Ep 3268b – The Tyrannical Government Exposed Itself No Civil War Trump Wants The People To Decide: X22 Report

Posted in: News, Patriots, X22 Reports



➡ X22 Report with Dave talks about how the government is not being fair and is causing problems. The host, Dave, thinks that the government is trying to start fights and cause chaos, especially with the upcoming presidential election. He also talks about a cool gadget called Night Watch pros, which are binoculars that let you see in the dark. Lastly, he mentions that people should have the power to decide things, not just the government.
➡ Trump has to pay $83.3 million to E. Jean Carroll because of a lawsuit, but he doesn’t agree and plans to fight it. There’s a lot of tension between Texas and the Biden administration about the border with Mexico. Texas and other states are trying to keep the border secure, but the Biden administration wants it open. This is causing a lot of problems and could affect the upcoming election.
➡ The text talks about how the current government isn’t doing a good job with border security. It says that things were better when Trump was in charge and that the only way to fix it is to vote for him again. It also talks about how heating costs are going up and recommends a portable heater to save money. Lastly, it warns that there might be a war coming and that we should be prepared for it.
➡ This text talks about how some people are worried that important parts of American history are being removed, like statues of founding fathers. They think this is a plan to change the country’s identity. The text also mentions concerns about criminals being released and illegal immigrants being given places to live. Lastly, it talks about a person named Fanny Willis who is being investigated for possibly doing wrong things.
➡ Trump doesn’t want to be given the title of the Republican nominee, he wants people to vote for him. He believes that by showing he has the support of the people, he can challenge the “deep state”. As the year goes on, he thinks more people will realize they’re unhappy with the current direction of the country and will support him. He feels that people need to experience things firsthand to truly understand and believe in them.


That’s it. Hi and welcome. You’re listening to the x 22 report. My name is Dave. In this episode, 3268 bn. Today’s date is January 26, 2024, and the thought of the episode is the tyranical government exposed itself. No civil war. Trump wants the people to decide. Let’s talk about being prepared. The most useful and popular gadget you can get this New Year’s is undoubtedly a pair of night vision binoculars.

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Order now before this offer ends by going to Nightwatchpro. com. That is Nightwatchpro. com. Use promo code 15 off. Let’s get into the economic collapse. Political and geopolitical news now. The deep state, the corrupt politicians, big tech fake news, the puppet masters. We’ve known from the very, very beginning that they would want chaos. And as we approach the presidential election, we know that they’re going to try to ramp this up as best they can.

Think about it. They put out the movie, leave the world behind. They were talking about a attack, I do believe that is in play. There is a new movie coming out in April called civil war. Very interestingly, that we have this problem going on at the Texas border, and we have states now backing each other up, going up against the federal government, and it’s starting to look like a civil war.

Now. Again, the deep state players, they would love to have a civil war because that is something that they know how to control. And they love going head to head because it’s much easier for them to actually have some type of chaos like that and think about it from the very, very beginning. Biden has always said, hey, if you’re going to fight the government you’re going to need an f 16.

And here we are. The people are actually seeing this come true. They’re seeing the states, the people. We the people take a side against the federal government, which is actually the tyranical government. And I think people now are starting to see this very, very clearly because it really doesn’t make any sense, does it? The federal government wants to fight to keep the borders open while we, the people, want to close the borders to keep the country safe.

Well, I think now people are starting to see what a tyrannical government really looks like. And will Biden and his administration make the next move? Well, I don’t think they’re just going to come out and just bring in the troops and start a war. That’s not how they play the game. I do believe they will try to do it in another way. If they’re going to try to start something, they rather use their agent provocateurs.

Let’s say we have that trucking convoy that’s heading towards Texas. They rather infiltrate the trucking convoy and have their agent provocateurs start something there. Then they send in the troops. So are they just going to mass the troops up and send them all in? No, they’re going to create the chaos. They’re going to let it build and then they will come in. That’s how they make it look like they didn’t have anything to do with it when actually they did.

