Ep 3255b-[WEF]/[DS] Panics Over Anti-System MovementTide Is TurningRetribution Will Be Our Success

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➡ Dave, in episode 3255 B dated January 11, 2024, reports on the growing antisystem movement which the World Economic Forum and deep state players are panicking over. Amid global health concerns and political turmoil, Dave advocates for personal health preparedness with the wellness company’s medical emergency kit and discusses the relentless attempts of the deep state to maintain control, describing the situation as a battle against a tyrannical government.
➡ The Oversight Committee has passed a resolution recommending fining Hunter Biden for disregarding a subpoena. Public opinion perceives increasing evidence of the Biden family’s involvement in financial crimes and potential corruption, leading to decreased approval ratings. A potential shift in political power and leadership is expected as there is increasing scrutiny over Biden’s administration and allegations surrounding Hunter Biden, potentially impacting Biden’s future election campaign. The situation sheds light on apparent disparities in the justice system and raises concerns about possible political interference in legal processes. The text also suggests an impending large-scale change in the political landscape as citizens grow more aware and critical.
➡ The exclusion of Speaker Johnson from border security negotiations could lead to GOP being blamed for border issues, offering a political win to Biden and Democrats. This deal might not solve the border surge problem and is seen as a set-up for GOP failure. In contrast, Trump plans for major deportations, emphasizing existing laws to address illegal immigration. Meanwhile, misinformation is becoming a critical concern for the World Economic Forum. Gun control prospects in states like California and Oregon are looking grim. The geopolitical tensions are also on the rise, with feared conflicts surrounding Taiwan, China, North Korea and in the Middle East.
➡ The text discusses a potential escalation towards war, presumably involving the U.S., with suggestions that former President Trump anticipated such a move from his political adversaries. This perceived plan includes actions that disrupt democratic processes, like elections. Additionally, the text criticizes responses to COVID-19, questioning the scientific basis of safety measures and pointing out alternative treatments the author believes were intentionally buried. Lastly, it highlights the rise of collagen supplements and their purported benefits, concludes with criticism of the World Economic Forum’s anticipation of a more deadly “Disease X,” and hints at resistance against political and social systems.
➡ The Ohio House overrides a bill which intended to enable transgender girls to participate in girls and women’s sports; the decision forms part of a national debate surrounding the use of hormone treatments and surgery for children diagnosed with gender dysphoria. Meanwhile, President Trump’s trial is highlighted as biased; the lack of victims and the rescinded permission for Trump to present closing arguments underpin a narrative of corruption in the system. Accusations of collusion between the prosecution and the Biden White House stoke further controversy. Concurrently, efforts to disqualify Trump from the 2024 ballot, led by an individual facing numerous felony charges, are viewed as part of ongoing attempts to cancel Trump. Trump also answers accusations of accepting foreign funding by differentiating between business transactions and illicit payments for state secrets.
➡ In his defense against an emoluments lawsuit, the subject maintained that the money in question was from legitimate business transactions for hotel stays and was largely given to the treasury. The business was held in trust and no money was personally received. He is also critical of those like Liz Cheney, seen as turncoats within his party, and expects many to drop out of the presidential race due to lack of support. The subject also spotted a significant shift in party affiliations, particularly among blue-collar Democrats, with an emphasis on the need for government ID and in-person voting for future elections. He also revealed that a Vice Presidential candidate has been selected, but did not disclose who.
➡ The text discusses possible Vice President candidates for a hypothetical nominee, highlighting a strong possibility in General Flynn due to his military experience and resilience. The discussion shifts to examine the concept of retribution, distinguishing it from revenge, and suggesting that it signifies people voting out the offending individuals and legally prosecuting them under new leadership, with a focus on adherence to the rule of law and restoration of the nation towards success.


Report. My name is Dave and this episode 3255 B. And today’s date is January 11, 2024. And the title of the episode is. World Economic Forum. Deep state panics over antisystem movement. Tide is turning. Retribution will be our success. Let’s talk about protecting our health. Recent clusters of respiratory illness in northern China, alongside outbreaks of what is being referred to as white lung syndrome in the United States, are scattered across headlines right now, drawing attention to the importance of being prepared for medical emergencies.

With close to 90% of pharmaceuticals in the US produced outside of the US, what happens when the next global crisis strikes? Countries clamp down on exports. They stockpile, the price of drugs rise, and the pharmacy shelves in America aren’t empty. Introducing the wellness company medical emergency kit. The wellness company is home to Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Drew Pinsky, Dr. Jim Thorpe, and Truth telling doctors who are rooted in their commitment to building a parallel health care system and empowering you to take control of your health in a time when over 40% of Americans say they would avoid a doctor or hospital unless it was a catastrophic situation, the wellness company’s medical emergency kit provides a solution.

This kit includes eight potentially life saving medications for you to keep on hand, along with a guidebook detailing instructions for safe use. This medical emergency kit includes emergency antibiotics, antivirals, antiparasitics like amoxicillin, ZPAC, and ivermectin to help keep you and your family safe in the face of natural disasters, supply chain shortages, or medical emergencies like white lung or Covid. Be prepared for the unexpected. Go to TWC Health x 22 and grab your medical emergency kit right now.

That’s TWC Health x 22. Code x 22 saves you 10% at checkout. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Take control of your health with wellness company’s medical emergency kit. Let’s get into the economic collapse. Political and geopolitical news now. The deep state, the corrupt politicians, big tech fake news, the puppet masters. You can see the deep state players right now. They are panicking because they’re doing whatever they possibly can to keep Trump out of the elections.

But every step of the way, it has completely failed, and it will continue to fail. And we see the deep state players. They’re starting to realize that the people of this country and the people around the world, they are now waking up. And the people, well, they’re pushing against the system that they want. And you can see the World Economic Forum, the deep state players, they are now panicking over this, and they’re calling it an anti system movement.

