Ep 3261b – We Are In The Middle Of War The Tone Is Being Set To Let The [DS] Know Were Coming: X22 Report

Posted in: News, Patriots, X22 Reports



➡ In the episode, the X22 Report talks about a different kind of “war” in politics and media, not actual fighting. They believe powerful people are causing problems and might use digital money for bad reasons. The speaker recommends using Virtual Shield to keep online information safe. They think people are noticing these problems and may support leaders like Trump who want to stand up to these powerful people.

➡ The text is about E. Jean Carroll’s lawsuit against Trump. It says that Trump is not being treated fairly. Trump says Carroll’s claims are not true and that she got rid of evidence. The text says Democrats are trying to make Trump less powerful and criticizes the justice system for being unfair. It also talks about issues with Joe Biden and his son Hunter.

➡ In E. Jean Carroll’s case, she might not have enough proof, which could lead to her getting in trouble. This shows problems with the justice system. Also, Texas is trying to control who comes into the state, leading to debates about immigration laws and worries about the justice system not being fair.

➡ Trump is worried about problems at the border and thinks strong borders and fair elections are really important. A secret report hints that the Red Cross might be involved in illegal activities like human trafficking. People are worried about their privacy online, so using Virtual Shield is suggested for safety.

➡ The commentator talks about efforts to weaken rights, like gun rights, a failed shooting, bad treatment of conservatives, problems in Yemen, dangers of open borders in the U.S., and possible political tricks. They mention Trump’s views from an interview with Bill O’Reilly.

➡ The text discusses possible cheating in elections, Trump’s legal issues, who might run in the next presidential election, and doubts about Biden’s ability to lead. It hints that Trump might still have a plan with the military and makes comments about Biden’s mental health, suggesting Trump might challenge him politically.

➡ The text explains why presidents need legal protection to do their jobs without being scared. It warns about misusing this protection and talks about Trump’s plans for the future. The text urges to stop corruption to fix the country’s values and sees the 2024 election as a big chance for change.


That’s it. Hi and welcome. You’re listening to the X 22 report. My name is Dave in this episode 3261 bn. Today’s date is January 18, 2024, and the thought of the episode is we are in the middle of a war. The tone is being set to let the deep state know we’re coming. Let’s talk about protecting ourselves online. One of the big four mobile carriers has quietly updated their terms of service to include fines for content they don’t agree with.

That means starting now, they will find users who commit perceived violations using their cell phone bandwidth. These fines will be as high as $500 per violation, and what’s worse is there is no clear understanding of what content will or won’t be deemed as against their rules. This is why I highly recommend and use virtual shield. Virtual Shield is a military grade VPN that helps allow me to browse the web without the prying eyes of my mobile carrier, Internet service provider, or cybercriminals.

My Internet data is encrypted in just two clicks. Plus, my personal data is even safer with Virtual Shield’s online data removal service and built in id monitoring that comes with up to 1 million in identity theft protection insurance, ensuring my identity is helped protected by the best try virtual shield risk free for a whopping 60 days with no commitment necessary. That includes support for unlimited bandwidth, anonymous browsing and fast Internet speeds across all your devices that have virtual shield installed.

Try it now before sign up ends by going to virtualshield. com x 22 VPN. Once again, that’s virtualshield. com x 20 Twovpn or click the link in the description. Let’s get into the economic collapse. Political and geopolitical news. Now the deep state, the corrupt politicians, big tech fake news, the puppet masters, they have now been set up. Think about what Trump said. He said he is never going to allow the United States to have a central bank digital currency.

Now really think about that for a second, because what he has just done is he just set the path for the central bank, the World Economic Forum and the deep state players. He has set the path where they’re going to have to create an event to cover up what is happening in the economy. Remember, the central bank system? They like control. They’re not going to give up control.

And now, at the right time, the right moment during the year of the presidential election, he has set them up to do something in this country. Remember, I do believe Trump’s mission, yes, is to get rid of the deep state players. Yes, to arrest people actually have the people take back the country. But the only way to take back the country is if you get rid of the central bank system.

And I do believe he has now set us on a path and set them on a path where they’re going to push their event. Remember, going back in time, the World Economic Forum said that we’re going to have a attack in the next two years. And I do believe that’s exactly where we’re heading now. Think about as we approach the presidential election. Trump, during this period of time, he’s setting the tone.

He’s setting the tone, showing the deep state players that he has the people. And actually what he’s doing is he’s going to win each location in a landslide and the avalanche is going to build it might even be like a d five avalanche. And once the avalanche starts, you cannot stop it. So this is going to show the deep state players the direction. It’s going to show them that, look, the people are coming for them.

And I do believe that’s exactly what is happening right now. And actually, Trump let us know that, yes, this is the direction we are headed in. You need to remember something very, very important. We’re in the middle of a war. A war is deadly. A war is scary. A war has political prisoners. And this is exactly what we’re witnessing. It might be an information war. And believe me, the deep state players, they actually want a physical war.

That’s why they’re trying to bring us into World War II. That’s why they want a civil war. That’s why they want chaos. But it’s a war nonetheless. See, the deep state players, they rather have head to head chaos because this way they could control it. What Trump has done, he has gone around this and used a completely different strategical game theory. And the deep state players, they can’t stop what’s happening.

You see, when you’re waking up the people and you’re showing them the truth, showing them the deep state system, exposing the two tier justice system. When you’re doing all this, how does the deep state stop it? It’s very, very difficult. Unless you have control over everything, unless you have control over all social media platforms, you have control over text, you have control over email, you have control over the information system that actually relays the information to the people.

Now, since the deep state players, they don’t have full control. Well, this is a major, major problem for them. And they can’t stop the people from waking up and they know this. And this is why the World Economic Forum is actually mentioning it, that people now are thinking on their own, they’re thinking logically. This is why you see articles saying, thinking on your own or thinking logically and doing your own research might lead to the wrong answer.

