Ep 3265b – Biden Dropping Out Queen Protects The King Shot Heard Around The World: X22 Report

Posted in: News, Patriots, X22 Reports



➡ Dave from the X22 Report talks about how night vision binoculars are now cheaper and better, so they’re a good thing to buy. He also says that people think President Biden might quit because he’s old and not very popular. Dave thinks that if someone tries to hurt Trump, it will make more people like him. He also talks about how Biden’s son, Hunter, sold his art for a lot of money and that might not be okay.

➡ Some people think that powerful groups are trying to make President Biden quit. They believe these groups want to take away our rights and change our country. They say we need to stand up and fight for our freedom, just like our country’s founders did. It’s important to remember that we, the people, have the power to make a difference.

➡ The article talks about the ongoing debate over border control in Texas. Some people believe that the government should allow more people to come in, while others think that this could harm the country. There’s also a discussion about the role of the courts and whether they’re doing their job properly. The article suggests that people might need to stand up for what they believe is right.

➡ People are starting to understand what’s happening in the world. There’s a lot of talk about politics, and some people think that there might be a war soon. Also, there’s a cool new gadget called Night Watch pros, which are binoculars that let you see in the dark. They’re good for watching animals, looking at scenery, and keeping your home safe.

➡ This text talks about how some people believe there are plans to weaken the United States from the inside, making it easier for outsiders to take over. It mentions concerns about people being brought into the country and armed forces, and fears they might turn against the American people. The text also discusses issues with voting systems and the risks of mail-in voting. Lastly, it talks about how some people believe that social media is censoring posts about these issues.

➡ This text talks about how some people believe that the mail-in voting system was not safe and could be used for cheating. It also suggests that there were plans to overthrow the government. The text also discusses how some people think that the media is biased and not telling the whole truth. Lastly, it talks about the possibility of Trump running for president again and the strategies that might be used against him.

➡ Barack Obama became the 44th president of the United States in 2009. After his term, his records were sent to his own library, not a government one. This is unusual because usually, a government group handles these records. Some people think this could be used against Obama if any bad actions are found in those records.


Report. My name is Dave in this episode. 3265 bn today’s date is January 23, 2024, and the title of the episode is Biden dropping out. Queen protects the king shot heard around the world let’s talk about being prepared. The most useful and popular gadget you can get in this New Year’s is undoubtedly a pair of night vision binoculars. That’s because until recently, they were too expensive for our most hobbyists.

But recent advancements in technology and research have made night vision more affordable than ever. This is why I highly recommend and use the Night Watch pros. Night Watch pros are affordable night vision binoculars that allow me to see and record in pitch blackness with predatorlike vision. I can use these for watching wildlife, scenic viewing, surveillance, patrol detection, home protection, and much more. These Night watch pros allow night vision recording and ultra hd 4k video or highly detailed 36 mp photos.

Plus, they feature five times zoom capability, antishake technology, a crystal clear three inch screen, and a seven level adjustable ir illumination. Get the Nightwatch pro for a whopping 15% off this new year’s. Plus, stay secured with a complimentary 100% lifetime guarantee replacement. Gain access to Prepper’s peak exclusive newsletter for weekly life saving prepper tips, free express shipping and much more. Order now before this offer ends by going to Nightwatchpro.

com. That is Nightwatchpro. com. Use promo code 15 off. Let’s get into the economic collapse, political and geopolitical news now. The deep state, the corrupt politicians, big tech fake news, the puppet masters, they are now realizing that Biden is not going to be able to carry them over the finish line this time, even with their cheating mechanisms all in place. And it looks like Biden, well, they’re preparing to have him dropped out.

And like we said from the very, very beginning, they’re going to make it look like, yes, his mental capabilities, his physical capabilities, well, they are failing him because probably of his age. And you could see they’re going to try to make this look very, very natural as we move forward. Now, of course, why are they doing this? Because they realize at this point, with all the evidence that is coming out against Biden, his poll numbers, everything that they want to do will not work because he doesn’t have at least some of the people behind him.

And they’re going to need someone that is a lot more popular, that can draw the people in to actually try to cheat in the election. And it looks like we got a confirmation that Biden is going to be dropping out. Trump was being interviewed and they asked him a question, do you think Biden is going to stay in the race? And he said, no. My opinion is that, no, he’s going to be dropping out, which tells you everything you need to know.

And the other thing that we can see is that as Trump gains momentum and he wins the nominee, yes, we’re coming up to the New Hampshire election, and we’re going to see him win by a landslide once again. And as we move throughout this entire process, the deep state, what they’re going to see is they’re going to see that Trump is building momentum. He has the people behind him, and they’re going to have to figure out a way to stop now.

They’re going to try to do many, many different things. But like we saw yesterday, Alex Soros sent out a message pretty much saying that we need to stop Trump by maybe assassinating him. And what’s very interesting about all of this is that Tucker Carlson actually asked, you know, are you nervous about an assassination? Well, Trump, at that point in time, didn’t really answer Tucker Carlson during the interview.

But we know that this has always been a possibility because look what they did to JFK, look what they did to Reagan. And here we are with Trump and these individuals. They were outsiders trying to go after the deep state players. And I do believe they will try to do something now, once again, will this be the shot heard around the world? And if they do make an attempt, and I say attempt, I don’t mean they’re going to actually succeed in this.

This is going to make Trump’s poll numbers skyrocket like we’ve never seen before. And the people are going to really wake up, especially if there is evidence that is showing who is responsible for all this. Because think about what’s happening with the January 6 insurrection that the deep state had. The evidence is pouring out right now showing that this had nothing to do with Trump, it had nothing to do with his supporters, and it had everything to do with the FBI, had everything to do with the Capitol police, had everything to do with Antifa, BLM, had everything to do with Nancy Pelosi.

