Ep 3262b – Klaus Schwab Said The Quiet Part Out Loud People Are A Massive Threat Public Awakenin: X22 Reportg

Posted in: News, Patriots, X22 Reports




➡ X22 Report discusses how In 2023 there was a record-breaking number of data breaches, with hackers stealing billions of dollars and affecting over 66 million victims. To protect yourself online, it’s recommended to use Virtual Shield One, a military-grade VPN that encrypts your data and helps reduce spam and risk of fraud. In political news, Klaus Schwab suggested that elections aren’t necessary, hinting at a future where leaders are chosen without public input. There’s also speculation about a new disease scare being used to control the public and influence the upcoming 2024 elections, but many people are skeptical due to past experiences with Covid-19 and the lack of trust in authorities.
➡ Kevin Morris, a Hollywood lawyer and Democratic donor, admitted to loaning Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden, at least 5 million dollars to cover his tax debt and personal expenses. After lending the money, Morris gained access to the White House. Hunter Biden is set to testify about these matters on February 28th. This situation raises questions about potential corruption and influence within the Biden administration.
➡ The text discusses two main issues. First, it talks about a woman who lost a case against Trump due to lack of evidence and is now suing him for defamation. Second, it discusses the current immigration crisis at the border, where many cities are struggling with the influx of undocumented immigrants. The text suggests that this is part of a political strategy to gain votes in the 2024 election. It also mentions a secret surveillance court set up by the Biden administration, which has raised concerns about privacy rights and transparency.
➡ The text discusses concerns about government transparency, data breaches, and the importance of online privacy. It suggests that the government is working against the people’s interests and violating their rights. It also highlights the rise of data breaches and the importance of using tools like Virtual Shield One for online protection. The text further discusses the perceived corruption in the government and the need for people to take action. It ends by suggesting that Trump has set a positive example for other world leaders and that the people have the power to remove corrupt individuals from power.
➡ The text suggests that there are claims of corruption and manipulation related to the Covid-19 pandemic and vaccines. It implies that health organizations and governments may have lied about the severity of the virus and pushed vaccines for financial gain. The text also suggests that there are plans for a new, unknown disease (referred to as “disease x”) to create fear and push for more vaccinations. Lastly, it discusses political issues, suggesting that the January 6th event was a planned insurrection and that Michelle Obama might be considering running for president.
➡ The text suggests that there are theories about Biden being pushed out of the presidential race due to his health and cognitive abilities. It also mentions speculation about Michelle Obama running in the 2024 election and potential damaging information about the Obamas being revealed. The text also discusses Trump’s strategies and his potential to win, despite efforts to stop him. Lastly, it talks about Nikki Haley’s eligibility to become president, based on her parents’ citizenship status at the time of her birth.
➡ The text suggests that Trump is strategically planning for the 2024 presidential election. It implies that he’s trying to change laws and manipulate situations to his advantage, including the concept of presidential immunity. The text also mentions that some people believe elections are unnecessary and should be decided by elites or AI. Lastly, it suggests that Trump has the support of the people and will fight against the elites on issues like immigration, public safety, climate change, China, and gender ideology.
➡ There’s a concern that censorship might increase to limit the spread of information, similar to what happened in 2020. This is because people are becoming more aware and vocal about their rights, which is seen as a threat by some. However, there’s a belief that Trump and his supporters will continue to fight for a fair and transparent election, and ultimately regain control of the country. The message is to stay alert, safe, and prepared.


Report. My name is in this episode, 3262 bn. Today’s date is January 19, 2024, and the title of the episode is Klaus Schwab said the quiet part out loud. People are a massive threat public awakening let’s talk about protecting ourselves online. 2023 has gone down as a record breaking year for data breaches, leaving billions of dollars stolen from consumer pockets, from corporate giants to casinos to public hospital hospitals.

Data breaches this year have broken the previous record high by 14% and affected more than 66 million victims. What’s worse is that instead of hackers demanding ransom for the stolen sensitive information, they are now starting to simply expose it, leaving victims with crippling choice of financial ruin or possible public humiliation. This is why I highly recommend the use of virtual shield one. Virtual Shield one includes a military grade VPN that helps allow me to browse the web without the prying eyes of my mobile carrier, Internet service provider, or cybercriminals.

My Internet data is encrypted by just two clicks. Plus, my personal data is even safer with Virtual Shield’s one built in id monitoring that comes with 1 million identity theft protection insurance, and it continually scans, then erases my data from the Internet, ensuring I stay invisible in a world where my privacy is constantly under attack. Doing this helps massively reduce the number of spam calls and emails I get, reduces my risk of fraud, and allows me to reclaim my privacy.

Try virtual shield one risk free for a whopping 60 days with no commitment necessary. That includes support for unlimited bandwidth, anonymous browsing, identity theft protection, and fast Internet speeds across all your devices that have virtual shield installed. Try it now before signups end by going to virtualshield. com x 22. That is virtualshield. com x 22. Or click the link in the description. Let’s get into the economic collapse, political and geopolitical news now.

The deep state, the corrupt politicians, big tech fake news, the puppet Masters. They now are saying the quiet part out loud. Actually, Klaus Schwab, he was talking about the elections, and he’s letting everyone know that we actually really don’t need elections, that we don’t need the people to decide who our leaders are going to be. Is he saying the quiet part out loud? Absolutely. He’s letting us know exactly where all of this is headed.

Remember going back to 2020, where they cheated like they’ve never cheated before. They’re going to use the same exact tactics in 2024, and that’s exactly what we see happening right now. They’re already building up the idea that disease X is actually coming, they want to scare the people. Remember, by scaring the people, they are able to get people to do what they want them to do. But again, I think people are a little bit smarter this time, because again, they went through Covid and they realized that the CDC, the FDA, Fauci and many others, they lied right to their faces.

And other installed leaders around the globe lied right to their faces. The who lied to their faces. And it looks like the credibility of the pharmaceutical companies and of all these different agencies and these people, well, they have gone down the drain. And now if you look at the polls, it shows that people are no longer trusting any type of vaccine or as Bill Gates says, that they’re going to put a patch on you.

They’re no longer trusting that. So, yes, will they try to usher in disease X, the unknown, but they know everything about it? Well, yes, they’re going to try to do that because they’re following the same exact playbook. Plus, by doing this, they have this new pandemic treaty with the who, and they want the who to have power over every single government. So this way, each government does exactly what they want them to do, and they’re going to push this very hard.

