Ep. 3269b – Trump Says There Is A 100 Chance Of A Terror Attack [DS] Will Be Tried At The Ballot Box: X22 Report

Posted in: News, Patriots, X22 Reports



➡ Dave from the X22 Report talks about how Trump is trying to show people the bad things happening in our country. He says Trump is using the mistakes of the “deep state” (bad politicians and others) to show people how he would do things differently. Dave also talks about a new, cheaper gadget called Night Watch pros, which are binoculars that let you see in the dark. Lastly, he warns that there might be a terror attack and that this could make people realize the dangers of having open borders.
➡ The text talks about two main things. First, it suggests that there might be a plan to make Trump look guilty in a trial, even though the writer believes it’s not fair. Second, it talks about a woman named E. Jean Carroll who accused Trump of something bad, but the writer thinks she’s not telling the truth. The text also mentions some problems with Joe Biden and his son, Hunter, involving money from other countries.
➡ Joe Biden is being accused of not properly handling the border situation. Some people say he’s letting too many people into the country without checking them properly. They also say he’s not being fair by asking for money to close the border. Some people in Texas are upset because they want to use their own soldiers to help at the border, but Biden won’t let them.
➡ The article talks about how Mayorkas, a government official, is accused of not following immigration laws, which some people believe has led to many illegal immigrants coming into the U.S. There are also claims that he lied to Congress about how secure the borders are. Some people think he should be removed from his job because of this. The article also discusses concerns about crime and war, and how some countries are preparing for possible conflict.
➡ Some people are trying to scare us into starting a war, but Trump wants peace. The military is letting people who didn’t finish high school join because they need more people. Some people are trying to make the military weaker. Trump is being accused of things he didn’t do, and he thinks it’s not fair.
➡ Right now, people are watching a kind of trial where important people in our country are being judged for their actions. People like Biden and Obama are being watched closely, and everyone is waiting to see what they’ve done wrong. In the end, the people will decide who is guilty and vote out the bad guys. This is all happening because some believe that Trump and his supporters are in control and ready to fix any problems that come up.


Report it. My name is Dave in this episode. 3269 bn today’s date is January 28, 2024, and the title of the episode is. Trump says there’s 100% chance of a terror attack. Deep State will be tried at the ballot box. Let’s talk about being prepared. The most useful and popular gadget you can get in this New year’s is undoubtedly a pair of night vision binocular. That’s because until recently they were too expensive for our most hobbyists.

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com. That is Nightwatchpro. com. Use promo code 15 off let’s get into the economic collapse. Political and geopolitical news. Now. The deep state, the corrupt politicians, big tech fake news, the puppet masters. You can see everything that they are now doing. And if you really think about it and you start to step back and take a look, you can see that everything that they have done has helped Trump in his campaign.

I do believe that what we’re experiencing, what we’re witnessing right now, is Trump’s campaign against the deep state players. It’s his campaign to get the people on his side. And what did he need to do? He needed to actually have the deep state players do what they do best, destroy this country. Because every time they make a move, every time they destroy the country, what happens? Trump says, I will do the opposite.

They have open borders. I will close the borders. They bring us to war, I will have peace. They destroy the economy, I will make the economy great. They infiltrate our schools. I will give the control back to the parents so they could educate their children. If you notice everything that Trump is doing, it is a campaign to wake up the people, to have the people on his side so the people could see exactly who’s been trying to destroy our country.

Remember, this is all part of their 16 year plan. Open borders, bring us to war, destroy the economy. Trump, he needs the army behind him. Who is the army? It is the people of this country. The people must try the deep state at the ballot box. That’s what this is all about. And this is his campaign that he is running. And the people, they’re catching on. The people are starting to see.

And when the people see even more, more people are going to say, yes, we want Trump, especially if there is a terror attack in this country. And Trump, he was just out there, out in Vegas, letting everyone know that, yes, there is a 100% chance of a terror attack. Now, remember, how do you convince the population that these things are bad? Yes, you can show the illegals coming over, you can have the counts.

You could say, look, there’s 300,000 people this month. This is 1 million people this month. Yes, you could show the people that, but a lot of people will say, well, that’s good. We want to bring the people in here. We should be an open, free society, and the border should be wide open. Once again, the only way you convince people that this is bad is to show them that this is bad.

Just like the people in New York are experiencing. Just like the people in Chicago experiencing, just like the people in Boston are experiencing. The people, when they see it happen to them, when they see it firsthand, then they start to understand that this is bad. I do believe when there’s a terror attack, the population of this country, they are going to wake up like we’ve never seen before.

