Ep 3266b – Trump Wins Again The Ds Will Now Use A Conviction To Stop Trump Playbook Known: X22 Report

Posted in: News, Patriots, X22 Reports



➡ Dave from the X22 report talks about how crime rates are going up and recommends a new flashlight that can help protect you. He also talks about how Trump won in Iowa and New Hampshire, but some people are trying to stop him from winning again. They might try to make him look bad or even hurt him, but Dave thinks these plans won’t work. He also mentions that some politicians might be using money in wrong ways, and they could get in trouble for it.
➡ Some people are breaking rules on Instagram and other places. They don’t seem to care about the laws. This includes people like the Bidens and Obama. There’s a lot of talk about Hunter Biden, who might be in trouble. The White House is trying to distract from some things they did wrong. They lied about an agreement for Hunter Biden’s art sales. A lot of his art was bought by people who give money to the Democrats. The White House doesn’t seem to mind that Hunter Biden got a lot of money from a Democrat donor. People are starting to see that this isn’t fair. There’s also a lot of trouble at the border.➡ Texas is trying to stop illegal immigrants from coming in, but the government is fighting against them. Some people think this could lead to a civil war. There’s also talk about impeaching Alejandro Mayorkas, who is in charge of homeland security. Meanwhile, North Korea and China are testing weapons, which is scary. And Iran is giving advanced weapons to a group called the Hootis.

➡ This text talks about how people are getting upset about issues like open borders and possible threats to the country. It also mentions that some people might not realize the problems until something bad happens. The text also talks about a product called Night Watch Pros, which are binoculars that let you see in the dark. Lastly, it discusses how some people are starting to worry about the safety of mrna vaccines.
➡ This text talks about a lot of different things. It mentions how some people are getting sick from a new technology and how it’s causing confusion. It also talks about a woman named Kerry Lake who was offered money to stop running for a political position, but she refused. Lastly, it discusses how Donald Trump is winning in some states and how some people are trying to stop him.
➡ Some people are trying to make Donald Trump quit his run for president. They might try to make him look bad or even try to convict him of something. But many people still support Trump and believe he can be president even if he’s convicted. If their plans don’t work, they might try to bring in someone else, like Michelle Obama, closer to the election.


Report. My name is Dave in this episode. 3266 bn. Today’s date is January 24, 2024 and the title of the episode is Trump wins again. The DS will now use a conviction to stop Trump. Playbook known let’s talk about being prepared. Between mass shootings, brazen smash and grab thefts at luxury retailers, violent robberies and armed carjackings, people’s fear of rising violent crime is justified. The FBI states carjacking alone have risen 8.

1%, with the vast majority involving an assailant with a weapon. With someone getting injured in more than a quarter of those cases. What’s worse is that a report of violent crime is at its all time highest since 2008 in some states. This is why I highly recommend and use the all new 2024 Fighter flare flashlight. It is my everyday carry for personal protection. If you ever been on the wrong end of a tactical flashlight that the military or law enforcement use, like this one, you know how quickly 800 lm will stop you in your tracks.

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Get the fighter flare flashlight for a whopping 15% off this new year’s. Plus, stay secured with a complimentary 100% lifetime guarantee replacement. Gain access to preppers peaks exclusive newsletter for weekly life saving prepper tips, free express shipping and much more. Order now before this offer ends by going to Fighterflare. com. That is Fighterflare. com. Use promo code 15 off or just click the link in the description. Let’s get into the economic collapse, political and geopolitical news now.

The deep state, the corrupt politicians, big tech fake news, the Puppet masters, they are now panicking because Trump won again. Yes, he won Iowa, he won New Hampshire. And it looks like Nikki Haley, she is not going to be bowing out. And you know what the people see? The people see that the establishment is not with the people. They see that the establishment, along with the deep state players, they are working against Trump, working against the people.

And you really need to think about why Nikki Haley is never going to drop out until the very end. Because the plan is to have her stay in there. Because what they’re going to try to do. They’re going to try to do something to Trump and they’re hoping that whatever they do, it’s so bad, he drops out. And there she is, ready to pick up all of it.

That’s what they’re trying to. And if she does pick it up and pick up the delegates and she becomes the nominee, well, do you really think she’s going to be able to beat Biden? No. We already know this, and this has already been pre planned. And yes, this is what they’re gonna try to do. So what is that terrible thing? Well, number one, they could try an assassination attempt and that maybe will make Trump back down and maybe he’ll say, hey, I am not running anymore.

