Ep 3224b – [DS] Plan Has Failed Only Has A Couple Of Moves Left 2024 Will Be A Globalist Defeat

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➡ The X 22 report argues that the ‘Deep State’ plans to assert control over the country have failed and will continue to fail with their remaining moves: manipulating the 2024 elections and inciting war. Emphasis is placed on the importance of public awareness and understanding to ensure an informed decision in the 2024 election.
➡ The text discusses Trump’s strategy of allowing the deep state and current administration’s mishandling of the economy, war, and election integrity to play out, along with potential outcomes for ongoing legal issues. It also addresses woke politics negatively impacting companies’ reputations and profitability, public opinion turning against Biden due to allegations of corruption, and the two-tier justice system.
➡ The text discusses a conspiracy theory asserting that a plan orchestrated by Trump and the Patriots will soon reveal evidence implicating several individuals, including prominent Democratic figures, in corrupt activities. It suggests all this will lead back to WikiLeaks and Julian Assange, and this information will gradually be disseminated to the public, awakening them to the truth. Moreover, it claims that Elon Musk’s battle against the “deep state” will attract more users to social media platforms, allowing the truth to be revealed more broadly.
➡ The Biden White House allegedly pressured Google, YouTube’s parent company, to censor Americans and remove content relating to COVID-19, according to internal Google documents obtained by the Judicial GOP and Weaponization. As part of ongoing investigations into internet censorship, these organizations have also discovered alleged attempts by the Biden administration to control the narrative on various social media platforms.
➡ The writer discusses political issues related to far-left ideologies, Hamas, and potential impact of these on Democrats; comments on a thwarted terrorist attack in Germany and threats posed by sympathizers of such causes; talks about the rising tension and violence in Ireland, the role of censorship and hate speech, as well as concerns around anti-Semitism; expresses skepticism about government authority and deep state control; discusses protests in the US, notably pro-Palestinian ones in New York City; reflects on political instability within the Democratic party; and criticizes Pfizer’s pharmaceutical practices and its potential connection to a global increase in heart problems.
➡ Dr. Fauci is set to provide more insight into his actions during the pandemic in a public hearing and through transcribed talks, while Rachel Levine faces scrutiny for decisions made during the pandemic and is ordered to release emails as part of an ongoing litigation regarding Alabama’s law prohibiting sex changes for minors. There is speculation with regards to potential presidential candidates, with Michelle Obama as a likely choice for Democrats and Trump remaining a strong contender among Republicans. Furthermore, there’s a growing demand for paper ballots due to distrust in electronic voting machines, coupled with issues in maintaining complete transparency in election processes.
➡ The text discusses possible foreign influence and lack of trust in the electoral system, suggesting the use of paper for voting to prevent manipulation. It also raises concerns about potential bias in the judiciary and highlights efforts taken by Trump to secure the elections against cheating. The passage goes on to touch upon some courtroom drama, the involvement of deep state players, potential plans to postpone elections, and the impact on public sentiment and future voting patterns. It also covers various legal cases and investigations related to Trump, controversial figures such as Henry Kissinger, and future strategies to defeat globalism.
➡ The speaker believes that a globalist defeat and revelations of deep state corruption involving key figures like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton will lead to a major political awakening by 2024. They also suggest that the future of elections should rely on paper ballots to avoid manipulation, ensuring that citizens’ votes are accurately counted and respected.


That’s it. Hi and welcome. You’re listening to the X 22 report. My name is Dave. In this episode. 3224 BN Today’s date is November 30, 2023 and the title of the episode is deep State plan has failed and only has a couple of moves left. 2024 will be a globalist defeat. Let’s talk about protecting our wealth. Are you new to investing and have savings you need to protect right now? With the Middle East war, the Ukraine war, maybe Taiwan soon you need a new playbook that’s safe.

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The Deep State, the corrupt politicians, big tech, fake news, the puppet masters. They have failed in their entire plan to take over the country. Their infiltration plan is being exposed to we the People. Think about what we’ve been seeing this entire four years that their resident has been put into place. The people, what are they witnessing? They’re seeing the infiltration. This is something the Deep State didn’t want the people to see.

Remember, they had their blockers up. The blockers were the social media companies and the fake news. They were going to use those to block everything that everyone was going to see. They were going to control information. So this way you wouldn’t see the amount of people coming into this country. You wouldn’t see everything that’s happening. But now, since all that has been stripped away and think about how Trump stripped it away from the very, very beginning, he started calling the fake news just that, fake news in 2016.

And as time went on and the truth came out and the news couldn’t back up what they were saying, it got worse and worse for them, which means the people didn’t believe them. And the people started to look for information other places, and the people started to wake up and they started to think logically. Hey, before I forget, x 22 just launched its second drop called we the People.

It is now live. All you need to do is go to X 22 store. This launch consists of all new items. Everything is going to be limited quality. These are all new designs that you’ve never seen before and they’re going to blow your mind. Head over to X 22 store, that’s X 20 twostore. com. Or visit X 22 Report. com and click on the banner. Or just go to the description down below and click on X 22 store.

It’ll bring you right over to the store. On Monday, November 27, we’ll be unveiling the mystery merch. So head on over to X 22 store. That is x 22 store. com or click the link in the description. So Trump needed everyone to see the infiltration, to actually counter the deep state’s entire plan. And while the people are seeing the infiltration, they’re seeing it in school, they’re seeing it in government, they’re seeing in local government, they’re seeing the border as it’s wide open.

They’re seeing what’s happening out in Ukraine. They’re seeing it all over the place. They’re seeing the economy completely and utterly fall apart. Trump, the Patriots, they have shown the people, they have exposed their entire plan and now it is completely backfiring on. The deep state players, actually, it has failed. And like we’ve said from the very, very beginning, this is like a gigantic chess match. We’ve already had checkmate, but the deep state, they decided to play out the rest of the moves and they only have a couple of moves left.

And what are those moves? Well, they’re going to try to cheat in the 2024 election and they’re also going to bring the economy down and they’re going to try to bring us to war. Remember, everything about the deep state players is about covering up their crimes, covering it up and cheating. This is what a criminal syndicate does. But every step of the way, what is Trump and the Patriots doing? They’re showing everyone who the criminals are.

The information is being released so the people, the people of this country can make a decision, are they criminals or aren’t they criminals? And if they are criminals, do you want them in office? And this is going to work against the deep state players. And this is why you see the information coming out about Biden, the DOJ, the FBI, they’re not going to do anything about Hunter, they’re not going to do anything about Joe Biden, they’re not going to do anything about James Biden because they’re all part of the criminal syndicate.