Now, does this mean this is going to happen? No, but you could see that this is a scenario that could happen. Now, once again, I don’t think it’s going to get that far. I don’t think the people are going to say, hey, you know something? Let’s have a civil war again. The people in this country, they don’t want war. They don’t want to fight against each other. Yes, I know the deep state players, they would love this.

But once again, the people are not going to be the ones starting it. If you go back to the revolutionary war, it wasn’t the people who started it. It was the bully, the tyranical government that actually pushed everything at the end. The people were trying to negotiate every step of the way. And I do believe the same thing’s happening right now. The people, they’re saying, listen, no, this isn’t right.

Every state has the right to have their borders secure. This is a national security threat. There’s an invasion right now, and states now are backing Texas up. But now really think about this and take a step back. What are the people seeing the people now are understanding a little bit more about the constitution, about who actually really controls the border. And the power actually lies with we, the people, the states, because that’s how the founding fathers saw it from the very, very beginning.

They wanted the power from the ground up, not from the top down. And this is going to be a major, major problem for the deep state players, actually. It’s going to put them in a tough spot. Actually. It’s a no win situation for them. And now they’re trapped in their entire agenda. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is it looks like the RNC is trying to convince Trump that, listen, you know what? You just take the win, you’ll be the nominee, and we’ll just call it a day.

And it looks like Trump is saying, absolutely not. I don’t want you to just give me the win. I’d rather play this out and I’d rather have the people to decide who is the actual nominee. And I do believe in the end, Trump has always wanted the people to make the final decision because he wants to show the deep state players, look, I have the people, they’re voting for me.

You see, if the RNC just comes in and says, okay, you’re the person. Well, what does the deep state see? What do the people see? What does the country see? They don’t see anything. When you vote and people come out in a red wave, in a landslide and they vote for Trump, then people see, holy crap, look at this. The people actually really do want Trump, and everyone’s voting for him.

And this is something the deep state players don’t want the people to see. They don’t want the people to see this. But I think going through all of this, I think Trump, he wants the deep state to know every step of the way that he has the people. And this avalanche is going to build and build and build until the very, very end. And I do believe during election time, I do believe he wants to show the deep state players, look, I have the people and they’re voting for me.

And I won by a landslide, which means the people are ready to take back this country. And I do believe that’s his entire mission here and it’s the mission of the people. But you can see the deep state players, they’re going to continually come after Trump with everything they possibly can. They’re going to try to break him. And we can see already the first ruling has come down for the E.

G. Carroll case. And we know that this was a very biased case. Trump wasn’t allowed to introduce any type of evidence. And you could see that Kaplan, he was on the side of E. Jean Carroll, again, he is an Obama pointy judge. So you could see the whole thing was fixed from the very, very beginning. Trump, he put this out and said, judge Kaplan refuses to allow the Anderson Cooper interview on CNN on E.

Jean Carroll, wherein Carroll says rape is sexy and numerous other things that totally exonerate me. Judge Kaplan is refusing me and my constitutional rights to due process to defend myself against the false accusations. This is a one sided trial where the other side is allowed everything and we’re allowed nothing. He is an extremely abusive individual, the likes of which few have seen before. And he’s absolutely right. And it’s not just this trial, it’s all the other trials.

Remember the deep state players, they put the criminals in place. Yes, they look great in the very beginning because they can’t tell you that the criminals, but beyond everything that you’re seeing, they are criminals at heart. And most of these people are blackmailed and bribed, and this is why they’re doing what they are being told to do. Because again, some of these people have fetishes. And we know that, yes, these people are bribed.

Just think about what happened to Carrie Lake. But again, Carrie Lake didn’t blink and they didn’t bribe her. Actually, they got caught in doing it. But the ruling did come out against Trump, which I think we all knew that this was going to happen. And it looks like Trump must pay 83. 3 million to E. Jean Carroll for the defamation lawsuit. Now, once again, do you think Trump is just going to sit there and say, okay, I might as well just pay that amount? No, he’s going to appeal.