Do I really think that’s going to happen? Absolutely not. But again, this is what they’re going to try to do. I think what they’re really going to try to do this time around, yes, it will accelerate later on. But I do believe what they’re going to try to do right now is they’re going to try to convict him and they’re going to try to show everyone, look, he’s convicted, he might even go to prison.

And they’re going to try to convince people that he is not the right candidate. And they’re hoping that by doing this, they will drive a lot of people away from him and they’re hoping that he will give in the end. Now, I don’t think any of this is going to work. I think Trump and the Patriots, they know the playbook and we know that this is one of the stages that the deep state is going to use to try to remove Trump.

Remember, from the very, very beginning when he announced that he was running again, what did they do? They went ahead and they said, okay, indictment, indictment, indictment. Then they brought up all the other cases. Then they took his mugshot and they kept interfering. Now, here we are. He won Iowa, he won New Hampshire, and Nikki is still there. Why would anyone stay? See, this has nothing to do with this four year election.

It has nothing to do with Nikki Haley becoming president. This is about the establishment, the deep state players working together against the american people. And yes, they’re going to keep this person in this spot until the very end. They don’t care if she loses by a lot. It makes no difference because they have something else planned. Now, I don’t think that’s going to work. I think what’s going to happen this time around is everything that they tried, just like they tried with the indictments and the mugshots.

I do believe this is going to make Trump’s poll numbers go way, way up and they’re going to start to realize that, hey, that didn’t work at all. Actually, if they do arrest him and put him behind bars, you really think that picture on all the t shirts, the mugs and everything else, you don’t think people are gonna be on his side? You don’t think he’s gonna make a lot of money to help with the law fund? Oh, yeah, absolutely.

So this, I do believe, is going to be a dead end, which means they will then move this to the next step. What is the next step? Well, we already know from Alex Soros that most likely they will try an assassination attempt to try to stop him from moving forward. Actually, when they made an assassination attempt on Reagan, well, he backed off on auditing the gold and everything else.

And think about it, they’re going to try to use the same exact tactic on Trump. And once again, I do believe Trump and the Patriots, they know this. They know exactly what’s coming. And I do believe this is going to hurt them in the long run, just like everything else. Which means when they realize after the entire primary and they realize that Trump now is the nominee and their plan didn’t work, well, that’s when they’re going to have to make a decision on should we keep Biden in or do we remove him right now.

And I do believe this is why he moved the state of the union to March 7. Now, I do believe what they’re going to do is at that point, they will make a decision. Okay, now, we need to start to make changes here. We can’t keep him in here. He will not be able to win. And it doesn’t mean that Michelle Obama is going to come right in, in March.

I do believe they might have maybe Newsom or someone else as a placeholder and have that person come in and then sneak Michelle in a little bit later in the process. So I do believe that everything now is now forming. And I do believe they’re watching everything very closely. And yes, they’re going to do this in phases to see which phase works and which phase doesn’t work. And I think they’re all going to fail as we move forward.

Now, we’re going to be talking a lot more about this a little bit later because you could see the fake news. You could see the poll numbers. They’re all pointing to a conviction. They’re all pointing to something like this. And you could see that the fake news, I think, is starting to build this up. But before we get there, let’s talk about Pelosi, AOC and other house Dems, because it looks like they were hit with an ethics complaint and they are accused of repeatedly misusing funds.

So an ethics watchdog has filed an ethics complaint against ten democratic lawmakers claiming that they are using public resources for partisan political purposes. The foundation for the Accountability and Civic Trust said the Democrat repeatedly used official resources for political gain. And they started to name those people that did this. It’s Nancy Pelosi, Corey Bush, Jamal Bowman, Sean Caston, Greg Cesar Maxwell, Alejandro Ted Liu, AOC Elon Omar, Richie Torres.

It seems like it’s always the same people, doesn’t it? Well, the law at issue is simple. Official house photographs and video govern buildings and member official websites and social media accounts. And anything created by the government employees are considered off limits. The rule additionally reiterate that campaign social media accounts cannot contain any official content or resources and cannot repost official social media posts. Facts said that the Democrats regularly use official resources or content on social media, honing in on x, formerly known as Twitter.