And they’re letting everyone know they can’t stop this movement. What does that mean? That means they’re going to have to take this to the next level. How do they stop people from waking up? How do they stop people from moving away from what they want? They need to use events, that’s how. And you could see, this is exactly what they’re going to do. Because when you look at the people of this country, you can see the people of this country, they are now thinking logically.

They understand what’s going on. And even those Democrats, those individuals who are siding with Biden, they’re actually now looking at Trump. And now the tide is turning, and there’s nothing the deep state can do. They will try, don’t get me wrong, they will try to the very, very end. Because remember, they can’t allow Trump to win the election. They can’t allow the people to have a choice. We are fighting against the tyranical government, which is part of the world corrupt system.

It’s one gigantic criminal syndicate. And I think the people of this country and the people of the world, they’re seeing this as clear as day now, because they are fighting against everything the people want, and they continue to do it. They don’t care if they’re following the rule of law. They don’t care if they’re following the rules. They don’t care anymore. And this is what’s very important. I do believe Trump and the patriots, he wanted, and the people behind him, they wanted everyone to see how they will not follow the rule of law.

They will do whatever they possibly can to get Trump. And that really shows you who they really are. And every step of the way, this is exactly what you’re seeing. You’re seeing the deep state push and push and push. And as they become desperate, what do they do? They do not follow the rule of law. They lie, they cheat. They are criminals. And they will continue to do this to the very, very end.

And this is why the people are moving towards Trump, because the people, they’re not stupid. They understand what’s going on. They realize it. They realize who the criminals are. They realize that, yes, the Biden family, they’re a criminal syndicate family. They’re running a criminal enterprise. And I think the people see this now. But what’s very interesting, we can see that the deep state players, as they become more and more desperate, as they try to stop Trump, they’re going to do more and more stupid things.

And it looks like that’s exactly what they’re doing now. They will most likely have major, major events. They will do whatever they possibly can to punish the people for thinking logically, to punish the people for moving away from their system. They don’t like a population that is no longer brainwashed because what do you do with those people? You can’t control them anymore. So now they’re in bad shape.

And yes, to bring everyone back into their system, they’re going to try to scare the people, just like they did it with COVID They used Covid to cheat in the election. They scared the world into doing what they wanted. Even though it wasn’t backed in science, it wasn’t backed in anything, actually. It was one gigantic statistical hoax. They’re going to do it once again and they’re going to try many different events.

And we can hear already the World Economic Forum, they’re talking about disease x, this unknown virus. Well, again, if it’s unknown, how do they know about it? And when that doesn’t work and the people don’t buy, because I do believe people are hardened from what happened with COVID Now, yes, there’s going to be a lot of blue states that just going to go along with this and people who wear their masks and everything like that, but the people that are awake and thinking logically, they’re not going to go along with this, especially around the world, they’re not falling for the same trick, which means they will try this, they will push it.

But when people start to realize, hey, nobody’s getting sick, nothing’s happening here, what’s going on here? No one is going to buy what they’re selling, which means they’re going to try something else. Remember, they need to stop Trump at all costs. And by doing this, they’re going to show their hand and the people are going to see this. Now, we’re going to be talking a lot more about this a little bit later, but first, let’s talk about what’s happening with the Trump family.

It looks like Melania’s mother. She has passed away. And our condolences go out to the Trump family. And she did put out a post on and says, it is with deep sadness that I announced the passing of my beloved mother. Amelia was a strong woman who always carried herself with grace, warmth and dignity. She was entirely devoted to her husband, daughter’s grandson and son in law. We will miss her beyond measure and continue to honor and love her legacy.

Absolutely. Now, just yesterday, we had Hunter Biden. He came into court acting like he was above the law, and he stormed out of the court and made a real gigantic ruckus. But again, this is what the criminals do. They believe they’re above the law. And remember, over and over and over, we had all these criminals, all these corrupt people continually saying that Trump is not above the law.

And now when people see this and they see what this individual has done, they now think logically and they go, holy crap, they think they’re above the law. The oversight committee put this out and is referring to the House judiciary GOP. And it says Kevin Morris joined Hunter Biden today for this stunt. Morris is making a documentary on Hunter. Was today’s charade done for the film? Absolutely. And once again, who was Hunter Biden’s number one art buyer? Well, this guy, Kevin Morris.

Representative James Comer put this out and said the following. The president’s son isn’t above the law. Hunter willful refusal to comply with the committee’s subpoenas is a criminal act. All Americans must be treated equal under the law, and that includes the Bidens. But again, the people need to see the truth. The people need to see exactly what they’re doing. And as they continually push back and say, listen, we don’t have to sit here.

We don’t have to cooperate. We don’t have to do any of these things. It shows everyone the two tiered justice of system, and it’s very, very easy to see now. And it’s becoming clearer and clearer every single day. So what did the oversight committee do? Well, they passed a resolution recommending the House representatives fine Hunter Biden in contempt of Congress for defying a lawful subpoena. So right now, we can see that the people of this country, remember, we’re dealing with the court of public opinion.

Forget about the FBI DOJ. They’re going to do absolutely nothing. What we’re seeing is how the criminals react when they’re brought in. Remember, they’ve been protected for a very, very long time. Remember the DOJ, the FBI, DHS, the reporters, the fake news, the corrupt politicians, they’re all there to protect the criminals, to run cover for the criminals. But the problem now is that Trump, he used these last four years to wake the people up.

And when you wake the people up, they’re able to think logically, and they just don’t go along with the narrative because they look for information in all different places. And that’s exactly what is happening right now. Paul Sperry put this out and said, investigators say they are in the process of securing documentation that Joe Biden also benefited financially from his sons and brothers’business dealings through his and the first lady’s real estate holdings.

So basically, their entire world is starting to crumble down around them. And as the fake news would say, the walls are closing in, which means they’re going to be pushing Biden out. And I do believe this is why he had the meeting with Obama, because, again, can this individual stay in this position? Absolutely not. Because there’s more and more evidence coming out. His poll numbers are in the dirt.

