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➡ Gregory Mannarino discusses the current financial situation, predicting that Wall Street is preparing for Trump’s re-election. He suggests four key trends: a rising stock market, a surge in Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, a drop in bond yields, and higher inflation due to dollar devaluation. Mannarino advises taking advantage of these trends, as the wealthy are doing, to avoid being left behind financially. He also warns against holding onto central bank-issued notes, as they will lose value.
➡ The text discusses the potential economic impact of Trump’s policies, predicting a higher stock market and increased debt. It suggests that Wall Street is eagerly anticipating these changes, which could also boost Bitcoin. However, the author warns that these developments could lead to higher inflation and a widening wealth gap, with the middle class suffering the most. The author encourages readers to stay informed and proactive to protect their financial interests.


Okay, everybody. Here we go. It’s me, Gregory Mannarino, Tuesday, July 16, 2024. Pre-market report. Sit back. Because you and I, we got this. And there is no way we’re gonna lose. And I can promise you that. Anyway, let’s talk. So, there are several dynamics in play right now that are right in our face. Honestly, it’s too easy. And that’s really what I want to talk about. Let’s back up for a moment. So, with regard to certain dynamics that are in play right now, there is a phenomenon occurring right in our face that you and I honestly, if we do not take action to take advantage of it.

We’re gonna be left in the dust. And I mean in the dust. What am I talking about? Wall Street right now, Wall Street is scrambling like you can’t believe to jump in front of or in or get in on the Trump trade. Four specific things, four, are already happening and are about to happen to a much greater degree moving forward. Let me just say this one more time in case you have missed any of my last videos. Trump is a lock for the presidential selection here. Wall Street knows it and they’re getting their heads around it.

They’re putting themselves in the right spots. The richest people are doing the same thing. The one and two percenters. And again, if you don’t take advantage of these four things that I’m gonna outline for you, which we’ve covered over the past few days anyway, you’re gonna get left in the dust and that’s not what I want to happen to you. So I was just writing down a few things here. So as I explained or I just said, pay attention to this statement. Wall Street is scrambling to take advantage of this. And it’s pretty deep stuff. Number one, okay.

Number one, with regard to, you know what, I’m gonna stick to these four things and then I’m gonna tell you what I was about to say. Number one, expect a much higher stock market. Number two, expect Bitcoin and cryptos to surge. Number three, expect a steep drop in bond yields, more asset purchases by the Federal Reserve. Expect much higher inflation on the back of dollar devaluation. Let’s talk about the stock market here, okay. There’s no price discovery anymore. You all know that. It’s become a free-for-all. It’s about oceans, oceans of debt that have been pulled into the system and are about to get much more dramatic moving forward.

What we’re going to see with regard to surging debt is gonna be beyond anyone’s wildest dreams. And again, the more debt that’s pulled into the system, again, the worse off the people are. But Wall Street, the Wall Street elite are loving this, okay. And you and I are gonna mimic what they are doing. And it’s not a hard thing to actually understand and take advantage of. So the phenomenon of a cratering economy, not just here in the United States but around the world, is going to accelerate as more debt is pulled into the system, okay. With regard to surging of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency, you gotta start thinking outside the box.

If in fact we can take, who will soon be President Trump’s second term, at his word over and over and over again, the man has called himself the Bitcoin president. The man has called himself the crypto president. He and the Republican Party have gotten behind this. So what do you think Wall Street is gonna do? The investment banks, the elite, do you think they’re gonna just sit back and do nothing or are they gonna start acquiring this stuff, realizing that Trump is going to pump Bitcoin and cryptos higher than you could possibly imagine. As again, see this is really a double-edged kind of situation here.

In my perspective, and I’ve explained this to you for I don’t know how freaking long, if you just look at two factors with regard to cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, it’ll be clear to you to understand why. Regardless of how you may feel about the asset class, why you need to own some of this stuff, the market cap, the overall value of cryptocurrency is about the size of one, one Dow component. The amount of individuals that actually own Bitcoin, it’s fractional. So the room to grow here is immense. The same thing with regard to holding hard assets. You know how few people actually hold physical gold and physical silver? I know you do.

