And then we’re going to go through the practice steps until we get executed perfectly like the pilot in the flight simulator. Right right don’t want to try to crash in the mountains because it’s fun in the simulator you know practice how you play.
And so we we follow a certain roadmap that takes you from a person trying to trade you go through the steps that actually transform you into what I call the CEO of your trading business. And instead of worrying about whether a trade wins or loses you focus on executing a trade plan that you’ve already proven is going to grow your account and with power of compounding can get you to your financial goals.
And you know I always say two to five years is a reasonable expectation I get rich quick it’s a right right exactly you grow it and this was smart money management and other things that we teach where it all fits together and turns into your business.
And it could maybe you do hit your goals in two minutes like I did in Florence it happens sometimes so it’s kind of nice. Very nice two minutes and in Florence yes it’s a win right. Yeah so Troy so we obviously we’re all giddy right now we’re all very excited.
But we’ve got two months we got two months before the big day January 20th. Um what action items can people take right now what can people do to take a hold of this coming economic boom just big picture and then where does backpack trader fit into that.
Okay good so first of all I would say click the link and join me on my free training because that’ll open up the picture for you and let you know whether or not this is for you. Like you’ll get a sense of yeah I want to learn this this is a skill you can learn forever it’ll last you for a lifetime and it’s so valuable to be able to trade if you know how.
Keep it simple get rid of all the stuff you don’t need to focus on so that’s like the individual thing each person can do can acquire the skill so that could they could reinvent themselves basically. If you’re tired of working if you’re working too hard on your business even anything that you’re now ready for a change if you learn how to trade it’s amazing what you can do.
And now the trading opportunities are going to be incredible and there are specific sectors of course they’re going to benefit dramatically with a second president Trump term. Obviously crypto we know that’s up because he’s friendly to that and who knows the regulations that are going to peel away and make that more accessible.
And that’s probably on a you know continuing upward trend but also some of the more traditional things like that I like to trade the e-minis and and oil energy is going to probably cost less over time which doesn’t mean it’s going to be bad trading. Because we could trade it down just as easily as we can trade it up so if you learn the techniques of how to trade you could apply that to any market.
Whether you want a day trade or even maybe just you trade 15 or 20 minutes a week and put on trades that could last days or weeks we call that swing trading. That’s another amazing thing you could take advantage of especially with the big trends now markets are going to trend as a relationship or as a result of the new policies that are going to come into play.
And so focusing on on riding those trends could never be bad so swing trading show all of that. Troy you show how to do swing trades and things absolutely yeah absolutely and we use we have advanced tools that come with the systems that I offer my programs that they let you automate certain things.
So that you could literally look back at this pattern how did it perform over the last 10 years oh wow it would have grown the account dramatically. Now let’s just see how it continues to work oh it’s still working I mean imagine the kind of confidence and belief that gives you.
Yeah and then you learn to trade small as a relationship to your risk capital we never want to risk more than if we were to lose it all it would hurt us. Like I don’t want you right we’re not going to lose it all but let’s just say let’s say California falls off the continental shelf into the ocean or who knows that will take you.
Yeah you won’t be able to talk to me anymore I mean unless I’m underwater school but I mean the thing is is that you’re not going to lose all your money but if you did you wake up tomorrow and your life hasn’t materially changed right. That’s what risk capital should be like we have to respect the risk but you don’t fear it you just respect it.
Because without risk we can’t make money as a trader like we have to use risk as a tool and that’s where that’s what makes people trying to trade that gives them a hard time because of what we talked about earlier. The how insecure you feel when you don’t know what the outcome is going to be it makes you want to run away.
Because anytime you feel like you’re going to lose your money it’s a threat against your survival it’s how your security level yes you run away from it. And that’s why a person trying to trade never works you have to evolve and learn how to become the CEO of your trading business.
Then you operate from a higher point of view so if you can that’s what the most important learning is because anyone can learn technique anyone can learn these patterns it shows right on the chart. But if you think about it learning to paint by numbers you put the greens and the triangles the pinks and the squares the yellows and the rectangles that doesn’t make you an artist.
Anyone can learn how to do that but that doesn’t make you an artist so a lot of people are out there teaching this strategy and that strategy and they’re probably really good many of them are really good. But I think what they’re failing to teach adequately is how to be successful with those strategies.
Because in the end you’re still a person trying to trade you don’t have the big picture not everything’s gonna win and the losing or the the perception of the threat against you is gonna cause you to do everything wrong and run away from that. So right so we have to train ourselves how to take a different point of view.
And it starts with never risking more than you could afford to lose because then you don’t trade from a position of fear and maybe that’s where the brave new world actually fits into this conversation right. Because yeah you’re still looking out into the future without knowing what’s going to happen next.
But like with the things that we only trade and what we teach you might know not know what’s going to happen next but you do know that this target gets hit a large percentage of the time and the amount you’re putting on the trade is small enough. For the few times it doesn’t hit that target you’re still going to be able to take the next trade and then you overcome the loss and grow your account to a new high again.
So it’s like yeah it’s an amazing thing when you learn it it really is and it’s not hard to learn it’s just following the steps properly. And so yeah so bottom line click on that link yes please sign up for that free training so that you can get acclimated to exactly this.
And begin to begin to really build wealth in the midst of what promises to be really an unprecedented economic growth it’s just it’s amazing it’s and it’s so exciting it’s great to see. I gotta tell you it’s great to see you have helped so many turley talkers gang.
I actually I’m going to talk to you guys out there troy has helped so many hundreds of turley talkers become financially free through his training programs. We’ve got all these success stories but he you have to remember he did it all under freaking biden he did it under the biden administration.
Can you imagine what he’s going to be able to do with you now that’s why you got to check out how troy does it and how you can do it too. Just click on the link in the description or scan the qr code book a call with troy he’s amazing his team is amazing.
Gang you don’t want two months that’s all you got you got two months and then you know the what is it the starting gun goes. And any kind of any ability that you have to leverage yourself to be at the beginning of this boom is over and then you’re just gonna be caught in the way.
Just do that now click on the link scan the qr code chat with troy and his team you’ll love them and and because they’ll love you. And they’ll and and just we’re gonna we’re gonna go into this golden era together and it’s gonna be so exciting troy awesome to see you again as always.
And come back soon because we’re gonna have lots to talk about and we’re gonna have lots to celebrate for sure I’ll be back can excellent I’ll be back thanks guys.