And now you have the January 6 unselect committee deleting encrypted files where they’re obstructing justice. I mean, this should tell everyone everything they need to know. And as all this evidence comes out against the deep state players, I think people are going to learn more and more as time goes on, because remember, it’s not just what they did, it’s what they’re about to do. I mean, if they spent a year planning this insurrection and they spent a year or so planning how to cheat in the 2020 election, what do you think they’ve been doing now? You don’t think they’ve been putting plans together to stop this election or to cheat in the election? Which I do believe it’s going to be both.

Yes. They spent many, many hours, days, weeks, months planning on how to shut this down to make sure that Trump doesn’t get elected. And I don’t think it’s a one off type of an event. I think what they plan this time is multiple events throughout this year. And you can see it already started last year with them indicting Trump. And I do believe this is going to continue and it’s going to escalate as we go throughout this year.

And this is why I do believe there’s already messages going out there letting everyone know that, hey, we need to take down Trump one way or another, and you’re going to see this get worse and worse as time goes on. But I do believe Trump is protected. I do believe the military is around him. He is surrounded by generals. And I do believe that the deep state, whatever they’re going to try to do, it is going to fail, just like everything else that they’ve been trying to do is failing.

And what we’re going to see in the end is they’re going to make certain moves and the patriots are going to make counter moves and they’re going to trap the deep state in their own agenda. Now, we’re going to be talking a lot more about this a little bit later, but first, let’s talk about what’s happening with the Bidens right now, because it doesn’t look like things are going too well for them.

And we can see right now that Hunter Biden’s art gallerist, well, it looks like he sat down for an interview with the republican lawmakers and they released his transcribed interview. Now, this is very interesting because it looks like the Bidens have been lying once again. The oversight committee put this out on x and said Hunter Biden wanted to know the identities of his art purchasers. The White House’s ethics agreement regarding Hunter Biden’s art was a sham.

Big money. Democrat donors purchased the majority of Hunter Biden’s art, and Hunter Biden knew their identities. George Burgess revealed Kevin Morris purchased most of Hunter Biden’s art for $875,000 in January 2023. However, Kevin Morris only paid Mr. Burgess 40% commission of the 875,000 purchase. And Hunter Biden and Kevin Morris figured out the financial implications. Mr. Burgess admitted he has never done an art deal like that before. In 2020, Elizabeth Hirsch Naftali did not buy Hunter Biden’s art, despite George Burgess’s best efforts.

Within two months of Joe Biden become president in February 2021, Ms. Naftali purchased her first piece of Hunter Biden’s artwork for 42,000. Then, in July 2022, Biden announced Ms. Naftali’s appointment to the commission for the Preservation of American Heritage abroad, the same commission that Biden family associate Eric Sherwin was appointed to during the Obama Biden administration. In December 2022, Hirsch Naftali purchased more of Hunter Biden’s art for 52,000.

George Burgess confirmed Hunter Biden’s name had influence on setting the price for this art. George Burgess stated that he has talked on the phone and met in person with Joe Biden, even attending the wedding the Bidens hosted at the White House. In conclusion, Hunter Biden’s amateur art career has been an ethics nightmare, and the White House needs to explain why they misled the american people. Well, isn’t that just like everything else? Everything else they have done has been a lie.

And once again, everyone can see that they are the criminal syndicate. And that is becoming clearer and clearer every single day. And I don’t believe the deep state players want their republicans to impeach, because again, this will bring up other people in the investigation, like Obama, Hillary Clinton and the rest. I do believe Obama’s right. Now they’re making moves along with the deep state players to remove Biden and say, listen, yes, Hunter Biden might get charged, Hunter Biden might have to go to jail.

But again, if you drop out now, we will allow you to pardon him and everything will be intact for your presidency. I do believe they’re trying to make a deal with Biden to step aside, and if he doesn’t step aside, they will push him out even harder, maybe even use the 25th amendment. Let’s see how this all plays out, because it’s going to be very interesting. But we know that most likely that this is on the way because Trump has already given his opinion that Biden will not make it to the 2024 election, which that translates into probably he already knows.

But again, you could see the deep state players, the World Economic Forum, what they really want to do. And I think it becomes very, very clear in what they want to do and what they’ve always wanted to do. When you hear Yaval Harari, remember, he is the lead advisor to Klaus Schwab at the World Economic Forum. And if you look at what has been happening in this country, especially in this country, is they’ve been trying to remove the rights of the people.

And remember the constitution that our founding fathers put into place. It tells us that we are born with these rights, and each person has these rights and they cannot be taken away. They did this on purpose because our founding fathers fought against these people before these people. When I say these people, these people that think that they’re the elites, that, hey, you’re nobody, you’re an ant, I can step on you anytime.

You don’t have any rights, you don’t have any say. That’s what these people really are. And yes, if you go back in time, you could see that very, very clearly. Today, it’s a little bit more difficult for people to see this, because again, we’ve been in a position where we’ve been free, that we’ve enjoyed our rights, but now we’ve come to the point where we could see that these same people, they’re back and they’re trying to get rid of our rights.

So listen to what Yuval Harari says when he’s talking about the rights of the people and talking about countries with borders. Take a listen. Many, maybe most legal systems are based on this idea, this belief in human rights. But human rights are just like heaven and like God. It’s just a fictional story that we’ve invented and spread around. It may be a very nice story, it may be a very attractive story.

We want to believe it, but it’s just a story. It’s not a reality. It is not a biological reality. Just as jellyfish and woodpeckers and ostriches have no rights, homo sapiens have no rights. Also, take a human, cut him open, look inside, you find their blood and you find the heart and lungs and kidneys, but you don’t find there any rights. The only place you find rights is in the fictional stories that humans have invented and spread around.

