Ep 3264b – [DS] Assassination Message Sent Panic [DS] Lost Control Fear Desperation Sets In: X22 report

Posted in: News, Patriots, X22 Reports



➡ The X22 Report talks about how 2023 was a record year for data breaches, with hackers stealing lots of money and personal information. It also discusses how a service called Virtual Shield can help protect your online data. The article then moves on to talk about politics, suggesting that Trump is likely to be the Republican nominee and that he is trying to wake up the American people to take back the country. It ends by suggesting that there may be plans to harm Trump, but the author believes that Trump and his supporters are protected and gathering evidence against those who might try to hurt him.
➡ The text talks about how some people believe the government is not doing a good job and needs to be changed. It mentions that some people are unhappy with how things are going, like the open borders and the economy. The text also talks about how some people believe that the only way to fix these problems is to expose the issues and make everyone aware of them. Lastly, it discusses how some people are trying to stop funding to certain organizations they believe are causing problems.
➡ The article talks about how people in Germany are unhappy with their country’s economic situation and are starting to question their membership in the European Union. It also discusses concerns about foreign citizens joining the German army and the potential risks this could pose. The article suggests that these issues are part of larger global problems, including threats to personal privacy and the normalization of harmful behaviors.
➡ A group that doesn’t like Trump got rid of some important information before a new group took over. They did this because the information showed that Trump didn’t do anything wrong. But, nothing is ever really gone forever, so we might still find out what happened. This is important because it’s about fairness and truth.
➡ This text talks about how different judges act depending on who appointed them, with some trying to show they aren’t biased. It also discusses how some people are worried about the fairness of trials. The text mentions Nikki Haley and her experiences with racism, and suggests she might not be a good president. It also talks about how Trump might choose his vice president, and how important it is for that person to be strong and able to stand up to the deep state.
➡ Some people are worried that there might be plans to harm Trump because he’s likely to be chosen as a candidate for the next election. There are hints that some people in powerful places, like the FBI, might be involved in these plans. However, many believe that Trump is safe and that the military is protecting him. If any harm does come to him, it could lead to a lot of people waking up to the truth about the people in power.


Report my I’ms David this episode 3264 bn today’s date is January 22, 2024, and the title of the episode is deep state assassination message sent panic deep state lost control fear, desperation sets in. Let’s talk about protecting ourselves online. 2023 has gone down as a record breaking year for data breaches, leaving billions of dollars stolen from consumer pockets, from corporate giants to casinos to public hospitals. Data breaches this year have broken the previous record high by 14% and affected more than 66 million victims.

What’s worse is that instead of hackers demanding ransom for the stolen sensitive information, they are now starting to simply expose it, leaving victims with crippling choice of financial ruin or possible public humiliation. This is why I highly recommend the use of virtual Shield one. Virtual Shield one includes a military grade VPN that helps allow me to browse the web without the prying eyes of my mobile carrier, Internet service provider, or cybercriminals.

My Internet data is encrypted by just two clicks. Plus, my personal data is even safer with Virtual Shield’s one built in id monitoring that comes with 1 million identity theft protection insurance, and it continually scans, then erases my data from the Internet, ensuring I stay invisible in a world where my privacy is constantly under attack. Doing this helps massively reduce the number of spam calls and emails I get, reduces my risk of fraud, and allows me to reclaim my privacy.

Try virtual shield one, risk free for a whopping 60 days with no commitment necessary. That includes support for unlimited bandwidth, anonymous browsing, identity theft protection, and fast Internet speeds across all your devices that have virtual shield installed. Try it now before signups end by going to virtualshield. com x 22. That is virtualshield. com x 22. Or click the link in the description. Let’s get into the economic collapse, political and geopolitical news.

Now. The deep state, the corrupt politicians, big tech fake news, the puppet Masters. They’re already starting to realize that they don’t have the upper hand. They tried everything to remove Trump. They tried everything to stop him. And it looks like Trump is going to be the nominee for the Republican Party. And remember, they put everything into place to make sure that he wouldn’t be the nominee. And I do believe Trump had Vivek.

He had DeSantis. They were plants and they did their job. DeSantis, he trapped the establishment with all the money. Vivek, as they went on the tour with the debates, he woke up a lot of people. And remember, this is not about a four year election. This is about taking back the country. This is about waking the american people up. And you can see that is Trump’s mission. And yes, he needs to wake up the DS because we, the people need to take back this country.

And I do believe that’s Trump’s aim right now. Does he have the Republicans? Absolutely. Does he have the independents? Absolutely. His next mission now is to get the DS on his side. And this is why we’re headed down this path. I mean, think about the open borders. Think about what people are witnessing. Think about the economy failing. Think about war that is approaching. Do you really think the DS, they’re going to stick with Biden after all this? No.

I think as everything picks up and everything starts to break down, there’s going to be a lot of DS starting to wake up. And again, he needs to wake up as many people as possible if we’re going to take back this country. And it looks like right now the deep state players, they are panicking like we’ve never seen before. Because think about it, everything that they put into place has failed.