Because at that moment when people realize that having an open border allows terrorists to come in and allows the terrorists to perform terrorist acts on this country and it hurts people, that’s when people go, you know something? I never thought of it that way. You know something? I didn’t know that was going to happen. I didn’t know having open borders like this was going to destroy the country the way I’m seeing it.

I didn’t realize having open borders like this was going to destroy my resources. They’re going to use up all the money. We’re going to see crime. We’re going to see them sleeping on the streets. I didn’t realize that we were bringing in criminals, human traffickers, drug traffickers, terrorists. And yes, you hear a lot of talk about it, but until the people actually see it, they’re not going to believe it.

And I do believe we have something huge coming our way. And I do believe during this entire year, we’re going to see a lot of things because remember, this is the campaign to wake the american people up, to have the people vote these people out of office. Remember, everybody wants Trump to drain the swamp, but you can’t just remove the elected officials. The people must do this. If the people don’t see the truth and the people don’t understand the truth and they don’t understand what’s really going on, how are they going to vote these people out? They will never do it.

So Trump, he needed to show everyone, look, just take a look now. Do you see it? Do you still want these people in these positions? No, the people are going to say, we absolutely do not, especially as the economy is breaking down, especially once there’s a terror attack, especially when we’re going to war. Emotions, they wake people up. And I know those people that are awake, those people that are pissed, that say, we got to stop this, oh, we got to deport, oh, we got to do this and that and the other thing.

No, we will do that, but we need to wake the rest of the country up. They must understand, without understanding, they will not have the information to do what is necessary. Just like with the bioweapon, they held back all the information. Did the people have the information to do what was necessary? No, they had no information. So they just listened to the criminals and they stuck their arm out.

If they had the information, they would question it and say, well, hold on a second. Are you telling me I’m going to get myocarditis? Are you telling me that I might drop dead? Are you telling me this doesn’t stop the spread? Are you telling me that this won’t stop, Covid? Why the hell would I take it then the same thing’s happening right now. The people, they need the information to make a logical decision at the ballot box.

Remember, this is the court of public opinion. Forget about the DOJ, the FBI and all the rest. The criminals will not indict themselves. The criminals will not go after themselves. The criminals will continually go after Trump. Actually, they really want to go after every single one of us. And that’s why they are pushing everything that they have at Trump. And what is this actually doing? It is hurting them in the long run, because anyone logically thinking and anyone watching this play out in all these different court cases, people see the truth.

But again, you need to remember why the deep state is doing this. Because they thought they had the upper hand. They thought, oh, we’re going to put a lot of pressure on Trump. He’s just going to drop out and we’re not going to have to worry about him again. Even when he’s convicted, people are going to say, ah, forget I’m not voting for a criminal. But the people, they see the truth.

They’ve tried this in the past, actually go back in time. Remember when you had the kings and queens and the church and everything else go after those people that didn’t fit the narrative and they went up against them and they threw them in the prisons. What happened to these people? They became martyrs. Did they actually win or in the long run, did these people actually lose by going directly at these people that were going up against their narrative? Well, they lost in the long run and they’re going to lose in the long run with Trump because they’re going directly at him.

And the people can see very, very clearly what’s going on. And remember, I do believe what they’re doing. This was the first ruling and they were hoping that, oh, this is going to be a lot of pressure on Trump. He’ll stop. But again, he’s out in Vegas. He’s already prepared and ready for the Vegas caucus. Nikki Haley, she’s not dropping out. Why? Because they’re keeping her in here long enough.

Because I do believe the next shoe is about to drop where probably Angoron, they’ll probably do that around South Carolina where they’ll probably come out with a ruling saying that he’s guilty. I mean, remember, all these things were already baked in before even Trump went to trial. The judges, they were already corrupt. They already had their rulings. They already knew exactly what was going to go on. Even when they have a jury, the jury is not his peers.

The jury was selected in that certain area where they knew they were going to go completely and utterly against Trump. He couldn’t get a fair trial in New York. So once again, you could see they have everything scheduled to go. And no one should be shocked that he’s going know get a guilty verdict. He’s going to know shown that he committed a crime. This was already baked in and they’re using it every step of the way.

And I do believe probably very close to when South Carolina comes around Super Tuesday and all that stuff, I do believe that’s when they’re going to probably make a ruling, hoping that this is enough pressure to have know drop out. But again, you have to remember, this is the court of public opinion and the people are watching this play out. And in the end. The people are going to try the deep state at the ballot box.

