Ep 3267b – Biden Trapped In Border AgendaObama Wants Biden OutEstablishment Exposed For All To See: X22 Report

Posted in: News, Patriots, X22 Reports



➡ Dave from the X22 Report talks about how crime is rising and recommends a new flashlight for personal safety. He also discusses politics, saying Trump is winning and might not drop out of the race. Dave believes that people are starting to see the truth about the border issue and that Biden’s administration is in trouble. He ends by saying that news organizations are losing trust and laying off people.
➡ Some people are trying to spread false news and control what we know. Texas is standing up to the government about issues at the border. The government wants to control the Texas National Guard, but Texas says they have the right to protect themselves. This is causing a lot of arguments and could lead to bigger problems.
➡ There’s a lot of worry about some big event happening in Ukraine to get money flowing there again. Some people are trying to control all governments, and they tried to do this before with a big partnership that didn’t work. Now, they’re trying to use a health organization to control what countries do during a health crisis. Also, heating your home is getting really expensive, but there’s a portable heater that can help save money. Lastly, there’s a lot of unfairness in how people are treated by the law, with some people getting away with crimes while others are punished harshly.
➡ Jeff DeWitt tried to bribe Kerry Lake, but she said no. Even when caught, he lied about it. This shows that some people in power can be dishonest and try to trick others. It’s important to be aware of this and always stand up for what’s right.
➡ This text talks about how some people in the government were planning to remove Trump from power. Trump believes that presidents should have full protection from being charged with crimes while in office, or else they can’t do their job properly. He also has a ten-step plan to clean up the government and stop corruption. The text suggests that if Trump is elected again, he will use this plan to make big changes in the government.


Report. My name is Dave in the episode 3267 Bn. Today’s date is January 25, 2024 and the title of the episode is Biden trapped in border Agenda. Obama wants Biden out establishment exposed for all to see. Let’s talk about being prepared. Between mass shootings, brazen smash and grab thefts at luxury retailers, violent robberies and armed carjackings, people’s fear of rising violent crime is justified. The FBI states carjack hacking alone have risen 8.

1%, with the vast majority involving an assailant with a weapon. With someone getting injured in more than a quarter of those cases. What’s worse is that a report of violent crime is at its all time highest since 2008 in some states. This is why I highly recommend and use the all new 2024 fight or flare flashlight. It is my everyday carry for personal protection. If you’ve ever been on the wrong end of a tactical flashlight that the military or law enforcement use, like this one, you know how quickly 800 lm will stop you in your tracks.

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The deep state, the corrupt politicians, big tech fake news, the puppet masters, they are now in trouble. Trump, he is now winning the caucuses. He will be the winner. Yes, Nikki Haley is staying in there, and I do believe they’re waiting for something to drop. So this way she’s right there to say, hey, if he drops out, I will be the nominee. But again, I don’t believe Trump is going to drop out whatsoever.

If he hasn’t dropped out now, he’s not going to drop out, even if they convict him or anything like this. Actually, I think his poll numbers will skyrocket plus, since Nikki Haley is staying in there, what are the people learning? They’re actually learning what the establishment looks like. They’re starting to understand there is an establishment. I mean, really think about it. We had the establishment try to bribe Kerry Lake.

So that whole idea that politicians are bribed as a conspiracy, well, here we are. Take a know, you don’t have to run. Here’s some money. Big people out east. So that conspiracy has been debunked. And now people can see the establishment and they could see why Nikki Haley doesn’t want to leave. And once again, she doesn’t have a chance in winning. So why in the world would she stay in there? Because the deep state, they have a plan to try to remove Trump and she wants to stay in there or she’s being told to stay in there so she can get the delegates and she can become the nominee.

Now, again, this plan is going to fail just like everything else. And the people are going to see the truth, just like the people are seeing the truth about the border right now. The Biden administration, they are trapped in the entire border agenda. Remember, going way back, Trump said, we need a secure border, we need a wall. He got the funding. And again, the DS have been spending a lot more than the wall actually cost to bring these illegals into this country.