And to make its point, the complaint attached 91 pages of examples. One example showed Pelosi using House video on campaign website. Another showed Omar using CSPAn footage on her Instagram account, while another example showed Presley speaking on the House floor in a post on X. These violations are rampant and obvious. And clearly the OCE’s failure to act has encouraged continued violations. So once again, here we have the same people which are corrupt, and you can see that they don’t care about the laws, the rules or anything like that.

And if you look at the Bidens and you look at Obama and you look at everyone else, well, it seems that they follow in the same exact footstep of all these people. And I think people are starting to realize that, yes, this is the criminal syndicate and it’s very, very easy to see. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is with Hunter Biden, because everything is now completely and utterly falling apart with Hunter Biden.

And I do believe, yes, there’s going to be other charges. Yes, we’re going to see other things happen. Now, does this mean he’s going away to prison and we’ll never see him again? Well, just think of Ray Epps. Think about what happened to him. Yes, they said they were going to press charges. They made a really big deal about it, and then he got a slap on the wrist.

What do you think is going to happen to Hunter Biden? I do believe this is a play to put a lot of pressure on Joe and they’re probably most likely telling him, listen, if you do what we say, you can pardon him. Everything will be fine. We’ll make it look like you did a great job as president. All you need to do is leave. And I do believe that’s where all of this is headed.

The oversight committee put this out and said the White House’s war room is panicking and trying to distract from key facts were recently unearthed. The White House misled the american people about an ethics agreement for Hunter Biden’s art sales. Big money. Democrat donors advance and purchase the majority of Hunter Biden’s art. After purchasing Hunter Biden’s art, Joe Biden placed. The purchaser is also a Democrat donor on a prestigious commission.

The White House appears to have no issue with the hunter Biden getting over 5 million in loans from a dem donor. While they want to know every time you spend 600 plus. And yes, the people are looking this going, what the hell’s going on here? And they’re actually seeing the two tiered justice system and I think it’s becoming clearer and clearer every single day. I think people saw it when they gave Ray Epps a slap on the wrist when you saw the videos of him telling everyone we need to go into the white, we need to go into the capitol.

And he was carrying signs, he was removing the barriers. He was always on the front lines. And the DS, they defended him. But I think people are starting to learn and the people aren’t stupid and they realize that. Yeah, I’m starting to see the criminals sitting in. I see who they protect and it’s very, very clear. Just like the border is becoming clearer and clearer every single day.

Everything that they’re doing is not there to help with securing the border. Even though they continually tell us the border is secure, except when they want money and they tell us we need the money to secure the border, which makes no sense whatsoever. You could see they’re fighting against Texas because they don’t want Texas stopping the illegals from coming in. Because why do they need the illegals? They need the illegals because they need them to vote in the next election and they need them for chaos.

Remember, they are their foot soldiers. So right now you could see Texas, they are fighting back. DC Drano put this out on x and said the Supreme Court said Biden could take down Texas barbed wire, but it didn’t say Texas had to stop putting it up. Texas troops are putting up more today as we speak and they should. And we could see that once again, the states have a right to protect their borders, to protect their states.

Peter Saigon, PhD put this out next and said the US Constitution places the federal government below the states, who, after all, created it. It’s long since time to restore the relationship. And you have to remember the deep state players. What they spent all this time doing is they were trying to transfer as much power to a centralized location, and that is the federal government. If you notice, all spending, all education spending, everything comes from the federal government.

And this is how they’re able to control the states. This is how they’re able to control everything because they say, okay, you’re not going to get any money. But again, the founding fathers, they didn’t want it this way, but this is what the deep state has done. And this is why they wanted to defund the police because what did they want to do? They wanted to make a centralized police force.

They already have the FBI. They already have the CDC. They already have the Department of Education. They wanted everything centralized at the top because it’s a lot easier to control when it’s decentralized. They really can’t control anything. But you could see that they really want a civil war. They always have because they know how to react to a civil war. They use force, and that’s much easier for them than an information war and an information war where people are awake.

So you could see that this is exactly what they’re trying to do. Representative Clay Higgins put this out and said the Supreme Court just ruled in favor of the Biden admin over the state of Texas, saying that the federal government can remove physical barriers at the border put in place by Texas. What are your thoughts? My thoughts are that the feds are staging a civil war and Texas should stand their ground.

