Dolton Police Chief Indicted For Bankruptcy Fraud Tiffany Henyard Says Shes Not Running Outside | The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels

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➡ The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels talks about how In Dalton, Illinois, there’s a lot happening. Tiffany Hanyard, the town’s mayor, is under scrutiny and some believe she’s fled the country, but the speaker believes she’s still in the U.S. and doesn’t think she’s done anything wrong. Meanwhile, the deputy police chief, a close ally of Hanyard, has been arrested and charged with bankruptcy fraud. The speaker also shares personal experiences and opinions about crime and its consequences.
➡ The speaker shares their journey of choosing not to participate in harmful activities common in their environment, which led to their success. They emphasize the importance of not comparing oneself to others or validating bad behavior. They also discuss a police chief indicted for bank fraud and a woman, Tiffany Hinyard, who despite her community crumbling around her, remains delusional and unaccountable for her actions. The speaker encourages people to think critically and avoid negative influences.


Dalton, Illinois. I only want to spend 10 minutes on this subject in particular, alright? Dalton, Illinois. Up next, we got Lil Woody becoming a hostile witness. Dalton, Illinois. Lots happening. I try not to speak too much life into having a whole lot of conversations, but when I see stuff pop up in my email and you guys send it to me, I got to address it. So yesterday the question then became, where is Tiffany Hanyard? Because reporters were saying that they had questions. And they couldn’t find her. Did she disappear after Lori Lightfoot dropped that bombshell of a report of the limited amount of information that she was able to gather? Did she run out of the country? I seen people on Instagram and TikTok and they were sending me videos and I was like, oh man, Tiffany Hanyard fled.

I did a review video yesterday and I said, I don’t believe that that happened at all. Thank you for the super chat. I’m gonna read that shortly. I said, I don’t believe that she fled at all. I believe that she’s right here in the good old U S of A. Think about it for a minute, right? Why would she run? Because she truly believes that she’s not doing anything wrong. Tiffany Hanyard believes in her heart, in the core of who she is, that she is not doing anything wrong. She believes it in her heart.

She believes it in her core. She believes it with everything that she got going on in her life. She does not believe even a little bit that she is doing anything wrong. All right. But before we get to Tiffany Hanyard and we start to knock that down first, we got to get into the deputy police chief because he’s now been arrested and charged with bank bankruptcy fraud. Check it out. Starting off with breaking news here at six. The acting police chief of Dalton now facing federal charges. Grand jury indicted him on bankruptcy fraud charges today.

He’s a close ally of Dalton’s embattled Mayor Tiffany Hanyard and the second of her top aides to face a federal indictment. WGN’s Jenna Barnes is live for us in Dalton this evening with the latest Jenna. Ben and Micah, deputy chief Louis Lacey indicted on bankruptcy fraud charges. He’s accused of concealing his income from creditors, filing misleading statements as they sought to recoup nearly $90,000 in unpaid debts, this all dating back to 2015. He’s also charged with making false statements and perjury. Lacey is a close ally of Dalton Mayor Tiffany Hanyard, the second one to be indicted on bankruptcy fraud.

Hanyard ally Keith Freeman faces the same charge and we’re told he is now cooperating with the trustees who were investigating Hanyard and some believe him to be a whistleblower. I spoke this afternoon with Lacey’s attorney. He called today’s charges a witch hunt designed to get another Hanyard ally to turn on her in this ongoing investigation into her spending. That’s exactly what the U.S. Attorney does every single time. They start with people that they believe that they can flip. They go down the line. They show up at six o’clock in the morning when a person is not lawyered up, when a person is just waking up and they’re telling you, oh, I’m here to just to talk to you and be nice to you and don’t worry about it.

And you’re not under arrest and then we’re going to leave and we’re not going to arrest you today. But here are some questions that we have for you. So immediately a person puts his foot in the mouth and from there, you know, the fish is caught. Is that what they did with Lacey? To a certain degree, yes. Lacey’s employment status here in Dalton, a bit cloudy right now. Last week, the trustees placed him on paid administrative leave. He told me he was looking. Look, let me show you something. I want to show you why we don’t censor people because I want you all to expose yourself.

Okay. Andrea Lovely. This is the mindset of our culture, y’all. Says Antown, YU, YU. Literally, they spelled it YU, not Y-O-U. Shaking your head. White folks do this all the time. Stop capping, bro. Do y’all be reading what y’all type before y’all type it? Or do y’all just like, go with it? Run on sentences, craziness, stop capping, bro. What am I capping about? What am I capping about? I haven’t even given my opinion on the subject at all, but y’all so busy trying to run into race victim Olympics that you’re not even objective enough to hear what I’m going to say before I say it.

