ELECTION INTERFERENCE: Anti-Trump Judges Gag Candidate Trump!

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ELECTION INTERFERENCE: Anti-Trump Judges Gag Candidate Trump!


➡ The speaker criticizes instances of perceived political interference by judges in electoral processes, particularly related to former President Trump. This includes issuing gag orders to suppress Trump’s right to publicly criticise his opponents and the handling of his court cases in Washington, D.C., and New York. The speaker further suggests that these measures infringe upon Trump’s First Amendment rights, reveals judicial overreach, and demonstrates the judiciary’s deepening participation in political processes.


If judges are participating in our political processes by running and managing a presidential election, they’re now political players. There’s a real crisis here, and it’s continuing in Fulton County, Georgia. It’s continuing in New York City with President Trump, and here in Washington, DC. And the developments have been as follows. In Washington, DC. Judge Chutkin, who is the judge overseeing the President’s the Biden administration’s effort to jail Trump for disputing the 2020 election, issued a gag order that is a brazen attack on the First Amendment rights of President Trump, effectively places Judge Chutkin in control of President Trump’s campaign in terms of managing potentially what’s said and is really just straightforward election interference.

And President Trump, in my view, has a right, a First Amendment right as a citizen, obviously, as a candidate for the president to criticize the Justice Department, criticize Jack Smith. Yes. Criticize the courts, criticize witnesses who are politicians running against him in the case of Mike Pence, criticize public officials and former officials like Mark Milley, the terrible former chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff. But Judge Chushkin says, no, he doesn’t have those rights, and he has to police himself.

And if he doesn’t police himself, judge Chushkin ultimately can hold him in contempt, throw him in jail. Now, Judge, the Trump’s lawyers appealed that order. That’s really unprecedented in terms of interference in the elections, and we’ll see what happens. But in the meantime, up in New York, there was another gag order that’s already been filed against Trump in that crazy case where Letitia James, the anti Trump Democratic prosecutor, is trying to destroy Trump’s businesses.

And the judge in that case was angry that Trump had posted something about a staffer on the court. So he issued a gag order ordering Trump to take that down, and he did. Well, evidently, it was still up on his campaign website. And the judge decided, obviously, the Trump wasn’t personally responsible for that oversight. But the judge said, I don’t care. I’m going to fine you $5,000. And he did.

And then I just saw just before I came on, he said, I’m going to do something even more severe, maybe even throw him in jail if there are any intentional or unintentional violations of my order. So that sounds like a Yangaroo Court to me, doesn’t it to you? So you have this unprecedented interference by the judiciary in our elections. And of course, the judiciaries now say, well, they don’t want to be criticized.

Well, if judges are participating in our political processes by running and managing a presidential election, they’re now political players. And of course, they should be criticized in a way previously they would otherwise wouldn’t be criticized. And to tell American citizens they can’t criticize them, to me is an affront to free speech and the First Amendment. And no, you don’t lose all your First Amendment rights because you’re a defendant or you’re in a court.

And the idea that the number one candidate for President of the United States can’t criticize the crazed special prosecutor who I know is running an unethical operation because I saw it firsthand without fear of being thrown in jail by an Obama judge is an abomination unto the law. So I hope the upper courts, the appellate court here in the District of Columbia or the Supreme Court specifically does something about it.

I don’t know, though. I don’t think Trump the problem is our judicial system has been failing to protect Trump from these abuses to mean, largely mean. For instance, there was a ruling by the Fifth Circuit, you may recall, that case that had resulted in restrictions on the Biden administration’s ability to censor people. That was just issued a week or two ago. Well, the Supreme Court overturned that while they consider it, and that was over the objections of three of the conservatives and those who wanted to allow the government to censor Americans in the meantime include Chief Justice Roberts, justice Kavanaugh, and Justice Amy Comey barrett trump appointees.

Two of them are Trump appointees who think it’s okay, evidently know, give the benefit of the doubt to the Biden administration to censor Americans. And again, this goes back to what’s happening in Congress. Congress hasn’t done anything to cut off that censorship yet. So there’s going to be a continuing resolution coming up in a few weeks, right? Not everything’s going to be ready. They’re going to have to pass another one, probably, unless otherwise the government or parts of the government will shut down.

And the position of the status quo politician types here in Washington, DC. Including many Republicans, is just keep on keeping on. Just fund it all. We’re not going to restrict anything in exchange for continuing resolution. And there are people like me who suggest modestly and humbly that they should leverage this to ensure that the American people’s civil rights are protected and not abused, that Trump isn’t being put in jail and railroaded by the Biden administration in a way never seen before in American history.

And down in Georgia, again, we had bad days for justice as well. Fulton County, Georgia, they got two key figures to plead guilty to those charges that they brought kind of even more insane versions of the charges jack Smith is bringing up here in Washington, DC. Sidney Powell, our friend, pled guilty to misdemeanor. Kenneth Cheeseborough Chesboro, his name, is pled guilty to a felony. But in the end, he won’t necessarily be.

The record will largely reflect he was not a felon if he does what he’s supposed to do under the plea agreement. But they had all their rights thrown out, right? They have rights as attorneys and such. And that system, there was a train about to run them over. And so they plead guilty to charges that in deals that won’t result in them going to jail. What that Democratic prosecutor got her scalps down there, and she forced to what I believe to be innocent people, to plead guilty to non crimes in these political prosecutions.

So the rule of law is suffering these weeks. Congress is out to lunch. Quite literally, the courts aren’t doing what they should to police these abuses. So this is why we’re going to keep on saying what we can under the law here, pursuing our litigation or investigations into these abuses, such as jack Smith we’ve got requests in to figure out what’s been going on in Georgia and the collusion there between the Biden administration and that Democratic prosecutor down there.

So Judicial Watch is not going to be cowed. We’re going to keep on investigating litigating and educating Americans about these wild abuses of law and these attacks on a Republican form of government. And we hope Congress follows our lead. Certainly, whoever the new House Speaker is, if he can choose to just keep on funding the machine or throwing a monkey wrench into it and trying to save the Republic, that, to me, should be the test.

That, to me, should be your concern. You should share your concern with Congress at 202-25-3121. Thanks for watching. Don’t forget to hit that subscribe button and like our video down below. Sam. .


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criticism of political interference in judiciary former President Trump court cases handling of Trump's court cases in New York handling of Trump's court cases in Washington D.C. infringement on Trump's First Amendment rights issuing gag orders in politics judicial overreach in political processes judiciary's participation in politics political interference by judges in electoral processes suppression of Trump's public criticism

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