I’ve actually got some minor surgeries to the scalp. All right. I wasn’t bandages. Okay. All right. So I guess you’re really not taking my look. Okay, we’re going to start off now. As you know, Taylor Swift and Travis Kelsey have been making a big scene here. However, I think with a little bit of common sense and investigation, we might be able to see into it. Travis, did you know you can get this season’s COVID-19 shot when you get your flu shot? Two things at once.
Two things at once. Two things at once. I’ll have two things at once, please. Now back to two things at once. Two things at once. It’s not two things at once. Travis, ask about getting this season’s COVID-19 shot when getting your flu shot. Okay. Dr. Fetzer. Sounds like a psyop to me. Gary, that’s disgusting. How can they be doing this when so many people are dying from the vax or being permanently maimed or losing their children or becoming sterile infertile? I mean, this is a disgrace that Taylor Swift and her boyfriend have anything to do with promoting the vaccine.
Repulsed. I’m really ashamed of them for doing this. Gary utterly irresponsible. This is the bottom of the barrel. Disgusting. Yeah. Nobody’s got the young girls tuned in more than Taylor Swift. No question about that. All right. Was it about no. But the weird thing that happened around COVID I’d never noticed this before in any other time in my life. But you weren’t allowed to ask questions at any point during this.
You had to do what the man on the TV said, right? You had to do what the man on the TV said without questions, and then you’re a good person, but if you question it, then you’re a white supremacist Trumper. Not like, whoa. No, I didn’t vote for Trump. I just have questions. Jimmy, only dumb people ask questions. No, I’m pretty sure we’re supposed to question authority. It’s like a value.
Is that what they taught you in comedy school? Yeah, that is what they taught me in comedy school. Isn’t that weird? It was the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen. Even comedians would get on stage and they would shame people for trying to get informed about a medical treatment that was experimental that they had to take, or they would lose their jobs and they wouldn’t be able to travel.
And when people tried to get informed about that, other people shamed them. They would say, Please tell me you’re not going to do your own research. You’ve heard people say that, please don’t do your own research. You know, before COVID doing your own research used to be called reading. Now you’re shaming me for reading at the behest of Big Pharma. It’s like I woke up in the middle of a Bill Hicks bit.
Well, looks like we got ourselves a reader. Tell me, boy, what you reading for? Everything that needs to be read has already been readed by a smart pussy. That’s how much people internalized the propaganda from Big Pharma, was that they would be anti intellectual enough to shame people for reading while they’re wagging their finger at them for doing it. You would never shame people for trying to get informed, no matter what other subject it was, no matter how unimportant.
Like, if I say, hey, I’m gonna go I’m gonna go buy a car, don’t look into it. Well, how will I know which car to get? Ask the salesman. He’s the expert. What are you, Henry Ford? Okay, Dr. Fencer. Jimmy Dore. That was excellent, Gary. That was simply excellent. That’s exactly right. If you do any reading, if you pay attention, if you try to figure out what’s really going on, you’re going to get slammed by the authoritarian Democrats, the Biden administration, and all the other yokels out there trying to kill you.
I thought this was simply superb. Strongly suggesting that Taylor Swift and her bow ought to do a little reading. I’m just repulsed by that promo by her. That’s really revolting. We know why they’re at the top and what reason. No question about it. Travis has got the boys and Taylor’s got the girls under the Psyop. Here we go. President Putin actually sent a draft treaty that he wanted NATO to sign to promise no more NATO enlargement.
That was what he sent us. And that was a precondition for not invade Ukraine. And that was a precondition for not invade Ukraine. Of course, we didn’t sign that. So he went to war to prevent NATO, more NATO, close his borders. This is fundamentally not about NATO expansion. It was never about NATO enlargement. It’s not about NATO. It’s not about NATO expanding toward Russia. This was never about NATO.
Absolutely nothing to do with NATO expansion, and it has nothing to do with NATO. It’s not really about NATO. This is not about NATO. Seriously, it’s not about NATO. This was never about NATO. It was never about NATO. Let’s be honest. This doesn’t have anything to do with NATO. Nothing to do with NATO at all. Yeah, he’s claiming it’s like security purposes, but we can see the clear reason.
But NATO is not the reason. This is not about NATO expansion. This is about democratic expansion. Ukraine bans religious organizations. We are protecting democracy right now. Ukraine is banning political parties because it’s a democracy. Ukraine restricts books and music. It’s about democracy. Ukraine won’t hold elections. It’s about democracy. And it’s not about NATO expansion. This war in Ukraine is not about NATO. Not about NATO. It’s not about NATO.
Nothing to do with NATO. Nothing to do with NATO expansion. It’s not about NATO expansion. Nothing to do with NATO. It isn’t really about NATO. It’s not about NATO. It’s not about NATO enlargement. In fact, it has nothing to do with NATO. It’s not about NATO encroachment. It’s not about NATO. NATO is just as a fictious imaginary adversary for Mr. Putin and for Russia. Yeah, I had to cut that clip in half.