We’ll be talking about this a little bit later. But first, let’s talk about E. Jean Carroll. Because this is the 15 facts about E. Jean Carroll’s allegations against Trump, the media doesn’t want anyone to know. Bergdolf Goodman has no surveillance video of the alleged incident. There are zero witnesses to the alleged sexual attack. Carol first came forward conveniently with the allegation while promoting her book what do we Need Men for in 2019.

Carol was unable to remember when this alleged attack even occurred. She told her lawyer in 2023 this question the when the where the date has been, something I’ve been constantly trying to pin down. She has jumped years, originally beginning with 1994, then moving to 1995 and even floating to 1996. She has no idea because it never happened. The Donna Karen Blazer dress she claims to have worn during the alleged incident has not been available at the time of her claims.

The whole thing is bs. She never came forward with allegations over the years, despite constantly being open about sexuality, posting things that were very sexual in nature on social media, she said she was never raped, telling the New York Times podcast, the Daily every woman gets to choose her word. Every woman gets to choose how she describes it. This is my way of saying it. This is my word.

My word is fight. My word is not the victim word. I have not. I have not been raped. So that’s very interesting. She named her cat vagina. Joe Tacopini, an attorney for Trump, pointed out in May 2023 that Carol entire story has incredible similarities to the 2012 episode of Law and Order Special Victims Unit. That episode, titled theater and Tricks. Speaking of shows Carol love Trumps the Apprentice.

Carol made a joke associating sex with Bergdolf Goodman in November 1993 edition of L, which was before the alleged Trump actac took place. Democratic Party activists back her as well. Reed Hoffman backs her. The lawsuit was only able to proceed after Democrats created the Adult Survivors act in 2022. She conveniently pursued this suit in November, following the law going into effect. She even helped push this law with her lawyer, who has direct connections with Kaplan.

Conflict of interest? I do believe so. And she said rape is sexy. So once again, all this information is out there. The judge wouldn’t allow it. And you could see by a lot of this information, this entire trial should have been shut down from the very, very beginning because there is no evidence. There is no there there. Actually, it’s the opposite. And what we come to find out is that E.

Jean Carroll has accused several men of sexual assault, including a babysitter, boyfriend, a dentist, a camp counselor, college friend, a boss, the CBS CEO, and it goes on and on and on. What does this tell you? I think this tells you everything you need to know. And I do believe that this case is going to be appealed. And Trump has already said he’s going to appeal it. And I do believe this is going to be overturned.

And I do believe there’s going to be a lot of information coming out saying that was nothing there. And I do believe we’re going to find out certain information showing that, yes, she is a complete and utter liar. And I do believe in the end, she should have to pay every single dime. Reed Hoffman should have to pay Trump back and then pay him even more so for putting him through all of this.

And we could see that every single one of these judges that are indicting Trump and all these prosecutors, the same thing should go to them. And since they’re not following the rule of law, they should be disbarred and they should never be able to practice law again. I do believe in the end, that’s exactly what’s going to happen. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is we could see that the entire thing with Hunter Biden is completely and utterly falling apart.

The Bidens, they no longer control the narrative. And I do believe a lot of this, yes, we have the house doing a lot of investigation. They brought this out into the open. The people are starting to understand that, yes, the Bidens, they are a criminal family. And I do believe this is a huge push to get Biden out of office. Remember, there’s no way that Biden can stay in office.

He doesn’t have the poll numbers. There’s no way they’re going to be able to cheat with him in office. Even though you have a cheating machine, you still need someone that’s halfway decent, halfway popular to pull this off. And they won’t be able to do this with Biden, especially with what’s going on in this country. The economy completely, utterly falling apart. The borders are wide open. We’re on the verge of a terrorist attack.

We’re on the verge of war. We’re on the verge of an economic collapse. So will this benefit Biden in the long run? Will they be able to use any of this? No. This is going to work against him. And they know this. So let him keep all the baggage, let him go know holding the open borders, the failing economy. And what they really want to do is they want to bring someone in that says, oh, no, that has nothing to do with us.

We’re going to help repair all this. That crazy guy, well, he’s the one that caused all these problems. That’s what they’re going to do. But again, you can see the evidence coming out against Hunter. And as they continually have more and more people testify, well, there’s links being formed with Biden. And if they keep going down this path, the links then will be formed with Obama, with Hillary Clinton and the rest.