And the same thing is also true in the political field. States and nations are also like human rights. And like God and like heaven, they too are just stories. A mountain is a reality. You can see it, you can touch it, can even smell it. But Israel or the United States, they are just stories. Very powerful stories. Stories we might want to believe very much, but still, they are just stories.

You can’t really see the United States. You cannot touch it, you cannot smell it. So I think this tells you everything you need to know. Basically, what he’s saying is that you don’t have rights. There’s no such thing as countries, there’s no such thing as borders. All of this is one gigantic fantasy. It’s made up of just stories. And the stories might be great stories, but again, they’re just stories.

So they’re trying to convince you that all of this is BS. You really think the founding fathers fought, gave up everything that they had because it was just a great story? Or did they understand these people? Did they understand who they were and what they were trying to do? They knew. That’s why they decided they would fight for their freedom. Because without fighting for their freedom, nobody is free.

And this is why Trump and the patriots needed to bring everyone down this path, because the people needed to fight for their freedom once again, without fighting for your freedom. Well, then you really don’t know if you’re free or not, because if you just allow the deep state to do whatever they want and take away your freedom, you’re never going to be free. So Trump and the patriots knew for people to understand freedom, you were going to have to fight for it and you were going to see them take it away one step at a time.

And, yes, this is going to make people angry. Yes, this is going to make people pissed off. That’s what this is all about. Because without feeling that emotion, without getting angry, how are you going to fight back? And I think people are starting to really see it and they’re starting to understand that, yes, once again, here we are. We have to fight for our freedom. We can’t depend on the courts, we can’t depend on anything else.

Think about it. When the founding fathers were fighting for their freedom, were they sitting there going, gee, I hope the courts rule in my favor. Gee, I hope the government that we’re under does the right thing? No, they knew at that point that it was up to them. It was up to each one of them to fight for their freedom. Nobody was coming to save them, nobody was handing out freedom, nobody was doing anything.

And it was all up to them. And the same thing’s happening right now. If you’re expecting the courts to do something, if you’re expecting the judges to do something, nobody’s going to do anything. It’s up to we the people to actually do something. You want your freedom, fight for it. Turn up at the voting booths, keep pushing back, get involved, because that is who shuts them down. It’s we the people.

And that’s how it’s worked for over 200 years. The people just needed to remember. And I think the people, they’re starting to remember. This is why Trump is continually saying that the silent majority is no longer silent, because it means the people are waking up. It means that people are starting to fight back. And you can see it’s happening, because if you look around and you see the people at his rallies and you see how many people are turning out, and you watch down the street as he drives by and people are waving the flags, people are cheering him on.

Do you see this with Biden? Do you see this with Kamala? Do you see this with Nikki Haley? Do you see this with anybody else? No, you don’t. That’s how you know who is for the people and who is with the people. The people know in their gut, they know who that person is. And the people are showing other people. And I do believe this is going to continue.

But you can see people need to learn the lesson, the people need to understand, and sometimes you need to show the people, and the people need to see it. Remember when Trump was building the wall and the deep state players, the DS and the fake news were all out there telling everyone, oh, my God, he’s going to be spending $20 billion. This is going to be absolutely ridiculous.

On a stupid wall. That makes no sense. Well, do you know the Biden administration spent a whopping 20 billion on refugee resettlement in just two years? So let’s put this in perspective. They were yelling and screaming at Trump that he was going to spend 20 billion on a wall, which he didn’t actually spend 20 billion. It was 15 billion, or like 16. 8 billion. But it’s okay for Biden to spend 20 billion bringing these illegals into the country? And that’s not where it ends.

Think about how much money has to be shelled out in all the different towns and cities and states that the federal government is not paying for. So this is a lot more money here. And where’s the fake news? Where’s all the DS saying, this is way too much money. Where are the rhinos out there saying, hey, this is too much money? I mean, think about what they did.

The wall was paid for. They left the materials rusting in the desert and on the grass. The workforce, they already got paid. They didn’t do anything. They weren’t building the wall. So they decided, let’s waste that 20 billion and let’s pay an additional 20 billion on bringing in all the illegals. I mean, that should tell you everything you need to know. N. Wilkness, put this out on X and said Arizona built a shipping container wall.

Texas built a buoy, walls and razor wires. The Biden administration sued both states and forced them to remove it. The only time Joe Biden takes action on the invasion is to block states from stopping it. Absolutely. Then western Lensman put this out and said, legal putting barbed wire fences around the Capitol, illegal putting barbed wire fences along the border. Absolutely. Charlie Kirk said this. Texas wants the razor wire to repel illegals.

Border patrol wants Texas to have the razor wire. Americans overwhelmingly want Texas to repel illegals, but Biden wants to open borders so he can replace american voters and extort 60 billion more for Ukraine. Pure insanity. Absolutely. And then Tucker Carlson, he said something very interesting on X. He said the following. So it’s unanimous. Everyone in power, from the White House to the hedge fund managers to the Supreme Court of the United States has decided to destroy the country by allowing it to be invaded.

That leaves the population to defend itself. Where are the men of Texas? Why aren’t they protecting their state and their nation? And once again, if everyone is expecting the courts to do the right thing to protect the american people, I think we’re at this position in time where the courts, well, a lot of them are corrupt. The courts aren’t going to do what’s always the right thing. Some of them are bribed, some are blackmailed.

And I think in the end, the people, they’re going to have to step up, especially if you’re living in a border state. And you can see that as we see this continue on, there’s just so much that people can take in these states. And eventually what they’re going to do is they’re going to fight back. I mean, really, think about it. Think about the people out in New York and Chicago.

The illegals are being brought up to their cities. And the black community in Chicago, what are they doing? They are fighting back. They’ve had enough. I do believe we’re going to start to see people saying, okay, you know something? We’re not playing this game anymore. We’re not allowing these people pass this checkpoint anymore. And the people might rise up and they might start pushing these people back. Jack Poso put this out and said, to be clear, the Supreme Court ruling today was specifically about the court order on cutting razor wire.

