Doctors and Nurses Use Sick Facebook Group to CRUSH Medical Truth Seekers Abuse and MURDER Patients

Posted in: News, Patriots, Stew Peters Network



➡ The text criticizes the U.S. medical system, accusing it of being a profit-driven entity that prioritizes self-interest over patient welfare. It alleges that the system is responsible for the opioid crisis and criticizes the widespread use of vaccines, particularly the COVID-19 vaccine. The text also discusses a case of a young woman, Alexis, who is critically ill after being vaccinated, and accuses the medical staff at UC Irvine of conspiring against her. The text ends with a discussion about a Facebook group of medical professionals allegedly targeting those who question the medical system and vaccines.
➡ Alexis received vaccines without fully understanding their potential risks, leading to a debate about the importance of informed consent. Some treatments she could have received recommended certain vaccines, but it’s unclear if this was properly explained to her. The doctor involved has been unreachable, leading to suspicions of a cover-up. The situation highlights the need for patients to research and understand the potential risks and benefits of any medical treatment or supplement they consider.
➡ The text discusses Alexis, a patient who received subpar treatment until her case gained attention. It criticizes hospitals for their handling of COVID-19 patients and accuses them of profiting from patient deaths. The text also expresses skepticism about vaccines, suggesting they cause more harm than good. Lastly, it criticizes media outlets for their biased reporting and urges people to research before getting any medical intervention.
➡ The top-rated precious metals company, Gold Co, is highly recommended for its excellent service and products. Additionally, the Stu Peters network is introducing a monthly giveaway for its subscribers, starting with a health product called Cardiomiracle. Furthermore, there’s a special training available on the benefits of red light therapy for various health conditions, which can be accessed at


I hope Benjamin Netanyahu burns in hell. I hope him and his generals and the fairy come into born in hell. We are looking for babies, but there is no babies left. Maybe I killed a girl. She was twelve. But they’re looking for a baby. We’ll do whatever we need to do to defend ourselves. An investigation is underway into whether israeli forces blowing up the main drinking water reservoir in Rafa constitutes as a war crime. You cannot tell me to ever feel comfortable with 18,000 children being ruthlessly murdered. Let me hear you cheer if you support Israel.

The Jews are everywhere. All the assistance of Trump Jews. All the assistance of sleepy Jews, Jews, Obama Jews. Everyone around there, reform Jews, conservative Jews, Chabadnik, this. Today the Jews rule this world by proxy. They get others to fight and die for them. Everyone who dares uttering a word of criticism against Israel as accused of antisemitism. When I was very young, I was forced to participate in that in which I had to sacrifice an infant. And the purpose of sacrifices is to bring you what? What are you sacrificing for? For power. Power. So here on the Stu Peters network, we have spent years bringing you the truth about this genocidal cult like collective of malcontents and authoritarian psychopaths known as the United States medical system.

This medical system works hand in glove with the federal government and the most powerful ngo’s and banks and corporations on earth to advance themselves and their self interests while making a whole lot of money and stifling anyone who questions it. Anyone who questions their motives or their patient outcomes, or whether or not nurses who spent two years in a community college program are qualified to tell millions of people that they need to shove a bioweapon into their body. And everyone knows that for many, not all, but many doctors and nurses, these people become completely brainwashed as they go through school.

It’s like k through twelve brainwashing, but on steroids. Medical school and nursing school curricula are pumped full of big pharma propaganda and government backed pseudoscience that uses biased or completely fabricated studies and statistics to say the only way to treat patients is by pumping them full of drugs and then just hoping for the best. Or pumping them full of drugs and seeing how they react, turning them into an unwitting participant in some kind of a medical experiment. This is how the opiate epidemic started in this country. Anybody, teenagers, 20 somethings, old people could just walk right into a hospital with a sprained wrist or a twisted ankle and they’d be handed hundreds of pills.

They were prescribed a bottle of medical heroin with several refills, and then they were just sent on their way. The streets were flooded with pills, and then the government and their pharma buddies flipped the script. They stopped prescribing pills like they were going out of style and started selling treatments for opiate dependency. They created a problem, and then they started selling a solution to that problem. Obviously, this isn’t so different from the bioweapon clot shot COVID death jab. That has been the approach for the past few years. From the moment the jab was rolled out, anyone and everyone who showed up in search of a medical treatment or a sickness or an injury or something else entirely had this clot shot shoved in their face, and they were told to take it.