Not about NATO. Went on another two and a half minutes. Gary, that’s just wonderful. I love it. I mean, this is catching the media with their pants down. This is just a disgrace. Of course it had to do with NATO. It was all about NATO. It was all about Ukrainia wanting to become a NATO nation, putting those missiles right on the border of Russia. The timing was related to an attack, a massive attack on the Donbass, which is populated with Russian friendly, russian ethnic, Russian speaking population, that Kiev was launching an all out attack that was going to slaughter them wholesale, which led Putin to intervene at the time he did.
But he made clear from the beginning the overarching issue is Ukraine’s desire to join NATO and NATO’s desire to have Ukraine join. So you’re seeing one big time liar after another. Well done, Gary. That’s just marvelous. I love it. Yeah. I didn’t do the clip. I just find them and the good ones we play. All right. We’re going to get a take. I promise you, you’ll get nowhere else.
Dr. Fetzer, Israel supposedly has been attacked. Talk to us. Well, Gary, there’s a wonderful blogger out of Israel who’s paid attention and says this cannot have happened without the Israeli Defense Forces being aware. If there’s a cat at the border, they know it. The very idea that this has happened at all means it was allowed to happen. We’ve had, of course, the Ukrainian authorities panic stricken over the ouster kevin McCarthy and the potential of no more aid for Ukraine.
Jim Jordan, widely expected to become the new speaker, is opposed to more aid for Ukraine. Joe Biden has said, well, there are other ways we might be able to fund the war in Ukraine, but he’s not going to talk about them now. This may be it. Allowing the Palestinians to have a pseudo attack on Israel is going to generate massive amounts of money that are going to come to Israel.
Israel has a great interest in the Ukraine war because Israel wants Ukraine to become the new Israel. The vast majority of the present population of Israel are not descendants from the tribe of Judah, but from the Khazarians of modern day. Thank you, Gary. They want it back. So I think this is know his background as he used car salesman has positioned him perfectly to sell all kinds of rubbish and nonsense to the world.
I think when Joe Biden said we had another way of raising money, I think this may be it. So, Gary. Count me skeptic. I think the timing’s a little too convenient. And by God, yes, millions is going to be sent to Israel, our dear ally notwithstanding, having attacked the USS Liberty in 1967, killing some 34 and injuring another 137. It didn’t sink, even though Lyndon Johnson wanted that to happen.
Not to mention 911, which Bibi netanyahu himself in. Yehood Umar, another former Prime Minister of Israel, plotted as a means to draw American forces into the Middle East to take out the modern Arab state. That served as a counterbalance Israel’s domination of the entire region. And it worked like a charm until Syria, when Russia and Iran came to the defense of Syria at the request of a democratically elected president, bashir al Assad.
Gary, we’re being played again and again, I’m sorry to say. It looks to me this is one more example. Wow. It’s humbling to know that you get the real truth with a guitar player or professor. Just amazing. For everyone paying attention, anybody who might be keeping score. We are now on coincidence number three. Now, I don’t want to sound like a conspiracy theorist or anything. Can you turn it up? Yeah, I don’t think it’s going any louder.
What this clip is about is that there’s three more islands that are actually burning. Three more Hawaiian islands that are burning? No, not Hawaiian islands in different places. So I think you can read it. Okay, well, we’ll try to listen. We’ll read it. Yeah, go ahead, Gary. Play it. Everyone turn up their volume. You can resume. I can’t see it, Gary. Oh, I’m sorry. I forgot to hit 1 second.
Forgot to hit screen share. Here we go. I’m just going to start that one over. Sure. Okay, juggling clips. Here we go. Everyone cranky volume. It’s a good clip for everyone. Paying attention, anybody who might be keeping score. We are now on coincidence number three. Now, I don’t want to sound like a conspiracy theorist or anything, but we’ve got another fire burning, this time in the Canary Islands in Spain in Tenerife.
It’s been burning since Wednesday, and as of Friday night, over 8000 people have been evacuated. Officials are calling it the most complex fire in over 40 years. And what do you know? Just like Maui, just like Kelowna, British Columbia, tenerife is also slated to become a smart island. Can see here innovation that ensures sustainable development. If you look down at the bottom, they say their Tenerife Smart Island initiative helps to achieve the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.
And they continue. They want to know how they can help to meet the goals established in the 2030 agenda and how can they move forward and contribute to more sustainable development. How? By becoming a smart island, of course. They say that they’re working with the private sector towards responsible and sustainable tourism aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals. And here we can see, they say, that the Tenerife Smart Island Initiative aims to use technology as a means of transforming the island and making improvements not just to the quality of its tourists, but also to the quality of life of its citizens.
Their goal is to transform the island of Tenerife into a smart tourist destination with integrated smart systems for safety and mobility. They also talk about integrating AI and Chatbots, the exact same verbiage that Kelowna, British Columbia used in their Smart City template. Again, is this just a coincidence that Maui, then Kelowna, and now Tenerife are all burning and all set to be smart cities, smart islands? Okay, we get that, Gary.