And now the people, they’re watching this play out and they’re saying, you know, that wall thing, that’s not a bad idea. Especially with Texas and other states taking the illegals and bringing them up to New York, Chicago, Massachusetts and many other places, those people there, they’re starting to understand and realize, yeah, you know something? We need a secure border because this is a complete and utter nightmare. Who pays for all these people? And people that know making a living, they don’t want to pay for them to live in a hotel, feed them and everything else.

And once again, this is actually backfiring on them. And think about it. Texas, they went ahead and they secured their border, saying this is getting out of hand. Remember New York, Massachusetts, Illinois, they’re all complaining that abbot is sending too many people to the city. It’s ridiculous. But they’ll never admit there’s a border problem. They’re just complaining because they want money from Biden. And Texas went ahead and said, okay, you guys have problems.

We will shut the border down. We’ll take control, we’ll put up razor wire, we’ll stop the flow from coming into this country. Biden went all the way to the Supreme Court and the Supreme Court ruled that they know, go ahead and cut down the barbed wire. It doesn’t mean Texas can’t do any other things. Remember, Texas has the right to protect its borders. But now there’s a major problem because there are many states now that are siding, actually probably should be all 50 states, but there are many states right now siding with Texas.

And what are you going to see? You’re going to see who’s for border security and who is not. And this is becoming clearer and clear. And what do people see? And not just the Republicans, the people. Now they can see the establishment. They can see the deep state. It is completely and utterly exposed. Because remember, open borders affects everyone. Even the DS now are saying, you know something, open borders are not great.

Look at the black community out in Chicago where they’re saying enough is enough. They’ve had it and the people in New York have had it. And I do believe once this goes to the next level when we have some type of major event, you’re going to see the people of this country say, yeah, we all had enough and this is going to be the game changer here in this country and for the Biden administration.

But you can see what is happening right now. I do believe this was all done to trap Biden in all this to force him out because we could see already Obama wants Biden replaced. Remember, they already know that Biden’s poll numbers are continually declining. He can’t pull this out. Their cheating system can’t make up the difference because he’s losing too many people. They’re trying to bring in as many illegals as possible to replace those people that they’re losing.

But they know that this is going to be completely and utterly impossible and they cannot have them in the race because they will not be able to cheat by enough to win. So they need him removed and they need to bring someone in that’s halfway decent, that’s popular, where they can use their cheating mechanism. Now, once again, do I think that’s going to work? I don’t believe so.

But again, this is their strategy and this is what they’re moving towards. And you could see that everything now is starting to fall apart around them, just like the fake news right now is completely falling apart. Remember going back in time when the fake news had control over everything, control over the narrative, and whatever they said goes. And we even know that the World Economic Forum, they even admitted, yes, back in the day, whatever the news organizations were told to say, people just believed it.

And now there’s a problem because no one’s believing the news organizations. Well, it looks like since no one’s believing the news organizations, we’re seeing a lot of layoffs in the Times, Buzfeed, Vice Media, New York. You know, it just goes on and on and on. And we have Taylor Lorenz, who’s complaining about this, saying, I don’t understand what’s happening. I don’t know why all these news organizations are laying off people.

Well, I don’t think she realizes that this is a propaganda machine and she’s part of the propaganda machine and she’s not actually a reporter because she’s just using propaganda. So I think people, the real people who are thinking logically, they can see this. Those people that are caught up in all this thinking that they have the upper hand because they’re activists, well, it is all completely and utterly falling apart for them.

And the fake news does not control the narrative anymore. And moving forward, they’re not going to control the narrative. And this is why the World Economic Forum is panicking right now. This is why the deep state players around the globe are panicking right now. And they’re going to want control once again. Are they going to get it? Well, the only way they can get it is if they actually shut down communications, because the people now, since they’re awake and thinking logically, they’re just not going to believe these fake news organizations.

It’s not going to work. And they’re starting to realize this. And yes, they’re going to try to censor. Yes, they’re going to do whatever they possibly can to shut the truth down. But in the end, when they can’t control it because they don’t control every single platform, that’s when they’ll take it to the next level. And as you can see, they’re taking the border crisis to the next level.