And that’s exactly what they’re doing. And they want a civil war because they want the people fighting against the government. They want the people in all different states fighting against the government because first of all, it’s a distraction. Plus, it keeps everyone’s eyes off of them. And you can expand this. And once all said and done, people forget why the fight even started. But they don’t care about that.

But the other thing that’s very interesting is, Alejandro Mayorkas, it looks like the Republicans are moving forward with the impeachment process, and it looks like he’s slated for January 30. Let’s see how this plays out, because this is going to be very, very interesting because we know what they want. They want a distraction. And every step of the way they will intensify what they’re doing to get that distraction.

And in the end, they will go full all out, bringing us to war and having the US attack, because that is the only thing that they will have left. And you can see that they are now pushing this around the globe. North Korea, right now, they fired a cruise missile into the Yellow Sea. And remember, they do have a weapon that can work underwater. It can create a radioactive tsunami.

They also have the ability to fire a ballistic missile using a hypergly type of technology. And everyone’s sitting there going, well, that’s not because of Biden. Well, think about it. Trump, when he was in office, did we see anything like this, or did Trump have peace during this period of time? See, people now can see the difference. And it’s becoming very, very clear between who wants peace and who wants war.

And I do believe this is going to build as time goes on. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is that China, they have simulated a hypersonic missile attack on the US fleet. So researchers in China claim they have carried out a successful simulated strike on us aircraft carrier using satellites to hide missile approach. And a lab has claimed they could decimate american warships with space weapons. Low flying satellites after carrying out a mock hypersonic missile strike.

In a research paper published in the chinese journal Shipboard Electronic countermeasures in December, scientist Liu described a computer simulated attack on the US fleet. The team launched missiles at a us aircraft carrier from 750 miles away and used low flying satellites to block the ship’s radar so it couldn’t detect the missiles until they were just 30 miles away. Based on the study, they concluded that the three satellites would be enough to attack an aircraft carrier group, while just 28 satellites would enable a global strike.

So the question is, where did they get the technology and the know how to actually have satellites block the ships from detecting a missile launch? Did someone sell them the codes? Do they know something that we don’t? Was that Hillary? Was that Obama? Was that the deep state players who are criminals to this country or treasonous to this country? It’s starting to seem that way now. The other thing that’s very interesting is we could see that everything is building up around Iran right now.

And we could see Iran now is supplying hootis with increasingly advanced weaponry. The US Central command put this out and said, us CENTCOM seizes iranian advanced conventional weapons bound for hooties. And once again, you could see that all of this is now building. And this is why Trump, from the very, very beginning, said, listen, I can have peace in 24 hours because I do believe that with this entire production, this is the only way you can really wake the people up.

I mean, think about everything that everyone has gone through up to this point. How many people are pissed off? You probably know some relatives are saying, you know what? It’s enough is enough with the border. But remember, if they didn’t see it, they wouldn’t wake up. They wouldn’t be pissed off. They wouldn’t be angry. They wouldn’t be ready to do something. And I do believe where we’re headed right now is to wake up the rest of the country.

And it’s to wake up a lot of the DS. And yes, the DS, they are in a deep, deep sleep. So I do believe to wake them up, they’re going to have to really get a very hard slap, maybe multiple slaps, to really wake them up, to make them understand that this guy that you’re looking at, or Michelle Obama or anyone else, these are not the people that have your best interests at heart.

They will bring you to war. They don’t care if you die. And I do believe people have to see this firsthand because without seeing it, without experiencing it, they’re not going to wake up. And yes, couple this with an economy that is completely failing and maybe even terrorist attacks, you’re going to have a lot of people wake up in this country. And what’s very interesting is that there were people talking to, actually was a reporter talking to one of these illegal immigrants from the Middle east.

And this individual said, soon you will know who I am. Believe me, you will see. Just take a listen. If you are smart enough, you will know who I am. But you are really not smart enough to know who I am. But soon you’re going to know who I am. Very. Wow. Very easy. The entitlement. The entitlement. No, believe me, I’m much better than that. The entitlement guys.