They can’t stop him. We see that he’s on his way to win the nomination. Nikki Haley doesn’t have a chance. That doesn’t mean you don’t vote. That means you go out and you vote and you tell your friends to vote and everyone should vote for Trump. And we need to show the deep state players who’s really in control in the end of all of this. But you could see as everything is breaking down and how everything they try to do is not working.

You know, the deep state players, they won’t give up. They’re going to attack Trump. They’re going to go after him with everything that they have. And you could see already we have Soros, the son of George Soros, Alex Soros, he sent a message and he’s talking about assassination. He showed $47, which is 47 and a bullet hole. So are they sending messages? Are they becoming desperate right now? Fear is now setting in.

Absolutely, because they realize that once he’s the nominee, well, there’s nothing they can do about it. He’s going to be running. So they have to take this to the next level. And yes, we’re going to see them try to stop him every step of the way. Now, I do believe that Trump and the Patriots, they are protected by the military. I do believe everything was put into place in 2020 because you don’t want to go against the deep state unless you have control.

And that was with the insurrection. I think people now are learning that the insurrection was not the way the fake news made it seem. It’s not the way the unselect committee made it seem. Actually, it was the deep state players, with the Capitol police, with the FBI, confidential human sources, DHS, Antifa and the rest. They’re the ones who actually overthrew the United States government. And what have they been doing? They’ve been deleting their encrypted messages.

Now, why would you do that if Trump caused the insurrection, are they trying to cover up what they did? Is the investigation now diving in deep to what they actually did? Absolutely. Think about all the videos that have been produced. Think about the bomber that they never caught. And now Darren Beatty produced evidence showing that the police, who are part of the deep state players, they didn’t do anything to actually stop this guy or actually go after this guy.

They did absolutely nothing. And I think that tells you everything you need to know. And they’re becoming very, very desperate. And when desperate people are panicking, what do they do? They need to cover up everything that they did. And I do believe that’s exactly what they’re doing. But if they’re coordinating an effort to actually try to assassinate Trump, it means there are messages out there. It means that Trump and the patriots, they’re gathering this data.

Remember, military intelligence is above CIA, NSA, FBI and the rest. So, once again, since we had an insurrection and the deep state players actually overthrew the United States government, the military now is monitoring everything. And I do believe they’re capturing all of this. And even though they delete things, it’s not really deleted, which means it will be produced at a later date and it’s going to implicate a lot of people.

And this is going to be game over for all of them, especially when the text messages, emails and everything else is produced on how they were going to try to assassinate Trump, this is going to be game over for them. And you’re going to see that this was coming from the agencies. Remember, right now, the entire government is a tyrannical government. They’re not for the people, they’re not working for the people.

They are the criminals who are sitting in DC. And yes, they’re spread out around the country where we see some prosecutors, judges and things like that. But the swamp creatures, the criminal syndicate, they’re sitting in DC, and that is the tyranical government. They are the dictators. They were never elected into these positions. They installed themselves. And I think people are starting to understand that these people do not have our best interests at heart, and they are criminals.

And every step of the way, this is what Trump is trying to show everyone. Look, they are criminals. Look what they want to do to this country. And when you see, like the Supreme Court or the house and all this other stuff, when you see it not going the way you think it’s going to go, because they’re not being stopped. Well, once again, why would you want to stop the enemy while they’re in the process of destroying themselves? If you’re trying to wake up the public, if you’re trying to wake up the ds, why would you stop the border from being opening? You wouldn’t.

You would keep it open. Why would you stop war? You wouldn’t. You would have them bring us to war. If they’re going to down the economy, would you allow them to down the economy? Of course you would. Why? Because you’re trying to wake up the people, Trump. The patriots want the people to see who the criminal syndicate really is. So if you’re expecting the Supreme Court and the house and the rest to reverse things right now, that’s not why they’re in position.

They’re in position to expose, they’re in position to show you who the criminals really are. And they’re there doing this to piss people off and to wake them up every step of the way. Remember, the only way we can reverse these things is if we get rid of all these people in DC and around the country. That means we need to clean house. We need to get rid of the criminal syndicate.

Actually, our founding fathers told us about this. Once the government becomes so corrupt, there’s nothing that we can do except one thing, remove all those people. And I do believe that’s Trump’s mission from the very, very beginning. So when you’re expecting something to happen, where it’s going to stop them right now, well, you don’t want them stopped because you want your family members who are Ds, your friends that are ds.

You want them to wake up, you want them to see it. I mean, yes, you’re already awake. You’re getting pissed off. But think about all the other people that are saying, no, this is great, Biden’s doing a great job. Are these people awake yet? No. How do you wake them up? Well, you bring them to a place that’s so dark, they have no choice but to say, okay, this guy Biden, he’s not doing a good job.

