Posted in: News, Patriots, Trends Journal



➡ Gerald Solenti discusses various global economic trends, highlighting the rising gold prices, which are currently at $2,410 an ounce. He attributes this increase to the anticipation of lower interest rates and ongoing geopolitical and socioeconomic crises. Solenti also mentions the declining economy in Europe and China, with China’s retail investment dropping by 9.8%. Lastly, he talks about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the global economy, the decline in luxury goods sales, and the rise of rental homes due to people’s inability to afford houses.


Hello everybody, this is Gerald Solenti and it’s Friday, May 17th, 2024. And here are some of today’s trends in the news. And don’t forget, the trend is your friend. And we’re the only ones anywhere, any place, giving you the trends in the news because they don’t know how to do it. That’s why they don’t give it to you. So hey, you see what gold prices are? And there you go, the trend is your friend. Gold prices, as we’re going on the air right now, $2,410 an ounce. Hey, what was one of your top trends for 2024? Yeah, golden days, a golden year for gold.

I got it, other people said gold prices will go up. No one called it a golden year for gold. Let’s see, gold prices are up about $3,364 an ounce since we made that trend forecast. Now let’s go back to September. Oh, you’ve seen the facts are there of last year. When gold hit about $1,848, we said this is near the bottom and it bottomed. And that’s why you subscribe to the trends journal and you subscribe to this site because we’re giving you history before it happens. The facts are all there. So why are gold prices going up? Because they’re going to start lowering interest rates everywhere, every place, and the geopolitical crisis is real.

And so is the socioeconomic crisis. EU says inflation set to ease faster. Well, that means they’re going to lower interest rates sooner because the economy is doing crappy over there in Europe. You see what’s going on in Germany, you know, they’re in and out of recession. And that’s the third largest economy in the world. Oh, China consumption slows as retail sales and investment data disappoints. Let’s see, retail sales rose only 2.3%. That’s less than the 3.8% that the Reuters had forecast. Retail investment, steepened its pace of decline. It’s down more than 9.8% year on year for the first four months of 2024 over there in China.

And how much is retail investment in China? Depending on whose numbers you’re looking at, almost 30% of their GDP is in the real estate sector and it’s going down the toilet. That’s why the Chinese people are buying up gold like crazy. Oh yeah, retail sales in China only increased in gold by about 25% so far this year. And China is being one of the biggest world banks buying up gold as other world banks are because they see the geopolitical and socioeconomic dangers ahead. Yep. The ministry said retail sales of home appliances rose by 7.9% during that time while automobiles sales declined 4.8%.

Ah, Japan’s shrinking economy hints at stagflationary risk. This is from Bloomberg. Japan’s lack of growth of the last three quarters points to a risk of sputtering economy. The latest data showed that the world’s fourth largest economy has failed to grow since spring of last year as the strongest inflation in generations hits on consumer’s spendings. No, no, no, not stagflation, dragflation. The economy’s dragging down and inflation’s going up. We own the domain name dragflation.com. No one talks about this. Yep. No, no, not Rachel Levin, not that kind of dragflation. The clown playing our health guy over there, woman, whoever she, he was.

Anyway, dragflation. Japan’s GDP shrank 2% on an annualized quarterly basis in the January, March period. There you got it. Dragflation. What else? Ah, high debt levels pose risk to adverse shocks to Europe, says ECB. In its twice yearly financial stability review, European central banksters said the European governments had not fully reversed the support measures introduced to shield consumers and businesses from the impact of the COVID-19 and the Ukraine war, and that high debt levels and lenient financial policies could spook investors, raise borrowing costs further, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Oh yeah, the COVID war, the COVID war. Get back in your house. You can’t go to work. Stand, succeed, apart. Put that mask on when you go into an airplane, but you take it off when you’re eating and drinking. The little shitheads that caused the COVID war have caused these inflationary problems and have destroyed the global economy and the lives of livelihoods of billions of people across the planet, financially, socially, physically, and mentally. The damage of the COVID war is incalculable, but we won’t talk about it because nobody else does. So you’ve got to shut your mouth and do what the politicians tell you to do and all the people that swallowed their crap and obeyed them and hate people like me because I don’t swallow political crap.

