh, my God, I can’t believe what I’m seeing right now. Are we really going to war? Why is Biden doing this? That’s what’s going to happen in the end. And yes, it’s a slow process. People just don’t wake up. Remember, you just can’t tell people.

Trump tried to tell people. No one wanted to believe it. So you know what? You gotta show them. So the people, they must see it. And they are seeing it. Not just here, but they’re seeing it all over the place. Why do you think the farmers are rising up all across Europe? Why do you think they’re bringing their tractors out because they love their leader? Because they love their policies? No, because they’re realizing, holy crap, look what they’re doing.

They’re trying to take over our farms. They’re trying to ruin our lives. They woke up. That’s what it looks like when you wake up. And yes, the people will wake up. And the people are continually waking up. This is why they’re continually bringing more and more people into this country, because they’re losing their people. That’s why. That’s how you know. And the fake news, they have lost the complete narrative.

No one is actually really believing them anymore. Actually, I think everyone, when they hear it, the first thing they do right now is they question everything that they’re doing and what they’re saying. And you could see the deep state players. They are going to become more and more desperate. So what does that mean? They’re going to have to try to shut people up. They’re going to have to try to censor.

They’re going to have to try to do whatever they possibly can to make sure that they have the narrative. Look what they’re doing out in the EU. The EU now calls for gendered language such as no man’s land to be abandoned, urging policymakers, legislators and the media to use gender neutral alternatives such as unclaimed territory instead. So basically, they’re just trying to change the way we speak. Actually, if you go to the movie the giver or read the book the giver, they called it precision of language, where words meant absolutely nothing.

They looked at an elephant, they called it a rhinoceros. They’re doing the same exact thing today. They’re trying to control the way you speak. They’re trying to remove the words. They’re trying to rewrite everything so nothing makes sense. So everything is not black and white. Everything just turns all gray and everything starts to look like pat. I think a lot of people might know what that is. That’s an old SNL skit where you had a person and you didn’t know if they were a male or female.

Interesting. Let’s talk about protecting ourselves. With tensions between China and Taiwan, the Middle east and eastern Europe, World War II has never been this close. But many war experts agree that the worst outcome isn’t nukes, it’s chemical weapons. That’s because chemical weapons have the potential not only for immediate mass devastation, but painful long term health effects that span generations among innocent civilians. This is why I highly recommend grabbing a Patriot M 54 gas mask ASAP the Patriot M 54 gas mask offers support for respiratory and facial protection during chemical, biological and radioactive contamination, including the most commonly used agents like tear gas and pepper spray.

This affordable gas mask comes with industry leading features, including comfortable, secure fit, low breathing resistance, unobstructed vision, quick release buckles, impact resistance, and is one size fits all. Get the Patriot M 54 gas mask today to receive 70% off plus several other bonuses, completely for free. Order now by going to getgasmas. com, that is, getgasmas. com or by clicking the link in the description. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is that it seems that the IDF, they are making some headways with Hamas and they have discovered up to 40% of Hamas tunnels right now, and they’re either damaged or destroyed.

And they’re continually looking for more and more of the tunnels. And once again, you could see the deep state players. They want a ceasefire. They don’t want the IDF to continue because once again, they don’t want all the tunnels found. Because if they find all the tunnels and they destroy all the tunnels, this is going to be a major, major problem for the deep state players, for Iran and the rest.

But we could see that. I don’t believe the IDF is going to give up. I do believe they’re going to continue on and they will pretty much destroy every single tunnel that they find, which is going to be a major, major problem for Iran. And you could see Iran, they went ahead and they struck the base in Jordan and it looks like three us soldiers were killed and dozens were wounded.

And this was in a drone attack of Tower 22 in Jordan, near the border with Syria. And Joe Biden right now, he is vowing that he will hold all those responsible to account at a time and manner of our choosing. And you can see that they’re already starting to build this up. And what’s coming into focus. It looks like Iran is coming into focus and it seems that this is going to start to build.

But again, you still have those individuals who want a war and you could see those individuals very, very clearly. Lindsey Graham hit Iran, now hit them hard. Senator John Cornyn, target Tehran. Tucker Carlson responded to them and said, effing lunatics. And they are lunatics. Cash Patel put this out on truth and said, more killed in action. And CNN can’t report basics accurately except slinging Biden’s continuous, propped up failed national security.