But remember what happened during COVID We had protests around the world. People were protesting against the vaccine passport. This is why it didn’t work in the end. Remember, as they pushed this in Australia, New Zealand, France, Germany, the UK, it came to America. And yes, they tried to push it in the blue states. Just like the blue states or just like those other countries. Well, it hit a roadblock, and that’s called the constitution.

And people started to say, you know something, I don’t think this is constitutional. I don’t think we need to do this. And people started to push back and their entire plan completely fell apart. And that’s why they said, holy crap. Okay, we’ve learned from our mistakes. We can’t have this. So we need to make a body that will be in full control and the people can’t say anything about it.

And this is why they pushed the who to become the government of all governments. Now, is that going to work in this country? Absolutely not. Why? We got that pesky thing called the constitution. Once again, they will not be able to pull this off, and it will not work. They will try. But remember, it’s not the disease. It’s not the virus that people really have to worry about.

It’s the actual bioweapon that they’re trying to get you to take. That’s the real pandemic. When you look at Covid, you can see from all the fake numbers and the statistical fake numbers and how the hospitals were getting paid. What’s more deadly, Covid or the bioweapon that they pushed? I think everyone’s starting to realize it’s the bioweapon because that’s the real pandemic. The same thing is going to happen here, but they want to scare you enough so you don’t go outside.

Actually, the who might even say stay inside because they want to use what? Mail in ballot dropboxes. But I think what’s going to happen in the end, this is going to fail because the people, they’re awake right now. The people aren’t going to buy that. Hey, we just so happen to have another pandemic. Exactly when the elections are happening. I mean, does the virus know when the elections are happening? How is this even possible? It doesn’t make any sense.

And this is what they’re most afraid of. They’re afraid of the people and they try to push the last pandemic and it has failed. So I do believe where this is all headed, as they try every single event leading up to the presidential election, they will then try to cancel the election. I do believe this is why Klaus Schwab is saying that we don’t even need elections anymore.

We’ll just have our AI determine who should be next. So really think about what they’re planning to do here because they never liked elections. They don’t like people electing their leaders. They like to tell you who you’re going to get. And that’s what they’ve been doing for a very, very long time. Remember the system that they created, the election system with the Dominion machines, the ballots and everything like that? The only reason you’re recognizing this is because they had to pull out all the stops in 2020.

They’ve been doing this for a very, very long time. And they’ve been installing the people that they wanted. And now they realize they’re coming up to a point where they’re not going to be able to do it because there’s too many people that realize what they’ve done in 2020, in 2022, and now they see the election interference in 2024. Plus, they have a major problem with Biden. Biden.

His poll numbers are dropping like a rock. Nobody will vote for him. They know this. So what they’re doing is they’re allowing him to take all the heat. The evidence is pouring out against him. They know that. They’re just going to push him aside. Remember, he was just a placeholder. They really wanted Kamala Harris in there, but they got Biden instead. So he’s a placeholder right now. And they have removed everyone else pretty much from the ballot.

They changed everything. The State of the union is after Super Tuesday. So I think what they’re planning to do, and the New York Post is even putting out this article that Michelle Obama might be snuck into the race. And it looks like she’s been talking to certain people saying that, yes, she is running. Now, is this a rumor or not a rumor? Well, it looks like we’re heading down that direction now.

We’re going to be talking a lot more about this a little bit later. But first, let’s talk about what’s happening to Alec Baldwin, because it looks like Alec Baldwin has been indicted on manslaughter charge and the fatal shooting of the rust movie set. And we can see that this took a very long time. And let’s see how this all plays out for him because this is going to be very, very interesting.

But the other thing that’s very interesting is that what is happening with Hunter Biden, and I do believe people in this country now are seeing the two tier justice system, and I do believe they’ll continue to see this and the people will start to wake up and understand that, look, there’s a certain set of rules for the criminal syndicate, and there’s other rules that go along with the rest of the people.

The oversight committee, they put this out on ex and said today Kevin Morris, a Hollywood lawyer and Democrat donor, came in for a transcribed interview. And here are the takeaways from this interview. Shortly after meeting Hunter Biden at a Joe Biden campaign event in 2019, Kevin Morris began paying Hunter Biden’s tax liability. Kevin Morris has loaned Hunter Biden at least 5 million to pay off Hunter Biden’s tax debt and pay for his personal expenses.

Kevin Morris obtained access to Biden White House after lending money to Hunter Biden. And then we have Catherine Herridge. She put this out and said Kevin Morris admitted he has loaned the president’s son at least 5 million. These loans don’t have to be repaid until after the next presidential election, and the loans may ultimately be forgiven. Raskin said Morris befriended him and had considerable resources. Then Catherine Herridge circled something in this document, and it says he’s had access to the Biden White House and has spoken to President Biden.

This follows a familiar pattern where Hunter Biden’s associates have access to himself. Hmm. It looks like Biden is involved in Hunter Biden’s business. It looks like Biden lied about that. Once again, James Comer put this out and said the president’s son will appear for a deposition on February 20 eigth. Americans have questions, and GOP oversight is prepared to get answers. We look forward to the testimony. So they pretty much gave Hunter Biden a second chance, and he says he’s coming in on the 20 eigth.

Now, who’s coming in before that? Well, we have Mervyn Yan, the former top CEFC China energy company official. That’s January 22. We also have Rob Walker on January 22, acting surrogate for Hunter around the world. January 29, we have Eric Sherwin, who’s the money man, family’s top financial lieutenant. January 29, we have Joe Langston, close associate. And on February 5, we have Tony Babalinski, former associate, who confirmed the infamous message about a stake of ten hell by H for the big guy, and that is referring to Joe Biden.

And you have to remember, they didn’t want anyone investigating what that actually meant, so they stopped the investigation because they didn’t want people to know that ten hell by H for the big guy meant he’s holding 10% for Joe Biden. So they shut that down way early on so no one would know this. And think about all the other things that they’ve done early on. They shut down the Hunter Biden laptop thing.

They shut down all the investigations. They shut down the document investigation. They actually didn’t do what they were supposed to do. Remember, these are open and shut cases because it’s not like, oh, look, he had the documents. It’s okay. No, he was a senator. He was the vice president. The presidential Records act does not apply to him. It’s an open and shut case. He broke the law compared to Trump, who was the president.

So you have two separate things. It’s not apples to apples. It’s completely separate. And yes, Biden has broken the law. And now I do believe that people are starting to understand what a criminal syndicate actually looks like. And you can see the criminal syndicate. They’re very, very desperate because they can’t allow this information out there. They can’t allow the people to understand this. And this is why they need to get rid of Trump.