I really don’t want the economy to crash. I really like having a job, and I don’t want to go to war and I don’t want my family destroyed. And this is where all of this is heading. I do believe we’re going to see many different events throughout this year to really wake the people up, because that’s the whole mission. This is not a four year election. This is not about, oh, let’s just put Trump in the office and everything will be fine.

We already did that. Trump was in the office for four years. And what happened? Well, Biden cheated in the election and just undid everything that Trump did. Right. So is that a solution? No, the solution is to expose these people and have the people say, no more. And it’s not just the Republicans, not just the independents, it’s the DS, too. Everything needs to be exposed. And I do believe we are heading in that direction.

And this is why you can see the deep state players are becoming so panicked because they’re talking about assassination. We’ll be getting to in just a sec, but let’s go to the border right now because we could see the border is completely open. And when the border was opened up, when Biden came into the White House, the DS were out there saying, okay, this is a great thing.

People have freedom. They’re allowed to be in this country. Look what’s happened over the last three and a half years. These Ds are saying, you know something, this isn’t really good. We don’t want all these people coming to our cities. They’re using our resources, they’re using our money. They’re taking over the schools, and there’s crime. There’s people sleeping all over the place. This isn’t good. And again, the reason for all this is to show them, you can’t explain it to them.

They have to see it. They have to experience it. They need to understand what they’re really trying to do. And sometimes, yes, it’s hard, especially for those people that are already awake. Remember Trump, the patriots? They’re not going for you anymore. They’re going for the DS that aren’t awake. And the only way to wake them up is to bring them to a place of no return, a place that’s so dark, where they’ll have no choice but to say, you know something, I can’t take it anymore.

Biden is not the guy or whoever else is going to be running, which I do believe is going to be Michelle. But you could see that the border is open. And yes, there are many different governors, there are many different attorney generals trying to stop it. And this is good for people to see this. And it’s good for people to see how the Biden administration wants the open border.

I mean, really think about this for a second. They want our border open. The people, and you could tell from all the polls, they want the borders closed. They want them secure. So Biden is going directly against what the people want. And you can see there are now governors that are now moving forward with their plan to stop these people from coming in. Out in Louisiana, we have Landry.

He said, taxpayers cannot continue to foot the bill for individuals who break the law and skip the line. Louisiana governor orders state law enforcements to track illegal immigrant crime. And we can see that Texas, they decided to take control of their borders. They put up the barbed wire fencing, and the case went all the way up to the supreme Court. And the Supreme Court ruled, no, you need to take that down.

The federal employees, they can take it down because it will inhibit them from doing their job. So let’s think about this for a second. If there is a wall or barbed wire there and that inhibits them from doing their job, Trump was building a border wall. Wouldn’t a border wall then inhibit them from doing their job? No, their job is to secure the border. Their job is to make sure that these people don’t come in.

And you think this is going to piss off a lot of people? Absolutely. Wait until you see what happens. Wait until you see what the d start to do when we have Texas now shipping these people to all the blue states, all the blue cities, a lot more than they have been, because now they’re taking the gloves off. And actually, if you really think about it, how does the deep state start a civil war? Because remember, the civil war started with the States.

Do you piss the states off? Do you make them angry because you have open borders and there’s nothing the state can do. Does the state push back? Yes, they do. And we’re going to see Texas push back like we’ve never seen before. But you can see that the deep state players, they have the same agenda, not just here in the United States, but around Europe right now, the illegals that are in Britain, they are now going to have the right to work in Britain, despite the government policy saying that you don’t have the right to work.

So they’re going to allow these people to get jobs and they’re going to allow them to take the jobs of the Britain people. What do you think the people in Britain are going to do? You think they’re just going to stand by and go, hey, this is great, now I don’t have a job? Hey, look, all the illegals coming in, they have the job. They’re taking over our country.

No, the people are going to fight back. The people are going to be pissed off. And yes, they’re going to push back very, very hard, just like the people in this country and the representatives, just like they’re pushing back against the World Economic Forum. Remember, everything that you’re witnessing right now is the World Economic Forum’s plan. And they don’t have a cover story. Well, they’re going to try to get that cover story, but right now they don’t.

And every step of the way, the people now can see exactly what their plan is, which means the people are starting to push back a lot more than they have ever done in the past. And that’s exactly what we see happening right now. A group of congressional Republicans led by Representative Scott Perry, they introduced a bill to ban american federal government agencies from giving grants or other taxpayer money to the World Economic Forum.

Americans need to know that the WEF wants them to only drive an electric vehicle, sell their cars, and use car sharing instead eat bugs to help solve world hunger, and to always operate based on what’s good for the global public, even when it comes at a detriment to their own lives, Perry says. And the act that they put forward is the defund Davos act. And actually, this is the way to go.

Why do you think all these different agencies, these organizations, why do you think they exist? Because they are funded by the US taxpayers. Because we have a central bank. The deep state players can borrow and borrow and borrow, and the people pay back all of this with taxes. So they have the ability to fund all these different types of organizations pushing their entire agenda. If you get rid of the central bank and you get rid of the open end credit card and you have checks and balances, what happens to all of these different organizations and agencies? Well, they can’t fund themselves, so they cease to exist.