You’re one of the elite and that’s another thing that the rich and the elite are taking advantage of. What this environment is guaranteed to create is extreme, more extreme distortions in the price action of assets. When you have a mechanism of exploding debt and we haven’t seen anything yet, we know that President Trump is the king of debt. Over the last three presidents, he has outspent them all. That’s not going to stop either. The man loves debt, he said he loves debt, and we need to take him at his word. So we’re going to see again a mechanism to pull a lot more debt into the now, which will of course make the Federal Reserve monumentally stronger.

Look, there’s no way out of the situation that’s developing here. I believe that how this is going to play out is just going to accelerate the move into this new system that we already have. It’s just a matter of them introducing it to the rest of us here. So if we know for a fact that we can’t stop this and Trump is going to accelerate it moving forward, why not take advantage of it? Again, price action distortions like you can’t believe. Now let’s go back to that a little bit. If we realize that we’re going to see surging debts beyond anyone’s wildest dreams, what do you want to do? Does that mean you should stay in the dollar here or you should dump these things like there’s no tomorrow? Exactly.

Get out of the dollar. Not just the dollar, get out of any and every central bank issued note. These are units of debt which are going to be devalued on a grand scale moving forward. None more so than the US dollar, okay? Trump is going to make sure and he said it repeatedly. Don’t take Greg Mangarino’s word for it. Look it up for yourself. Weaker dollar. Weaker dollar. The dollar’s too strong. He also is going to have the Fed get in here and buy a lot more debt. We’re already seeing this. Let’s just have a little fun here, you and me.

This is Powell. This is yesterday, by the way. Powell said he will not send any signal. No signal at all when recuts might commence. Let me ask you, maybe we should ask him, who’s buying all the debt now? This is the US 10-year yield from this morning. It is in a downward spiral and this is going to get much more dramatic moving forward. This is being reflected in the Manarino market risk indicator. Again, people, this is free to you. Take advantage of it. Link in the description of the video. Look at this trend. What you’re witnessing here is massive asset purchases.

Massive debt buying by the Federal Reserve. But remember, there’s going to be no signal. They’re doing it now. They’re dropping rates now by buying all the debt. And this is also obviously a weaker dollar. You’re watching the Dixie again. On a relative strength basis, the dollar’s going to appear as the most beautiful bell at the ball. But again, currencies in aggregate are being destroyed by their issuing central bank. This mechanism is going to get much more dramatic during at least the first part of Trump’s tenure here, as the debt is vastly inflated, as the currency is sucked dry of more purchasing power here.

Again, if you believe that the issue of inflation is going to just change, it can’t. There’s no way to stop it. And the fact that we’re going to see a lot more asset purchases by the Federal Reserve, which is going to vault the stock market even higher. Well, then I can. It’s a no-brainer here for you. With regard to this whole issue with mark-to-market, with regard to the major institutions, the major banks, I believe it’s already happening here. I did a whole thing on mark-to-market accounting. What they’re doing, these institutions, this is Bank of America, my least favorite Wall Street institution here.

I believe, of all the mega banks, this one is in the worst shape from a financial standpoint. I would avoid Bank of America, I’d be honest with you. It may end up being the fall guy for the system when it eventually comes down. Again, debt market implosion, you all know that. The debt market is being fueled. It’s a time bomb. Trump is going to make sure this gets fueled even faster moving forward, again, to issue in the new system. I’ve already told you, look, put politics aside. Please do that. If you can’t do it, go away, because you don’t belong here.

You need to be a thinker. You need to be a person who understands the dynamics in play. I’ve been telling all of you the Fed needs an ally. The Fed’s going to have an ally. The Fed’s going to get a guy in here looking to suck the purchasing power of the dollar out further, vastly increase the debt, allow the Fed to buy more assets, which makes them even stronger, because that’s their goal. You know that. That’s also going to create opportunity. Again, Wall Street, foaming, foam, pouring out of their mouth, thinking about these Trump trades, again, a much higher stock market, much higher debt.

Bond traders are going to be spraying their shorts all over the place three, four times an hour, as bond yields drop here creating a massive rally in the debt market. Debt rally is when it’s bought up. That’s how the debt market works. I’m pretty sure we’re on the same page with all of this. We’re going back. Expect institutional investing here with regard, or buying, with regard to Bitcoin. Trump is the Bitcoin president. He’s told us that already, and I believe that’s exactly how it’s going to play out. Anyway, so with going back to market, look at this.