And you could see that the Biden administration is going after Texas, and Texas is actually pushing back. And what’s very interesting about this, since Texas is pushing back, we have Beto O’Rourke. He said Abbot is using the Texas guard to defy a Supreme Court ruling. When Governor Fabius did this in 1957, Eisenhower federalized the Arkansas guard to ensure compliance with the law. Biden must follow this example of bold, decisive leadership to end the crisis before it gets worse.

And wokeness respond to this and said, beto O’Rourke joins the chorus of Democrats calling on Joe Biden to seize control of the Texas National Guard. Ed Whelan responded to this and said Abbott is not defying a Supreme Court ruling, the court vacated an injunction against the federal government. It did not order Texas to do or not to do anything. Absolutely right. But you can see what’s happening right now.

What does the deep state want? They want some type of civil war. They want a physical war because they’re losing the information war. And yes, this is the beginning stages of them trying to create chaos. But in the process of doing this, what are they doing? They’re waking up the people. Because just like with COVID you will start to see the dictators. You will start to see the board very, very clearly.

You’ll see who wants all the people in there and who wants secure borders. You’re going to see a very, very big difference. Wall Street Silver put this out and said because Texas Governor Greg Abbot has invoked Article one, section ten, clause three, other states are now able to enter into agreement with Texas to help repel the invasion that Texas is dealing with. Other states may now send troops and or equipment to aid in halting in the border invasion.

Which states will send troops and equipment to defend the border? Well, it seems like there’s quite a bit. Then Wall street put this out and said, texas is authorized to engage in war. Article one, section ten, clause three, which Texas Governor Greg Abbot cited in his statement today. So they’re ready to go. They’re allowing other states to join in. And now Texas and other states, they have the fundamental right of self defense that transcends the authority of the president and the Supreme Court.

Abbot wrote the following, and he was invoking James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and he said, the authority is the supreme law of the land and supersedes any federal statutes to the contrary. And other founding fathers, they foresaw that states should not be left to the mercy of a lawless president who does nothing to stop external threat, like cartels smuggling millions of illegal immigrants across the border. And when we talk about these open borders, I love the fake news when they’re like, oh, no, you have to have an open border.

This is like segregation. No, you’re letting in criminals, you’re letting in terrorists, you’re letting in all these people that should be vetted. And a lawless president is allowing this, which is actually a national security threat. It is an invasion to this country. And Biden, no matter which way he goes, he has lost. If he pushes to keep the border open and fights against Texas and other states join in, what are people going to see? You’re fighting against all these states who are trying to secure the border.

And you, as the resident, you want the borders wide open. This goes against everything the founding fathers have said. If Biden says, okay, let Texas go ahead, put up the barbed wire, I’m not going to fight them. Well, then all of a sudden what do people see? They see the flow of illegals coming in. It comes to a screeching halt and then people learn, holy crap, we can secure the border.

And Biden wasn’t doing it. So no matter which way you look at it, he’s screwed. And we can see there’s a lot of states now joining in. We see Ron DeSantis of Florida, Christy nome, Glenn Junkin. We see Governor Kevin stitt of Oklahoma and many other governors are joining in. And here are some of the states. Arkansas, Iowa, Idaho, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia and Wyoming.

And there’ll probably be a couple of others. But you can see that you’re going to see a difference. Just like with COVID when the deep state players were pushing their dictatorship. You saw the governors, the mayors, the leaders there who wanted freedom, who were following the constitution. Then you saw the other side where they love being dictators. Well, we’ll tell you what to do. Who cares about the constitution? You’re seeing that now with the border.

You’re seeing it play out just like with COVID And you’re going to see which governors, which politicians are for securing the border because it’s a national security threat. And who is for complete and utterly open borders because remember, they’ve been lying to us in DC. They’ve been telling us that the border’s been secure. Right now it’s falling apart. Travis on X put this out and said every governor who doesn’t send aid to Texas to help our border is a rhino or a liberal who puts America last.

Are you ready for them to finally be exposed? And that’s exactly what’s happening. Scott Adams on X said Biden’s choices are to stop immigration before the election, thus proving he could have done it at any time earlier, disqualifying to lose the election because he didn’t stop immigration. He is trapped in all of this. Now, I do believe Biden is probably going to fight to the very, very end because their main goal here, and you can see coming from the calls of the DS, what do they want? They want a civil war one way or another and they’re going to try to ramp this up to get a civil war.