So don’t do it. See, there’s no way they can stop people from waking up. And trump the Patriots, they knew this and they knew that this was going to be a long process. And what you’re experiencing today, and people are getting very confused with this, what you’re experiencing today with this doom and gloom look, it’s actually what makes people wake up, when people are afraid, when people are nervous, when people feel discomfort, that’s when people start to wake up.

That’s when people start to say, what is going on now. Yes, the deep state players, they like to use fear in all different ways. But this is not just fear. This is discomfort. This is knowing that something is wrong. It shouldn’t be this way, and it needs to be stopped. So everything that you’re seeing, everything that you’re witnessing is how you actually wake the people up. Trump, he just couldn’t come up to the podium and tell you, by the way, everyone’s got to wake up.

You know why? Because the borders, they’re going to have millions of people crossing the borders. Yeah. They’re going to ruin the economy and they’re going to infiltrate the country with military age men. They’re just going to come across the border. Yes. They’re going to try to start war. If he went up to the podium and he told everyone that, no one would listen, no one would pay attention, no one would believe it.

But if you experience it for yourself, if you live it every single day and you become uncomfortable with it, that’s when you start to wake up. Why do you think out in Iowa, Trump got 98 of the 99 counties? I remember the last county they had the Democrats in there switching to Republicans to try to cheat. But again, why do you think so many people went to the side of Trump? And this is during a snowstorm.

This is during negative 17 degrees, which actually felt like negative 40 degrees. Why do you think that happened in New Hampshire? People are going to come out and vote like there was no tomorrow in New Hampshire. This is going to happen all the way up to Super Tuesday. And this is going to set the tone for the rest of the year. It’s going to show the deep state every step of the way.

Look, the people are awake. They’re more powerful than you think, and we are coming for you. Trump wants the deep state to know this. Now, of course, on the other side, the deep state, they’re going to do what, they’re going to continually have the people come over the border. We’re most likely going to see an event in this country. People are going to see all this. They’re going to see the economy break down.

They’re going to see the deep state players bring us to war every step of the way, and it’s going to get pretty darn scary. But again, this is how they cover up their crimes. This is how they try to distract everyone from what they did. This is how they tried to bring us into the great reset, the green new scam. That’s why they’re doing it. Trump, he’s going to use this to actually wake the people up because he’s on the other side explaining that it doesn’t have to be this way.

If they have war, I can have peace. If they open the borders, I can close the borders. If they are introducing CRT and Dei, I can remove that. If they’re going to crash the economy, I can make the economy incredible. If you notice, that’s exactly what he’s doing. And you know what people do? They see the light, they see hope, they see, holy crap, this can be turned around.

All the illegals in this country, well, I’m just going to take them and deport them. It’s that simple. And yes, there’s laws in place that can do this. And when people see this, they go from fear to wake. Wait a minute, we have solutions. They go from fear, which the deep state is pushing. Wait, we have solutions. This is how Trump is waking a lot of people up.

This is how he’s getting the people on his side. This was planned from the very, very beginning. And as we get closer and closer to war, yes, people are going to feel scared. They’re going to feel discomfort with the economy breaking down. They’re going to feel it all. But again, it had to be done this way because otherwise no one would ever, ever believe. And you could see that we are on the way and we are setting the tone.

And people see it very clearly every day that passes. They see the two tier justice system. They see who’s creating all these problems. And that’s the point of it. These are the people that are creating the problems. Trump is the solution. And I think people can see that very, very clearly. And people also see the two tier justice system. I mean, just look at Joe Biden with his 20 different shell companies, how he’s been dealing with Hunter Biden’s business.

He knew the art dealer he was involved in, that he was involved with Hunter’s business dealings. And Hunter having a gun and there was cocaine found on the gun pouch. I mean, really, think about this for a second. You think people are going, well, this doesn’t make any sense. People are saying, well, why isn’t he in jail for this? Because any other person, they be in jail already.

Don Jr. Said this. You can’t make it up. They literally found cocaine on Hunter’s gun case. Can’t wait for the leftist Twitter to blame it on me like they did with the White House. Cocaine. That was also obviously his. Eric Trump responded to his brother and said, just imagine if this were you or me. And that’s what Trump continually always says, listen, they’re really after you. I’m just in the way.

And I think people now see this very, very clearly, and this is why they have to stop Trump at all costs. And this is why you see all the indictments, all the other cases that are brought up to him. And the latest case that he is in is with E. Jean Carroll, this crazy woman. And Carol, she made stunning admission under questioning about her Trump media tour. She said she did four tv interviews and several podcasts to promote her book because her book wasn’t selling.

And she used Trump inner city Press, put this out on X and said, rK, what’s this, Carol? My text with Carol Martin and her daughter, RK, who is Carol Martin? Carol said, the breakthrough black newswoman. RK, you told her there were no security concerns. Was that true? Carol I didn’t want them to worry. RK, did you promote your book? Switching gears. Sorry, Carol. I did four tv interviews and four or five podcasts.

RK, what did you talk about? Carol the journalist wanted to hear about President Trump. I saw that the book was not selling, so I tried to talk about it. E. Jean Carol admitted in court that the Lincoln projects George Conway, a toxic Denver Trumper, convinced her to sue Trump. So we have George Conway telling her to sue Trump. And then we have Reed Hoffman, a megadonor. He’s part of LinkedIn.

And also he was named in the Epstein files and he is funding E. Jean Carroll’s civil case against Trump. So we have all these Democrats, the uniparty, and everyone else funding E. Jean Carroll’s case to stop Trump. But Trump is letting everyone know that, listen, he doesn’t know her, never met her, has no idea who this woman is. And you can see just by her tweets, there’s something wrong with her? Trump, he put out a couple of them.