I think she’s got it know, the New World Order has such vast resources. You’re talking about rather exquisite properties, canary island and so forth. I mean, these are exotic locations. The real estate is astronomical in value. I think it’s one more illustration. It’s on a lesser scale than Lahaina, perhaps, or paradise, but there it is. I think she’s got it right in that we should all be aware that there’s this gigantic octopus wrapping its tentacles around planet Earth and wanting to devour it whole.
That’s what we’re up against, Gary, sad to say. Yeah, we’re also up against low speed limits. This is Tim Truth talking about cities incorporating incredibly low speed limits. All right, we’re in the midst of a full fledged war on drivers and we have some big news from around the world. Three weeks ago, on September 17, wales introduced a blanket 20 miles per hour speed limit. The Government of Wales has gone forward with an absolutely monstrous policy.
They’ve changed all of the speed limits to 20 mph, practically, with few exceptions. That is such a slow speed limit to force the entire population to drive. Nearly all residential roads in Wales have absolutely ludicrous new policies limiting the drivers to 20 mph. Wales Online is reporting that they put up 1100 signs. That tells us how big of a policy this is. 1100 new signs saying 20. This is on top of an additional 960 20 miles per hour zones.
But if you think 20 mph is insane, wait till you hear what the Netherlands are up to in Amsterdam, the capital city. In just a couple months, on December 8, 2023, they’re going to lower the speed limit to 18. 6 mph, or 30 km/hour, which is just absolutely nuts. So it seems like these countries that use kilometers per hour are going to be especially screwed. It looks like the New World Order wants to do 20, but 30 km/hour is only 18.
6 mph, so keep that in mind. And based on the number of signs they’re putting up, this might be an even bigger operation than in Wales. According to NLTimes NL, the city will be erecting almost 5000 new speed signs and other quote infrastructural measures which I take to mean speed cameras, which I’m guessing, having read a bunch of this, who UN documentation on road safety, will be blocking more and more lanes of traffic.
So we have a number of shots here. So this gives us an idea of what’s already been going on in the prior months leading up to this absurd 18. 6 mph speed limit. In Amsterdam. We can see they put these flower pots all throughout the streets, blocking numerous lanes. This shot right here, this drone shot, is especially telling. Of the four lanes of traffic throughout the whole street, two of them are blocked off.
At this part, three of the five lanes of traffic are totally blocked off and barricaded. This is totally absurd. Okay? Dr. Pets well, what they’re trying to do is to take the joy out of driving. They’re trying to make driving a negative experience. So when they go to 15 minutes cities, it’s going to be welcome, because now you don’t have to put up with a ridiculous feed. This is, again, another illustration of the power of the Rothschild banking industry and the New World Order.
They can impose these things. It’s outrageous. There’s no justification in safety or transportation or convenience. Indeed, the very idea of slowing down the most popular mode of transportation is clearly a Psyop. It’s intended to change your attitude about driving and lose your enthusiasm for having a car. And of course, they’re going to claim that this complements the campaign to reduce global warming. But it’s all bullshit. Gary. There isn’t any global warming.
And we know for a certainty that CO2 is not a contributor, that it actually cools Earth in four different ways, that it’s indispensable to life, to the production of water and air. And this is just stunning, really, as a brilliant illustration of the power of the New World Order to affect every aspect of our lives. This is clearly contrived to discourage people from driving or even wanting to own a car.
Gary, mark my words, all right? It’s getting tougher and tougher to be a white guy these days. Dr. Petzer you know how they say a picture speaks a thousand words? Well, here’s an example of that. 2020 Census just came out, and for the first time in American history, the number of white people went down. Now, if you look closely, you can see something amazing in the span of just a few seconds.
A white man realizes he will always be hated for being white. Doesn’t matter how woke he is, he’ll still always be hated. He can support BLM. He can say white people are privileged. He can support black owned businesses, but it will never matter because he’s still white. And now it’s totally acceptable, perhaps even encouraged, to cheer the extinction of people who look like him. Now, if you’re a college student, you felt this.
For example, at UC Berkeley, a housing co op banned white students simply because they’re white. At Northeastern University, a debate tournament banned white students. And even at my university, a med school fellowship banned white students. When you graduate, it only gets worse. For example, it recently came out that only 6% of stock market jobs went to white people. The year after BLM riots, 94% of the jobs went to people of color, even though they only make up 40% of the population.
Imagine being one of these white people trying to get this job. You did everything you were told to do. You posted the black square. You linked to BLM petitions in your Instagram bio. You attended antiracist workshops. But you still don’t get hired because you’re white. So you have a choice. The first is you just keep trying to appease these people as much as possible. And the more you apologize, the more you show weakness, the more these people can boss you around.
The second option is the harder one, but it’s necessary. You stand up for yourself. You stop trying to please the most insecure and miserable people in society. You stop participating in these never ending humiliation rituals. And most importantly, you protect your dignity. If more people did that, things would change. All right, well, I think again, one more manifestation. Extinguishing the white breeze appears to be a key objective here.
