Elon Musk Reveals Plan For Twitter Takeover

Posted in: Patriots


Elon Musk Talks WeChat & Plan For Twitter





Copying WeChat, huh? 



I wonder how soon he’ll implement a social credit score into it…



WeChat Rolls Out Credit Scoring System


“Following Alibaba’s Alipay, Tencent’s messaging and payment app WeChat has officially rolled out a personal credit rating system to determine the trustworthiness of users via their payment behavior and credit history on the platform…


“Named “WeChat Pay Score,” the new AI-assisted system is accessible through the WeChat Pay tab but is only available to users who have completed real-name verification.


“Depending on users’ WeChat Pay Score, they can have access to a maximum of 1038 personal-credit related services. With a high enough credit score, users can rent items such as home water purifiers, power banks, and tablets deposit free from designated service providers. Several ride-hailing and hotel service platforms have also been connected to the credit system.”





Then they can control the payments you use that are connected to it. And your Tesla if you have one! 



They could then limit how far or when you can drive. Also you could possibly not get credit, a loan or be able to work at your job all based on your social credit score.


No need for the goon moderators at Twitter anymore! 



Just AI and bots could simply take points away from your social credit score if they don’t like what you say. 



You can hear more from this post on Telegram.



You can hear more from Elon in this video here…



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And get more details on Musk and what his plan for Twitter is here. 


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Elon Musk Reveals Plan For Twitter Takeover
  • It’s interesting that you take a negative perspective on the things that Elon musk talks about. He doesn’t say he wants to copy WeChat and all the negative aspects of it, he simply sees it as the best example in the world today of incorporating all the features that would make a spectacular online experience. What’s wrong with that? It depends on the motivation of the people behind it, and the culture that we create in our country to support such a thing as a tool to improve the lives of everybody. Obviously we have a lot of problems to resolve now. Elon musk doesn’t even mention the New World order Caball and perhaps he doesn’t even believe in such a thing. I don’t know. But if it becomes an obstacle for him personally, I doubt that he is going to join forces with them and he will do everything under his power to stop their influence, because that’s what he does. What evidence do you see that he has a dark, sinister plan for what he is doing? I might be too naïve or missing some thing, but I do not see that as part of his character. He gets so much done precisely because he is working on an energy level way beyond the average human being. You can call it 5D if you wish, and I think those who are also thinking and living in that dimension would certainly try to partner with a person like Elon Musk. Why would he want to condemn himself to the 3-D or 40 knowingly or willingly?

  • This is apparently fooling some very intelligent and good will patriots. I heard Nicholas Veniamin speak about this with great optimism since Elon was firing people in top positions from the platform.

  • Why is the x22 report speaking about this as a positive thing, the same with Benny Johnson?
    Am I to believe these people have been placating us with hopium until our cash get taken away?
    Are we really at this point and no one anywhere is actually giving us the truth?
    I guess china won this one!
    Thanks a lot to all the posers out there that helped screw millions of innocent people around the world, that did nothing to deserve this. Liars selling propaganda along with survival food and collagen and bit coin…why would you people do this, it’s just plain evil.

  • Maybe, My hearing is off or my brain has been overtaken by a “donkey”, but I don’t come to the same conclusion as the author concerning social credit scoring. Frankly, who in the world would want to apply for a loan through him or his businesses? Maybe the ignorant left maybe or just the plain stupid.

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