And he put this out on truth. He said the following. Absolutely ridiculous. I fully disagree with both verdicts and will be appealing this whole Biden directed, which I’m focused on me and the republican party, our legal system is out of control and being used as a political weapon. They have taken away all First Amendment rights. This is not America. And yes, he needs to appeal this and he needs to go to a place where they’re going to follow the rule of law and we’re going to see that what they’re going to do.

And I’m talking about the deep state players. With each case, you’re probably going to see a ruling like this, and the other ones are probably convictions because they’re going to try to get him to drop out. That’s their entire mission. Their entire mission is to put so much pressure on him that he drops out in the end. Now, once again, is this going to work? No. They tried this before.

They tried to push and push and push. And what happened? It didn’t work. Actually, the opposite happened. Remember Avanetti and stormy Daniels? What happened to Avanetti? Oh, that’s right. He went to prison later on. Remember, they thought he was going to be the next president and look what happened to him. What do you think is going to happen to Reed Hoffman and E. Jean Carroll and the rest that have been pushing all of this? You’re going to see evidence come up against them, you’re going to see other information come out against them, and you’re going to see the tables being turned on them.

And people are going to learn that she lied about all this from the very, very beginning. Can you imagine being brought to a trial and you don’t know the person, you know the person’s lying. You’ve never met this person. You were never in the store while that person was there, and you’re sitting there listening to lies. How would you take it? How would you just sit there? It would be very, very difficult, I think, for many, many people.

And this is what Trump is going through every single day. And we can see right now that he’s going to appeal and appeal and appeal. And I wouldn’t be surprised as if along the way other information comes out to show that this person has been lying from the very, very beginning. And let’s see how this all plays out. This is going to be very, very interesting because I do believe Trump is going to win in the end, just like Texas is winning in the end, because look what has happened here.

Yes, we know the Biden administration went to the Supreme Court and the Supreme Court ruled. Yes, you can cut down the barbed wire, which is absolutely meaningless because Texas then can put the barbed wire back up and they can continually do this. So the ruling wasn’t that great for the Biden administration and look what happened now. Now Texas took it a step further. Other states joined Texas, and now it’s turning out to be a nightmare, not for we the people, not for Texas, but for the Biden administration.

Charlie Kirk put this out and said the Biden regime is demanding that Texas Governor Greg Abbot abandon Shelby park by tomorrow. But there’s no reason for any sort of violent confrontation. We can win this battle with cameras, not guns. The optics would be disastrous if Biden’s feds cut down the wire to enable the invasion. If the feds are dumb enough to take the PR nightmare. Bait and cut the fencing.

Then Texas has the right to repair and install new fencing. There is nothing in the two sentence ruling from SCOTUS which prohibits Texas from installing new fencing or patching damaged sections. This is not a civil war. This is a psychological information war. So have cameras, repair crews standing by. Thanks to Governor Abbot’s resolve and the support of 16 other governors, we’re already winning this standoff. Hold the line.

Actually, it’s up to 25 now. So we could see that. Yeah. No matter what Biden does, he’s not going to be able to win this now. Yes. Can he start a civil war? I don’t think he’s going to actually pull the trigger on that one as of right now, because right now, the optics are not good whatsoever, and it’s not good for the D party. Because if you look at the poll numbers, the biggest issue with people today is the border.

And if they go and they try to push something, well, they just lost the entire country. Really? Think about that for a second. JD Vance put this out and he is now introducing legislation that would prohibit the federal government from removing the fencing at the US Mexico border. And again, Congress, they have the ability to stop all this. All they got to do is shut down the money to Biden, and this would put him in a very, very difficult position.

Just like Ukraine right now. Remember, the House controls the purse strings, and Biden needs the money to keep this up. If this is not funded, how does he continue with it? He cannot really think about that for a second. And we could see there are now 25 states that now stand with Governor Abbot and Texas. And we could see that this is a no win situation for the Biden administration.