E. Jean Carroll, this is 2015. How do you know your unwanted sexual advance is unwanted until you advance it? E. Jean Carroll 2011 would men have invented chastity belts, veils and crocs if women weren’t just unbelievably hot? Honey, you were born to seduce. 2012. E. Jean Carroll in bed. Would you rather be called normal or unusual? E. Jean Carroll 2012 really? Does any woman like performing oral sex on a man? And then here’s E.

Jean Carroll during her interview with CNN, and she tells everyone that everyone thinks that rape is sexy. And she’s speaking to Anderson Cooper and they had to go to commercial. Take a listen. It is a violent assault. It is not. I think most people think of rape as being sexy. Let’s take a short break. Think of the fantasies. We’re going to take a quick break. If you can stick around, we’ll talk more on the other side.

You’re fascinating to talk to. So does anyone really believe that she was raped by Trump? She can’t remember the date, the time, and she hid evidence. I mean, really think about this. Think about if someone was up on murder trials and someone didn’t know the date and time, and they hid evidence, they deleted evidence. I mean, would anyone really believe the person? No, they wouldn’t. And actually, Hoffman’s chief political advisor, Dmitry Melhorn, openly identified their goal as weakening the political power of anti American Trump Maga movement.

So they’re trying to weaken the MAGA movement. They’re trying to put paint Trump in a bad light. They’re interfering in the election, and all of this is made up. Trump, he responded to this on truth. He said, I’ve said it once, I’ll say it again a thousand times. Until this ridiculous hoax was revealed to me by the fake news media, I never heard of E. Jean Carroll, never had anything to do with her, never would want to have anything to do with her, never brought her into a locked changing room of a crowded New York City department store directly opposite the checkout booth and never touched her or in any way would want to touch her.

The whole story is made up and disgusting hoax. Like the now fully discredited Russia, Russia, Russia hoax and all the others. This one is also conceived, funded, and carried out by the Democrat political operatives like her lawyer, who I just beat in another scam case, Roberta Kaplan, plaguette Reed Hoffman, a major Democrat donor who is funding this witch hunt or craze, George Conway, who lost his wonderful wife Kellyanne to another and has gone completely nuts.

Judge Kaplan knows this and all about the fake dress, but don’t let it be revealed. Broken justice and during cross examination by Trump’s lawyer, Alina Haba e Jean Carroll actually admitted she deleted emails under subpoena and Judge Kaplan ran interference for Carol. So this is how it went down. The inner city press on x put this out and said, they’re back. HABA so you deleted the message, then you deleted the trash? CAROL I periodically deleted the trash.

I have an old computer. HABA when did you stop deleting? CAROL during the second lawsuit, the one that went on in May. HAba you said you received death threats daily, but you deleted then until trial. Explain what you mean. Judge Kaplan explain what she means by what. HABA when did you stop deleting death threats? CAROL I had not received how many there were. President Trump’s attorney, Alina Haba, asked Carol if she received a subpoena.

Carol said yes. HABA did you know you had a discovery obligation? CAROL they were just replies. HAba what about messages in your inbox? Did you delete them? CAROL no. Haba so you have the death threats? CAROL I deleted them. Haba so you, Carol’s lawyer, asked and answered. HAba this is a very important question. CARoL’s lawyer I object to the commentary, too. CAROL I may have deleted some emails, too.

I’m not sure. HABA did you give them to your lawyers? Carol said no. HABa why not? CAROL I don’t want to upset them. HABa do you keep the supporting emails? CAROL yes, I tend to delete questions that I know I won’t use, but I have an entire label for supportive emails. HABA do you control your email? Carol said yes. HABA so only you deleted them? Carol said yes.

Haba Miss Carol, are you aware it’s illegal to delete evidence? Carol’s loyal objection. HABA I move for a mistrial. Evidence has been deleted. Judge Kaplan denied and the jury will disregard everything Ms. Haba just said. Trump he responded to this and said this was an amazing day of trial. We learned that E. Jean Carroll is no baby. She admitted on the stand to deleting massive amounts of evidence under subpoena, which is a crime.

Based on that alone, both this trial and the first trial should be immediately dismissed. Additionally, she first admitted to having a gun without a license and then admitted to buying bullets for a rifle, not a handgun, which perhaps makes no sense. Her lawyers went crazy and so did the judge trying to protect her. And this complete and total election interfering witch hunt. So remember, she’s in New York.

She had a weapon. She didn’t have a license. Not only did Judge Kaplan rush to defend E. Jean Carroll, he threatened to kick Trump out of court. And Trump, he didn’t hold back. He said, I would love it. That’s very interesting. But Mike Davis responded to this and said, fact and legal check true. When a party to a lawsuit destroys evidence, even negligently, we can presume the evidence was bad for her.

An intentional destruction of evidence is a very serious offense. Not only should she face having the judge toss her out for this case for her spoilation of evidence, she should also face criminal charges for obstruction of justice. Can you imagine if it was the other way around? I mean, that would just be unbelievable. But here is the part where Trump talked about the gun, and this is from inner city press, and it says, Haba, you have a gun.

Do you have a license? Carol no. Are you aware that you have to have a license? Judge Kaplan, don’t even start. Haba, do you have bullets for the gun? CAROl yes. You live in this state. CArOl yes. So she lives in New York and you need a license in New York. And it looks like Judge Kaplan is actually protecting her. And you can see this is how the two tier justice system works.

And now everyone can see this and it’s becoming clearer and clearer every single day. And think about it. She had a dress. She sent it to the news organizations. So that evidence was spoiled. She’s deleting emails. So she’s obstructing justice right now. And this case should be completely dismissed. And actually, we should go back to the other cases then, because again, what is she doing? She’s not providing any type of evidence.

She doesn’t know the date, the time. She doesn’t have anything. So again, this is a rigged system. And that is what Trump is showing everyone. But what’s very interesting, and Julian’s rum put this out on x. He’s back on x. By the way, it says Trump’s accuser, Eugene Carroll painted her house like Epstein’s temple. So it looks just like Epstein’s temple. That is very interesting, don’t you think? So that tells you everything you need to know.