And I do believe that’s what we’re going to see if you go back in time. Remember when Trump said, hey, listen, we’re not going to fund the who anymore. We want other countries to fund NATO? Well, that was the beginning, showing people this is the direction we have to head in. And I do believe in the end, since Trump mentioned that we’re not going to go to the central bank digital currency, all of this is going to come to a screeching halt and these different organizations will no longer be funded.

But right now, the people need to see exactly what they’re trying to do, and the people they must reject it, which they’re exactly doing right now. And Germany said something very interesting. Remember, they’ve been pushing their net zero. Their economy’s falling apart. Yes. They reworked the numbers to make it look like it’s better than it really is. But the people of that country, they’re starting to understand, and the farmers are really starting to understand that everything that they’re trying to do does not benefit them.

And now we have the AfD leader, Alice Weidl. She says that Germany should hold its own dexit and they should leave the European Union. So it has already begun. And I do believe as this builds and builds and builds people of all these different countries, they’re going to say, you know something, we shouldn’t be part of the European Union because they’re destroying our way of life, they’re destroying our economy.

And everything that they’re trying to do is not going to benefit. Plus, they’re taking away our sovereignty. Because think about what the who is doing right now? They want complete and utter control if there’s a pandemic and they sit on top of the government. Actually, if you look back at the Trans Pacific Partnership, before Trump came into the White House, this is what the Trans Pacific Partnership was.

They were going to have a court that sat above the government of every single country. When Trump came into office, he actually shut that all down. And once again, you could see that everything that Trump did where he reversed everything they were trying to do, we got rid of the pirates climate accord. They went ahead and they reversed it again. And look what’s doing it. Look what’s happening to the economy, look what’s happening to the country.

He needed to show the people firsthand their policies hurt us. They don’t help us. And that’s exactly what he’s doing. And I do believe right now, once he’s the nominee, I do believe the DS are the next group that he’s going to be going after to wake them up big time. And how do you wake them up? Well, you allow the deep state players to bring us to war.

You allow events to happen. You allow the DS to actually see the policies of the deep state players. And once they see the policies, they start to really wake up, because it just doesn’t affect them. It affects their family members. It affects a lot more than just them sitting in their house. And these people, they’ll be brought to the precipice where they won’t have a choice but to vote for Trump because their alternative is war.

Their alternative is nuclear, annihilation. Their alternative is they will cease to exist. Do they really want that? Are they that stubborn? I don’t believe so. I do believe that they will find that will to change in the end. And we could see that we’re approaching war right now. The EU member states, they have agreed on a military operation in the Red Sea and now they’re going to be going after.

So this is picking up right now and it’s going to continue to pick up as we move forward. And think about it, think about all the illegals in all these different countries. What do you think they’re going to use them for? Well, they’re going to use them to go after the people because that’s their foot soldiers. Look what’s happening out in Germany. Germany is weighing the idea of allowing foreign citizens into the army.

What could go wrong? I mean, really, think about this for a second. If you’re going to allow these people into the army and they have weapons and they’re working for the deep state players because they are the foot soldiers when war starts and they watch their country being bombed by Germany or being bombed by the US or any other countries, where does their allegiance lie since they just came into this country, do you really think it lies with the country they just entered or does it lie with the country they came from? Well, I do believe it’s the country they came from.

And this is how the deep state tries to get control of the people. And think about it, if you have foreign people in the armed forces and something happens, what happens when the people don’t have a weapon to defend themselves? What happens if these people go crazy and they don’t listen to the command of their commanding officer? This is why they’ve been trying to get the weapons away from the people in this country.

They did it with Germany, they did it with the UK, they did it with Australia, New Zealand, they did it with France. And you could see from just looking at these countries where this is all headed, you think the people will be able to defend themselves against these people? I mean, right now they’re looking to have these people that are in this country, they’re looking to have them on a fast path to citizen ship and they’re looking to bring them into the armed forces.

How do you think these people are going to react in the end? Do you think they’re going to be for the people of this country? Or do you think they’re going to be against the people of this country? This is why, from the very beginning, this is why they wanted to get the weapons away from the people. I think everyone’s really starting to see this now. And people are starting to understand what their true motivation was and who was putting all this into place.

Yes, it was Soros, but also Obama. And I do believe all of this revolves around Obama and Trump. The Patriots, they’re going to bring Obama front and center. And when you look at the transgender community, when you look at the pedophiles, again, this all revolves around Obama. I think we’re going to learn a lot once they bring in Michelle Obama. And you can see they’ve been trying to normalize pedophilia.

They’ve been trying to normalize men being on women’s sports. And the people are outraged. The people are pushing back. They’re not going along with this just like they tried to push CrT Dei. It’s all failing. And what’s very interesting is John Daly. He commented on this individual who won the LPGA Tour, and again, this is a man, and he doesn’t even pretend that he’s dressing up like a woman.