Bank of America tops estimates here. It’s just shocking to see what we’re witnessing here. These investment banks ripping, really, are they honestly ripping the face off of the market? Is this market by their prudent investments, or is this all mark to market? Again, mark to market. Very simple to understand. An investment bank like this one can book future profits on an investment that they make now, even if it’s not profitable in the future. They can book it now, and of course, the big wiggers get paid all their bonuses. You understand how this works? It’s twisted.

This is Enron. America has become Enron. Anyway, look, people, my job here is to keep all of you, which I have done for a very, very long time, and I will not stop on the right side of this equation. This is too easy for us. If we realize that Wall Street is jumping in front of the Trump trade, it is already involved. I mean, look, the market was pricing this in. I told you before the assassination attempt, Trump was going to win. Dynamics changed. At first, it looked like Biden. This changed dramatically. How did that happen? What happened behind closed doors? Both Biden and Trump went to Wall Street, as they all do.

Every president, every president is hopeful, and they lay their case out why they should be president. They make their promises to Wall Street. First, then they come to you. You see that dynamic here? That’s how it works out. You don’t believe Greg Manorino? Maybe you should look it up for yourself and get a little educated. That’s how it works. Once they make their promises to Wall Street, you come second. I don’t think that’s fair. Unfortunately, that’s the system. That’s where we’re at. So again, four things are going to happen. A much higher stock market on surging debt.

Bitcoin, much higher. Cryptocurrency is an aggregate, but Bitcoin specifically because that’s what Trump is telling us. Bitcoin president. A steep drop in buying yields, meaning at the same time, I want you to think about what I’m going to say to you here. At the same time, the stock market rallies, we’re going to get a massive rally in the debt market. How does that work? Unless some mysterious entities buying all the debt? Of course. And much, much higher inflation. A much steeper currency devaluation. I believe also a few other things are going to happen here. The move to the two tier society, the one in two percenters who are taking advantage of this Trump trade, they’re going to do fantastic.

The people in the middle class are going to be systematically eradicated faster. Fall to the lower rung of society. A lot of paper wealth though. Or you’re going to see a lot of people with their fall on cape lands. To use another term here or the same one, spray their shorts. I am a multi-millionaire. Look at my 401k plan. It’s all going away. You’re not going to get out fast enough unless of course you follow Greg Manarino. I’ll help you with that. A lot of you unfortunately are locked into these kinds of things, but there’s ways out of it.

We’ll talk more about that later on. So look, what’s the take away here? Again, expect what I just told you to play out. It’s already happening. Period. So we’re going to do what we need to do to keep ourselves ahead of the curve. Way ahead of the curve. To capitalize on the current situation. To not allow ourselves to be destroyed. Because that’s what they’re trying to do to us. All of them. Which is going to surge much, much higher moving forward. Trump is going to make sure of that as well. You think debts are going to get better? Oh gosh.

I can’t handle it. Look, this guy here loves you a lot from the hard people. Stop with the politics. I’m telling you the way it is. If you can’t handle it, you need to go somewhere else and find some other guy that’s going to blow sunshine and rainbows straight up your crack. Greg Manarino is going to tell you the truth. Whether you like it or not, you’ll come around one day as you watch the dynamics and play how they’re going here. Unfortunately, most of you are going to be too late. Not those of you that follow this blog.

Because I got your back. And I’ll never let you down. So that’s where we are. People, look, I’ll see you later. 4 or 5 PM Eastern for the live stream. Have some questions ready for me. And again, the stuff I cover here, don’t take my word for anything. Use your own God given intellect. Does it sound right to you or my way off base? Because Trump is divine and he’s going to save us all. I tell you, look back on history. People who have adopted that mentality towards world leaders have all ended in ruin. It’s always the same kind of concept.

Alright, look, I’m out here. Love you a lot. Until we meet again, take care of yourselves and each other. [tr:trw].

See more of Gregory Mannarino on their Public Channel and the MPN Gregory Mannarino channel.


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anticipation of Wall Street changes Bitcoin boost potential central bank-issued notes devaluation drop in bond yields economic impact of Trump's policies Gregory Manorino financial predictions inflation due to dollar devaluation inflation risks middle rising stock market trends surge in Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies Wall Street preparation for Trump re-election wealth accumulation strategies widening wealth gap

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