And they will fight and fight and fight until the very, very end. But again, I do believe this is all going to come to an end as soon as there is an event. Because once people learn that a terrorist was able to get through the border because of Biden’s open border policy and this terrorist was able to infiltrate the United States and this terrorist was able to have an event, well, I think there’s going to be a lot more people waking up, scratching their heads, going, you know, I don’t think open borders is that great right now.

Maybe we need to rethink this. And I do believe a lot of people are going to come to that conclusion now. Does that mean everyone’s going to wake up and everyone’s going to go, oh, my God, Trump was right. We need secure borders. No, but it’s going to wake up many people. Remember, each person hits the precipice at different times. This is going to affect a lot of people.

And I do believe a lot of people are going to wake up from this. And I do believe with the borders wide open like this, we’re ripe for something to happen here. And it’s not going to work in the deep state’s favor at all, just like everything else, actually, if you really look at it. But you can see the deep state players, they are preparing and getting ready for war.

Remember, to cover up all their crimes, to cover up everything that they did. They need a distraction. They need war. This is what they always use. Yes. They also needed for the great reset, the Green New Deal. And what’s very interesting is that we could see that the US is prepping to abandon bases in eastern Syria and turn towards China. Osint defender put this out and said members of the Biden administration, alongside allied defense officials, are reportedly now discussing a possible withdrawal of U.

S. And coalition forces from eastern Syria due to ongoing attacks by iranian backed forces. Alongside a reconsideration of military priorities for the Middle east region, this withdrawal would likely be a major blow to allied kurdish forces in northeastern Syria, as well as the continuation of operation inherent resolve, the fight against the Islamic State. Now, again, the only reason they have the Islamic State is to keep the US soldiers in this country.

Remember who controlled the Islamic State? Well, that was Obama. He took the power away from the military and he was calling the shots of where to bomb. So it looks like they’re prepping for something completely different and they’re getting ready for a different type of war. And the other thing that’s very interesting is that Schumer has now warned that Ukraine will fall if the Senate doesn’t pass a new aid bill.

And he said Americans will feel the impact. So basically, I think we talked about it a couple of days ago with Kim. com where they might be planning some type of event in Ukraine, because once again, the flow of funds have been cut off to Ukraine. They’re becoming desperate right now. And how do you push bills in the Senate, in the House? You need an event. So are they going to plan this event? Are they going to show that Russia did something when Russia really didn’t do anything? It’s going to be an inside job to try to get the funds.

I think this is what Schumer is already saying, that Americans will feel the impact, which means something is about to happen. And if you really look at what Schumer says, he says Americans are going to feel the impact not years but months away. So this is going to be very interesting. It looks like he’s threatening the american people. If you don’t pay up and you do what we want, well, we’re going to punish you one way or another.

So this is going to be very, very interesting and we’ll have to see how this all plays out. But you can see the deep state players. They are trying to get control of every single government. And how are they trying to do this? Well, going back in time, they tried to use the Trans Pacific Partnership to do this, and that completely and utterly failed. And now they’re trying to use the who and they’re trying to put forth this pandemic treaty, and they wanted every single country to sign it, and they wanted the who to be in charge of everything that the country does.

And the people of that country would have no say whatsoever. And it looks like the british government, they have confirmed their commitment to the who pandemic treaties, which means when they mention diseasex, they’re going to have countries that signed on to this do exactly what the deep state players want them to do. They don’t have to worry about the leaders of these countries. They don’t have to worry about the people, because whatever the who says it goes, that’s it.

But once again, just like everything else, it’s not going to work because the people, they don’t have to go along with it. If the country says absolutely not, it doesn’t matter what the leader or the installed politician does because the people don’t have to agree with it. But again, they wanted this in place because they realized that they didn’t have enough control over the countries during the first pandemic.

And they realized, holy crap, we need something in place. So we have complete and utter control over everything. And remember, they’re pushing this anyhow during an election year to actually try to manipulate the elections. Now, once again, is that going to work? Absolutely not. They will not be able to pull this off whatsoever. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is I think people now really can see the two tiered justice system.