And if they refused, the hospital would refuse to treat them. That’s a form of blackmail, and it’s illegal. But since doctors and nurses are, of course, the new heroes on the block, nobody’s allowed to question it. Nobody’s allowed to question their financial motives or the fact that almost all of them are completely unqualified to be recommending these jabs in the first place. And when people start dropping dead, like the millions have done since the shot was rolled out, you’re supposed to just ignore it. Just ignore all of the new, widespread health conditions and turbo cancers that are plaguing our population, especially our young people.

Making them die suddenly or turning them into ticking time bombs who will never live as long as they were supposed to or would have without it. And when hospital systems start advertising new treatment programs like myocarditis programs for kids, you’re supposed to act like this was always normal and as if the average american kid has always been autistic or had a heart condition that requires constant medical attention and constant payment to sadistic doctors and nurses. It’s sickening. And it’s not just the COVID clot shot. No, it’s all of them. All of these mercury ridden, gene altering shots that have been produced en masse for american consumption and american destruction.

The CDC recommended childhood vaccine schedule now contains over 70 shots. Over 70 shots by the time a child reaches adulthood. And we talked about this just the other day on this program when we covered the tragic story of Alexis Lorenz, a 23 year old young lady from California who was forced to take three vaccines just to be seen by a doctor. And now those vaccines are killing her. She is now stuck in the hospital in critical condition. And instead of helping her, it seems to us from our point of view that these doctors and nurses at UC Irvine are conspiring against her.

Nurse Erin was on the program reporting exactly that. They’re blocking out patient advocates, even her own family. They’re threatening to stop anyone who tries to help her. Now, we showed this footage earlier this week, but it’s worth showing you again to remind everyone just how dangerous of a situation this really is, just how badly Alexis has been hurt by these insane people. A lot of them, during COVID were unrepentant, murderous thugs in scrubs and white coats. Take a look at this. Sadeena, that girl, that 23 year old girl is being tortured. And from what we can tell and what was reported by nurse Erin, not a single person at that UC Irvine hospital will step up to save her.

Which, of course, begs the question, are they all in on this together? And, you know, it’s very important to realize here, this isn’t some sort of an isolated incident. This isn’t a one off. No. In fact, it’s part of a very deliberate, orchestrated and nationwide strategy cooked up by fanatical doctors and fake nurses who want to seize complete and total control of you and your family and your kids. We’ve actually learned in recent days of a Facebook group full of doctors and nurses, which exists for the sole purpose of targeting and destroying anyone who doesn’t support the COVID scamdemic or the wider vaccine industry.

They’re coming after doctors, they’re coming after nurses. They’re coming after patients and anyone else, as a matter of fact, that they perceive as a threat to their disgusting medical system. The group is called un nurse yourself, you pro plager, and it has roughly 12,000 members, according to the group’s about me section. Their mission is to, quote, expose anti vaccine, anti medicine and anti science, RNS, LPNs, CNAs, MDs, and other healthcare and non healthcare professionals. End quote. Take a look at some of these screenshots from this Facebook group and then just think about that. Let that sink in.

12,000 doctors and nurses from all over the country, embedded in hospitals and doctor’s offices and clinics everywhere, ready to do to you and your family exactly what they’re doing to Alexis, ready to harm and to destroy anyone who actually tries to help you, actually tries to treat your symptoms instead of pumping you full of poison. And it should come as no surprise to anyone that these people have taken a very special interest in the case of Alexis Lorenzi. And they’re not just coming after her. Posts in that Facebook group show that they’re coming after anyone who tries to help her.

And they’re even stalking the comment sections of posts about Alexis’s demise, seeking out doctors and nurses who won’t toe the line with them. Them, this is murderous. These people are trying to stop doctors and nurses from helping patients who are in serious trouble because of the vaccines and medical treatments that they have been subjected to. It’s like a gang, actually. Worse, it’s like a cult. If you question their big pharma God, then you’ll have hell to pay. You’ll lose everything, maybe even your life. We sat down just the other day with Steve Kirsch to get his take on this.

Some of the things that Kirsch says we agree with as far as vaccines are concerned, and that nobody should take another one. Other takes such as his position on this, not so much. Here’s part of what he said. But it’s important, Stu, to point out that the UC Irvine is taking care of Alexis now. They are treating her in a very responsible way. They are working with us to try to save her life. And I believe that the doctor who prescribed these vaccines was simply just like the typical blue pill doctor, that this doctor isn’t trying to kill people, this doctor is trying to save lives, and she’s following the protocols.