And what else do we have here? Ah, Burberry records earnings decline as demand for luxury goods slows. No shit. Go back to your trends journal. This week, week after week, after week, after week, the fish rots from their head down. The luxury sales are going down around the planet. This is very important. Read it in your trends journal. By the way, of course, you’re the grand total of $2.56 a week. Oh, how much the gold prices go up since our forecast? Uh, $363 an ounce. And the trends journal cost you $2.56 a week.

Nah, you don’t want to subscribe. Yeah, just listen to the mainstream media. You ready? Cartoon news network, CNN, the backbone of America’s economy was just dealt the serious blow. U. S. Consumers could be reaching their breaking point after dealing with elevated inflation and the highest interest rates in decades. They’re starting to rein in and their spending. No shit. Blow me away. Would have never known that dragflation. But, but they’re saying it’s now it must be true. Walmart on Thursday yesterday, top quarterly earnings and revenue expectations. You ready? As the discounted made significant e-commerce gains, drove profits with newer business and one over more high income shoppers, high income shoppers.

Oh, luxury sales going down and high income shoppers going into that ugly fucking joint. A factory. It’s all they are. They’re factories with selling crap. When I was a young man, they were Lord and tailors, be all in this beautiful places where people were dressed and things were fine. And now it’s just a bunch of slide. So that makes it very, very important. And Walmart CEO said, Walmart’s grocery businesses widening gap between the prices of cooking at home and buying food at fast food chains, the restaurants. It’s roughly four times 4.3 times more expensive to eat out than to eat at home.

So people can’t afford to eat out anymore. Your sales are going down in the restaurant chains from the junk food, even to the higher end for traffic to limited service chains, which includes fast food and fast casual restaurants fell 3.5% in the first quarter, according to revenue management solutions. So you see where this is going. It’s going down. Gold is going up. They’re going to lower interest rates to artificially prop up the economies again, particularly in the United States in the run up to the presidential reality show. Construction of rental homes, houses, balloons.

Oh yeah. Let’s go back. The black stones. Let’s go back to the crash in the panic of 08 when these scumbag banksters, hey, you don’t have a job. You got no money in a bank. You deep intent. Don’t worry about it. Sign over here. You get a prime loan. So all these people lost their homes in foreclosure. The banks, the bandits, and these other hedge funds, private equity groups and venture capitalists bought up homes and then rented them out. And now the plantation workers of slave land here, as we detail in your trends journal, can’t buy houses anymore.

Never before in decades and decades have people been so negative on their ability to afford a home. So what does it mean? The bigs are buying up more homes, building more homes, and just renting them out because we’re just plantation workers of slave land here. Honda’s set for five years of brisk hybrid sales. That’s right. One of your top trends. Again, this year, EV, go FU. They’re all there for all to see. We forecast this is going to happen. We forecast gold prices would go up and watch out for the banks to go bust, which nobody’s talking about.

All in your trends journal. You ready for this? This is a front page story in the Turley paper record yesterday, the New York slime fight at NBC over left tilt from MSNBC. MSNBC placed the bet on becoming comfort TV for liberals. Then it doubled down. Comfort TV for liberals. You mean shit that shitheads want to hear only what they want to hear and not the facts about other things. So you got the shitheads, what they call liberals, their libtods, and that listen to NBC. And well, I listened to Fox because I like to swallow their repulsive shit.

All right. We don’t do that in the trends journal. We give you the facts. Then we give you our trends analysis and trend forecasts. It’s not what we like or what we don’t like. It’s what is. And by the way, it’s the misdefinition of liberals, their libtods, because from the Oxford dictionary, liberal, willing to respect or accept behavior or opinions different from one’s own open to new ideas. So you’re not open to a new idea. If you listen to the shit spewing out of the mouth of the crapheads on MSNBC. All right.