And I do believe all of this is happening for the 2024 election. Trump is actually leading them down this path and he wants the deep state to do everything they possibly can to actually try to stop Trump because that actually helps Trump in the long run. I know a lot of people are out there going, oh my God, look at this, he’s being indicted. This is terrible. Yes, this is all part of the plan.

Think about his poll numbers. As they keep going after him, do people move away from him or do more people come to his side? More people come to his side. Why? Because they understand, like he says, it’s a witch hunt. They’re attacking him. It’s election interference. The people understand this now. The people see it. And in the end, what’s going to happen is that he’s going to completely and utterly defeat the globalist system with the help of the people of this country, which would then spread to the rest of the world.

That’s what this is all about. It’s about waking the people up, exposing the deep state, and having the people then take back this country. And every step of the way, as more evidence comes out against Joe Biden, as more evidence comes out about what the deep state has been doing and how people now are thinking logically and they can see through their lies, their narrative, the people now, they’re getting the information that they need to make a logical decision.

Because without the information, how can you make a decision? I mean, just go back to COVID. If you had the true information, if they didn’t censor everyone, if they didn’t censor the real doctors, if they released the side effects of the bioweapon, people would be able to make a logical decision because they would have the information to make this decision. But they didn’t want people to make the decision during COVID What did they want them to do? They just wanted them to follow along.

You must take the bioweapon. You must trust us. You must believe there’s a virus. You must believe all these people are being killed by the virus. You must believe that all these people are infected by the virus. If the people knew that the PCR test was fake, if the people knew that the PCR test gives false positives because it’s not a test for COVID if people knew that the hospitals were being paid to report every death as a COVID death, if people knew that the bioweapon would have all these side effects where people would be dropping dead, you would have a heart problem.

Myocarditis. You would have cancer infertility. How many people you think would say, well, I want to hold off on this a little bit. Can you imagine if the people knew that ivomectin, hydroxychloroquine, zinc and vitamin D would cure you? Can you imagine if the real doctors were able to tell everyone, hey, listen, the young people, they have a 99. 9 X survival rate, so you really don’t need the vaccine.

See, if the people had that, they’d be able to make a logical decision. It’s the same thing with the election. It’s the same thing with what is coming up in 2024. The people needed to see this. This is the information. This is the information phase so people can make a decision of who you want running this country. Do you want the criminals? Here are the criminals. It’s Biden.

It’s Obama, it’s Hillary Clinton. It’s the Swamp. It’s the FBI. DOJ it’s. All these people that have been running the elections in all these different states where they cheat, do you want these people running the country? Well, Trump needed to give the people this information. You needed to see you needed to see it and understand it and understand the system to make that decision in 2024. That’s why you’re experiencing all that and everyone’s sitting out there going, the borders must be stopped.

Oh, this has to be shut down. No, it doesn’t sounds strange, doesn’t it? Because the people have to see it. It will be shut down once the people make the decision. If you’re expecting anything to be shut down from now until the elections, it will not, actually. It will get worse. So you might as well just get used to it, because Trump needs everyone to see it. He needs a population to wake up.

And I know a lot of people say, Well, I’m awake, I got it. I know. No, it’s the population. It’s the DS, it’s the independents, it’s the other Republicans. They must see this. They must reach that point where they can say, enough is enough. So there’s going to be no cleanup. There’s no going to be bringing down the deep state system. You’re not going to see any of that.

Actually, Trump wants them to continue on this path. Actually, he laid it out for them. He wants people to see the economy failing. He wants people to see them lying to the people about the economy, that the economy is great. That’s what Biden has been saying. He wants people to see them push war, saying, no, we must go to war. There’s red lines. We will not take this.

And you can see war is building right now. The people must see all of this play out, because without it, the people will not make that decision on election day. And yes, you might see Trump go to prison. You might see this happen. Now, I know a lot of people are saying, well, that’s going to be terrible. No, he could still run for office, he could still run for the presidency.

But why would people have to see this? Would that wake a lot of people up? Well, a lot of people go, holy crap, they just threw this guy in prison. He’s running an election. He’s going up against Biden. And Biden, with all his goons, they actually indicted him. They fined him because of the gag order. They took his mugshot and now they arrested him. You only see this in a banana republic.

And what do you think is going to happen to Trump’s poll numbers? They’re going to skyrocket. What do you think the black and the Hispanic community is going to do? What do you think the people are going to start to think about? Because remember, look at the poll numbers. How many people believe the elections are rigged in 2020? 62 plus percent. How many people believe that there’s election interference? It’s over 55%.

How many people believe that the elections in 2024 are going to be rigged? Well, it’s over 50%. Do you think these numbers are going to go up after this? Absolutely. Because listen what happened? Well, the gag order has now been reinstated. So this means anything that Trump says, judge Ngoron, where Judge Ngoron’s wife hates Trump, and we’ll be talking about that a little bit later, he can then find him or take it to the next level and put him in prison.

And I do believe Trump, he fought against the gag order because he’s not just going to let it sit, but he knew in the end in this corrupt area, which is New York and DC and all these places, he knew that they would rule against him. What do you think Judge In Gordon’s going to do? There’s no jury. What do you think they’re going to do with him? You think they’re gonna say, okay, I ruled, Trump is innocent? No, they’re gonna say he’s guilty.

So I do believe we’re heading down this path. Trump wants the people to see it. The more the people see, the more the people fight back. Just like the people are fighting back against all these woke companies. And what’s very interesting is that Disney, in their SEC filing, they are now hinting that their woke politics might present a risk to their reputation and brand. Maybe this is why we’re not making that much money.

I think they already knew this. I think the shareholders are getting pretty darn pissed off about this. And now they’re looking at the situation going, okay, which way do we go here? What do we do? Do we follow the agenda and go bankrupt? Or do we start turning things around? Let’s see how this all plays out, because this is going to be very, very interesting because remember, these companies, they’re trying to push the deep state’s agenda and the majority of the people, the people of this country are fighting against it every step of the way.

And in the end, I do believe these companies, they’re going to lose if they want to come up against the majority of the people of this country, they will lose in the end because the majority shops at these areas. If they don’t want people shopping at these places, that’s fine. Go out of business. We’ve seen it before and it will happen again if they want to continue on.

Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is we could see more and more evidence is coming out about Biden, and this is right on schedule. Remember, there’s a lot of pressure on Biden right now. This is the court of public opinion, it’s not the court of the Justice Department. The FBI is not going to do anything. Judges are never going to find the Bidens guilty. So the people must see the evidence.