And in this case, the protocols backfired. Now, the problem is that the protocols backfired and that there should be accountability in terms of these, the statements that vaccines are safe and so forth. But Alexis didn’t get a proper informed consent on these vaccines. She had no idea what, what she was in for. Nobody ever does. We have medical professionals on here saying that there’s absolutely no medical or logical reason why somebody who came in with her condition would have to have these vaccines. Well, that’s not quite true. So let me, let me clarify that, because there’s no requirement, like there are a couple of treatments that Alexis could have been given, and one of the treatments highly recommends that you get the meningitis vaccine.

Now, there’s another treatment that is in clinical trials that in order to get that treatment, that the entry condition for that treatment is the HIV vaccine. And so I think the doctor may have discussed with Alexis to say, hey, let’s keep our options open. Would you like to, you know, if you get these vaccines, then you’re going to have the most options available to you for treatment. Now, as to what really occurred, you know, it’s kind of hard to say because the doctor who was taking care of Alexis has gone essentially mia, and nobody’s been able to talk to the doctor.

The PR, the media relations for the hospital doesn’t return any of my phone calls or talk with us, so we can’t ask any questions to clarify. So I don’t want to say that stuff happened when it didn’t happen. It’s always important to hear from both sides of, and of course, it’s always very disturbing when you can hear from one side and the other side refuses to talk to you. And so it’s quite reasonable in that case to presume that the side that is talking to you is telling the truth and that the other side, who doesn’t want to talk to you on the hospital side, is perhaps not telling the truth or doesn’t want to be, want to acknowledge anything.

So we don’t know what that sounds like is an intentional cover up. It certainly appears to look that way, Stu, when people don’t have, when people are afraid to talk to you. I’m just trying to cover the story in a fair way. I’m not taking anyone’s side. I’ve reached out to the media relations. I said, here’s my personal cell number. You know, let’s have a discussion about this. I don’t want to be spreading misinformation. They don’t call me back. So it’s a little hard to get the true story here when one of the sides refuses to talk to you.

So we have some recollections of people as to what happened. I would love to talk to the doctor to hear her side of the story so we could get this out in a fair and accurate way. And refusing to talk to me is not really the best way to do that. So what happens is that people then end up spreading some recollection of events which may or may not be true or not. But it would be really nice. It’d be really nice if these people answered my phone calls. Steve, we’ve been through four years of medical murder.

Hey, I’m not saying that obviously people are going to approach this situation. I’m trying to give them the benefit of the doubt. But the point is this, that Alexis is not a science experiment, that they aren’t looking at Alexis to say, oh, you know, hey, we wanted to test this. She’s our guinea pig. That’s not the case at all. Alexis voluntarily came into the hospital, said, what treatments are, you know, I have these headaches. What treatments are available to me? What can you do for me? And in fact, the treatment that the hematologist recommended, which is this drug called soliris, highly, highly, highly recommends a meningitis vaccine.

At least two weeks prior to that monoclonal antibody. And so that is not a strict requirement. The doctors and have to do that. But the doctor is strongly recommended to do that because of the risk of contracting meningitis after getting the monoclonal. And so that’s why. That’s a suggestion. So this is not some doctor that’s shooting from the hip out of the blue. This is a doctor who knows what the requirements and the recommendations for the drug that they’re giving are, has presumably talked to the patient about it and gotten informed consent. Hey, there’s always a trade off.

You should always get informed consent and moved ahead, and you can’t. Nowadays, you have to say that as patients, we need to make sure we’re getting informed consent. We can’t account on the doctors, so that we have to take responsibility for making sure that we know both the benefits and the risks for any medical treatment. And I don’t care whether it’s a vaccine or a supplement. My right eye was severely damaged because of taking some supplements that were recommended and there was no informed consent before I was told about those supplements. I decided to take the supplements, but I didn’t do my research.

And had I done my research, I wouldn’t have taken the supplement. So I think it’s a lesson, what Alexis case is a lesson to all of us to say, please do your own research before you get any kind of drug or supplement or something new in your body that could affect your body. Do your own research. Don’t say that it’s on the doctor to do the informed consent because you’re not going to get the true informed consent from doctors. So you can’t absolve, you shouldn’t today absolve yourself of any sort of responsibility by saying, well, the doctor didn’t tell me.

It’s now more or less up to you. The doctors aren’t telling people about these side effects with any of these vaccines. And the second thing is, it’s just that know people have assumed that these vaccines, where they don’t get reactions like this in most cases, are safe and effective. They’re not. And this case shows that when you give three vaccines at once, that your body can react in very strong ways to vaccines because the vaccines are not safe. And so it just highlights that it’s not just a COVID vaccine that’s not safe. All vaccines have a risk that is unappreciated and it’s higher than a lot of people are led to believe.