Let’s talk about being prepared. It’s freezing, but cranking up the heat is going to cost you a lot of money. Experts previously warned that heating bills will jump to the most expensive in more than a decade, and it’s holding true. The average cost to heat a home is projected to rise more than 17. 2%, or $1,208. What’s scary is the cost of heat homes is expected to be 35.

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They could see it with the Trump supporters. They can see what happens with the Bidens, with Obama’s Hillary Clinton. I mean, if you go back in time with the emails and uranium one and everything else, you could definitely see that they will not go after those individuals that are part of the criminal syndicate. Anyone that’s on the outside or is just a patriot in this country, they will try to bring them down any way they possibly can.

And I think a perfect example of this is Ray Epps. But you also see this outside of all that and in certain areas where you have certain judges and certain prosecutors which are just letting criminals go, and you can see there are certain governors that put together a no cash bail policies. And I do believe they have done this to keep their foot soldiers on the streets and keep those people that are criminals on the streets.

Remember, just because they’re wearing a suit, just like they act like us, doesn’t mean they are. They’re just criminals in a suit. And criminals hire criminals. Criminals protect criminals. That’s the way it works. When everyone looks at the government or you look around the country, the criminals put criminals into place. Yes. They disguised them. They had them play a role. They put them in nice suits or pantsuits, and they said, look, they’re just like you.

They’re going to uphold the law. They’re going to do the right thing. But again, when you go to the heart of it, they are criminals. And when they’re called upon, they will do what they do best. And I think you see this very, very clearly out in California, because a California judge has ruled a woman who stabbed her boyfriend 108 times while high will avoid prison. Why? Because she had no control over her actions.

So let’s think about this. Someone who was on drugs committed a crime. Actually, this was involuntary manslaughter. And they’re saying, oh, you know what? She’s not responsible for this. So what does that mean? Well, that means anyone that commits any crimes who’s on some type of psychotic drug or anything like that, they’re not responsible for their crimes anymore. Actually, the judge just gave everyone in the state of California who smokes marijuana a license to kill, to rob, to do anything because, oh, no, they weren’t in their right mind.

They had. Oh, wait, they killed twelve people. Well, you know what? They’re on the drugs. They were not in their right mind. We can let them go. Oh, wait, they’re robbing the store on drugs. Oh, we can let them go. That’s pretty much what this judge is saying. And once again, here we are. So I guess we could take this to drunk driving. So if you smash into someone and you’re driving drunk, well, you’re drunk.

I’m sorry. I was under the influence of alcohol. I’m not responsible. Right. But you could see their mindset right now, and you could see the two tier justice system. They want to keep their criminals out there, and they don’t want them to put them away. But those people that are patriots, those people that didn’t commit a crime, they want those people to serve as many months or years as possible.

Take, for example, Peter Navarro. Remember he had an executive privilege with the president. He decided to defy his January 6 committee subpoena. Remember the January 6 committee that deleted 100 or 117 encrypted files? Remember when there weren’t really Republicans on that unselect committee? It was basically old Democrats? Yes, there were Republicans, but they were rhinos Republican in name only. Well, Navarro decided, you know something I’m not going to testify in this.

I have executive privilege. There’s no reason for me to do this. Well, he was now sentenced to four months in prison for defying January 6 committee subpoena. So do you think Hunter Biden’s going to serve any time for defying his subpoena? Are they going to press charges? No, they gave him a second chance. But again, Hunter Biden didn’t have executive privilege. Peter Navarro did. Very big difference. But I think people are now starting to realize what the establishment is and how the establishment is not with we the people.

I do believe what we see forming right now is a third party. And Trump continually mentions this MAGA. Oh, wait, Nikki Haley’s not part of MAGA. Oh, these people. Not part of MAGA. These donors, not part of MAGA. So almost like Andrew Jackson, a new party is actually forming. And this is the party of taking back this country, the rhinos, the DS. That is the old world, the old criminal syndicate that’s going to be taking down.

And what you see right now, you see the old guard right now, it is being exposed, and it will soon be destroyed completely, because now people are starting to understand who and what the establishment is and who is trying to stop Kerry, who’s trying to stop Trump or anyone else that wants to actually work for we the people. And that recording came out where we had Jeff DeWitt.