Because remember, as this information comes out, as more and more people learn about who they are, and we’re just learning about Biden right now, wait until this spreads into the Obama family. That’s when people are going to start to really wake up and understand that, wait a minute, this is all connected now. They’re all part of the criminal syndicate. Wait until we bring in Hillary Clinton and many others.

And to top this off, wait until the client list comes out, and it shows that these people who are pedophiles, they’re also treasonous to this country, and they’re all involved in the criminal syndicate. This is what’s really going to wake people up. And this is why they’re going after Trump with everything that they have. But again, Trump and the patriots, they want people to see this because he’s showing you election interference, they’re showing you how dirty they really are.

He’s showing you what the criminal syndicate would do. And it’s almost just like in a small, little town, if you have the mafia running a small town, just like you have a criminal syndicate running the United States, in this town, you control the judges, you control the prosecutors, you control the police force, you control the small, little news agency in the town. Do you really think that the criminal, the mafia in the small town would ever prosecute one of their own? Do you really think if something happened, they would say, you know what, yeah, we got to prosecute? No, they would protect them at all costs.

They would have the fake news, the little newspaper in that town, write up stories that protects that person. They would have the police not really investigate or arrest. They would have the prosecutors try to make a deal or not even bring charges. That’s what you’re seeing now in the United States. The criminal syndicate runs the country. They have been for a very long time. Yes. The DOJ, the FBI, they’re all part of.

Now, I’m not saying every single little person below the upper echelon is part of it, but when you control the upper echelon, you can control what the rest of the people do. So when you control the FBI, when you control the DOJ at the upper levels, when you control the CDC, the FDA, the NIH, when you control the prosecutors and the federal prosecutors and judges around the country, you’re controlling everything that happens right now.

And when you control the fake news and you have the information dictated to them, what happens, you make sure that you protect your own. That’s what we’re witnessing. And this is why they’ve been attacking Trump, because Trump has been waking the people up. People have been learning the truth, and people are starting to understand what the system is. The system has always been there. The people who run the system just never want you to see it.

They never wanted you to understand what it was and now you are. It’s almost like the Matrix. The Matrix couldn’t be explained to people. People wouldn’t understand it. So to understand the matrix, you actually had to see it and experience it. And that’s what people are experiencing right now. They’re experiencing what the criminal syndicate is. And you can see every day that passes and every time they attack Trump, it becomes more and more obvious.

And when you look at the case with E. Jean Carroll, this is completely obvious. Q Anon 76 put this out and said E. Jean Carroll and her lawyer admit on CNN that they colluded with New York Democrats to pass a law allowing people to sue for a sexual assault case outside of the 20 year window. So basically, E. Jean Carroll helped to pass this law. And soon as it was passed, they filed suit.

Take a listen. I think it’s really important in all of this, and it’s the fact that New York passed this law, the adult Survivors act, they passed it just a few years ago. Were it not for that law, you never would have been able to bring this case. And I just think it speaks to the importance for a lot of other would never, I would never have this window this year of having the ability to bring a lawsuit for rape.

Robbie can explain it better. Well, Egypt actually helped to get that law passed. It passed last year. It was Thanksgiving day. It was the first day you could sue. We filed Fairhall just after midnight on thanksgiving. So this whole thing was done on purpose because they knew that, hey, who’s going to remember all the way back in time? We can just make up this story. We don’t have to provide evidence and people will believe, and this is exactly what they’ve been doing.

I mean, think about it. E. Jean Carroll, what’s the date that this happened? I don’t know. Somewhere between this date and that date. Do you remember any of the specifics? No, I can’t really remember. Do you remember anything? Not really. Do you have any evidence? No, not really. I had a dress, but I destroyed that because I gave it to the fake news. And then Alina Haba questioned Eugene Carroll and she deleted the evidence.

I mean, that tells you everything you need to know. And what they’re doing here is they’re trying to convince the people that Trump is a bad person. Look what he did. But again, they’re trying to use the propaganda and they’re trying to convince the people that he raped her. And people are going around acting like, yes, he did. Well, if you actually look at the court documents, that’s not the case amuse put this out and said a New York jury of Democrats who hate Trump found E.

Jean Carroll’s rape claims were not credible. The jury determined that Trump did not rape her. It is in black and white on the verdict form. So once again, the jury already decided, because there was no evidence, she couldn’t produce any evidence that there was no rape whatsoever. So this whole case fell apart already. And now she’s trying to sue because Trump said bad things about her. I mean, really, think about this for a second.

But already Alina Haba has already countered all this and showed that, look, she’s deleting evidence. And think about all the things that she has done in the past where she thinks rape is sexy. And believe me, you can go back in her history. It’s absolutely unbelievable. And Trump, he put this, he put a lot of things out on truth, but here’s one of them from Vanity Fair, and I think this pretty much sums it all up.

Vanity fair, you also confessed to sexually harassing Roger Ailes while you had a show on his cable channel, America’s talking. He is also on your list of hideous men, but was once a friend. E. Jean Carroll. Oh, I did it every day I had a chance. I call him the pearl of his sex right on the air. I roll up my trouser legs. I would wait for the camera to come over, then I would slowly pull up the right and then the left trouser leg.

It would say, roger Ailes. I would say, he’s my future husband. It never stopped. I asked him to twirl for me. I adored him. I mean, think about this. Lady rape is sexy. And look what she did. And this is not the first thing. It goes on and on and on. It’s a very, very long list here of how sex crazy she really is. So can anyone really believe this story when she doesn’t have any evidence whatsoever to back it up? I don’t think the people are believing it.

And I think just by her just deleting her evidence and not having any proof of anything, well, once again, this should be thrown out. But again, you have to understand, the criminal syndicate is running the show, and this is why the judge is covering for her. And I think everyone can see this very, very clearly now. The other thing that people see very, very clearly is the invasion at the border and how it’s taking its toll on all these different cities.

But all these mayors and all the governors, they won’t admit it because they’re not allowed to. Plus, their agenda is to bring in these people. Use them to vote in the 2024 election and use these people to create chaos later on. The only reason they’re complaining is because they want funds. But think about what’s happening with the people in these different cities and towns. They understand that these illegals are destroying their way of life.

They understand that this can’t continue. And it’s hurting their children, it’s hurting their way of life. It’s hurting the city. And they’re paying a lot of money and their money is being sent to the illegals. And yes, this is pissing a lot of people off. Think about the black community out in Chicago. Think about the black community in New York. Think about what’s happening right now. They’re losing the grip on the people.

I mean, just look at Denver right now. The migrant crisis has plunged Denver’s main public hospital deep into the red after patients received 130,000,000 of treatment they were unable to pay for. Yes, it’s completely falling apart. And this is why the deep state players are so angry at Texas. Because remember, they need these people. As more and more people cross over and they vote for Trump, they’re losing their party, they’re losing the american people.