And of course, we know from the studies that kids who don’t take any of the childhood vaccines are always healthier than the kids who take the entire schedule. So if you have a choice, you should not vaccinate your child with any vaccine whatsoever unless there’s a very special condition. So, for example, you got rabies. You can use the rabies vaccine as one of the ways to treat the rabies after you get rabies. So there are very few exceptions. But there are no exceptions to the rule that you shouldn’t get any vaccines unless you have a condition that requires the vaccine for a treatment, not as a preventive.

Yeah, but who’s deciding that she needed this as a treatment? Where did that come from? Some. Well, hold on, hold on, hold on. It came from an epic machine that was passed down by AI. Look, I agree with a lot of the things that you say and do, and you’ve done a very good job of reporting factual information, but what you just said really pisses me off, because you’re trying to place the blame of what she’s going through on her instead of the medical professionals that she went to see. And these people that are going in.

No, they don’t know about informed consent. They trust the medical professionals. So the real lesson that is to be learned here is not that you should take onus and that you should be responsible for the maiming that they’re doing in these medical facilities, but it should be to stay the hell out of them. And if you end up going into them, make sure that you have a patient advocate so that you’re not dealing with this. And then the doctor’s running away and not wanting to talk and no accountability. That just shows. That just shows. I mean, that is an immediate sign of guilt.

The hematologist dropped from sight. Okay. But the other people in that medical facility, the people in the ICU unit, have been very kind and very helpful and very supportive to Alexis. But we’re hearing that they’re making out advocates and that they’re not. They’re rejecting a family. No, they’re not. That’s not true. They originally. That’s not true. No, no. They never work. Her own dad reported that to nurse Aaron, who’s here on this program, who’s a patient advocate. Angela Woolbrecht, who we sent down, who is a patient advocate, has never been kicked out of the hospital. How long ago did she get there? It was a while ago.

It was shortly after we heard about the incident. We flew her down to be with Alexis. She has been with Alexis virtually nonstop since we flew her down. Well, that’s been kicked out. She has not been not allowed access. I mean, I think it’s important to give these people a lot of credit. They did not treat Alexis very well at the very beginning, but they corrected this and they are now treating her. Yeah. Because they’re underwell. They’re being reported on. Of course, the spotlight is shining on them. They have to change it. But behind closed doors, according to Alexis’s own words on her video, they were treating her like.

This is before. This is before the light came onto them? Yes. Before the light was shown. Yeah. Before the light shined on them. Before she had probably fair to say that Alexis received treatment that was very subpar before we shined the light on this. Once the patient advocate got down, things changed very quickly for Alexis. And I give the hospital and the staff a lot of credit for having to deal with a very difficult situation because the patient and the patient’s family are yelling at the. At these people and they’re just trying to do their jobs.

I’d be doing a lot more than yelling. I mean, this is a 23 year old girl. Look at this. Yes. What happened to Alexis is so, you know, I think that the doctor didn’t give Alexis full informed consent. But the responsibility, you know, you can’t just say the responsibility is wholly on the doctor. Yes, it is. The patient has responsibility also to make sure that the doctor’s not lying to them. The patient also has the right to whether that should be the case, whether that should be the case or not. I think the point is that it’s really, really important for everybody to do their own research and not just take a doctor’s word for any medical intervention that you get.

And if you don’t do that, then you’re going to pay the price. Yeah. Stay the hell away from these murder camps. These are the same hospitals and the same doctors that were getting paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for every patient that died of COVID from the failed PCR test to the administration of remdesivir, to the ventilators, the pronunciation of death. They were in Minnesota. Here. They had 330,000 some odd dollars for every patient. It was a huge racket. It was the biggest genocide we’ve ever seen, other than what’s happening in Gaza. I think it’s completely unethical to reward hospitals or patients who die from COVID That is rewarding the wrong kind of behavior just going on here.

I think if this story wasn’t under a microscope and if this story wasn’t getting the attention it was getting that Alexis would just be another statistic as well. That’s right. If this was not on social media, Alexis probably would be dead by now. Yeah, Alexis is hanging. Even with the care that she’s received since then, even with our patient advocate down there, she’s in a very difficult situation here. She may die. She has gone through periods of getting better and getting worse, and it’s been a rollercoaster as far as where she’s at at this point. And the problem, of course, is that this is not something you see every day and you know how to treat.

And so it’s all about educated guesses on the well, what if we do this, and what if we do that? Is this going to help or hurt? And not having a lot of history in stuff like this before, it becomes very difficult to know whether you’re going to make things better or whether you’re going to make things worse. So, for example, people have talked about plasmapheresis. Well, if you use plasmapheresis, what happens is that you filter out the monoclonal antibody that, after it was given to her, seemed to have made things better. So if you do the plasmapheresis, it’s a one way street.