What am I capping about? I haven’t even given an opinion yet. We’re still reviewing the video and I’m letting it play 100% through before I can have a conversation. That’s number one. Number two, just because you a follower ass motherfucker. So just because somebody else do something illegal, now you got to do it. You want to participate, hoping that you don’t get caught. Let me tell you the type of person that I am. All right. I understood very early in life because I had some questions about some things. And when I was younger, I realized that other people was doing stuff that I was not going to get away with.

Eventually they got caught and they got some severe penalties that was levied on them. But I was very thankful in that I got taught the lesson early, which is one of the reasons I say we have to fail in controlled environments and why you need fathers and mothers in your life. I learned very early in life that I can’t do what everybody else does because I’m going to get caught. I’m not good at it. I’m a bad criminal. So guess what I decided to do? Not try to figure out how I can be better or try to blame and say, but they got away with it.

I said, you know what? Criminal activity just ain’t for me. You know why I decided not to sell drugs in my life, even though I was born in Detroit, Michigan, in the 80s in the middle of a drug crisis. You know why I decided not to sell drugs in my life? I decided not to sell drugs because I realized I would be a bad drug dealer. I was raised in a church. First I started doing the math and I said, wait a minute, everybody that had never sold drugs and all got arrested. And these dudes is out here standing in the cold and they’re not even comfortable.

And they make a minimum wage and a raven can pull up on them at any time and the ops can pull up on them at any time. But the real like aha moment was when I seen somebody that I knew get killed. And this is what me and when I was in high school and I seen somebody that I knew got killed, right? And I wasn’t close to him, but we knew him because you know who was who in the side of the hood. And I remember his name was Claude and he was fresh.

And Claude was driving back then. He had a 96 Impala that I got right now. He had it back then. And Claude was fresh. Claude was fresh to death every single day, right? And Claude was like a really nice guy. He wasn’t like no thug in the streets or anything like that. Claude was a really, really nice guy. Hello. Yo, what up, Dre? What up? I’m on the live stream. I got a question for you. Yeah. This is my brother Andre. He uh, seven years older than me. Do you remember Claude? What? Claude, Claude.

Yes. Shay, right? From the hood. Yeah. Oh, Claude. Life’s getting Claude. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. What happened to Claude? Uh, he got shot. I mean, he got killed. I mean, so it was a fight at Cherry line and I wasn’t there. So I can only tell you what the streets are saying. But, um, when, you know, whoever there was fighting came back and, you know, and just shot whoever they seen first. Hmm. Yeah. I remember Claude by his car. Impala. Yeah. He had the 96 Impala. Yeah. Uh-huh. And he was a cool dude.

He was like a nice guy. Yeah. I mean, he was, he was real cool. Everybody liked Claude. That’s my guy. Boy, that was my guy. Yeah. Dang. Yeah. This is at the wrong spot at the wrong time. Yeah. I mean, he was involved, but he just so happened to stick around by the time the people came back. So. All right. I appreciate you. All right. No problem. All right. The things that you’ve seen in the hood leaves a lasting impression on you. And Claude, even though he was in the streets, he wasn’t like one of those type of dudes that was getting caught up.

Leiske and Claude, he was chill. He had a 96 Impala. I was in high school. It was like, he was fresh. He always was rocking out. He had polo on every day. He was, he was hustling. He was in the streets and he was moving at work, but he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. And so early in life, I realized I can’t be like everybody else because bad things happen to good people when you’re in the streets. I can’t participate in the same way that everybody else participate. And I’m thankful for it because it made me a better person and it forced me to think differently than my environment and my circumstance, which then allowed for me to be way more successful.

And that’s why I am where I am today in every aspect of life. You know, I realized in a drug game, somebody gonna have to get hurt, right? I’m gonna have to do something to somebody in order to make examples from them. So they don’t run off on a plug. That’s what comes along with being, if you don’t want to be in that environment, which I didn’t want to participate in that environment. I didn’t want to have to go and try to do something or have to live, look over my back and you don’t understand all of this.

I didn’t want to have to deal with that. I didn’t want to have to make an example. I didn’t want to have to come back for people. I didn’t want to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. I want to be able to walk down the street, hold hands with my girl, have a conversation with my child, hopefully grow super old to be at the barbecue pit, telling stories about how it is that I used to be the man in the streets, embellishing what it is that I did in high school.

That’s what I want to grow up to be. And so it’s not about, I need people, especially in a culture, I need people to think, think, think. It’s not about trying to validate bad behavior by comparing yourself with somebody else that did it too or got away with it. It’s about not putting yourself in this position in the first place. When it comes to this guy right here, when it comes to the police chief that ultimately is getting indicted for the bank fraud, guess what? Because he was associated with somebody else similarly to what happened to Claude because he was associated with somebody else.

He is now one of the people that is catching a bad end of the stick. He should have never did bank fraud in the first place or bankruptcy fraud in the first place, but because he did and he was associated with somebody that is also a piece of trash, now he’s catching the ill as a result of it. Everybody and everything that’s around this woman is crumbling. Everything, everybody and everyone around this woman is absolutely crumbling. If you have something negative in your backyard, have you got something going on in your life because she decided that she wanted to be the people’s mayor and the social media people’s mayor, guess what? You better be on the up and up because they are coming for you before they get to her.