And wokeness put this out on x and said, regardless how this ends in Texas, it is critical to remember this moment. The federal government is on the verge of outright war with Texas, plus 25 governors in order to open up the border for invaders. This is all despite the fact the border crisis is now ranked as the top issue for voters going into the 2024 election. This is how much it means to the regime.

They’re willing to sacrifice an election in order to replace the current population. This is a long term investment. You could see their desperation. It’s absolutely unbelievable. And what’s very interesting, we have this convoy of truckers now heading towards the hotspots. And once again, how would Biden try to start something? Well, they would use agent provocadors. Almost like January 6, they had agent provocadors, confidential human sources, embedded in the crowd.

So how do you try to start something? Well, you use some type of protest, some type of convoy. You infiltrate it, you start something up there, you allow things to get out of hand. And then all of a sudden, Biden says, we need to send in federal troops to stop this. Look what’s happening now. And we could see that this might happen. And yes, they might try to start something.

But again, everyone needs to have their cameras ready. Everyone needs to film these people, and everyone needs to be on guard because this is what they’re trying to do. Trump, he put this out. He said, when I was president, we had the most secure border in history. Joe Biden has surrendered our border and is aiding in abetting a massive invasion of millions of illegal migrants into the United States.

Instead of fighting to protect our country from the onslaught, Biden is unbelievably fighting to tie the hands of Governor abbot in the state of Texas so that the invasion continues unchecked. In the face of this national security, public safety, and public health catastrophe, Texas has highly invoked the invasion clause of the constitution and must be given full support to repel the invasion. We must encourage all willing states that deploy their guards to Texas to prevent the entry of illegals and to remove them back across the border.

All Americans should support the common sense measures by Texas authorities to protect the safety, security, and sovereignty of Texas and the american people. When I am president on day one, instead of fighting Texas, I will work hand in hand with Governor apet and other border states to stop the invasion, seal the border, and rapidly begin the largest domestic deportation operation in history. Those Biden has let in should not get comfortable because they’ll be going home and.

Absolutely. And that reminds me of post 1664. This is July 1, 2018, and it says there will be no civil war. Now, are things are going to get heated? Absolutely. But again, this is going to wake up a lot of american people. The american people are going to see the tyrannical government. The people are going to start to learn, wait a minute, you’re fighting a state to keep the border open.

You’re allowing the invasion into this country? I mean, we’re supposed to have secure borders. And remember, they’ve been telling us that the borders have been secure. Remember Alejandro Mayorkas and all the others in front of Congress telling us how secure it is, the White House press secretary telling us how secure our borders are. If they’re so secure, why did Texas and 25 states, why did they have to all of a sudden rise up and say, no, we’re keeping the border shut down because they lied to us, just like they lie about everything else.

Trump, he put this out on truth, he said in response to the statement by Pierre Delecto. I haven’t spoken to him, Mitt Romney, in years, and he knows nothing about me or my views. Fortunately, he’ll be permanently leaving the Senate soon and our country will be better placed for it. But that being said, we need a strong, powerful, and essentially perfect border. Unless we get that, we are better off not making a deal, even if that pushes our country to temporarily close up for a while, because it will end up closing anyway with the unsustainable invasion that is currently taking place.

A death wish for the USA. Between our rigged election and open borders, our country is in serious trouble. A border deal now would be another gift to the radical left Democrats. They need it politically, but don’t care about our border. What is currently being worked on in the Senate will be meaningless in terms of border security enclosure. Four years ago, we had the safest and most secure border in the history of our country, and now we have the worst, probably anywhere in the world.

In any event, if you want to have a really secure border, your only hope is to vote for Trump. And he’s absolutely right. And if we go back to the very, very beginning, Trump, when he left office, all he said to Biden was, listen, finish the wall. I got everything into place. We have the secure border, and everything would be great. What did Biden do? He did the opposite.