And as people see more of this and they see what’s happening with Hunter, the people see how they’re a criminal family, and that means their poll numbers are going to drop like a rock, like we’ve never seen before, which means they’re going to have to bring somebody else in. And I do believe Trump, the patriots, they exactly want this. They want the real person who’s been orchestrating a lot of this.

He’s the conductor, let’s say, of everything that we’re seeing, the 16 year plan, and I do believe the people, they need to see for themselves. Who are the treasonous actors? Who has been infiltrating this country? Who is trying to destroy the constitution and this country? Well, I do believe that time is coming, and it’s coming very, very quickly. So when you think about Biden, you think about Hunter Biden and you think about what you’re seeing.

Think about the patriots that you’ve seen and think about how you can see the difference. Booker put this out and said, this is Peter Navarro. Mr. Navarro worked in the Trump administration. He failed to answer a congressional subpoena to testify. He was put in leg shackles, went to trial and was convicted. Hunter Biden makes jokes, thumbs his nose at Congress, and walks freely. Two tier justice. General Flynn responded to this on x and said the following.

You assume there is a tier for the left. There isn’t one. They can and do get away with anything and everything without any threat of accountability. And that brings us back to what happens if the mafia controls a town. What happens if a criminal syndicate controls the United States government? All the different agencies, are they ever going to be brought to justice? No, they will not. And this is what you are witnessing right now.

So when people scratch their heads and they wonder why this is happening, because think about the town, think about how the mafia controls the prosecutor, controls the judges, controls the fake news, controls everything that goes on around there. If they commit a crime, do you think they’re going to be brought to justice? Absolutely not. Expand that. Take it to the US government. This is a criminal syndicate operation.

This is why Trump is not bringing all this to court. The court is the people. The people, they are the jury. They’re watching this entire trial play out now. And yes, the people will make their ruling in the end. And what is that ruling? Well, that is going to vote them out of office and vote the person into office to get justice. And I do believe that’s exactly what’s going to happen.

Paul Sperry put this out and said, facing not one, but two felony trials plus a contempt proceeding, Hunter Biden will be an albatross around Joe Biden’s neck throughout the 2024 campaign. Think about that. Can they have all of this happening while Biden is campaigning? Absolutely not. It will not work. It will fail. Now, I do believe Obama, the deep state players, they know this. They know that they cannot cheat with Biden right now.

His poll numbers are way too low. A lot of Democrats now are moving over to Trump. The moderate Democrats and the black and the hispanic community, they’re moving over to Trump. And they know that if we continue down this path, we will have hardly anybody. All we’ll have is the illegals that we brought in, which is not enough, and we have antifa and BLM, which is not going to be enough, and the criminals that we’re releasing, that is not going to be enough to do this.

How are we going to make up the difference? How can we cheat in the election? So basically, they’re going to have to bring in someone halfway decent who has some type of popularity to actually allow them to get back on track. Plus they’re going to have to come up with some type of an event. They’re going to have to have something to cheat in the election. Now, I do believe what they’re going to do is they’re going to try to implement and push an event to try to cheat.

Now, this is why the World Economic Forum is talking about this new illness, x, disease x, which is unknown. Will they try to push this? Absolutely. What happens when it doesn’t work the way it worked with COVID What happens then? Can they continue on? Because remember, they won’t have enough time to put something else in place. They can’t say, oh, wait, forgot that disease. We have, this new virus, it just won’t work.

So what are they going to do? I think in the end, they’re going to have to try to cancel the election. But we’ll be talking about this a little bit later. But the other thing that’s very interesting is since everyone now agrees. And if you look at the Rasmussen reports poll numbers, you can see that most of the people, even the Democrats, they believe we’re being invaded at the border.

And the people now they’re realizing how important it is to have a wall, how important it is to have a secure border. And you can see the governors, mayors who are part of the criminal syndicate. They’re doing what they’re supposed to be doing. They’re supposed to be showing the people how they are dictators, how they are for the criminal syndicate. Just like when Covid came around, you saw their true colors.

You saw exactly who they were. They went against the constitution. They made up their own laws, especially with the elections. And they just started to dictate everything that you should be doing. Even Biden did this. He dictated everything you need to get the vaccine. The only reason you didn’t have to get the vaccine is because the Supreme Court ruled against him. He did it with gun control, with almost everything.

And now we have the governor of Massachusetts. Governor Haley is asking the people to actually house the illegals in their homes. Soon they’re going to demand you take in illegals. And doesn’t this go against the constitution? Isn’t this quartering because they’re telling you to harbor the invading enemy? I mean, really, think about this for a second. Think about what is happening out in New York. New York right now.

They’re telling the children to leave the schools. They’re pushing the illegals into the schools and they’re telling the children they have to learn via Zoom. Now, we know during COVID that this doesn’t work. It hurts the kids education. It puts them way behind. But look what they’re doing. Do you think the people are going to take this? You think the parents are going to say, hey, this is fantastic.

Now I have my children at home. I have to go to work. No, they’re going to go. This is ridiculous. Why are we paying for illegals to be in the school that my taxes are going to so my child can have an education in the school? So this is not going to work out too well for the deep state players. Actually, Elon Musk responded to this and said they run out of hotel rooms, are kicking kids out of school for illegal housing, and now they want your homes, too.

Can everyone see the dictators? Absolutely. But look what the deep state the Ds are trying to do. They need a way to blame all this on the Republicans because remember, we’re going into the 2024 election. They can’t be blamed for this and it looks like they’re already starting to make their move. Remember, a lot of these Republicans, they are rhinos, Republican in name only. They’re part of the uni party.

Mike Lee put this out on x and said by not including Speaker Johnson in these border security negotiations to give him what he needs, Senate R’s are setting up the GOP to be blamed on the border. Why exclude the Republican House speaker? This gives Biden and the Dems a massive win as soon as it gets out of the Senate. Cover your ass on a border. An opportunity to hammer House r’s for not passing it in exchange for marginal gains for ours and the border.