Remember, all this evidence is going to be used later on. Trump already let us know. He’s going to hire a special prosecutor or assign a special prosecutor to go after Biden. And think about it. All the evidence will just be sitting there waiting. And this is not going to be for the only person that they’re going to be going after. They’re going to be going after many others.

But we haven’t gotten to those people yet. But I do believe they are on deck right now. But James comer. He put this out and said, I am releasing a 2018 email from a bank money laundering and investigator who raised the exact concerns that the GOP oversight raised publicly about the Biden family. Business payments appear erratic, no business purpose. China targets children of politicians. The China money the investigator was concerned about funded the $40,000 check to Joe Biden.

He was so concerned about Hunter’s transactions with a Chinese company, he even wanted to reevaluate the bank’s relationship with the business associated with the President’s son. So the House Oversight has just shared a 2018 bank email flagging Hunter Biden’s pay for Play China money as obvious money laundering. The bank’s money laundering investigator flagged the money and it checked all the boxes. Erratic payments, no obvious services rendered, no current business purpose.

Known China strategy to purchase political influence through children of politicians. Joe and Hunter biden’s corruption. And it’s very, very obvious that this is money laundering, this is bribes. Now of course, the DS, they can’t see any of this, but who cares about them right now? And I’m talking about those in Congress. Think about the rest of the country. The rest of the country, they’re seeing this and they’re saying, yeah, you know something, this is money laundering.

He has 20 shell companies. He’s been in politics for how long? He doesn’t sell anything. The only thing he could possibly sell with these companies, since he’s receiving money from foreign governments, is secrets, is information. And he’s selling information to foreign governments, which means he’s laundering money. He’s dealing with foreign governments and he’s treasonous to this country. I think it’s all starting to add up right now. Now, the Oversight Committee, Democrats, they put this out and said, once again, Republicans are ripping words out of context in the most embarrassing way.

The first email in the chain clearly shows that the activity was reasonable and consistent with the business profile. Wendell Husbo put this out and said, oversight Democrats just tried to be cute and play Biden family lawyers and inadvertently made the argument that Hunter Biden failed to register as a foreign agent. The President’s sons failing to register as a foreign agent can be imprisonment for up to five years and a $250,000 fine.

Can you imagine if this was turned all around and this was Don Jr. Or Eric? This would be an open and shut case. But everyone could see the two tier justice system. And that’s what this is all about. It’s to show the people. Look at the two tier justice system. Do you see it? If you don’t see it, don’t worry. There’s going to be a lot more evidence coming out.

And remember the chant from the DS and from the fake news, no one’s above the law. Well, this is coming back to haunt them now, isn’t it? Because think about it. Think about all the crimes, think about money laundering, think about everything they’ve been doing. Nobody is above the law, not even the President, or should we say the president. The Washington Times put this out and said, and this is from James Comer.

We expect full compliance with our lawfully issued subpoenas. No one is above the law, even if your last name is Biden. So they kept saying that over and over and over as they were going after Trump, and now it’s coming back to haunt them. It seems like this is the boomerang effect. But let’s go back to post 26. One, this is December 12, 2018. Down below it says, nobody’s above the law.

The world is watching. And the world is watching, and they’re watching a corrupt resident. They’re watching the corruption. The evidence is pouring out. People can see it. It’s not that hard to see. And the other thing that’s very interesting is that, remember, every step of the way, every phase of this plan that Trump and the Patriots put together is going to bring in more and more evidence and it’s going to point to other people.

It’s going to point to the DNC, it’s going to point to Hillary Clinton. It’s going to point to Obama. And I do believe all of that is coming up in 2024. And it looks like they’re already paving the way, because when you look at what’s happening with Seth Rich, just like we said yesterday, the federal judge ordered FBI to finally release Seth Rich’s laptop. So remember, Seth Rich was killed.

He downloaded the information to a USB king. He gave that information to WikiLeaks. And this is why they were going after Seth Rich. And this is why they made up the entire story that it was Russia who hacked the DNC. They didn’t want to admit that it was an inside job and they tried to stop him. But WikiLeaks got the information. Kim. com put this out and said, I knew Seth Rich.

I know he was the WikiLeaks source. I was involved. That’s interesting. But let’s go back to post 17 eight, and I’m going to read down below. This is July 25, 2018. Think about where all this leads. CrowdStrike servers. Seth Rich julian Assange. Why does the UK government desperately want Julian Assange? Think source files. The more you know, all this is going to go back to WikiLeaks and Julian Assange.

It’s going to lead right back to the servers. And all of this information, I do believe, is on deck to come out. Remember, they’re preparing the masses to accept all this information. And there’s a lot of information here. Remember, a lot of these people, they weren’t looking at the Cue post. They weren’t researching this stuff. A lot of people didn’t believe it. But as time goes on, people are going to see a lot more of this information.

And it’s not just for the Republicans and Independents. It’s actually for the DS, too, because we need to wake those people up. Remember, this is america. America needs to take back this country. And yes, they should know the truth too. They should understand the truth. And the only way for them to understand and see the truth is to put the truth out there. And as the truth continually is dripped out, more and more people, they start to think.

And I do believe trump is going to be handling a lot of the truth when they go after him. With the trials, with the election, with what happened on january 6, this is going to wake a lot of people up. It doesn’t mean all these people are going to be arrested and they’re going to be put away, because remember, that’s not the time, it’s not the place. This is the phase of waking everyone up, getting the people awake so they can think logically, so they can make a decision in 2024.

So, yes, the borders are going to stay wide open. Yes, the economy is going to fail. Yes, they’re going to try to bring us to war. Yes, we might see terror in this country. Yes, we are going to see censorship. Yes, they’re going to try a communication blackout. Yes, they’re going to try to do all of these things because they need to stop trump. And trump needs the people to see what their plan really is and who’s involved in all of this, because in the end, it all leads to them.

And you can see they’ve been trying to go after x, they’ve been trying to go after elon. They’ve been going after his advertisers because he has a very big platform. He bought it off the deep state players. And now people have a way to tell the truth. Now, is the platform perfect? Absolutely not. It’s getting better and better every day. But I do believe he needs to bring on the rest of the accounts that they have actually censored and banned.

I think it’s time to bring everyone back, unless there is a true violation of the terms of service, because if they can’t actually tell anyone what the ban was and what you violated, then those accounts should be brought right back up and hopefully this will happen very, very soon. Now, the other thing we could see with elon is that he was being interviewed and this individual was asking him a lot of questions about x and what he’s going to do with the advertisers.