And you could see that all of this has been made up just like everything else that they have done. Nobody has ever seen any evidence. You hear a lot of propaganda, you hear a lot of hearsay, but you don’t see any documented evidence, especially in the department stores. There’s no videos of Trump walking in and out. They can’t narrow down the date that he was there. She was there.

She doesn’t remember this at all. It makes no sense. And she can’t produce any evidence either. So once again, can you imagine if you were being brought up on murder charges and the person saying, I can’t remember the date, I don’t know what weapon they used. I have no evidence of anything. But that’s the person that did it. Would that hold in a true court of law? No, it would not.

So once again, we’re seeing the two tier justice system and we’re seeing what’s happening at the border. We’re seeing that the deep state players, they’re trying to keep their borders open while telling us that the borders are closed. And they do not like what Texas is doing because they’re shutting down the border. They’re securing the border, and they’re stopping the people from coming in. Now, what did the White House do? Well, the White House and the media, they are spreading a despicable lie to attack Governor Abbott and Texas for daring to defend the border when the Biden administration won’t allow the CBP to do so.

They were disturbed about Texas occupying the federal facilities and booting the CBP and the White House and media. They spread the story that Texas officials prevented the CBP from saving illegal aliens who were drowning near Eagle Pass while trying to enter Texas illegally, despite the fact that this story was untrue. They didn’t stop Democrats like Schiff from spreading the falsehood. And this is what he put out. And he actually deleted his post on x, but this is what it said.

Deliberately stopping border patrol from rescuing a mother and her two children, resulting in preventable and senseless deaths. This is unimaginably cruel and inhumane. Shame on Governor Abbot and Texas legislators for the complicity in such heartbreaking tragedy. The problem is this story is completely fake. And they knew it was fake, but they decided to run with it until it was proven it was fake. Because again, remember, they don’t control the social media platforms.

They don’t control the narrative. Bill Malugan put this on X. This post is false. The Biden admin DOJ confirmed the three migrant drowned an hour before border Patrol even arrived at the gate to inform Texas. The article Schiff link from CBS has been updated with a correction editor’s note with the new info, but Schiff leaves this up. But he finally deleted it. But they just ran with this story.

And did the fake news actually try to find out if this was true or not? No, they were spreading propaganda. They wanted the headlines, they were hoping this was going to stick. But again, people were doing research and they said, no, this is not how it happened. You see, if they controlled the narrative like back in the day, no one would know anything. You would all believe it.

But again, you have people that are actually going up against this. And you could see the deep state players, they are panicking because the uniparty, they need the illegals in this country to maintain control. Josh Howley put this out and said, now DHS is paying leftist academics to create counterpropaganna on immigration, racial justice. And Covid this from the people who brought you the disinformation board. Another reason Mayorkas should be gone.

Sean Davis responded to this and said, mitch McConnell is currently working with Joe Biden and Chuck Schumer to find a way to give the corrupt Majorcas even more money and power. Charlie Kirk put this out and said, schumer will not act to secure us border until GOP funds Ukraine war. They care more about Ukraine than America. Shame. Then Charlie Kirk put this out and said, juck Schumer confirms that Democrats refuse to secure the border unless we agree to a 60 billion shakedown for Ukraine.

There were a couple of people in the room that said, let’s do border first. We said we have to do both together. These people discuss me. Now, really think about this. Remember what they’ve been telling us. Majorcas went in front of Congress. They said the border’s secure. So what are they securing? If the border is already secure, what do they need the money for? See, they’re just using this to get the money for Ukraine.

So he lied to Congress. Now they’re lying to the american people because their story doesn’t make any sense. And they’re not going to secure the border. They’re going to take this money and send it to Ukraine. That’s what they really want. And again, Trump set them up from the very, very beginning. Remember, he’s a builder. He knows how long it takes to build a wall. And he left every, remember, everything was paid for.

He left everything there. And he said all Biden has to do is finish the wall and keep the border secure. He knew he would do the opposite. He knew that he wouldn’t finish the wall. He knew that he would make the border completely open. He wanted the people to see this. This was done on purpose, people, so you would wake up and actually see that we need a secure border.

Again, he told everyone, if you vote for Biden, you’re going to have a border that is completely open. And he’s going to let everyone in here and remember those people that said, I don’t believe that. There’s no way that’s going to happen. We want an open border. Well, now look at New York City. Now look at Chicago. All these people are starting to figure it out. They’re starting to realize, hey, he was right.

But again, it couldn’t be told to the people because you just wouldn’t believe it. It had to be shown. And I don’t mean those people that are awake. I’m talking about the DS. I’m talking about all these people that said, no, open the borders. Let them all in. We don’t care who they are. Well, that’s as stupid as anything because, listen, do you keep your door to your house open and you let anyone in? No, you don’t.

You would never just let anyone off the street in your house and sleep there, especially if you have children. Remember, this country is our home. We have every right to stop people at the border and say, listen, are you a criminal? I like to do a background check because I really don’t want a murder in here. I really don’t want a drug trafficker in here. I really don’t want terrorists in this country running around killing people.

It’s the same thing with your home. This is our home. It’s not DHS home. It’s not the FBI home. It’s the people’s home. Well, Trump, he put this out on truth. He said the following. I do not think we should do a border deal at all unless we get everything needed to shut down. The invasion of millions and millions of people, many from parts unknown, into our once great but soon to be great again country.

Also, I have no doubt that our wonderful speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, will only make a deal that is perfect on the border. Remember, without strong borders and honest elections, we don’t have a country. You think he’s linking what’s happening at the border to the elections? Absolutely. And I just want to go back to post 3016. This is March 2019. It says the following. The real reason they want open borders, follow the maps.