The fifth circuit still needs to hear the actual case on its merits. There is still a chance Texas wins. Greg Abbot says that is correct. So basically they gave the Biden administration the right to cut the wire because they couldn’t do their job. And what’s very interesting is that Kirby was doing a press conference and Ducey asked him a question, and Kirby kind of spilled the beans where he said, listen, how are we going to allow the illegals in and process them if we can’t cut the wire fence? So he pretty much told everyone what they’re really doing here.

And I wouldn’t be surprised if the Fifth Circuit still says, you know something, Texas still has the authority to guard their border. And we could see that Attorney General Ken Paxton, he is not backing down. Actually, he put this out on x. He said, the Supreme Court’s temporary order allows Biden to continue his illegal effort to aid the foreign invasion of America. The destruction of Texas border barriers will not help enforce the law or keep american citizens safe.

This fight is not over. And I look forward to defending our state’s sovereignty. Absolutely. And the states have a right to stop the invasion into their state, and that’s exactly what it is. If you notice, that is what Trump is calling it every single day. It’s an invasion in this country. And under the Constitution, the state has every right. And actually, the federal government is supposed to protect the states from invasion according to the Constitution.

But Trump, he let everyone know that as soon as he gets back into office, he’s going to be using title 42 to end the child trafficking. Take a listen to what he says here, and I’ll use title 42 to end the child trafficking crisis by returning all trafficked children to their families in their home countries immediately. So once again, Trump is continually telling us that he’s going to reverse everything that the Biden administration has done.

I do believe that Trump and the patriots, they knew that they were going to have to show the people they knew that the only way for people to wake up was not to tell them this, because it would sound like a ridiculous story. The only way to actually have people fight for their freedom, have people push back, was to actually show them, look what the deep state has in store.

They want to remove your rights. They don’t want you to have freedom. They want to replace you, and they’re going to destroy this country to do so. And that’s exactly what people are witnessing right now. And this is why a lot of people are waking up, because they’re starting to understand and they realize what’s really going on. Now, I’m not saying everyone is waking up, and Trump still has a long way to go to wake up the DS.

And I do believe as we go towards the presidential election, that’s why we’re going to see many things happen. Yes, the deep state players, they’re going to try to remove Trump one way or another like they have been doing. And this is going to wake up a lot more people. The economy is going to start to break down. They’re going to be bringing us to war. So I do believe with all this happening all at the same time, this is really going to wake people up.

And like I said before, it’s a slap in the face. And the slaps are going to get harder and harder as we go down this line. But you can see the installed politicians. They don’t care about their laws in their country. They don’t care about their constitution. And we’ve seen this as clear as day here in the United States. And we’re starting to see this very, very clearly out in Canada.

Remember when Justin Trudeau used the emergency act to quell protests? Remember when he froze bank accounts because he didn’t like what the truckers were doing? Well, it looks like that has been ruled unreasonable and unconstitutional by a federal court in Canada. Now, of course, what is the Trudeau administration going to do? They’re going to appeal this? No, no. We have the right to do all of this stuff, but we have.

The opposition leader, Pierre says that the judge rules. Trudeau broke the highest law in the land with the emergency act. He caused the crisis by dividing people. Then he violated charter rights to illegally suppress citizens. As prime minister, I will unite our country for freedom. And now you could see the same thing that happened out there, happened here in the United States and in many, many countries. Because, again, when you start to look at this, if all these installed politicians are doing the same thing, who’s actually really calling the shots? Is it each one of these installed politicians or is the direction coming from someone who is higher up? Well, I think we all know the answer to that question.

These are just the foot soldiers of the deep state players, maybe on a higher level, but again, they’re still taking orders and they’re being told what to do. And you can see the deep state players. They want exactly what China has. Remember, China has their people locked down. Libs of TikTok put this out and said, in China, a tweet will land you in prison. Jimmy Lai, a business mogul, made the mistake of being critical of China’s extradition law, and now he is being arrested for doing so.

Free speech is already under a threat in America. If we fail to speak up, our country will look no different than China. Well, aren’t we really heading down the same exact path. Remember the guy that created the meme? Didn’t they press charges against him? And actually, there was a woman on the other side that did the exact same meme, but it was against Trump instead of Hillary Clinton, and there were no charges brought against her.

And look what happened during January 6. People who weren’t even in the Capitol are being arrested now. But don’t worry, the FBI Houston x account put this out and said, the government of the People’s Republic of China may be cyber stalking, physically intimidating and harassing chinese citizens, naturalized us citizens, and families of dissidents who speak out against the Chinese Communist Party in Texas. Wait a minute. Isn’t the FBI doing that here in the United States? Aren’t they pretty much doing the same exact thing? Didn’t they do this to the January 6 people? Aren’t they calling us MAGA extremists? Haven’t they been spying on us using certain keywords like MAgA? Didn’t they ask the banks for certain information on certain people? Haven’t they been censoring people by paying social media companies and the government saying, listen, that’s disinformation.

That’s misinformation. Wait a minute. This is China and the FBI’s doing the same exact thing. Who are they kidding? I mean, everyone can see this as clear as day right now. And this is what’s happening right now. The people are waking up. The people are starting to catch on what’s really going on. And I do believe Trump and the patriots, they needed to accelerate this so people could actually see it with their own two eyes.

They can actually experience it, and they could actually understand it. Because again, if you were just being told all this, you wouldn’t believe it. And I do believe the deep state players, they’re going to have to try to cover up everything that they did. Because, again, let’s talk about being prepared. The most useful and popular gadget you can get in this New Year’s is undoubtedly a pair of night vision binoculars.