Biden will never enforce a law and Dem Ags will litigate it to death and ensure none of it takes effect. Those advocating for this deal, including members of both parties, are setting Republicans up for failure. Nothing that’s in the deal, which we still haven’t seen but have been described to us in broad terms, would stop the current surge at the border. Some of its provisions might well make the surge far worse.

Actually, that’s what they want. They don’t want the surge stopped because remember, they’re going to be using these people for the election. So they want this to happen and they don’t want to be blamed for it, so they have to blame someone else. Biden has statutory authority under existing law to halt the surge. He refuses to do so. Why would new law change that? No one believes this can pass the House because it’s got serious problems.

So why set republicans up like this? Perhaps the firm has now ousted Speaker Johnson and renamed it as the law firm of Schumer, McConnell and Jeffries. If so, that speaks well of Speaker Johnson. If the roles were reversed and the firm were excluding a Democrat speaker during a republican presidency and with a republican controlled Senate, Dems would probably call that an insurrection. He’s absolutely right. And you could see what they’re trying to do here.

Now, is this going to work? Well, they’re going to give it their best shot because remember, they’re not going to stop the illegals coming in. Actually, they’re the ones who created it and they need the illegals to vote in the election. And I do believe they’re going to be using them as chaos and for other events as we move forward. Now, Trump, he did a town hall meeting with Fox out in Iowa and Trump promises the largest deportation effort in the history of our country.

And he is saying that, listen, this cannot be sustained. We’re going to have to deport all of these people. And I do believe from what he has been doing and how he put the resident in this position, he needed to wake the people up. He needed to wake the american people up and show the people, look at the deep state plan. This is their plan going way, way back in time.

This is not like it’s new or anything like that. And he wanted the people to wake up and push back against this, because when it’s time to deport all these people, I do believe he has many, many different mechanisms already in place. He’s going to use existing law to actually go ahead and deport these people, especially when they are going against the United States, because that makes them a foreign enemy.

Think about it. If the deep state players, when they lose the election in 2024 and they use the illegals to cause chaos and havoc, and they are burning and killing and destroying things, what is this then? They are attacking the US. They’re not part of this country. These people are attacking the US. Now think about this. What happens if something happens in Taiwan, which it looks like that’s building up right now? What happens if something happens out in Iran? Those people in this country, where does their allegiance lie? Does it lie with their country or does it lie with America? I think we all know the answer to this, which means these individuals, they are an enemy to the United States, which means they can be deported.

And yes, there are many, many different mechanisms that can be used. Now, what’s very interesting is that the World Economic Forum, they are coming out and they’re saying that misinformation and disinformation and of know climate, those are the main things that they’re very, very worried about. So when you hear misinformation, disinformation, and they’re saying that, oh, we’re seeing this all over the place, what are they really saying? Oh, crap, a lot more people are telling the truth.

The people learning about the truth, and we have to shut this down. Actually, Elon Musk responded to this whole thing and said, by misinformation, World Economic Forum means anything that conflicts with its agenda. Absolutely. And we can see that. Yeah, anyone that’s telling the truth, they’re going to have to shut them up. Why do you think they did this during the 2020 election? During COVID anyone that was telling the truth, they had to shut them down.

Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is that the deep state gun control push, it is not going well for them whatsoever. Because when you look at California, it looks like they couldn’t pass their law. When you look at Oregon, well, the gun controls in Oregon ballot, well, they were permanently blocked via a general judgment entering January 9, 2024, by Harney County Circuit Court Judge Robert ratio. He initially blocked the gun controls just days before they were going into effect.

And as litigation continued, well, he started to realize, you know something, this is not good. And he said, it is hereby declared that the ballot measure 1114 is facially unconstitutional in all of its applications under Oregon Constitution, article one, section 27. And it is hereby ordered that defendants and defendants agents are permanently enjoined from enforcing all provisions of ballot 1114. So right there, Oregon’s gun control push, California’s gun control push.

Well, it’s not going too well for them. And yes, will they try something else? Of course, because remember, this is part of the 16 year plan I jubilee. Trump or the patriots, they wanted everyone to see, look, they’re going to keep pushing unconstitutional laws. Every time they’re shot down, they’re going to knowingly push another unconstitutional law. And the people, they’re going to see this because remember, they need the weapons away from the people.

If you’re going to destroy this country and you’re going to take it over those people that infiltrated this country, they can’t be going up against those people that armed, especially veterans, especially well trained people that have ars, because this is a no win situation for these people. So they know that in order for this to work, they need to get rid of the 300 plus million guns that are in this country.

Because every corner that they turn, you’re going to see someone with a weapon. So can you have the infiltration? Can you push this agenda? No, you cannot. Which means the invasion of this country is going to be very, very difficult. So they are still going to push their agenda, but the people of this world are going to see it. But just like Trump says, it looks like world War three is starting to build right now.

And China has called Taiwan poll frontrunner a severe danger days before the vote. So Taiwan is two days from a pivotal election that is being watched from Beijing. And we can see that China has now warned Taiwan’s voters on January 11 to make the correct choice in the island’s weekend election. Basically, they don’t want the opposition, they want their person. And they’re warning the people, if you don’t follow what we’re saying, well, something might happen.

And China tells us that they will never compromise on Taiwan. So what do you think is going to happen? What happens when the election happens and the opposition wins? What will China do then? Will they go into Taiwan? So what will the US do? Will they take side? Hmm? Look how this is playing out right now. And look how it’s playing out in the Red Sea right now.

India, they’re flexing their muscle in the Red Sea. They have sent ten warships to deter hootis right now. I mean, what could go wrong? And then we have the North Korea leader, Kim Jong un. He says he has no intention of avoiding a war. Call South Korea the principal enemy. So think about this. Trump, he went ahead and he walked across the DMZ. He knows Kim Jong un.