The wall was paid for. The material was paid for, the labor was paid for. All he had to do was finish the wall. Everything was in place to keep the border secure. Instead, what did he do? He decided, I’m not finishing the wall. I’m going to allow all that material to rust. All the people that are going to work on it, they’re out of work, and we’re going to spend double the amount of money bringing the people over the border.

So now we paid for a wall, and now we’re paying double to bring the people in. I think the american people, they see this as clear as day now. And this is why the border right now is one of the biggest topics right now. And the people are not agreeing with the Biden administration. And this is why his poll numbers are dropping like a rock. And this is why, in the end, what do you think is going to happen? They’re going to remove Biden.

I do believe he’s taking all the slack for all of this. Let’s talk about being prepared. It’s freezing. But cranking up the heat is going to cost you a lot of money. Experts previously warned that heating bills will jump to the most expensive in more than a decade, and it’s holding true. The average cost to heat a home is projected to rise more than 17. 2%, or $1,208.

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And in the end they’ll say, oh, look, cognitive ability is gone and his physical ability is gone. That’s why this happened. But don’t worry, we got a new candidate that says they’re going to make it all better. And I do believe this is the move they’re going to make. But is it going to work in the end? Absolutely not. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is we could see that the deep state players, they are pushing harder and harder to bring us into war.

And remember, we had Schumer out there telling us that, listen, if we don’t get the money in Ukraine, you’re going to see something bad happen. Well, it looks like they didn’t get the money for Ukraine. The Senate will not pass the Ukraine bill. So this is a major problem because I do believe Schumer was letting us know that if we don’t get the money, something is about to happen in Ukraine.

And how do you push to get money? You need an event, and this event will most likely be the catalyst into bringing us into war. And you can see that they’re prepared and ready to do this. Now, the other thing that we’ve come to find out and libs TikTok put this out and said, twelve employees of the UNRWA, an organization which the US funds reportedly took part in Hamas October 7 attack on Israel, where hundreds were murdered and taken hostage, including Americans.

The US has announced their pausing funding, pending an investigation, to fund the entire UN. Remember the UN, the who, the World bank, you name it, the World Economic Forum, they’re all part of the same criminal syndicate. They were all put into place to run the criminal syndicate. And all of these organizations need to be dismantled in the end. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting, and I remember going back a little bit in time when Trump says, I see war approaching and it’s going to be the n word, which is nuclear.

And all of a sudden the United States is going to station nuclear weapons in UK for the first time in 15 years. So now we have the deep state players placing nuclear weapons in the UK, and we can see that what is happening out in Taiwan, what is happening out in Ukraine, what is happening out in the Middle east, it is now all building, all at the same exact time.

And I do believe this is prep work for what is to come. And again, when the deep state, when they can’t win, when their cheating system won’t work, they’re going to need a distraction of all distractions. And that turns out to be war. And to have war, you need to build it up, you need to put certain things into place, and you need to continually push and push until the other side does something.

And that’s exactly what we’re seeing right now. And I do believe this is going to continue throughout this year. And actually it’s going to ramp up. And yes, they’re going to try to push this. And again, Trump has the ultimate weapon and it’s called peace. And as the war continually builds and people see us heading towards World War II, Trump’s going to say, listen, it doesn’t have to be this way.

I can end this. All you got to do is vote for me. What do you think people are going to do in the end now? If people just hear like, oh, yeah, world War three is coming, is it? I don’t know. Yeah, maybe. People actually have to experience it and they actually have to feel it emotionally, because without that, you wouldn’t understand that world War three is coming.

It’s almost like that emotional feeling back in the day of the cuban missile crisis. It’s almost like the emotional feeling of 911 or the emotional feeling of COVID You felt it back then, you understood that something was happening. So if we are heading towards war, most likely you’re going to see something to actually get your emotions going. So you understand that war is a very, very big possibility.

So it’s not just going to be talk. It’s not just going to be like, hey, by the way, war is coming. Vote for me. I think people are going to really understand that war is coming because I do believe we’re going to see things happen to this country where the country is being attacked one way or another. Now, I don’t mean nuclear weapons are going to be flying into this country.