And it’s ironic that these Jews do not regard themselves as white. They think they’re an exception. So they’re all for it. They’re all in. They want Ukraine to be the new Israel, of course, as I’ve already explained. And they’re up for getting rid of white Anglo Saxons, white Europeans, white Americans. It’s just unbelievable. It’s grossly immoral. Don’t you understand? Discrimination is wrong, no matter whether it’s discrimination against blacks or gays or whites.
Gary, this is stunning. And the appalling shallowness. Notice when he came out and said that the percentage of whites in America was dropping, the audience cheered. Cheered. Something seriously wrong with this population. We seem to be surrounded by notion of morons. Gary, I’m very troubled by this, by all of this. Okay. All right. On to a little history revision for nipsale. Once again, those wishing to erase and revise the history of the United States of America define a worldview equal to their own beliefs for all others to accept, right or wrong, true or false, it doesn’t matter to these scoundrels.
Finally tonight, Washington’s National Cathedral has unveiled some new stained glass windows in hopes of opening the door of racial unity. TBS’s Adriana Diaz got a first look. The stained glass at the national Cathedral long upheld a stain on our history this tribute to Confederate generals Robert E. Lee and Thomas Stonewall Jackson. They’ve now been replaced with protesters marching for equality. It is pretty brilliant, pretty bright. It’s glowing.
Carrie james Marshall’s art can go for millions. This. He charged $18. 65, a nod to slavery’s end in a church. You’re so used to looking up at the windows, seeing white skin. And seeing black skin here, it’s almost like you have to do a double take. I don’t think these windows exclude anybody. I think the activity and what they engage in is something that everybody can partake in.
Below are words by poet Elizabeth Alexander, who performed at President Barack Obama’s first inauguration. The final line of the poem may this portal be where the light comes in that can illuminate the beauty of the past and also, sometimes the untruths of the past. I don’t think I could have asked for anything more meaningful to have done as a kind of gift to the nation as a whole.
Adriana Diaz, CBS News, Washington. Stonewall Jackson to George Floyd. Well, I have mixed feelings about this. The George Floyd thing was manufactured. All this racial tension is a deliberate publication. I mean, a nation that can elect a black man president once but twice is not a racist nation. A nation that admires as its favorite actors blacks, distinguished black, Morgan Freeman, Denzel Washington, you know, go down the list one after another.
And who are our greatest sports heroes? They’re all black. Go back to Michael Jordan. Go back even further to an all time great. Muhammad Ali or Bill Russell. I mean, this is not a racist nation, but there’s an encompassing propaganda campaign to make us think we are racist. And there are an awful lot of gullible staffs out there who buy right into it because they’re thoughtless, even incapable of thinking things through.
Gary, changing a few windows in the National Cathedral may not have great consequences in and of itself, but this idea of trying to rip apart the nation by reviving racial animosities of the distant past is a travesty and a grotesque injustice to America and the principles for which it stands. And yet the Democrat Party has gone all in, and they’re seeking to upset the nation, reduce it to chaos, and then rebuild an egalitarian communist society where merit achievement, intellectual ability are disregarded, they’re discounted, and it all turns out to be everyone’s going to be treated exactly the same.
Except, of course, some will be more equal than others. Gary, mark my words, this is all bad. And you can learn a lot about it in Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals. The Democrat Party is gone whole hog as the most extremist large scale political organization in American history. And, of course, following the Alinsky agenda, they accuse the Republicans of those very offensives that they themselves are committing. It’s all there, Gary.
It’s all there. And for America, it’s very bad news. Okay, as we flip the half hour glass with the halfway point, we’re going to go retro on your butt. Passing through on cathedral, something almost literally out of Jules Verne. This car can cruise at speeds of up to 70, OD miles an hour on water. The energy factor, of course, is hydrogen, which, as any schoolboy knows, is contained in water in the ratio of two parts to one of oxygen, a formula described by Jules Verne more than a hundred years ago.
So what have we been waiting for? The engine can also power a generator to provide light and heat. And what’s more, it’s pollution frees, already run for well over a thousand miles, and the promoters say the scheme is practical and a commercial proposition fuel on tap. In fact, an ordinary day in an ordinary supermarket. Okay, dr. Petser gary, that’s just brilliant and wonderful that you revive that. I think it’s sensational.
Why are not all the green energy enthusiasts going for water powered cars, for God’s sake? They’re virtually pollution free, and the economic benefits are immense. You don’t have to deal with gasoline. You need oil, of course, to maintain the reduce friction of the components of the engine. But this is just exactly what one ought to regard as an environmentalist dream car. So, Gary, I find it shocking to realize that such technology has been around for 50 years or more.
I’d say this might go back 70. I mean, it’s fascinating, Gary. Every environmentalist in the country ought to demand that the countries convert not to electric vehicles, which turn out to involve plundering, looting, raping planet Earth, and creating mass strip mines that are actually overwhelmingly more destructive of the environment than gas powered engines ever were and go for water powered energy. I mean, this is absolutely brilliant, Gary.
