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Universities were designed to prepare young adults for careers in a variety of fields, from engineering to accounting, and for many generations they did. But once the liberal pandemic spread across the country, many are now using the opportunity of having impressionable students living outside of their parents’ supervision for the first time in their lives to indoctrinate them into Marxist ideologies in hopes of them later becoming servants of wokeness. The professors know that young adults are extremely vulnerable to radical new ideas, especially if they’re presented as a way to rebel against their parents or society.
These professors capture and reframe students’ natural anti-establishment sentiment and redirect it into pro-establishment activities under the guise of various deceptive terms and distorted perspectives. A study in 2016 that looked at the voter registrations of faculty at 40 of the top universities in America found that there was a 12 to 1 ratio of liberals to conservatives in academia, and with the polarization of society over the last eight years, and with the liberal pandemic just starting to take hold back in 2016. You can imagine what it is today, but back in 1968 a similar study found that the ratio was only 2.7 to 1, and it’s probably 10 times more liberal today.
Authoritarians throughout history have known that molding young minds is much easier than trying to change old ones, and there was a concerted effort in 1960s by leftists to infiltrate academia, which has obviously been very successful. Not only is LGBTQism and anti-whiteism now a central part of culture on college campuses, they’ve also grown increasingly hostile to conservatives, especially when conservative speakers are invited to campus. And the thought police have even gotten so strict that incoming students now regularly get their acceptance revoked if past social media posts get dug up and are deemed divisive or offensive.
The coddling of college students has become embarrassing, with some campuses even issuing support animals for students who are having a hard time coping with entering adulthood, and issuing trigger warnings for Shakespeare plays, a ridiculous notice that content contains offensive or outdated stereotypes that may hurt some people’s feelings. The student code of conduct is also getting so ridiculous that some schools even deem it a violation to cause another student embarrassment. Numerous colleges have set up what they call bias hotlines, which are phone numbers that students can call to anonymously report what they perceive to be instances of bias, meaning a funny joke or uncomfortable fact about black people, Native Americans, illegal aliens, or LGBTQ people.
A student named Cal Cashew got dumped by Harvard after accepting him once some old text messages from a few years earlier when he was 16 were posted online by a high school classmate of his showing him using the dreaded n-word, which often throws black people into a rage when they hear that a white person used it, even if they’re just singing along to a popular rap song. Talk about black fragility. He was one of the Parkland students at Marjory Stoneland Douglas High School, which was the target of a widely publicized tragedy in 2018.
The one that put fellow classmate David Hogg in the limelight, who then built a career out of it as a liberal activist. But Cal Cashew was a dissenting voice, disagreeing with liberals gun control measures that they were pushing after the tragedy, making him an outcast and a target for the media. So when the screenshots were posted, the media was eager to cover what should have been a non-issue of teenagers text messages about some jocks at his school, which ultimately resulted in Harvard rescinding his acceptance just a few months before the fall semester started.
While this is a high profile instance of a student having their acceptance rescinded after becoming targeted for cancellation by the woke mob, it certainly isn’t an isolated incident. The Harvard student newspaper, The Harvard Crimson, published an article titled Harvard Resins Acceptances for at least 10 students for obscene memes identifying such cases. There are even reports that some colleges have rejected applicants based on who they follow on Twitter. One student was allegedly rejected from a prestigious college because he followed Alex Jones. The student was specifically asked by the school’s admission officer why he followed Alex Jones prior to his rejection.
So he hired a lawyer who later reported that the situation was quickly resolved to his client’s satisfaction, meaning they probably accepted him in order to avoid the negative publicity or an expensive lawsuit. College campuses are the most diverse liberal places on the planet. And as countless examples in recent years show, virtually every single instance of supposed racism, which is alleged to occur are hallucinations and delusions of paranoid anti-white students who perceive benign instances like a discarded banana peel or a broken shoelace as evidence of a hate crime. While actual racist instances against black students, Latinos, Asians, etc.
are virtually non-existent on college campuses today, anti-white sentiment is not only on the rise, it has become a large part of campus culture and many curriculums. Many universities are now holding separate graduation ceremonies for black students because they’re uncomfortable sharing their big day alongside their white classmates. Some even have black only dorms for students who don’t want to live near any white people. They need a safe space, they say. In the 1960s, schools and universities made a strong push to desegregate, but now many black students are choosing to resegregate and isolate themselves from white students and white culture, which is American culture.
It goes without saying that if white students wanted white only dorms to insulate themselves from the cultural strains caused by the anti-white sentiments that now permeate many campuses, they wouldn’t just be denounced as Nazis, they would be expelled just for suggesting such measures. And because American universities are breeding grounds for anti-whitism, many students become paranoid from the gaslighting spewing from their professors and often imagine racism around every corner where none exists and are openly hostile to white people and American culture. At the University of Oklahoma, photos of retired professors which fill the wall on an entryway to the political science department were taken down because they were only white male faces and there were concerns the photos were making black students feel uncomfortable.
At Rockefeller University in New York, a similar group of photos of famous alumni who had won a Nobel Prize or the Lasker Award, a major medical prize which had been posted on a wall in one of the auditoriums made students feel like they reinforced contemporary issues of exclusion and made them think of discrimination. So they created a committee to redesign the wall by adding more diversity, more non-white people. The same complaints were launched at Yale’s School of Medicine because there were too many white portraits hanging in the hall of one of their main buildings honoring some of their famous alumni.