I’m going to see cities obliterated. I mean, there’ll be attempts, they’ll be blocked, but it will scare people. And people that will then understand that war is coming. And I do believe even with a attack, people will understand that, especially if their lights go out or water is hit and other systems are hit, people will start to understand something is going on. I do believe this is why Obama put out that film, leave the world behind, because that shows what it looks like when there is a attack on the US.

And I do believe we’re heading in that direction. Just like Trump let us know that we were heading in the direction where the deep state players were going to start to remove all our statues of our founding fathers. And of course, if you go back in time, the fake news was trying to convince us that that was a conspiracy. If we go back in time and this at muse put this out, said statues of Washington, Jefferson aren’t next.

But it’s complicated, historians say. So Trump, he was letting everyone know that, yes, they’re going to remove George Washington, they’re going to remove Jefferson, they’re going to remove our history. Well, Trump was right again. And what are they doing? They’re removing Thomas Jefferson that stood in New York City hall for 187 years. So basically, they’re trying to remove our history. And we know that this is their plan because it’s infiltration from within.

What they’re trying to do is they’re trying to replace the american people. And actually, if you go back in time, you can actually hear Biden talk about this, how the white people of this country will no longer exist and they’re going to bring in all these other people to replace everyone in this country. And it’s not just here in the United States, it’s in Germany, France and the rest.

And they were going to replace the history. Actually, they don’t want any of these countries to have any type of identity or history. If you listen to Yuval Harari, he let you know point blank that the idea that countries have borders, the countries know an identity. Well, those are just stories. They don’t really exist. So that’s really their entire mission is to get rid of your history. But without history, you don’t have a future.

So that’s what they really want. They want to wipe it all out. So you have no identity and you have no reference points. You can’t go back in time and say, hey, look, this is what history shows us. Oh, wait, I see it today. I see what they’re trying to do. It’s the same thing they were trying to do back in time. When all that’s removed, there’s no reference anymore.

You don’t know what’s happening. And if you notice a lot of people go back in time and they say, look, this is what they did back in Nazi Germany. Oh, look, this is what they did back in this day or that day. Look what our founding fathers went through. All this. The people then could see it very, very clearly, and it makes it a lot easier to see.

But you can see the deep state players. They don’t want the people of any of these countries to have an identity because it makes it a lot easier for them to take over. And there’s nothing that you’re going to fight for. If you really think about it and you can see the deep state players, they are definitely getting prepared and ready to release their criminals on the people of this country.

Remember, they put the criminals in place. Yes, there might be in as governors, they might be as mayors, they might be as prosecutors, attorney generals. But again, these people were not elected, they were installed. And they are part of the criminal syndicate. So criminals will always work with other criminals because they’re all part of the same group. They’re part of the criminal syndicate. And you could see it very, very clearly out in Massachusetts, because Massachusetts Governor Healy is going to close the MCI Concord, the state’s oldest men’s prisons, and allocate over 1 billion for housing programs as solution to a 1 billion budget shortfall.

With an uncontrollable number of illegal immigrants swarming the sanctuary state, Healy says the prison’s closure opens the possibility to repurpose and use for housing. She also is pushing for a creation of a $4 billion housing plan. So they’re going to close prisons and they’re going to allow the illegals to live there. This is very interesting. So where all the prisoners go, are they just going to release them on the streets? Well, wait, they have been doing that, haven’t they? This is very interesting.

So basically, now they’re using schools. They’re using prisons, they’re using all the resources to allow the illegals to live comfortably. Very interesting. And they’re allowing the criminals out on the streets. All of this happening all at the same time. I think that tells you everything you need to know. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is we could see that Fanny Willis, she is running into quite a bit of problems right now.