What a sensational find. I congratulate you for that one. Okay, now, we know Joe Rogan is not 100% truth, but we’ll play his clip anyway. All cars that are sold in California as of 2035 must be electrical. And then the next week, they said, you can’t charge your electric car because the power grid’s. Exactly. That’s California politics in a nutshell, though, because it’s so ideologically driven. And I talk to people from California that are just in that fog, the fog of woke, and they’re my friends, and I’ll show them that, and they’re like, what? Really? And I go, yeah, look, you’re not supposed to charge your electric car.
They’re like, what? The supply chains for renewables and batteries are a total human rights and environmental nightmare. Start in the Congo with cobalt mining, which is absolutely barbaric. Many people have seen the videos of people being buried alive in China. The solar panels are being made predominantly by Uyghur Muslims in concentration camps. That’s a part of China that the Biden administration says the Chinese government is committing genocide against the Uyghur Muslim minority there.
That’s how our solar panels are being made. The calculations on the carbon intensity of solar panels appear to be totally incorrect because they’re based on a cleaner European grid rather than the coal based China grid. Okay? Whether you’re getting a hell of a lot of truth yeah, look at the absurdity. I mean, all electric cars in California, but you can’t charge them? What the hell happens? Nobody can go anywhere.
This is the kind of nut jobs that are running the country that are completely possessed by ideological idiocy. This is just calamitous. Joe Rogan did us a very good turn here by focusing so clearly and in such simple and accessible language on the nutty democrat situation in California. And having been born and raised in California, it’s a tragedy, personally. It’s so insulting. It’s so offensive. It’s so corrupt.
Once Golden State is now anything bought. All right, this is a little something funny about the Feds and their roofs these days. Looks like they’re going with blue roofs. Good morning, TikTok. We’ve been hearing all this stuff about the energy weapons and the blue roofs. First one thing, another on TikTok. And I thought, you all’s a bunch of stupid ass of bitches out there. But here I am at a government facility.
I’ve been fishing here for 35, 40 years, and looky here. All of a sudden, they’re putting blue roofs on their buildings out here. And this controls water flooding the electrical grid. And as you can see right here is their trailer. And here’s the stuff where it’s under construction. Well, lo and behold, maybe there’s something to this with the blue roofs. I’m not saying there is. I’m just saying it’s awful damn funny.
Okay? Yeah. As FDR observed, there are no coincidences in politics. This is clearly protecting government properties from damage by government inflicted directed energy weapons. Gary, I don’t think there’s any way around it. This old timer was observant because he saw something very peculiar and unexpected. And I think the explanation is the obvious one. We learned in Luhaina that these devices do not destroy objects, property, material made colored blue.
So I think he’s nailed it. I think that’s a very nice piece coming from an unexpected source. Just a guy who likes the fish and has the eyes to see. And now he has spoken words that ring true. All right, let’s go retro one more time. Dr. Fetcher, just for the fun of it. A decade earlier, psychologist Stanley Milgram had also looked at how we respond to authority.
In order to understand how people were induced to obey unjust regimes and participate in atrocities such as the Holocaust, he set up an experiment. Volunteers were told they were taking part in scientific research to improve memory. Would you open those and tell me which of you is which, please? Teacher. Learn. Separated by a screen, the teacher would ask the learner questions in a word game and administer an electric shock.
When the answer was incorrect, he was told to increase the voltage with each wrong. Answer. Cloud. Horse. Rock. House. Answer wrong. 150 volts. Answer. Horse. Experiment. That’s all. Get me out of here. Get me out of here. Please continue. Please go right on. Let me know. The experiment requires you continue, teacher. Please continue. Participants didn’t know that the learner was really an actor. And the so called sharks.
Harmless. You’re going to get a shock. 180 volts. I can’t stand the page. I’m not going to kill that man today. I mean, who’s going to take the responsibility if anything happens to that gentleman? I’m responsible for anything that happens here. Continue, please. All right. Next was slow walk dance truck music. Two thirds of volunteers were prepared to administer a potentially fatal electric shock when encouraged to do so by what they perceived as a legitimate authority figure.
In this case, a man in a white coat. 375 volts. I think something’s happened to that fall in there. I don’t get no answer. He was hollering with less voltage. Can’t you check in to see if he’s all right, please? Milgram’s findings horrified America. They showed that decent American citizens were as capable of committing acts against their conscience as the Germans had been under the Nazis. All right, Dr.
Fetzer. Well, Gary, the Milliken experiments are classics in the history of psychology and showing how individuals, normal people who have a reasonable sense of right and wrong, will nevertheless, if they believe that a properly constituted authority is asking them or directing them to do something wrong, that they will, even if reluctant, do it. And this may very well have to do with the power of the Third Reich in influencing ordinary Germans, though I believe the history here is so mixed, convoluted and distorted that it’s very tough to get things straight.