It’s not liberal. It’s libtard. And speaking about libtards, Blinken warns fighting could undo gains on humanitarian aid. Secretary of state, Anthony Blinken, the arrogant little boy. I went to Harvard. I went to Dalton. You know my daddy was, he was the ambassador hungry. My uncle was the ambassador of Belgium. Hey, you shouldn’t be playing the guitar with Zielinski over there as I go. Look at the fucking shithead. Oh, anyway, he goes on to say he warned that the recent gains in getting desperately needed humanitarian aid to people in the Gaza strip risk being undone by the fighting in Southern Gaza fighting in Southern Gaza.

You mean a genocide being committed by the Israelis. Oh, humanitarian crisis, bullshit, Blinken, because net Yahoo. Oh yeah. The net Yahoo, the cover of this week’s trends journal, the net Yahoo said, uh, got in God’s help together. We will be victorious. You mean Satan’s help because God condemns genocide. Anyway, he said yesterday that, um, no humanitarian crisis in Rafa. That’s right. In a video statement, and you know, who said Israeli army has engaged in combat across Gaza, blah, blah, blah, blah. He claimed that the Israeli army is conducting what he describes the evacuation of civilian population while fulfilling our commitment to the humanitarian needs.

Who the fuck is he bullshit? Who the fuck is he bullshitting? You bomb the shit out of these people. You destroy their homes, their businesses, their schools, their universities, their hospitals, their apartment buildings, bomb to ruins. Oh, but we’re evacuating them as they’re living in tents. So Any discussion of the day to day war are meaningless until Hamas is defeated net Yahoo said until it becomes clear that Hamas doesn’t rule Gaza militarily. No actor will be ready to accept himself upon the civil rule of Gaza out of fear of his own safety.

Yep. 1.5 million displaced Palestinians. No humanitarian crisis because the Israeli envoy labels you in a terrorist group and Hamas a collaborator. Could you believe this shit? Kyle Hitler, Israel’s ambassador, U.N. has branded the body a terrorist organization. Can you imagine this saying they’re collaborating with Hamas and even a terrorist organization unto themselves. These are the crazy people running the show. So if you’re against what Israel is doing, the United States is passing laws that you’re an anti-Semite and you condemn for it, particularly in colleges and universities, you’re not gonna get any doubt.

This is from Haaretz, the Israeli newspaper. Interior department staff that becomes first Jewish Biden appointee to publicly resign over Gaza. A Jewish political appointee resigned from the Biden administration. Lily Greenberg call special assistant to the chief of staff in the interior department cited her Jewish upbringing and ties to Israel in her resignation letter. Quote, I can no longer in good conscience continue to represent this administration amidst President Biden’s disastrous continued support for Israel’s genocide in Gaza. She’s calling a genocide. A Jewish woman. Why, you anti-Semite? How dare you call a genocide? Because that’s exactly what it is.

Again, this is from Haaretz. We must settle Gaza now. Netanyahu ministers joined far right march to Gaza demand of Palestinian expulsion. National Security Minister Ben Giv called for Israel to encourage emigration pull them out of Palestinians out of the Gaza Strip. Yep. It’s right there. In order to preserve the security achievements that our soldiers lost their lives, we must resettle Gaza with security forces and settlers, colonists, genocide, the deliberate and systematic destruction of a group of people because of their ethnicity, nationality, religion, or race by definition, according to Encyclopedia Britannica. And completing it and moving forward.

This is from the Guardian barbaric Palestinian lorry drivers recount settlers attack on Gaza a convoy. And you see the videos of them throwing these guys out of their trucks and taking all the humanitarian needs food, going into Gaza and throwing it out and destroying it right there for all to see. And this is from the cartoon news network. They must be also anti-Semites headline unmasking counter protesters who attack UCLA pro-Palestinian encampment. And they go on to say law enforcement stood by for hours as counter protesters attack pro-Palestinian campaign did not count the protesters.