That’s because until recently, they were too expensive for our most hobbyists. But recent advancements in technology and research have made night vision more affordable than ever. This is why I highly recommend and use the Night Watch pros. Night Watch pros are affordable night vision binoculars that allow me to see and record in pitch blackness with predatorlike vision. I can use these for watching wildlife, scenic viewing, surveillance, patrol detection, home protection, and much more.

These Night watch pros allow night vision recording and Ultra HD 4K video or highly detailed 36 mp photos. Plus they feature five times zoom capability, antishake technology, a crystal clear three inch screen, and a seven level adjustable ir illumination. Get the Nightwatch pro for a whopping 15% off this new year’s. Plus, stay secured with a complimentary 100% lifetime guarantee replacement. Gain access to prepper’s peak exclusive newsletter for weekly life saving prepper tips, free express shipping, and much more.

Order now before this offer ends by going to nightwatchpro. com. That is Nightwatchpro. com. Use promo code 15 off. When the people learn all of this, the people do what? Well, they vote for the candidate that’s going to bring justice. They vote for the candidate that’s going to work for we the people and the deep state. They can’t have this. They can’t have someone in there that’s going to work for we the people, because that means that it’s game over for all of them.

All the crimes that they committed, everything that they’ve done, well, that’s exposed. And the people are going to want justice. So what does the deep state have to do? They have to push the biggest distraction we’ve ever seen. And I do believe that is why they’re going to try to push war now. Very interestingly, Kim. com, he put this out on x and he says there are whispers from Kiev that Zolzini will be fired and CIA favorite Boudinov is taking over the ukrainian armed forces.

If it’s true, here’s why. The real president of Ukraine, Victoria Newland, needs someone crazy enough to blow up a nuclear power plant, and Budanov is her guy. She needs a pretext for NATO troops to enter Ukraine urgently. Russia is winning the US proxy war, and Nolan is running out of options. In her deranged mind, the best way to get NATO involved is to harm Europeans with a radioactive cloud from a nuclear power plant that Russia allegedly destroyed.

The propaganda media would sell the story and suppress the truth as it is done throughout the war. If Vudinov executes Nulin’s dirty plan, he would become the next Zelensky. That’s her promise and his ambition. Zalzuni would leave a vacuum. Ukraine soldiers are burnt out. Assistance from the west is dried up temporarily. The window for Putin to end this war on Russia terms is now expect a major push.

Now, remember, Victoria Newland, she pretty much with many others orchestrated the overthrow of the government in Ukraine, and they put in their own puppet government. So I wouldn’t put it past her if she tries something like this. And this is why Trump was out there saying, listen, I can have peace in 24 hours. And you could see that they are going to try to start a war with everything that they have.

And yes, people are going to see this build and build and build. Now, for people to believe that the United States is going to be going to war, I do believe something has to happen here where the deep state has to convince them that you are going to war, because people, they just normally wouldn’t join into war or want to fight a war unless something happens to them.

Just like Pearl harbor. How did they get the country into war? They attacked Pearl harbor. How did they get the country to agree into going into Afghanistan and many other places? 911. So you could see that they are planning to do something and they will try something here in the United States. And Trump, when he was out doing his rallies in New Hampshire, he actually took a sledgehammer to the military industrial complex, and he said the following.

Take a listen. To stop terror from coming into our country. But I couldn’t talk about it because I didn’t want to do that. And then the following day, something happens. So I went four years keeping my mouth shut on that particular subject. But now I talk about it all the time. We had no attacks. We didn’t have a World trade center. We didn’t have the attacks like you’ve seen and certainly that you see in other countries.

And by the way, now we’re getting involved again in the Middle east. Look what’s happening. You’re getting involved. Here we go again with the Middle east. We spent $9 trillion, killed millions of people, including our side, their side, millions of people, $9 trillion. You know, we got nothing. Nothing. You got death, you got blood, you got nothing. And we spent our blood and our treasure, as they say, our blood and our treasure.

And our blood is more important than our treasure. And it’s a shame. It’s a shame I beat ISIS. You’re right. Thank you for telling me that. You’re right. I was getting to that. But he’s very good. He’s sharp. This way. Thank you. We did. We beat the hell out of ISIS. It was supposed to take four to five years. We got it done in four months. I’d say four months, 100% of the ISIS caliphate.

Now, what’s very interesting is Trump. He’s letting us know that he ended all the endless wars, and we never had to spend trillions of dollars on these wars, which actually gave us nothing. It just gave us blood and destruction. And the United States never got anything for this because, again, this wasn’t a war for the people. This was a war for the deep state, and it was their wars that they wanted, and they will continue to do this unless these people are stopped.

And you could see the last war is what they’re trying to bring us into. Now, the other thing that Trump mentioned, and he put this out on truth, was, I find the timing is very interesting. He said, otto, warm beer was taken on January 2, 2016, under then President Obama. He should have been brought back. But Obama and crooked Joe Biden, who was too focused on stealing money from China and Ukraine, did nothing.

By the time I got Oto back, as well as three other hostages, he was almost dead. For my first day in office, I worked to get Oto out of North Korea. Well, I got him out, but he was in very bad condition, close to death. He sadly died a short while later. Obama Biden should have gotten him out early before he was put in that condition. Otto’s father said that he was in a coma starting in March of 2016, long before I assumed office, I worked tirelessly to get him out.

I did get him out, along with other hostages. By the time I became president, he was in serious bad condition, in a coma for almost a year. And when I got him out, he was close to death, but I brought him home. The only way Oto could have been saved is if President Obama and crooked Joe saved him early. The only reason we got him out is because of the strength of the United States under my presidency.

Otherwise, they never would have released him. But they should have released him years earlier under President Obama. If they did, Oto would be alive today. Nikki did nothing but hold people’s hands. So he brought up Obama quite a bit in this post. And the question is, why? Because Obama didn’t care about the american people. Obama, his entire mission was to destroy this country, destroy the constitution. So if there were people who were in prison, he didn’t care about them.

