Dr. Wilhelm Reich: Controversial Discoveries & Technology Suppressed By The Government

Posted in: Patriots




Let’s take a deeper dive into some of the suppressed technology of the past that can have a MASSIVE positive impact in today’s world! 


Let’s learn more about Dr. Wilhelm Reich and his “cloud buster”. 


Reich has a very controversial past.


As with everything else, use discernment. Also, just like a person mining for gold, you have to move tons of dirt to find a few ounces of gold.


But you’re not looking for the dirt. You’re looking for the gold! 


So, check out this video and look for the gold! 



Orgone Energy: The Greatest Discovery SUPPRESSED by the FDA – Wilhelm Reich 



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His work encompassed 40 years within six countries, but in the end he suffered the indignity of seeing his life’s work banned in America and tons of his books and journals burned by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration from government decree. 


During the course of his varied orgone experiments, Dr. Reich touched upon many aspects of science. 


Among these, the disciplines of medicine, physics, cosmology, and meteorology. He discovered atmospheric orgone and noticed that, in the presence of pollutants of various kinds, including electromagnetic emissions, the orgone would become stagnant and cause illness and environmental damage.

Dr. Reich called this “stagnant” orgone, “dead” orgone or “DOR”. The effects of DOR would often be that of drought and the formation of deserts.

To counter the effects of DOR, Dr. Reich added long pipes to an orgone accumulator box and pointed it skyward to help balance the atmospheric orgone and bring rain. He called this device a “cloud buster”. 


In one experiment starting in October, 1954, Dr. Reich was successful in bringing rain to the desert around Tucson, Arizona. Even before the rain fell, the newly-balanced orgone had caused the grass to grow a foot tall in the desert.


You can read more about Wilhelm Reich’s story here.



Wilhelm Reich and His Cloud Buster







So, is it possible to build a modern day cloud buster to help with chemtrails and other things?


Looks like it! 


Here are a couple videos of someone making them.


Now, I have not tested this yet, but I wanted to include it in case you want to get creative and create one.




How to Make an Orgonite Orgone CloudBuster 1 



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How to Make an Orgonite Orgone Cloud Buster 2 



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Below is a page with more details on this cloudbuster and much more. Scroll down on the page to see this text.


How to Build A Cloudbuster to Disperse Chemtrails and Improve the Weather





Thank You For Sharing This Post To Help Others Learn More About This Suppressed Technology That Can Help In Today’s Toxic World!





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copper pipes atmospheric energy Dr wilhelm reich how to eliminate chemtrails orgone energy cloud buster reich reich cloud buster weather manipulation wilhelm reich
  • Interesting info on cloud buster. I wonder if the cabal actually took & used / modified the good doctor’s invention in their plans to destroy our population and earth – particularly dumping (geoengineered) millions of gallons of flood waters as done in usa and my area of Australia – as part of their depopulation agenda. “They” are known for stealing others inventions eg medbeds.

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