The Black Student Union at the University of Wisconsin demanded that a large statue of Abraham Lincoln be removed because it was an everyday reminder to the black students that they don’t belong there, they said. Of course, Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation freeing the slaves in the Confederate South in 1863, but they don’t care. They cited other controversies including Abraham Lincoln’s supposed poor treatment of Native Americans as another reason that it should be torn down. A viral video showing a couple of white students studying in Arizona State University’s Multicultural Center, which is just a study space for students which doubles as a museum of sorts featuring information about different cultures from around the world, showed that they were being harassed by several black students who proudly videotaped their harassment and posted it on social media because the other students were white.
The black students were especially upset that one of the white students had a Police Lives Matter sticker on his laptop. You’re making this space uncomfortable, but you’re white. Do you understand what a multicultural space? It means you’re not being centered. No, it’s not a culture. It’s white is not a culture. Say it again to the camera. You think whiteness is a culture? She went on to complain about white people in general and how the multicultural space was supposed to be their space free of white people. This is insane. So anyways, this is the violence that ASU does and this is the type of people that they protect.
Okay, this white man thinks he can take up our space and this is why we need a multicultural space because they think they can get away with this. Surprisingly, the black perpetrators were reprimanded for the harassment after an investigation by the school, but the punishment they were given was just a warning and an assignment to write a brief paper about how to facilitate a civil dialogue in a multicultural space. But instead of being glad that they weren’t suspended or expelled, the black students took to social media to cry about the punishment as more racism against them.
I cannot continue creating pathways to help black students get into ASU. If ASU is going to attack, harass, and not protect or support black students. For the last 10 years, the growing anti-white sentiments and institutional anti-whitism was fine. It’s literally part of the curriculum in many schools, but it spilled over on the Jews after the latest war between Israel and Palestine and the Middle East fired up. And then critical race theory became a problem to some on the left. Wealthy Jewish donors like hedge fund manager Bill Ekman pulled their support from their alma maters and started decrying the wokeness.
And then the police were sent in to clear out the protesters on campuses who were all painted as pro Hamas or pro terrorist by the neocon media. Call white people the devil, blame white people for being part of a conspiracy to oppress all non-whites. And that’s just fine. Make those same accusations about Jews and the hammer gets dropped immediately. A lot of people call college a scam these days, including Charlie Kirk, who wrote a whole book trying to convince kids not to go and point to the tremendous amount of debt that students go into in order to get a degree or some students.
But college isn’t totally a scam. Largely depends on the degree. Even if a student loan is $100,000, people take five years to pay off a car loan, which average 40 to $50,000. So taking 20 years to pay off a student loan of $100,000 isn’t really that bad, especially when the average college graduate earns $30,000 more per year than someone with just a high school education. It’s an investment in oneself and future earnings. And the average student loan is only about $20,000 to $25,000 anyway, which to a 21-year-old kid seems like a lot of money.
But in the long run, it’s not. You definitely don’t need college to have a successful career and earn a good living. Even if automation, robots, and artificial intelligence becomes ubiquitous and displaces millions of jobs, no robot is going to be able to install a furnace like an HVAC technician or replace a broken garbage disposal like a plumber. And Android isn’t going to be able to operate as a building inspector to make sure new homes or remodels are being done safely and up to code. And it certainly isn’t going to be able to remodel your kitchen or your bathroom.
Instead of college, you could learn the trades by getting an electrician, a carpenter, a welder. You could work as a heavy equipment operator, which usually pays very well, like driving a bulldozer or operating a crane. But obviously, you can’t learn to become a surgeon from watching YouTube videos. So there’s always going to be a need for college for some careers, even if that means going into debt for $200,000, which is the average medical school debt that graduates leave with. As far as regular undergraduate programs for other fields, aside from the education that college provides in those areas, the experience, the friendships, the discussions with fellow classmates in and outside of the classroom and the dating relationships are priceless.
And going to college also offers a chance to experience moving to another part of the state or a different part of the country and making new friends who share your interest, values, and goals and getting away from the old neighborhood and those who may be bringing you down or holding you back. So those who claim college is a scam aren’t giving the full picture and often overlook many of the benefits of going. And what many young adults don’t know is that they can get a job in many fields that aren’t perfectly correlated with their degree.
Oftentimes, just having a college degree in anything shows that you can manage scheduling and finishing tasks and potential employers will see that as verification that you would likely be a good worker, no matter what the job is. And with work ethic and critical thinking skills at an all-time low, if you just show up to work on time and don’t complain that there’s not an Xbox in the break room, you will be light years ahead of other young adults in whatever career you choose. Yeah, there’s going to be a lot of woke morons and purple-haired, gender non-binary, carbon-based life forms, but there’s also likely a Republican College Club or a Turning Point USA chapter, not to mention more beautiful girls than you could possibly imagine, many of which are going to come from good families or be immune from the liberal pathogens.
So don’t think that it’s like a TikTok feed. There’s both plenty of good and plenty of bad. And it’s up to you how you make it. I’m Mark Dice. Thanks for watching. Subscribe to my channel if you’re new here. And if you like watching my videos, as I’ve been saying, you’re really going to love reading my books. So order The War on Conservatives in paperback and now hardcover, by the way, from amazon.com or download the e-book for any of the major e-book stores, Kindle iBooks, milk or Google Play. And of course, there’s a link to the Amazon listing in the description below.
So click it and head on over there and check it out. [tr:trw].