And you could see with all the information coming out about her boyfriend and how much she’s spent and the trips that she’s been taken, well, it’s not working out too well for her. And the Georgia State Senate has voted 30 to 19 to create committee to investigate Fulton County District Attorney Fanny Willis for criminal misconduct, corruption with Nathan Wade. You name it, they’re looking into it. But technofog, he put this out on X and said, latest Trump filing in the Georgia Rico case makes a great point.

DA Fanny Willis violated GA ethics rules by publicly accusing defendants of racism after they noted her affair with special prosecutor Nathan Wade. Trump stoking racial division requires dismissal. Ooh, very interesting. Then Technofox said this rule 3. 8 requires Willis to refrain from allegations that have a substantial likelihood of heightening public condemnation of the accused. Rule 3. 6 forbids statement that would materially prejudice a proceeding. Clear violation. The only question is the appropriate remedy.

There’s also a constitutional argument that the parties need to make that Willis violated their right to a fair trial. As the Supreme Court has noted, few of any interests under the Constitution are more fundamental than the right to a fair trial by impartial jurors. And an outcome affected by extrajudicial statements would violate the fundamental right. So let’s see how this all plays out. It’s going to be very interesting.

Trump, he put this out on truth. He said Fanny Willis should immediately be forced to drop her corrupt prosecution of me and 19 other innocent people. This case was brought, it has just been learned in total, in complete coordination with cricket, Joe Biden’s White House and the DOJ. Her boyfriend lover went to the White House on numerous occasions in order to coordinate their hunt for Trump and charged large fees in doing so.

This is now a fully debunked and disgraced witch hunt that is a blight on the great state of Georgia. The whole world is talking about it. I did nothing wrong and the best of my knowledge, neither did anyone else. This case must be dropped with apologies being made to all those who were so unfairly treated. Absolutely. And I do believe in the end, when all said and done, people are going to learn that these people are completely and utterly corrupt.

They’re all part of the criminal syndicate. And yes, they were interfering in the election. I think a lot of people are learning that and understanding that now. And they’re realizing, wow, if they could do this to Trump without real evidence and they’re just making crap up, what would they do to we, the people? Remember, Trump always says, I’m just in the way. So that means they would do this to every single person.

Because remember, Biden, Kamala, the deep state players, the fake news, they continually said MAGA extremists, white supremacists. If Trump was out of the way, they would be coming after every single person. Look what they did to the people in January 6. Look at the people that weren’t even inside of the Capitol. Do you think they would stop there? They would take this to the next level? I mean, they were doing it on social media.

They were censoring people, they were tracking people. Do you really think they would hold back if Trump was gone or would they go full tyranical? Oh, no, they would go full tyrannical because remember the reason why they would go full tyrannical, because they know in the end, they were going to bring us to war. The United States was going to lose war. So they would have nothing to lose at this point.

And they would just go after every single person. Actually, it wouldn’t be them themselves. It would be the foot soldiers, you know, all those illegals that are coming in who are military age. That’s what they had planned. So if everyone’s thinking like, oh, this would never happen, yes, it was going to happen. If Trump wasn’t there, it would have already been done. We would be in war right now.

And I’m talking about a physical war. And yes, the war would be fought on our land, because remember, they never expected Trump to step in. They never expected Hillary to lose. Hillary was supposed to finish up the 16 year plan. Eight years of Obama getting rid of the weapons, bringing in the illegals. Hillary steps in, continues with getting rid of the weapons, bringing in the illegals, then brings us to war.

And, you know, all those millions of people that you see now in the country, well, these people, you’d be fighting against them. But again, Trump stepped in, put their plan way, way behind schedule. And what do you see? You see it now as clear as day because everything’s accelerated. They had to actually accelerate their plan to catch up because they were way behind schedule, which allows people to see exactly what’s going on, just like they could see what’s happening with Nikki Haley.

Actually, by the way, Liz Cheney endorsed Nikki Haley. I think that tells you everything you need to know. But Vivek, he put this out and he said Reed Hoffman isn’t pausing his dollar flow to Nikki because she lost New Hampshire. It’s because we got too close to the target. One of the biggest left wing funders of the lawsuits against Trump magically ended up becoming one of Nikki’s largest super PAC donors.