Illegal immigrants first, Americans last. They are afraid of losing power forever. They should be. Welcome to the d party. This post was put out in 2019. I think this explains it all. And then we have James O’Keefe. He decided to go undercover and it looks like he has exposed the Red Cross. And he put this ad on x. He said the following, I’m your father. O’Keefe media exposes secret elitist facility at 1150 West Drexel in Tucson as well as elitis Angeles, located at 112 park inside the old bank building.

We just followed the trail, the migrant vans right to the source. Visiting the Arizona border town of Nagales, where we encountered some of the rude and suspicious elitist angels, NGO workers who once again called the police on us. A volunteer with the American Red Cross who wouldn’t give us his name tried to prevent us from filming outside a migrant facility and kept sticking his hand over our camera.

Then when we questioned a volunteer with the NGO, she said, I am your father and stormed off. Nogalese police officers showed up and questioned us after elitis and Red Cross workers falsely accused of us of using racial slurs, inhibiting their movement. We tried to get the officer’s first name, but he refused to give it. When we did a Freedom of Information act request for the body cam footage, we were told Nagales police don’t use them.

So this is very interesting and it looks like the Red Cross is involved in this and Elon Musk says the Red Cross is supporting illegal immigration. James O’Keefe said. Elon Musk here Red Cross is working right alongside Elita’s, putting illegal immigrants on buses and shipping them to locations in Tucson where they are then shipped to Phoenix Sky harbor. Also, the Red Cross are the first in at child camps.

They leave once an NGO is contracted. So remember going back in time, post 1249. This is April 23, 2018. It said Red Cross in Iran, Red Cross in Pakistan, Red Cross North Korea. Red Cross dot dot dot defines smuggle, what is smuggled, what funds are used to pay for the goods. These people are sick, relevant to events about to unfold. Follow the executive orders. And Trump has a lot of executive orders where he discusses human trafficking, child trafficking.

So it looks like the Red Cross is involved in all of this and actually the taxpayers are paying for child trafficking, human trafficking. Let’s talk about protecting ourselves online. One of the big four mobile carriers has quietly updated their terms of service to include fines for content they don’t agree with. That means starting now, they will find users who commit perceived violations using their cell phone bandwidth. These fines will be as high as $500 per violation, and what’s worse is there is no clear understanding of what content will or won’t be deemed as against their rules.

This is why I highly recommend and use virtual shield. Virtual shield is a military grade vpn that helps allow me to browse the web without the prying eyes of my mobile carrier, Internet service provider, or cybercriminals my Internet data is encrypted in just two clicks. Plus, my personal data is even safer with Virtual Shield’s online data removal service and built in id monitoring that comes with up to 1 million in identity theft protection insurance, ensuring my identity is helped protected by the best.

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They’re trafficking people and children, and there’s a lot of children that are missing. Think about that for a second. But you could see that again, this has been going on for a very long time, but behind the scenes, and now the people, they could see this very, very clearly, and they could see what’s happening. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting, and Representative Jordan put this out and said, we now know the federal government flagged terms like MAGA and Trump to financial institutions.

If Americans completed transactions using those terms, what was also flagged? If you bought a religious text like a Bible or shopped at Bass Pro shop. So really think about what they were doing. They were tracking people. This is just absolutely unbelievable. And then the weaponization committee put this out and says, chairman Jim Jordan Subpoenas, director of national intelligence Avril Haynes for documents and communications and big tech investigation, ODNI has failed to produce a single document requested by judiciary, GOP and weaponization.

So they don’t want to hand anything over. But you can see the deep state players. They are now panicking over information because they don’t want people thinking for themselves. They don’t want people doing their own research. And again, you can see that this is what they’re most afraid of, because the people that are doing their own research, the people that are thinking for themselves, those people that are debunking what the deep state puts out there, these people are awake.

And yes, it started with a very small group in the very, very beginning, but now it has grown and grown and grown. And you can see out in Iowa how many people believe the 2020 elections are a rig. They believe that Biden is going after Trump. It’s election interference. It’s a political hit job. And you can see that this is hurting them. How do you know it’s hurting them? Well, all you got to do is look at the fake news and they tell you everything you need to know.

This is how you know you’re winning every step of the way. This is how you know people are awake. You don’t put these headlines, these articles out there unless people are doing what they don’t want them to do. So n wokeness put this out and pointed to the Washington Post. New York Times motherboard informs. And yes, there are many other fake news outlets out there because they all get the same drop at 04:00 a.

m. But let me just read the headlines from the Washington Post. Doing your own research is a good way to end up being wrong. New York Times. Don’t go down the rabbit hole. Critical thinking as we’re taught to do it isn’t helping in the fight against misinformation. Motherboard scientists explain why doing your own research leads to believing conspiracies. Scientists. Oh, is this peer reviewed? Oh, absolutely not. Forbes.

Why doing your own research may make you believe fake news. So who’s really winning the battle here? Who’s really in control of the information that’s coming out today? It’s not the deep state. The deep state’s panicking over the people that are actually doing their own research and thinking logically. This tells you who has the upper hand. And who has the upper hand. It’s the Patriots. It’s we the people.

They don’t put articles out like this unless they’re losing, because if they have control, they don’t have to convince you of anything. When you’re losing control, that’s when you have to convince the people. And you could see they’re becoming more and more desperate as time goes on, especially as all their gun control laws are now falling apart. Jonathan Turley put this out on x and said the third circuit just delivered a major win for gun rights in striking down Pennsylvania’s bar on 18 to 20 year old adults carrying a loaded firearm.

The court held such laws would make the constitutional right to bear arms in public for self defense, a second class right subject to an entirely different body of rules than the other Bill of rights guarantees. This is a reversal of Judge Stickman in 2021, who ruled that restrictions on people younger than 21 fall within the types of longstanding and presumptively lawful regulations envisioned by Heller and thus fall outside the scope of the Second Amendment.