And, you know, Hillary, Obama and the rest, they don’t want that to happen. So I do believe we’re not going to see the Republicans move forward with the impeachment because that would open up a can of worms. I do believe they will take Biden out way before this because they can’t allow one to a lead to another which leads to another. But the oversight committee, they put this out on axe and they said the following.

We held a transcribed interview with Rob Walker, a Biden family associate who was involved in the Biden’s dealing with chinese and romanian entities. Here were the takeaways. We learned that Joe Biden met with the now missing chairman of the CEFC as Hunter Biden and his associate received? 3 million from a chinese entity CEFC controlled. Today’s interview confirmed Hunter Biden and his associate work with chinese government linked energy company began over a year before Joe Biden left the vice presidency.

But the Bidens and their associates held off being paid by the Chinese while Joe Biden was in office. The chinese company paid Hunter Biden and his associates 3 million shortly after Joe Biden left office. As a thank you for the work they did while Joe Biden was in office. Members of the Biden family received payments from the chinese deal even though they did not work on it. This is the type of swampy influence peddling the american people want us to end.

Additionally, as Joe Biden was leading an anti corruption effort in Romania, Hunter Biden and Rob Walker began an ill defined business relationship with romanian businessman Gabrielle. Mr. Walker also confirmed that he and Hunter Biden received payments from Gabrielle beginning in 2015 that continued throughout the rest of Joe Biden’s presidency. In exchange for lucrative payments, Hunter Biden traveled to Romania, engaged with the US ambassador to Romania to discuss Mr.

Gabrielle’s foreign legal case. Our committee, along with judiciary, GOP and ways and means GOP, will continue to file the facts to inform the impeachment inquiry and legislative solution. We look forward to releasing the transcript from today’s interview soon, and you can see that the walls are definitely closing in on Joe Biden. People now see that he has been dealing with foreign entities. He’s been accepting money. He’s been working with Hunter Biden.

He’s definitely involved with his business. And I think at this point, the american people, the court of public opinion, they understand that this is one gigantic criminal syndicate. And now they could see it very, very clearly. And everything that Joe Biden does, people could see that. Yeah, look, he’s trying to pay off people and he’s trying to blackmail the american people because that’s exactly what he’s doing with the open borders.

And with him saying, oh, I want a deal on the border, he is now trying to blackmail the american people. Remember, they told us that the borders were secure. They told us there’s no problem. Now they need money for Ukraine. So now they’re saying, oh, if you want the border shut, well, you need to give us the money. So basically, Joe Biden and all his other people, they are blackmailing the american people because they won’t shut down the borders until you give us the money.

Isn’t that quid pro quo? Isn’t that what that’s called? And remember who created this entire problem from the very, very beginning, Joe Biden and all the people around the deep state players and mokeness put this out and said, January 20, 2020. First day one of the Biden administration. Border wall immediately defunded. Emergency declaration withdrawn. Deportation of illegal aliens paused. Remain in Mexico policy terminated. Opening up the border was literally one of the top priorities starting from day one.

And that’s exactly what they did. They terminated the emergency. They terminated everything. So what did they do? They shut down everything that Trump did. They reversed everything and they opened the border completely. And now they’re saying, listen, if we don’t pay up, if we don’t get the money for Ukraine, we’ll keep the border open. Well, no, you have the ability to shut it down at any moment. You don’t need laws, you don’t need money.

Everything is there. He’s a liar. And what’s very interesting is that Biden, he doesn’t have the authority, the legal authority to seize control of the Texas National Guard. FX hatch put this out and said Texas Democrat politicians such as Representative Joaquin Castro and failed gubernatorial and Senate candidate Beto O’Rourke are urging Joe Biden to seize control of the Texas National Guard, which Republican Governor Greg Abbott has mobilized to help secure the Texas border.

Abbot did so in the face of the deliberate, intentional action of the Biden administration to make sure, the border stays open so millions of illegal aliens could continue to flood across from Mexico. Under these circumstances, any such move by the president would be an abuse of the applicable law. A number of federal statutes govern the National Guard, which is the modern equivalent of state militias, a reserve component of our military under ten USC section 12301 a, the secretary of defense, and thus the president, is given the authority in time of war or of national emergency declared by Congress, or when otherwise authorized by law, to order national Guard units to active duty.

But they cannot be called to active duty by the president without the consent of the governor of the state. If the governor consents, the unit called into federal service under title X reports to the president as the commander in chief while in federal service. And that’s absolutely right. And you could see that Johnson, Speaker Johnson, is letting Biden know, listen, you have everything right now to actually secure the border.