Number one. Two navy soldiers were killed in the Red Sea weeks ago. Red Sea in the mideast because Biden Austin wanted a headline grabbing op number two, Biden says of three new US killed in actions. We know it was carried out by radical Iran backed Milton groups. The same Iran Biden gave $6 billion. Fake news. Austin Biden still believe BS claim Iran not using funds for evil. And we know that they have been using funds for evil.

Remember, just because they deposit in a bank and they don’t withdraw the money doesn’t mean they’re not using the funds. They deposit it into a Qatar bank, and then they take a loan out on that money and they use that fund. So when they look in the bank, no look, the money’s still there. But again, all they did was take a loan out on it, and then they use the money the way they want to use it.

This is how they get around the whole system. The Biden administration thinks the american people are that stupid. But the american people, they’re pretty darn smart. Trump, he put this out on truth. He said the following. The drone attack on U. S. Military installation in Jordan, killing three american service members and wounding many more, marks a horrible day for America. My most profound sympathies go to the families of the brave service members we have lost.

I ask all Americans to join me in praying for those who have been wounded. This brazen attack on the United States is yet another horrific, tragic consequence of Joe Biden’s weakness and surrender. Three years ago, Iran was weak, broke, and totally under control. Thanks to my maximum pressure policy, the iranian regime could barely scrape $2 together to fund their terrorist proxies. Then Joe Biden came in and gave Iran billions of dollars, which the regime has used to spread bloodshed incarnates throughout the Middle east.

This attack would never have happened if I was president. Not even a chance. Just like the iranian backed Hamas attack on Israel would never have happened, the war in Ukraine would never have happened, and we would right now have peace throughout the world. Instead, we are on the brink of World War II. This terrible day is yet more proof that we need an immediate return to peace through strength, so that there will be no more chaos, no more destruction, no more loss of precious american lives.

Our country cannot survive with Joe Biden as commander in chief. And he’s absolutely right. They are going to bring us to war. We’re going to be on the precipice of war. And yes, this is going to wake a lot of people up. And yes, people are going to look back in time and go, Trump was right. Again and again, our prayers and condolences go out to those families.

But we see something else that is very interesting. Those people that have been installed into government, their first allegiance is not to America, not to the United States. And again, if anyone thought that these people, their allegiance would be to the United States, well, they’ve been fooling themselves because these people have been installed. They’re part a criminal syndicate. And actually, Elon Omar has made it very clear that her allegiance is not to America, but to Somalia.

So think about all those illegals coming in. Think about all those people that are installed in government. Are they for America? No. Their mission is actually to have America destroyed. Their mission is to have America lose in the war. Their mission is to get rid of the constitution. That is the 16 year plan. Obama has been planning this, not him himself, but with many others, to infiltrate this country and to destroy this country from within and to take it over from the outside.

This is why there’s been such a push to get the weapons away from the people. This is why it’s been such a push to actually destroy the military. I think it’s becoming very, very clear to the american people now. And if it’s not clear right now, it’s going to get a lot clearer as time goes on. Because when catastrophe hits and you start to look around of who’s responsible for this catastrophe, the people are going to understand who it is.

I mean, think about it. Trump has been telling everyone that it’s going to get a lot worse. World War three is coming. The borders is open. It’s going to get a lot worse. We’re going to have a terrorist attack. Who’s responsible for all this? It’s not Trump. It’s who. It’s Biden. It’s the fake news. It’s the corrupt politicians. It’s all of them. And the people are learning who is responsible for all of this? They know who’s destroying this country.

See, sometimes you got to show the people the 16 year plan. Sometimes you need the people to get really pissed off. Sometimes you need the people to understand by making them so angry that they can no longer unsee it. And I do believe we’re going to see a lot more people. But think about it. The Biden administration, the deep state players, they’re going to do whatever they possibly can to try to keep Biden in the game as long as possible.

Now, I know Obama wants Biden out of the picture. Biden, he wants to stay in the picture. But I do believe in the end, with everything coming out against Biden, it’s not going to work. But Biden, he’s going to give it the old college try. But again, in the end, it’s going to fail. And this is why Biden is hoping for an endorsement from Taylor Swift, and he’s hoping that this is going to help him and put him over the edge.