So right there, this individual looks like he’s threatening the people of this country. And we’ve come to find out. Nen wokeness put this out on x is the following. Mavsum Samadov leads the Azerbaijan islamic party. They have closed ties to Hezbollah. He was jailed for twelve plus years on charges of attempts to organize terror attacks and to overthrow the government. He was released on January 19, 2023. So if he’s out there and he’s threatening everyone, do you think there’s more people in this country that came over the border that the deep state players allowed in? Absolutely.

Do I believe that we are ripe for something to happen? Absolutely. Is this going to wake a lot of people up? Absolutely. Because once something happens, people are going to start to realize that, wait a minute, we have open borders and now we have all these people going to the cities. They’re using up our resources, using up our money. Our children are being kicked out of school, and now with the open borders, we have a terrorist attack in our country.

This is going to really wake people up, and people are going to start to really see. Let’s talk about being prepared. The most useful and popular gadget you can get this new year’s is undoubtedly a pair of night vision binoculars. That’s because until recently, they were too expensive for our most hobbyists. But recent advancements in technology and research have made night vision more affordable than ever. This is why I highly recommend and use the Night Watch pros.

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They might still stick to their guns. And no, no, Biden’s doing a great job. It’s not his fault. But remember, every step of the way, each phase wakes up more and more people. Some people have to wait till the very, very end to wake up. And some people, well, they have to be told afterwards. And I do believe we’re going to see this. And when I say some of these people need to be told afterwards, probably like 810 percent or so, we’ll probably have to sit them down, explain it, saying, this is what happened here.

I don’t know how you didn’t see it, but it was clear as day. And this happened during World War II and everything else. But you can see a lot of the people of this country. They are for Israel and they are not for Hamas. I know the deep state players. They’re out there with their marches. They’re using the illegals, antifa, because what they do is they try to make their cause a much larger than it really is.

They make it seem like everyone is in on this, and this is what they do because they don’t have the majority of people. So what they have to do is they have to use the people that they have. They have to broadcast it, they have to have the news cover it, and they have to show people, look, this is a very big movement when it actually is not.

Because when you look at the poll, and this is a new Harvard Harris poll, it suggests that 80% of american voters support Israel in the current war in Gaza, while 20% support the Hamas terrorist organization. Now, I will say 10% of those people are probably the antifa, BLM illegals, and the other 10% are the children that are brainwashed in college, and the rest are the adults going, are you people crazy? And I do believe this is what we’re seeing right now.

And people are starting to realize that, no, everyone is not for Hamas. But yes, the small little group, just like with George Floyd, they had their small little marching group. They had the fake news. They had the mayors and the governors all go along with this, and it made it seem like it was much larger. And if you use these sports organizations, you can make it seem like, look, everyone’s all for it, but all you need is to have the upper echelon of all these organizations, and all you need to do is have them push this agenda.

And it makes it seem like the world is with them when the world is not with them. And I think the people are starting to learn that, yeah, the world is not with them. And the majority, well, they’re pushing against all of this. And this is why you see the protest out in Europe and you see the farmers really starting to rise up and say, enough is enough.

And you can see with all this happening, the deep state players, they’re going to become very, very panicked. And this is why they’re going to go all out to stop Trump. This is why they’re going to use ZZx. They’re going to try to use the same mail in dropboxes and things like that. But again, yesterday, we learned from America first that there was no problem with people going in person.

And the timing of that is very, very interesting because I do believe we might have a cyber attack. And I think the people will realize, listen, we can go in person. It’s not that big of a deal. I do believe the military will guard the election and make it safe for the people to actually vote in person. I do believe this is how we get around the system.

Unless Trump has a completely different way of doing it, maybe we can override the system. But I think in the end, Trump wants to show these people, look, I have the people. I won. Not just by a little. I have the people. I have the majority, just like Andrew Jackson. But you can see the entire Covid agenda is completely falling apart, especially with the mrna bioweapon. And now we have german chemistry professors.

They’re calling for mrna technology to be stopped. As the problems of mrna based vaccines are becoming increasingly obvious, the world is starting to realize, wait a minute, this mrna technology is not good. It’s actually making people very, very sick. And as time goes on, it gets worse and worse for the people. And I do believe if people keep taking the booster, they will get sicker and sicker as time goes on.