He said, as my letter stated, biden can begin to secure the border by ending catch and release, ceasing exploitation of parole authority, reinstating the remain in Mexico program, expanding the use of expediting removal authority, renewing construction of the border wall. The president must start by using the broad legal authority he already possesses to reclaim our nation’s sovereignty and end the mass release of illegal aliens into the country.

So basically reverse everything that he reversed from Trump, put everything back into place, and this way we can have a secure border. That’s pretty much what Johnson is saying. And yes, Biden doesn’t need new laws, doesn’t need new legislation passed, doesn’t need any of this. He could stop it now. Everything was in place. He reversed everything. And now he is fighting with Texas to keep the border open while the american people want it closed, to make sure that we are safe in our own country.

Trump, this is what he said out in Nevada. Take a listen to denounce that. 302,000 illegal aliens trespassed across our border last month. 302,000. That’s an all time, by the way, that’s an all time record. There’s never been a number like that last month. 302,000. That’s bigger than most cities in our country. Yet, unbelievably, rather than helping Texas to build our border security up, crooked Joe Biden is fighting Texas to tear our beautiful border security down.

They’re cutting all the wire. Let’s cut the wire. Let everybody in. No, they want open borders. They could have solved in three weeks. I would have been able to get another 150 miles of wall up. Think of that. All they had to do the wall was there. All they had to do is put it up. It was all set to be put up. And you know what they did? They sold it for.

They sold it as scrap. They want to have open borders, and you’re going to remember that come November. And now they’re trying to blame anybody that they can. So pretty much Trump just says it all. Biden wants the borders open. Yes. This is all part of their plan from the very, very beginning. If you go back to the 16 year plan, this is their plan. And it’s not just happening here in the United States, it’s happening across Europe.

And this has been building and building and building. It’s not like it just happened yesterday. It just didn’t happen when Biden came into the White House. This plan has been ongoing. Actually, it started during Obama. People just didn’t see it because they hid it from the people. And remember, it was supposed to be done at a very slow pace so you wouldn’t notice any of it. But think about what happened.

Let’s talk about being prepared. It’s freezing, but cranking up the heat is going to cost you a lot of money. Experts previously warned that heating bills will jump to the most expensive in more than a decade. And it’s holding true. The average cost to heat a home is projected to rise more than 17. 2%, or $1,208. What’s scary is the cost of heat homes is expected to be 35.

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Trump, he came and won the election, put them right behind schedule, reversed everything they did. Now they had to accelerate their 16 year plan. And what does that give you? It gives you exactly what they’re trying to do. Because when you accelerate something, you can see it as clear as day, just like with grass growing out of the soil. If you just sit there and watch it, you see nothing happening.

But if you have a camera on it and you film it over a very long period of time and then you speed up the film, you could see it all. That’s exactly what Trump did. He just went ahead and he accelerated everything so you could see it. Under Obama, a lot of people didn’t see that the same exact thing was happening. But the people now definitely do see it.

Raspussen reports. Put this out and said since his first day in office, Biden has worked to systematically undermine american border security. The result is a humanitarian and national security catastrophe. How many people agree with this? Dems 42% agree. Independence 59. GOP, 75%. All voters 58%. So the people, they understand this. They understand what’s going on. And the people, they are supporting the impeachment of Mayorkas. Right now, the House of Representatives, they released articles of impeachment against Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas for high crimes and misdemeanors.

And this is what the articles say. Article one of the impeachment. Willful and systematic refusal to comply with the law. The first articles accuse mayorkas of willfully and systematically refusing to comply with the federal immigration laws, alleges that his actions, or lack thereof, have resulted in millions of illegal immigrants entering the United States. Absolutely. These specific violations include the allegations refusal to comply with the detention mandates of the Immigration and Nationality act, resulting in a catch and release scheme.

The second articles is breach of public trust. So basically, this is obstructing lawful oversight of the Department of Homeland Security. This includes claims that Mayorkas made false statements to Congress about the security of the border and the vetting of afghan refugees, as well as failing to comply with the subpoenas issued by congressional committees. And remember, they sat in front of Congress and he lied, saying that the borders are secure.

But now we have Biden saying, listen, if you want the border secure, you better give me my money. So who lied here? Well, I think the people see that the borders are insecure, and we see that Majorcas lied to Congress. And yes, by lying to Congress, he should be impeached. By lying to the american people, he should be impeached. And by keeping the borders open like this, he should be impeached.

