Don’t Be So Quick To Ignore The ‘Heat Dome’ Extreme Weather Events

Posted in: News, Patriots



Summary of the key points from the video:

  • The speaker acknowledges the extreme heat waves happening this summer may indicate something unusual is occurring with the weather.
  • He cautions against knee-jerk rejection of potential extreme weather events because of climate change propaganda.
  • The speaker says they should rationally consider the possibility of extreme weather instead of discounting it due to politics.
  • He notes the government has weather modification technology so elites could manipulate the weather as a weapon.
  • The speaker suggests cautiously assessing if extreme weather could be artificially created rather than natural.
  • He relates his struggle between wanting to flee cities for the wilderness and enjoying city life.
  • The speaker concludes people should at least prepare emergency food supplies from the Infowars store.

In summary, this video covers maintaining an open mind about extreme weather events this summer, which elites or the government could potentially manipulate as weapons. The speaker advocates preparedness while wrestling with conflicting desires for civilization versus wilderness escape.


Aside from the political propaganda about manmade climate change and global warming, let’s pause for a second. Let’s accept the potential that we might actually be experiencing something extreme as far as these heat waves are concerned. And let’s let’s just ground ourselves in this and say, hmm, maybe something is going on with this.

Let’s look at this. So there’s no doubt I want to let we have to be the rational ones here. Okay, we have the high IQs. We have the rational minds, we have the logic. And so let’s remember that. And let’s not fall prey to the tail wagging the dog.

What am I talking about? I mean, just be honest, this is one of the hottest summers you’ve probably ever experienced. For me. Definitely. I will definitely remember. And we’re not even all the way through it. This summer has been crazy hot. Now I actually liked the heat. So I’m not even complaining. But it’s this is definitely what we’ve seen here in Austin in the last couple of weeks is it’s crazy hot.

And there’s no doubt this is happening all across the country. Now. Again, let’s let’s let’s just be rational. Were the smart people in the room. Let’s let’s absorb information and think critically. Yes, it is extremely hot. And you know what, maybe there is something going on about this.

I’m not throwing my hands in the air saying manmade climate change, global warming stop. No, no, no, no, but but let’s look at some of these headlines. And let’s just let’s just be rational about this. Because I know it’s easy to be reactionaries to anything. Let’s not be reactionaries. Let’s not be the tail wagging the dog here.

Just because the Liberals freak out and they tell you you driving a car or a cow farting is causing it to be warm. We say no, it’s fine. It’s normal weather. Hold on a second. Now, again, obviously, there’s propaganda. And it’s everywhere. And they got this new thing coming out. It’s called the heat domes. You’ve heard now we have heat domes.

And so we’re apparently in a heat dome here. And the southwest. It’s a heat dome. And then they apparently have them in a heat dome in Africa too. Because you know, Africa is never hot. But they’re saying oh, we’ve got heat domes everywhere. We’ve got these sprawling heat domes. All across the planet. It’s a sprawling heat dome. And they show you these maps and they you know, they make it look like it’s the hottest you’ve ever seen on a map. And so yes, that is propaganda here with your heat gnomes.

Some of the headlines, CNN is this extreme weather the new normal, there’s no such thing. Some scientists say 39 Day heatwave could last into August after smashing 2300 year plus records. What to know about heat domes, NBC Dallas. Okay. So aside from the political propaganda about manmade climate change and global warming, let’s pause for a second.

Let’s accept the potential that we might actually be experiencing something extreme as far as these heat waves are concerned. And let’s let’s just ground ourselves in this and say, hmm, maybe something is going on with this. Forget about the, you know, the political propaganda of manmade climate change and just say, Wait a second. Maybe there is something going on with this.

Maybe we are experiencing an extreme heat anomaly event here. And maybe there is something going on because let’s not forget, our government manipulates the weather. sodas, Russia, sodas, China. This is all open source information. They have a whole department right here in Texas. It’s the Texas, Texas Weather Modification Program. I’m sure they got a webpage you can plug it in right now. Search Texas weather modification, they got a whole thing.

So I’ve been I’ve literally gone to their hearings. I’ve interviewed the scientists, I’ve interviewed the pilots. So they do run weather modification. So is it that out of the realm of possibility that the psychotics that run our planet might be manipulating the weather to make it extreme to convince you that it is manmade climate change or global warming?

I think we need to be very, very cautious about not just discounting potential extreme weather events either we’re experiencing now or will in the future, that this might actually be weather weapons used against the people for political reasons. And I understand how easy it is to discount all All of this because we know that there have been agenda behind the manmade climate change, lies and propaganda.

But now let’s hold on, they they can and do manipulate the weather. Okay? They just made a virus in a lab and released it to affect it presidential election. So let’s just be cautious here. Before we discount this stuff, let’s be cautious and just say, hey, maybe there is some extreme weather happening, and maybe it isn’t natural. And maybe that’s because it’s being used as a weapon against us. I’m just saying, I don’t think we should discount this. So quickly.

I am a worldly person, meaning I like going to ballgames I like going to concerts. I like going to play golf. I like going out to dinner. I liked the Metropolitan Life. I like everything that comes with this. But see, I have the survival instinct. That is to get the hell out of Democrat run cities get the hell out of major metropolitan areas. Because unless we change course soon it’s all crashing down.

Is it time to just move out to the woods just trying to go get a piece of property in the woods just get off grid just get the emergency food supplies just live off the land that’s the survival instinct but see the worldly part of me that still probably the majority part of me says no, no, stay in the city. The survival instinct says Get the hell out of anywhere there ever notion that you need to get a vaccine or a mass. That’s the that’s the internal struggle that my guess is a lot of you in the audience are facing as well. But you can at least have some comfort if you have the emergency food supplies and so we have the best ones at Infowars


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climate change propaganda emergency food preparedness enjoying metropolitan city life escaping cities survival instinct extreme heat waves weaponized extreme summer heat waves extreme weather events caution government weather manipulation manmade climate change lies texas weather modification program weather modification technology wilderness survivalist tendencies

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