And different types of ailments will all of a sudden rear its ugly head, and people will scratch their head, going, where did this all come from? And yes, we already see that myocarditis, periokiditis, and all the rest. It’s all from this mrna technology. So, basically, when they told you it was safe and effective, they lied once again to the people. It had nothing to do with COVID It didn’t stop Covid, actually.

It actually gave you Covid because that was included in their bioweapon. Plus, it gave you many other things. And this is why they’re changing the number of cycles now for those people that are vaccinated. Because the people that are vaccinated, they keep showing that they have Covid. So that tells you everything you need to know. And I do believe this next round of disease x, or whatever they’re going to put out there, a zombie virus.

I think this is going to be very, very difficult for them to push. Because the people are sitting there going, okay, you lied to us about COVID And these things only show up during election year. And it seems that you know everything about them. And the timing is very suspect. So I don’t think it’s actually going to work the way they think it’s going to work. And I think this is going to be a major, major problem for them, just like it’s a major, major problem for the rhinos right now.

And what’s very interesting, it looks like Kerry Lake, she released a audio recording of Jeff duet attempting to bribe Kerry. I mean, really think about this for a second. This is how desperate these people are. Patriots are in control. Put this out and said, I think the independent owes Kerry Lake an apology. So if you go back to March 4, 2023, they put this out there and it says Kerry Lake spins tale of attempted bribery to drop out of politics.

And then today you have audio recording reveals the moment that senior republican figure tried to bribe Carrie Lake not to run for the Senate. So take a listen to what Jeff DeWitt says to Carrie. And yes, they’re trying to bribe her. And it’s powerful people back east. Is there a number at which I can be bought? That’s what it’s about. You can take a paws for a couple of years.

No. And they go right back to what you’re doing. No. 10 million, 20 million? No. A billion? No. This is not about money. This is about our country. I think it’s disturbing that they would even. That anybody would think this is, to be fair. Even me. Even me. I’ll say this. I want a fresh face right now for the reason that I’ve never seen anyone, I can’t think of a single person in a federal race who’ve lost, ran.

And they won’t think of it. If you can think of it, let me know. I am not going to let these people who hate our country tell me not to run. You should call them and tell them to get behind me. So what’s going on? I’m assuming this is our friend. This is back east. There are very powerful people that want to keep you out. I know they do.

But they’re willing to put their money where their mouth is in a big way. So this conversation never had. This is crazy, though. They should want me. I’m a great candidate. People love me. These people are corrupt. Well, maybe you’re right. They are corrupt. Maybe this never happened. Don’t go. I don’t get myself in trouble if you say no, which is fine, it’s your choice. Don’t tell people they’re going to try to have me murdered.

Thanks, world man. It’s that stuff that came out last week is right. About the cartel stuff. They said the cartel is operating in 50 states right now. Like all 50. So what’s going on? Who is it? What? Forget the who. So once again we can see how dirty these people are playing. And Kerry Lake has been calling for his resignation. And he decided to resign. Why? Because the truth is out there.

Thank God they were smart enough to record this and smart enough to have this to show the people that this does happen. They told Kerry to pause. They said, listen, you can come back later. Take the money. Don’t worry about it. Powerful people don’t want you to run. That should tell you everything you need to know. Now, people, I think, can see the difference between the establishment and those people that are fighting for this country.

And I think it’s becoming clearer and clearer every single day, especially what’s going on with Trump and Nikki Haley right now. Trump, he has won the Iowa caucus, New Hampshire caucus and Nikki, well, it looks like she’s getting the democratic votes and that’s how she’s actually staying in there. Eric, Trump put this out and said 70% of Nikki Haley voters, not registered Republicans. CNN exit poll says so let’s see.

She’s not getting Republicans. The Republicans are for Trump. She’s getting all the Democrats. Because in these states, these people can then switch their party, vote for Nikki Haley and then switch their party back. And they’re just doing it to stop Trump. But is it working? Absolutely not. Did they expect her to win? I don’t think so. I think they put all this money at something like $31 million behind Nikki Haley just to stay in the race so they can try to remove Trump in another way and just have her standing there in standby mode to take all the delegates.

We’ll be talking a little bit more about this a little bit later. But first, Richard Barris the people’s pun and put this out on x and said Trump has now surpassed McCain’s 2000 New Hampshire Republican primary vote of 115,606. His total now stands at 116,255 for Trump, shy of his record of 129,734 in 2020. Trump has now surpassed his record for the most votes, 129 734 received in the New Hampshire Republican primary, which set in 2020.

