Doctor: We Were Told to Euthanize Patients to Inflate Covid Death Toll While Hospitals Were Empty

Posted in: News, Patriots, The David Knight Show



➡ A whistleblower doctor claims that hospitals were instructed to falsely label deaths as COVID-related to inflate the death toll. This allegedly occurred while hospitals were largely empty during the pandemic. The doctor also states that changes in care policies led to patients not receiving proper follow-up care, resulting in negative outcomes. This report supports claims that the UK government authorized the mass murder of the elderly and vulnerable, blaming COVID for the deaths.


We were instructed to euthanize patients in order to inflate COVID death toll while hospitals sat empty. This is another NHS whistleblower. This one is a doctor and so we have multiple whistleblowers both in the United States and abroad. How many do we need to have before people pay attention to this? Well, it’s only being reported in not even in MAGA media because MAGA media is too busy kissing Trump’s behind and they don’t care. And of course it’s not going to be covered by mainstream media. They were paid to do this kind of stuff in the UK, right? And in the United States they were paid to do it financially by the Trump administration because we had all of the stuff that we always feared, you know, that you’re going to have the federal government dictating what people can have and what they can’t have and what they must have.

That was always the fear of people with Hillary Clinton. That was the concern even more so than the fact that it was going to be inefficient and that you would have waiting lines or that healthcare would be inaccessible. Guess what? Healthcare wasn’t accessible because they shut down the hospitals and wouldn’t let people in. And that’s what this whistleblower is saying. This doctor said the NHS boss has essentially instructed staff to let people die or in some cases kill them through end-of-life care program and a falsely label of death as being due to COVID.

And you know when I look at this and I see Chris Cuomo now, he’s moving to the right, you know, his brother was killing people in the rest homes and all the rest of his, and Chris Cuomo lied to people about, you know, his condition and what he was taking. He was mocking ivermectin at the same time he was taking it personally. What? Scumbags they are. Utter scumbags and thieves and liars and grifters. And now it’s interesting to see Chris Cuomo moving to the right because he knows that’s where he can make money.

And we have seen that with Megyn Kelly. We’ve seen that with Tucker Carlson. Now, Chris Cuomo has got a lot of moving to go to, to get to the right, but he’s making the move, you know, criticizing the system that he wants to do without actually coming to terms with what he did. Just like Megyn Kelly and Tucker Carlson didn’t come to terms with what they did at Fox News either. But hey, all is forgotten just like we all forget what Trump’s doing because the other side is monsters. Oh yeah? I think you got some monsters in your own closet, don’t you? The individual who’s referred to as Dr.

John has worked on minor injuries and illness centers as well as in primary care roles throughout the pandemic. He’s in the UK. Dr. John claims that he has, quote, seen this mess evolve from the very beginning of the pandemic, unquote, and that hospitals were actually extremely quiet and almost empty during the first lockdown. He said, I used to see an average of 20 patients per day that dropped to one to two patients during the first lockdown. I have even witnessed an elderly lady with horrific broken bones come into the hospital three weeks after her accident as she was too scared of catching coronavirus to visit the hospital sooner.

In the end, her pain overcame her fear. I’ve also assessed people with chest pains in their homes who would not go for further assessment as they were so scared of the virus that they would rather chance a heart attack from the infection or the loneliness of going to hospital alone. Well, I’d rather chance a heart attack than to go into a hospital. I’ve seen enough medical kidnapping. I’ve seen enough deliberate poisoning and killing of people. And so he says, look at the statistics. In 2018, 2019, 18, they did 1.9 million visits in April of 2019, 2.1 million, and then it dropped to 916,000 in April 2020, a drop of 57% from the previous year.

Furthermore, he also describes how changes in care policies have led to patients not receiving proper follow-up care, resulting in negative outcomes for patients and their families. He states that usual follow-up visits were not done. Parents were removing casts from their own children’s broken limbs. He said, I dread to think the state of some of their limbs. He said this change in policy led to one 80 plus year old woman being permanently disabled. He describes visiting an elderly patient who had only a single face-to-face physical exam follow-up and a single physio follow-up and a single follow-up via phone call after a hip operation.

He found her in a bedridden state, unable to transfer to a commode, her dignity taken away. He said that her family was extremely upset. She was bed-bound with a fixed and rotated leg, and she couldn’t walk to the commode, and she was left in the hospital wallowing in her own film. The demise of the NHS didn’t just affect Dr. John’s patients, though. It also affected him personally as he lost a family member to cancer during the alleged pandemic. Because he could not get any required care. He was given seven years to live with his illness, and he lasted only a year.

He said, I’ve also witnessed the desperation of families witnessing their own relatives dying sooner than they should have due to the lack of professional care that should have been provided. It’s been a very sad year in which I have witnessed the demise of the health service, he said. His claims are supported by a Care Quality Commission report that found 34% of NHS staff were pressured into placing do not resuscitate orders on COVID patients with disabilities and learning difficulties. That’s what they did to Grace Shara. Put a DNR tag on her toe because she had Down’s syndrome.

That was in the US. The policy led to people with disabilities and learning difficulties accounting for three out of five COVID deaths, according to the official O&S figures. You see, this was a Holocaust, folks. They take the disabled, the elderly, they kill them. It’s the government doing it, cynically lying to people about what is actually happening. It was medical murder. It was not malpractice. It was the US also. We have government-controlled healthcare. Just as everybody was afraid Hillary Clinton was going to do it, but it was Trump who brought it in to you.

It was Trump who paid for it. It was Trump who did it with a slight of hand and all these people love him so much that he could kill their relatives and then still vote for him. Not me. Not me. As well as a mountain of evidence that the UK government authorized the essential mass murder of the elderly and vulnerable by a Midazolam injection and then told the public that COVID was to blame between second of March and the 12th of June 2020, only about three months, 18,562 residents of care homes in England died, including 18,000 people, 65 and older, representing almost 40% of all deaths involving COVID in England during this period.

So was it all planned? Well, of course it was. It was all planned. And so the question is, oh, this is expose news. So revisiting the deagle 2025 population forecast. Was this accidental? Was it predictive programming? Was it an intentional warning? Is it the sort of thing where the dark demonic forces have to tell you? I just hope that you don’t pay attention. Let me tell you the day that night show you can listen to with your ears. You can even watch it by using your eyes. In fact, if you can hear me, that means you’re listening to the David night show right now.

Yeah. Good job. And you want to know something else? You can find all the links to everywhere to watch or listen to the show at the David night That’s a website. [tr:trw].

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changes in healthcare policies COVID blamed for elderly deaths COVID care policy controversies empty hospitals during pandemic false COVID death labeling inflated COVID death toll lack of follow-up care during pandemic negative patient outcomes COVID UK government mass murder allegations vulnerable population COVID deaths whistleblower doctor COVID-19 claims

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