So, once again, we could see that the House of Representatives, they have to approve the articles of impeachment, and then the case will move to the Senate. But let’s see how this all plays out. But again, we need to understand that people are watching this and they understand that the borders are a very, very big issue. But remember, this has been planned from the very, very beginning. I do believe Vivek pretty much sums it up in a post.

He says the southern border disaster isn’t the product of incompetence. It’s the intended result of years of careful planning by the Democratic Party. Once you understand that, the situation makes a lot more sense and the solution becomes much simpler. Absolutely. Remember, they have planned this a long time ago. This is all part of their 16 year plan. They wanted open borders. This was in coordination with Soros to blend the country.

And Obama, he needed to bring in as many foot soldiers as possible. If you remember going back in time when he was running for the presidency, he said, we need a force that’s large enough and strong enough to go up against the US military. Why would he say that? And the force he’s talking about is not the american people. He’s talking about his force. He’s talking about the Muslim Brotherhood.

He’s talking about the military age men that he’s bringing into this country. And Trump, he’s continually letting us know that once he is elected and he’s inaugurated, he will begin the largest domestic deportation operation in american history. And yes, I do believe he will do this. And yes, there’s many different factors that are going to go along with this, and we can see that. I do believe they’ve been tracking all these people.

They’ve been tracking them. The military has been tracking them. And I do believe when the deep state players, when they’re prepared and ready to have chaos, these illegals that are in this country, they’re going to be activated and they’re going to be brought into the different cities and they will be out there creating chaos. And people will be able to see them very clearly, will make it a lot easier for the National Guard and others to actually round them up very quickly.

But before we get there, we know that the deep state players, they’re going to be bringing us to war, and we’re definitely heading to war. And how do you start to kick off war? Well, you need certain events. And Trump is letting us know that, yes, with the borders wide open, we’re letting these terrorists in and these military age men in, and we’re ripe for an event. He says this untruth.

Just three years ago, we had the strongest and safest border in US history. Today we have a catastrophe waiting to happen. It is the worst border in the history of the world. An open wound in our once great country, terrorists are pouring in unchecked from all over the world. There is now 100% chance that there will be a major terror attacks in the USA, close the border. And I do believe he wouldn’t be saying it unless it’s true.

And is this going to wake up a lot of people? A lot of people are going to say, holy crap, Trump is right. You think a lot of people are going to start to change their mind? Absolutely. And we could see that we’re heading in that direction. And remember, this is the court of public opinion. In the end, this is going to make it a lot easier for Trump to do the things that we need to do.

The people will be with him. And he said that multiple, multiple times. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is we could see that crime is off the charts here in the United States, and we could see that they’ve been releasing prisoners, they’re allowing people to commit crimes. But there is a very simple solution. And it looks like El Salvador figured out that solution to stop the crime.

Remember El Salvador? They had killings all over the place. Crime was off the charts. And when the president of El Salvador came in, he decided he was going to jail all the gang members, all the cartels and everything like that. And since that period of time, you know what’s been happening in El Salvador? Peace. Zero homicides. Crime is at its lowest n wokeness put this out and said, zero homicides in El Salvador this year so far.

Until recently, El Salvador had the highest homicide rate on earth. Incarcerations work. And that is absolutely true. And I do believe when all is said and done and we start incarcerating all these people and the deep state players and all their events that they push on us, we’re going to see a very different lifestyle. We’re going to see a country and a world where we don’t have wars like we did, we don’t have the crime and the homicides and everything like that.

The cities, the way you see them today, everything is going to start to reverse and people are going to scratch their heads and go, why was it ever this way? Because now look at it. Everything is incredible. You think the people in El Salvador, you think they were sitting there going, what the hell, man? That’s all we had to do. All we had to do is round up all these people, all these other leaders telling us that it’s impossible, we can’t do it, we can’t stop the crime.

It’s too hard. We need more money. And all this guy did was come in, build these prisons, went around rounding all these people up, and now we have peace in our own country. I mean, really think about that for a second. But you can see the deep state players. They don’t want peace. And that’s why they’re continually pushing their agenda, because they know in the end, when people start to learn that, hey, they are the criminal syndicate, they’ve been doing this to the people.

They’ve been treasonous to this country, you know, they don’t want the people understanding all their crimes. So what are they going to do? They’re going to distract everyone. And the only way to distract people is with something very, very big, so no one remembers what they were talking about before the distraction happened. And you’re going to need something very, very big to distract from everything that they’ve been doing, and you have to distract from all the criminals in this country.