He tried to bribe Kerry Lake. And Kerry Lake, she didn’t even blink. She said, absolutely not. You can’t bribe me. And he was so desperate that he wanted her just to pause. He didn’t want her to continue on. And once again, you can see how the bribery mechanism works. And what do they do? They lie about it later on. I mean, actually, Kerry Lake came out and said, yeah, he was trying to bribe me and trying to give me money to pause.

And he came out and he lied about it. And this is what these people do. They lie because they are criminals themselves. They can never tell the truth. Even when they’re caught. They’re caught on film and their voice is caught. They will still lie and say, it wasn’t them. It was taken out of context. It was this, that, and the other thing. They will never admit that they did anything wrong.

Kerry Lake put this out on x and said, if anyone is questioning the integrity of anything Jeff de Witt says, here is a screenshot of him denying that he bribed Carrie Lake before the audio was released, proving that he did. And this is what she put out. Jeff, is the news true on you? Trying to bribe Carrie. My phone is blowing up on the KFYI interview. Jeff DeWitt.

Of course not. This guy apparently listens and then it’s crossed out. There’s no end to what they will do to try to kill us. I’m blown away by this stuff. He’s saying. Hopefully the crazy stuff will stop after this weekend. So he pretty much lied about what was really going on. And now the audio tape came out and once again, he’s still lying about it. It’s absolutely unbelievable.

And we can see that people now can see the establishment, that this whole conspiracy, that politicians are bribed. Well, that has been debunked. And think about it. If Kerry Lake was being bribed, how many people have accepted bribes in the past? And how many people have accepted bribes who are still in office to do certain things? How many people are blackmailed? I do believe this is what this is bringing out right now.

And I do believe timing is everything because what are people seeing that people now are seeing the two groups, they’re seeing the establishment and MAGA, and people are starting to notice the difference. And I do believe Trump, he needs people to notice the difference because again, he needs the people with him. He needs them away from the Republican Party. I’m talking about the rhino, the deep state, the establishment party.

And he needs them with him. And he needs to show them the truth. He needs to show that these people are not for you, the people that you thought had your best interest at heart. They do not. And I think people are really starting to learn this because remember, these people, they’re professional liars, professional criminals. A lot of these people are on the take. So again, they play a very good role in convincing you of something that they’re not.

And I think people are starting to wake up to this, just like people are seeing Biden now. And they’re starting to realize, yeah, he’s something that he is not. He is not a leader. He’s not for this country. He’s actually a criminal. And that’s what people are noticing. And actually, the UAW president, Sean Fein, he joined Neil Cavoodo on Fox, and he said something very interesting, that members will not vote for Biden.

And the choice is very clear that Biden is not for the people. He said the majority of our members are going to vote their paychecks. They’re going to vote for an economy that works for them, and they’re going to vote for a president that will do this. So it is not Biden right now. So he doesn’t have the union. And you can see that the deep state players, the Obama and the rest, they’re panicking over all of this and they’re realizing that Biden needs to be removed.

And Barack Obama right now is reportedly terrified that Biden is going to lose in November and is urging Joe Biden to exit. And I think Obama is going to put a lot of pressure on Biden to push him out. And yes, I do believe there’s going to be a change of batter. Do I think there’s going to be a placeholder? Yes, I do. Because remember, if they’re going to sneak one in at the last moment because you’re going to save that person, you don’t just bring them in.

As soon as Biden says I’m not running, that’s not really sneaking someone in. That means that he’s just not running and someone else is going to run in his spot. So I do believe they’re going to bring in a placeholder. And when this placeholder doesn’t do what they thought he was going to do or she going to do, I do believe that’s when they’ll, or maybe there’s a scandal or something, that’s when this person will be replaced.

And I do believe we’re getting closer and closer to that because you see Obama, he is panicking right now. And we can see that people now can see the establishment with birdbrain, who is Nikki Haley. She has lost in New Hampshire, lost in Iowa. She doesn’t have any delegates in Nevada, but she’s staying in the race. And we can see that this is for a specific reason. Number one, it’s actually showing the people, the establishment.