The third Circuit two to one decision is likely to be appealed and could present a promising case for the Supreme Court review, both the district court and the appellate opinions are comprehensive and well reasoned. Despite their opposing conclusions, the case would illuminate the permissible limits on the right after Heller and Bruin. And it looks like they’re having a very difficult time. And I’m talking about the deep state players because everything that they’re trying to do is turning out to be unconstitutional.

I do believe this is going to be unconstitutional too, because the second amendment is very, very clear. And I do believe when you go back in time, think about all our founding fathers. How old were they when they were fighting the revolution? Think about when they actually wrote this. Most of these individuals were 16. 1718, 1920. So once again, this is going to backfire on them just like everything else.

Now, the other thing that’s very interesting, it looks like the FBI thwarted a false flag operation here and this person was arrested on January twelveth. You think this would have been a distraction for the deep state players? I do believe they were trying to use this to distract the people from what was going on in Iowa. But once again, this failed. Andy. No. Put this out and said last week the FBI arrested an Oregon trans neo Nazi Latina who allegedly made plans to carry out a mass shooting.

I’ve had it up to here being bullied by transphobic assholes. I am left with no alternative. I probably have to go out in a blaze of glory. The trans indigenous latino neo Nazi arrested by the FBI for allegedly making threats of a mass shooting against transphobes, jews and blacks had a cache of weapons at Oregon home. Elizabeth Balesteros west had eleven handguns and 16 rifles. The suspect was previously named Francisco Frank Paramo and is currently booked into the Lane County, Oregon jail as a female.

So this was stopped. And this person was arrested on January twelveth. And it looked like this person was going to have a huge mass shooting to distract everyone, but it was completely and utterly shut down. Now, the other thing that we’ve come to find out, and this happened in Guatemala. And Rick Ganell explains, he says, and there it is, the conservative president of Guatemala who left office last Sunday and was replaced by a far left progressive with help of the State Department, has now been sanctioned and designated corrupt.

Dr. Giamatti is the central American leader who refused to go to Joe Biden’s summit of the Americas in Los Angeles and who begged the White House for help to combat the illegal immigrant invasion coming through his country to the United States. Biden Harris refused to help. Conservatives around the world are being targeted by Biden’s team, they don’t just do it in the US. This is a scandal and is ruining our credibility around the world.

Yes, they need to shut down anyone that opposes them. And you can see this as clear as day in Brazil. They went down, they relieved Lulu from prison. Then all of a sudden, he was able to run in the elections against Bolsonaro. Bolsonaro had crowds like you’ve never seen before, just like Trump. But again, they cheated in the election and they gave the election to a criminal because that’s what criminals do.

And you can see that as more and more people figure it out and more and more people see what’s going on, and more and more people do their own research. And this is what the fake news, the deep state players don’t want you to do and the World Economic Forum doesn’t want you to do, because they’re combating the truth, they’re combating free speech. You could see that more and more people are starting to understand who the real criminals are.

And that’s what this is all about. It’s about exposing the criminals. And this is why the deep state players are going to bring us to war. This is what they’re trying to do. And I do believe Trump has set them down a path where they will use an event because he just let the central bank know that once he’s elected, there will be no central bank digital currency.

So what do they have to do? Well, they got to make sure that he’s not elected. And how do you do that? Yes, you can cheat an election, but what happens if you don’t have the ability to cheat on a scale where a lot of the american people are voting for Trump? What happens if you can’t shut it down long enough to create all those ballots? What happens if you don’t have enough illegals in this country? What happens if you don’t have a pandemic? Well, then you have to do something else to make sure that he’s not reelected.

And I do believe that is the attack. Now, there might be something else that happens, but you could tell that they’re going to push this very hard. And you can see they’re starting war right now. The US has launched a fourth strike on the Houtis in Yemen. And reporters were asking Biden about the strikes in Yemen. And Biden says the US airstrikes in Yemen do not stop the houtis, but they will continue.

So what are we doing there then, if it’s not stopping the hooties? This sounds like Obama. Well, we can’t stop ISIS. They’re too powerful, too strong. We’ll just keep bombing them, but they’ll expand. Does that make any sense? Trump came right in and said, okay, military, you pick out the targets, destroy ISIS. He did this in a very short period of time. But yesterday we talked about how Iran fired a missile into Pakistan and killed children.

Pakistan has now struck Iran. And Iran now is reporting that they have seven casualties, including children. So here we go, where now countries are firing missiles back and forth. And you can see that a war, multiple wars are starting. And that’s what a world war is, where you have many countries joining into this. And now we have NATO, who’s planning to mobilize 90,000 soldiers for the biggest military exercise since the end of the Cold War.

And it’s called steadfast defender 2024. It will start on January 22 and run through May. So they’re getting prepared and ready for all this. And remember, the Biden administration decided that the hooties, they weren’t terrorists. Remember, Trump said, no, these are terrorists. And I do believe they probably removed this designation because, no, no, we can’t have them as terrorists. Well, the US central Command put this out on x and said today, in response to these continuing threats and attacks, the United States announced the designation of Ansarala, also known as the hooties, as a specially designated global terrorist.

So now they are terrorists. They weren’t terrorists. Now they are. Hmm. That’s very interesting. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is that the OsInt defender put this out on x and said, several us defense officials have stated today that there is intelligence that the houti terrorist group in Yemen is planning imminent attack against us base in Bahrain, Djibouti, and the United States Arab armit, as well as on us naval ships in the Red Sea as retaliation for the joint strikes on January 11 by the United States and Britain.

So it looks like we already have something about to happen. And I wouldn’t be surprised if we see some type of an attack here in the United States, because once again, we know that there are terrorists in this country. And I believe there won’t be any warning saying, oh, there’s a terrorist attack coming. There’s usually, when they give a warning, nothing ever happens. It usually happens without the warning.

So when there’s no warning, I do believe we’re going to see something happen here in the United States, and this is going to actually destroy the open borders, just like everything else is destroying the open borders. Because when you see the reality of it. Well, that’s when people start to wake up. And yes, the whole point of this is to wake up those people that believe we should have open borders.