Does it improve things or did it actually make things worse? And so these are the kind of decisions that the doctors have to make based on their experience, because there aren’t any textbook guidelines, there’s no manual that says when you’re in a situation like what happened to Alexis, which isn’t supposed to happen, but obviously did, and it was caused by the vaccines, because she was perfectly normal looking ten minutes prior to that. In other words, she was perfectly normal up until the time she got the vaccines. And for ten minutes after she got the vaccines, she was perfectly normal.

Her reaction started ten minutes after the vaccines. So there’s no doubt that these vaccines, which are approved as safe and effective, are the cause of what’s happening to her. And the FDA doesn’t seem to be very interested in researching any of this. As to, hmm, was it this vaccine? Was it a bad batch of a particular vaccine? Was it the combination of three vaccines? They don’t seem to be very interested in looking into this case and finding out what the cause was. They basically turned a blind eye. And the fact that there’s no coverage on this on CNN and I, the Washington Post and the New York Times and 60 minutes isn’t covering this case and so forth, is basically there’s a media blackout whenever the vaccines are causing something that is different than what they’re telling you they don’t want to tell you about it because it goes against the narrative.

I think that is a huge problem, that the media is so biased that they only promote stories that are of consistent with the narrative of vaccines are safe and effective. You should go get yours because that’s not what the news media should be doing. They should be reporting on what’s actually happening and pointing out to people that side effects do occur and that they should always, before getting any medical intervention, understand the risks and the benefits. Now for all vaccines. It turns out that the, except in extremely rare cases, like maybe this one might have been a, a case, but, but I really don’t think so.

In pretty much every case I know about the, the benefits of vaccination never outweigh the risks. And people should always be refusing vaccination. We’ve been telling people that for a long time. Okay, so you do agree that nobody should ever take another vaccine. No. People should not take any of the vaccines that are currently approved. Yeah. There may be a time, Stu, in five years from now that they actually have a safe vaccine. No, they won’t. We can’t rule that out. No. And that’s why, Bobby, what they do is they make billions. They make billions and billions of dollars off of every one of these shots that they roll out.

Then, you know, several thousand or hundred thousand or tens of thousands of people die, you know, across the planet, and then they pull it off the market quietly. But they’ve already made their billions of dollars. You see, this is a killing for cash, murder for money scheme. They don’t care. Experimental. We need to educate people that vaccines, all the vaccines are deadly. The benefits never outweigh the risk. Do not take them. And they hide all the data. Yeah. And they silence people that speak out. Yeah. So moral of the story. And don’t, I mean, just say no.

Yeah, and the, the media industrial complex, Fox News, CNN, because you got to mention Fox too. Remember, they’re covered the story. But remember though, it was Fox News. It was Fox News Patriot awards that required you to have a vaccination in order to go in. You know, so that sounds really patriotic to me. They’re all Blackrock, Vanguard, State street funded. They’re all funded from Rothschild Boulevard and Tel Aviv. They all tell the same narrative, just a little bit different. Semantics. Fox News is very pro vaccine. Go ask Hannity. He’s all boosted up. Yep. They shouldn’t be.

But I will give Fox News credit for covering this story because no other media outlet, you know, mainstream media. I don’t watch them, so I don’t know. But I do know that they’re very pro vaccine. Steve Kersh, thank you so much. Always a pleasure having you. Thanks, Stu. Yeah, I like these spirited conversations because, you know, it’s, it’s, Steve is, Steve is really good. I recommend you go see his substack. He’s really good because he always wants to be very cautious about the information that he’s putting out. He always wants to make sure that he can’t be fact checked.

He wants to be responsible in his reporting. But in doing that, a lot of the times you have to be less subjective and so, but subjectively, I agree with what he said at the end. There never take another one of these vaccines. More of the Stu Peter show continues. Next, go nowhere. Kamala Harris, the liberal California professional politician and liar, the farthest left candidate that we have ever seen, could become the next president of the United States of America. I mean, that should shake you to the core. Just think about it. She has supported open borders.

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Alexis vaccination case COVID-19 vaccine controversy Facebook group of medical professionals importance of informed consent medical treatment cover-up suspicion opioid crisis responsibility patient research on medical patient welfare in U.S. healthcare profit-driven medical system questioning medical system and vaccines U.S. medical system criticism UC Irvine medical staff conspiracy vaccine risk understanding vaccine use criticism

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