Look how these people will continually fight against the people’s will because they’re not for the people. Plus, I do believe they’re trying to keep her in there long enough to hopefully spring some things on Trump and she will be the person there sitting there waiting to accept the nominee when they force Trump out. Now, once again, Trump is not going to be forced out. I mean, this might be their plan.

I mean, their plan was to impeach him twice. That didn’t work. Their plan was to indict him four times. That didn’t work. Their plan was to actually take a mugshot and have the voters leave him. That didn’t work. Convicting Trump, that’s not going to work either. Everything that they’ve tried, everything that they’ve done has completely failed, actually. It’s made him more powerful. And we could see that, Nikki, we know that she doesn’t have a chance.

But I don’t think that’s what this is about. Her role is to stay in there. Her role is to stay in there long enough until the deep state completes their mission. Now, I think Trump and the patriots and everyone else is using this to show what the establishment really is and how they don’t care about the people and they don’t care that the people want Trump. Trump, he put this out and said, I heard burbrain totally bombed last night in South Carolina.

Why the surprise? She just bombed in Iowa, New Hampshire, in a very big way and lost both states. She also just lost Nevada because she saw the polls and decided to take a pass on this caucus state. 100% Trump. And he’s absolutely right. And then he put this out. Nikki Bird Brain Haley is very bad for the republican party, indeed our country. Her false statements, derogatory comments, and humiliating public losses demeaning to the true american patriots.

Her anger should be aimed at her third rate political consultant and more importantly, crooked Joe Biden and those that are destroying our country, not the people who will save it. I knew Nikki well. She was average at best, is not the one to take the world leaders, and she never did. This was up to me. And that is why they respected the United States. When I ran for office in one, I noticed that the losing candidates, donors would immediately come to me.

I want to help out. This is a standard in politics, but no longer with me. Anybody that makes a contribution to birdbrain from this moment forth will be permanently barred from this maga camp. We don’t want them and will not accept them because we put America first and always will. Wow, that is absolutely amazing. And the other thing that’s unbelievable is that judicial Watch right now is suing the Defense Department for details of alleged conversation between CIA employees seeking to get rid of Trump when he was in office.

So they filed a Freedom of Information act request against the US Department of Defense for a report submitted by a military officer to his superiors regarding an alleged conversation around January 2017 between CIA analysts Eric Cheramella and Sean misco about trying to get rid of then President Trump. So this is very interesting. Do they mean get rid of him in the case of maybe Crossfire hurricane? Or are they talking about an assassination? Because we know that Alex Soros just put out a message saying that, hey, we need to assassinate Trump.

We need to get rid of him. So this is going to be very, very interesting because what happens if there are text messages or emails that show that, yes, we need to get rid of them. And if we can’t get rid of know, using crossfire, hurricane and everything else, we need to take this to the next steps. What would that do to the CIA? What happens if that involved the FBI? Oh, this is going to be very, very interesting as we move forward.

Even if it just says we need to get rid of them. And this is how we’re going to do it with Crossfire, hurricane and everything else. It shows that the government, these people inside the government, they were planning a coup because they were organized. They were discussing how to get rid of him. I mean, really think about this for a second and we can see that they want to take Trump’s immunity away and they’re going to keep pushing to do this because they’re trying to get Trump on anything they possibly can.

And what’s very interesting is Trump is continually telling everyone, just like with his taxes and everything else, that, no, no, you can’t do, no, no, presidents, they need full immunity. I think he’s trying to force them into getting rid of the immunity so he can go after the other presidents. And once again, if he did nothing wrong, which he didn’t, there’s nothing that they can bring them up on charges for because remember, you have to prove it to actually convict someone.

So I find this very, very interesting. But this is what he said. A president of the United States must have full immunity without which would be impossible for him her to properly function. Any mistake, even if well intended, would be met with almost certain indictment by the opposing party at term end. Even events that cross the line must fall under total immunity or it will be years of trauma trying to determine good from bad.

There must be certainty. Example, you can’t stop police from doing the job of strong and effective crime prevention because you want to guard against the occasional rogue cop or bad apple. Sometimes you just have to live with great but slightly imperfect. All presidents must have complete and total presidential immunity or the authority of decisiveness of a president of the United States will be stripped and gone forever. Hopefully this will be an easy decision.