She’s like little Woody. We’re going to go over little Woody in a minute. We’re going to go over a little matter of fact, let’s go over to the people’s mayor because apparently when we thought that she was in the house or that she had fled, this is her own Facebook, she was outside. This is what she was doing. This is her thoughts. All right, come on in, come on in, residents, come on in. And the people’s supervisor. Today is our back to school event here in the village of Dalton. For Thornton Township. So Thornton Township residents, if you’re watching this, pull up.

Everything’s free, free, free, free. And I messed that up and I mess up that audio and turn around, ton of activities. So they’re coming and in front of do go-kart riding right now, as you can see. Thank you. Thank you. You’re welcome. I’m glad you love it. Hey, I’m sorry. You’re fine. You’re fine. Yep. Hey, y’all. Yeah, you’re good. You’re good. Thanks. Hey, y’all. Cutie. Do what you do. Do what you do. That your kid can do for the baby. Again, it’s going on here in the village of Dalton. Remember, I told you, they know what it is.

I’m sure it is. They keep it going. Y’all looking for me. Y’all looking for me. I told y’all I’m outside. Y’all stay outside. Y’all talk all that mess. But I’m always outside. So look, right here, we got the finish line to start the finish line. See, they got they book bags. See y’all. Hey, y’all. Good. How y’all doing? See, he booked bags and they started. Yup. Race. I’m going over here with a food act. All right. Now I’m going over here with a food act because I told you everything’s free. When you come to any of Tiffany Henry’s productions, it’s free.

You don’t need anything. How did it become a tip? How did everything become about her? I honest to God think that this is the most delusional, narcissistic woman that I’ve ever heard in my entire life. She is so delusional that she honestly believes that she is on the up and up. Nobody is ever going to be able to touch her. Everything around her is crumbling and she’s sitting here saying, I ain’t going nowhere. They knew what it is. I’m true to this. The city is in a deficit. It was in a surplus when you got it.

The people are suffering and she thinks she can gaslight the people by saying, I’m giving away, not as though it’s coming out of her money. I’m giving away backpacks and I’m outside and I ain’t no pull up and all of this. I’m new to this. They ain’t true to this. No accountability for what it is that you’ve done, how you spent the money, no explanations, no receipts, no nothing, but she genuinely believes that she’s the like, she’s really real in these streets. Listen to her talk. 4900 Greenwood dog. This is what we do.

And they get their bootbags up here. I’m turning around. Thank you. And you will never ever give up. You’re going to always have people that’s against you. You’re going to always have people hating on you. You’re going to always have people that got something to say, but ain’t willing to stand in the fire. So all I can tell my people is, hey, stand 10 toes down, stay loose to the ground because this too shall pass. At the end of the day, God got me on the sign and I’m going to complete that assignment. And right now I got to fight.

I’m in a fight. So anybody want to come and help me fight these demons and these evil spirits, please, please inbox me. Because that’s what it is right now. And you will see me smell like roses on the other side of it all. So at the end of the day, I love you. Ain’t nothing you can do about it. So let me show you what’s in this. This lady is crazy. She is Jane, Lil Wayne’s, Lil Wayne Junior is insane. I’ve largely neglected even talking about this woman for a long time, but honest to God, like this is insane.

And now, and listen, this is what they do. This is what people do that don’t have no other excuse or no other explanation as to what’s going on. You know what they do? They blame it on the devil. They blame it on the devil. They genuinely blame it on the devil. And they say, God told me to do this. God is trying to tell you something. It’s everybody else’s fault. It’s the devil that’s going on here. God got me on this assignment. Even though I’m getting paid from, from the county, from, from the, the township and I’m getting paid from the city itself and I’m running up the numbers and I’m taking these first-class trips and I’m ordering $40,000 from Amazon and I’m ordering stuff from Wayfair.

It’s all about God. It’s all, listen, God told me to do this. It is what it is. So, Tiffany Hinyard, I just wanted to give you all an update. Tiffany Hinyard is not gone. She has not disappeared. She’s very much still in the community, participating as she said, that she has not run overseas and that everybody else is out here crazy and they, they lost their mind. All right. So that’s what’s happening over in Thornton Township. [tr:trw].

See more of The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels on their Public Channel and the MPN The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels channel.


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Bankruptcy fraud charges Choosing not to participate in harmful activities Crime and consequences in Dalton Dalton Illinois current events Deputy police chief arrested Importance of not comparing oneself to others Journey to success avoiding negative influences Personal experiences with crime Police chief indicted for bank fraud Tiffany H Tiffany Hanyard fled the country Tiffany Hanyard mayor scrutiny

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