So that is war. And that’s what they’re trying to build up right now. And you can see they’re actually building the narrative and they’re bringing us down this path to war. Right now, the Biden admin is discussing slowing some weaponry deliveries to Israel to pressure Netanyahu. And again, this is not going to work. Israel is not going to stop. We see the UK and Australia, they’re doing very interesting things right now.

Australia, they must consider bringing back conscription as all out wars with Russia, lubes. And it looks like the UK is doing the same thing as Australia because these experts are saying that war is on the way. We need to start the draft up once again. And you’re going to see this actually happen here in the United States. And this is how they build the narrative. This is how they get the people used to it.

See, in the very beginning, when they bring this out, the people go, whoa, wait a minute, war drafts? Wait, we don’t want to do this. We don’t want to go to war. We don’t want drafts. And they keep repeating it over and over and over and people are saying, no, we don’t want this. They’re trying to convince the people that this is going to be a good thing for them, get ready for it, because war is coming.

And yes, you’re going to have to fight this war. But again, I don’t think the people are going to go along with them. Yes, they’re going to try an event. Yes, they’re going to try to scare the people. Yes, they’re going to bring the people to the precipice because that’s how you start a war, you just don’t say, hey, by the way, there’s a war. Do you want to join? You know how many people would join? None.

See, if you scare the people and your country’s attacked or something happens, like a cyberattack worldwide, will people say, holy crap, were we just attacked? Yes. If they see a missile incoming and it’s intercepted, would people say, holy crap, someone fired a missile at us? This is an act of war. Yes, this is how you scare the people into doing what you want them to do. But I do believe Trump, he has the secret weapon, and that is called peace.

And I do believe we will have peace in the end. But again, it’s going to look very, very scary as we move throughout this year, just like with everything else that’s happening right now. Why? Because again, this is the campaign for Trump. He’s showing you the deep state. He wants you to make a logical decision as we get closer and closer to the elections, because without the information, how do you make a logical decision of which way the country should go? And I think in the end, the people are going to make the proper decision because they’re going to realize, wow, these people are destroying our country.

These people have open borders. These people have destroyed our economy. They’re bringing us to war. The only alternative is peace. The only alternative is Trump, who wants peace. And I do believe in the end, that’s exactly what the people are going to do. And it looks like the US Navy right now, they have lowered their recruitment standards, dropping the education requirement, allowing high school dropouts to enlist over continually missed recruitment goals.

So now we’re getting individuals that are dropping out of high school. And is this the best of the best for the military? I don’t believe so. But again, the military is becoming very, very desperate because they realize people aren’t joining the military. Remember, this is part of the 16 year plan. This is the plan to make sure that the military is weak. What do I mean by this? Well, you have to remember, if you have infiltration from within and you have your foot soldiers that have been coming into this country, why would you want a force that could go up against the new force that is being created? So what do you got to do? You got to weaken the military.

How do you weaken the military? You infiltrate the military, you bring the military to its knees, and you show men in high heels, you show men dressed up as women. And when people want to join the military, they go, you know what? That’s not for me. And people are going to shy away from it. And this is exactly what the Obama administration has been doing for a very long time.

And it continued with the Biden administration because they’ve been trying to weaken the country from within. So their foot soldiers had the upper hand, and that’s why they needed to get the weapons away from the people, because that was the other side of it. Yes, we can weaken the military. Yes, we can make sure that they don’t have the technology, the weapons and things like that. The problem is the american people, because the american people, well, they have weapons and there’s hundreds of millions of them.

And this is going to be a major, major problem. And I do believe it’s going to be a major, major problem because they were never able to complete their mission, and that is going to be a major problem. That doesn’t mean they’re not going to stop. That means they’re going to continue on, even though the american people are a force, and they will try. But I do believe in the end, it’s going to fail, just like everything else.

Just like everything they’re doing with Trump is failing. All the indictments, all the cases, everything that they’re trying to do is completely failing. And what they’re trying to do now with the nominee, keeping Nikki Haley in there and actually pressing charges against him and convicting him, hoping that he folds or drops out or whatever they think he’s going to do, it’s going to have the opposite effect. This is going to fail also.

And I do believe Judge Ngoron is probably holding his decision and he’s preparing and getting ready to drop it at a certain time. Remember, the timing is everything, and that’s why Nikki Haley is staying in there. But Trump, he put this out on true social. He said the following. Why didn’t Judge Ngorin announce his decision after we proved conclusively that I did nothing wrong. No jury allowed great financial statements which were very conservative, the opposite of the charge.