And elon, you know something, he’s holding steady. He’s going up against the deep state and he’s telling the deep state, come after me because you’re not going to win. Kaneko at the great put this out and said, elon musk tesla has done more to help the environment than all other companies combined. It would be fair to say that therefore, as the leader of the company, I’ve done more for the environment than any other single human on earth.

What I care about is the reality of goodness, not the perception of it. And what I see all over the place is people who care about looking good while doing evil f them. Then Chief Nerd put this out and said, Musk, the judge is the public. Oh, isn’t that interesting? The judge is the public. You mean the court of public opinion? The people will decide in the end.

Sorkin said. And you think that the public is going to say that Disney is making a mistake? Musk said yes. Sorkin said they’re going to boycot Disney. Musk said, they already are. And yes, why do you think their movies are down in the dumpers and Elon is out there saying, Listen, if you’re coming after me, if you’re trying to make me stop, well, you can go f yourself.

And he’s telling the advertisers, then, you know what? Don’t advertise on X. That’s fine with me. We’ll find other advertisers. See, the people in the end, they are the majority. They have the power. It’s not the corporations. The people have the power. You don’t think other advertisers will decide to advertise on X? Do you think the people will say, you know something? He’s right. Yes. This is the court of public opinion.

This is what happens when people wake up. This is what happens when people see the truth. And actually, Elon already predicted this. Go back to May 18, 2022. This is what he posted on X. In the past, I voted Democrat because they were mostly the Kindness Party, but they become the party of division and hate. So I can no longer support them and will vote Republican. Now watch their dirty tricks campaign against me unfold.

And are they doing that? Absolutely. But their entire plan is not working. Remember, he says the people will be the judge, just like Trump is using the people to judge the deep state. Remember, this is the court of public opinion, and the people must have the information. The people must have this information to make a decision. And once the people make the decision, it doesn’t matter what the corporations say, doesn’t matter what the fake news says, doesn’t matter what Biden says, the White House Press secretary.

Soros it makes no difference because there’s a lot more of us than there are of them. And we can see that things are already changing. Here’s a couple of polls from Rasmussen report on X and it says, since Elon Musk purchased Twitter, have you used the platform more or have you used it less than you did before? American Adult Republicans. Well, use it more. 53% use it less.

25% not much of a difference. 21% not sure. 1% same question, but to the Democrats. Use it more. 47% of Democrats say they use it more. Use it less. 31% not much difference. 19% not sure. 3%. So there’s been a 16% increase in Dem usage, then this is for all Americans. Same questions. Use it more. 39% use it less. 31% not much difference. 27 not sure. Three it’s an 8% user increase advertisers.

Take note because he’s getting more and more people to join the platform. Now, after what he just went through on this interview, what do you think the people are going to do? Do you think the people are going to say, you know what, screw X, I’m out, or do you think the people are going to say, holy crap, he’s going up against the establishment, I’m using X now and that’s exactly what people are going to do.

And remember, this is an incredible platform for people to tell the truth, as long as they allow people to tell the truth. And so far it’s holding. But like I said before, it’s not perfect. They still have to bring certain accounts back up. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is that we could see the establishment, the government, the deep state players, they’ve been using the social media platforms to censor people.

We know that they use Twitter to censor people, and we know it’s happening with Instagram, Facebook and YouTube. And Jim Jordan, he decided to put out another thread about YouTube and how the government is censoring Americans. And this is what he put out. The YouTube Files part One biden White House pressured YouTube to Censor Americans internal docs from Google YouTube’s parent company obtained by Judicial GOP and Weaponization show that biden White House wanted Americans censored.

Almost one year ago today, Matt Tayebe published the first edition of the Twitter files, followed by other journalists including Schellenberger, Barry Weiss, l H Fang, Alex Berenson. After issuing subpoenas to big tech judiciary, GOP released the Facebook files this summer, revealing that the Biden White House wanted true information censored. Facebook changed its policies because of pressure from the Biden admin. Facebook removed content related to COVID-19 in response to pressure from Biden administration, including posts claiming the virus was manmade, according to an internal company communications viewed by the Wall Street Journal.

And we know that it is manmade. We know they unleashed it on the population to cheat in the elections. And yes, there’s many other agendas associated with that, the bioweapon, depopulation and everything else. Let me continue. Now here’s the first edition of the YouTube files. We knew the Biden White House was pushing Facebook and Twitter to censor more. Now we know the White House was repeatedly pressuring Google to censor content on YouTube.

On April 12, 2021, Rob Flattery, Biden’s director of digital strategy, emailed Google wanting to know how Google could better crack down on vaccine misinformation and to discuss with ways the White House and our COVID experts can partner in your product work. Privately, Google understood that this request meant an internal docs obtained by Judicial GOP reveal Rob’s question. We’re very YouTube focused and he dug in on our decision making for borderline content, which YouTube says is content that doesn’t violate our community guidelines.

A week later, on April 21, 2021, one of the Google government affairs team. Members who had been on recent calls with the biden White House, specifically Robert Flaherty. Explain plainly what Flaherty wanted. Really he’s interested in what we’re seeing that is not coming down. YouTube’s Government Affairs team then emailed the YouTube product team warning the Biden White House is very interested in our work on borderline content and the product team should brief the White House to prevent anything from potentially spiraling out of control.

Another week later, YouTube’s Government Affairs team emailed the YouTube product team to update them on the situation. The Google and YouTube Government affairs team were having conversations with the White House staff on YouTube’s policies. Both Google and YouTube’s Government affairs team wanted the YouTube product team to meet with the White House staff who were familiar with many of YouTube’s policies and efforts removing content. Because the White House staffs continued to have questions on the raise reduce efforts, the company needed this meeting ASAP because there was significant attention coming from the White House staff on this issue and Google was seeking to work closely with the Biden administration on multiple policy fronts and needed to appease them.

Senator Rand Paul and Republicans in the House introduced legislation that would provide victims of government censorship with a remedy the ability to sue the government bureaucrats responsible for causing your constitutionally protected speech to be removed. Judiciary GOP and Weaponization will continue this critical investigation work to further inform legislative solutions to the vast government censorship enterprise. So here we have the proof that now it was Twitter, it was Facebook and now it’s YouTube.

So they’ve been violating the people’s rights. They’ve been teaming up with the social media platforms telling them who should be censored and of course they’re trying to make it look like, hey, we’re not involved, we’re just pointing things out and it’s up to them if they want to do it or not. Well there’s a lot of force, there’s a lot of money, there’s a lot of pressure. The government should not be involved in this whatsoever.