He wrote letters to him. And now Kim Jong un is starting war. Trump had a meeting with Xi Jinping in Mar a Lago away from D. C. And now Trump mentioned almost a year ago that China was going to go into Taiwan, and now it looks like it’s going to happen. So, once again, was this planned? It’s starting to seem that way. And then we get this bit of news that the US and UK’s air rate on Iran backed Houti positions in Yemen is imminent right now.

So they’re going to be going after these individuals. And what will Iran do? Or what will Hamas do? What will any of these terrorist organizations do? So if the US and the UK do this raid, do you think that these terrorist groups are going to retaliate on the UK and the US? Absolutely. And we can see that this is building and building and building. And if this does happen, like they’re saying, and they go through with it, well, I do believe we could see an event here very, very soon.

War is building. Now, you have to remember why. I do believe Trump wants war, and I don’t mean it in that way that he wants people dead. Nuclear war. But he knows the 16 year plan. He knows eventually they were going to bring this country to war. Remember, he was never supposed to win. Hillary Clinton was supposed to win, and she was supposed to bring us to war.

So how do you use this against them but don’t go to war? Well, you allow them to push it. You allow them to do what they do best, because why interfere with an enemy while they’re in the process of destroying themselves? And you allow them to do this and you allow them to attack the election infrastructure, and that is with a attack, because, remember, this is then a national security issue.

The United States was attacked because it’s part of our infrastructure. And what happens if they use this attack to shut down the elections? And they say, oh, well, we just introduced the malware into the system. And now the elections aren’t going to work. Well, is this playing into what Trump wants? He wants a completely transparent, completely honest election, I do believe so. Who would guard the election? That would be the military.

I do believe we’re heading in this direction. But again, before we get there, before they cancel the election, what are they going to do? They’re going to try to use the same playbook that they used before. They can’t use Covid. They tried already. No one is buying it. No one’s taking the bioweapon. So that is not going to work. We’ll be talking about that in just a sec.

But first, Fauci, he was in front of Congress and he actually admitted and revealed to the House select committee that 6ft apart, the recommendation that all the public health officials said, this is what we got to use. It wasn’t based on any scientific data. They made it up. And now we come to find out it doesn’t work. It’s almost like going back in time. Hey, you need to get rid of that virus that’s in you.

Okay, you know what we’re going to to have do? We’re going to have to drain your blood and that will get rid of the virus because the virus will flow out with your blood. That doesn’t work. That’s not back up in scientific data. That’s just someone saying, oh, I guess this would work, let’s try it out. So once again, they use that same science today on the people.

But the people knew. There were a lot of people that knew. A lot of people knew everything that they were putting in place with masks and 6ft apart, staying home. All this was Bs. That’s why they censored all these people. Talk about our health. Those who set their new year’s resolutions around health and beauty are helping collagen supplements grow in popularity. This supplement has trended recently as people look for ways to improve their skin, nail, hair and joint health.

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Soon, this picture of everything that happened in Covid is going to turn out to be one gigantic hoax. Yes, there was a virus, but you know what? You had a 99. 9 x survival rate. The world never had to go through any of this. And there were cures to cure viruses. Trump mentioned one hydroxychloroquine. Other doctors mentioned ivermectin. What did they do? They created fake stories so they can actually keep those from being used.

So they can actually bring in their bioweapon and have the people use the bioweapon. That has nothing to do with COVID actually. It creates the virus in you and it gives you incredible ailments, gives people heart problems. This is what they’ve done to this country and the world. But you can see the deep state players. They’re now moving away from COVID and they’re moving into a new disease and they’re calling it disease x.

The World Economic Forum meetings in Davos. They’re going to start next week and they’re preparing for disease x. Well, clandestine put this out on x and says the following. The World Economic Forum and the WHO are reverting back to a similar pattern, warning of an unknown pathogen. It’s unknown, but they know it’s deadly. Just think about that for a sec. That could cause a global pandemic, but this time it will be 20 times as deadly as c 19.

They’re calling it disease x or pathogen x. If it’s unknown, how do they know it’s going to be 20 times more deadlier? Do they plan to release another pathogen for this election season? The public are already conditioned. A mail in voting would be easy to implement. Open the door for voter fraud once again. I don’t know what their plan is, but they have to do something soon. If the status quo remains, Trump will win.

Do they go back to the bail in voting play or do they go a different route? The only problem is, if they do it again, it’s going to be very obvious after they just did it in 2020. And citizen journalists have a free speech platform to call it out, unlike last time. Something to keep an eye on for sure now. Yes. Are they going to try to do it most likely, but they’ll probably do it in a different way.

They’re not just going to come out and do it the exact same way as Covid. They will do it a different way. And I do believe they’re planning for this, but I do believe the people of this country, the people of the world, they learn from the last time, and a lot of people are not going to fall for this. And you can see the deep state, the World Economic Forum.

They are now panicking because the people aren’t doing what they want. Wall street silver put this out and said Klaus Schwab shows signs of fear. Talking about the anti system movement. Take a listen to what he said here. Anti system movement. What we are seeing is a revolution against the system. So fixing suppressant system is not enough. Now there is, of course, an anti system which is called libertarianism, which means to tear down everything which creates some kind of influence of government into private lives.

It’s demandling the system. So the question is, what is the anti system movement? Well, it’s the people waking up. It’s the people thinking logically, and it’s the people that are pushing back. Remember, they’re trying to usher in the green new scam, the great reset. They tried Covid. None of this is working the way they thought it was going to work. The people are awake. The people are seeing exactly what’s going on.

They tried CRT, they tried Dei, and what’s been happening to these programs, they haven’t been working. And the people, now, they could see it clear as day. And it’s getting worse and worse for them. N. Wilken has put this out and said the following. John Hopkins just sent out this hit list of people automatically guilty of privilege, whether they know it or not. Males, whites, christians, middle aged people, able bodied people, middle and owning class, english speaking people.