Well, once again, we can see the psyop. It’s pretty clear. Let’s see the NFL. They needed ratings. They needed the young people to start to watch the NFL because nobody was watching it anymore. So they brought Taylor Swift in. They had her date a football player, had her show up to every single game, dance around in the box, and people just tune in to see Taylor Swift. And their ratings went up.

And they’ll keep Taylor Swift until the Super bowl, and most likely she’ll endorse Biden. And people will be like, holy crap. Oh, this is fantastic. And I wouldn’t be surprised if Taylor Swift breaks up with the football player maybe three, four months later after everything’s all said and done and they don’t need to date anymore. But N. Wilkness put this out on X and says, what’s happening with Taylor Swift is not organic and natural.

It’s an op. We all feel it. We all know it. Absolutely. And we could see that they’re going to give it a try. Despite the numbers where it shows, only a modest 18% of voters indicate that he would be swayed by her endorsement. The people don’t care. Actually catch her, put this out and said, looks like Taylor Swift is really turning those young people out for Biden. Oh, wait, it doesn’t seem like that’s happening.

Here’s some information from the polls. It says, how many people approve of Biden? 27% disapprove, 71%. Political polls Biden job approval approved, 33% disapprove, 65%. Basically, the people of this country, they will not be swayed by a celebrity, because Trump made sure that people feel what’s really going on in this country. And when the economy breaks down and you lose your job and you can’t make ends meet, it doesn’t matter what celebrities say.

It doesn’t matter what they talk about or who they endorse. When we’re going to war and you see that this could be a nuclear war and actually the United States is attacked, do you really care what the celebrity says or does or endorses? Absolutely not. That overrides all slip. Yes. If we were in peacetime and everyone was asleep, it might work today. That’s an impossibility. Because Trump and the patriots, they made sure that people saw exactly what the 16 year plan was.

And when you have your emotions running high and you see the borders wide open, you see an event, you see the economy breaking down, you see inflation, you see your friends losing their jobs, their relatives losing their jobs, maybe you losing their jobs. When you see war approaching and the countries attacked, it doesn’t matter what any of these people say because it doesn’t work anymore. Trump and the patriots, they knew this.

And this is not going to work for Biden. Actually, this is going to be a lot worse for Biden. And you’re going to see that, hey, you know something? We need to bring in a lot more illegals because a lot more people, they’re leaving Biden for Trump and you’re going to see a lot more people. Why do you think they have Nikki Haley in there? I mean, she’s already said that she’s not going to leave until Super Tuesday.

Why would she stay in there? She has no delegates in. Has she lost New Hampshire? She lost Iowa? Why in the world would she stay in there? Because they’re waiting for something to happen. They’re waiting for an announcement saying Trump is convicted, she’s on standby to actually become the nominee. When they tried to take Trump down with convictions and everything else. But again, this is not going to work.

I mean, they’re going to give it a good try. But again, why in the world would Trump decide to drop out? Why would the people of this country, after everything that they saw him go through, why in the world would they say, oh, wait, he got convicted? Oh, okay, yeah, Nikki Haley, that’s our best try. No, the people, they’re going to stick with him to the very, very end.

And they’re not going to go to Nikki Haley. They’re not going to go to any other candidate, and they’re going to see that this operation has failed. How does Trump know that it’s going to fail? And the people, they’re going to stay with Trump. That’s why Trump wants to finish this out. This is why he didn’t accept the nominee. He wants the people in the end to vote for him.

That’s what this is all about. He wants to show the establishment, the deep state players, the fake news, Obama, Biden and everyone else. Look, everything that you did to me, everything that you tried, it all failed. The people want me as their nominee. And the people, they’re going to be voting for Trump. I mean, look what’s happening with Snoop doggy Dog here. Snoop Dogg vows nothing but love and respect for Trump.

Now he says he ain’t done nothing wrong to me. He has done only great things for me. He, Barden, Michael Harris Storm has arrived. Put this out and says, snoop Dogg says he may have to endorse President Trump. Don’t underestimate the paradigm shift occurring. It’s slowly becoming edgy in the pop culture world to support Trump. The establishment is absolutely screwed. Absolutely. And remember everything that we’re going through, everything that we’re witnessing.