Right there they just cross the line even if they mention shut that person down or censor that person because that means they’re violating their constitutional right. Did they break the law? No. You mean they’re telling you something and there’s facts that back it up or even if it’s their opinion, they have no right to do this. And now we have Jim Jordan, he has subpoenaed key ex Biden admin officials behind censorship efforts.

So now they’re being subpoenaed, they’re going to have to testify under oath. This should be very, very interesting because we could see that the government who’s appealing to the Supreme Court, they should have the right to work with social media companies to censor people. I mean, just think about that for a second and you know what the Supreme Court’s going to do? They’re going to go, are you freaking crazy? You want to violate the First Amendment by telling social media who to censor and not censor.

Well, wouldn’t it be the same if they went to newspapers and to TV stations and they told them what to run and what not to run? Wouldn’t that be a violation of freedom of the press? Oh, wait, they already are doing that. So they’re violating everyone’s rights. Isn’t that interesting? Now we could see the deep state players since all this evidence is coming out and the information is coming out that they never wanted out there.

This was never supposed to be in the public realm. The people were never ever supposed to know how they censored people on social media, how Biden had 20 shell companies. They were never ever supposed to know about any of this. Which means, are they really in control? Because why would this information be getting out? It wouldn’t. The only reason it’s getting out is because this is part of the plan.

The people need to see this. And this is all part of the 2024 election, because you need the people to see the deep state system, you need the people to see the criminals, you need them to see it all. And what is the deep state going to do as all this gets out there? And the people know they got to cover it up? This is why they only have a couple of moves left.

That’s why they’re going to try chaos in this country. That’s why they’re bringing down the economy. Yes, they’re bringing this into the great reset, the Green New Deal. But that creates chaos. They want to bring us to war. Actually, if you take all of this, it usually goes hand in hand and they need some type of catalyst, something to kick it all off. Just like they needed something in 2020 to cheat in the election.

So what are they going to use? They’re going to use an attack on the US. They attacked the US in 2020? They did. It was the virus. They attacked the United States. It wasn’t naturally occurring. They developed it in China. They used it then on the United States. They attacked this nation. They’re going to do it again because they need to cover up their crimes. They have to win at all costs.

So, yes, they’re going to do it again. Trump and the Patriots, they know this. They know that they’re heading down this path. Actually, I do believe Trump wants them to head down this path because this will actually help the Patriots in the end. This will backfire on the deep state. Think about it. When we had the 2020 riots, trump could have called the insurrection. When we had the cheating in the election of 2020, trump, he knew exactly what they did.

He could have just gone in there and arrested all these people. But again, what would be the lesson to the people of this country? All they would see is a military coup. All they would see is this Saul loser going after these people? Trump, he allowed them to cheat in the election. He allowed them to move forward with their plan. He allowed them to do these things because he needed each and every one of you to wake up and see their system.

He needed the people behind him to take this country back because it’s in the Constitution. He’s following the Constitution. It’s the rule of law. And him just taking it back is not going to work. He needs the country. He needs the majority. He needs the people. And I do believe this is why we’re heading down this path, and this is why there’s only a couple moves left for the deep state players, and these moves are going to be horrific as we move forward.

But Trump of the Patriots, they know this. The people must see it. And the people then will make a decision in 2024. And you could see that things are already building right now. Hamas right now out in Israel, they have killed three Israelis in Jerusalem during the Gaza truce. So two terrorists opened fire at a Jerusalem bus stop, and they killed three and wounded six others. And Netanyahu is out there, and he said this to Blinken, that he vows nothing will stop us from destroying Hamas.

But we know that Blinken is on Obama’s side. But you can see there’s a separation right now because Biden, Hillary Clinton, which we’ll be talking about in just a SEC, they’re all having problems right now because it’s either they go with Israel or they go with Hamas, the terrorists. And it looks pretty darn bad if you come out and say, I’m with Hamas, because think about all the moderate Democrats, think about all the liberal Jews.

This would be a complete and utter disaster for them. So what’s happening now is the far, far left, they’re angry at them because they’re not going along with them. Now. They’re trapped in all this. And actually, in the end, this is going to destroy them. But Trump, he put this out on truth. He said, there would never have been an attack on Israel if I were president. And what is going on now is unthinkable.

And I do believe as we move down into 2024, we’re going to see events. Actually, there was an event out in Germany, and we mentioned this yesterday, but it was stopped. And basically there’s an update to this. There were two individuals, one from Afghanistan and one was from Chechen origin, and they are the suspects in the planned terror attack, and they caught them before they did it. Now, do you think this is going to be the only terror attack? Absolutely not.

Remember, it’s not just Hamas, but it’s those people that believe in their cause. So those people that came over the border in this country, there are a lot of Muslims. Doesn’t mean every Muslim is bad, but those people that are siding with the terrorists. Those are the ones that are going to do us harm. And we could see already out in Ireland, they’re seeing this happen. A child was stabbed and the people are getting very angry.

And the people there can see that their government is actually let’s talk about our health. When it comes to weight loss, we’re all searching for a miracle pill. Generally, you have to use multiple products that target each area of fat differently to fully manage weight. Some supplements may focus on burning fat, while others boost metabolism or control cravings. But believe it or not, I may have found a solution that removes the need for juggling through multiple weight loss products.

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And when these situations come up, you can see as clear as day where their allegiance lies. And the Irish people, they see it. And what’s very interesting is the people out there have been putting up Irish Lives Matter. And right now, the people out in Ireland, the Black Lives Matter supporters and others, they’re saying that Irish Lives Matter is a race, is racist poison. Well, DC Dreno responded to this and says apparently not wanting Irish children to be stabbed is hate speech.

This is why censoring hate speech is a slippery slope towards full tyranny. Who defines hate speech? The government. What? Does hate speech quickly morph into any speech the government hates. And he’s absolutely right. And that’s what they’re trying to do. And I do believe in this country and many others, they’re probably going to try to use anti Semitism to use this, to basically rein in hate speech. So just be alert for this, for the DS to start saying, you know something, we need to stop those people that are anti Semitic, so we need to create laws that actually govern hate speech.

I wouldn’t be surprised if they tried to do this and I wouldn’t be surprised if it comes from Schumer and all those individuals blumenthal and the rest. Where do their allegiance lie? Are they blackmailed? Are they bribed? Are they controlled? Does the deep state control them? You’re going to find out very, very soon. And you could see that the protests just like BLM, it’s the same people, same group, same Mo.