And he won the tournament. So John Daley commented on the transgender playing on the LPGA tour, saying, I would have won 100 tournaments if I threw on a skirt and call myself a tranny. That dude is as feminine as a Ford f 150. And he’s absolutely right. And you could see this has been their goal for the very long time. I do believe it’s to keep women down.

And these individuals, they’re sick and they don’t like women. I think it’s becoming very, very obvious because they’re on women’s sports. They’re hurting women, especially those that are going on the boxing sport or playing volleyball. They’re hurting women on purpose. This is the only place where you have permission to beat up a woman. I mean, really think about this for a second. I think the people, they’re starting to understand that.

Let’s talk about protecting ourselves online. 2023 has gone down as a record breaking year for data breaches, leaving billions of dollars stolen from consumer pockets, from corporate giants to casinos to public hospitals. Data breaches this year have broken the previous record high by 14% and affected more than 66 million victims. What’s worse is that instead of hackers demanding ransom for the stolen sensitive information, they are now starting to simply expose it, leaving victims with crippling choice of financial ruin or possible public humiliation.

This is why I highly recommend the use of virtual shield one. Virtual shield one includes a military grade VPN that helps allow me to browse the web without the prying eyes of my mobile carrier, Internet service provider or cybercriminals. My Internet data is encrypted by just two clicks. Plus, my personal data is even safer with virtual shield one built in id monitoring that comes with 1 million identity theft protection insurance and it continually scans, then erases my data from the Internet, ensuring I stay invisible in a world where my privacy is constantly under attack.

Doing this helps massively reduce the number of spam calls and emails I get, reduces my risk of fraud, and allows me to reclaim my privacy. Try virtual shield one risk free for a whopping 60 days with no commitment necessary. That includes support for unlimited bandwidth, anonymous browsing, identity theft protection, and fast Internet speeds across all your devices that have virtual shield installed. Try it now before signups end by going to virtualshield.

com x 22. That is virtualshield. com x 22. Or click the link in the description. Once again, this is the wrong direction and the deep state. They’ve been trying to bring us down the path of pedophilia. They’ve been trying to normalize it, but it’s all going to fall apart, especially when the Epstein files come out. And I do believe that is right around the corner. And you know what else is right around the corner? All the evidence of what really happened on January 6.

And there is an explosive report that has revealed that the Trump hating January 6 committee secretly deleted over 100 potentially critical pieces of evidence right before the GOP was to take over the House of Representatives. So they decided, and this is coming from the former J six select committee chairman, Representative Benny Thomas. He was required by law to hand over all documents from its investigation to the new GOP led panel.

Instead, they decided to delete 117 encrypted files. Is this obstruction? Absolutely. Are these documents actually really deleted? No. But what did the people just learn in this country? They learned they’re trying to cover up everything that they did. Remember, if they had everything against Trump, they wouldn’t delete any of this. They deleted it because this proves that Trump had nothing to do with it, and they are the ones who cause the insurrection.

Julie Kelly responded to this on X and said the following. In addition to destroying videotape depositions and burying some written transcripts at Biden, White House and DHS, January 6 committee deleted files right before Dems were mandated to turn over all committee records to house GOP cover up, obstruction, contempt of Congress. This isn’t just about the public’s right to know. It is about J six defendants right to access potentially exculpatory evidence produced by this committee.

And the only reason Dems would conceal, destroy delete evidence is because it’s devastating to the j six narrative. And she’s absolutely right. And once again, is anything truly deleted? I don’t believe so. Trump, he put this out on truth. He said the following the whole committee of political operatives, thugs and misfits was a scam set up to injure and defeat your favorite president, Donald J. Trump. They’ve deleted and destroy almost everything because it exonerated me completely and was very bad for the crazy Nancy Pelosi and other fascists and communists.

It showed that Pelosi was in charge of security at the Capitol and she rejected my offer of 10,000 soldiers or National Guard troops prior to January 6. Had she accepted, January 6 would not have existed. Absolutely true. And I just want to go back to post 578. This is January 21, 2018, and it says the following. Will the FBI recover those missing texts? Nothing is ever truly deleted.

Your move. Absolutely. And I do believe we’re going to see information come out because nothing is truly deleted. And this is going to put them in a tight spot, which means they’re going to try to have more events. But Karma Patriot, she looked at one of the posts and this is post 4414, and she translated it a little different than we’ve been translating it, and it kind of makes sense.

So it says Castle Rock equals January 6 plan. Trump Twitter removal meant blackout of real Donald Trump geolocation and all of his communication with public, which moved Pence to commander in chief via chain of command. Pence removal from Capitol for his safety would have meant Pence removed from chain of command would have moved Pelosi to commander in chief. If both Trump and Pence were removed from chain of command, military moved in place under guise of riot control.