These are pro Israeli Zionists. Not one of them got arrested. The LAPD refuses to respond. And you could see the videos of them beating up people, innocent people, and how many of them have been hospitalized. But if they if this was reversed, and it was pro-Palestinian people attacking pro Israeli people, then it would be a crime. But the other way around is just fine. And again, a Jewish guy, Max Blumenthal, a great guy who I met when I did the rally in last year in DC rage against the war machine. He was one of the gray zone his site.

UCLA UCLA attackers exposed meet the violent Zionist agitators LA police haven’t arrested. Got it. That’s America. A-M-E-R-I-K-A. And then going on to the Ukraine war, Zelensky blames the world for Russia’s Kharkiv offensive. Ukrainian president Vladimir Volinsky said that he blamed the Russian offensive in the region, quote, on the world for not sending enough weapons. They just got a $61 billion aid package, but it was too late. Again, go back to your trends journal. Go back a year ago. Do you remember how the bullshit coming from the mainstream media and the little fucking pieces of shit they had on there promoting the counter offensive? And we said, trends journal magazine, don’t count on the counter offensive.

It’s going to be a total failure. It’s right there for all to read and all to see. But now they’re blaming the law. Again, we said that there’s no way in the world that Ukraine is going to defeat Russia. The facts are there, but now they’re blaming it on this. It’s the world’s fault. They gave the opportunity for Putin to occupy, but now the world can help. So Blinken tells Zelensky more aid on the way as he’s playing the guitar. All right. France announced a surprise extra aid package to Ukraine as the French people are suffering.

Your only plantation workers of slave land here. More and more goes to war. And the IMF warns against West seizing Russian money. Yeah, they’re seizing Russian money to give to Ukraine. This is a violation of the law, but they can do it. But even the International Mafia Federation, a monetary fund says they shouldn’t be doing it. And now you see Putin going over there and meeting with President Xi of Italy, the Italy of China, and Putin and Xi vowed to unite against hostile U.S. That’s the headline in the Financial Times today. So figure it out.

China and Russia versus U.S. and NATO, who do you think would win? So there you got it. Now, this is a great headline. Paris called state of emergency in New Caledonia. France has declared a state of emergency in the Pacific Overseas Territory of New Caledonia as it seeks to quell riots sparked by plans for electoral reform. What the fuck are the French doing over there in New Caledonia invented by the Scottish when they were trying to invade the country? This place is off the coast of Australia. What the fuck are the French doing there? Territory.

This is disgusting. You have no fucking right being there. Declaring a state of emergency allows the government of Paris to restrict certain freedoms. Yep. Make up any shit you want and do anything you want. And again, it’s getting worse and worse. Nobody reports about this, about the COVID war and the damage it’s done. Over those deaths, still high, only down a little bit from 2023. Despite a decline, fatalities remained above 100,000 people for the third year in a row. Third year in a row. COVID war 2020, 2023. All right. The damage that this thing is done physically, emotionally, spiritually, mentally is off the charts, but nobody reports it.

Another article. 79% of parents say they’re giving their kids sleep aids from melatonin to ambient. This never existed before. Giving your kids sleep aids. And we never heard of this shit when I was a kid. You went to bed. You went to bed. I was happy. I had trouble, so you never heard about this stuff. Society’s declining in front of our eyes. I remember when all those fails, they take you to war. Gold is showing you the failure, socioeconomic and geopolitical. If we don’t unite for peace, we’re going to die in war.

So consider donating to Occupy Peace. We’re going to have a big rally. We’re shooting for September, but we can’t do it without you. Hey, we’re the billionaires. How about a penny for, how about some money for any billionaires for peace? Screw you, Cilenti. We’re just pieces of shit. We want more billions. Fuck you with peace. And don’t forget to listen to the interview I did yesterday with Judge Andrew Napolitano. Excuse me on Wednesday. Great interview. Thanks for tuning in. See you soon. [tr:trw].

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410 an ounce China's retail investment drop COVID-19 impact on global economy decline in luxury goods sales declining economy in Europe geopolitical crises affecting gold prices Gerald Solenti global economic trends gold prices at $2 impact of lower interest rates on gold prices rise of rental homes during pandemic rising gold prices analysis socioeconomic crises influencing gold prices

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