They’re out there protesting every chance they get. And we could see that the pro Palestinian protesters, they swarm the streets surrounding Rockefeller Center on the tree lighting, they’re chanting river to the sea. And they continually push their entire agenda and they’re very, very violent. And if you don’t agree with them they get very angry. Actually there was an individual, an American holding an American flag and these people that were marching in the know, pro Palestine, they actually tried to rip the flag away from him and wokeness put this out and said a patriot shows up to the New York City Christmas lighting ceremony with American flag.

A pro Palestine protester tried to tear the American flag away and another shouts Alu Akbar, only in America. So these people are the same exact people that we saw back in 2020 and all the other riots. They’re antifa BLM, illegals criminals, you name it, same exact people. And we could see the DS, they’re having a problem. It was much easier for them when it know George Floyd, it was a black man.

Now this is a little bit more difficult because the far, far left, they’re all for terrorists. And the DS, now they’re trapped in all of this because which side do you go to? Do you appease the far left or do you appease the middle? So they’re trapped in all this and this is destroying them. And we could see that Hillary Clinton, she was at Columbia University and the class was disrupted because the people were chanting at her and the students were sitting there chanting over and over and over.

And we can see that they’re having a major, major problem and they will continue to have a problem because the situation is just going to get worse and worse as time goes on. But you can see the deepsay players, they are trying to push war. Remember Biden, he released billions of dollars for Iran. He told Iran listen, don’t worry about the sanctions, you can sell the oil. And now all of a sudden the treasury is targeting large Iranian military financial facilitation networks.

So now Biden is telling Iran to do all these things. And now the treasury department of treasury and the Foreign Asset Control have sanctioned over 20 individuals and entities for their involvement in financial facilitation networks for the benefit of Iran’s Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces Logistics and an Iranian Armed Forces General Staff and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard. So on one side, here’s the money, go ahead, distribute the oil.

The other side they’re going after Iran. So they’re sending mixed signals, they’re pissing off Iran and they want Iran to do something and really think about what’s happening with the DS. Who is the only individual that is going to be liked by the far, far left? This is going to be Obama, Michelle Obama, because they’re part of the Muslim Brotherhood. Remember their entire plan here. And I do believe in the end to actually have these people and have everyone else.

I do believe Obama is going to step into the spotlight and let’s see how this plays out. This will be very, very interesting. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is we can see since the bioweapon was released on the people and they told everyone that there are no side effects, it’s safe and effective. Well, I think the people are learning that they lied to almost everyone and there are major, major side effects.

People are just dropping dead. They have myocarditis, they have cancer, they have infertility and many, many other illnesses. But again, you can see what the pharmaceutical company’s models were. Let’s give them these drugs, let’s continually give it to them. Let’s make them sick. This will add into our depopulation scheme. This will make people sick. So they’ll have to buy our medicine to make them better or just to keep their lives chugging along.

And if we keep giving the boosters, we’re going to make a fortune because we cause the problem and then we have a solution. Wall Street Silver put this out and is pointing to an article and says pfizer to rake in billions on new cardiovascular drugs treating sudden spike in heart problems around the globe. Create the problem, then create the treatment. That’s what they did. And I think the people are seeing this now.

And this is why the number of people getting the boosters is dropping and dropping and dropping because the people now have the information. They know people that are getting sick, they know people that are having heart attacks. They are seeing it with their own two eyes. They’re experiencing it. And no matter what the pharmaceutical company says, no matter what Biden says, it’s not going to work. And it looks like they are now calling in fauci.

He will appear before the 118th Congress for the first time for a two day transcribe interview on January eigth, 2024 and January 9, 2024. He has also agreed to testify in front of the COVID Select at a public hearing next year. So they’re going to get some information about what he’s been doing. Now, does this mean that they’re going to arrest him and put him away? No, they’re building a case against him.

I do believe they already have the evidence, but again, this has to be done publicly. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is that Rachel Levine, who is the United States Secretary for Health, he was a man, now he’s dressing up as a woman. And remember, during COVID this same individual got his mother out of a nursing home because he knew they were placing sick people into the nursing home and those people were going to die.

So he got his mother out of there very, very quickly. And then he became the United States assistant secretary because he went along with the plan, putting sick people into nursing homes. Interesting. So right now there is a case, and the courts are ordering Rachel Levine to produce the emails for discovery as part of an ongoing litigation over Alabama law prohibiting sex changes for minors. Now, the plaintiffs are suing the state of Alabama over its restrictions of child sex changes for those under 19 years old.

And we could see that the Department of justice, they’re trying to push back. They do not want to release Levine’s emails. So they decided, hey, listen, you can have other people’s emails, but you can’t have Levine’s emails. Now this is very interesting and this is what the DOJ does. They protect their own. But in the end, I do believe this is going to fail. And once again, we could see the deep state players, what do they do? They cover for their own.

It’s a two tier justice system. It’s a criminal syndicate. Now, yesterday we talked about how there’s going to be many people entering the race, the presidential race, because Biden, most likely he’s going to be taken out. They’re going to try to force him out. Maybe he’ll be stubborn and say, I’m not going. Then they’ll probably have to use the 25th Amendment or something else just to get rid of him.

But we could see they’re trying all different candidates. And there was speculation that Mark Cuban was going to run, and it looks like Mark Cuban has no plans to run for the White House. So it looks like they’re going to try many, many different people. And they’re going to try to get the best person in there who’s popular, who has the people on their side. And I think this is going to be very, very difficult for them.

And I think in the end, the only person they’re going to have left is probably Michelle Obama. I don’t think Gavin Newsom is going to be able to do this. I don’t think the other people that they’re trying to get into this position, they’re going to be able to do this. I think they’re going to be trapped in all this. I don’t think Kamala Harris is going to be able to pull this off.

So I think they’re going to have to rely on Michelle Obama in the end. But we’ll have to see how this all plays out. It but on the Republican side, we could see the establishment. They’re going after every person they possibly can. They’re putting money behind them, hoping that they would beat Trump, because remember, every step of the way, they’re trying to beat him. First they tried with the indictments.

They were hoping that, oh, he won’t win the primary. But when they see his poll numbers, they’re like, oh, crap, look at his poll numbers. The people like, when he’s getting indictment, more and more people are going to his side. More and more people will vote for him. We’re going to have to start paying for these people, and we’re going to have to put these people up against him.