Currently, he sits at 137 41. That is absolutely incredible. And Trump said on truth, he says, such an honor. I just broke the all time record for votes cast both sides, Democrat and Republican, in the history of the New Hampshire primary. Now, we know that Vegas is coming up next. And what’s very interesting about Vegas is that Nikki Haley doesn’t have any of the delegates. And election wizard put this out and said, don’t be fooled.

The Nevada GOP primary has no impact on awarding delegates. Let me explain. Under the Nevada law, there must be a Republican and democratic primary. However, each party is not bound to the results and can choose other methods to assign the state’s delegates. The Nevada GOP decided to stick with the caucus system for among other things, election integrity reasons. The Nevada GOP passed a rule barring any candidate who signed up for the state’s primary from participating in its caucus and therefore receiving delegates.

On February 6, Nevada will hold a state run primary. Nikki Helly, her name will appear on the primary ballot. Trump’s name will not. On February eigth, the Nevada GOP will hold its caucus. Only two names will appear on the ballot, Ryan Binkley and Donald Trump. In some Nikki may win the Nevada GOP primary, but don’t be fooled. That win will have no impact on awarding delegates in the race that actually matters.

The caucus. Her name will not appear on the ballot and she is barred from receiving any delegates. Trump followed up with this and said, a very bad night for Nikki Bird brain Haley, but not as a bad as last week in Iowa, where she came in a distant third. Next week in the Nevada caucus, she didn’t want to play because of her bad polling. She gets zero delegates.

I get them all in South Carolina. I’m leading by 30 to 50 points. And Trump then put out, we just won Nevada because he automatically won then, and then he said, nikki Birdbrain. Haley can never win the general election because she will never get MAGA. And he’s absolutely right. She will never win. He’s letting the people know this. And once again, I do believe Nikki is in there to wait until something happens to Trump.

And how do we know that they’re prepared to do something? Well, think about all the indictments. Think about the assassination message. And there might be something else that we don’t know. Patriots are control. Put this out and said the lefty melt ins are beginning to pile up with each passing Trump victory. How are these people ever going to make it through 48 more states of MAGA dominance. Huffington poets.

Trump, under criminal prosecution for his coup attempt wins New Hampshire anyway. Raw story. Racism, fascism and cruelty. Donald Trump’s New Hampshire performance in nine quotes. Daily Beast, CNN, MSNBC forced to fact check error riddle Trump victory speech. No, this is from political. No, you don’t need to go to a Trump rally. So they’re trying everything they possibly can and they’re bringing up the idea know he is being prosecuted for a coup.

And the people, they don’t care about that. The people are going to stick by Trump now. They’re going to try, I do believe, to convict him. And this is why they’ve been waiting and waiting because they want to see the outcome and they’re keeping Nikki Haley in there. And I do believe in the end they will try to use whatever they possibly can to actually put a lot of pressure on Trump to actually back out.

And what they’re going to try to do is they’re going to try to have the people look at him and say, okay, he’s not a viable candidate. But again, when you look at certain polls, like a CBS exit poll, half of New Hampshire Republicans say Donald Trump is fit to serve even if convicted. So the people in New Hampshire, the people in Iowa, they believe, listen, if he’s convicted, he can still serve as president.

We’re not backing down. And I do believe this is what they’re going to attempt to do. And when this fails, I do believe their last push will be in South Carolina and maybe they will try to take a shot or do something to Trump to have him fold. So this is going to be very interesting as we move forward, because once again, what is the deep state doing? They’re watching this all play out and they know that Biden, he cannot win against Trump even if they cheat.

They just don’t have the people behind Biden to actually put him over the edge. I don’t think really anyone has, but he definitely does not. And most of the people are looking at Biden and they don’t believe that he’s a legitimate president. Actually, eight in ten republican voters in New Hampshire believe Joe Biden is illegitimate president. The people in Iowa thought the same exact thing. So I do believe moving forward right now, Biden decided to have the state of the union after Super Tuesday because they wanted to see all this play out.

They wanted to use everything they possibly had to try to stop Trump to see if he would back out. And Nikki Haley would be the main person because all the delegates would go to her. And once they figure out that that’s not going to work, Biden then most likely will step down. Now they’re going to make it look natural. And yes, they’re going to have a change of batter.