But the question is, why is Trump bringing up Obama right now? Is he trying to have everyone focused on Obama? Is this the beginning of everyone looking at the Obamas? I do believe so. Because I do believe in the end, what’s going to happen is people are going to be looking at the Obamas because they are the ones who have been destroying this country. Now, I don’t mean they’re alone in all this, as you could see with the World Economic Forum and many others.

I do believe it’s a coordinated effort because I think they’ve been trying for a very long time to destroy the United States and they know that they can’t come at the United States from the outside. They actually have to infiltrate the United States and destroy it from the inside so they then can go ahead and invade it from the outside. So what they’re really trying to do is weaken the country so much that they will have no problem invading this country.

And this is why they’ve been trying to get the weapons away from the people. Because if you bring in military age men, you have the military age men join the armed forces. Where’s their allegiance? Well, I don’t believe it’s going to be for the armed forces. I do believe these people who are carrying weapons, they’re going to be used against the american people in the end. And if the american people do not have a way to defend themselves, do they have the upper hand? Absolutely.

I mean, out in Germany, we already see that they’re going to make this decision. Let’s bring in all the outsiders and put them in the armed forces here in this country. They’re already deciding to do that. And there’s a reason that they are. And we could see their entire mission is to take control of the country from the inside, to make it easier for those individuals to invade this country and take it over completely.

Because in the end, whoever wins and whoever is in control, well, you could do whatever you want to that country. And do you think they’re going to keep the constitution around? No, they’re going to remove it. But I do believe Trump and the Patriots, they knew this from the very, very beginning. They knew that this was their plan. And the only way to convince the people and to get the people fighting back was to show them what their plan actually was.

So trump, he had to take the 16 year plan of opening the borders, destroying the economy, bringing us to war. He needed everyone to see it firsthand. And that’s what people are seeing. They’re seeing all of this play out, and people are seeing how they’re trying to push CRT, Dei and everything else, how they’re trying to segregate, how they’re using racism because they’re trying to weaken the population as best they possibly can.

I mean, let’s take, for example, what’s happening with Virgin Atlantic. Libs of TikTok put this out and said a virgin Atlantic flight was canceled after a passenger noticed missing bolts. Maybe virgin Atlantic should focus less on drag queens and LGBTQ pride and more on safety. Dei will get people killed. So again, all these companies that are turning to Dei, the government turning to Dei, you can see that this doesn’t make the company stronger.

It doesn’t make the country stronger. It actually weakens companies. It actually weakens the country. Why? Because you’re not looking for the best of the best. You’re looking to fill a slot. And just filling a slot doesn’t mean that you’re going to have the best people. And I think this is becoming clear and clearer every single day to every single person. And look, they tried it with CRT. The parents fought back.

Now they’re trying to push Dei on everyone. And now the people are fighting back. And I do believe the people are going to continue to fight back until their last breath because they’re not going to allow the deep state players to take over this country. And this is what Trump and the Patriots needed everyone to see. And this is what people are seeing. They’re seeing the truth, just like they’re seeing the truth about what’s happening with Trump.

We can see Trump, he was trying to get rid of the gag order. And it looks like that the federal appeal court, they ruled against Trump now, and now the gag order stays in place. Now Trump will most likely seek a review by the Supreme Court and will probably bring it all the way at the Supreme Court, just like he’s always done in the past. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting, and we talked about this a day or a couple days ago about how Holderman was able to reprogram one of the voting systems.

And Rasmussen reports put this out on x and said Halderman, a University of Michigan computer scientist, changed results of a hypothetical referendum on Sunday. Alcohol sales. He flipped the winner in a theoretical election between President George Washington and Benedict Arnold, the revolutionary war general who defected to the British. He rigged the machine to print out as many ballots as he wanted. All he needed was a pen to reach a button inside the touch screen, a fake $10 voter card he had programmed, or a $100 usb device that he plugged into a cord connected to a printer, and he was able to rewrite the touch screen’s code.

So if he could do that with a pen, and it was that easy to do, how safe and secure are the elections? Again, these election systems are designed to help the deep state players cheat. It is their system. It’s not a system that the people could use to have a fair election. It was designed for the deep state so they could control your decisions, which you wouldn’t have a decision because they’re controlling it.

And we could see that to have a fair and open election, we need to get out of their system. I do believe we need to remove their system and we need to go to paper ballots one way or another to have a fair election. But the other thing that we’ve come to find out and American first legal put this out and they sued the cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency and they found out something very, very interesting.

And let me just read what they found. Our lawsuit on Earth new doc showing that the deep state knew the risks of mass mail voting in 2020, but censored these criticisms as disinformation. By September 2020, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure agency CISA was aware that the evidence established that in person voting did not increase the spread of Covid-19. CISA was also aware that mass vote by mail schemes posed major challenges, including the process of mailing and returning ballots, the high numbers of improperly completed ballots, and the shortage of personnel to process ballots in a prompt manner.

Despite its awareness of mail in voting risks, absentee voting challenges, and the harmlessness of in person voting, CISA continues supporting the unprecedented voting policy changes implemented across the states in 2020. By October 2020, CISA had created a chart specifying six significant fraud risks presented by mail in voting. Number one, implementation of mail in voting infrastructure and processes within a compressed timeline may also introduce new risks. Number two, for mail in voting, some of the risks under the control of election officials during in person voting shifts to outside entities such as ballot printers, mail processing facilities, and the United States Postal Service.

Number three, integrity attacks on voter registration data and systems represent a comparatively higher risk in a mail in voting environment when compared to an in person voting environment. The outbound and inbound processing of mail in ballots introduces additional infrastructure and technology, increasing potential scalability of cyberattacks. Inbound mail in ballot processing and tabulation takes longer than in person processing, causing tabulation of results to occur more slowly and resulting in more ballots to tabulate following election night.