No victims, no fraud, no crimes. Happy banks and insurance companies, only success and profits. And a corrupt New York state attorney general who sat comfortably and confidently in court with her shoes off, arms folded, a Starbucks coffee and a big smile on her face, just like she knows exactly what the decision will be. The closing argument of the state was pathetic. No witness, no evidence against me. Legal scholars are killing the ag case.

It is a witch hunt. The judge is being badly influenced and the gag order must come off. Remember, this judge ruled against me before the trial even started, and he knew nothing about the case. The public is angry over this hoax. This trial is rigged. Absolutely. And we need to remember something very, very important. And Derek Harvey put this out and said, hey, liberals, Trump never removed his opponent from a ballot.

You did. Trump never used the government against his opponent. You did. Trump never censored speech. You did. Trump never stole an election. You did. You are guilty of everything you accused Trump of. And that’s absolutely right. And what’s very interesting now is since it’s all going to fail, trying to stop Trump from becoming the nominee, and everything else that they tried to do has failed, we could see that they are now prepared and ready to make the change of better.

And what’s very interesting is that Gavin Newsom right now, he hit the campaign trail for Biden, trying to build him up, saying, know, he’s physically strong, his cognitive abilities is incredible, and he’s vouching for him. I mean, really, think about what they’re trying to do. They’re trying to keep him in there as long as possible. But we know what’s going to happen in the end. We know that they’re going to swap him out, but they need to make everyone believe that he’s the guy.

And remember, they removed everyone else trying to run up against him. But in the end, I do believe this is going to fail. And yes, they will have a change of batter, and yes, it will be Michelle Obama. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is we can see a lot of fake news out there where they’re trying to convince people that we know who Trump’s vice president’s going to be.

And now they’re introducing John F. Kennedy Jr. But it looks like this story, once again, just like all the others, they are fake. And we could see that they’re just trying to push as many fake stories as possible, trying to get the narrative, but it’s not working. Chris La Savita put this out, says this is 100% fake. No one from the Trump campaign ever approached RFK Jr. Or ever will.

One of the most liberal and radical environmentalists in the country, for all the fake news, update your stories. And yes, Fox was putting it out, and everyone’s putting it out, but this, again, is all fake. And it looks like the fake news is just putting out more and more fake stories. And a lot of this is coming from anonymous people. And that’s how you know right off the bat, if it’s something that’s anonymous and it’s not coming from Trump’s spokesperson, you pretty much know it’s fake.

But Trump did say something very interesting out in Nevada. He said that America is going to pass judgment on Biden. He will be tried at the ballot box in November. And that is absolutely right. Because if you really think about it, everything that we’re seeing, this is the court of public opinion. The people of this country, they are the jury. They’re watching everything play out. They’re watching what Biden is doing.

They’re seeing his criminal shell companies. They’re seeing how he’s dealing with foreign entities, how he was money laundering, how he’s a national security threat. Soon you’re going to see Obama’s, they’re going to come into the picture. And yes, in the end, the people, they are going to try these people at the ballot box. Because again, the people, they must see all of this. They must see exactly what’s going on to make the decision to take back this country.

And this is the only way to take back the country. The people must do it. And for people to do it, they must have all information. So what you’re witnessing right now, and if you step back and you take a look, this is the trial. This is the deep state trial. Right now. The american people are the jury. The american people are watching what’s going on. They’re watching this 16 year plan and the deep state players.

They’re on trial right now. And yes, we’re going to see each deep state person take the stand. Right now we have Biden. He took the stand. The people see his criminal activity. The next up is Obama and the people. They will make their decision in the end. They’re not going to listen to the news. They’re not going to listen to the fake information. They’re watching it play out.

They’re seeing it with their own two eyes. They’re hearing it with their own two ears. And yes, the next person up is Obama, actually, Michelle, Michael and Barack. And yes, you’re going to see this play out. And in the end, the people are going to know who the treasonous people are. And the people in the end are going to vote them all out. And it’s not just going to be Biden and Obama, but all the other swamp creatures that have always been going along with all of this.

And I do believe in the end, the people of this country, they’re going to make their ruling, and their ruling is going to be guilty. And these individuals, well, their days are done. And I do believe Trump and the patriots, they’re in complete and utter control. And just like any other criminal, when you’re found guilty, what do they do? They unleash their foot soldiers. But I do believe Trump of the patriots, they’re ready for this and they’re ready to round them up as soon as these individuals are given the go ahead to create chaos in this country.

Why? Because the patriots are in control. Listen, everyone, thanks a lot for listening. Be well, be safe, and especially be prepared. Thanks a lot. .

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