And the only way to make this up is to bring in the illegals. And they need to bring in quite a bit, because as time goes on, they’re losing more and more people. And remember, as Joe Biden goes down in the polls, they’re losing people there, people who cross over, they’re losing those people. And they need to make up the difference. Now, why are they making up the difference? It’s not for Joe Biden.

I do believe it’s for Michelle Obama because they’re going to need someone that’s halfway decent, halfway popular, that has a pretty clean record because she wasn’t in government, her husband was. But again, she is going to look good to the younger crowd. People are going to say, oh, wow, look, this is perfect. This is the person that we need. And the deep state players, they’re going to think, oh, wow, we got this now we got this person.

We got the illegals coming in. We’re going to stop the flow of people leaving our party. We might be able to pull this off with cheating. All we need is maybe disease x or other things so we can cheat in the election. Now, they will try this, they will do this, and they’ll do as best as they possibly can. I do believe Trump. The patriots want the Obamas front and center.

And you’re going to see all different types of information come out against them. And this will be documented evidence, a lot worse than what you’re hearing about Biden. And I do believe people are going to start to question everything about the Bidens. Remember, they told everyone that his administration was scandal free. Well, I do believe when this is all said and done, it’s going to show that he has actually been treasonous to this country.

And that’s why he chose the United States Secret Service name Renegade, because he was implementing the 16 year Punyas. Michael Michelle was helping this with this. And I do believe in the end, the people are going to start to learn who’s responsible for this. And this is why they are so angry at Texas right now, because Texas right now is actually stopping the illegals from coming in. You know what they did? They built up a wall, they put up barbed wire, and they’re securing the border.

Look at the difference between the two. N. Wilkins put this out on the left. There’s a video and it shows the feds in control. People were just coming right over. They had tractors lifting up the barbed wire. They were coming right over the border. When you look at what’s happening with the Texas National Guard, they built a wall, they put up barbed wire. They have shields to block the people.

And people walk up to it and they turn away. And most likely they’re probably trying to go to another location to try to get in. But again, this actually works. And I do believe the people now are seeing this. So that means the wall would actually work. And remember, Trump did this on purpose. Listen, all he had to do is finish the wall. All he had to do is keep the policies in place.

But Trump and the patriots, they knew that they were going to do everything opposite. That was the plan of Trump and the patriots, to show the people, look, if you don’t secure the border, you don’t build a wall. This is what’s going to happen. Who’s responsible for this? It’s Biden. So now people can really see the difference. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting that’s come out is Biden’s secret surveillance court.

Now, we know that Biden administration, with Obama in the basement, they’ve been working with the social media companies to censor people. They were found out, so they decided to create a secret surveillance court. And yes, it’s made up of all the same deep state players, Eric Holder, Brennan and the rest. And the White House built an opaque new forum that could affect national security and privacy rights without any public paper trail.

At an undetermined date. In an undisclosed location, the Biden administration began operating a secretive new court to protect Europeans privacy rights under us law. Officially known as the Data Protection Review Court, it was authorized in October 2022 executive order to fix a collision of european and american law that had been blocking the lucrative flow of consumer data between american and european companies for three years. The court’s eight judges were named last November, including former us attorney general Eric Holder.

Its existence has allowed companies resume the lucrative transatlantic data trade with the blessing of EU officials, and the details get blurry after that, the court’s location is a secret and the Department of Justice will not say if it has taken a case yet or when it will. Though the court has a clear mandate ensuring Europeans their privacy rights under us law, its decisions will also be kept a secret from both the EU residents petitioning the court and the federal agencies tasked with following the law.

Plaintiffs are not allowed to appear in person and are represented by a special advocate appointed by the US attorney general. Critics worry it will tie the hands of us intelligence agencies with an unusual power. It can make binding decisions on surveillance practices with the federal agencies, which won’t be able to challenge those decisions. Didn’t we have secret courts back in the day and nobody knew that they existed? You weren’t allowed to see them.

You weren’t allowed to know anything about them. It seems like we’re doing the same exact thing once again. And remember when Biden said that he’s going to be the most transparent resident? Well, is that the case? No. What they’re doing is they’re doing everything behind the scenes. And I think people, since what happened with Twitter, with what happened with Facebook and Instagram and many of the other companies, people are understanding that the government now, they’re in full blown mode of violating everyone’s constitutional rights, and now they’re just doing it in secret.

They don’t want people to know exactly what is happening and they’re hiding everything that they’re doing, which tells you that these people are not working for the people of this country, they’re working against them. Remember, this is a tyrannical government. These people. Let’s talk about protecting ourselves online. 2023 has gone down as a record breaking year for data breaches, leaving billions of dollars stolen from consumer pockets, from corporate giants to casinos to public hospitals.

Data breaches this year have broken the previous record high by 14% and affected more than 66 million victims. What’s worse is that instead of hackers demanding ransom for the stolen sensitive information, they are now starting to simply expose it, leaving victims with crippling choice of financial ruin or possible public humiliation. This is why I highly recommend the use of virtual shield one. Virtual shield one includes a military grade vpn that helps allow me to browse the web without the prying eyes of my mobile carrier, Internet service provider, or cybercriminals.

My Internet data is encrypted by just two clicks. Plus, my personal data is even safer with virtual shield’s one built in id monitoring that comes with 1 million identity theft protection insurance and it continually scans, then erases my data from the Internet, ensuring I stay invisible in a world where my privacy is constantly under attack. Doing this helps massively reduce the number of spam calls and emails I get, reduces my risk of fraud, and allows me to reclaim my privacy.

Try virtual shield one risk free for a whopping 60 days with no commitment necessary. That includes support for unlimited bandwidth, anonymous browsing, identity theft protection, and fast Internet speeds across all your devices that have virtual shield installed. Try it now before sign ups. End by going to virtualshield. com x 22. That is virtualshield. com x 22, or click the link in the description. In government, they install themselves.

It’s almost like criminals in a town saying, listen, you’re going to vote for me, right? And yet they’re putting a gun up to the person’s head, yes, I’m going to vote for you. So they installed themselves. They become the judges, they become the mayors, they become every single elected position in there. Then they bring in their own people to fill the unelected positions, and that’s how they control the town.