Pelosi wanted a coup, so she refused. The National Guard National Military Communication center is in DC. Miller took over follow Secretary of defense instructions Chris Miller led operations, stopped military coup and didn’t allow military against civilians. The United States Secret Service protected Pence so he wasn’t removed from the Capitol. Secret Service deleted all data from phones, which meant a communication blackout for deep state. They couldn’t get intel from January 6.

It kept Nancy and the deep state in the dark about what Trump knew and who helped stop the coup. And yes, they had to take control because they were expecting the coup to be much larger. They were expecting Nancy Pelosi to be in complete and utter charge. And once again, it didn’t happen. And they tried to use the 25th Amendment. And who stopped all this pence. Remember, what makes a good movie? Great actors.

And I do believe that’s exactly what we’re seeing. Look at Vivek, look at DeSantis. I think people are going to be very, very surprised at the end of all this, of who’s been acting and who’s been working to save this country. And I said this before, do you really think hurting someone’s reputation is that bad? Do you really think that is going to destroy them? I mean, think about it.

The deep state wanted a civil war. The deep state wanted another revolution. What do you think is worse? Bloodshed, people dying, or hurting someone’s reputation, which could be repaired in a split second? Think about what Trump said. We’re going to have the garden of heroes. Who do you think these people are going to be? Do you think it’s going to be those people that saved this country, that put their lives on the line, that they were being beaten down by Trump and he was hitting them really hard? I think in the end, people are going to learn that these people sacrificed everything to save this country, just like our founding fathers.

Thank God it’s not with blood. Thank God it’s not with their families being lost. But then again, if you really think Trump making fun of someone, that this is a terrible thing, that’s absolutely ridiculous. Because remember, we’re at war. There’s disinformation and misinformation on both sides. And if we are, which I do believe we are, we’re at war. Well, certain things have to be put into place. Remember, this is not about a four year election.

It’s not like, hey, let’s just vote the person in. This is about winning. It’s about taking back the country. It’s about removing the deep state, exposing their entire criminal syndicate. That’s what this has been about from the very, very beginning. And the only way to do this is to actually show the people, show the people how dirty they’re going to play. Show the people how they’re a bunch of dictators.

Show them how they’re a tyrannical government. Show them how they don’t follow the rule of law. Show them how they will go after the people of this country. I mean, we’ve already seen it. They went after the January 6 people. They threw them in prison. They are political prisoners. Because we are at war. And I do believe this is what Trump is showing everyone. And, yes, we have a way to go.

And this is why he said in the next ten months, what do you think Biden is going to do to this country? Well, he’s going to bring the country to its knees and this is going to wake up a lot of people. Just like with what’s going on in E. Jean Carroll, it’s waking up a lot of people. And we could see that just yesterday we mentioned E.

Jean Carroll’s dress and the dress that she said that she was wearing, well, it didn’t exist at the time where she said she was raped. And you could see that her story is completely and utterly falling apart. Trump, he put this out on truth. He said E. Jean Carroll was forced to change her story about her dress when Donna Karen, the designer of the dress, said that it wasn’t conceived or manufactured until long after the Dayton question.

In other words, the Monica Lewinsky type gamut fell badly. Then also learning that there was zero evidence on the dress, despite all of the threats, all of this hoax, run and funded by political operatives. That’s exactly right. And we could see that Trump’s trial was canceled because we had a juror that was sick and now they’re scheduling it for, what, Tuesday. So this is definitely election interference because we can see there’s going to be the New Hampshire primary on Tuesday.

And once again, we can see they definitely want to interfere in all this. But again, it’s not going to work because Trump, he has the people, the people know exactly what’s going on. And this is what Trump put out on truth. I traveled last night from the great state of New Hampshire to New York to attend one of the many crooked Joe Biden inspired witch on trials. Despite the fact that I was there on time and on schedule, it was just learned that one of the jurors is unfortunately not feeling well.

And for that reason, today’s session on the trial having to do with a woman I know absolutely nothing about has therefore been canceled, with a new date to be determined. Of course, all these various Biden political opponents trials just happen to be starting with the great purpose in the middle of what will be the most important election in the history of our country. They could have all began years ago or years after, but certainly not during the election.

In actuality, they should have never been brought at all because I have done nothing wrong. It is what it is. I will do what I have to do. All I ask for is fair judges and juries. I will win every one of them. And he’s absolutely right. And actually, he said something that’s very interesting. He said this out in New Hampshire, and he says, when a Democrat appoints a judge, they go after you and they try to hurt you.

When a Republican appoints a judge, they go out to be not biased and they follow the rule of law. Take a listen to what he said here. Immunity situation is so important. And one thing I’ve noticed, and I’ve noticed it very strongly, if Biden or Obama Democrat appoint a judge, they go out of their way to hurt you. If a Republican appoints a judge like me, I appoint a judge, they go out of their way to show they’re not biased and that they can’t be bought, they can’t be this.

You appoint somebody and they go out of their way to rule against you because they want to show that they are not in any way influenced by the fact that you appointed them. And you really do have two standards. It’s an incredible difference. And hopefully the republican justices that we have and judges that we have will make correct decisions. And what I want is just fair and correct decisions.