But the Milgram experiments are absolute classics, and the points being made here are impeccable. All right, on to the next thing. Not in my town. So can your town. SA Oakland County. Now, we can tell you a little bit more about who is wanted for them. Gang members. Organized gang members out of South America. And they are hitting these high end homes hard in our area. They are targeting jewelry, precious metals, high end items such as purses, electronics, currency, high end watches.
And if there’s a safe that’s not attached, or they can either break into on scene or carry, they’ll do that. Organized crime at its most effective. Taking advantage of the US. Southern border U. S. Laws that release people who get arrested almost immediately. Now, setting up shop and taking advantage of high end homes in Oakland County. Gangs from South America, sending people into those high end homes and stealing a staggering amount of cash, jewelry, you name it.
But how do they get here? They typically, we have seen, entered the country one of two ways either illegally across our incredibly porous southern border, which I’ll talk about at the end, or they’re using the visa waiver program, the VWP program, which is authorized by the state. We got multiple developments taking place at the same time. The cities, the urban centers run by the Democrats are becoming lawless.
Businesses can’t sustain the losses from shoplifting they’re closing. The wealthy, who have the resources are moving to more safe and secure locations. It’s reducing the tax base of revenue of the communities and therefore making them less capable of dealing with a problem. Now it’s being grotesquely exacerbated by bringing in millions of migrants with no place to put them in Chicago, they’re turning O’Hare into a homeless shelter. This is a disaster.
And the idea that the Biden admin perseveres with this unabated biden wants this to happen. It would not be going on if the Democrats didn’t want it. And it part and parcel of the agenda to destroy America, to reduce it to chaos so they can rebuild closer to the communist egalitarian ideal. Gary, this is disgusting. And it’s going on before our very eyes. And the criminals, when they’ve exploited the resources in the urban centers, are going to reach out to the suburban areas, are going to reach out to the suburban areas, and crime is going to grow.
Eventually. They may reach out to the rural areas, but I guarantee you, the suburbs are on the map, and they are coming, and they want our goods, our possessions, and eventually they want our homes. Gary have no doubt about it. Okay, do we need to take a little pause for a second? No, go ahead. Okay. This is just a screenshot. I’ll go ahead and read it to you.
It’s a child having a nightmare. It says, I see dead people. What are the dead people doing? They’re voting by mail. Yeah, this goes back. I mean, Lyndon won his Senate race by a whole lot of votes from graveyards where the voters voted in alphabetical order. Gary. I mean, it’s just ridiculous. So the Democrats are learning from the best of the past, and the scale is simply overwhelming.
Overwhelming. Stunning. Stunning stuff. Landslide linden with 13 ballots. I think he needed something like that. No, it was Box 13. That was the name of the okay. All right. This is an unusual clip here. I’d like to get your comments. Does anybody live in New York City? And did you just have your house sprayed with pesticides? I was in my living room. My windows are open. These trucks come by.
They’re making these Dystopian announcements. Run inside. Get inside. The city is applying pesticides to reduce the threat of the West Nile virus. What? The city is applying pesticides to reduce the threat of the West Nile virus. This is a creepy look at this. What the it’s going right out of my window. Well, should have told me. Yeah, that was OD. Gary, I told you. The reach of these powerful influences vast they’re probably spraying the virus, for God’s sake.
They’re not spraying to protect. They’re spraying to kill people. Chicago turning out to be one of the most corrupt cities in the United States. Unreal. Gary, that’s just shocking stuff. And the idea you would put out a pesticide that clearly they’re telling you, go inside. Because it would be harmful to people without advanced warning tells you only you need to know. This is totally fraudulent, and it’s designed to harm or even kill those to whom they are exposing it’s unreal.
All right, it’s hunting season. What we know about this virus is it’ll hunt down those people who are unvaccinated. If you are unvaccinated and the virus comes into your community, the virus will hunt you out. Be very, very quiet. I’m hunting unvaccinated people. What we know about this virus is it’ll hunt down those people who are unvaccinated. If you are unvaccinated and the virus comes into your community, the virus will hunt you out.
That’s fucking retarded. The virus will hunt you out. That’s mental. The bitch is crazy. Okay. Perfect example of a New World Order student. She’s just line, line, line. Outrageous. The pandemic was not real. The pandemic was fake. But the virus, the shot, the vax was real and fatal. I mean, we’ve had, by my best estimate, a billion people in the world have died from the vax. The number from the pandemic practically negligible.
But from the vax, staggering. Gary so that deserves to be lampoon. She’s just a spokesman for falsehoods disgraceful. Okay, all right, let me pull up the next clip. We’re going to go back a little more retro. I think this subject has been around quite some time. Here we go. Boom. They made a proclamation a few years ago as the greatest health benefits, public health benefits of the 20th century, and they proclaimed that fluoride was the best.