Well, just expand this. That’s what they did in this country. So when you’re sitting at home and you’re wondering, why is this happening? I don’t understand this. Well, it’s very, very simple. If the criminals run everything, well, do you think justice is going to be served? No. And when you’re asking yourself, why isn’t anyone doing anything? Well, who’s going to do it? You mean the criminal in the FBI, the criminal in the DOJ? The criminal that’s the resident, the criminal that’s in any of the other agencies? No, nothing’s going to happen.

So who’s going to make it happen? We, the people. Think about what our founding father said. Once the system becomes so corrupt, once the system is so bad, there’s nothing you can do but to remove it all. And that’s what Trump has been doing from the very, very beginning. He wasn’t going to go in there with the military and remove everyone, because this would be a complete and utter nightmare.

It would turn the country upside down. There’d be bloodshed everywhere. This is exactly what the deep state wanted. They wanted a civil war. What he decided to do is what the constitution says. Show the people, have the people, then remove the corrupt people. And that’s exactly what’s going to happen. The people now are seeing it. The people now have the power to remove the corrupt people. Now, again, the corrupt people don’t want to leave.

Why would they? Because they know if they do, they’re not in power anymore and they go to prison. So they will fight to the very, very end. They will cheat, they will fight, they will scratch, they will kick, they will scream, they will bring us to war. They will do everything in their power to make your life miserable. And that is what you’re going to see during this year.

And Trump is going to use this against them because as they’re making your life miserable with disease, x, with events, with war, with being attacked, with a attack where you’re scared in your home and you’re hiding in your basement, you’re going to wake up because you won’t be able to take it anymore. And when you’re not able to take it anymore, that is when you finally find that will to say enough is enough.

Now, those people that are awake, those people that see what’s happening, you already know this, you already know that there’s problems. But think about all your family members, your friends, all the people that are still brainwashed. A lot of the Ds, they’re still brainwashed. Even a lot of the Republicans, yes, they like Trump, they’re voting for Trump, but still they have questions. When they reach that point, that’s how you’ll know it is time.

That’s how you’ll know we are winning. So, yes, we’re going to go through this period of time and it has to happen. I know people are thinking we’re losing the fight. Oh, no, look, they’re winning. No, the actual opposite is happening. The opposite is happening because it’s waking people up. And I’ll explain to you in a little bit how this is actually working, because actually, there are many different things that were said during the World Economic Forum.

And what was said tells the entire story. And it shows that the elites no longer have power. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is that Hungary’s Victor orbin, he said this. He said, hungary cannot be blackmailed. There’s not enough money in the world to force us to accept mass migration and to put our children in the hands of LGBTQ activists. This is impossible. And, yes, Trump has set the pace.

He has shown the other world leaders how to do it. That’s why you see the president of El Salvador. That’s why you see the president of Argentina. That’s why you see Victor Orbin. This is why you see a lot of these Gertwilder and the rest all starting to rise because they’ve seen what to do. Trump has showed them the way. And, yes, we’re going to have major, major change as we move forward.

But you can see the deep state players. They understand that they’re going to have to stop this at all costs. And their entire event of all events is war, to actually distract and to shut this all down once and for all. And this is why you see war building out in the Middle East. I mean, you can see Iran and Pakistan. They’re going tit for tat and they’re bombing each other.

But again, there are talks that they’re going to calm this down, but we’ll have to see how this happens. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is that the north korean state media is claiming that the country’s military has conducted a test of the hail 523 underwater nuclear weapon system in the sea of Japan. And they’re saying that they can create a radioactive tsunami to hit a country.

So once again, this is something that is underwater. And I remember a couple of posts that say, watch the water. And I do believe that we might see something happen with North Korea, and we’ll have to see how this all plays out because this is going to be very, very interesting because once again, Trump had peace with North Korea. They weren’t firing missiles. The nuclear program was shut down.

And since Biden has come into the presidency, what has happened? The opposite. Remember everything that they tried to do to Trump, he turned this around and he is doing it to them, and he’s going to use this against them. And I do believe it’s going to work. But Trump, he did say something about the president of Argentina. And he said the new president of Argentina, who truly loves his country, is working hard and according to many in the know, making great progress.

He inherited a total mess, but he is MAga make Argentina great again, working very hard and against long ods. He will succeed. I look forward to helping him in the future. And, yes, he’s following the same template that Trump set, and people are now following it. And I do believe there’s going to be many many other leaders that you’re going to see follow in what Trump has set.

Trump set the tone. And now other leaders can follow. But you can see the deep state players. What are they going to do? They’re going to try to stop Trump at all costs. And what’s very interesting, I think the people, they are now hardened and they understand that the pandemic was just that, a pandemic. And as more and more evidence comes out and as more and more people learn and time is an amazing thing, people start to see, they start to research.

You see peer reviewed documentation come out and people start to understand that these people, and I’m talking about the installed individuals, the CDC, the FDA, Trudeau and Macron and all the rest, they all lie to the people. Because remember, in the very beginning, you must take the vaccine. It’s safe and effective. Well, we could see that a lot of doctors offices, a lot of insurance companies, they were bribed into actually pushing the Covid-19 vaccine.

And this is coming from anthem. And it shows you that, yes, they receive bonuses, incentive bonuses, and it shows you how much they’re going to make. Now think about this. They were getting commission on pushing the vaccine. Actually, if you ever go to the doctor and you’ll see that for your young children, they will try to push as many vaccines as possible. Why? Because they make a huge amount of commission.

It’s not for your benefit. It’s not for your health. It’s because they make money from doing it. When hospitals decided to say that, oh, this person died from COVID they did it because, not that the person died from COVID they did it because they got money. If they said that a person died from COVID even though the person might have had a heart attack or died in a car accident, if they tested positive with the fake test, they got money for that.

If they said the person died from a car accident, they got no money. So what would you do in that situation? If you’re running a business, you say, well, let’s just say everyone got Covid, we’re going to make a fortune off of this. And that’s how they built the numbers up. But the, and Fox, he put this out and he said the ZZX, the next terror campaign on the world is already being planned.

And this is coming from Dr. David Martin. And they are planning to do this. They do want the World Health Organization to take complete and utter control. And yes, they will push this as hard as they possibly can. But what I do believe is that the disease x, that part is going to be the scary part, because remember, they’re already making it the disease x, the unknown disease.

But we know the unknown disease is a hundred times deadlier. Wait, if it’s unknown, how do you know this? And don’t you find it very interesting that it’s happening during the election year? I mean, does the virus know exactly when to come out? I mean, this is absolutely ridiculous. And if you go back to Covid. Wait, the COVID knows if you’re outside or inside? It made no sense.