Oh, wait, that’s not working. So what do we do? They’re trapped in all of this. Trump, he put this out and said, highly overrated globalist. Jamie Dimon, the CEO of Morgan, is quietly pushing another non MAGA person. Nikki Haley for President. I’ve never been a big Jamie Dimon fan, but had to live with this guy when he came begging to the White House. I guess I don’t have to live with him anymore, and that’s really a good thing.

And he’s absolutely right, and he doesn’t have to live with him and serve this evil anymore. So right now we could see that they’re pushing Nikki Haley, and they’re going to be pushing very, very hard. But again, this is not going to work. The people, they’re on Trump’s side. And we could see that things are changing. I mean, look, look at Rappaport. He said, Listen, I got to vote for Trump.

I hate it. I can’t do it. And now we have former CNN host Chris Cuomo. He appears to be open to voting for Trump in 2024 over Joe Biden. Things are so bad that Cuomo’s brother is open to voting for Trump. And during the interview, Cuomo said that at least under Trump, people didn’t want to kill us. Nobody was trying to kill us when Trump was President in a way that they’re not now.

If anything, there’s more hostility, and you can have reasons for that anywhere you want. When asked if he was open to voting for Trump, he said, I’m always open. So that is very interesting that he’s starting to see this now. And I do believe that you’re going to see a lot more people, because remember, as things get worse and I do believe there is an event coming here in the country, and I do believe that’s going to happen in 2024.

I do believe this is going to wake a lot of people up. And all those people, even though they hate them, even though they don’t want to vote for them, when they see this event occur, a lot of people are going to go and vote for Trump. This is what’s called the Great Awakening. These people are waking up. They’re seeing the truth of the matter, and that’s what this is all about.

And while this is all happening, what are people seeing? They’re seeing the rigged election put them both together, the Great Awakening, and they rigged the election in 2000 and 22,016. They rigged the election in 2018, 2022. When people put all this together, the people say, you know, something we’d rather have paper ballots. And I think in the end that’s what people are going to demand. But look what’s happening out in Arizona.

They’re trying to cover up their rigged election, their crimes. Misty Summers put this out and said arizona Court Views maricopa County Superior Court Judge John Hannah is officially past the 60 days allotted to deliver his court ruling in Lake versus Richer. Records request trial September 21 and 25th. Have the ballot affidavit envelopes been destroyed? Is Judge Hannah covering for the county recorder Stephen Richer? The Maricopa County Treasury has indicated in two separate public hearing records requests that they do not have the ballot affidavit signature envelopes as testified in court by Recorder Stephen Richer.

Recently court ordered ballots in Georgia from 2020 are also missing. It appears we are seeing a pattern of malfeasance and cover up by the deep state and Democratic operatives. The public has a right to see if their signatures were forged. The public has a right to see if frozen ballot envelopes were signed. The courts are not only stalling, but are throwing justice right outside the window of public scrutiny.

We need public outcry and public action demanding Maricopa County turnover the ballot affidavit envelopes. And she’s absolutely right. Why aren’t they making the ruling? What are they covering up? And remember, this is an ongoing court case, so they should have all these records on the ready and if they can’t produce it, if they were destroyed, then the election should be nullified because they’re supposed to keep all this.

They’re supposed to give this to the people. They should be transparent. It’s our election, it’s not their election. And we could see that this is now falling apart on them. And look what’s happening out in Arkansas. Rasmussen Reports put this out on X and said test case arkansas voters want paper ballots by nearly a two to one margin. Voters in Arkansas support calls for switching their state’s election to paper ballots.

65% concerned there will be cheating in 2024 elections involving electronic voting machines. So the people, they’re seeing all this, they want paper ballots. I think this is going to be very, very easy to convince the American population that we need to use paper ballots when the country’s cyberattacked, because if they don’t trust the machines now, do you think they’re going to trust it when there’s a cyberattack and malware is released into the systems? I don’t think they’re going to trust any of it, especially when Trump comes out and said, listen, foreign governments interfered in our election in 2016 and 2020.

So if there’s a cyberattack and Trump already showed the documents that there’s foreign interference, no one’s going to trust the elections, which means people are going to say, you know something, we need to use something that they can’t manipulate and that is paper. And everyone watching the vote and using the hmm, this is going to be very interesting, but you can see every step of the way, the deep state players, they’re going to try to stop Trump because that’s all they have.

I don’t think they have the ability to cheat like they cheated back in 2020. I think Trump allowed them to do this so the resident will be put into place. This time around, Trump has secured the election. He’s making sure that there is no cheating. And this is why they’re using indictments. This is why they’ve been trying to stop him. This is why I do believe they’re going to try to postpone the election.

And you can see every step of the way they’re taking these individuals, these people that have been blackmailed, and they’re using them to push their entire agenda. And if you just look at Judge Ngoron, you can see he’s part of the deep state. His wife is part of the deep state, and she’s very biased. So how can he make a decision? Because he’s the same exact way Trump he put out a couple of truths showing how Judge N’goren’s wife reacts to when someone puts something up about Trump.

Ronnie Jackson put this up and said, nasty racist. Letitia James is a despicable human being and Jonging is an absolute pathetic circus clown. These two moronic idiots are the very reason the courts in New York are a joke and a national disgrace election interference. Well, Dawn Marie, this is his wife, the judge’s wife. The only racists are you white male politicians and those who vote for you. Trump says.

Yet another from Judge and Goren’s wife. This trial, which should never have been allowed to be brought, has turned out to be an embarrassment to the New York State judicial system. So down below, we have Graham Allen. It says Trump is not even allowed to have his attorney defend him in this banana republic. Absolutely insane. Well, Don Marie, who’s the judge’s wife showed Trump in prison reading a book, says 2024.

He’s headed for the big house. Trump, says another from Judge Angorin’s wife, who is almost as out of control as he is, how low can you get? Shows Trump mopping the flaunt in prison and says he’ll never be in the White House again. He’s headed for the big house. And she just continually does this over and over and over. And now what’s very interesting is that the appeals court reinstated Trump’s gag order in the New York case.

Now, remember, in Goron, he has fined Trump multiple times right now. And he said, the next time I’m going to put you in prison if you say anything. You think Trump is going to stay quiet or do you think he’s going to say something? Do you think they’re going to put him in prison? Well, if they do this, his poll numbers are going to skyrocket. Think about what happened when he released his mug shot.

First. He made a lot of money. His poll numbers went up. What happens. If they show a picture of him behind bars. And that’s on every shirt, every mug, and it says Election interference, never give up, what do you think is going to happen? More and more people are going to vote for Trump. His poll numbers are going to go up. Seems like this might be planned out.