And it’s also to wake up the DS. A lot of the Republicans are already on the side and the independents are already on the side that, no, we need to shut down the borders. We need to secure them. A lot of the ds are still under the impression that this should be wide open. But I believe soon this is going to change. And what’s very interesting is that we know that the deep state players, they’re always telling us that Trump is aligned with Putin.

Putin’s a killer. He’s a killer. And you hear this all from the corrupt politicians. You hear it from the fake news. And yes, has Putin done this? Of course he has. But they’re pretending that the CIA, the deep state players in this country didn’t do the exact same thing. And what’s very interesting is that Bill O’Reilly was asking, know, you think Putin’s a killer? Well, listen to Trump’s answer.

This is very telling. A lot of killers. A lot of killers. Well, you think our country’s so innocent? Do you think our country’s so innocent? I don’t know of any government leaders that are killers. Take a look at what we’ve done. We’ve made a lot of mistakes. I’ve been against the war in Iraq from the beginning. Mistakes are different then. A lot of mistakes. Okay. But a lot of people were killed.

So a lot of killers around. So he let everyone know. Yeah, they’re killers. In this country, that tells you everything you need to know. What does he know? Well, remember, he saw all the classified information. Now we know the deep state players, they’re going to do whatever they possibly can to cheat in the election. They are already telling us about disease X. And really think about the open borders right now.

Julian’s Roman X put this out and said an easy way to spread disease x is with open borders. So what happens if they infect all these people coming over with the disease that they want and they are carriers and the people are just coming over the border. There’s no test, there’s nothing. And all of a sudden people start to get sick or something happens where it scares the population again.

Who’s to blame? Oh, it looks like Biden again with his open border policy. Do you think they would shut the borders at this point? No, I do believe it’s all going to go back to that. But they won’t shut the borders because they need the illegals to cheat in the election. So this is going to be very interesting how this all plays out. Just like it’s very interesting about Fanny Willis and her case.

Paul Bedard put this out and said Fannie Willis has lost the public support. Most tell Rasmussen poll she is compromised and should drop Trump prosecution and a majority believe the ethics charge against her allegations of office romance and lavish taxpayer funded vacations. Now what’s very interesting is that Marjorie Taylor Green requested to criminally investigate Fulton county attorney Fanny Willis for corruption and Governor Kemp dismissed Representative Marjorie Taylor Green’s request.

So what did he do? Well, since he did this, it looks like Willis will be able to continue interfering in the 2024 presidential election by prosecuting Trump. So once again, they don’t want her investigated. They have certain blocks in place. And yes, Kemp is part of this same thing with Raffensberger. And you can see they don’t want her to stop because what happens if she is taken off the case? And it turns out that, yes, there was election interference.

They rigged the elections in Georgia and Kemp was involved in this, Raffensberger was involved in this. They were all involved in this. Remember, to cheat in an election on the magnitude that they cheated, it has to be a coordinated effort. It just can’t be one person throwing the switch. So there are many, many people that were involved in this, just like there’s many people involved right now trying to get Trump off the ballot, which is absolutely ridiculous because the 14th amendment, section three, does not apply to Trump.

But it looks like the main superior court ruled that no Trump can stay on the ballot. And Trump responded to this in a statement and said today’s main superior court ruled to keep Trump’s name on the ballot pending a decision from the Supreme Court of the United States in the Colorado case. This is a correct action and we remain steadfast in our opposition to these bad faith shams.

Trump is confident that we will ultimately prevail with a fair ruling on the issues in front of the Supreme Court in states across the country. Cricket Joe Biden and his Democrat apparatchics, through source funding front groups, have weaponized the institutions of government to interfere in the upcoming election and disenfranchise over 100 million voters. The Democrats are desperate to cling to power to any means necessary. We will not stop finding the remaining bogus bad faith 14 amendment ballot challenges, and President Trump looks forward to winning the state of Maine later this year, being reelected in November.

And he will make America great again, and he absolutely will but we could see that again, the Uni party, they have Nikki Haley in place. And yes, she is part of the Uni party. The Ds are involved in this. And actually, Trump kind of tells us that that’s exactly what’s happening. He says the radical left Democrats are supporting Nikki Haley because they know she is much easier to beat.

Yes, they would like her in that position. And then Biden would have no problem beating Nikki Haley and then they can continue with their operation. And this is why they’re supporting Nikki Haley. This is why I do believe that Trump is actually having DeSantis keep the establishment, stay in the race and put a lot of pressure and keep the votes divided so Nikki Haley doesn’t get the votes.

See, I believe the deep state players didn’t know which of these candidates were going to make it. Like Chris Crispy, Nikki Haley, Asa Hutchinson, they might have had some idea, but they threw all these people into the mix. And now there’s Nikki Haley that is left and that’s all they have left. And they are trying whatever they possibly can do to keep her in the race. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is we know that Biden is not going to be able to make it into the 2024 election.

I do believe they’re going to be taking him out and I do believe they’re going to be bringing in Michelle Obama because there is no other Newsom, Pritzker, all the others. They just don’t have the popularity. A lot of people hate them. Their states are failing. People are seeing crime, they’re seeing economic disasters. It doesn’t look good for these states. So you need someone that is not involved in all this.

And that’s pretty darn popular with a lot of the people. I would have to say that is Michelle Obama. Then does that mean that Trump won’t have a chance whatsoever? No, because once you bring them front and center, what happens? You are able to produce a lot of information that paints them in a bad light, just like Biden right now. Think about all the information that has come out against him.

Think about what the people have learned. I do believe this is exactly what Trump and the patriots want to do to the Obamas. But Barack Obama, he puts something out that’s very, very interesting on x because it’s Michelle Michael’s birthday and it says, this is what 60 looks like. Happy birthday to my better half, who happens to be one of the funniest, smartest and most beautiful people I know.