Trump, he let everyone know four years ago that this is what you were going to see. If you were paying attention and you were listening. He said, listen, if Biden gets in and he is the resident, this is what you’re going to expect. Now, how did he know this? Did he have a crystal ball? No, he knew the 16 year plan. He knew if he put the resident in place, he would do everything he wants them to do.

They would go ahead and push their 16 year plan and they would do it to the extreme, and he knew it. Joe Rambo put this out. Take a listen to Trump. Take a listen to what he said back four years ago. Imagine if we had a Democrat president and a Democrat congress in 2020. They would shut down your free speech, use the power of the law to punish their opponents, which they’re trying to do now anyway.

They’ll always be trying to shield themselves. They would strip Americans of their constitutional rights while flooding the country with illegal immigrants in the hopes it will expand their political base and they’ll get votes someplace down the future. That’s what it’s about. Trump knew exactly what it was going to take to wake the american people up, and it’s not finished yet. You might be awake, you might want this over with.

But again, we’re going after the country. The country must be awake. The country must be thinking logically to take back this country. So, yes, it’s going to get worse. Yes, it’s going to feel very, very dark. Yes, it has to be done this way. Because, look, he told everyone back then. Did anyone remember? No. The only way you remember is to experience it. And you need to experience it, because you need to understand what it’s like fighting for your freedom, because you need that experience so you can pass it down from generation to generation to generation.

Just like our founding fathers. They fought for their freedom. They bled, they died, they gave up their wealth, their land. They knew what it would take to get the freedom. And since they knew what it would take, they’d never want to let it go. For the people of this country to take this country back, they must fight with everything that they have, they must get pissed off, they must get angry.

They must be brought to a place of darkness so they can see the light, so they can understand that it should not be this way. And we need to do something to change it. And when will people do this at the ballot box? That’s when you issue the verdict. Because remember, what you’re witnessing today is the trial of the century. The deep state right now is on trial.

The american people, they are the jury. And Trump, the patriots, what are they doing? They are convincing the jury, these are the criminals. And to convince the entire jury, which is the american people, you need to show them all the facts. You need to show the people the truth. And that is the only way the jury, which is the american people, this is the only way that they can then issue the verdict because they need all the facts to do it.

And when will they issue it? At the ballot box. So when people say, is it over? Well, you need to let the entire trial play out. And yes, it’s going to look scary, you’re going to hear certain things, you’re going to view certain things, and it’s going to be terrible. But this is the only way that people can then make that verdict at the ballot box. And we could see that when the time is right, that’s when people will show the deep state that we have found you guilty, guilty of treason, guilty of sedition, guilty against this country.

And yes, the deep state players, they don’t want the people to do that. So they will try to stop it. They will try to shut down the elections, they will try to postpone it, because they do not want people to hand out the verdict. But again, I do believe Trump and the Patriots, they are prepped, they’re prepared for what is to come. And I do believe they want the deep state players to bring us to a place where we can’t use their system.

When I say their system, I’m talking about their election system. Their election system is made up. The Dominion machines, the ballots, the mail in ballots, the dropboxes and everything else. I do believe Trump and the Patriots want the people to use the paper ballots so this way they can count it. They have the results all in one day to show the deep state players, look, we’ve made our decision and our vote counted and we’ve decided that you are treasonous, that you are guilty for all your crimes against the people of this country.

And that’s when the deep state players, that’s when they’re going to have chaos because they won’t accept these results. They won’t accept anything. And by doing that, what do you think happens? Well, they’re going to have chaos. They’re going to tell their illegals to go out into the streets. Think about it. The illegals going out into the streets causing chaos against America. Hasn’t Trump been calling it an invasion? If the invaders decide to destroy cities, burn buildings down and hurt people, is this a force that the military could take care of? I do believe so.

I do believe Trump and the patriots, they’re prepared and ready for this. Why? Because the patriots are in control. Listen, everyone, thanks a lot for listening. Be well, be safe, and especially be prepared. Thanks a lot. Close. .

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Biden's economic plans criticism changing communication dynamics criticism of fact checkers and news government losing support impact of celebrity endorsements on elections issues with current immigration laws job loss under Biden's administration need for public awareness about government actions potential of potential revelations about the Obamas questioning Biden's honesty Taylor Swift supporting Joe Biden US government actions concerns

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