And he’s absolutely right. And this is what we’ve been seeing this entire time. And I think the people of this country, they are definitely seeing this because they’re watching the e Jean Carrot cow case, they’re watching the Fanny Willis case, they’re watching Letitia James case, and they’re watching the judges. And the people are going, holy crap, if I was on trial, even the ds are saying this. If I was on trial, I would be found guilty.

This is not fair. This is not following the rule of law. And this is what people are starting to notice. But you can see that Nikki Haley, she is panicking right now. And the establishment is panicking because, again, they don’t have the ability to beat Trump. The people are with Trump. So what does Nikki Haley do? Well, she decided to play the race card when she was younger because she was brown.

People made fun of her. She couldn’t participate in a beauty contents or whatever else she’s saying, which is absolutely ridiculous. Actually, Liz TikTok put this out and said, nikki Haley, when she was supposedly teased for being brown, what do you notice? Well, when you look at her, she doesn’t look brown at all, actually. And actually, Dinesh de Souza, he responded to Nikki Haley and said, I came to America from Bombay, India, at age 17, and I’ve spent the past four decades in the most conservative precincts of american life.

I have never once been teased for being brown. I am browner than Nikki Haley. So what’s going on here? So really think about this. She is playing the race card because she knows she’s not going to lose. But again, if you’re going to be president of this country, you’re really going to bring up the fact that people have made fun of you. Do you really want this type of person as president? What happens if we’re going to war and we have one of these leaders out there saying, oh, my God, look, you’re a brown person.

Oh, look, we’re going to come and get you. We’re going to make fun of you. Do you really want this person as the president? I think she just sealed the deal where no one is going to vote for her because do you really want someone that’s complaining, oh, look, they made fun of me. Oh, look, I couldn’t get ahead. No, you want someone that is strong. You want someone that is going to move forward.

You want someone that is not going to take it, that these things don’t bother you. But as soon as you have someone doing this, you know that this person isn’t right for the job. And then Trump said this. He said, all you need to know about Nikki Haley is that every corrupt and sinister group we’ve been fighting for the past seven years is on her side. And he’s absolutely right.

And right on schedule, Trump decided that Ron desenctimonious nickname is officially retired. And I wouldn’t be surprised if Ron DeSantis gets a position in Trump’s administration because I do believe what has happened here. Same thing with Vivek. These people put their lives on the line, their reputation on the line. And I do believe that Trump, since he saw them do this and they did this for the country, I do believe he’s going to bring them in because he trusts them.

He trusts these people. And I do believe we might see a lot of these people in his administration. We’ll have to see how that goes. But again, who would you want in there? Someone that took a battering this entire time, someone that stuck to their guns and said, I’m in it to take back the country. I do believe that’s exactly what these people have done. Now, remember, Trump, he needs to go after the DS.

Yes, he has the Republicans. Yes, he has the independence. But the DS, they are a tough group. And Raspusen reports put this out and said 77% of Democrats approve of the job Joe Biden is doing, but only 45% strongly approve. So basically, Trump needs to show the DS that Biden isn’t the guy and they’re leading us down the wrong path. How do you do this? How do you wake them up.

Well, for these people, I do believe he needs to show how they’re crashing the economy. When people start to lose their jobs, they get laid off and they can’t make ends meet. They’re not getting a salary, people are going to be pretty darn pissed off. And again, remember the economy, everyone has this in common. Same thing with war. If at the same time war is building up and people are seeing that their brother, sister, mother, father, cousin might be drafted into this war, and the war is going to be fought here on this land, and when I say it’s going to be fought on this land, you might even get some type of an attack where you see a missile headed towards this country.

This is going to wake up a lot of people. And I do believe those ds that are sitting there saying, oh, yeah, Biden’s doing a great job. When they see him saying that we got to go to war and they’re crossing the red line and Trump is on the other side saying, listen, it doesn’t have to be this way. I know the players. We can have peace and all you got to do is vote for me.

I do believe those people, they’re going to find, they’re going to go down deep and they’re going to find the will to change. Yes, they’re very good at talking smack right now. Oh, I would never do that. I’d rather die in the war. I’d rather have an event. Yes, they’re very good at doing this. But remember, these are the same people that are wearing their masks today. These are the same people that were so scared of COVID So what do you think is going to happen? These people are going to fold.

And yes, they’re going to have to make a decision and they’re going to have to say, okay, you know something? I don’t want my way of life destroyed. I don’t want to go to war. And I do believe in the end, they will find that will to change. And I do believe this is what Trump and the patriots are going after in this phase. And yes, it’s going to get dark.

Yes, it’s going to look like doom and gloom, because again, Trump is waking up the people and he wants the country to come together. He wants the country to see who the true enemy is. And the only way to do that is to present the true enemy. And that’s why I do believe Obama is coming into focus. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting, people are trying to figure out who Trump is going to have as his VP and Mike Flyn, he was at a documentary out of shadows and into the light.