The best way to solve a problem is to name it, and that’s what we need to keep doing. Absolutely. Now, what’s very interesting is that the RNC, they wanted to make Trump the presumptive nominee. And like I said from the very, very beginning, I don’t think Trump just wants to be handed anything. I think he wants the people to wake up and to vote for him. So if you want him to be the nominee, you need to vote.

Because I do believe in the end, what he wants to do is he wants to show the deep state players I have the people, they’re voting for me. We’re coming after you. And it looks like he is following this path. This is what he put out on truth. While I greatly appreciate the Republican National Committee, RNC wanting to make me their presumptive nominee, and while they have far more votes than necessary to do it, I feel for the sake of party unity that they should not go forward with this plan, but that I should do it the old fashioned way and finish the process off at the ballot box.

Thank you to the RNC for the respect and devotion you have shown me. And yes, he wants to show the deep state players, look, the people are with me. The people are voting for me. I am the nominee. Because every step of the way, the avalanche is going to build and it’s going to get bigger and bigger and bigger. And as it gets bigger and bigger and bigger, you can’t stop it.

So more and more people are jumping on the Trump train. And I do believe you’re going to see a lot more people jump on the Trump train because as we go throughout this year, there’s going to be a lot of chaos and there’s going to be a lot of things that are going to wake a lot of people up. And a lot of people are going to wake up and say, holy crap, we are headed in the wrong direction.

We need to head in the right direction. And who do I see out there that’s going to help us here? Oh, look, there’s Trump over there. And we can see that it’s already happening. And yes, those people, those ds that are still sleeping, those people that believe that Biden is the guy, well, they’re going to come to learn that, no, he is not. And they’re going to start to realize that, hey, the economy’s failing, we’re heading towards war, and this is not good for the country.

They might resist, but eventually what they’re going to do is they’re going to join the Trump train in the end. Because again, when people see war and they think about their families, they think about the country, they think about death and destruction. Well, in the end, what happens is that wakes them up. It wakes them up like nothing else. I mean, it’s the biggest slap in the face.

And when I say war, I’m not talking about, oh, war out in the Middle East. I don’t see anything. I hear it on the news. I’m talking about war here in the United States. I’m talking about a country attacking us from inside, a country attacking us from outside. People experiencing that firsthand, it can’t be explained to the people. The people must be shown, because without seeing it, without the emotions, without any of that, the people will not react.

The people won’t believe it’s real. Just like if somebody came up to you and said, listen, by the way, we’re going to have something called Covid and, yeah, the world is going to shut down. You’re going to wear a mask and you’re not going to be allowed outside and they’re going to force you to take a bioweapon that doesn’t actually cure you. If you were told that, you wouldn’t believe, you would say, that’s crazy talk, but you experienced it and you know it’s real.

Just like if somebody said, listen, there’s going to be riots around the country and the police aren’t going to do anything. They’re going to be allowed to loot, burn and everything else. And the fake news is going to pretend that they’re protests. People wouldn’t believe you. The same thing’s going to happen now. Yes, we could talk about it. Trump can talk about it. But unless you’re emotionally involved, the people will not believe.

And that’s why I do believe the people must be emotionally involved, just like with the borders. Are people emotionally involved? Do they see the open borders? Absolutely. How do you know you’re emotionally involved? Well, if you’re pissed off and you’re angry, well, then you’re emotionally involved. And I do believe this is going to happen. And that is going to wake up a lot of people. Same goes with the economy.

So we can see we’re heading down this path. And I do believe that more and more people are going to join the Trump train. And actually, Dan Scovino put out a picture of Trump as the conductor of the Trump train going to Macedonia. And I do believe Trump is the conductor. He’s conducting all of this. Listen, everyone, thanks a lot for listening. Be well, be safe, and especially be prepared.

Thanks a lot. .

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