Disinformation risk to mail in voting infrastructure and processes is similar to that of in person voting. While utilize different content, threat actors may leverage limited understanding regarding mail in voting processes to mislead and confuse the public. While CIsA saw the implementation of mail in voting in a compressed timeline as a top risk, it was also aware that the last minute mail in voting 2020 policy changes were being implemented across the states.

Cisa shared these findings in an unclassified media tour on the Friday before election Tuesday. Yet the Washington Post and other similar outlets covered up the evidence and focused on Cisa’s independence from Trump and CISA director Chris Krebs’statement about the security of mail in ballots that directly contradict Trump. Of all the risk it identified, Cisa appeared to focus by far the most on monitoring and censoring the mail in voting risk narrative.

CISA apparently contradicted Deloitte to report on daily social media trends relating to the US election, including narratives related to vote by mail and to flag specific social media posts for Cisa’s awareness and attention. For example, Deloitte reported to CIsA that Twitter flagged President Trump’s post that there are big problems and discrepancies with mail in ballots. A conservative online activist claimed that Twitter is censoring his tweets about voter fraud to help the democratic presidential nominee.

President Trump retweeted a political pundit who accused a democratic congressional candidate of election fraud after thousands of ballots were mistakenly sent to his district. The governor of Texas quoted an article from a local news outlet on the state’s recent history of voter fraud convictions and claimed that it reveals mail ballot fraud in Texas. A conservative pun intent accused Twitter of suppressing a story about the democratic presidential nominee’s son to help the nominee win the election.

A conservative online activist accused Twitter of censoring her post about voter fraud she is witnessing here in Nevada, and expressed her frustration with Twitter’s disclaimer stating that the mail in ballots are secure. So basically, Sisa knew all about this. They knew that there’d be problems using the mail in ballots. They weren’t secure, there’d be cheating, cyber attacks, you name it. And let’s see the fake news. We have the social media companies and all the DS all pretend that this was a safe and secure election.

So they were covering up the fact that Sisa was reporting that it. Hmm, that’s very interesting. Seems like a very coordinated, cheating system, doesn’t it? So it looks like all these people that were involved, they were taking orders from someone because this was all put into place. And they had to put this into place and also put the insurrection into place so they could actually overthrow the United States government.

So this was pre planned from the very, very beginning. So they had a plan. I’m talking about the deep state players. They had a plan to overthrow the United States government, overthrow the duly elected president, and then they had January 6 to actually complete their insurrection. So that should tell you everything you need to know. And now what do they have? Well, they have Trump running again. And Trump is getting all the people.

The people are learning that the elections were rigged. People understand that they were rigged. They’re seeing the election interference. They’re seeing that January 6 was not an insurrection by the Trump supporter. It was an insurrection by the tyranical government that was made up of the deep state of FBI, DHS, DOJ, the Dees, you name it, even the rhinos. So that’s what the people are learning. And Trump trapped him in all of this.

And all they have left is Nikki Haley to beat him in the primary. I mean, really think about this for a second. Dan Scavino put this out and said Haley’s plan will delay your retirement by ten years. She wants to move your retirement age to 75. That’s interesting. Then Dan Scavino put this out. Nikki Haley gave 197 acres of free land to a chinese company run by the CCP.

Nikki Haley is a Democrat in disguise. She’s working with the establishment. And I think the people are starting to understand this and they’re starting to realize this. Trump, he put this out on truth. He said, hard to believe how one sided Fox News is. What a difference from the past. Likewise, the Wall Street Journal. No wonder the republican base no longer cares about them. It was all about Ron DeSantis and now it’s the bird brain show.

But the curtains are coming down on that one on Tuesday evening. Maga. Yes, Fox News is not for Trump. CNBC, you know, is not. MSNBC, you know, is not. Remember, they’re for the establishment. They’re not for the outsider. So those people that are listening to Fox News who think they’re in the know, you’re not. Yeah. They’re telling you things about Biden because those are the things they want you to hear.

It’s not because they have the inside information. I do believe they want you to hear this. And a lot of this information that’s being brought out there is because they need Biden gone. See, it started with the House exposing it, but then there was a point where the deep state players realized, we can’t allow them to go too far with this. We can’t allow them to impeach Biden because this would bring out a lot more information.

So why don’t we just head them off and we will start dripping it out to put pressure on Biden to have him step down. And I do believe that has been their mission from the very, very beginning. But again, Nikki Haley is not going to do it for them. And they’re trying to convince the people that Nikki Haley, she has the ability to win New Hampshire by having the overnight vote of what, Dixville notch saying that.

Oh, yeah, she’s got the vote of this one little area. Well, Rich Barris put this out and said, in 2016, ted Cruz won the midnight vote in Dixville notch. In 2020, Michael Bloomberg, who was actually running as a Democrat, won it with the ride in, but none of them actually won the election or anything. Isn’t that OD? So she’s following in the same footsteps. Then Trump, he put this out.

It’s an interactive poll. It says, if the republican primary were held today, which candidate would you vote for? Trump, 87. 9%. Nikki Haley, 12%. So I do believe that Trump is going to come out to be a winner. I do believe he’s going to have a landslide in New Hampshire, and once again, the establishment is going to be trapped in their own doing. And I do believe Trump set them up from the very, very beginning.

And I do believe in the end, he will be the nominee. And we can see we’re heading in that way. And this is why the deep state players, they are panicking. And we know they’re going to try everything they possibly can to stop Trump from winning the election. And most likely, this is why Alex Soros decided to send out a message. And I know the community notes of x is saying, oh, no, these are stock photos.