And people asked, know, if Trump asked you to be vp, what would you be? VP? And he hints at accepting the VP role. Now, once again, I do believe we need to bring someone into this position that has a backbone, that has the strength to go up against a deep state. Because remember, once we defeat the deep state players, they’re going to try to come back every step of the way.

They’re not just going to give up. Even when a lot of people are arrested, even when we vote them out, these people never give up. They don’t like losing control. So after Trump, you’re going to need someone that is powerful, that doesn’t take crap, and what better person than a general? Now, a lot of people are saying, well, if Michelle Obama is coming into the picture, why doesn’t Trump pick a black person like Tim Scott or Ben Carson? Well, wouldn’t that be playing the deep state game? Wouldn’t that be going down the woke road? Because then you’re picking the candidate because of their skin color.

Are they really right for the job? I do believe Trump is going to pick the person that is right for the job, that is going to keep the country safe. And what better way to do this after a war than to have a general step into this position. Now, again, it could be anyone else, but it looks like we’re heading in that direction and we’ll have to see how it all plays out.

This will be very, very interesting. But one thing you notice is that the deep state players, they are panicking because they’re starting to realize they have lost control. Trump is going to win the nominee. And we could see that they’re already sending messages. Alex Soros put this out on x and said last year the crime and inflation crisis largely evaporated. So did the leading theories about what had caused them.

Then showed a bullet hole and a ten, a 20, a five, a ten, and two singles, which is 47. So is he sending a message that we need to get rid of Trump, we need some type of an assassination? Is this the message that they are now relaying? It looks like it, and it looks like they are saying that it is now time because we couldn’t stop him and now he’s going to be the nominee and we’re going to have to try to take him out right now.

And that reminds me of post 1589 June 26, 2018. Down below it says threats of assassination. They are preparing for this by activating progressive activists red line. Once the documents are supplied and viewed by Senate and congressional leaders and the public, they lose. Then we have post 586, January 22, 2018. It says, what happens if texts originating from FBI agent to several internals discuss the assassination possibility of the POTUS or member of his family? What if the text suggests foreign allies were involved? Forget the Russia setup one of 2022.

This is only the beginning. Be careful what you wish for. As the World turns, could messages such as those be publicly disclosed? What happens to the FBI? What happens to the DOJ? What happens to the special counsel? What happens in general? Every FBI DOJ previous case could be challenged. So just like they had the insurrection and they destroyed evidence, do you think that there’s going to be evidence that they put a hit out on Trump? I do believe so.

Remember, even if they delete it, nothing’s ever deleted. And I do believe military intelligence is working right now and they’re catching all this information. So we might see some scary things happen. And will this wake up the people of this country? Absolutely. And I do believe that this is what this is all about. And I do believe Trump is safe. I do believe the military has his back, and yes, they will attempt it, but it will fail.

And this will wake up a lot of people. And I wouldn’t be surprised if information all of a sudden seeps out, showing who’s responsible for all of this. Remember, when you look at the DOJ, when you look at the FBI, when you look at DHS, when you look at all these people, they’re part of the criminal syndicate. They’re coordinating their effort. They’re colluding with each other to take out a president that is running in the next election.

I mean, if you want to say banana Republic, this is it. And this is going to wake up a lot of people. And if they don’t wake up with this, wait until they move to the next phase, which is the economy crashing and the war. And I do believe this is all about waking the american people up, waking the DS up. And the only way to reach the DS is to bring them to a place where they can’t take it anymore.

And I do believe we are going to that place. Remember, everything that you’re witnessing right now, everything that you’re seeing, it’s about taking back the country. It’s not about winning the election, closing the borders, making the economy great has nothing to do with that. This is about showing the people, look how evil these people are, look what they will do to make sure you can’t vote in the next election.

Look, what they will do, they will attack you to make sure that you don’t go out and vote. This is what these people are about. And Trump, he’s going to be showing everyone who the criminal syndicate is and he has been showing the people, but it’s going to get a lot worse. And yes, those people that are upset, those people that are angry, think about all those ds that are waking up now, because in the end, when you have the DS waking up and they’re finding the will to change, this is how we take it back.

This is how we take it back during the presidential election. And I do believe Trump wants to show the deep state players, look, I’ve got the Republicans, I got the independents and I got the DS. You have no one left except your foot soldiers, antifa, BLM and your small little group in DC. Game is over. That doesn’t mean they’re not going to fight back. Of course they are.

They’re going to try to stop the election. I do believe they’re going to use a attack. But again, I do believe Trump has countermeasures in place for this and he is going to bring us to paper ballots and the people are going to see firsthand that he has the people. And the people are going to be shocked, especially those ds. They’re going to be shocked at how many people voted for Trump and the deep state.

They will be in a huge amount of trouble because they will no longer have the people. They lost the narrative, they lost the control of the people and now the people are against them. The patriots are in control. Listen, everyone, thanks a lot for listening. Be well, be safe and especially be prepared. Thanks a lot. .

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