God bless the Supreme Court. Mike Davis responded to this and said the following. Legal check true members of Congress have civil and criminal immunity for official acts, including outer perimeter. So do federal judges. Why wouldn’t president other than Trump derangement syndrome. Can trump 47 dog prosecute Obama for Capitol murder, for drone striking to Americans, including a 16 year old, or Biden for manslaughter, for fentanyl and other deaths resulting from his refusal to secure the border? Now it’s very interesting that he brought up Biden and Obama and the two things that they are completely responsible for, they knowingly did.

And it’s very interesting that he’s calling them out. But again, we’ll have to see how this all plays out. But one thing for sure is Trump. He put together a ten step plan to actually dismantle the deep state players. Take a listen. My plan to dismantle the deep state and reclaim our democracy from Washington corruption once and for all, and corruption it is. First, I will immediately reissue my 2020 executive order restoring the president’s authority to remove rogue bureaucrats, and I will wield that power very aggressively.

Second, we will clean out all of the corrupt actors in our national security and intelligence apparatus, and there are plenty of them. The departments and agencies that have been weaponized will be completely overhauled so that faceless bureaucrats will never again be able to target and persecute conservatives, Christians, or the left’s political enemies, which they’re doing now at a level that nobody can believe even possible. Third, we will totally reform FISA courts, which are so corrupt that the judges seemingly do not care when they are lied to in warrant applications.

So many judges have seen so many applications that they know were wrong, or at least they must have known they do nothing about it. They’re lied to. Fourth, to expose the hoaxes and abuses of power that have been tearing our country apart, we will establish a truth and reconciliation commission to declassify and publish all documents on deep state spying, censorship, and corruption. And there are plenty of them.

Fifth, we will launch a major crackdown on government leakers who collude with the fake news, to deliberately weave false narratives, and to subvert our government and our democracy. When possible, we will press criminal charges. 6th we will make every inspector general’s office independent and physically separated from the departments they oversee so they do not become the protectors of the deep state. 7th I will ask Congress to establish an independent auditing system to continually monitor our intelligence agencies to ensure they are not spying on our citizens or running disinformation campaigns against the american people, or that they are not spying on someone’s campaign like they spied on my campaign.

8th we will continue the effort launched by the Trump administration to move parts of the sprawling federal bureaucracy to new locations outside the Washington swamp. Just as I moved the Bureau of Land Management to Colorado, as many as 100,000 government positions could be moved out, and I mean immediately, of Washington, to places filled with patriots who love America. And they really do love America. 9th I will work to ban federal bureaucrats from taking jobs at the companies they deal with and that they regulate.

So they deal with these companies and they regulate these companies and then they want to take jobs from these companies. Doesn’t work that way. Such a public display cannot go on. And it’s taking place all the time, like with big pharma. Finally, I will push a constitutional amendment to impose term limits on members of Congress. This is how I will shatter the deep state and restore government that is controlled by the people and for the people.

Thank you very much. So in the end, when Trump is elected, he is going to dismantle the deep state players. He’s putting his plan into place. And once again, all we need to do is get Trump elected. And that is the signal to the deep state that we’re prepared and ready to take back this country. And you can see every step of the way. I think the people are learning a lot.

The people understand that the establishment, the deep state players, they are not for the people. And I do believe this is going to get a lot worse before it gets better. And it’s going to wake a lot of people up, just like it’s waking a lot of people up right now. And I do believe as we get closer and closer to the presidential election, there’s going to be a lot more people all voting for Trump.

And this is going to be a major, major problem for the deep state players. And this is why Obama right now is moving towards getting rid of Biden, because he can’t carry this anymore. And they need someone that doesn’t have a bad track record, that is halfway popular. And I do believe that person is coming, but it won’t matter in the end because Trump of the patriots, they have everything on all these people.

Think about the evidence that Trump and the patriots have. Think about what they’re sitting on, and it could be used at any moment. They know all their crimes. They know everything that they did. And again, when do you play the trump card? I do believe that is coming, and it’s coming very, very quickly, and I do believe it’s going to bring down the deep state players. Listen, everyone.

Thanks a lot for listening. Be well, be safe, and especially be prepared. Thanks a lot. .

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