This message was emailed directly to employees. Update. The Johns Hopkins Dei office has retracted their privilege list after our post went viral and drew massive outrage. I mean, really, think about this. Remember when CRT was in the schools and the parents started to discover it while the FBI tried to stop it? Now we have them pushing Dei and ESG. Well, it’s not working out too well. And you can see that a lot of these people that are behind all of this, well, they’re pedophiles.

And from Epstein’s island. And from everything that we’re seeing, the people are learning. Look what’s happening out in Canada. The president of a canadian pride organization, well, this individual was charged with committing child sex crimes against children under 16. And remember going back in time when everyone started to call them groomers, that these are not gay bills, they’re groomer bills. Well, it’s starting to come true, isn’t it? And you could see that most of these governors, these legislatures who are continually pushing the bills to actually deform our children, to operate on the children, well, they are controlled.

They’re part of the criminal syndicate. And what’s very interesting is that the governor out in Ohio who passed the gender affirming care for kids, well, it looks like the Ohio house, they overrode the bill, and now it’s not going to be passed. So this is very interesting because he was going along with it. He was part of the system, the pharmaceutical system and everything else. And basically they were going to allow transgender girls to take part in girls and women’s sports in the state.

The Ohio House voted to override the governor’s prior veto of legislation, which in part prohibits the use of puberty blockers, hormone treatment, and surgery for children suffering from gender dysphoria. So the move comes amid a national debate over whether these treatments should be used on children who are too young to make decisions about their gender. So basically, the Ohio House has voted to override the bill, and they did so 65 to 28.

And now everything they were trying to do has backfired on them, just like it’s backfiring on Letitia James, because now we’ve come to find out that Letitia James visited the Biden White House in April of 2022, August of 2023, and July of 2023. And this is according to the White House visitor logs. And that reminds me of post 29 59. This was March 4, 2019. Down below, it says White House visitor logs are important.

So, yes, Letitia James, yes, Fanny Willis and all the rest, they’ve been working with Biden. Remember, Biden is going after his political opponent now. Again, Trump is being tried in New York. He’s not going to get a fair trial. And Judge Angoran, he’s going to make a ruling. I think he’s made the ruling from the very, very beginning. But they just went through the motions of this fake trial, but they already know what they’re going to decide.

Doesn’t this remind you of the british government back in the day where they had a trial, they already knew what they were going to rule, and they just let the trial go as a show. And then they made their decision and they threw the person in jail. It seems like the same thing is happening right now. And Trump, he wanted to give his closing arguments and the judge rescinds permission for Trump to give his own closing arguments at the civil trial in New York.

So they’re doing everything they possibly can to make sure that Trump is censored. They don’t want him speaking because they already made the decision. This is one gigantic show, and I do believe it is a show. And they’re just going through all of this and the people are seeing what they’re seeing, the two tier justice system. They’re seeing, look, Biden is using this to go after his political opponent.

Look, they’re not following the rule of law. This person’s not getting a fair trial. The whole thing’s rigged. There’s no victim here. I mean, if you wanted to show the people how corrupt the system is, well, here it is front and center. Now, I do believe the deep state players, what they’re going to do, because eventually they’re going to lose all of this because this is going to go to the appeals court.

Remember this case, the statute of limitation has run out and they’re still trying to try this with this old antiquated law, and he doesn’t even get a jury and there’s no victims or anything. But once again, in the end, I do believe the deep state players, they know that this is not going to go the way they thought it was going to go, and this is not going to stop Trump.

And I do believe this is why we’re seeing all these swatting things happening. And yes, it started out with republicans, but it’s moving to all the judges. Now, Judge Chukin, now we have Judge Engoron. The Long island police responded to a bomb threat at the judge’s house and his house was swatted. I mean, what are they leading up to right now? Are they going to say, hey, look, the Trump supporters, they’re so angry that something happened.

They’re the ones who called it in that got the judge killed, got this person hurt or whatever. It’s starting to feel like they’re trying to build up a narrative to make it look like the Trump supporters, they’re pissed off and angry and they’re doing these things. Now, once again, we have Letitia James, who had visited the White House. It’s all in the logs. And we also have, and Kenneth co.

The great put this out. Georgia district Attorney Fanny Willis. She was exposed for secretly collaborating with the January 6 committee before indicting Trump. And Nathan Wade, Willis’s chief prosecutor and alleged romantic partner documented four covert meetings held between January 6 committee and the prosecution team, April 18 21st, 2022, May 31, 2022, September 7 to the 9th, 2022 November 16, 2022. And when you look at the logs, yes, they went ahead and they visited the White House and they were making money off of this and spending the money.

So once again, it all goes back to who? It all goes back to Biden. But attorney Ty Clevenger said something very interesting. He said if elected prosecutors in Georgia are too squeamish or biased to go after Fulton County, Georgia’s district attorney Fanny Willis, or her lover, Nathan Wade, there are other options. A private citizen can ask a superior court judge to sign an arrest warrant, or he she could take the case directly before a grand jury.

Concerned citizens need not wait around for the politicians to prosecute Nathan Wade or Fenny Willis. Any private citizen can take evidence before a Georgia Superior court judge and get an arrest warrant. Fulton county is far left, but Wade’s offices are in Cobb county, which still has some conservative judges. Anyone could take the issue before a Cobb county judge or take it directly to the grand jury. The case against Willis Wade would be prosecuted by the Georgia AG rather than the Democrat DA, because the AG has special jurisdiction over public corruption crimes against the state.

Anyone interested in this? I do believe since this information’s out there, we have lawyers and people that are living in Georgia that might just do this. Let’s see how this all plays out. This is going to be very, very interesting. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is we can see that they’re trying all different methods to cancel Trump. That’s really what it is. And they’ve been trying to get him off the ballot.

And again, they’re using the narrative that, oh, Trump’s not on the ballot. Trump’s not on the ballot. They’re trying to convince the people that, oh, he’s not a viable candidate. But what’s very interesting about all of this, and it’s not going to work. The man seeking to disqualify Trump from the 2024 ballot in at least 27 states was arrested for filing 17 false tax documents to the IRS, risks 99 years in prison on 33 felony accounts.