Now, I wouldn’t be surprised if they put a placeholder into place and they don’t bring Michelle Obama in right away. Why would you bring her in this early in the game? Remember, we were told that they were going to sneak this one in if he decides not to run and she comes in, is that really sneaking someone in? No, I don’t believe so. So I do believe they might bring someone in, like a Newsom who doesn’t really have a choice, chance they might bring in Pritzker, whoever it’s going to be.

I do believe this person will be a placeholder and as this person sits there, pretends they’re running, they’re not going to get the lift that they need, the poll numbers are going to drop. They’re going to try to do everything they possibly can to get this person up and running. But again, look what happened when DeSantis went ahead and went head to head with Newsom. He destroyed him.

What do you think Trump would do to him? I mean, just look at California, actually, just look at Illinois. So I think they’re going to have a placeholder. And eventually what they’re going to do is they’re going to sneak Michelle in a little bit later closer to the election. And I do believe everything is now headed in this direction. And they’re just watching all of this play out and they’re waiting for their next move.

And this is why Biden and his handlers, that’s why they decided to change things up. And this is why they have the Democrats in all these different places filing as Republicans. And they’re trying to keep pushing and pushing and pushing until the very end. Now, once again, I don’t think it’s for Nikki Haley to win that I think they know they will not be able to beat Trump.

I think she’s just supposed to stay in there. She’s supposed to do what she’s being told to do. And she’s acting all cocky because she knows that they’re going to try many different things to try to remove Trump and she’s hoping that she will get the delegates. But again, this is how they play the game. If you go back in time with Kerry Lake when she was running in Arizona for governor as the nominee, they brought in a completely unknown, put a lot of money behind this person because they were trying to stop her from being the nominee, but it didn’t work.

They’re doing pretty much the same thing here. And they’re just going to use other tactics, not just money, other tactics to go after Trump. And those tactics are conviction, prison, and maybe even assassination or anything else. So we’re going to watch this play out. But I don’t believe Trump is going to back down. I do believe Trump of the Patriots, they know the playbook. And I think in the end, Trump will be the nominee and everything that they’ve tried to do will backfire, which means Biden then will step down probably from mental or physical fatigue or whatever cognitive ability, whatever it’s going to be, they’re going to make it look very, very natural.

And what they’ll do is they’ll bring in a placeholder, most likely because it’s very early in the game. And then later on, I do believe there will be a swap, something will happen where this person can’t run anymore or a scandal comes out, something like that, where they can bring somebody in. And I do believe we are definitely heading in that direction because again, the deep state players, they’re going to become very, very desperate now when they realize that even when they bring in Michelle Obama, even though she’s popular and supposedly she’s unscathed, I think people are going to start to learn that she has a lot of baggage.

Actually, Obama and her have a lot of baggage. And I do believe a lot of this information is going to be coming out. And this is why they don’t want to introduce her too early. They don’t want all this time going by where they can just continually, I’m talking about the Patriots continually hitting her over and over and over. That’s why I do believe they’re going to wait to the latter part of this year, but it’s not going to work.

And you’ll see how desperate they get because you’ll see war build up. You’ll see the idea of a cyberattack build up. And I do believe they will try in the end to postpone the election one way or another. But again, I don’t believe this is going to work. I do believe Trump and the Patriots have everything set up and ready to go. And I do believe we might even go back to paper ballots to show the deep state players.

Look, Trump has the people. The people are voting for him. There’s no foreign interference. Everyone’s watching the counting. Everything’s on the up and up. And I do believe in the end, Trump is going to show the deep state players he has the people. Because remember, this is about taking back the country. It’s not about a four year election. It’s not about, oh, is this candidate good? That candidate? Because most of these candidates, they’re part of the establishment.

I think that’s self explanatory right now, because when you watch everything play out, you start to realize who’s good and who’s bad. I mean, just look what happened with Kerry Lake where they tried to bribe her in getting out of the race. And that’s why in the end, all of this has to be removed. And this is why our founding father said, when everything becomes so corrupt, you need just to remove it all and start over.

And I do believe that’s exactly where we’re headed. Why? Because the patriots are in control. Listen, everyone. Thanks a lot for listening. Be well. Be safe, and especially be prepared. Thanks a lot. .

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