There’s no science behind this. And especially when you say disease exit is unknown, how do you know anything about it? It makes no sense whatsoever. They already know it’s deadly. They already know it’s coming. They already know that they have a cure. I mean, really, think about this for a second. See, they want people so afraid to do what? They want you to get the vaccine. So last time it was an injection.

They know people won’t accept the injection. They know that people have learned that vaccines are bad. This is why Bill Gates is out there saying, oh, no, it won’t be delivered via a needle. It will be delivered with a patch. See, people will say, oh, a patch. Oh, just like if I wanted to stop smoking or I was going to put other type of medication. Oh, that’s a lot safer.

No, it’s the same exact thing. Actually, it’s worse, because people then will just be taking the patch off, putting another patch on when they’re told to do it. But that’s the whole point of this. It’s to scare you and to make you stop thinking. So you would just take the patch. The patch is the pandemic. The vaccine is the pandemic. It’s not Covid. Because if they never even told you about anything, you would not even know that Covid was even out there.

If they didn’t make up the statistical numbers, if they didn’t tell you how many people were dying in the hospital from COVID because they were getting paid and it was a fake test, you would not even know that that was even around. And they had to use the flu numbers to boost this up. So the disease x, what they’re telling you right now is to make you afraid, so you would get the patch.

And that’s how they push this. Remember, they like to use things that are invisible, just like a cyberattack. That’s invisible, which we’ll be talking about in just a sec. But the other thing that we could see is that the whole January 6 thing is falling apart. And as it falls apart and as more and more evidence comes out, they need to do what they need to make examples of people, and that’s exactly what they’re doing with Dr.

Peter Navarro. Remember, he was convicted of criminal contempt of Congress when Liz Cheney’s unselect committee for January 6 served him with a subpoena. Now, once again, it was an unselect committee, and they’re going to try to throw him in prison for six months. And I think they want to charge him $200,000 fine. Now, didn’t Hunter Biden, didn’t he defy a subpoena? Absolutely. Is the same thing happening to him? Absolutely not.

But you can see the whole January 6 thing is completely and utterly falling apart. Darren Beatty, well, he found a video, and this is the most damning and explosive January 6 footage yet released. And it shows how the Capitol police did absolutely nothing. DC Drainer responded to this and said, incredible investigative reporting by Darren Beatty. Newly leaked January 6 footage of where the pipe bomb was found near the DNC shows responding cops barely caring about it.

They were dragging their feet, even though future illegitimate vp camela was nearby. It seems as if they wanted to delay the police response. Now ask yourself, why. Now why would they want to do that? Because once again, these are all their operatives, and they knew exactly what they were doing because it was planned from the very, very beginning. Remember, it was their insurrection. The insurrection has to happen when you’re going up against the existing government, the existing president Biden, he wasn’t the president.

His votes were not certified, and he was not inaugurated. So who were they going up against? They were going up against Trump. They were going up against the people of this country. They were completing the overthrow of the United States government with a puppet government. That is the insurrection right there. And I do believe Trump needed that to happen, to take control of this country and to put certain things into place.

Because if you’re going to have a mission to take back the country, I would rather do it while I control all the moving parts. This way, you can show the people what’s really going on and you can accelerate everything so people actually see it again. The people needed to see it firsthand. And the only way to do this is to continually slap them in the face. A lot of people take a lot of slaps to wake up.

It’s almost like if you’re sleeping and your alarm goes off and most people don’t hear the alarm. They hit the alarm, they go back to sleep, the alarm rings again. They don’t hear it well, you need this multiple times until you wake up. There’s a lot of people who’ve been brainwashed, who need a lot of slaps. And these slaps have to get harder and harder as we get closer and closer to the presidential election.

And that is what the economy failing is. That is what the open borders is. That is what the events coming are. That is what war is going to be. So when you start to step back and you start to take a look, you can see Trump wants to wake up as many people as possible, to go up against the deep state, to go up against the criminal syndicate.

And the voters, they understand that the Biden administration, they are the puppets and the puppet master is actually pulling the strings. And once again, who’s in the basement? Obama. And that brings us to the New York Post article, and this is an opinion piece by Cindy Williams, and it says Michelle Obama angling to replace Joe Biden for president. So Adams reports Michelle Obama has surveyed Dem biggies about her potential candidacy and in 2022 reportedly told a gathering of ceos in New York City she was running gossip, rumor or trial balloon leaks to gauge public support for democratic reaction.

So do you think the Democrats reacted well to this? Absolutely. Now, I do believe that we’ve known this for quite a while and we can see that, yes, they’re going to try to sneak someone in. Actually, it looks like they prepared this perfectly because they have moved away from Iowa, they moved to South Carolina. They decided to make the state of the union on March 7. It looks like they don’t want anyone else on the ballot.

And I do believe in the end they’re going to push Biden out of running in the presidential election. They’re going to say that, oh, look, his cognitive ability is breaking down. His physical ability is breaking down. They’re going to try to make it look as natural as possible because they don’t want to say, hey, look, he did a really bad job. We got to remove him. He can’t be running.

So they have to make it look like he did a good job and he can’t make it to the election because of his age, because of his cognitive ability. And I wouldn’t be surprised. In the end, they try to remove him with the 25th amendment if he doesn’t want to leave. And once again, we can see they’re making their push right now. Now, for those people who believe that if Michelle Obama or Michael Obama steps in and is now running in the 2024 election, if people believe that she now has the upper hand, and Trump is never going to win.

Think about what Trump’s plan has been from the very, very beginning. His plan was to have the Obamas front and center. His plan was to show the world who was orchestrating, conducting the 16 year plan and who was treasonous to this country. And add on top of that, who was involved in Epstein’s island, all the people surrounding them, plus him. Think about the information that’s going to be coming out.

This is going to be devastating for the Obamas in the end. You think it was bad for Biden? I mean, think about what people have learned. Why do you think his poll numbers are dropping? Think about it for a second. What do you think is going to happen when people start to learn that the Obamas were selling secrets? What do you think is going to happen when people start to learn that he’s behind the infiltration into this country? What do you think is going to happen when people learn that he is treasonous and he wants to destroy this country? Think about this, because I do believe Trump and the patriots, and remember, Trump, he was president.

He saw every single classified piece of material. Now you understand why they’re trying to stop him because they don’t want that information out. And remember, Trump declassified the information. And this is why Trump has been waking the american people up, because he knew in the end, he needed the american people’s help. Yes, he has the military, yes, he has control. But without the people, all that is meaningless.

You need the people behind you because this is a force that the deep state can’t battle against. Can they stop Trump and the military? Yes. All they got to do is detonate a couple nukes. That would stop them from taking back the country. But what happens if the entire country and the world is awake? Yeah, you can detonate nukes, but that’s not going to make people forget. That’s actually going to piss people off.