Doesn’t it seem like we’re always hearing the same exact story, that all these people that try to get Trump, they end up being criminals? Look at Avanetti. I mean, he went to jail, he committed crimes, he stole money, and he was trying to get Trump. It seems like the criminals always hire criminals to go after Trump. Why? Because it’s a criminal syndicate. And look where this guy filed the lawsuits to get Trump.

California, Michigan, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Oklahoma, Alaska, South Carolina, Texas, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming, Vermont, Virginia. I mean, really think about this for a second. But again, none of it has worked. And what do people see that? People see that, wow, these people are really corrupt. They just will not stop. And they use criminals because they’re criminals, to go after Trump. And when they’re caught up in it, everyone sees the crimes that they’ve committed.

It’s absolutely unbelievable. But think about it. They’ve been trying to go after Trump with the emoluments clause, and that is taking money from foreign governments. Now, Trump has businesses all around the world. He provides a service to people. And if somebody wants to pay for their service, that is very different than having a foreign government pay you for secrets about the United States. And Trump, when he was doing his town hall meeting, they asked him about this and just listen to his answer.

There is this report, House Democrats documents that say that nearly $8 million in payments to your businesses from foreign governments, China included Saudi Arabia, while you were in office. They say, article one of the constitution says you can’t accept money from foreign governments. While president, would you pledge to divest from your business in the second term, as other presidents have done? That’s what they’re reporting. I own hotels all over the, I don’t get free money.

Somebody rents a hotel room, et cetera, et cetera. Much money I gave back. In fact, I didn’t have to do know. George Washington was a very rich man. People don’t know that. In his essentially White House, which wasn’t built, but they had an office, he had a business desk and he had a country desk right next to each other. You’re allowed to do that. I didn’t do it.

I put everything in trust. And if I have a hotel and somebody comes in from China, that’s a small amount of money. And it sounds like a lot of money. That’s a small. But I was doing services for that. People were staying in these massive hotels, these beautiful hotels, because I have the best hotels, I have the best clubs, I have the best clubs, I have great stuff, and they stay there and they pay.

I don’t get $8 million for doing nothing like Hunter. I don’t get $500,000 for doing a painting. It’s not a bad idea, I guess, if you can get away with it. When I heard that one, I said, there’s no way they get away with that. But they got away with that. I guess they got away with it. No, there was an Amalia Mitch lawsuit against me where the radical left sued me for that, and I won the suit.

And the judge said, they go to his hotels. What’s he going to do? You hear what he said at the end? Well, the judge already ruled in this case, and he was found innocent because, again, he put his companies into a trust. The people are using a service. Yes, they paid a lot. I’m talking about the deep state players. They paid a lot of money for these people to stay in his hotels, to make it look like he was taking this money.

But a lot of this money was given to the treasury. He didn’t have to do it, but he did it anyhow. And again, he was providing a service and the business was in a trust. So did he actually receive any money? No, he did not. And the judge already said, no, you’re innocent of all this, so you don’t have to worry about that. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting, and you can see the rhinos as clear as day.

They’re all part of the uni party. And, I mean, it doesn’t get any clearer than this. Liz Cheney is supposed to be a Republican. She won’t rule out supporting Biden. She said, I’ll never, ever vote for Trump. And you’re going to see a lot of rhinos say, I’m not voting for Trump. Well, that tells you everything you need to know. And the other thing that tells you everything you need to know is Chris Christie dropped out.

He never really had a chance. The rest are going to drop out, too, because there’s no place for them to go. They don’t have the numbers. And I know the fake news, and everyone wants to believe that. Oh, my God, they’re going to push Trump out. No, this is why they’re using the indictments. This is why they’re using all of this, to try to get Trump the emoluments clause.

They can’t do it. These people can’t do it, because remember, if these people were in the lead, they wouldn’t care about all these indictments. They wouldn’t need them because he wouldn’t be the presidential nominee. That’s how, you know, Rich Barris put this out and said, I’ve long tried to explain why Ron DeSantis would outperform Nikki Haley. Now that she’s gotten more attention and name recognition, it’s coming to fruition.

Exactly as we laid out. She will end up like Mitt Romney, missing several million more voters in the electorate. He’s absolutely right. And you could see that the tide is turning. Remember, Trump is not just going after republican and independent. He’s going after the people of this country. He needs to wake them up. He needs to make them understand. And I know a lot of people like, this is never going to happen.

You’re never going to have the Democrats. You’re never going to have all the people. Well, we don’t need 100%. We need 75, 80% of the people. Actually, I think we’re going to get a lot more because we could see those people now. They’re starting to realize what is happening and they’re waking up and thinking logically, patriots are in control. Put this out and said CNN has ten Iowa voters who attended the DeSantis Haley debate who they’re going to caucus for.

You know who the winner was? Trump. Take a listen. View you when we started were undecided which republican candidate you were going to caucus for. None of you were about to switch to the Democrats, but none of you had decided which candidate a couple of you had. But now everyone is ready to caucus. Raise your hand if you are ready to caucus for Ron DeSantis. One, raise your hand if you’re ready to caucus for Nikki Haley.

One, two, raise your hand if you’re ready to caucus for Donald Trump. 1234. Is there any other candidate who anyone else here is going to caucus for? And then we come to learn that we have blue collar Democrats. They are now switching to republican. Nearly 59,000 registered Pennsylvania Democrats left the party in 2023. That makes more voters than fans needed to fill the capacity of the Franklin Field football stadium at the University of Pennsylvania.

So we have these moderate Democrats moving over to Trump now. Do you know why they’re bringing in the illegals? They’re trying to replace the people that they’re losing. But think about it. They’re going to lose a lot of people as we move forward. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is that Elon Musk, he was out there and he put this out on x and he says, in the USA, you don’t need government issued id to vote and you can mail in your ballot.