Now, the other thing that’s very interesting, and Julie Kelly put this out and this has to do with Jack Smith’s cases. She said Trump’s lawyers filed a lightly redacted per protective order motion yesterday, again outlining the parties they believe are part of the prosecution team. These agencies have fingerprints on the initial DOJ investigation and Jack Smith’s, the redactions are interesting. Not sure what these redactions are related to.

Bill Barr, perhaps. As I covered last week, cooney and Gaston are now on Jack Smith’s team. They wrote a letter to Barr blasting him for modifying SOP for election investigations, describing claims of election fraud as conspiracy theories. More redactions related to FBI recall that Deontuano, first named Steve, not Mike, headed up Detroit FBI field office during Whitmer. Fednapping then promoted to WFO a few months before January 6.

In April 2022, FBI opened two investigations into Trump January 6 and classified docs records under the purview of DHS are still buried. Also, we never found out what happened to all the relevant Secret Service texts under DHS that were deleted after January 6 and never retrieved. Not redacted, but of interest, millie was highly involved in domestic law enforcement affairs before and on January 6, which is verboden. He also told January 6 committee he classified all his January 6 related records after that day.

This, among other issues, is why we will never testify at trial. Despite claims by Jack Smith and Judge Chukin, he is a potential witness. So this is very interesting that Millie was involved. He classified his information. It seems like they’re covering up everything. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is we could see that Henry Kissinger, he passed away. He was 100 years old. And what’s very interesting about all of this is that Dan Scovino, he put up two dogcoms.

And I wonder if this has to do with Henry Kissinger and actually Jimmy Carter and not Rosalind Carter. So this is very interesting how this is all playing out, but we’ll have to see how this all plays out. But what’s very interesting is that the Patriot Voice put this out on X and said Henry Kissinger was an evil son of a bitch. I mean, evil to the core.

Easily one of the most evil men to ever live. Look up National Security Study memorandum 200 from 1974, where Henry was secretary of state under Nixon. It outlines an agenda for thinning of the herd population control. This memorandum specifically outlined plans to depopulate various Third World countries so that the United States could go and steal their natural resources. Henry Kissinger was their New World Order Mastermind he once said, control oil and you control nations.

Control food, and you control the people. Henry is listed as an influence to Klaus Schwab on his Wikipedia page. He is also Schwab’s real life mentor. That should tell you all you need to know about him. He was also Obama’s shadow, helping give him credibility and thrusting him into the spotlight. Henry said of President elect Obama in 2008, a new world order can be created. It’s a great opportunity.

Now, that’s very interesting. And also, if we go back to post 30 916, this is April eigth, 2020. There’s a picture of Henry Kissinger, and it says the plan. And this is what this says today’s Americans would be outraged if UN troops entered Los Angeles to restore order. Tomorrow, they will be grateful. This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence.

It is then that all people of the world will plead with the world leaders to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with the scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted to them by their world government. Did they try to do this with COVID Will they try to do this with a cyberattack? Will they try to do this again with another pandemic? I do believe so.

Now, what’s very interesting, and the timing is very interesting look at post 2522, the December 1, 2018. Down below it says, State funeral next week. Coincidence. The timing is absolutely unbelievable. And then we have Trump. He put this out on Truth, and he’s letting us know that we’re going to defeat the globalist in 2024. And this is what he says the Wall Street Journal editorial page is really a mess.

The globalist paper sucks, its influence is badly waning, and the concept of Make America Great again is not exactly music to their ears. They fought me hard in 2016, but when I won, Rupert Murdoch was the first to call. Great going, he said. Let’s have lunch. He called off and never getting what he wanted to get or hearing what he wanted to hear. How did that work out, Rupert? Now he’s given up on hopeless Rhonda’s Desanctimonius, who became Florida’s governor because of me, only to be pushing Nikki Birdbrain Haley, an even more disloyal candidate than Ron.

Just like 2016. In 2020, I got millions of more votes than I did in 2016, but the election was rigged. 2024 will be a globalist defeat. That’s all caps, by the way, and a rebuke to the losers at The Wall Street Journal who have gotten almost nothing right for years. Remember, I’m leading Haley and DeSantis by 50 points, a Crooked Joe by a lot, and the radical left Democrats want no part of MAGA or Trump.

So he’s letting us know that we’re going to have a globalist defeat. And I do believe as we head down 2024, people are going to wake up like we’ve never seen before. And he did mention 50 points, that he’s beating Haley and DeSantis by 50 points. And that reminds me of post 50 and think about what’s coming up in 2024. Wars coming up. I think that’s going to lead to some type of nuclear war which then involves uranium.

So let’s just read post 50th. It’s November 2, 2017. How did North Korea obtain uranium? How did Iran obtain uranium? Why did Barack Obama send billions in cash and wire to Iran? Why? The cash component? Was the hostage component a cover? For what? Could any of the cash component be handed off to other people? How many places carry the cash into Iran? Did all land in Iran? Did all land in same location? Why is this relevant? Who controls North Korea? Who really controls North Korea? Don’t think of a single person.

I think it’s the deep state players. Think of a powerful entity. Why is this important? Why are war so important? Cover ups a lot depopulates. Who benefits? Who does hostage refer to? Who can be held hostage and controlled by North Korea having miniaturized nuclear weapons? Where is Barack Obama today? Where’s Valerie Jarrett? Alice in Wonderland? And I do believe all this is going to lead back to Uranium One.

It’s going to lead back to Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and the rest. And I do believe that all of this is leading to that point. And as we go through 2024, the people are going to see the truth. The people are going to be scared, and the people are going to see the deep state system. And as they see the deep state system, they will have the information to vote in the 2024 election.

And the people will get their vote. They will be heard. Because I do believe Trump and the Patriots, they have plans to allow the people to use paper ballots. Because remember, the system that we have today was designed and developed by the deep state players. It works for them. Yes, you can manipulate it here and there to win the election like Trump did in 2016, but you can’t do it over and over and over because they catch on.

The only way to actually win in the election, I do believe, is to actually remove their system and use a system that they do not control. And I do believe that system is paper ballots. And I do believe that’s where we’re moving. And I do believe the war, the attack on this country, just like they attacked it in 2020, is going to work towards the Patriots advantage to win the election and to show the deep state who’s really in control.

We the people, the Patriots are in control. Listen, everyone. Thanks a lot for listening. Be well. Be safe, and especially be prepared. Thanks a lot. .


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