Because once people are awake, they understand that that’s coming. They understand that you’re going to use those type of events. So when you have the world awake and the country awake, this is a game changer. And the deep state is trapped in all this. And the only thing that they can do is try to bring the entire world into war. And Trump, he already has a countermeasure for that.

It’s called peace. And yes, he’s telling everyone it’s that simple. And once he does this, the deep state is screwed because that’s all they have left. Yes, they will try to cheat. They’ll have events. They’ll have a attack, they’ll try to cancel the election, and then they’ll try to bring us to war. And it looks like that’s what they’re trying to do because remember, they need to try to stop Trump and that’s what they’ve been trying to do.

They don’t want him to be the nominee and they’re trying everything they possibly can to stop him, but it’s not working. Tom Bevin put this out and put two CBS articles out there and says Trump’s closing argument to New Hampshire voters pushes misinformation, suggesting democrats would infiltrate GOP primary. Trump’s closing message to New Hampshire voters contains falsehoods about the upcoming primary election, including a basis claim that democrats are planning to infiltrate the primary to support former South Carolina governor Nikki Haley.

Well, Rich Barris responded to this and said, exhibit a. Great catch. CBS News doesn’t know Nikki Haley is spending tens of millions of dollars targeting democrats to vote in these contests. And that they did in Iowa already. I don’t buy that at all. They’re just liars. And yes, that’s exactly what is happening. She’s having the Democrats sign up as Republicans vote for her and then they’re going back to being Democrats.

This is all they have left and it’s failing. And what’s very interesting is that a news report came out that Nikki Haley did cheat on husband Michael, had affairs with comms consultant and a married South Carolina lobbyist before she became governor. And this is coming from sworn affidavits and new witness claims. And remember, Nikki Haley, she denied the claim she cheated on her husband Michael before she became South Carolina governor in 2010, saying she was 100% faithful.

Well, it seems like that argument is completely and under falling apart. And the other problem that Nikki Hully is going to have is that she can’t become president. Just like Barack Obama can’t be president, Kamala Harris can’t be. And actually, Vivek, he can’t be. Why? Because the constitution does not allow children born of non citizens to become president of the United States. Nikki Haley, the daughter of two noncitizens, is patently ineligible to serve as president or vice president under article two, section one of the Constitution.

Nikki Haley, the daughter of two noncitizens, must prove that her parents were lawful residents when she was born. Trump qualifies as a natural born citizen under the Constitution’s eligibility clause in article two, section one. Unlike Nikki Haley, Trump’s two parents were both citizens at the time he was born on american soil in Queens, New York, in 1946. His father was a citizen by birthright. His mother was naturalized and completed the naturalization process years before Trump’s birth.

Therefore, he meets the constitutional standard for eligibility. Nikki Haley, on the other hand, is a much different story. Nikki Haley was born Nimrada Randhawa in Bamburg, South Carolina, in 1972. But at the time of her birth, neither one of her parents were american citizens. And this was unearthed by who? Laura Loomer. So they didn’t become citizens until after she was born. Actually, just like Vivek, he said his parents became citizens after he was born.

So when you really think about this, think about Barack Obama, think about Kamala Harris. Well, they can’t be president or vice president now. People saying, why didn’t they get stopped? Remember the criminal syndicate? What do you think happened with Barack Obama? Remember when Trump was asking for the birth certificate over and over? Actually, I think he even said, I’ll give a million dollars. Well, they finally produced the birth certificate out of Hawaii.

And that person who provided the birth certificate just happened to die in a plane crash. And she was the only one that died in the plane crash. She drowned. Everyone else lived. What does that tell you? It tells you everything you need to know. Who else drowned? Oh, that’s right. Obama’s chef. Hmm. I guess they like drowning people. But this Nikki Haley is going to have a problem, because Senator Tim Scott, he is set to endorse Trump.

So this is going to be a huge setback for Nikki Haley. And like I said before, I do believe DeSantis. He is actually part of all of this, just like Viveic. And I do believe DeSantis is going to stay in long enough for Haley to finally say, okay, I am done here. And then DeSantis is then going to endorse Trump. Actually, if you look at Chris Crispy, you look at Asa Hutchinson, they’re not endorsing Trump.

Actually, Asa Hutchinson is saying that Trump is going to fail. So I think that tells you everything you need to know. And the other thing that tells you everything you need to know is that 177 members of Congress joined Ted Cruz and Steve Scalise in brief to Supreme Court in support of Trump’s right to be placed on the Colorado ballot. And they’re absolutely right. And the other thing that we’ve come to learn is that Jack Smith, he’s been pushed into this.

It’s a political hit job. We know he can’t be a special prosecutor. And Garland, who’s been playing it safe this entire time, finally comes out and admits that they need to have the trials before the elections. Josh Gerstein put this out and said ag. Garland tells CNN he agrees with special counsel Jack Smith’s call for speedy trials. In Trump cases, speedy trials are also called for by federal law.

Answers seem to open Garland up to be asked whether he endorses all Smith actions positions. Now, remember, a right to a speedy trial is for the accused. It’s not for the government. They’re talking the opposite way right now. So basically, he wants these trials to happen before 2024, before the 2024 presidential election. I think that tells you everything you need to know here. But I do believe Trump, he’s going to turn this all around.

If there is a trial, there might be. And I do believe he has everything on these people and he’s going to use this to his advantage. But again, I do believe Trump wants all these people to fight for all of these things. So when it’s time for him to actually show documented evidence and proof that these people are treasonous, that these people have done what they say he has done, the people then will say, okay, I now believe it.

Remember, they’re coming after him. He’s going to fight until the very end. He’s going to push back to the very end, just like with his taxes. He didn’t give it to them a year later to you. He made them fight to the very, very end. And he kept pushing and pushing, just like with Pence. I know people are like, oh, no, look what happened there. Think about what happened during that period of time.

He wanted them to change the law. He kept pushing and pushing and pushing. And if Trump wants that, the deep state doesn’t now, think about what Trump put into place. He had them change the law. As we’re approaching the 2024 election, can Kamala send the results back to the legislatures? No, they can’t. You think he was thinking ahead? You think he did this on purpose? Absolutely. Because remember, once the event happened, Pence’s power disappeared.

They were in an emergency session at that point. And Trump kept harping on it, he’s got to do the right thing. He’s got to do the right thing. He did do the right thing. He got the DS to change the law. Not for 2020, for 2024, because now Trump’s running. And when he wins, they don’t have the ability to send the votes back to the legislatures. He caught them in their own narrative.