This is insane. Tesla owner Silicon Valley responded, said, is there anything we can do to fix this? Elon Musk responded, said we should require government id and in person voting unless valid medical, military, etc. Excuse like other countries do. Or like if you want to buy a beer now, think about the timing of all of this. He brings up government id, voting in person. Why would he bring this up now as we’re approaching the 2024 election, because right now we don’t have that system in place.

But he’s putting it out to his millions and millions of followers, and the followers are going, you know something? We should use this. Will the people then accept paper ballots and voter id? If the infrastructure, the election infrastructure was attacked, would the people then accept it? I do believe as we go through 2024, you’re going to hear more and more of these type of messages convincing the people that this is what we should have.

Because once the deep state tries to cancel the election, the people will say, you know something, we need someone to guard it. We’re going to use paper. And if we do it this way, foreign governments, any other bad actors, they will not be able to skew the elections. And I do believe this is building the narrative right now. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is during Trump’s town hall, he did mention that he did pick a vp already.

Now, he’s not going to tell anybody, but he did pick one. Take a listen, four more years. How will you convince good people to take the risk of working with you? So I have a lot of people that want to work with me. I have people calling just as I’m getting on the stage. I had a call from two of the very most important people in the military want to come to work for me.

Everybody wants to come to work for us. We’re going to have no trouble. We had great people. We had a couple that were not great stiffs, as I would call them, but that’s true with anybody. But now I’ve gotten to know Washington, I’ve gotten to know the people I know the best. I know the smart ones, the dumb ones, the weak ones, the strong ones. And I think you’re going to see something like you’ve never seen before.

And the people in this room know it. We did an amazing job. And the know we have support is because of the job we did. Now, you like Ron DeSantis, but he wouldn’t even be around today. He’d be working in a pizza shop or perhaps a law firm if I didn’t endorse know, I endorsed him, took him from nothing to winning an election, and I was all for him.

And then one day, he said he had run against me. Four years later, after I got him in, and I said, that’s not a loyal person. We can’t have that. That’s not a loyal person. So I think you’ll be very impressed with what we’re going to do. We’re going to have the greatest economy in the world, which we don’t right now. We have horrible, horrible inflation, and you’re never going to get that 30% down.

You might even it, but you’re not going to get it down. But thank you very much. I appreciate it. Let me just ask you a follow up on that about who would be in your cabinet, in your administration, if you are the nominee, which I know you expect to be, who would be in the running for a vice president? Well, I can’t tell you that, really. I mean, I know who it’s going to be.

Give us a hint. We’ll do another show sometime. What about any of the people who you’ve run against? Would you be open to mending fences with? I will. I’ve already started like Christy better. Christie for vice president. I don’t see it. I don’t see it. That would be an upset. Christie for vice president. You know, ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to announce, I do want to get to this.

So the question is, who’s he going to pick? And I do believe that Paul Florette might have that person. Now, I know a lot of people are saying, oh, it’s going to be Kerry Lake, it’s going to be Elise Stefanak. It’s going to be all these different people. But again, you’re going to need someone that is put in this spot that is strong, someone that could take over just in case something happens, and someone that believes in the same exact values, that won’t take crap from anyone.

And Paul put this out, his absolute 1776, and says the following. I’ve said before in eye of the storm that I believe Trump’s vp pick will be Flyn. Why 2028? Throughout history, America has always somehow ended up having a general as president after a period of turmoil. Washington, grant, Eisenhower, among others. Why did Q ask Flynn if he was ready to serve again? Why did Trump tell Flynn to stay healthy and ready last summer? I do believe he’s absolutely right.

If you go back to post nine five, 3 March 17, 2018 down below it says Flyn targeted. Why? Who knows where the bodies are buried? Cleared of all charges. Trump admin v. Two election theft. So I do believe that General Flynn would probably make a very good vp. Why? He’s already been through the crap. He knows the military and he is strong because of everything that has happened to him.

So would he be able to carry this on? I do believe so. And the other thing that’s very interesting is that Trump, during the town hall, they asked him about retribution. And remember, in the very beginning, he says, we’re going to have retribution. And I do believe he’s playing with the fake news. And you have to understand what retribution is. It’s not revenge the way everyone’s making it out to be.

I do believe the retribution is the people voting the criminal syndicate out of office and then going after these people, not Trump going after these people, but going after them, following the rule of law, bringing them up on charges, indicting them. And I do believe this is exactly what Trump is talking about. Take a listen to what he said here. A lot of people would say that that’s not so bad.

Look what they did. Russia, Russia, Russia hoax, the FBI Twitter hoax, the 51 intelligence agents hoax, all of these different hoaxes that they did. A lot of people would say, that’s probably quite normal. I’m not going to have time for retribution. We’re going to make this country so successful again. I’m not going to have time for retribution. And remember this, our ultimate retribution is success. So let’s just go back to what retribution is compared to revenge.

The basic idea of retribution is that the state, not the angry individual, returns to the offender a negative experience proportional to his offense. Revenge is an act or instance of retaliating in order to get even and make the enemy suffer. It is the individual person, not the state, who seeks revenge. This is why the fake news is continually turning around saying, Trump wants revenge. He wants revenge. No, he wants retribution.

He is not going to be going after these people. The new prosecutor, the FBI, all these people that they put into place, the state, the government of we, the people, they will go after these people and indict them. It won’t be him going around like Biden is going around now. And that’s why he’s saying the retribution is going to come from our success. Because number one, when we vote him into office, that is our success.

We took back the country. Once he’s in office, we can then vote for the Congress, we can vote for the people, because what’s going to happen, we’re no longer going to use their system. We’re going to use our system to vote, and we will get elected people in office. And once that happens, the people who are representing us, they will then get the prosecutor, put the people in the DOJ, the military will try those people that are treasonous to this country, and it will be we, the people that take down the deep state players in the end.

And I do believe most likely this is how this might play out. Why? Because the patriots are in control. Listen, everyone. Thanks a lot for listening. Be well, be safe, and especially be prepared. Thanks a lot. .


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