Many people believe this is an abrogation of their freedom of choice, because we don’t have a choice. And if you’re living in a municipal water supply, you’re going to get fluoridated. And if you’re an infant who has fluoridated water, you’re going to get a dose that’s ten 100 times higher than you should possibly ever have, even by the conservative EPA recommendations to dictate that everyone in your community has to get it and get it in doses that is not even dose appropriate for the weight is just medically irresponsible.
Just no question. It’s a crime. It’s a crime against humanity. And it’s a crime that’s not committed frequently in Europe. Most of Europe is not Florida. They’re smarter than we are. Correct. Okay, Dr. Petzer. Well, I’m a huge fan of Joe Mercola. He’s a truth speaker. No matter how grim the news, he’ll deliver it. Fluoride is a neurotoxin. It kills brain cells. And unlike skin cells, brain cells do not regenerate.
So I have no doubt that the fluoridation of water in the United States had probably dropped the American population by an average of ten IQ points. I mean, it’s happened, and I think it has to be deliberate. This was a waste product from nuclear power plants, and they didn’t know how to dispose of it. And they decided to dump it into reservoirs, public reservoirs, as though it were a health benefit when it’s anything but.
This is one more example of the government as reagan observed being a problem, not the solution. And where this kind of medical health hazard has to be brought to an end, but then when they’re openly vaccinating pregnant women and telling them it’s good for their babies when it brings about abortions is just unconscionable in the extreme. Gary, I think we have a real problem on our hands here, and the solution is not at all obvious.
I agree. Okay. Nobody was forcing anybody to do it. What was President Biden and OSHA’s plan if 84 million Americans refused to comply with the vaccine mandate or show their papers? That’s categorically untrue. We didn’t threaten anyone and we didn’t demand that anyone be fired. Did forcing two year olds to wear masks save lives? And who did the forcing? Well, your department or the Head Start, which is under your department, had a mask mandate until late last year for two year olds and above, even outdoors.
So can you point to any public health benefit of that policy? Right. We never forced anyone to do anything because we don’t have the jurisdiction or authority to do that. Did you encourage states to adopt student vaccine mandates? I did not encourage states to adopt student vaccine mandates where states excuse me, sir. You said right here. Not only do I support it, but I’m encouraging states to come up with a plan to make sure it happens.
The title of the article is education Secretary Backs mandatory School COVID-19 Mandates. Mr. Parker, you’re one of a number now of officials in this administration who has come before this committee and tried to tell us that two plus two doesn’t equal four. Sitting in the chair that you’re in now, the Secretary of Education testified, gave false testimony to this committee denying that he had promoted a student vaccine mandate when he had done precisely that.
Sitting in the chair that you’re in now. The Secretary of Health and Human Services made one of the most outlandish statements ever entered into the Congressional Record, which is saying quite a lot when he said, we never force anyone to do anything in relation to the widely discredited policy of forcing young children as young as two years old to wear masks. And now you come before us today asked about one of the most sweeping abuses of power that we’ve seen that was rebuked by the Supreme Court, and you tell us that we didn’t demand that anyone be fired.
So has there been some sort of memo going around? Why is the administration insistent on rewriting history? All you have to do is read that rule and you will see that it is not a vaccine mandate. We didn’t threaten anyone and we didn’t demand that anyone be fired. We didn’t demand that anyone be fired. I did not encourage states to adopt student vaccine mandates. I did not encourage states to adopt student vaccine mandates.
Okay, dr liar, pants on fire. I mean, it’s just disgrace. If you fired every single liar that comes before these committees, there’d be no one to run the Biden administration. They’re all liars, big time liars. They implement policies that are anti American, they’re undemocratic, they impose mandates. It’s true they don’t have the legal authority to do it, but they act as though they did. And most Americans naively believing that the CDC or the FDA or the NIH are actually operating to protect them from health hazards when they’re actually doing precisely the opposite, implementing them with an agenda to bring about as much death and devastation as possible, it’s unsurprising.
We get these anomalous results and then have one secretary after another come in and just lie their face off before a committee of this sort. It’s a disgrace. Gary you have put together some astounding clips that are very pointed and again, I’m very impressed. I could go on. I have so many clips. I have clips coming out of my ears. This one could be the last one about dual citizen Sam Ram.
SA okay, powerful clip there. Have one more left. Trump was a very popular celebrity, handsome guy, successful businessman, media star, par, excellent. Lots of the rich and famous wanted to associate with Donald Trump. I do not regard those photographs, for example, of Trump with Jeffrey Epstein as, meaning that Trump was in on it with regard to child sex abuse. In fact, I believe he’s wholeheartedly opposed to it.
His views toward Israel, however, about to be severely tested by the story we’ve got about the uprising now out of Gaza. Because everyone who know the US has got to go down there, that Israel is our great ally, and we got to smash the Palestinianism on the wrong side of the issue historically and morally, even if they find it politically beneficial. So I remain a Trump supporter in the sense I believe he is by far our best hope of making America great again, restoring some sanity to our nation.
But that does not mean I’m not going to be paying attention to his actions, especially in the current situation. Gary and this is one issue on which Trump could forfeit a whole lot of the support that he’s earned from decent, loyal, patriotic Americans like me who care about the country and its future. The Palestinian issue has been a great human rights issue for the entire since Israel was founded in 1947, and the world has not taken care of the problem.