It just so happened to be a stock photo of a bullet and exactly $47. And actually one of the dollars being a silver certificate. And that has to do with JFK, who was actually shot and killed, because he introduced a silver certificate which went up against the central bank. And once he was shot and killed, all those silver certificates, they were actually removed from the system. So is this a coincidence? I think not.

And then Julian’s rum said, hey, by the way, check out the date. So Alex Suros put this out on x, and the date was January 21, 2024. And there is a post that has a date of January 21, but in 2018, and this is post five, seven two. And it says, the shot heard around the world. The great awakening. A week to remember. Now, if there is an attempt on Trump’s life, and when I say attempt, I mean attempt, it doesn’t mean they’re going to succeed.

Will this be the shot heard around the world? Is this going to actually hurt Trump or is it going to help him? I do believe it’s going to help him, especially if there’s evidence that comes out that shows that, hey, this was a coordinated effort by the deep state players. Just like January 6, just like the rig 2020 election and everything else that they’ve done to him. Because, remember, these are all the same people and they are becoming very, very desperate.

And you could see they set it up so no one will run against Biden. Kanakoa the great put this out and said, democratic presidential candidate Marianne Williamson says Joe Biden should be ashamed for having suppressed other Democrats from running for president. You should be ashamed of yourself, sir, because this is the way that you and your administration and the DNC have suppressed other candidates. Opposing candidates in this primary season has been undemocratic and should not happen.

And yes, they’re stopping other people from running. Why? Because I do believe Biden’s about to drop out and Trump thinks the same exact thing. Take a listen to what he says here. Do you think Biden will drop out? Personally? I think so. I think so. Now, Trump, he believes that Biden’s going to be dropping out. It’s his opinion, which means most likely he’s dropping out. We known this from a post going back.

Why did they save her for last? How do you sneak one in? And remember just a couple days ago, we had an article that was put out in the New York Post, and it looks like Cindy Adams actually broke it down on how this might play out. It says around May, Biden announces he’s not running, even mentally. The so called plot is that come the August convention, Michelle gets nominated.

Joe Biden drops out just before that convention. For now, he still plays, acts like he’s a real candidate. And Barack has reportedly polled donors and put together a plan for Michelle, which is still being tweaked. Now, I do believe they’re going to try to do whatever they possibly can to get Trump out of the running. And when all else fails, yes, they’re going to have to bring in Michelle, because if they can get rid of Trump, they don’t have to get rid of Biden, do they? They can keep Biden in that position because anyone else that comes up against him will not win.

So they’re going to try to do whatever they possibly can to get rid of Trump. But I do believe that all of this is going to fail. And when it all fails, yes, they will then bring in Michelle Obama. And that reminds me of a couple of posts, because I do believe all this leads back to Obama. I do believe Trump, the patriots want Obama front and center so they could show the people who has been treasonous to this country.

So let’s go back to post 3882. This is February 24, 2020. It says the following insurgency is the organized use of subversion and violence to seize, nullify, or challenge political control of a region. The presidency of Barack Hussein Obama began at noon Eastern Standard Time on January 20, 2009, when Barack Obama was inaugurated as the 44th president of the United States. What country was the true intended target? The United States.

Post 341 December 13 documents from the Obama administration have been transferred to the Barack Obama Presidential Library. You may send your request to the Obama library. However, you should be aware that under the Presidential Records act, presidential records remain closed to the public for five years after administration has left office. Raided by the good guys per POTUS. Shockingly quiet. No leaks. Presidential libraries are put in place to retain control over self incriminating c doc releases, scam review the law what is different re Hussein’s presidential library? Who controls these people really are stupid.

Now, what’s very interesting about this is that the National Archives and Records Administration, which operates presidential library museums for every president from Herbert Hoover through George W. Bush, won’t be operating either for Obama. His private Obama foundation, not the government, will own and operate the museum, and there really won’t be a presidential library. The Obama foundation will pay for NaRA to digitize unclassified records and release them to the public as they become available.

But the center’s library, which may or may not house a local branch of the Chicago Public Library, will not contain or control presidential papers and artifacts, digital or otherwise. Instead, according to a narrow press release that called the museum a new model for the preservation and accessibility of presidential records. Those records will be stored in existing narrow facilities, meaning one or more of the agency’s research or record centers across the country.

So it’s very interesting that he decided to have the Obama foundation control this instead of NARa, which means did Trump and the authorities raid this area? And do they have the documentation? Because if they have the documentations, then they would know everything about the Obamas and what he actually did. Now, can this be used against them? I do believe so. How would this be used against them? Well, if Michelle Obama is the candidate that places the Obamas in focus and information can be brought out against them and it can actually destroy them in the end.

Because think about all the treasonous things they have done. Uranium won, destroying the country from the inside. All these self incriminating documents would be brought out into the light and people would start to understand that, hey, just like Joe Biden, who runs a criminal syndicate, any a crime family, Obama, he was destroying America every step of the way. And let’s go to post 42 41. This is May 14, 2020.

It says, do you attack the king in the beginning or middle to end. Queen protects the king. So would Barack Obama have Michelle run in the election to protect everything that he did? Well, it’s starting to look that way, but we’ll have to see how this all plays out. And I do believe she’ll do whatever she possibly can to actually protect him while she’s running for the presidency.

Because once again, there was a time those running for president, they were protected. You weren’t going to attack them. But it looks like Biden took care of that and set a precedent, actually multiple precedents. And now anyone that’s running for president can be attacked. And not just the person running for president. Anyone in the family. Can you get the tax records? Absolutely. Can you display this for everyone to see? Absolutely.

I do believe Trump and the patriots want the Obamas front and center, and everything leads to the Obamas. And we could see that we’re heading down this path. And I do believe the people are going to learn the truth. The people are going to learn who the real traitor is. Why? Because the patriots are in control. Listen, everyone, thanks a lot. Listening. Be well, be safe, and especially be prepared.

Thanks a lot. .

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