Michelle Obama, you make every day better. I can’t wait to see what this new decade brings you. So isn’t it interesting that he said the following, the smartest, most beautiful people I know didn’t say woman I know. Why did he use the word people? I mean, if anyone’s talking about their wife, you would say, this is the smartest woman I know. You wouldn’t say, this is the smartest people I know.

That doesn’t make any sense. So what does that tell you? I think people are starting to understand. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is that Trump, he likes to throw in little words here and there during his speeches, and if you catch it, you start to understand exactly what’s going on. And Joe Rambo put this out, and it’s Trump talking about Joe Biden as resident. And he actually said that he is at a reduced level.

Take a listen. And I always remember that that was a long time ago, 2025 years ago, long prior to his death, actually. But he said probably Joe. Who’s Joe? Joe Biden. So this is what we have. And now he’s our president. And now he’s our president at a reduced level. Okay. At a reduced know. We’re dealing with the most complex and most powerful weapons in the world, and we have a man that has no idea what he’s doing.

And I do believe what he’s talking about. He’s talking about that he doesn’t have the same power as a real president. Why would that be? Because he is not really in charge. I do believe Trump is. He’s the commander in chief. The insurrection happened on November 3. It was completed on January 6. Trump took control of the country. He’s the commander in chief. Were under military doctrine, continuity of government.

Because we were attacked, the government was overthrown. I do believe he has the resident in position to wake the population up to make them think. And you can see it’s working because the fake news is out there with all their articles telling you not to do it. That tells you you need to do it. And I think they’re panicking right now. But Trump, it looks like he’s setting the narrative right now, telling the deep state players, you need to remove Biden, because sooner or later, the people are going to demand Biden actually take a cognitive test and probably a physical test.

And Trump keeps digging and digging this into them. He was talking out in New Hampshire, and he said that I actually feel better now than I did 30 years ago, that his cognitive health is fantastic. His physical health is fantastic, and this is complete opposite of Biden. So a lot of people are going to say, oh, yeah, let’s prove it to him. Let’s show Trump that his physical and cognitive abilities are just as good.

Well, you know what’s going to happen. It’s going to fail. And I do believe Trump is actually continually pushing this. And yes, the deep state players are going to actually try to take him out this way. And we can see it’s building and building and building. Now we know that the deep state players are going after Trump’s presidential immunity. And Trump, he put this out on truth. He said the following.

A president of the United States must have full immunity, without which it would be impossible for him or her to properly function. Any mistakes, even in well attended, would be met with almost certain indictment by the opposing party at term end. Even events that cross the line must fall under total immunity, or it will be years of trauma trying to determine good from bad. There must be certainty.

Example, you can’t stop the police from doing the job of strong and effective crime prevention because you want to guard against the occasional road cop or bad apple. Sometimes you just have to live with great but slightly imperfect. All presidents must have complete and total presidential immunity or authority and decisiveness of a president of the United States will be stripped and gone forever. Hopefully, this will be an easy decision.

God bless the Supreme Court. So let’s see how the Supreme Court plays this, because once again, is Trump really trying to say that the president actually needs immunity? Just like he said, I don’t want to hand over my taxes. Does he want the deep state to make the case to remove presidential immunity? Let’s see how this plays out. This is going to be very interesting. But Trump, he let us know in New Hampshire that we need to set the tone.

We need to let the deep state know we’re coming. Take a listen. You got to go out. We need big margins. And look how strong that looked. Because we have to set the tone for November. We have to let them know we’re coming. And yes, by doing this, the deep state’s going to know that he has the people every step of the way. Remember, we’re in a war.

And yes, it’s an information war. And I do believe the deep state players are going to bring us into a physical war. But actually, Vivek actually on stage with Trump, lets everyone know that we are in the middle of war. He says, we’re in the middle of a war in this country right now. We need a commander in chief who will lead us to victory. So, yes, Trump is that commander in chief.

And remember, this is not about a four year election. It’s not politics as usual. See, this is where everyone’s getting a little confused. This is a war. This is about exposing the deep state system. This is about taking back the country. And I do believe this post explains it all. This is post 24 94, November 20, 2018. It says the election was not about fixing the economy, trade, borders, military, protecting our children, et cetera.

Also, another corrupt politician or insider can simply undo it. Band aid. Didn’t everyone just see that? Trump, what did he do? Made the country energy independent. He brought industry back. Inflation was very low. People had jobs. The wars were ended. What did Biden do? He reversed all of it. That was a Band aid fix. So it wasn’t just about fixing things. Let me continue. This was not simply another four year election, but a crossroads into the history of our civilization that will determine whether or not we, the people, reclaim control over our government.

That’s what this is all about. We are fighting the second revolution. We’re fighting for our freedom. We’re fighting to remove the tyranical government, just like our forefathers fought to remove the British from this country. And remember, they were the government, the king, the queen, just like these people who took over. They infiltrated our country, and they’re here today. And I do believe Thomas Jefferson said it perfectly. Sun Tsu put this out on x and said, when once a republic is corrupted, there is no possibility of remedying any of the growing evils.

But by removing the corruption and restoring its lost principles, every other correction is either useless or a new evil. We are at that point. We need to expose the corruption. We need to remove it. We need to drive them out. And that’s exactly what this is about. Trump spent the first four years planning it, making sure everything was in place, planning continuity of government. The deep state players, they had the insurrection.

Trump took over, put the resident in place to wake the people up so the people could learn that the infiltration has happened in this country, and they do nothing to benefit the people. They’re completely against us, and they’re completely corrupt. They’re criminals. And now moving into 2024 and the election, it’s time to remove these people. And I do believe we’re at that point. And I do believe Trump is sending the message.

The people are sending the message. The tone has been sent, and the deep state understands where all of this is going. Why? Because the patriots are in control. Listen, everyone. Thanks a lot for listening. Be well, be safe, and especially be prepared. Thanks a lot. The close. .

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