They have ignored it. They buried it. The area of Palestine occupied by Palestinians has shrunk dramatically from over 90% in the beginning to less than 10% today. And I personally think they’ve had enough. I stand with Nathan Hale in the belief, give me liberty or give me death. On the other hand, I do suspect that the story I reported earlier today that something is wrong here is accurate.
Something is wrong here. The Israelis know if there’s a kitten at events, so the idea that they did not know this is going to happen has got to be ridiculous and discounted. And while I would admire Palestinians protesting against their occupiers, I’m afraid the world is being played. And as I’ve explained already, I believe it’s a fundraising venture for money for Ukraine, where the Israelis want to make it the new Israel.
Gary, here’s where we are today, sad to say. All right, do you have time for one more clip or should we call it a show? One more. Okay, here we go. This is what happens when you try to bring up the dual citizen situation at a council meeting. Christopher Wood. Hello. My name is Christopher Wood. Thank you all so much, brothers and sisters, for attending. I really want to thank the County Board for continuing to stand up for everybody.
It takes a lot of sacrifice of your reputation and possibly livelihood and your day to day to put in the energy and effort to stand up for what’s right. So God bless you. I’m going to go through and talk a little bit about things that people may not know. I think a lot of people are well aware that COVID is a scam. Well, the whole practice of it, everyone understands there’s disease, but the fear that they’ve pushed is to such a great extent to try to control and manipulate us.
So I’m going to talk about who’s actually behind it because not too many people want to do know. We always talk about Republicans, Democrats, but they’re both wings of the same bird, unfortunately. So the COVID agenda, who was in charge of the CDC that was controlling and telling our government to shut down small businesses and what they recommend for the mandates of the vaccines and Pfizer and all this.
So at the time when COVID was being enacted, I’m going to read off the staff of who’s in charge of this CDC. The director of the CDC was Rochelle Walinsky. Dual citizenship with Israel. She’s a Jew. Deputy Director of the CDC Anne Shoauchet Dual Citizenship with Israel Jew CDC Chief of Staff Sherry Berger Dual Citizenship with Israel Jew CDC Chief Medical Officer Mitchell Wolf Dual Citizenship with Israel Jew CDC Director of the Washington Office this is pertinent to the topic.
We’re talking about COVID right? Yeah, this is pertinent to COVID. I love you, Jennifer. Yeah, please. So, Director of the CDC of the Washington Office. Jeff Rezick dual citizenship with Israel Jew COVID SAR jeff Zents dual citizenship with Israel Jew COVID senior Advisor Andy Slavitt dual citizenship with Israel Jew assistant of Health Secretary for Human Services for Our Country, the Assistant of Health Secretary Rachel Levine transgender dual citizenship with Israel Can I ask that you hold off Christopher? Ma’am, I’m almost done.
Mr. Head of Firewood, the Chair has ruled that your comments are out of order. She’s asked you to stop. How is it out of order? The chair. Has he said Jew? There’s nothing wrong with Jew. It’s not derogatory. Exactly. Okay, keep on going. Head of Pfizer Vaccines Albert, dual citizenship with Israel Jew. Pfizer chief Scientist Michael DOST did. Dual citizenship with Israel Jew. Moderna chief Scientist Paul Zach’s dual citizenship with Israel Jew.
BlackRock. Everyone know BlackRock. BlackRock CEO Larry Fink, dual citizenship with Israel Jew. I said, we’re willing to sacrifice our ego, our reputation, and our lives. Yes, ma’am. And I love you, and I appreciate your patience. BlackRock president. Rob capital dual citizenship with Israel Jew. The CDC chief Medical Officer of Johnson and Johnson, Joanne Waldstreker. Dual citizenship with Israel Jew. Chief Medical Officer Don Merck. Michael Rosenbault. Dual citizenship with Israel Jew.
Head Advisor of the World Economic Forum, Yaval Harari, dual citizenship with Israel Jew. And that’s only talking about COVID That’s not talking about who’s in charge of christopher, you need to stop. Who’s in control of the media or the banks. I can go on. God bless y’all. Thank you for your patience. Squirming people in that room. Dr. Fetzer. Yeah. Truth about Zionist influence over our medical system is out of order.
Gary, that’s not relevant. That’s not proper. I thought he spelled out a whole lot of truths that are very disturbing. Very disturbing. It cannot be a coincidence, given the relatively minuscule percentage of the American population who happen to be Jewish, that virtually 100% of those involved in the pandemic and the vax. Its production and its distribution and the propaganda that went along with it are all of the same ethnic character.
Gary, we have a Jewish problem. All right, dr. Fesser, like I said, a professor and a rock and roll musician bringing you the real truth. I mean, it’s very strange to me that it would be us, but it is. All right, Dr. Fetcher. It number 51. We’ll see you next time. Great job, Gary. Oh. .