He got them where he wants them. And I do believe he’s doing the same thing with presidential immunity. He’s keep pushing and pushing. The president must have presidential immunity. So what do you think the deep state players are going to do? Well, Trump wants it. Well, we’re going to do the opposite. We don’t want him to have it. And we want the Supreme Court to finally remember presidential immunity is not in the constitution.

So let’s see what happens with presidential immunity. It doesn’t mean the Supreme Court is going to say, oh, yeah, you don’t have it. But I do believe he wants the Supreme Court to make that ruling. And I do believe once you get rid of the immunity, the other presidents, they’re trapped and they can be held accountable. Julie Kelly put this out and said maybe it’s a good thing for presidential immunity against criminal prosecution to go away.

Maybe it will stop presidents in the future from starting wars or laundering hundreds of billions through Ukraine over fears they’ll be prosecuted. But to pretend this is a controversy created by Trump over obstruction of an official preceding charges and not one manufactured by Biden regime and DC federal courts is intentionally ignorant. And she’s absolutely right. And maybe it would be a good thing to hold these individuals responsible if they have committed a.

Hmm, think about that for a second. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting, and we can see that the deep state players, they are planning to actually get rid of the elections. They want to cancel it because they have already told us that we shouldn’t have elections. We don’t need them, we don’t need the people to make their decision. And Klaus Schwab, he’s completely against democracy republic, he’s completely against all this, because he believes that the choice should not be left to the people, the choice should be left to the elite, or in his case, AI.

Take a listen to what he said. And I think this explains everything. We have an analytical power now we go into a predictive power, and we have seen the first examples and your company very much involved into it. But since the next step could be to go into a prescriptive mode, which means you do not even have to have elections anymore, because you can already predict what predict, and afterwards you can say, why do we need elections? Because we know what the result will be.

So basically, he told you he doesn’t want elections. He doesn’t want people deciding. We’ll decide for you because that’s what they’ve been doing all this time. You had the illusion of choice. See, Trump is an outsider. It’s amazing how they don’t want you to vote for Trump, but they do want you to vote for Nikki. They do want you to vote for their people because they’re one of the same.

There’s no difference there. An outsider they don’t want you to vote for. That tells you everything you need to know. But you can see the deep state players. They are now panicking because the people are awake. They don’t have the people anymore. And actually, what’s very interesting is that this individual from the Heritage foundation explains to the World Economic Forum that they don’t have the power anymore. They don’t have the people with them.

Trump does. Take a listen, or anyone would describe Davos as protecting liberal democracy, standing up for it. It’s equally laughable to use the word dictatorship at Davos and aim that at President Trump. In fact, I think that’s absurd. But I’m going to step aside from that constructive criticism and instead answer your question, and I’m going to be substantive here. President Trump, if he’s the next president, for that matter, I think whoever the next conservative president is going to take on the power of the elites, which I’ve mentioned earlier.

But the thing that I want to drive home here, the very reason that I’m here at Davos, is to explain to many people in this room and who are watching, with all due respect, nothing personal, but that you’re part of the problem. Political elites tell the average people on three or four or five issues that the reality is x, when in fact, reality is y. Take immigration. Elites tell us that open borders and even illegal immigration are okay.

The average person tells us in the United States that both rob them of the american way of life. They’re right. President Trump will take that on on behalf of the average american. Elites also tell us that public safety isn’t a problem in big american cities. Just travel to New York or Washington or Dallas, Texas, the average person will tell you that the lack of public safety damages not just the american way of life, but their life.

President Trump will take that on. Thirdly, I guess the favorite at the World Economic Forum is climate change. Elites tell us that we have this existential crisis with so called climate change, so much so that climate alarmism is probably the greatest cause for mental health crisis in the world. The solutions the average person know based on climate change are far worse and more harmful and cost more human lives, especially in Europe, during the time that you need heating, than do the problem and the problems themselves.

Fourth, two more here, Robin. The fourth. China, the number one adversary, not just to the United States, but to free people on planet Earth. Not only do we at Davos, not say that we give the Chinese Communist Party a platform. Count on President Trump ending that nonsense. And fifth, as we sit here, another supranational organization, the World Health Organization, is discussing foisting gender ideology upon the global south.

These are practices that are under review if not being rejected by countries in northern Europe. The new president, especially, Vids. President Trump will, as you like to say, trust the science. He will understand the basic biological reality of manhood and womanhood. And do you know why? Not because of retribution. Not because he’s a dictator, but because he has the power of the american people behind him. And it’s connected to Senator Portman’s excellent point that in addition to needing a vigorous executive, we look forward to having the popular will inform both the House and Senate in 2025 to pass laws on all of those issues and many others.

Ultimately, Robin, I think President Trump, if in fact he wins a second term, is going to be inspired by the wise words of Javier Milet, who said that he was in power not to guide sheep, but to awaken lions. That’s what the average American and the average free person on planet Earth wants. And he’s absolutely right. And if you listen to the last part, Trump has the people.

This is their worst fear come true. And that reminds me of post 1585, June 21, 2018. It says, we stand, we fight together. Organized riots being planned, which they are. Countermeasures are in place. Resistance far smaller than portrayed by the mainstream media. I think we’re all starting to realize that attacks will intensify. They will intensify throughout this year. You collectively are a massive threat. Actually, this individual at the World Economic Forum already explained that censorship applied to scale down impact reach.

Yes, they will start to censor like they did back in 2020. But this time, I do believe they’re going to take it to the next step and they’re going to have a communication blackout. It’s failing. Trust yourself. Public awakening. And that’s exactly what is happening. The people are a threat. The people are awake. They cannot have this. They can’t have people speaking freely. Trump knew this from the very beginning.

He knew if he got the people, he would have it all. And I do believe he’s going to have it all. And he’s setting the tone. The people are with him. And I do believe every single stop along to Super Tuesday, you’re going to see this build and build and build, and the people behind him, the people are going to show the DfE players that we want to take back this country.

And every step of the way, this is what they’re going to see. And this is why they’re going to intensify their attacks. This is why they’re going to try to stop the election. But in the end, Trump and the patriots, they’re bringing them down this path because they want them to go down this path because they want a clean, fair, transparent election. And he wants to show, in the end, to the deep state that he has the people, he has the military, he has the power.

And all they have is their illegals, antifa, and their fake news. And they lost. And I do believe Trump, the patriots, in the end, we’re all going to take back the country. Why? Because the patriots are in control. Listen, everyone, thanks a lot for listening. Be well, be safe, and especially be prepared. Thanks a lot. .

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